//------------------------------// // An Alien Celebration!/Goodbye, Gonzo? // Story: G5 Adventures in Muppets from Space // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// After the Muppets’ bus had broken down, the pony interns had the idea to gallop all the way to Cape Doom (which wasn’t really that far), and they set off, unaware that Ed and Rentro were on their way there as well… but were slowed down due to traffic. At least our heroes have a little time to spare before trouble arrives. Soon, they arrived at the beach with only a half an hour to spare, and found a large crowd waiting for them, chanting Gonzo's name. “Whoa…” Izzy gasped with wide eyes, looking at the large amount of people around them. “What’s with all the people here?” “Can I help it if moi has such devoted fans?” Miss Piggy asked with a chuckle. “All right, everybody, back off!” cried Rizzo as Misty and Gonzo took the lead through the crowd. “Let Misty and His Royal Weirdness through.” Gonzo couldn't believe what he was saying... people, chanting for him, believing that the aliens were going to come and he was going to meet his family at last! And for once, Misty didn't even care that she was in a large crowd of people potentially staring at her. What mattered most... was making sure that Gonzo was happy. Only a few minutes after the group had arrived at the beach, it was midnight-- all eyes were on the sky, and Piggy's new cameraman was here to record her story on the aliens touching down, with Pipp standing not too far away for moral support. Sunny shuddered after a few moments, glancing toward her friends. “It got kinda cold.” “Yeah…” Gonzo nodded, not taking his eyes off the sky. “Sure did.” “Midnight,” Miss Piggy looked into the camera as she spoke. “The lone alien stands before a naked sky. The mood is tense. My hair looks great.” “What?!” Pipp gasped as Miss Piggy turned, wide eyed to see Shelley marching over, clearly furious. “I don’t believe this!” “Oh… Shelley,” Miss Piggy chuckled. “Bonjour.” However, Shelley wasn’t in the mood. “You pink, prissy pegasus! And you backstabbing, underhanded little coffee pig!” Pipp gulped nervously, backing away slightly. “Uh-oh…” “This is my show! My story, my microphone!” Shelley immediately pulled the microphone toward her, and the cameraman turned toward her. “This is Shelley Snipes reporting. Please ignore the little sow.” Miss Piggy then pushed herself into the line of the camera. “Disregard this woman--”  Suddenly, Shelley pulled Miss Piggy's ear, causing her to scream in pain... right before she gut-punched Shelley right to the ground, much to the shock of a few bystanders. Hitch immediately saw the commotion and ran over, trying to stop the feuding. “Ladies, ladies! Can’t we settle this in a calm, peaceful MAAAAANNEEEEEER?!!!!!” Miss Piggy and Shelly fell right on top of him during their feud, causing Persephone to pull Hitch out of the pile while Pipp tried to stop the feuding herself. “Hitch!” Persephone cried. “Are you okay?!” “Ugh… I think so,” Hitch groaned, eventually getting back onto his hooves. “But is that what chairs feel like when people sit on them?” Miss Piggy eventually got away from Shelley (thanks to Pipp’s help), and once Pipp was safely out of the way, Miss Piggy sprayed Shelley with the Mind Mist, making Shelley immediately confused. “What am I doing?” “Um…” Miss Piggy got her attention. “You are about to give me your job and get everyone here a cup of coffee.” “Oh, of course,” Shelley smiled and handed over the microphone. “Right away.” As soon as she left, Pipp chuckled and flew to Miss Piggy’s side. “Nice work!” she commented. “I gotta get Bunsen and Beaker to make me some of that stuff.” XXXXXXXX “Excuse us! Pardon us!” Zipp spoke as she and Rizzo tried to navigate through the crowd. “Excuse us, buddy,” Rizzo sneered as he went under a man. “And a happy Halloween to you as well.” Suddenly, he bumped into someone, and it was revealed to be Dr. Van Neuter, causing him to scream. “Hang on, Rizzo! I got you!” Zipp said, picking up the rat and keeping him close. “You’re not gonna experiment on Rizzo again, you half-baked