//------------------------------// // Chapter . 27 – The Ball of Dreams // Story: My Most Faithful Mortifer // by hamishwarfare //------------------------------// Chapter . 27 – The Ball of Dreams The decorations were lavish and extravagant; several large and highly detailed ice sculptures were placed in just the right way to ensure each one had the most impact possible within the large pillar supported hall. There were no obvious sources of light, but everything was being bathed in a soft golden glow, ensuring all that was touched looked as expensive as it really was. In fact, while the hall looked magnificent and highly decorated; the actual decorations were fairly scarce. It was the manipulation of light and shadow that seem to bring out all the fine and intricate details that were normally missed. The small simple centre pieces on each table were transformed into fascinating pieces of art with the simple applications of golden shades and shadows. The few banners and tapestries suddenly sparkled as if they had been covered in glitter; paintings hanging on the walls drew the eye more, as their intricacies became more pronounced. Even the wooden floor was changed thanks to the lighting, making it look almost as if it was a sea of smelted gold, thanks again to the highlighted wood contrasting with its natural grains. All this elegance, sophistication, and subtleties were all but ignored as the seven young mares entered the main ballroom. One truly understood what was on display, getting inspired; another was silently lamenting on the lack of other bright colours. The only other to take note of all the effort was looking at the shadows and how best to hide somepony within them. Her musings had come up with more than half a dozen plans, as she followed her friends deeper into the room. Ponies of all tribes mingling about and clearly dressed to impress; not one figure could be made out not wearing clothing, even the staff waitering this evening were dressed in full black and white service outfits. “Oh my, isn’t it just wonderful? It is everything I thought it would be, and more.” Rarity sighed wistfully as she observed all the genteel of the nobles. “Meh, it’s alright.” Rainbow replied with a half shoulder shrug. “This is a fancy party?” Even Pinkie Pie was not certain if her announcement was meant to be a question or a statement. “It certainly seems so, Sugarcube. At least they’ve got a half decent looking buffet. Even if everything is small and dainty lookin.” Fluttershy and Sunset just looked on in silence; one hiding behind her beautifully styled mane, while the other’s expression could have been made out of wood. “Oh come on; this is everyponies dream! Come on lets go mingle; I’ll introduce you to some of the nobles I know.” “Actually, I’m gonna go hunt down Spitfire, or Soarin, or any other Wonderbolts here.” Announced Rainbow Dash before she trotted off; not wanting to deal with another hour long lecture by Rarity and why flying in a dress is a bad idea. “I think I shall help Fluttershy find the way to the animal reserve. It’s too busy for my liking right now.” Sunset Shimmer announced. The grateful look on Fluttershy’s face was more than proof that she felt the same way. “Well, since I can’t sell anything here, I might as well figure out what these nobles look for in grub.” Applejack headed off before stopping to take a drink on offer from one of the passing waiters. By her reaction after taking a sip, she couldn’t decide if she enjoyed the clear liquid in question or not. Trixie looked around where all her friends had been standing, to find that only Rarity was still there; even Pinkie had vanished into the crowd of other ponies at some point. “…soo; want to mingle with the nobles with me? See if I can’t properly introduce you to Prince Shining Armour; or his wife Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?” the twinkle in Rarity’s eyes was all the answer Trixie needed. “Thanks for helping me get out of there, Sunset. The only reason I agreed to come was so that I could see the rare animals the preserve has.” The night air was still very pleasantly warm, especially considering the altitude the whole city was built at. There was the subtle aroma of night flowers to compliment the distant noises of the animals the two friends were following. “Yeah, I didn’t want to come for the ball itself either.” “Oh, you didn’t? Did you come for the animals as well? This is the only time any of the public can see the nocturnal animals they have there. Since the reserve closes at sundown normally.” Sunset shook her head gently, “no I’m not here for the animals. In fact I’m actually here to meet somepony. When I moved to Ponyville I started corresponding with a penpal. When I told them I had managed to get a ticket to the ball, they revealed that they too were going. So we agreed to meet face to face for the first time, here.” Fluttershy’s eyes went wide at the news, “oh; well why didn’t you just say so? You can go look for them; I’ll be ok now that I’m away from all those other ponies.” “Are you sure? I don’t mind helping you find your way to the reserve?” “No I’ll be ok; I can just follow the animal calls from here. You’ve got a much more difficult pony to find, if you’ve only got a description of her.” Fluttershy was wrong on that part; Sunset did not even know what Princess Celestia’s disguise would look like, only that she would find her and that Sunset would know her when they did meet up. Still, no point stopping ponies in believing what they want to. Especially if it makes it easier for her to both blend in as well as getting away from her friends. So with polite smiles the two split up to enjoy the gala in their own way. Applejack