G5 Adventures in Muppets from Space

by ponydog127

Secret C.O.V.N.E.T Operations (Part 1)

Immediately after getting all the required tools they needed from Bunsen and Beaker, the Mane 6 and the rest of their Muppet friends set off in the bus the Muppets used for their tours to rescue Misty, Gonzo and Rizzo before any more bad things could happen.

Luckily, Pipp used her social media talents to get the location of C.O.V.N.E.T's top secret facility, and directed Fozzie on which way to go.

But along the ride, Pepe turned toward Zipp, who was sitting next to him and polishing her visor. “Hey, Zippers. Tell me again. Why are we doing this?”

“Pepe, don’t you get it yet?” Zipp asked in exasperation. “We’re doing this to save Rizzo, Misty and Gonzo!”

“Misty!” Animal chanted. “Gonzo!”

“Right. Because you ponies and Gonzo are some of us,” Kermit declared. “No matter what happens, no matter what obstacles we face, we never forget one of our own.”

“I love it when you take charge!” Miss Piggy told Kermit. “I do too,” Sunny smiled. “As long as we stick together, we can do anything!”

“Uh… well, I don’t think all of us are together,” said Hitch from the back window of the bus. “We left Bunsen and Beaker back at the gas station!”

“Oh darn it!” Zipp growled to herself. “Well… I guess we’re doing this mission without science guys to help.”

“Well… at least we have one another,” Izzy shrugged. “And we can still do this!”

“You’re right,” Sunny said before sighing. “I just hope our friends are okay…”


Journal had arrived in the Medical Research lab a few minutes after Rizzo arrived, and was just about to go over and get him without anyone noticing when Dr. Tucker, the lead research scientist, turned on the light in front of the rats before turning to her. “Oh, Journal. Singer told me you’d be down here. Get over here and meet the new guy.”

“Uh… no need, Dr. Tucker. I met him a little while ago,” Journal said as she approached, and then leaned over to whisper. “Rizzo, are you okay?”

“What do you mean, ‘am I okay’?! Where’s Gonzo and Misty?!” Rizzo whispered back. “I’m not sure,” Journal whispered, “but as soon as I find out, I’ll…”

Dr. Tucker raised an eyebrow at her, letting her chuckle and move aside so he could talk to Rizzo personally. “From this moment on, if I say you're hungry, you eat. If I say you're sleepy…”

“I eat?” Rizzo asked, causing Dr. Tucker to chuckle. “Well, well, well. We got a funny boy here.”

“Is that bad?” Rizzo asked Bubba. “Very bad,” Bubba muttered back. “Looks like funny boy's going to the maze,” Dr. Tucker said snootily, adjusting Rizzo’s cap. “Since we don't want funny boy to get lonely, you'll all do time in the maze.”

The other rats groaned, muttering to themselves and making Rizzo just a tad bit nervous. “I'm sorry. I didn't know.”

That’s when Dr. Tucker immediately grabbed Rizzo by the jacket and pulled him forward so their noses were an inch apart. “See, no one's ever escaped from the maze, funny boy. Even if you did, it's four feet to the ground, 12 feet to the door and four feet to the doorknob.”

Rizzo panted and turned to Bubba as he was let go. “That’s eighteen feet!”

“Twenty,” Journal whispered back before Dr. Tucker continued. “Funny thing about doorknobs: Rats can't turn them. No opposable thumb.”

Journal whimpered nervously while looking at the rats… no doubt that this session wasn’t going to be easy for them.


The first task Journal had to do was watch the rats run round and round the maze helplessly, and Rizzo kept hitting dead ends more than anyone else. “This is ridiculous!!”

“Hey, Rizzo!” Journal whispered. “Just might wanna warn you-- watch out for those red circles.”

“Yeah? What's wrong with the red...?”

Rizzo then screamed as he was electrically shocked by the red circles, getting charred up in the process. “Red circles. Right…” he groaned before falling over.

Journal sighed... the new rats never seemed to listen to a warning. Suddenly, her phone rang causing her to step away and answer it. “Hello?”

Journal, it’s Caramel! We have a situation up here! Gonzo is about to have his brain removed, and Misty's getting ready to be magic drained and we gotta stop these lunatics before then!” Caramel said desperately on the other end of the line. “Meet us in the break room upstairs!

“I’m on my way,” Journal hung up before turning to Bubba. “Think you and the other rats can keep an eye on Rizzo for a while? I gotta go meet up with the girls to take of an emergency.”

“Hey, you got it, baby,” Bubba told her. “You go ahead.”

“Thanks, Big B. I owe you one!” Journal smiled before rushing out to meet up with her best friends/fellow interns.


Misty had been bashing and kicking the door to her and Gonzo’s cell for the past 10 minutes, trying to get them out before her magic was drained and before Gonzo had his brain removed.