veterinarian!” Suddenly, Bubba came over to stop the event before anyone got hurt. “Riz, Riz, you and your friend take it easy, it’s all right.” “All right?” Zipp blinked. “You know this guy, Rizzo?” “Yeah, he’s one of the rats I told ya about,” Rizzo nodded before turning to Bubba again. “What do you mean, it's all right?” “You don't understand. We let him slide, and he gave us a ride.” Dr. Van Neuter nodded with a smile at this. “Yeah, yeah. I love all my new rat friends now,” he said before turning to the other rats sitting around a small fire. “Come on. Who wants this next marshmallow?” “You go on and catch up with your friends, Rizzo,” Zipp smiled as they walked over to the rats as well. “I’m gonna go see if Pipp and the others need anything.” XXXXXXXX It had been an hour since midnight, and Miss Piggy began to tiredly look into the camera, just as exhausted as everyone else. “One… a.m,” she spoke. “The alien is still standing over there. My hair still looks great. One can only wonder what Gonzo's feeling right now.” Misty and Sunny were still with Gonzo and Kermit, looking up at the sky for any sign of life… or at least, a spaceship heading their way. However, every minute that passed, Gonzo began to get even more discouraged, until... he sighed and shook his head. “They're not coming.” “Gonzo, you don’t know that,” Sunny frowned. “Maybe they’re just running late… hey, do you guys know if aliens run into traffic?” “Hey, you got me,” Misty shrugged. “Maybe we could just wait another 10 minutes?” However, Gonzo's mind seemed to be made up by this point. “It’s a no-show,” he sighed, turning to the crowd. “It’s a no-show!” “What?” asked a teenage boy sitting with his friends, causing him to stand up and look at Gonzo in anger and frustration. “Hey, wait a second. I believed you, man. Yeah. I stayed up all night dancing and didn't study for finals because of you. I'm cold. Come on, let's go.” Several others began to agree with him, and the ponies were heartbroken at the sight of Gonzo so sad… his only chance to find his family, gone. And he wasn't sure if another chance like this was going to come up again. Misty looked at her friend with a solemn look. “We’re so sorry, Gonzo. I really thought your family was going to be here by now.” Gonzo sighed and rubbed her head. “It's not your fault, Misty... if I hadn't let us be captured, maybe we would have gotten here on time.” “Hey, but we’re not gonna give up,” Caramel said. “We can find some other way to contact your family.” “I just…” Hitch spoke with a yawn. “I just can’t think straight when I’m sleepy… let’s head back to your house for the night and we’ll come up with something tomorrow.” “Yeah…” Gonzo sighed. “Sure.” The ponies began to guide their Muppet friends after the crowd and get them home… when all of a sudden, a little girl gasped and pointed to the sky. “Look!” “Huh?” “What?” “What’s going on?” A cloud of deep smoke came from the sky immediately after the girl pointed to the sky, and from that cloud came a brown, egg-like object that settled into the sand, only about six feet away from the crowd. After it had settled, the Muppets, the Mane 6 and the pony interns carefully approached it, unsure of what they were getting themselves into. “Boy… they’re really tiny,” Gonzo observed the object. “But tiny's not a bad thing, right?” “No no no, of course not,” Misty shook her head. “We actually have a few tiny friends. Smurfs, mice… you name it.” “Wait a minute,” Rizzo interrupted. “We came out here in the middle of the night for a stupid egg?” “Shh, don’t say that!” Caramel said. “That egg could be full of chocolate!” “Or it could be some sort of cosmic defense weapon,” Zipp spoke. “It never hurts to be too careful.” As the ponies began to creep closer, the egg opened before releasing a bright light into the sky, blinding the group for a moment. When they looked up at the sky after a moment, their eyes widened at what they saw. A giant spacecraft, the size of two football fields or more, was slowly descending toward the beach. “Everypony, back away slowly!” Sunny advised the crowd. “We need to give them plenty