//------------------------------// // Decorating The Night Away! // Story: A Freaky Hearth's holiday! // by MLPkillers //------------------------------// Mint awoke on the bed in the attic. Mint rubbed her eyes open, getting the crust out of her eyes. She looked at her sleeping sister, watching her sleep and snore with beauty. She'll grow to be a great mare. Mint wasn't the type to express her emotions publicly. She liked to be known a little more as a tom colt, but not completely. She still doesn't mind being a mare. Mint pulled the blankets slowly from Charm, giving her a little shake. "Psst, Charm..." Charm's eyes slowly opened. She looked out of the window, watching snow fall from the sky and off the neighbour's roof. She turned to her sister who was sitting at the bottom of her legs. She wondered what she was thinking. This bed was cozy, she didn't want to leave. Where did this warm, and cuddly blanket come from? "Hey where did the blanket come from?" Charm asked her sister, getting up slowly, and rubbing the crust out of her eyes. The fabric fell off her and onto the lifted part of the bed. Mint looked at the blanket closely, remembering the blanket. The blanket came from the chair to the right of the bed. But they didn't cuddle with it, so did their father or mother put it on them? "Well. I remember it came from that chair over there. Mint pointed to the blue chair near the freezing window. Charm traced the hoof with her eyes. Yeah, she remembers it was on that chair but the question is how did it get on them for them to cuddle with? "I remember it was there too. You think Dad put it on is?" "Or Mom? It could've been her too?" Charm giggled as she placed a forehoof over her mouth with her eyes closed. "Yeah, that's true." Charm's expression returned to normal. Both fillies stared at each other, wondering what to do next. "Well what were we doing before taking the nap?" "You don-! We were dusting, and finished the tables." "Oh yeah, oops, sorry. I forgot.." Mint couldn't stay mad at Charm. If she was asking the question then she would've gotten a respectful response back, so why should she be disrespectful or rude? Is it the holiday that's affecting her emotions and thinking? She means of course if can but, ugh! Charm stood up from the bed on the left side of it, feeling a small breeze blow past her, giving her shivers. Her body was used to the blanket warm environment. It's not even that cold in attic she thought. The heat is on in the entirety of the home, the attic included. Mint bounced her way off the bed, and landed on her forehooves first, then on all fours. "So what's next on the list?" Charm asked her sister, causing her to put a forehoof up to her head, thinking. "I think we should go downstairs now. Mom and Dad probably don't want us to stay up here all night." "Wouldn't that mean that blanket was put on us by a ghost? Since nopony else is in the house. Especially at this hour?" Charm knew Mint was right, she just gave her sister a small pat, letting her know she was right. Charm walked towards her sister who was still standing in front of the bed, facing face to face. "Stop joking around Charm, we both know that was probably Dad. Hehe." Charm walked towards Mint, passing her, walking towards the ladder, turning back to her sister. "You coming?" Mint had a smug expression before walking towards the ladder, and then down the steps. Charm followed her sister. After they both were downstairs, they looked at the living room. The living room had Hearth Warming lights on, and it seems their parents didn't just sleep, they had more lights and decorations up. They were bright as well. Nopony could deny this wasn't a pretty sight. "Ooh, pretty." Charm muttered out. Charm saw the lights, and the other decorations, her sister Charm was right, but she ain't the pony to express her emotions. Charm knew that, rolling her eyes before walking into the living room, sitting down on the couch. Mint saw Charm patting the left side for of the couch cushion for her. "Fine..." Mint made her way to the couch, sitting down on the left side Charm was just patting. Both filles hind hooves dangled. Why did charm want her to sit here for? They were just lying down, so it can't be to rest right? "So... Why did you invite me over here to sit for?" Charm gave off giggles before replying. "Wouldn't you want to tell a story about this holiday?" Mint face went to zero interest. She put on a fake smile for her sister so as to not hurt her feelings. Charm knew Mint wasn't the one for stories. Mint moved her rear back in forth, finding a comfortable spot for her tussie. She turned her head to her sister again. "You know I'm not one to talk about stories right?" Charm giggled at Mint, giving her a beaming smile. She wasn't surprised one bit. "I know. Do you at least want to talk about this Hearth Warming coming up?" Mint keep her expression, looking around as she thought about a response. "Well this year we definitely out did last year." Mint replied. Charm giggled with a forehoof hoof up to her face, nearly covering a side of her mouth. "Charm, what's so great about winter?" Charm took a minute to ponder the question. What did she mean? Does she not like winter? "Well... For starters... There's Santa Pony." "Who we've never seen." "There's also a Grinch pony. Many fillies don't talk much about the Grinch Pony." Charm gave Mint an eyebrow. Mint wasn't a fool. She was implying she was like the Grinch Pony. She has nothing in common with that pony. Mint got off the sofa, facing Charm with a serious expression. "Me and the Grinch Pony are nothing alike! You-!" "Shhh... Calm down Mint, I wasn't saying you were?" Mint glared at Charm. She wasn't convinced one bit. "Oh yeah...? Then what was that eyebrow?" "Oh, something got in my eye. hehe..." "Sure..." Mint sarcastically agreed. She wasn't buying her white lie but oh well, good enough. Both fillies got up. Giggling at each other. "So