//------------------------------// // 2. "Fatefully First Hoof-Steps" (Part Two) // Story: Lights of the Darkside // by RaynerPhoenix //------------------------------// As the table search time was running out as she thought of some quick solution, Starlight was overwhelmed and was also determined to take any advantage of the few direct resources and techniques she knew to find it before her friend arrived. As a first step, Starlight asked Trixie about any place she thought to be able to teleport it, a vital factor for the development of that previous spell. However, Trixie had forgotten about it within a few seconds, which angered Starlight again and again caused her to emit another red cloud of anger from her horn, which was kept in its attached flask in her saddlebag. As the second step, Starlight decided to walk with her clueless friend through various places in Ponyville to help refresh her mind and remember that place after leaving Spike in charge of the castle. Trixie gladly agreed to her relief, although it would end up being another unnecessary waste of time. First, both ponies went to a homemade snack shop since Trixie remembered she was hungry and they only bought bags of cinnamon nuts on the way.. only for her. The glass table was not there unfortunately for Starlight. Then they went to a jewelry store in town as she remembered how shiny the table was; however, her owner didn't get to see it either but she was interested (thanks to Trixie) in trying some bags of nuts in her break time. Afterwards, they both went to SweetApple Acres since Trixie only was... hungry for apples. Right there, Starlight asked Grandma Smith (the current owner of the giant country place) about the table; however, the table wasn't there either, although Smith ended up interested in trying said snacks later. In each place (and likewise with each failure) Starlight's anger accumulated more and more by means of more clouds that sprouted in her horn and kept in the same jar and she also felt more exhausted at the same time but she kept firm in this search. "Okay... I'm sure we'll find it... someday" Starlight thought about it repeatedly after each failed visit, each time with a more worried tone than the previous one... losing energy and hope of being able to complete her day in an optimistic way. Meanwhile, at a point close to your position, the mystery pony was asking everypony around him if they needed any help or side job in which he would be rewarded. Despite the many possibilities available to him in this extroverted and busy city, luck was not on his side either cause some ponies he met were so busy to answer him, others were in denial, while others simply got scared and ran away as the mystery pony was so desperate. After so much walking and trying, he decided to rest for a while in the square to reflect a little on his situation and regret it: "Ok, the only thing I managed to do was mistreat my hooves again and... well, almost no food or drink with me. That's it, I need to find any solution and now!! *he displeasedly criticized himself while checking his briefcase and is surprised that he doesn't have many supplies left. He unexpectedly collided with a sturdy pony in front of him accidentally. Despite his state, the mysterious pony apologized for it while, instead of accepting it or scolding him, he decided to take advantage of the opportunity to ask him in a confident tone: "Excuse me, young one, can you do me a favor?" "Ehh.. sure... what is it about?" the mysterious pony asked doubtfully, both for his response and his way of expressing himself to it. "I must help a special friend with an important task right away. Can you take over my watermelon stand, please? I will reward you well if you succeed." "Fine, but I think..." the mysterious pony in a doubtful tone since he sees the cart very rusty and discolored which made him very very sure of failing his mission in the end, but he was interrupted in the meantime. "Thank you very much, well I have to go for now... I see my friend there." the sturdy pony expressed himself happily as he pointed to the side with his hoof, and hit with his other to get the young pony's attention. A larger and newer cart arrived at that place, in which it was driven by an rich elegant pony who was waiting for his "humble" rusty friend. After getting on, both ponies greeted each other and quickly left the place, leaving the said caretaker pony and the cart in dust as well. "Well, finally the faker pony revealed himself with a big surprise exit.. at least, I already have some beneficial work at the end." the mysterious pony thought ironically but happy that at least he had obtained what he was looking for... he only had to complete it successfully to obtain his reward. "Ok, I think I should find a safe place to protect it better... I'm sure this will be easy after all.