Unfortunately, all her attempts were in vain, making the unicorn that much more distraught. “Gonzo, I’m so sorry I led you into this mess…” she muttered, trying to wipe her eyes and clear the incoming tears. “I guess I was so focused on helping you find your family that I didn’t see all the danger in front of my face…”

“Hey, hey, hey… this isn’t your fault. If anything, it’s mine,” Gonzo said comfortingly. “I shouldn’t have been so quick to trust complete strangers. We’re gonna find a way out of this, don’t you worry.”

“But how?” Misty asked. “It’s not like answers are gonna pop right through the door!”

Suddenly, there came a light knock at the door, and Rentro came into the cell with a couple of sandwiches on a paper plate in his paws. “Room service,” he said with a chuckle. “While they're warming up the brain sucker, I brought you both a sandwich. And I cut off the crusts there for you. There you go.”

Gonzo was surprised that someone beside the interns was being so nice to them, and… it honestly made him smile a little bit. “Gee, that’s nice. Thanks.”

“Anything for a duo of celebrities,” said Rentro before suddenly thinking of something. “Ooh… do you guys like jalapenos?”

“Uh… Gonzo does, but I could go for something a little more subtle,” Misty admitted. “Do you have any bell peppers instead?”

“Coming right up!”

Rentro immediately chuckled and left the room, leaving Misty to sigh and set her sandwich aside. “I know we’re supposed to have a good last meal, but… I guess I’m not in the mood to eat.”

“Hey, mopies!”

Gonzo and Misty shrieked and leapt a foot in the air when they heard an unfamiliar voice, and Gonzo looked around, seeing only them in the cell. “W-Who said that?”

“I did!”

Misty looked toward where the voice was coming from, and it… seemed to be coming from Gonzo’s sandwich! “But… wait a second. You’re a sandwich!”

“I'm channeling my voice through this sandwich,” said the voice, “to deliver this message.”

“Great! What's the message?” Gonzo asked, leading the sandwich to clear his throat. “We arrive at midnight tonight.”

But what they didn’t know was that outside their door, Rentro returned with the peppers they requested and was listening to the whole thing. “So here's the plan,” the voice in the sandwich continued. “We’re landing at your house.”

“No no no, wait!” Misty argued. “Those guys know where Gonzo lives with the Muppets! And they're not the best examples of earthlings. If you guys land there, you could put our friends in danger!”

“Gosh, where else can we land?”

Misty turned to her alien friend with a frown. “Gonzo, is there a place far away from here that the aliens could go to? Someplace that Ed wouldn’t be able to figure out?”

“Let's see, uh... I know! At the beach!” Gonzo said, turning to the sandwich. “Go to Cape Doom. Just look for the lighthouse.”

“All right!” said the sandwich. “The lighthouse at Cape Doom it is.”

“I didn’t hear that… I didn’t hear that…” Rentro muttered to himself as he quickly walked away. “This is fantastic!” Misty cheered just before she remembered one very important detail. “But… ugh, how are we gonna get out of here?”

“Hey, I'm just a sandwich. Some things you gotta figure out for yourself,” the sandwich told them. “But… I do have one piece of advice for you, Misty.”

“Me?” Misty asked. “Whoa… a sandwich just said my name! So... what advice do you have for me?”

The sandwich cleared its throat again before speaking. “Those new interns out there may surprise you with what they’re about to do next… they just need a push in the right direction.”

“Persephone, Caramel Wish and Journal Heart?” Gonzo asked. “Why would they need a push?”

“Because, like me, they serve someone with malevolent intentions,” Misty said. “If they can see the light, and I think they do, they’ll find a way to get us out of here.”

“Exactly!” the sandwich agreed. “By the way, you go ahead and eat me now. You're gonna need the energy.”

Gonzo picked up his sandwich with a worried look. “But won't that hurt?”

“No, it's fine. I'm going away now. Cape Doom, right?”

“Yeah,” Gonzo nodded. “Cape Doom.”

Once the sandwich had stopped speaking, Gonzo took a bite out of it, while Misty gulped down her entire sandwich in one bite, not realizing how hungry she was. That's when the door opened, and two scientists and some agents came in, wheeling in a large bed with leather straps and a large, magic-proof chain for Misty.

Misty flared up her horn and stood in front of Gonzo in a final attempt to scare the agents away, but as she made a leap forward, the agents grabbed her and held her tightly while they strapped Gonzo to the bed. 

But before they could get moving…

“HEY!! STOP!!!”


The scientists and agents turned just in time to see Persephone, Caramel and Journal standing behind the group, the two unicorns having their horns lit in anger. “Hey, what are you three doing here?” asked one of the scientists. “You have no authority to be here!”

“We do when you’re about to hurt out friends!” Caramel said. “So step away from them and let them go free!”

But instead of answering, the agents leapt at the three, causing them to try and fight to get to their friends. However, Misty could see that they weren’t doing well and could get hurt.

Therefore, she knew what she had to do. “Girls, run! Find our friends! They’ll know what to do!”

“On it!” Persephone said, blasting an agent away. “Let’s go go go!”

That’s when the three ran down the hall with a new mission in mind, and Misty prayed in her heart that they would be all right as she and Gonzo were imprisoned once again.