//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Off to a good start // Story: The Sparkle's Flash // by Water Sky //------------------------------// The next day Celestia had just raised the sun, casting its warm golden light across Equestria. Twilight had just awakened. She yawned for a bit before hopping out of her bed. As Twilight left her room, she was greeted by Flash, wearing his royal guard armor. "Good morning, Princess Twilight," Flash said, acknowledging her. Twilight, slightly startled, forgetting that Flash was staying here as her royal guard. "Oh, hey, Flash," Twilight responded nervously. "Um... have you been standing here this whole time?" "No, I just arrived about five minutes ago," Flash replied. "May I ask, where are you heading?" "I was just about to head to the kitchen to grab some breakfast before heading to the school," Twilight replied. "In that case, once you've finished eating, allow me to accompany you to the school," Flash said, offering a sense of duty. "Thanks, but I think I can walk to my school by myself. It's right next to the castle. I don't need an escort," Twilight said. As she was about to walk away, Flash stopped her. "I'm sorry, Princess, but I can't allow that," Flash said. "Captain Armor, specifically, instructed me to watch over and keep you safe every time you leave the castle," "That's very loyal of you, Flash, but I assure you, I'll be perfectly fine," Twilight said, insisting. "Nevertheless, it's my sworn duty to protect you, and I won't take no for an answer," Flash said, "Besides, if something were to happen to you, I could never forgive myself." Twilight was taken aback by Flash’s dedication. After a brief moment of contemplation, Twilight sighed, "Okay, you win. After breakfast, I'll allow you to escort me to the school." "Thank you for understanding, Princess," Flash said with a relieved smile. As the two ponies made their way to the kitchen, Twilight couldn't help but feel a mix of annoyance and appreciation for Flash's unwavering dedication to her well-being. At that moment, Twilight reflected on Sunset's advice, realizing perhaps the time to ask her friends for help. Twilight was doing paperwork in her office at the School of Friendship when she heard a knock on her door. "Yes?" Twilight called out. The doors swung open, revealing Flash. "Your Highness, your friends are here to see you," Flash said. "Oh, good, let them in, Flash," Twilight replied. Flash stepped aside and allowed Sunset, Starlight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie to enter Twilight's office. Once they were all inside, Flash closed the door and resumed his post of guarding the entrance. "What up, Twilight?" Applejack asked. "Yeah, why did you call us in here?" Rainbow Dash inquired. "Well, I called you girls here because… I need to talk to you about something,” Twilight said before getting out of her seat and walking toward her friends. "What is this about?" Fluttershy asked softly. Twilight started to look nervous before telling them, "It's about... Flash." "Your royal guard, what about him?" Rarity asked. Twilight then tried to tell them about her feelings for Flash, but Sunset approached her reassuringly and said, "It's okay, Twilight. You can tell them." “Tell us what?" Starlight asked curiously. Twilight took a deep breath and spoke, "You see..." She was about to tell her friends when Pinkie spoke up and said it for her. "You secretly have a crush on Flash Sentry. Because he reminds you of the Flash Sentry from the human world, where Sunset made her home, whom you bumped into a couple of times and helped clear your name to run for the princess in a school dance. And after you get your crown back and return, you discover this world also has a Flash. And now that he's your royal guard, you need to ask us for some advice since you've never been in love before." Pinkie said, grinning. Twilight, Sunset, and Spike were shocked and surprised by Pinkie's accurate summary; their jaws dropped. "How did you know?" Sunset asked. "Just a hunch," Pinkie said. “Actually, Twi... We figured that out already." Applejack said. "You did?" Twilight said in shock and surprise. "Yeah, we did," Applejack confirmed with a warm smile. "And we are very happy for you," Fluttershy added. "And we are willing to help you in any way we can," Rarity said. "Thank you, girls." Twilight smiled in relief, knowing she didn't have to keep her feelings for Flash a secret from her friends. She then asked them, "So, do any of you have any advice for me?" "Why don't you just ask him out already and get it over with it?" Rainbow suggested. Rarity turned to Rainbow Dash and said, "Rainbow Dash, you don't just ask somepony out. You need to be prepared first." "Wait, did you say, ‘Be prepared’?" Twilight asked. "Exactly," Rarity said. "You should give it a little time before asking him out. That way, you can prepare for your date." Fluttershy chimed in, "You should also be true to yourself and not pretend to be somepony else," "And if you were picking what kind of date to have, I suggest something simple, like a walk in the garden or a meal together, just to spend quality time together," Applejack added. “That’s how my parents did it.” “You should also ask what kinds of food he likes,” Pinkie