of space!” Everyone began to back away, with Caramel wrapping a wing around her best friends and Rizzo praying out loud while in Fozzie’s arms. “Please, big boss. I never disobeyed my mother. And I never carried the plague. Not even once! Oh…!!!” Slowly, but surely, the space-craft began to descend on the beach as many people began to murmur in confusion and awe, all mixed into one. Sunny gently touched Gonzo’s shoulder, trying to check on him during this crucial moment. “Are you okay, Gonzo?” “G-Great!” Gonzo stammered quickly. “N-Never felt better.” Slowly, the doors of the spacecraft began to open, revealing a tall figure against a backdrop of white light. “Let the one who is called Gonzo step forward.” “That’s me!” Gonzo immediately raised his arm. “I-I mean… I’m Gonzo.” “Step a little closer.” “Go ahead, Gonzo,” Misty nodded. “It’s okay.” Gonzo nodded and stepped forward, but… the figure couldn’t see Gonzo all the way yet. “Come a little further forward.” Gonzo did so, but the figure still couldn’t see. “Now, could you lean into the light? There you go. Lean in a little further. A little further. Yeah.” After Gonzo stepped into the light just enough, the figure immediately recognized him. “Oh, that’s him!” The figure immediately ran into the white light, and after a moment, the doors closed. “Ooooookaaaay…?” Zipp blinked. “That was officially weird.” “Why did they want to see if Gonzo was who he said he was?” asked Hitch. “Aren’t they supposed to look just like him?” “Maybe,” Sunny whispered. “But I guess it’s good to be cautious.” Suddenly, a different voice spoke up from the spacecraft. “Gonzo… many zotons ago, you were lost to us. We've come a long way looking for you, little brother.” Suddenly, tethers from the ship broke off, causing Gonzo to gasp in shock as the cover on the top of the ship began to open. “We know of but one way to express our happiness at having found you.” The ponies looked at each other in confusion, wondering what this could mean as lights began to flash, music began to play, and... aliens that looked just like Gonzo began to sing! Aliens: WHOO-HOO!! Singer Alien: Ha ha ha! Now there's a party going on right here (Right here) A celebration to last throughout the year... “That’s my family!” Gonzo cried with wide eyes. “Gonzo!” Misty cried. “That’s your family!” Singer Alien: So bring your good times And your laughter too We're gonna celebrate your party with you As the song continued, everyone in the crowd began to dance around and have a joyous time.  Backup Singers: Celebration Singer Alien: Let’s all celebrate And have a good time, come on Backup Singers: Celebration Singer Alien: We’re gonna celebrate And have a good time It’s time to come together It’s up to you, what’s your pleasure? Aliens: Everyone around the world, come on Celebrate good times, come on! UberGonzo: It’s a celebration (Whoo-hoo!) It’s a celebration Come on!  Celebrate good times, come on! “Come on, Gonzo!” said the lead singer. “Wanna see you up here on the stage!” “Me?!” Gonzo cried. “Yeah, you boy!” the lead singer laughed, and several aliens guided Gonzo up onstage to sing the final verse as the ponies cheered. “Look at ‘em go, guys! Look at him up there!” “Go Gonzo!” “Yeah!” “Glitter-tastic!” Gonzo and Aliens: Celebrate good times, come on! At the end of the song, Gonzo laughed joyously as the entire crowd cheered for the performance... even the ponies were surprised at how friendly these aliens seemed. Following the song, a few aliens guided Gonzo into a cannon and gave him a helmet, just as UberGonzo spoke up again. “Gonzo,” he began as a drumroll began to play, “it is time to take your righteous place amongst your brothers. By surviving and thriving alone on this alien planet, you have proven yourself audacious, courageous and distinctly one of a kind. We welcome you back with our most ceremonious of ceremonies.” As the cannon tilted up to a vertical level, Gonzo wondered what this ceremony would include. “What’s that?” “We’re gonna blow you up, baby!” “Uh… I’m sorry,” said Hitch, “but did he say, ‘blow Gonzo up’?!” Before anyone could answer Hitch’s