A Little Glam Hurt Nobody

by Sea Jewel

Fine, Clothes are Pretty Awesome

Rainbow Dash considered herself a good friend. She also considered herself free and bored, so when Rarity came over to her house this morning and asked her to take care of that cat of hers- who she was sure was actually a criminal mastermind- she was happy to offer her assistance. 

Now, Rainbow lay across Rarity’s living room couch, her head on the armrest, and one leg hanging over the back of the soft sofa. She swung her hanging leg lazily as she scrolled through her phone, watching short clips of sport game highlights and fails. Rainbow herself was dressed lazily in an oversized T-shirt that read ‘2kool4skool’. Yes, it was very middle school, yes Rainbow didn’t care. It was comfortable and the only thing in her reach when Rarity barged in on a semi-naked Rainbow Dash who preferred to spend all her alone time in sports bras and boxers. 

Rainbow found herself smiling at Rarity’s expression earlier this morning.

Hours earlier

Rainbow hung upside down across the side of her bed, a controller in her hand as she just beat another generic console game. Ugh, what does it take to find a girl a good game to play? she mentally groaned, throwing her controller away.

Immediately, her view was filled with white skin and purple hair as Rarity barged into her bedroom. Rainbow raised her eyebrow at the Rarity who, from her point of view, was hanging from the ceiling. “Uh hi? So kind of you to knock.” Rainbow said sarcastically.

“Actually I was knocking on your apartment door for a good ten minutes. Then I noticed your door was unlocked an- wait, why are you naked?” Rarity asked flustered, quickly covering her eyes.

Rainbow almost laughed at that. She looked around her room. “Well first of all, I’m home alone… Like all the time” She added, “except for now.” She grunted as she got up from her upside down position and sat slouched on the bed. “I’m not even naked, I have clothes on.” she defended herself, gesturing to her body.

“You have undergarments on!” Rarity said, appalled that the girl could just walk around like that.

Rainbow rolled her eyes ignoring her friend's behaviour and reached over to grab a random shirt to pull over herself. When Rarity still didn’t uncover her eyes, Rainbow chucked a random sock at her. “You can look now.” 

“Yes, well. I live alone too. I don’t walk around like that.” She composed herself, ignoring her still very red face as she couldn’t seem to remove that one image of Dash hanging upside down over the side of the bed half-naked from her head.

“Soo,” Rainbow started, “What are you doing here?” Rarity was still silent. Rainbow gestured to her room. “In my room?”

“Oh yes!” Rarity seemed to snap out of whatever daze she was in and immediately fell back into the serious mood she was in earlier. “I’m invited to a fashion show this afternoon. It will only be for a few hours. Usually Opal can be left alone for such little time. But my poor dear is awfully sick and won’t get better unless she has her tablets every hour.”

“Oh yeah for sure.” Rainbow said simply. She knew Fluttershy was away on a visit to see her grandparents, so she was obviously unavailable. Still, Rarity going to Rainbow instead of anyone else for house-sitting was very cool. She didn’t know why, but it was.

“‘For sure’?” Rarity repeated. “That easy?” 

“Uh, yeah? I mean I’m not doing anything important all day anyway. And how hard can it be to feed a cat?”

“Wonderful!” Rarity clapped her hands. “Come, let’s go over to my house, I shall explain Opal’s care-taking rules.”

Rainbow Dash grabbed her phone and keys from her nightstand and followed Rarity through the door and into the small living room. Dash raised an eyebrow then at Rarity’s look of judgement. 


“You’re going to leave the house…like that?” She said, as though it were the most vile thing someone could wear.

“Your apartment is literally two blocks away. I’m sure we won’t run into anyone on our way there.”

Rainbow and Rarity ran into everyone on their way there. Rainbow definitely felt Rarity die and respawn within a minute as they passed one of the most popular boys from Cloudsdale High on their way to her house. “I cannot believe he just saw me with you!” Rarity gasped, before scolding the girl next to her. “You couldn’t have put some pants on?!”

Rainbow looked down at her shirt that reached her mid-thigh, slightly confused as it covered everything needing to be covered. “Oh look Rares! Aren’t those the two boys you said you had the hots for?” Dash beamed, pointing across the street.

“AH!” Rarity screamed, pulling Rainbow infront of her and hiding behind the blue girl. “Don’t point!” She hissed, roughly pulling Rainbow’s arm down.

“Sheesh, they’re just guys Rarity.” 