* he said as he moved the cart from the stall to a less populated corner of the city calmly ignoring the other reactions of the other ponies and events around him... After spending hours searching, they returned to the center of town. Starlight was totally exhausted and angry about this situation and Trixie... jumping with happiness as if nothing bad was happening in her "great" life... "I think I shouldn't have said that question... let alone brought her here I suppose." Starlight thought, a little annoyed by her critical situation, although she did not seem exhausted by finishing her main mission. "Wow, I could swear it could be in an ice cream parlor since it was very hot in the castle and I was craving ice cream. Wait... * Trixie said happily until stopping for a moment to offer her "brilliant" suggestion to Starlight. * ...we should go to the Crystal Empire because the castle is made of crystals and that.. came to my mind." Although she knew it would take more than 1 hour to get there by train, Starlight simply held back and kept another big reddish cloud from her horn as she replied in an almost clear tone. "Ok, so let's go now if we want to get there fast." Starlight responded worried but determined to continue with her mission. She turned to head towards the station as, finally, Trixie looks on in dismay at her friend's declining situation. "Starlight, are you okay? You look a bit... ehh." Trixie commented as she looked a little worried at her friend's worn face as she babbling with her tongue out 3 times to explain what she felt what she saw. "Don't worry, I'm just fine.. Let's just get this over with." she responded awkwardly while she kept another cloud in her jar but, this time, Trixie noticed it in a surprised way. "Did your saddlebag just glow?" Trixie asked curiously. Although Starlight worriedly denied it, she couldn't stop Trixie from risking looking at the contents of her saddlebag. Using the magic of her horns, both unicorns struggled to get the briefcase for a few moments. Starlight, almost without strength, desperately tried to stop him with everything she could and avoid getting into more trouble than she already was. It was ironic that there were only a few nearby ponies who were present at that altercation, especially being the same ponies from the previous locations, the jewelry store owner and Granny Smith, who took the artist pony's advice and bought her cinnamon rolls. at the sandwich shop, owned by the strongpony Bulk Biceps, who was on a roll that day... although none of the three realized the danger they were getting into. Meanwhile, the mysterious pony was trying with all her physical strength to push the battered cart to an empty but safe alley near the place. "Ohh, I didn't even think... that this hulk... was very heavy to move after all". he said as he kept pushing and watching how some pieces fell from that vehicle. Halfway there, he watched as some ponies ate at a mobile snack stand in a leisurely way. "I hope that 'worker' pony returns soon and gives me my reward... ohh, I'm really hungry now". * he said as he listened to how his belly creaked. While he waited, he looked at the landscape around him to try to calm down a bit... although that made him remember and compare it with his old home that he had before "moving" to Ponyville. After a few minutes, Trixie stumbled backwards and the rage-filled vial was thrown into the air, breaking as it fell. The ponies located in that snack store accidentally breathed the air from those clouds and were unexpectedly controlled by the fury Starlight was trying to hide and then approached Trixie in an angry manner, who didn't know what was really happening at that moment. Only a young pony was surprised to see that alarming situation either for being the first time to witness a dark atmosphere around said group in front of the confused artist pony, or for relating it to something... sourly familiar in her thoughts. Immediately, he decided to quickly hide in an alley near his position and silently continued to observe that alarming situation that, in some way or another, made it bitterly familiar to him. "Oww, I wonder how did she come to be so hated all of a sudden... and... why do I have that feeling among my past memories. Ouch!!" the young pony asked himself attentively as he tried to remember and reflect on said situation with his past life... although he only ended up giving himself a headache in a few seconds... for some reason. " I guess I better continue observing the new details of it by now." After a confusing exchange of offensive phrases, from the group towards Trixie, the strong white pegasus tried to rush at her inmediately, but she narrowly evaded him and started galloping quickly to flee while she was being chased by the group of angry ponies. "I don't know what's going on, but... STARLIGHT, SOME HELP, PLEASE!!!!" Trixie screamed confused and desperately as she looked for somewhere to hide while she could. After recognizing her friend's uncontrolled dangerous situation, she tried to cast a