//------------------------------// // Author Notes // Story: Assassin's Tears // by MisterGTFO //------------------------------// Extra: Author Notes Okay, so why did make this? Well, mostly because I wanted to make a fic that was kind of related to Assassin's Creed but It has no relation just the relation that it has assassins. Okay so, lets have a little review. Many people want to know a bit about Silent Wind right? Alright, Alright so here's how it goes. Silent Wind was born as a Silentblade from day one. His mother died after childbirth and his brother, Silent Whisper was bequeathed the responsibility to look after his little brother. Since the brothers had always been together, they both held a unbreakable bond. Silent Wind was happy that he had his older brother with him but his brother didn't like how Silent Wind was being raised and for Silent Whisper, he wished his brother could live a normal life but saw that his mother had also bequeathed Silent Wind as the heir to the Silentblade throne. Magicius was the uncle of Silent Wind, he's very smart and very dedicated to Silent Wind until Silent Wind "betrays" the Silentblades. Lily Blade, well now lets talk about this mare. Okay so, in the Silentblades, They would put assassins in groups for better mission sucess rates. And luckily, Lily Blade was put with the Silentblade brothers which were Silent Wind and Blood Roar. Now let's talk about Silent Whisper, now I bet you all wanna know about him! okay so Silent Whisper was born 2 years before Silent Wind which made him 20 at the time of AT2 and during his time at the Silent Wind betrayal thing, was 18 and that made Silent Wind 16 at that time also. Now, Silent Whisper.. I'm not going to tell you how he died seeing that I want to save that for AC3: Origins. Simply, Silent Whisper really loved his little brother but cannot show it so well. Silent Wind always looked up to Silent Whisper and for Silent Whisper, he loved his brother so much that he even helped Silent Wind to escape. Silent Whisper tried to escape also but he was killed after they had both left along with Golden Shot of course. That there, caused Silent Wind's first time using Shade's power. Mourning for his brothers death, he swore to kill any Silentblade he saw even if he was one of them once. Alright, Shade is a ancient pony monster who was tamed by Shadow Moon during the first risings of the Silentblades. Because his power has been abused by the Silentblades, he has little trust for Ponies even though he is a pony himself. When he encounters Silent Wind, he marks him as a part of his hate against the Silentblades. But once Silent Wind talks to him and shows his strength to him, he then sees Silent Wind as a friend. His power is very strong but has many flaws, His power gives stallions who aren't unicorns be able to use his magic and gives them increased strength, speed and much more higher reflexes. The side effects can be dangerous and life-threatening. Such as, Pain, Personality Changes, uncontrollable will, and the mind to attack everypony around him/her and soon after, Death. Another power of the Silentblades, The Guardians are considered to be gifts to other Silentblade-family members. Silent Whisper is one of them. His guardian, Sheerclaw is a gigantic wolf with Purple-black wolf eyes that has armor similar to the Silentblade armor that leaders wear and is much more destructive and fast than timberwolves and wolfs alike. Guardians can be described as anything from a beast to a knight. Unfortunately, Guardians can only be released during a Ponies near death time. Silent Whisper got his in a certain incident when was about to get killed by guards and his guardian came out and saved him. Guardians can be damaged enough to go back inside the host but it takes very strong hits to even injure it. It will at least take three days for the Guardian to come back healed seeing that they will have to take critical conditions for them to go back inside their host. Alrighty... that's all. I'll be able to give you another extra of notes on the end of AT2 and please comment If I should do a Alternate ending!