question, the cannon fired Gonzo high up into the air, at least to the height of the tallest skyscraper in Zephyr Heights before Gonzo began to fall back down. “ARRRRRRIBA!!!!” he cried with a laugh. “I love these people! WHOA!! Coming down!!” A group of aliens prepared a net to catch Gonzo during his fall, and as he got closer to the ground, Misty and Izzy moved the aliens with their magic to make sure they were in the right spot. And they were… …before Gonzo tore through the netting and fell right through the floor! Rizzo clung to Persephone in terror upon seeing this. “Oh no!!” The Mane 6 rushed to where Gonzo had fallen through the floor, looking for him with the aliens, and as they were about to say something, Gonzo appeared from a nearby tunnel, definitely unharmed and actually looking quite exilerated. “TADA!!!” Everyone cheered at the sight of Gonzo alive and well, and even UberGonzo was impressed. “Now, that is what I call the Great Gonzo.” The aliens lifted Gonzo onto their shoulders as the cheering grew to be at its loudest, and even the ponies cheered their friend on... well, for a moment at least. “HOLD IIIIIT!!! Hold it!” All cheering stopped at the sight of Ed with his large gun, and the pony interns froze in their tracks, hoping not to be seen. Ed kept his line of sight on Gonzo and his family, getting ready to annihilate them if they made a movement. “Very, very moving, my little alien friend. But I'm afraid your timing is off. Now, you're coming back with me in my cement truck.” “Cement truck?” Journal asked with curiosity. “What about the company car?” Rentro cleared his throat from behind her. “Broke down and we had to hitch-hike.” At the words 'cement truck', many people including some of the aliens, began to laugh at Ed, bringing back the anger he showed back at C.O.V.N.E.T, steadily growing to new levels. “Don’t laugh at me… don’t laugh… all right,” he said, getting ready to fire the gun. “I’LL SHOW YOU LAUGHTER!!” “NO!!!” Misty shrieked, getting in front of Gonzo and his family in anger. “Ponies! Get in front of Gonzo’s family! NOW!!” “You heard her!” Caramel shouted. “Let’s move move move!” All the ponies stood in front of Gonzo and his family at Misty's orders, with Sunny in her alicorn form, and their cutie marks charged with magic, just in case Ed tried anything. But as Ed prepared to fire his weapon... “Please load weapon. Please load weapon.” Everyone paused at this, but then the laughter resumed as Ed tried to get his weapon to work properly. Back on the Muppets' side, Kermit sighed in complete relief. “That was a close one...” “Not as close as you think, my friend,” Rento said, holding up a clip of ammunition that went with the weapon. “Please load weapon...” “Good job, Rentro!” Sunny smiled in relief. “At least he isn’t a threat to the aliens anymore.” “But… we still gotta do something with him,” Pipp spoke. “We just gotta figure out what.” Luckily, UberGonzo found the courage to approach Gonzo and stand in front of Ed, pleased. “We are honored to meet you. A most extraordinary performance.” “What are you talking about?” Ed muttered in defeat. “Gonzo of Earth, who is this most entertaining friend of yours?” UberGonzo asked, leaving Gonzo to shrug. “Oh… that’s Ed.” “Hi, Ed.” “Hello, Ed.” “The cape!” UberGonzo commanded, and several aliens came forward and put a cape around Ed, much to his confusion. “Ed, because of your comic instincts, we have chosen you as ambassador to our planet.” Ed immediately stood up in surprise. “You mean you want me to go with you? To boldly go where no man has gone before?” “It would be our great privilege, Ed. Uh... may I call you Zongo?” However, Ed wasn’t even paying attention, still in his space-obsessed fantasy. “To travel the stars like a modern-day Magellan? To be up there with John Glenn, Neil Armstrong.” “Uh…” Rentro walked up to him gently. “I think you better get going. They're waiting for you. Run along now.” “Yeah, good idea,” said Zipp. “For all our sakes…” “Zipp!” Sunny scolded. “Shh!” As Ed (or now known as Zongo) began to move toward the ship, UberGonzo turned to his newly-found brethren. “Time to