“And they’re heading over this way!” She said worriedly, as both of them noticed her and waved. Rainbow pushed Rarity away from behind her and gave her a slap against the shoulder. 

“Pull yourself together, you look pathetic!” Rainbow scolded.

Rarity glared up at her, still crouched. She refused to be scolded by someone who thought dressing like a homeless man was ‘cool’, and quickly straightened herself up, giving her best smile to the two boys who just walked over.

“Rarity!” The man with blonde hair and lilac skin named Silk Press greeted, opening his arms for a hug. 

“Silk Press? Isn’t that a hairstyle?” Rainbow whispered quietly to Rarity beside her who smiled cheesily and accepted the hug from the purple boy.

“Silky! How have you been darling? I haven’t seen you in forever.” She laughed before turning to the other boy with grey skin and black hair. “Onyx, you look well.”

“It’s good to see you, Rares.” Onyx said, to which Rainbow raised an eyebrow, slightly agitated at this man’s nerve. He barely knew Rarity and was already using one of her favourite nicknames?

“Silk Press and Onyx, this is my best friend Rainbow Dash.” Rarity introduced.

“Sup.” She said simply.

The men smiled politely. “Well, I hope to see you this afternoon at Sapphire Shore’s fashion show, Rares. See you around Rain...uh,” Onyx trailed off before the two continued down the footpath. 

“Weren’t they charming?” Rarity sighed. 

“They forgot my name in like five seconds.” Rainbow deadpanned. “My name is literally like the easiest name ever. It’s in my hair.”

“Actually, it is a rather long name.”


Rainbow watched Rarity from her place on the couch as she sat on the floor by the coffee table, carefully stitching a sort of dress together. Why she saw fit to do it in front of Rainbow Dash, uncomfortably sitting on the ground, was beyond the athlete’s head.

“Will those guys from earlier be at the fashion show?” Rainbow asked idly, turning over so she lay on her side facing Rarity.

“Yes, I met the two during a fabric-stitching workshop. They are a delight.” Rarity paused, looking at Dash’s scrunched up face. “Once you get to know them that is. We might even catch up tonight for some dinner.”  Rarity continued to stare at Dash as she shifted her gaze to the rug on the floor. “You should come too!” Rarity said, catching Rainbow’s attention.

“Like a double date? Not my thing Rares.”

“Not a date, Dashie.” Rarity sighed, “Just a ‘hangout’” she quoted. 

“Rare, I’m over here to feed your cat. not to fulfil your makeover fantasies.” Rainbow replied pointedly.

“Very well.” She gave in, going back to her stitching and the two sat in silence for a while. After a while, Rarity excused herself to get ready for the show and Rainbow found herself in Rarity’s small but elegant kitchen scouring through her cupboards. Everything she had was vintage or extravagantly patterned and Rainbow quite frankly didn’t know why. All she had in her apartment kitchen was disposable cutlery and usually those were leftovers from takeout.

“Hey Rares where’s your instant-” Rainbow turned then and forgot her trail of speech as she was met with Rarity in the doorway. She wore a three-quarter navy gown that fit her like a glove to her waist, before flowing to her knees. Her arms and hands were covered by soft silk gloves and she wore pearls around her neck and on her ears. Rainbow was used to seeing Rarity beautiful, but today she looked extra pretty and she didn’t know why. “Wow. You look really good.” She complimented. If Rainbow’s cheeks were red, she refused to acknowledge it.

Rarity smiled at the compliment, walking over to the blushing girl. “Thank you Rainbow Dash. And thank you for agreeing to take care of Opal tonight.” 

“It’s cool,” She said, then a smirk played on her lips. “Just don’t get too excited at the fashion show. We all know how you get with those celebrities.” Rainbow inwardly chuckled as she saw Rarity purse her lips and flush in embarrassment. 

“Anyhow, you take care darling. I won’t be gone too long. Hopefully.” And with that Rarity was out the door and Rainbow was left with just her own thoughts. Which were weirdly all about Rarity. 

I am in her house, so it isn’t unwarranted. Okay now where’s that ugly cat?

“Opal! Hey!” She yelled around the house hoping she would come to her for her medication. Hmm, usually Tank listens when I call him like that. Then again, he is usually stationary. “Here kitty kitty. Pspsps.” She tried again, and this time thankfully she heard the bell as Opal walked into the room. She crouched down and took out the pill from its bottle, to which Opal practically ran for it and took it from her hand.