sniffed at the dainty little morsel she had picked up from one of the many plates arranged on the pristine white tablecloth. It looked like a wonderfully shiny red apple; quite a bit on the small size, not even a third as big as the apples she grew, but still an apple. Then she took a bite and found its taste creamy and savoury instead of sweet and sharp. Upon closer inspection, she discovered that it wasn’t an apple at all; it was some sort of candied shell made to look like an apple. It was filled with some sort of firm grey stuff that could possibly have been delicious, if she was expecting to eat it. But she wanted an apple, and so it was not in fact delicious. “So now they have to go and hide what they’re eating? Seriously, what’s the point in that? Why over complicate things; let the ingredients speak for themselves.” “I couldn’t agree more.” Applejack turned to the voice with a dash of red covering her cheeks; she did not mean to say that out loud. The pony in question was an earth pony with a slight athletic build. His fur was dark tan, almost brown in colour; while his mane and tail were closer to a sandy yellow. But it was his eyes that surprised Applejack; a sky blue that held a deep passion for his craft, a passion that no doubt went beyond the point of civility. “I placed a bid to cater for the Gala this year; but they went with that unicorn Blooming Tall and his experimental style of cooking. See that yellow ice cream over there; it’s actually savoury, taste like salty eggs.” “Eggs? Why would anypony want to have egg flavoured ice cream? Ice cream and other frozen treats are there to cleanse your mouth, or settle your stomach.” Applejack couldn’t fathom why somepony would even consider putting salt and ice cream together, and it showed on her face. “Thank you. Somepony else who agrees. It sounds like you’ve got quite the bit of knowledge about food; I’m Golden Rams-hey.” The pony raised his hoof in greeting. Which she was more than happy to return. “The names Applejack; and I know my way around a kitchen. Nothing fancy, mind you, but I let all the ingredients speak for themselves. After all I know they don’t need any more help at that point, I already looked after them as they grew up.” Golden Rams-hey blinked before he smiled in understanding, “I thought I hadn’t seen you here before. Managed to snag a ticket to the greatest party in all of Equestria?” “That’s right. My friends and I help Trixie Lulamoon capture that crazy Violent Rose character, and rescue her friend Spike.” “That has to be quite the tale. I know a few like-minded ponies when it comes to food; why don’t I introduce you to them, and you can tell us how you came to this event.” Applejack considered his offer, what else was she going to do here; risk any of the dishes on offer, trying to find something half decent? At least this guy had his head on straight when it came to food, so at the very least he’d help guide her to good stuff. Besides, she knew she could look after herself. “Lead the way, partner. As my friend Pinkie likes to say; you can never have too many friends.” Pinkie pie let out an almost sorrowful sigh as she half sat on a chair, half lay on a table in almost defeat. This was not what she was expecting at all. She thought there would be dancing, and food, and dancing, and cake, with good drinks and good music for dancing. Sure she hoped there would be games to play, but the few wealthy ponies she knew – Filthy Rich and his family being exhibit A – said that they may be too low brow for their taste. Or, it was possible that money caused them to forget about having fun. She wasn’t too sure. Oh she had tried to show everypony here what they were missing; dancing with ponies, livening up the music, even bringing out her party cannon and putting up some more decorations. But then they had the gall to set a guard on her; confiscating her cannon and informing her of the rules she was expected to follow while she was attending. This is a party; as long as ponies are having fun, rules can be stretched! Like gravity. But not here apparently. Rules were what made this gala ‘fun’ according to what she could see around her. The music was back to the background noise they wanted it to be; the clearly fake smiles were set as ponies talked to each other, some that quite clearly did not like each other. It wasn’t like any party she could ever fathom; if she had to put a word to what this all was, it was work. Not even good work, but the bad kind that seemed to never end no matter how much you try. So here she was, scarfing down all the sweet treats close to her, while she moped on a single round table. The food was at least good; quite strange, like that salty savoury yellow ice cream, but good. And the drinks weren’t too bad either; sure it wasn’t her famous punch, or as tasty as some of the stuff Applejack can make. But they seemed to fit in with the whole, feel, of whatever this event is trying to be. It certainly wasn’t a party. The next drink she took without even looking at it; only noticing the glass was quite a bit different in shape and style. Still she inhaled it in a single mouthful, trying her best to find some entertainment. And promptly sprayed it out instantly before coughing up a storm. Whatever it was burned her throat and mouth something fierce; and the taste! It was like sucking on an active chimney, it was so powerfully smoky. She frantically started looking for anything to wash out her mouth; finally settling on a glass pitcher of water with ice cubes and lemon slices in it. It took the whole jug before the taste was finally washed out of her mouth. “Aye, I’m not surprised you spat that muck oot. Whoever decided on the drams