beat feet. Come along, little brother.” “Oh… oh boy… this is all happening so fast,” Gonzo said to himself before trying to turn to his friends, who seemed happy for him, but… sad to see him leave. “Well, guys, you know, I'm gonna miss you. And I'll be thinking about you.” Then, he turned toward Rizzo, who was turned away from him, trying not to cry. “Rizzo, buddy…” “No no no,” Rizzo spoke. “Not me. I do not do goodbyes.” “Well...” said Gonzo slowly, “I just want to tell you… I just want you to take care of yourself.” “...hey, don’t worry about me,” Rizzo said tearfully. “I… I can always get another roommate.” Rizzo and Gonzo pulled each other into a hug, wishing each other a final farewell before turning to the ponies… even the former pony C.O.V.N.E.T interns. “Thank you all for… for everything. I’ll never forget how you guys helped me find my family.” “Hey… all we ask is that you be careful, and try to visit,” Sunny smiled. “Maybe we might be in the neighborhood on the next Unity Quest.” “...we’re gonna miss you so much,” Misty whimpered, pulling him into a hug. “Promise me that you’ll never forget us…?” “I promise,” Gonzo said, wiping her tears before slowly moving toward Kermit. “And Kermit? You’re the best friend any alien could ask for.” “Oh…” Kermit felt himself tense up with emotion at this. “We love you, Gonzo.” With that, Kermit and Gonzo exchanged a saddening final farewell before they pulled apart. “So…” Kermit said, “...you’ll write?” Gonzo nodded at this. “Yeah, sure, I'll write. There's probably a mailbox every couple of light-years.” Izzy chuckled at this, trying her best not to cry as well. “Heh... space joke. Funny, Gonzo...” “Adios, Mr. Space Man, okay,” Pepe said with a sad smile. “Hey, man,” said Clifford. “If you keep saying goodbye, you'll never get home.” Gonzo nodded at this, slowly turning toward the ship. “Oh, yeah. Home. Home. Time to go home.” Gonzo slowly stepped onboard the ramp of the ship, following Ed, Rentro, UberGonzo and his fellow aliens, and once he reached the top, UberGonzo turned to him with a smile. “The stars beckon. Shall we go home?” For a moment, Gonzo looked down at the crowd gathered for him, and his friends... all gathered there for him to see him off. He couldn't leave this... not now. He wanted to know his family, but... he couldn't leave his Earth family... or his pony family. “I don’t think so,” Gonzo said, taking off his helmet and taking it back to UberGonzo, who seemed surprised by such an action. “Thank you for going to so much trouble to find me. But I can't go.” As the other aliens grew confused, Gonzo looked toward the crowd and all his friends, old and new. “I love these guys. My life is here. This is my home.” UberGonzo seemed to understand, nodding his head toward his long-lost relative. “If that is your decision, then we shall abide by it. We will miss you. So good luck, Gonzo,” he said, touching Gonzo’s hand before Gonzo walked down the ramp again. “People of Earth! Later…” “Yes!” Rizzo laughed, running toward Gonzo as Gonzo waved to his family. “Oh, boy… goodbye!” “HA HA!!” Izzy laughed as she and Rizzo toppled Gonzo to the ground. “You’re back! You’re back!” “You’re not leaving!” “We love you, Gonzo!” “Welcome home!” Misty was slightly relieved as she hugged Gonzo… sure, she was happy that he found his family, but… she would have missed him dearly. And now… they had a chance to meet each other once again. As the group celebrated in Gonzo’s decision, Ed raised a hand as the spaceship doors began to close. “People of Earth, this is one small step for man and one giant step for…” he began to say, when the doors finally closed. “Forget it…” The jet engines began to fire as the spacecraft lifted off the ground, causing many to wave them goodbye before it flew off the surface of the Earth from out of sight. As Gonzo watched it go, Caramel turned toward Gonzo. “You're gonna miss them... aren't you?” “Sure, I am,” Gonzo admitted after a moment. “But... I have you guys, just like I always have. And... that's all I really need anyway. Come on... let's head home. There's something I want us all to do together.”