Rainbow blinked in surprise. From what she heard about cats, they usually never do what their owner wants them to do. But however that happened, it made it easier for Dash. 

If I don’t need to fight a cat, why should I complain?

The label of the bottle caught her eye. Catnip flavoured. “That makes sense.” She told herself out loud. For the next hour, Rainbow had dozed off on Rarity’s couch before a loud crash startled her awake. “What the f- Opal is that you?” 

She sat up from the couch and looked down the hallway where Rarity’s room’s door was open. God if this cat messed up her room I won’t hear the end of it. Rainbow trudged into the room to assess the damage. It looked normal to her, Rarity’s giant bed in the middle catching her eye immediately. It looked really comfy and she was in such a tired state she wanted to forget about the cat and just curl under the covers. Before she did though, she was distracted by some sort of contraption in Rarity’s room right next to her en-suite. It didn’t look out of place in her room- granted it was purple and silver like everything else there- but Rainbow had been to Rarity’s house enough times to know it wasn’t always there.

I shouldn’t. Rainbow continued to stare at it, Opal no longer on her mind. Her curiosity was getting the better of her. It looked like a sort of a changing room you see at department stores, but much smaller and more capsule-like. Fuck it, it’s not like im going through her underwear drawer. She felt her face heat up at the thought. 
As she stalked toward it, a feeling of uncertainty entered her and she wondered why she was acting so out of character. She was Rainbow Dash. If she was afraid of a changing room, then she should give up her title of ‘the most bravest awesomest person anyone has ever met’. In her world at least. As she opened the door into the changing capsule, she was met with a weird screen and a bunch of random buttons. It looks much bigger on the inside and her first thought was that she was in a sort of rocket ship.

“Some shit Twilight would make.” Rainbow muttered herself before jumping at a sudden loud whirring sound. 

“Greetings Rarity!” A robotic voice chirped sound coming from every direction. Rainbow looked at the ceiling, seeing nothing but a white porcelain. 

Whatever the hell this was Rainbow did not want anything  to do with it and so she quickly went for the door handle to let herself out. It wouldn’t budge. She wrestled with it a few times before a slight panic began to set in.

“Greetings Rarity!” The machine repeated.

“I’m not Rarity! Dumbass machine.” She mumbled. “Can you let me out?” She asked again after a thought.

“Negative. Face card declined. You are not Rarity.”

“Yes! Let me out!” Rainbow said, facing no one in particular.

“Greetings Rarity!”

Rainbow stopped talking for a moment, deciding to take this all in. At the forefront of it, this capsule looked weirdly like a sex-contraption and frankly whatever Rarity was into, she wanted no part of it. On the other, she was fairly certain this was Twilight’s work, and she doubted Twilight would make anything so crude. But she did know a thing or two about how Twilight’s robot interface usually operated.

“What’s your name robot?”

“Greetings Rarity!”

She huffed in annoyance. Maybe it wasn’t as advanced as she thought. She decided to press the screen in front of her. A whirring sound filled the capsule again and she suddenly felt a warm feeling go over her body as the room turned red for a second. “Greetings Rainbow Dash!” 

“Shit, Twilight knows her stuff.” Rainbow said in admiration. “Yeah uh, what are you?”

“Artificial Intelligence designed to enhance features and style of a person.”

“So you're like a personal stylist?” She concluded. So that’s how Rarity got ready so quickly.

“Affirmative. Please select outing type.”

“Yeah uh no. Let me out please.” Rainbow said, turning away from the screen. All of a sudden whirring started up again and four levers grabbed at her arms and legs. They were gone as quick as it popped out and with it all of her clothes. “What the f-” She trailed off noticing she was left just in her underwear. She really hoped this capsule didn’t have any built in cameras because she really didn’t wanna be seen like this. It was really embarrassing. “Give me back my clothes!” 

“Negative. You have chosen outing attire. Current outfit does not meet outing regulations.” Rainbow didn’t even know how to respond to that. Her jaw was open in shock and partially offence. She had great style. It wasn’t Rarity’s style but she liked it all the same. How dare some stupid robot tell her her outfit was ugly. This was borderline harassment. 

Before she could get another word out, another lever was propped out of the wall and grabbed on to both her arms so that she couldn’t move them. And as she tried to pry them free, she saw the ceiling open up and bring out an outfit to put onto her. The whole situation happened in only a couple of seconds, and she had to admit that it at least made getting changed much easier. She was still mad at the robot.