spell to stop the chase as soon as possible, but unfortunately it didn't work because she was so tired from expending so much negative energy from her body. "Why??? Why can't I do anything to help right now??" She wondered, bewildered by her current state and nervous about what might happen later. "I'm glad Twilight didn't see any of this." "Ehh... I understand and I am surprised to notice how all this chaos originated in less than 20 seconds almost exactly but..." * the mysterious pony spoke to himself as he walked out of his hiding place to think about it a little although in a worried way * "...I really should do it in public." After a few seconds, he came up with a plan that could work for everypony, specially for him without being completely noticed by the other ponies around him. "I got it, besides it doesn't involve putting in much effort in the end. I just have to..." he commented to himself cheerfully... until he was interrupted when Trixie was galloping towards him... to make him part of her wild chase on a tour throughout the city center. "I wasn't thinking about also being the bait, of course. " He thought himself ironic and surprised as he galloped with the magician pony to escape from his new furious neighbors. Although there were times when the young pony managed to avoid him for a few seconds, Trixie managed to attack him many times in a row, even though she had her eyes closed due to the fear she felt about her hunt. At that time, the young pony was not only trying to keep his old cart safe by moving it from one place to another, but also her life in any way possible. "Ahhh, stop following me once and for all, please" the young pony shouted at the magician pony every time he could without success since the desperate screams that he emitted in the city could be heard more. "Personal Note: Buy a megaphone in case of chaotic emergencies. Right.. I'll write it down when I get my booklet back." he expressed himself thoughtfully and carefully as he continued his routine of quick evasion. Starlight began to slowly get back on her feet as she watched worriedly as the situation continued to worsen by involving an innocent pony in that chase initiated by a mistake accidentally made by her, something that also made her uncomfortable due to some memories of her dark past. "Oh no... I have to stop... this... now. Come on!!!" Starlight told herself to motivate herself and clear her head as quickly as possible. Fortunately for her, after a few seconds, the mystery pony managed to escape to a safe alley while trying to repair some possible damage to his cart of the battered car he cared for and seeing the dangers Trixie was facing in that place even... when Bulk lifted his cart with all his might and threw him towards her, hitting him in the head. Somehow, that hurt her to see it too. After cornering her, those furious ponies revealed some confessions of Trixie's naive and childish attitude that hurt Starlight so much early on, and also tried again to attack her with whatever they could, although Trixie has not yet accounted for that last detail. "I don't even know you guys, why the hay are you mad at me?" Trixie said on the verge of breaking down while still confused at the same time. "They aren't... I am." Starlight declared in a low but clear tone to her friend who finally noticed her worn physical state, which made her a little worried. Then the lilac unicorn cast a spell with the strength she had to clear the cloud from the angry ponies' minds and return them to normal to the amazed gaze of her magician friend... and that of the young pony who was still watching them from his hiding place. ​"Incredible, surely she must be very powerful to control that big amount of dark energy in a short time... maybe...she would be helpful... later." the mysterious pony He thought, reflecting on that final result... and on some ideas planned in his mind. "Alright, I think that's enough... better now or never." Starlight thought being more relieved. "I'm... the one... who really is mad.. at you." Starlight said in a firm tone as he walked over to Trixie "You lost Twilight's map, you make bad jokes like you really like to get me in trouble. Twilight will never trust me again and the worst thing is...." while standing face to face with her, she started to yell her final but direct phrase that made her uncomfortable. "... YOU DON'T EVEN SAY YOU'RE SORRY!!!! That yell generated a few seconds of tension and silence, leaving everyone else present surprised. "I'm... I'm sorry... I had no idea how you were feeling." Trixie responded regretting her carelessness... finally. "That's right!!! * Starlight sighs as said red cloud she just formed disappears quickly * Though I admit I was also at fault in using uncontrolled magic to solve the problem, containing my anger in a jar that broke and, because of me, more ponies ended up being affected. * Then, Starlight paused her speech as she looked at the other