added. "Especially the deserts.” After hearing Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie giving Twilight some advice, Rainbow decides to do the same: "In that case, don't be afraid to show him some interest. Also, don't forget to drop off a few hints, if you know what I mean." Twilight giggled in response, "Thanks, Rainbow. I will keep that in mind." Sunset approached Twilight and said, "And remember, Twilight, don't be afraid to express your feelings when the time feels right." She then hugged Twilight and was soon joined by the rest of her friends. "Thanks, girls. I'm lucky to have friends like you." Twilight said, complete with gratitude. Several days later... Twilight was strolling through the hallway in her castle when she saw Flash's bedroom door was ajar. Curious, she couldn’t resist peeking inside. When she peeked, she saw Flash polishing his armor. Summoning courage, she took a deep breath and walked into Flash's room without him knowing. "Hey, Flash," Twilight said, causing Flash to startle a little. "Oh, hey, Princess," Flash responded, setting his armor beside him. "Sorry, I didn't hear you come in." "No, no, it's okay. I didn't mean to interrupt your polishing," Twilight said. "It's quite all right," Flash said. "So, is there something you need?" Twilight took a deep breath and said, "Yes, actually. I came here to ask you something," Curious, Flash raised an eyebrow and asked, "Really? What is it?" Twilight hesitated for a moment, "Well... I was wondering if you'd like to go out... for a meal with me tonight?" Flash’s expression shifted to curiosity, "You mean like a date?" "N-No, not like that." Twilight started to get nervous, so she adjusted her words to ensure Flash didn’t know it was a date. “Well, considering it's been almost a week since you became my royal guard, I thought I would offer you a treat as a token of my appreciation." Flash put a smile on his face, "Oh, well, in that case, sure, that sounds great," he replied. "What time?" Twilight suggested the time, "How does 5:15 sound?" "Sounds like a date to me," Flash responded casually, causing Twilight's cheeks to flush. "Well, I'll see you then," Twilight replied. “See you then, Princess… I mean Twilight,” Flash responds with a chuckle. Twilight then exited Flash's room, contenting a smile on her face. Meanwhile, in the Crystal Empire, Shinning Armor is in his and Cadence’s bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at a picture of himself and Twilight when they were little. As he continued to look at the picture, Candence walked in, not wearing her regalia and carrying a sleepy Flurry Heart on her back. “Is everything all right, dear?” Cadence asked, worrying about her husband. Shinning signed heavily, “I’m just… worried about Twylie.” “What do you mean?” Cadence asked, curious. Turning to face Cadence, Shining Armor confesses what’s troubling him, “Look, I know it's only been almost a week since we've sent Sentry over to protect her, but I’m starting to get worried that he might do something to her.” Setting the picture aside, Shining Armor rose from the bed and started to panic, "What if he tried to take advantage of her? Or what if he harms her? Or worst, what if he gets her..." "Shining Armor, you need to calm yourself," Cadance shouted, trying to calm her husband down. "Twilight will be fine. Flash wouldn't do anything to harm her." Taking a deep breath, Shining Armor looked at his wife, "I'm sorry, Cadance. It's just... she's my little sister, and I can't help but worry about her." Understanding his concerns, Cadance placed her hoof on Shining Armor's back, "I understand what you’re going through, but trust me, Twilight will be fine. She has her friends, and Flash will do whatever it takes to protect her. He would never hurt her." She then planted a kiss on Shining Armor's lips, causing him to smile, knowing he would agree with her, at least for the moment." "For now, the only thing you should worry about is this one and her nap time," Cadance said, redirecting her and Shinning's attention to their daughter. The two ponies then headed to Flurry's room to put her to bed, unaware that the dark phoenix was silently observing them from the shadows. With a silent departure, it flew away out of the castle and the Crystal Empire. Later that evening... Flash and Twilight found themselves seated at Ponyville Café, where Twilight suggested. Flash couldn’t help but look around at the café as they settled into their seats. "So, you've been here before?" Flash asked. "I have," Twilight replied with a smile. "This was the first place I tried since I came to Ponyville." "Well, in that case, I look forward to the food," Flash responded, smiling at Twilight. Just then, the waiter approached their table, addressing Twilight respectfully. "Good evening, Your Majesty. What may we have for you today?" the waiter asked. As Twilight and Flash placed their dinner orders, they are unaware that Twilight's friends are hiding behind the bushes, spying on them. "Um, girls, does this feel right? Spying on Twilight?" Fluttershy asks, expressing her concern. "Hey, you wanted to know how Twilight's date is going, right?" Rainbow Dash said. "Besides, Fluttershy, this wouldn't be spying; it's merely... checking up on our dear friend