“Rate the outfit.” The machine droned and the screen gave way to a body length mirror. It gave way to the outfit she wore consisting of low rise jeans and a small, fitting red tank-top with a vintage band on it. She was surprised to even see her ear piercings were studded with silver jewellery and on her feet she wore some really, really nice sneakers. It flattered her body nicely and would definitely match with her guitar at home. She hated to say she loved what she was wearing and that this machine knew what it was doing. 

“A one.”

Again she was spun around, the parts of the capsule grabbing at her and putting together another outfit. This time as she looked in the mirror she almost gagged. She wore a bright pink T-shirt with a really short mini-skirt that didn’t cover anything to the point that she knew if she turned around you would be able to see her butt. Her hair was in curls and she wore a bunch of rainbow coloured rings and bracelets. The fit was everything she wasn't. “What the hell is this? Do better.” She scolded like it was a real person.

“Apologies. Rainbow Dash detected.” Once again she was spun around and an outfit was put together, before it was taken off again. Then another outfit was put on before it was taken off again. As it continued to put on clothes and rip them off, Rainbow grew increasingly concerned. 


The machine complied and Rainbow was left with a mis-match of a sweater, a sock on her arm and a tie on her thigh. At one point, this little side quest turned from trying to get out of the capsule to actually finding her own style. Which Rainbow knew exactly what it was. Whatever she looked cool in. Which was tank tops and baggy pants. As the capsule flew her through different dresses and tops and skirts, she noticed how in some of them she felt much more confident and cool in. And those clothes were definitely not the type she usually went for. It was more like Rarity style clothes with a touch of awesomeness added to it. 

“Continue.” She said in a small voice, definitely embarrassed that she wanted to try more outfits on. The capsule once again started up mixing and matching different dresses and shirts until it stopped on one specific outfit after a while. As Rainbow looked in the mirror, she almost didn’t recognise herself. She wore her hair in a sleek ponytail so that every part of her face was shown. And there adorned on her ears and neck was a beautiful silver- or probably white gold if she knew Rarity- necklace and two long diamond earrings. She noticed the capsule even did her make-up, with a soft wing on her eye and mascara on her lashes brought out to give a cat-eye look. That didn’t even begin to explain how amazing Rainbow thought the dress was. The dress itself was a soft maroon velvet mini dress with sequins adorned on the brim . She wore black, silk gloves and on top of her middle finger was a really nice ring. It was cut in a diamond shape. Rarity’s favourite shape, she found herself thinking. Then she realised she was wearing heels- which she didn’t really like- but it matched the outfit so she could give it a pass.

All in all Rainbow realised she couldn’t look away from the mirror. I want Rarity to see me in this. And an immediate blush made its way to her face at the thought and she scolded herself for thinking such weird things. Then she remembered she was still trapped in here and she had to cat-sit. Oh my gosh I am so dead. 

“HELP!” She shouted from the capsule, banging against the door. “LET ME OUT!”

“Rainbow Dash? You’re in here?!” An exasperated voice responded muffled from behind the door. “Good heavens, I was looking all over for you!”

“Rarity! Oh god, you gotta help me, your weird machine sucked me into this dress up game!”

A faint click was heard and the door made way to Rarity’s room to which Rainbow swiftly sped out of, taking a breath of fresh air at finally being let out.

Rarity had gotten home not long ago, and was looking everywhere for Rainbow until she heard her yells from inside her Changing Capsule. Twilight had invented a name for it, but it was too long to remember. As Rainbow turned to Rarity after running out of the room, Rarity felt her breath catch at her friend. Rainbow looked stunning in those clothes, Her clothes, and it got her feeling all giddy and flustered. She looked like Rainbow Dash, but everything about her was enhanced, like she was looking at pure confidence and coolness. 

She looks beautiful.

“Rarity?” Rainbow’s voice pulled her from her thoughts and her vision cleared to Rainbow’s face, and the eye makeup around her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by Rarity. 

“Sorry Darling, you just look so magnificent. I’m very confused.”

“That’s hurtful,” Rainbow smirked, before looking behind her at the capsule again. “This was against my will.” Rainbow clarified, careful to make sure Rarity didn’t realise the athlete was a little more interested in fashion than she thought.

“I don’t doubt it, darling.” Still, Rarity continued to stare into her eyes, she couldn’t seem to break away. Rainbow in her clothes, her hard work and dedication had ignited something in her. And the fact that she looked so hot in them as well made Rarity weak to the knees. 