infected ponies. Luckily for her, the 2 older ponies forgave her and thanked her for giving them an exciting moment (for their tastes), though Starlight ended up repairing Bulk's destroyed stall, who then remembered to get to the spa as she also had a 2nd job to do... something that had left the young pony distressed for a short moment. When the 3 ponies were leaving, Trixie approached Starlight as she noticed her feeling down: "I'll be honest... it wasn't easy to hear all those confessions from those ponies but I had to do it. Why didn't you tell me before?" Trixie asked a little doubtful about her friend's hidden actions. "I was afraid of losing you as a friend." Starlight claimed ashamed, although she ended up perplexed when she noticed how Trixie only laughed lightly at her response. "Ha, come on! It takes a lot more than only just words to lose me, my friend." Trixie declared in a calm and happy tone as she put a hoof on her friend's back. "Wow, I don't remember why I should have doubted her at the first place." Starlight thought uncertain of what was happening... again. "I'd rather notice your tantrum than the boring pony I was seeing just now. I prefer that passionate, animated and, of course, grumpy Starlight... those are the things I love most about you... and of course, the times you always forgive me." Trixie stated it towards her. "Well... and I'll continue with it if you forgive me too". Starlight asked sarcastically. "Deal." Trixie said as they both hugged each other until... "Wait, I now remember where the map is!!!" Before the day is over, both unicorns arrived at the town spa, where they were surprised to find the map being used as a massage bed by Bulk Biceps... of course. "Are you kidding me?" Starlight said ironically. "Well, it was obvious, wasn't it? I was thinking about how happy I was to have met you at that moment and I remembered the place of our first meeting: at the fancy Ponyville's spa." Trixie claimed loud and happy for it. "Of all the 'memories' I had, this is the best one I've heard all day... Maybe I shouldn't have doubted her, much less our true friendship." Starlight thought in a relieved way. "Well, it's time to teleport it back. " Trixie said confident as she prepared to cast a spell and Starlight interrupted her with a tackle to avoid another possible catastrophe. After noticing the chaotic situation was over, the mysterious pony came out of his hiding place with his cart towards the centre, carrying his old vehicle intact behind him. "Well, I.. still surprised of the kind of trouble have I got myself into now? I thought all the ponies here were calm and cheerful as I was told before." * the mysterious pony said trying to be calm. "At least, on the bright side, this wagon was almost as good as new and without any further damage." When he was about to reach the center, he heard the sound of certain wheels moving to his location. Thinking it was the cart's owner, he decided to look for him by looking far in front of him to close the deal. However, he again heard a shrill cry warning him from behind and growing louder. "WATCH OUT, SIR!!" a soft childish voice could be heard in his ear... which was a sign of trouble for him. Suddenly, the same vehicle from the morning appeared again and collided with the wagon that the same pony failed to protect him as he watched it being torn into many pieces. "Uff, we really sorry about that, we were..." another more childish and tender voice tried to justify himself until he was interrupted by a filly that was next to her. "No time girls, we have to go back now until nightfall." said the filly who was driving that vehicle at full speed. "We'll make it up to you soon enough..." one of the occupants expressed shouting as she drove away with her friends in the vehicle. The pony was shocked at what had just happened and all his work had just been ruined. However, the outcome of this incident worsened when the target pony arrived at his location after a few seconds and got off to check his watermelon cart... in ruins, so he ended up surprised just like the boy. "Oops sorry boy, the cart ended up destroyed apparently so I don't owe you anything for now... ok, I'll buy a new one tomorrow anyway. " the strong pony claimed in a disgruntled tone. "Sorry for the interruption, but how about you help me with my new pool at home so you can refresh your memory." his rich friend commented as a consolation. "Good idea, fella. What are we waiting for?" the strong pony answered positively before he climbed back into the big wagon to head quickly to his new destination. "Still, thanks for your effort, young boy... good luck with your life." he shouted as he sped off, leaving the mystery pony in the dust again. "Ok, no.. problem." the mistery pony said as he walked off somewhat dejectedly towards the outskirts of Ponyville. