NeuOrdnung: Last Days of Equestria

by DegureProductions

Chapter 2 - Along the Way

At Kiepenhagen, the ponies realized the neighborhood of Nørnbor became a concentration camp only for non-ponies, that means dragons, Draconequus and other types of creatures.

“Spike!” shouted Twilight, looking for him.

“He isn’t here, what do you want?” asked a soldier nearby.

“I want to see Spike, the little purple dragon!” answered her.

“He is currently on the way to Oslæn,” replied the soldier.

“Alright, thank you… By the way, what date is it?” asked her.

“It’s February 18th,” replied the soldier.

“Thanks, we’re gonna leave now!” said Twilight as they left the place.

After some time, they went to the Kiepenhagen Airport, since they had to go to Oslæn to meet Spike again.

“I miss him so much…” said Twilight, holding her tears.

“Don’t worry, Twilight, we’re going to get our little Spike back!” replied Rarity.

“Thanks, Rarity…” replied Twilight.

In the afternoon, they walked onto an alley and slept there, even if some of them wouldn’t agree with that. In the middle of the night, they heard really loud gunshots from the streets. They took a look, and the soldiers were doing a total cleaning on the city, killing all the beggars and homeless people.

“What are they doing?” asked Fluttershy.

“Ah don’t know” -replied Applejack. “-Twilight?”

“I heard one of them say it’s to ‘eliminate the impures from our society’ “ answered Twilight. “-Let’s get out of here!”

“We better run now, they’re here!” said Applejack as a warning for all to flee. “-Let’s run to the mountains!”

Soon, the chase began, all across Oslæn between the soldiers and the Main Six, cats and rats, fortunately, the ponies ran away, but their disguise was completely ripped apart, leaving them with no possible disguise, since they were hidden in the mountains.

“We are completely lost, hungry… I wanna give up…” said Pinkie, depressed.

“C’mon, Twi, atleast, we’re together!” replied Applejack.

“We all do, darling,” replied Rarity right after.

Soon, all of them hugged each other while Twilight replied- “Let’s get out of here.”

And so, their journey began, their objective? Find Spike and the princesses. Soon, they crossed Oslæn, but this time, they saw each other on the poles throughout the city, they were wanted all throughout Norveegen, without their disguise, it would be impossible to leave during the day, so they had to wait for the night to run.

Meanwhile, the Princesses also managed to escape and went to Nirik State, located in Northern Europe, but the Niriks aren’t as aggressive as the changelings, and let them live.

“Well, at least we’re free… What about the others?” asked Luna.

“We can’t be so sure, sister,” answered Celestia.

Then, a strong wind blew over the city, with it, blew a newspaper, in it said the Main Six escaped the Eepheltrum Ghetto. Suddenly, the princesses see a purple unicorn running on the streets, followed by a white, light blue, yellow, orange and pink ponies following it.

“Do you think we should go there?” asked Cadance to Celestia.

“Better not do it…” replied Celestia while buying a hamburger.

“Hey, sister, you better buy one for me too!” said Luna

“I’m sorry, sister! I only have money for one!” shouted Celestia in response.

When Celestia came back to the table near the barrack, they were not there anymore. Cadence and Luna went to an alley, just to check if there were anypony in it, since the ponies leave a trail with their hooves that lead to the alley.

“Luna?” asked Cadance.

“Yes, Cadence?” replied Luna.

“Do you think Twilight and the others had escaped?” asked Cadance.

“With Twilight’s determination, I think it’s really tough for her to not escape-” replied Luna “-Also, I think she is way far from the ghetto by now.”

As they walked through the alley, the ponies were nowhere to be seen. On the other hand, Celestia followed the hoof trail that led to a long alley.

“Luna! Cadence!” screamed Celestia.

“We should go back, Celestia must be worried,” said Luna.

“I agree, let’s go,” replied Cadance.

Celestia continued to scream for them, until she had no choice but to enter. She turned on her lantern while walking into the dark alley.

“Cadance?” asked Luna

“I’m also seeing the light, Luna,” replied her.

As the princess slowly walked in the alley, they got enough distance to recognize each other.

“Sister!” Celestia cried while running to hug her. “-Cadance!”

Meanwhile, with the Main Six, they managed to successfully hide on the dark alley, right at its end.

“Do you think the princesses were looking for us?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I think so, I saw them around a round table while I was running,” replied Twilight.

“Let’s talk to them!” said Applejack.

“I don’t know if they are-” Twilight replied before Rainbow dash cuts her “-Look! It’s her crown!” as she pointed to the corner of the alley.

“I think I can use my magic now,” said Twilight before using her magic and realizing she’s still with the horncuffs. “Um… girls? Can you help me?”

All of them helped each other to remove the cuffs out of them.

“Alright, I’m going!” said Twilight using her magic.

As she teleported, the light was so strong, it went to the alley’s entrance, and the princesses could even see it from far away, but before they could do anything, Twilight was already there.

“Twilight? How are you here?” asked the princesses.

“It’s nothing,” said Twilight.

Then, they kept talking, until Luna asked “So, where are the others?”

“They’re right there,” said Twilight pointing to the alley they just entered.

“All of you are THERE?!” asked Luna loudly.

“Yeah, if you wish, I can tell them to come here,” said Twilight.

“Alright, they are free now,” said Celestia, agreeing.

In a second, all princesses agreed, and she brought the others. In a few hours, they managed to share lots of adventures together.

“Twilight?” asked Celestia.

“Yes, Princess?” replied Twilight back.

“Come here, I wanna tell you something,” said Celestia.

“Sure, why not?” replied Twilight back.

Then, both went to a corner nearby. All other ponies were curious about what it was, a few minutes passed, and both were back.

“So, what happened?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Well, I don't know how to explain-” said Twilight before Celestia stops her, saying “-She will be the next princess of Equestria.”

Within a fraction of a second, all of them cheered in celebration.

The following day, they got as much resources (food, water, etc.) as they could, and began their journey to Stulckhem, to regain their life they once had.