That's What Little Colts Are Made Of

by Jomm the Dino

Colt Wonder

Colt Wonder


Snails just looked up at his ceiling, thinking. He wasn’t thinking about somethin in particular, just thinking.

“Hey Sthnails, you okay?” Twist asked him.

“Hmmmm….?” He responded, surprised to her her voice. “Oh! Yeah I fine…”

Twist and Snips exchanged looks. I was evident that he WASN’T alright. The two trotted over to his bed.

“Snails, you sure you’re okay?” Snips asked.

Snails sighed. “Well…..not really….”

Just then Banks walked into his room.

“Snails…..Time for your medicine.” She said in a motherly tone. She levitated a small cup to him. Inside was two circular brown pills and a green capsule. Snails easily swallowed them…without any fluid.

“You feeling okay, sweetie?” Banks asked him.

“No….Can I go outside? I need some fresh air.” He responded.

“Are you sure? You were just discharged from the hospital.” She told him in a worried tone.

“Yes, I’m sure.” He answered.

Banks just looked at him. He had a gloomy tone on his face. She thought about it for a moment, then she agreed that it was best for him to get some air.

“Well….okay. Just go by Sugarcube Corner afterwards. I have a couple of errands to run, anyways. But don’t get hurt, okay?”

“Yes, mommy.” He said. “Can you guys help me up?”

Twist and Snips looked at each other. “Uh….sure.”

The two helped him over to his crutches. He was then slowly and carefully lead down the stairs and into the living room. As they were leaving, Banks stopped them.



“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine.” He answered before he was helped out of his home.

Snips trotted beside Snails as Twist guided him as they headed towards the marketplace. Ponies were getting off of work, and it was PACKED. You couldn’t look in any general direction without seeing maybe, thirty-five, forty ponies? Everypony was waving at Snails. Snails smiled and waved back. Twist and Snips guided him to a bench near the park, about three feet away from the marketplace.

Snails sat up and looked down, twiddling his hooves. He looked into a puddle of water.

“Alright Snails, quit lying, what’s bothering you?” Snips asked.

Snails sighed once again; he knew he couldn’t get out of this one. “Well…it’s about Knock-Out, Stinger and Fracture.”

“What about ‘em?” asked Twist.

“………what if they were right? What if I did deserve to die?” he asked.

Snips and Twist stared at him, not believing what Snails just said.

“Snails, you do not deserve to die, and if anypony, those three deserve to die. Why would you even think about something like that?” asked Snips.

“And what if they don’t get charged?” Snails questioned.

Twist put her hoof on his shoulder. “They are and you won’t be seeing the for a long time.”

Snails then felt the presence of someone behind him. “I wouldn’t count on that.”

Snails felt like his balls were about to burst. He recognized that voice. He turned around slowly, only to confirm his worst fears. He saw Stinger and Knock-Out, but not Fracture.

“Hello, Down-Syndrome.” Stinger greeted.

The three were silent.

“Surprised to see me? Yeah I have a lot of advantages since I’m rich.” He added.

“Where’s the third one?” Snails asked.

Knock-Out lifted him up. “That doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we have unfinished business with you.”

“Ah suggest ya put him down.” Said a husky voice.

The two turned around to see a large red stallion a crème colt, a yellow filly, and a purple unicorn.

“You son of a bitch. I’m gonna kill you.” Stinger growled.

“No you’re not.” Said Featherweight calmly. “I mean, if you do, You’re gonna get your throats cut.”

“Oh really?” Stinger taunted.

“You really wanna find out?” Featherweight pulled out a knife. “Come at me bro.”

Stinger and KO glared at him. KO set him down and said. “You’re gonna get what’s coming to you.”

The two trotted off, leaving Snails shaking with fear.

“They….how….” was all Snails could say.

Twilight sat next to Snails and hugged him. “They aren’t going to hurt you.”

“Yeah! We’ll make sure of that!” Featherweight added.

Fracture trotted up to Snails, holding something in his mouth. But something looked different about him. He looked….sick.

“Please don’t hurt me!” Snails cowered. Big Macintosh quickly blocked Fracture from him.

“What do you want?” Asked Big Macintosh.

“No, no I’m not here to hurt you, but I’m here to give you something….” He said with a sad tone. He gave him a black box, then left. Snails shook the box, and slowly opened it.

“Well what’s inside?” Twilight asked.

Snails opened the box, inside was a black pocketknife and a note. The pocketknife, had tiny fragments of white in the blade.

“…..a knife.” Snails examined the blade.

“There’s a note….” Featherweight observed.

Snails used his magic to open the note.

“What does it say?” Apple Bloom asked.