Rarity was much less oblivious to romantic queues than Rainbow was, and so she knew now that she was developing greater feelings than friendship for the athletic girl. This is surprising. Not that I don’t think I could like a girl like Rainbow. She clarified to herself. Just that it kind of came out of nowhere. 

As Rainbow stood in front of Rarity, she felt naked. Rarity stared at her so intensely she thought she was looking through her clothes at her skin and it set Rainbow on fire. She was already anticipating Rarity seeing her in this outfit, and now that she couldn’t stop staring at her, Rainbow was filled with pride that her friend liked her outfit. That was all it was to Rainbow. She definitely wasn’t excited to see if Rarity found her hot in it or not.

Rarity cleared her throat. “I’m meeting up for dinner with Silk Press and Onyx tonight.” Rainbow thought that sounded awfully like a command.

“Ohh no. Nope. Rares, I already told you I don’t do that whole dating thing.”

“Come on Rainbow Dash! You’re dressed so terrifically! It would be a shame for your outfit to go to waste. You need people to see it.”

Rainbow was about to object again when Rarity grabbed her hand in hers and gave her a pout. She rolled her eyes. It was just one night. And in a way, she’ll be spending it with Rarity so why not? 


She clapped her hands. “Wonderful!” 


It was warm tonight, and the restaurant the ‘hangout’ was at was very crowded. And fancy. Definitely not Rainbow’s cup of tea but she was wearing a fancy dress so it only made sense. Rainbow observed the types of people at the restaurant, all very proper, and wearing similar attire to them. 

“This is actually where most of the people at the fashion show came afterwards.” Rarity said as a matter of factly. Rainbow hummed in response, unconsciously rubbing her gloved arm and Rarity noticed her hesitance in entering the place. “Whatever’s the matter, dear?” 

“Nothing.” She quipped. 

Rarity furrowed her eyebrows, stopping them on the path. “Dashie,” She urged. “If you aren’t comfortable we can go home.”

“It’s cool Rares, I’m not nervous.” She replied, before a smile made way. “I’m just scared of how boring it’ll be there.” 

“Oh hardy har,” She rolled her eyes, still smiling at her friend as they entered the building.

It wasn’t long before they met with Silk Press and Onyx, and as they walked over to each other, Rainbow grew increasingly uncomfortable as Onyx’s gaze didn’t leave her once. “Good to see you made it Rares, Rainbow.” Onyx greeted. So the jerk did remember her name. “Gotta say I almost didn’t recognise you there.” He flirted, his eyes scouring her body. Rainbow didn’t like him and definitely didn’t like the way he was staring at her. But she was here for Rarity, and she didn’t want to ruin it so she smiled tightly and allowed them to lead them to a booth at the back. 

Rarity stole a couple glances at Rainbow Dash, partially because she was worried she wasn’t enjoying herself, but partially because she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off her. Just like Onyx couldn’t, Rarity thought, leaving a bitter taste on her tongue. The next fifteen or so minutes were idle talk that Rarity enjoyed, and Rainbow seemed to be doing well too. She laughed heartily at certain jokes, and threw around banter with the boys. 

All the while Rainbow was all too aware of every touch between her and Rarity. Every shoulder graze or hand on the shoulder or her heel rubbing against her calf. Each contact left her hot and bothered. “So Rainbow, you seem like quite a lady.” Onyx said, his hands on the table, awfully close to her own. She moved it away. 

“You’d think so.” She challenged, as though to say he’d never know for sure. Throughout the night, Onyx had been throwing inappropriate quips and dirty jokes in the air that left both of the girls uncomfortable. 

“Is that a challenge?”

“No.” She said dryly, sipping on her cider. She didn’t want him thinking she was returning his signals. 

“Rainbow doesn’t really do dating.” Rarity intervened, noticing Rainbow’s angrier mood by the second. 

“Oh.” He perked up. “So you’ve never had a boyfriend?” 

When Rainbow refused to answer, Rarity spoke up again, “No she’s much too busy for that.”  Rainbow glared at her sideways.

“You must be a virgin then.” Rainbow was very close to giving him a punch in the face, she turned her head to Rarity to see if she agreed. She was met with worried eyes that calmed her down a little. 

“It’s not really your business.”

“It can be after this,” He trailed on, and Rainbow felt cold fingers make their way up her knee to her thigh. Then a loud shattering of a glass was heard through the restaurant as Rainbow stood swiftly. The place stood still as they anticipated her to slap or punch or kick him. Rarity anticipated it, Onyx anticipated it, hell even Rainbow anticipated it.

