Lights of the Darkside

by RaynerPhoenix

Prologue - "New Oportunities??"

Every creature in this world forms its own destiny: a phrase that, at first glance, is too inspiring to be true for everyone equally. Despite having a safe situation or well-planned actions, the results are always unpredictable to the point of being able to get out of control for better or worse.

Even so, the efforts that someone makes to remedy them may be possible depending on the determination one can bring and the decision one wishes to choose... always in a certain place and time... in this case, it would be starting with an unexpected phrase proposed by a brilliant teacher towards her loyal disciple who, despite her latest achievements and acquired knowledge, had no idea of the new challenge she must overcome.

"So we have a second reason to celebrate today: 3 cheers for Starlight Glimmer on her graduation day!!!!" Twilight shouted and looked for a while to look at her pupil who was shocked by that revelation. "The future is in your hooves now."

After that phrase proposed by the Princess of Friendship, everypony present at the meeting (whether ponies, changelings, or even Discord) celebrated with happiness for this revelation... except the lilac unicorn to whom Twilight was referring to.

"Wow, I really... wasn't expecting this..." Starlight commented quietly.

Her closest friends approached her to suggest various ways to celebrate such an achievement; however, Starlight (still surprised and hesitant about it) froze and pondered such an awkward situation in her mind:


Well, so now I'm already an expert in this Friendship thing and everything is going great: I managed to reform my life, I got new and loyal friends, I got back some old ones, I saved my old friends from a creepy castle with a ruthless queen who tormented her people to survive... and I got new allies, all with the help of my friends' teachings. Now I... DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!

I guess now I have to make a new adventure alone away from them... should I do it? At least, I see the others agree with it but... I think they are right, it's time to make my decision of what I'm going to do next. I just hope... I'm doing the correct thing.


After a few seconds, she trotted over to where her teacher was to reconfirm what she said in that speech. She placidly reaffirmed it and, moreover, gave her full confidence.

"Ok, here we go" she thought.

Starlight simply agreed fearfully to it but, immediately she answered:

"I'm not ready... I'M NOT READY TO GO!!" she exploded to the point of capturing the attention of everyone present who looked at her confused by her reaction.

Immediately, there was a little but stressful moment of silence, and she showed a face full of nerves, fearing the worst but .... ended up surprised in the end.

Fortunately, Twilight was happy with her choice as she agreed with her student. She even showed her a gift from her friends in case she had left: it was a mirror decorated with beautiful pictures of her friends at the ends as souvenirs. Starlight simply cried for that gift and thanked her teacher with a hug, which she received at the end.

At the end of the party, every creature returned quietly to their homes, and said goodbye to each other. While Starlight was leaving, thinking a little, somepony else was following her, a little curious about her best friend's attitude... it wasn't normal for her, knowing really well.

"Something wrong, my powerful best friend? I thought you would be more chill and proud of that amazing feat Twilight has given you". Trixie declared, worried for her friend because of that previous reaction.

"Well, it's just that... I'd better tell you about it." Starlight replied and repeated his previous thoughts for her revelation from her teacher.

"Hmm I see, but come on... you also know the "Great and Powerful Trixie" by your side. I'll be here to support you every time." Trixie commented encouragingly... and some confidently, to encourage her friend.

"I guess you're right, thank you, Trixie." * she responded relieved.

"Thank you, and what do you think about what will be our next fabulous adventure to come?" she said confident about her future challenge.

"Please, I hope it will be one without Discord..." she also whispered in Starlight's ear.

They both end up laughing for a while, although from afar, the draconequus watched them from afar as she went with her friend back... Starlight just ignored them this time.

"Who knows, but I'm sure it really will be a fun one..." she answer already recovered from her previous doubts.

"That's the spirit" Trixie said.

Then, they ended up bumping their hooves as they watched the sunset hide... although Starlight had certain doubts in her mind that still tormented her: Will there be a bigger catastrophe than this? What if I have to face it alone? Will someone else be involved in it for the wrong reasons?

For now, she decided to ignore them for a moment and ended the normal day as she wished: celebrating with her remaining friends for her victory inside the castle for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile, just as both unicorns entered the place, a mysterious figure of a pony that was reflected on a hill far from the place appeared at the peak of it and analyzed its future new refuge... and research laboratory through binoculars. improvised ones that he brought in his bag that he carried on his back.

"So this is the famous Ponyville, eeh? .... Well, it sure is a good place to take shelter for a while, and maybe .... Ouch!!!" *the misterious figure expressed while walking with a crooked hoof, product of a forced landing on a past trip to a place far from the town that was in front of his eyes.

"Personal Note: NEVER run on roads full of rocks and potholes or as an escape. Ouch!!!" he said to himself while writing said note in a notebook and bandaging his wounds with the help of his magic horn. "Anyway, I just hope I find what I need to".

Exhausted and without many resources from his previous fateful trip, he headed towards said place with his head held high as long as he could and still thinking that... it was the only option he had and he must take advantage of it if he wanted to see a new day....