The note:


I cannot put into words how sorry I am for the trouble I caused you during the past few years. It’s not like I wanted to do it…it’s just..I don’t know why I treated you so venomously. I had no specific reason for my behavior. I mean, my life is good, I have a great family, but yet I was a total assbag towards you. My parents didn’t actually hate you, but they were jealous of you and your parents because they wish they could have raised a child more like you. You’re highly intelligent, hysterical, and always happy. You’re multilingual! I would kill to be multilingual! Never in my life have I met a pony that can speak English, German, Icelandic, and Latvian! I guess I was jealous of you also. I would take my anger out on you just because I thought you were better than me. I would see the look in your eyes when we would beat you relentlessly. Remember when you said that karma would fall back on me? Well you were right. Prior to my arrest, I kept having fevers. My bones would crack and it would hurt like hell. After being taken to the detention center, I told the nurses about it. Took them FOUR hours to figure out what was wrong.”

This part of the letter was stained with tears.

“And that’s when they hit me with the news…I have Metastatic Osteosarcoma. Can you believe it? The son of a muskuloskeletal oncologist and a rheumatologist, has bone cancer….Heh…spreaded to my lungs...I laughed at the irony…I guess I’m karma’s bitch now? Go ahead and say it. I deserve it. I’m gonna die. You’re probably right. I do deserve it. After what I’ve Done to you, I wouldn’t be surprised that you stopped reading at this point. Now, turning to the knife, that’s a token of my apology. My uncle made that for me when I was nine. The white parts? Those are my baby teeth. Pretty crazy huh? It’s amazing what you can do with knives these days….but if you still hate my guts, I completely understand. I will just have to deal with the shattered remains of what could have been the start of a new friendship. I’m sorry Snails, I’m so bucking sorry…..

Sincerely yours,


At the end of the note, He drew Mine Turtle.

Everypony was shocked.

“Woah…….” Featherweight muttered.

“Fracture…” Snails looked at the note over and over again. Then put the note and the knife back in the box and handed it to Twist.

“Hold this for me?” He asked. Twist nodded.

Snails got up from the bench. “Hey Snails where are you going? Don’t you need help?” Snips asked.

“Sugarcube Corner.” He said simply.

Twilight trotted behind him, and so did the rest of the ponies.


“Come on guys! He’s on his way!” Pinkie shouted. The restaurant was PACKED! There were at least three hundred ponies there, two times more than Twilight’s welcome party. Ponies were still getting ready for the surprise party they were throwing Snails. Fracture was sitting down near a window. His head hurt from heavy thinking.

Mr. And Mrs. Cake stared from a distance.

“I don’t even like the fact that he’s in my shop.” Mr. Cake grumbled.

Mrs. Cake sighed. “I’m not even sure about this myself, but just give him a chance dear. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that his guilt is eating him alive.”

Mr. Cake was about to say something but thought about what his wife said. “You’re right de-“

“HE’S COMING!” Somepony shouted.

“Everyone hide!” Pinkie shouted.

Ponies rushed to find a hiding spot. When everypony did, Pinkie shut the lights off. Somepony let out a loud raspberry noise when the shop got dark, causing some ponies to laugh/giggle/snicker, etc.


Snails finally got to the door of Sugarcube Corner.

“Here, let me get that for you.” Featherweight said as he opened the door.

Snails stepped in first, followed by Twist.

“SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!” shouted the people in the shop.

“TIME TO PARTY!” Pinkie shouted.

A smile came across Snails face.

“Hi Snails! I threw this get-well party just for you! Do you like it?”

Snails’ smile grew bigger. “Like it? Are you crazy? I LOVE IT!”

Everypony stomped and cheered. A couple of minutes passed. Ponies were dancing, eating and all sorts of things.

“Look at him.” Stinger said from the window.

“Yeah…that runt’s gonna pay for having us locked up…” Knock-Out growled. “So what are we gonna do to him.”

“Oh it’s not him we’re going to hurt….” Stinger laughed wickedly as he glared at Twist.

A bit into the party, it was in full swing. All but one pony was partying; Fracture. Snails noticed this and they went over to him.

“Fracture….” Fracture jumped at his name being called.

“Snails…..” He responded.

“I’m sorry you have cancer…..” Snails said with a hint of sorrow in his voice.

“It’s not your fault….and if anyone I should be apologizing.” Fracture said quietly.

Snails sat down and hugged him. “But you already have….and I forgive you.”

Fracture let a small laugh out. “Wow, bro. You have a really huge heart of gold, and a shining silver spirit.”

Snails laughed also. “Yeah, thanks.”


“As cool as the other side of the pillow.”

A loud crash silenced the room, followed by a scream, and loud thuds.

“What in the hell was that?” Jomm shouted.

“That sounds like Twist!” Twilight shouted.


“PLEASE STO-OP!” Twist begged.