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!! ??????" he thought disgusted by his effort in vain. However, as luck would have it, he found a pile of coins the "lowly" pony had dropped during his journey in the cart after a few blocks away. Although the pony pondered what he was going to do in such a situation, his survival instinct got the better of him. "Well, I need something to eat anyway...." the young pony thought in a relieved and confident way. After that, he quickly grabbed all the bits he found right there and quickly went to the snack stand located near the spa to get something to eat quickly. When Starlight and Trixie arrived at the castle on time with the cuite-map table in the living room, they asked Spike for help to place it in an exact position where no one would suspect that it had been moved. He agreed without hesitation. This action took a few minutes... due to the magic pony's inexperience as well as Starlight's physical fatigue from her hectic day... but, just before her other friends returned to the castle, they managed to put the table on their original place. "Hello, girls. How was your day?" the alicorn asked in a curious and cheerful manner after having enjoyed hers. "Nothing, it's just.. only learning... a friendship lesson in your absence... with Trixie." Starlight answered nervously. "It sounds ironic that I just realized that again... what a student I am." she thought embarrassedly, like a mother proud of her daughter's achievement. "You just graduated and you're already taking the initiative?? How proud I am!! * Twilight said with a tender voice while tearing a little. Later, some of Twilight's friends commented on certain experiences of their trip, as well as certain lessons they learned along the way, until a white unicorn that was in said group suggested that the others visit said spa to relax, so all the others agreed. in a nice way. "See you there!!!" the wizard pony claimed in a nervous tone until she saw how the group was going in the place she visited." Quick, do you know any spell to make them forget that the map table was there?" "Seriously, you didn't learn anything about using magic to solve problems??" * Starlight said ironically. "Nope, if we learned that lesson, how could we have fun???" * Trixie claimed in a mocking tone and then laughed with Starlight about it. "Ha ha, you are right, Trix. I'll take care of it then. But... we're fine for now, right?" the lilac unicorn gave her doubtful opinion at the end. "All good, since after all we are and we will always be the best 'Great and Powerful' friends together." Trixie affirmed positively. Finally, they both gave each other a moving hug and then accompanied the group to said place and ended the day in a calm way, although... "It's good that this whole mess is over... I wonder what that red cloud in my head REALLY was... I think I'm going to need some extra help to help me solve this problem... and quickly before my friends notice or put themselves in danger because of it." she thought reflectively. When the nightfall came, the mysterious pony was near the entrance of the city as she finished eating her bag of nuts and tossed it aside when finished. "Celestia, damn it!!!" he claimed while kicking a stone near him. "There is no place available for me to take refuge for now... at least, trying those nuts with cinnamon from said... pony of pure muscles was worth it to satisfy my hunger." "Though I doubt if that strong white pegasus of the store legally got those muscles for his hard work." he thought. For a few moments while walking, he sees how clear and green the field where he was. There was some wind in the air and I could hear a faint sound from a nearby river where I was. "Maybe, I can build myself a small camp near the city by now and this... lush forest I guess. I think he had written down the requirements to organize a... "he looked in his backpack to find a book he wanted to review for his future, only... "OH NO, I should have left it in that cowboy place!!" Afterwards, there was a moment of awkward and embarrassing silence due to his unexpected carelessness for a surviving pony. The latter shouted, surely he had alerted many animals around him, be they nocturnal birds... or a pony in particular. "Well then, I think I remember some of said preparations from my last summer foray. Maybe I can at least build myself a wooden tent before nightfall... I hope. " He exclaimed, determined to improvise with what he had in the meantime, in order to sleep peacefully at least for tonight and start the next days of your new life in a better way. He began to put his hooves to work planning and looking for natural reserves around him, while he was observed in turn by a shadow that appeared at the end of a hill where this mysterious unicorn was. He or she was feeling so down in the meantime, but his intentions with this new visitor were unknown... perhaps, time will tell later, as well as the possible pros and cons that unicorn could face (whether alone or accompanied) in the... future of.... Equestria.