for this shindig should be fired.” Pinkie looked over to the old stallion who had just spoken, while offering her a napkin. He was an earth pony, his coat and mane were greying, but you could still make out the former rosy brown of his fur. His mane was harder to tell, due in part thanks to the faded rainbow dye. But what really stood out to Pinkie Pie was his eyes; a deep brown in colour that twinkled lightly in laughter. It matched up with the crow feet wrinkles at the edges of his eyes and mouth as well. Clearly this pony liked a good laugh. Right now those eyes of fun were looking at her with the tinge of worry. “But I also could’ne help but notice yourself slumped there, down in the dumps. Come on, tell old Cobble-lay what’s gone and twisted your mane into a tangle? If ya do, I’ve got a few wee stories that should get a smile back on yer face.” The kind demeanour, the clear signs of fun and laughter, and honest eyes told Pinkie Pie that this pony just wanted to make other smile, like herself. Even without all those tells, she was going to accept the invitation regardless; for as she always tells her friends ‘one can never have too many friends.’ “Ah Trixie. You seem in a much better mood than the last time I saw you.” There was a large crowd of ponies surrounding Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and her husband Prince Consort Shining Armour. But that attention was politely put to the side when she saw Princess Celestia’s student walking towards her with one of the ponies Cadance was very interested in meeting; one of Trixie’s friends. “When last you saw me, Princess, was before my friends were awarded their tickets to join me for such a prestigious event. I am so glad that they were able to come. Please allow me to introduce you to Rarity Belle; a dear friend and the one who made all of our outfits for the occasion.” That raised an impressed eyebrow from the pink Alicorn. “My my, that is quite an impressive feat. I saw when your group entered the hall; all of you were wearing such varied and personalised dresses.” The Princess looked to the blushing seamstress, “You must know your friends very well to have made such personal dresses.” Rarity was beginning to hyperventilate; her mind was working beyond a mile a second as she processed exactly what the Alicorn Princess of Love had just said to her. Over and over again in her head. Shining Armour chuckled, “ease back the compliments dear; it looks like she’s about to faint. I do have to admit though; it is good to see you and your friends under better circumstances. Speaking of which where did they all go? I know Cadance here has been dying to meet them all. I actually think she’s a little jealous that I have already.” The not so subtle attempt at conspiraltory talk to Trixie by said stallion resulted in a light smack from his loving wife’s wing along with an accompanying roll of her eyes. The smile on her face matched the grin found on her husbands. Trixie supressed a giggle with the use of a forehoof. “My apologies then, Princess. They scattered around the hall and outer event space; but I believe they got too excited and have already managed to get lost. Oh, my mistake, here comes another of my friends. Rainbow! Over here.” The short shout drew the attention of a few other ponies, not just the mare in question. Rainbow Dash was grumbling to herself, but her eyes did light up a little when she finally found some of her friends. “Hey guy’s.” “Rainbow? My, whatever is wrong?” the disgruntled grumblings coming from a friend were enough to gather Rarity’s attention away from the praise she had been reliving. “It’s just, you know how I wanted to meet the Wonderbolts? I even saw Spitfire. But they’re surrounded by so many other ponies it’s impossible to get close or anything!” it was a testament to the dress the athletic Pegasus was wearing; for when she crossed her forehooves in a huff, the dress was robust enough to only be minimally effected. “Oh that happens every year.” Princess Cadance said to the frustrated Pegasus with a kind and understanding smile. “It’s like a gallery, or a side show. They come to see Shining and myself first, since we’re already in the hall when the doors open. Then they go talk to the Wonderbolt representatives when they arrive. Honestly, give it another hour or so and then they’ll be left alone.” “Why’s that?” Both Cadance and Shining Armour laughed lightly together. “Because,” Shining supplied, “that’s how long Princess Celestia can get away with being the ‘host at the door’, before she has to mingle in the hall with all of us.” “Both we and the Wonderbolts representatives are the warmup acts.” Princess Cadance said with a cheeky grin on her face. “Princess Celestia is the main event, and who everypony is here to see. Regardless if most of the nobles here see her at least once a month.” “Huh?” Rainbow Dash looked at them in confusion, before looking at everything else around her. “Yeah,” Princess Cadance clearly saw what Rainbow Dash was on about. “All this effort and pageantry, all this expense; is just another way for the nobles to try and butter up Princess Celestia to their way of thinking. Regardless if it’s the crown who pays for this event or not – every bit of the ticket price goes to charity – the majority of them still use it to try and talk to Princess Celestia.” “Of Course,” Shining chimed in. “Not all of the nobles see it this way. As with most groups of ponies there are, excuse the expression, black sheep in the heard…or would it be white sheep in the heard in this example.” He wondered out loud with a grin that clearly said he already had his answer. His eyes lit up as he caught sight of some friends. “Why don’t you join