“SHUT UP!” Stinger screamed at the filly as he punched her in the shoulder. She fell to the ground as he and Knock-Out beat her senselessly. They were then picked up by a purple aura and smashed through the shop window. Twist, however, was gently picked up and set right next to the adults. She was covered with bruises, had a black eye and patches of her hair was missing.

“TWIST!” Her friends shouted.

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“THEM! THEY HAPPENED!” Twist wailed.

Everypony stared.

“What…happened.” Snails asked.

“Figure it out genius.” Knock-Out said smugly as he picked himself up and dusted the glass off of him.

“I’m not going to ask again, asshole. What did you do to my marefriend?”

Stinger trotted happily over to Snails. “We gave her a little, “makeover”, to match how her coltfriend looks as he’s laying in his deathbead.”

Snails has had mixed emotions, but he has never experienced rage like this. His horn started to glow red. Instead of his usual black eyes they were also red. He felt movement inside of his damaged arm and leg. Without thinking, he ripped the casts off, and his limbs were fully healed.

Stinger was taking this a little to lightly. “Aw…is the baby angry that I beat up his slutty girlfriend?”

Everyone had his or her ‘OH CRAP!’ faces on. Snails just smiled as his eyes turned a deeper shade of red.

“Oh you have no idea.”

And with that being said, Snails’ horn glowed red. He picked the two up and swung them outside.

“ooooowwwww…..” Stinger moaned. Snails trotted outside. He had a grin on his face.

“Why you…..” Knock-Out got up and charged towards him. As he was about to punch him, Snails teleported away.

Everypony rushed outside.

"I was walking along, minding my business,
When out of an orange-colored sky,


Snails reappeared and punched Knock-Out directly in the face. He teleported again.


Snails reappeared and headbutted Stinger’s snout.


He punched both in the stomach.

Wonderful you came by.

(Snails reappeared and stood over the two.)

I was humming a tune, drinking in sunshine,
When out of that orange-colored view




I got a look at you.

(Stinger got up and punched Snails, causing him to fall back a little)

One look and I yelled "Timber"
"Watch out for flying glass"

(Knock-Out stumble toward Snails and grabs a hold of him, but Snails violently shakes him off.)

Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out,
I went into a spin and I started to shout,
"I've hit, This is it, This is it,I've been hit!"

(Snails quickly recovers and tossed Knock-Out into Stinger, the runs full speed towards them)

I was walking along, minding my business,
When love came and hit me in the eye,

(Snails rams Stinger as hard as he could)


(Snails then turns his attention on Knock-Out, then uses his magic to toss Stinger’s body at him.)


(Snails runs over and releases a fury of blows to their bodies)

Out of an orange-colored sky.

(Musical Interlude)

(Everypony was shocked. Some cheered on, some watch in horror. Now everyone knows not to screw with Snails)

One look and I yelled "Timber"
"Watch out for flying glass"
Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out,
I went into a spin and I started to shout,
"I've been hit, this is it, this is it,I've been hit!"

I was walking along, minding my business,
When love came and hit me in the eye
Flash! Bam! Alakazam!
Out of an orange-colored, purple-striped, pretty green polka-dot sky
Flash! Bam! Alakazam! and goodbye!"

Snails looked at the two. Then he saw red and blue lights. Then he saw a blue Pegasus accompanied by a red unicorn.

“Damn it….again?” said a heavy southern voice.

“Sheriff Night.” Snails said calmly.

“Great work, thar’ pard’nir.” He started. “Twilight here tol’ me evrythin’.” He praised him.

Everypony stared at Snails. His eyes were still red, and his horn was still emitting red aura.

Cheers were erupted from the crowd.

“WAY TO KICK FLANK DUDE!” Rumble shouted.

“THAT WAS ONE JOLLY GOOD TUSSLE!” Pipsqueak…well….squeaked.

Then the adults stepped in.

“Way to protect your lady bro.” Thunderlane told him.

Snails felt really good now.

Then he felt funny. His arm and leg started moving again, then he felt a really intense, dull pain, he felt pressure on his body, and he felt this migraine.

“Snails….you okay…” Snips’ voice was all he heard until he passed out.


A/N 2: Yeah….this story is indeed like my last one…I apologize. NEXT STORY WILL NOT BE LIKE THIS ONE!

A/N 3: Dick Figures. Lord Tourettes. Youtube. Right now.

A/N 4: Happy Tree Friends. Brake the Cycle. If you have the balls.

A/N 5: I AM LOOKING FOR A BETA READER!!!!1111oneone. please PM me for details.

A/N 6: song in quotes is “Orange Colored Sky” by Nat King Cole. The fight scene will be better if you listen to it while reading it. Will email you mp3 to the song upon request.

A/N 7: Read, review, and swag.