without her knowing. It's different." Rarity said. "Yeah, Fluttershy, take it from me," Pinkie said. Applejack turned to the other mares and hushed them before whispering. "Would y’all keep it down? We don’t want Twilight and Flash to know we’re here." Back at the table, the waiter returned with Twilight's and Flash's food. Twilight had ordered a Hay Burger with a side of fries and a glass of chocolate milk, while Flash had chosen a Hay sandwich with hay, lettuce, and tomato with a glass of chocolate milk. As Flash took a couple of bites of his sandwich, Twilight asked, "How's your sandwich?" "It's good," Flash replied before taking another bite. "How's your Hay Burger?" "Delicious," Twilight replied with a smile. As the two of them enjoyed eating dinner, Twilight asked Flash, "So, Flash, can I ask you something?” "Sure, Twilight. What’s on your mind?" Flash inquired. "I was wondering... if you could tell me a little about yourself?" Curious, Flash tilted his head slightly and asked, "Why do you want to know?" "Well, I figured since you're going to be staying here for a while, I thought it would be nice to learn more about you," Twilight explained. "Well, okay." Flash replied, understanding what Twilight said before explaining his life story: "I was born in Canterlot, but when I was about a month old, my family moved to a house underneath Cloudsdale. One day, when I was ten and my brother, First Base, was two, we were playing in the park when a few Timberwolves cubs came out of nowhere and were trying to get First Base. I ended up protecting him and scaring the other Timberwolves away; that's when I got my cutie mark and discovered my special talent is to protect ponies. When I was 21, I heard about what happened at the royal wedding in Canterlot. That's when I decided to attend the royal academy and begin training to become a royal guard. After months of training, I graduated, became a royal guard, and was eventually assigned to the Crystal Empire. I've been stationed there ever since, until a week ago when I was assigned here to protect you." After hearing Flash's story, Twilight was surprised to learn interesting things about him: how Flash got his cutie mark by protecting his little brother and that what happened at her brother's wedding is what caused Flash to become a royal guard in the first place, "Wow, Flash, I have no idea," Twilight said. “It’s okay, Twilight,” Flash said before smiling, "I'm glad you enjoyed hearing my story." Twilight smiled back. "Since you told me your story, let me tell you a little about myself." She then spends the rest of the "date" telling Flash about her life. "I was also born in Canterlot..." After an excellent time out together, Twilight and Flash returned to the castle. Once they got back inside, Flash turned to Twilight with a smile on his face. "I have to say, I enjoyed our night out," Flash said. Twilight's cheeks flushed, "Well, I'm glad you like it, Flash." She replied, hiding her nervousness. Flash smiled, then suggested, "You know we should do this again sometime." Twilight's heart skipped a beat as she felt nervousness and excitement coursing through her. "Really?" She stammered, caught off guard by his proposition. "I mean, y-yeah, we definitely should." Suddenly, Flash started to yawn, "Well, I better get some sleep. Good night, Prin... Twilight." "Good night, Flash," Twilight said, bidding him farewell. The two ponies exchanged one last smile before parting ways and heading back to their rooms. As Flash made his way to his room, he couldn't help but smile. Not only did he enjoy their night out, but he realized that he might start to have a crush on Twilight- unaware that Twilight also had a crush on him. Meanwhile, somewhere deep within a dark and ominous cave in Equestria, the dark phoenix soared in and landed on a creature's hoof. The creature was noon other than a dark alicorn with a red and black stroke mane, dragon wings instead of alicorn wings, sharp teeth, red eyes, and the height of Celestia and Luna. "Hello, my old friend," The dark alicorn said in a dripping voice, addressing the Phoenix. "Tell me, have you done as I asked? Have you managed to find any Alicorns?” The dark phoenix squawks in response, and the alicorn understands its message. “Five, you say. I assumed two of them were Celestia and Luna?” Curious about the remaining three, the dark alicorn asked, “What about the other three?” The phoenix squawks once more, “A princess of love and her Alicorn child?" The dark Alicorn scoffed dismissively. "I highly doubt either of them has the power I seek, especially the little one.” The dark creature moved his phoenix closer to him. “What about the last one?” The phoenix squawked again. “A princess of friendship, the wielder of the element of magic, and the savior of Equestria countless times?” Upon learning about Twilight's existence, the dark alicorn's eyes gleamed. He smiled darkly and said, "It appears I have found the perfect Alicorn to help me regain my magic." With a dark chuckle, he declared, "Once I do, Equestria will be mine, and everypony will bow down to me!" The dark alicorn laugh resonated within the cave, creating an eerie echo reverberating through the shadows, foreshadowing the impending threat that loomed over Equestria.