us for a bit longer, I’ll introduce you to a few nobles who are good ponies that have their heads screwed on correctly. In my own personal opinion, of course.” The party agreed, even with Princess Cadance rolling her eyes at her husband, and they set off. To both try and locate their existing friends, as well as potentially meet some new ones. In one sense Fluttershy was in a miniature paradise; all around her were endangered animals of all wakes of life. From flying squirrels, to even an adorable pygmy possum; all the way up to an elephant. There was even a small troupe of monkeys comprised of different types; they were clearly playful creatures, but so rare and endangered they are all believed to be extinct in the wild. But it wasn’t just mammals; she could see birds a plenty, lizards; even a few marsupials, like a koala. Oh these gardens were everything she had heard of and so much more. It was almost paradise. If only the little, darlings, would allow her to approach. For almost an hour Fluttershy has tried every single trick she knew to try and befriend even one of the animals around her; but all of them ran to a safe distance the moment she tried anything. They wouldn’t listen to her talk nor sing; she had no treats to offer them, her movements – no matter how slow – caused them to jump in fright. She was beginning to lose her temper just a little. Well if calm politeness wasn’t working then she would resort to more, severe, measures. After all; they will love her. She pounced suddenly, and without warning, to a gibbon who had wandered just that little bit too close to her. She managed to grab the adorable creature for a moment, before it threw something truly fowl at her and she let go in surprise and shock. The act of aggression caused an uproar on a truly impressive scale, as all the animals did their best to get even further away from the mad pony. “What’s going on here?!” came a male voice of authority. Fluttershy looked up to find a Pegasus stallion gazing over the clearing she was in the middle of; a frown was on his face that held an air of concern and disappointment, if it was possible to have both expression on ones face at the same time. “Little lady, the designated petting zoo area is back in the main gardens where me colleagues can help direct ya. This area is off limits; even ta nobles.” It was the final drop of water that broke the dam. All her pent up frustrations, worries, it all came crashing down onto Fluttershy as she realised exactly how she was just acting and actually being caught behaving in such a way. She buried her head under her forehooves and started to cry. The stallions reaction switched in an instant. “H-hey now, no need for those.” He gently approached the young mare, retrieving a cloth from one of his tan jackets many pockets. “Come on now, Sheela, let’s get rid of this muck you’ve been sprayed with. Then we’ll get you over to where you should be, alright?” It took some time and a bit of coaxing from the Pegasus stallion, but eventually Fluttershy had calmed down enough to at least stop apologising for everything and revealed a little of her story. “Ah, I see. So Miss Trixie Lulamoon gave you all a small tour this afternoon, forgetting to mention where the actual animal exhibit was going to be tonight.” He lightly snorted and shook his head. “Well, no harm done; besides your dress that is.” “Oh,” from the monkey attack to the collapse into hysterics, Fluttershy’s dress was wrinkled in places and had a few smudges dotted over it. Thankfully Rarity had made this dress with herself in mind. “It’ll be ok; it’s stain resistant so all I need is a damp cloth before the stains really set in.” “Well then, allow me to show you to the stables; I can introduce you to a few of the less skittish animals on the way. OH,” his eyes widened almost dramatically. “Forgive me, but I haven’t introduced me-self. The names Furwing. Even Furwing, at your service.” Sunset Shimmer was enjoying herself more than she was expecting to be honest. At the very least it was giving her practice blending in with the nobility; something that she herself would admit, she needed all the help possible with. So far she had managed to blend in well enough, some light talk here and there, but for the most part she simply stayed out in the plaza; admiring the animals on display, the cool night air, and occasionally the jewels in the black fabric of the sky. To her eyes, the stars were coming closer together with each passing night. She no longer needed her charts to see the subtle change in their position, ‘definitely the Summer Sun Celebration then. I’ve kept up my training, both physically as well as magically, thanks to my friends. I also believe I have located the likely place this Nightmare Moon will appear; though it is something I will have to confirm with the Princess.’ Sunset absent mindedly took a small sip from the glass floating next to her; the clear liquid shaded purple thanks to her magical aura. For all her planning and investigating, there were still far too many questions for her liking. Questions that the Princess, at the very least, said she would look into. “You look like somepony trying to get themselves lost in the stars. Is there something on your mind?” Sunset blinked and looked over to the pony who had clearly spoken to her. Coming out of the loose crowd was a Pegasus mare; pale white in coat colour and soft pink in mane. She was wearing a dress of rich purple that twinkled lightly in the glow of the torch light. “I saw you standing there looking lost in thought and couldn’t help but wonder what was on your mind. Oh forgive me, my name is Sunny Skies; it’s nice to finally meet you face to face, Sunset Shimmer.”