you think you might get coal this Hearth Warming?" "Mint... We know out of the two of us it would be you who would get it..." Mint felt a little insulted. Was Charm saying she's a naughty pony?" "And what's that's supposed to mean?" "Oh, nothing. Hehehe." "I could tell when you're lying, and I don't like it." "Ha... Ha..." "What do you want to do?" Both fillies thought of some quiet games. They would be able to play board games. They would prefer to run and tag, but they would make too much noise, waking their parents. It's also dangerous just to play tag in the house. As their mother always said. (Don't run in the house.) The fire cracked as the exothermic heat from the flames reached the filly's bodies. The feeling is always good in the winter. "I guess play a silent game." "Hmm..." Charm had to think of a game. There's that Uno game. Then there's Pony Life. "What do you think we should play?" "I guess Pony life." The fillies walked towards the table, Charm walking to the right side, squatting over and pulling a clean drawer open by the hanging metal component. Charm grabbed the covered board game, pulling it swiftly out with her teeth, and not too strong. She didn't want to damage the game. The gane slid perfectly out of the drawer. Charm swiftly swung it up, gently putting it down onto the table. She uncuffed the lid, pulling the board out of the box, then the cards, then the game pieces. After she was finished setting the game up with no help from Mint; which wasn't a surprise once ever. Mint sat down next to Charm, ready to play the game. "What do you say for setting this up Mint?" "Thanks." "No problem." The fillies played Pony Life, both going down separate paths. Mint decided to make money instead of going to college and starting a job. Charm decided to invest, saving money to go to college, eventually getting a well-paying job and a huge responsibility. The higher pay the job is. The more important of its servitude is. The wind blew violently against the window as they finished the board game. In the end, Charm was more successful. It wasn't because of the path she went down, it was because of the decisions she made along the way. The investing, the saving and her sheer attitude on life. "Heh, guess I should've gone to college?" "Well, it's a way to build your intelligence even if you don't use the skills for a job. I studied and realized many ponies who have a degree have a hard time finding a use for it. The positions are not always available." "How do you know this Charm? We're just fillies." Charm and Mint looked at each other, before giggling. Ponies really do underestimate fillies' intelligence for their age and naivety don't they? "Let's just say I heard adults talk before. Hehe." "Make sense. Adults think they can hide the truth from us fillies but they are dead wrong." "Exactly. Want to Play Pony Uno?" "I'm down." Charm and Mint together put the game of Pony Life away, after all pieces was placed back into their respective bags and containers, they slide the game board under bags and pieces, putting the lid of the game box on next with quick precision. Charm grabbed the deck of playing cards by the band that strap them together, putting them down on the table. Charm looked at Mint with a smile. "So the normal way?" The cheerful sister asked, receiving a head nod up and down. After drawing 7 cards, the ponies began to play Pony Uno. The faces of the two fillies couldn't be happier in those moments. Mint won 2 games and so did Charm. Mint could be a little unsportsmanlike, but this time she wasn't. The holiday is probably why. Too close to Hearth Warming to be naughty now right? She's a good sister. Mint yawned as she stretched her forehooves into the air, her eyes caught sight of the sickles through the window hanging from the roof gutter. "I wonder how cold it's outside?" Charm walked past Mint and towards the window. "There's only one way to find out." Mint knew what Charm was going to do? She rushed to the window, sitting on the ledge before Charm did. When both fillies were sitting on the ledge by the window, they both looked at each other, nodding. As soon as their hooves made contact with the window, shivers went down their spine. Mint ran to the burning wood in the fire place that had been lit for a while now. She was wrapped with a purple blanket. You could say she was snugged as a bug. Charm walked towards mint with embarrassment written across her face. "Oh come-on, it's not that cold." Mint turned to her sister who was sitting down to her on the right. After a slight thud was heard, she looked at her sister with circle-lip embarrassed expression. "I-I don't-!" "Still wanting to go out there." "N-no..." "That's what I thought." Charm patted a hoof down mint back. Her eyes narrowed as she grabbed the blanket tightly, flinging it off her sister and onto the couch behind them. Mint grunted with annoyance. Charm giggled with a forehoof over her mouth. "Why-!" "You're body's not cold just from touching the window with a hoof. Seriously Mint..." "Fi-fine! Guess you're right!" Both fillies put their forehooves near the fire, not to close, not too far. Just close enough for them to warm up perfectly. "What's next we should do?" Mint turned to Charm with confusion on her face. Charn thought about activities, then Santa Pony. If they're up too long he'll probably won't come. Their Mom and Dad wouldn't like to hear they were up way past their bed time. "I think it would be best if we went to bed." "Why?" "Well... Not really. We want Santa Pony to come right?" "Yeah?" "He won't if we're"! Mint ran to the couch, laying on it as if she was sleeping. She already knew the rest? Charm fallowed her, ready to join her. "Move over Mint." Both fillies layed on the couch. They would pretend they were asleep when truly they would time to time peak their eyes at the tree to see if Santa Pony arrived yet. They would do this until they would drift into sleep.