It never came. Rainbow walked out of the booth and into the restrooms. Rarity stared at where Rainbow had vanished to, a cold feeling creeping into her skin at just how gross the two across from her were. She felt embarrassed she ever liked them in the first place. Without a word, she followed Rainbow Dash to the restrooms where she was met with the girl staring at herself in the mirror, a frown on her face. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

“Sorry Rares, I tried to enjoy the night,” She started, turning her back to the mirror and looking at her friend now.

Rarity tilted her head and sighed, walking over to Rainbow. “Darling, I’m so sorry if I made you feel trapped here. That was never my intention. Those boys were dickheads.” Rarity smiled slightly as she saw Rainbow lift her head in surprise at her cursing. 

“This isn’t my scene. You know that. I’m not like these rich, fancy people. I don’t wear these clothes. I don’t act like how I did tonight.” Rarity was quiet, listening carefully to her. “When I was in that machine of yours…I didn’t mind it.” She confessed, and Rarity’s eyes widened in surprise. “It was really cool. I got to try different styles and outfits that I don’t usually wear and there were some I really liked. Like this one. But It doesn’t match who I am.”

Rarity was confused. “That’s silly.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Darling, that doesn’t make any sense. Your outfit doesn’t change who you are as a person. What you’re wearing right now- I don’t see a proper, snobby girl. I see Dashie. You know, the one who told me once that underwear and bikinis are the same thing- which, it’s not by the way. You are meant to wear clothes, your clothes don’t wear you. At the end, they’re just pieces of fabric stitched together.” She waved a hand. “It’s you who gives it substance.” 

Rainbow Dash stared at Rarity for a long time, “Geez Rares, that was sappy.” 

“Good Heavens, Dash.” Rarity blushed.

“I mean, I guess I can just wear this for me. Rather than others. She said, and Rarity sighed in relief at the lifted spirits. “But there was only one person I wanted to impress tonight,” She said slyly, her hands behind her back as she stepped towards the purple-haired girl. Rarity’s heart picked up at Rainbow’s advance. Her eyes flickered towards the girl's lips, a question of uncertainty lingering between them as they paused.

The bathroom was dimly lit, empty and quite small. There was not a lot of room between her body and Rainbow’s and every second staring at those lips, Rarity felt the tension rise. She didn’t know what was stopping Rainbow from going that last mile, but she didn’t care. Rarity pressed her lips against Rainbow’s, and immediately, the athlete’s gloved arms wrapped around her head, her fingers tangling in her hair. Rainbow pressed her tongue to Rarity’s mouth, urging her to comply, and instantly they fought for each other's tongues. Rarity pushed her against the sink, and Rainbow paused for a breath, using that to sit against the sink and wrap her thighs around Rarity’s waist. As Rainbow pulled on Rarity’s bottom lip, she moaned in delight. Rarity’s hands were on Dash’s waist, squeezing every time a shiver went down her spine from the pleasure. She was in heaven. Rainbow tasted like vanilla, and her lips were so soft she could just drink them. 

She pulled away, and Rainbow looked at her confused, her hair a mess. “I wanted to say,” Rarity breathed, admiring her friend’s beauty. “How awfully hot you look in this dress. More especially right now.”

Rainbow’s heart soared, and she managed a breathy chuckle as she stared down at Rarity herself. This woman was stunning. All the time. and she didn’t know how she could get prettier every day. “I’m pretty lucky.” She smirked, leaning down from her place on the sink to grab another kiss. 

Rarity pulled her lips to the side and began trailing kisses down her neck to her cleavage, a trail of lipstick on her skin. Each kiss was accompanied by a breathy moan and Rarity shuddered at the sound. “You know,” Rainbow said in between pants. “Earlier I was thinking to myself how comfortable your bed looked.”

Rarity looked up, “It’s quite comfy, yes.” She teased. At the invitation, Rainbow hopped off the sink and the two girls escaped the building through the back door, laughing happily. 

As the two made their way to her apartment, Rainbow thought back to the Changing Capsule. “When I first got locked in that changing capsule I thought I got trapped in a sex machine.” She joked, looking for Rarity’s expression. When she was met with a blank expression, Rainbow frowned. “Thank god it wasn’t, am I right?” 

Rarity gave her a shy smile, “It’s multi-purpose.”