//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: Mayhem at The Mall // Story: Equestria Ninja Girls: Gremlins // by Sketch App //------------------------------// Fluttershy's House Morning rises, as Fluttershy's alarm goes off. She took a moment to compose herself before shutting the alarm off. Fluttershy yawns and rubs her eyes, stretching her arms as she looks to her left side. There she saw Gizmo, for once sleeping next to Fluttershy on her bed. After everything with Mrs.ColdHeart yesterday, Fluttershy wanted Gizmo close to her at all times so she wouldn't lose him again. Shinigami might've made Mrs.ColdHeart forget, but Fluttershy still felt she needed to keep Gizmo close at all times. She got herself dressed and carried Gizmo out of her room. She made sure the house wasn't brightly dimmed and made her way towards the kitchen where she found her parents talking. They stopped when they hear her come in and smiled at her. "Good morning, Fluttershy." Her mother greeted her. "Perfect timing you came in here." Her father said as he smiled at her. "Why's that, Dad?" Fluttershy tilts her head. "Well, I'm gonna be out of town for awhile for a business trip." Her father informed her. "Oh, I see." Fluttershy frowned a little. "But don't worry, hopefully it won't take long. I'll be back by Christmas Eve." Gentle Breeze assured, which made Fluttershy smile again. "So I'm just saying goodbye to everyone and hopefully will be back sooner." Gentle Breeze smiled as both his wife and daughter gave him a hug. "Goodbye, dad." Fluttershy smiled. "Be safe out there." Posey Shy added. As everyone parted from the hug, Zephyr came in in his work uniform. "Hey pops! Since you're heading out, mind giving me a ride to work?" Zephyr smiled innocently. "O-Oh. Well, I suppose I could-" Before Gentle Breeze could finish, Fluttershy spoke up. "No, Zephyr! You gotta take the bus. Dad has a business trip to go to, and needs to get there as soon as possible." "Oh come on sis, I'm sure dad wouldn't mind." Zephyr shrugged as he smiled at his dad. But Zephyr switched his attention back to his sister whos giving him a scary glare. Zephyr laughs nervously as he slowly steps back, grabbing his coat. "I suppose I could try the bus. Hopefully I'll remember what stop to get off of." Zephyr joked, but Fluttershy kept her look on him. "Uh, gotta go, later!" Zephyr waved goodbye before exiting the house. Fluttershy looked at her dad, going back to her sweet smile. "Have a safe trip, dad." "Thank you, hunny." Her dad smiled before putting on his coat. Gentle Breeze entered the garage, opening the garage door and entered in his car before driving away. Now it was just Fluttershy, her mother and Gizmo in the house. Posey Shy looks at her daughter. "Fluttershy dear, aren't you going to hang out with your friends today?" She asked curiously. Fluttershy smiled and shook her head. "I was, but decided not right now. Right now, I wanna spend some time with you and set up the Christmas tree." Posey Shy held her hand to her chest and hugged her daughter. Fluttershy then looks down at Gizmo in her arms. "Ready to start setting up and decorating the Christmas tree, Gizmo?" Gizmo spoke in babbles with a smile, Fluttershy taking it as a yes. So Fluttershy and her mom took out the Christmas tree and sets it up. The two Shys then brought out a box of ornaments and sets them down. They started taking ornaments and putting them on the tree. Gizmo looks at the box of ornaments curiously before falling in. The two Shys looked at the box as Gizmo pops his head put, having ornaments dangling over his ears. The mother and daughter giggle at the site as Gizmo let out a chuckle too. As they continued to decorate the tree, Gizmo began humming his little tune, making the mood more enjoyable. Rarity's House 11:55am Rarity was combing Scamper's fur much to his delight as he let out a relaxed sigh. Once Rarity finished she patted the Mogwai's head. "There you go, sweetie, your fur all nice and groomed~." Rarity smiled. Rarity's little sister, Sweetie Belle, stood outside her room, wearing her Daring Do hat and jumping frantically. "Come on, Rarity, the movie starts in an hour! I wanna get there soon and get good seats!" Sweetie Belle urged her sister. "Now now, Sweetie Belle. Scamper needed his fur groomed and I couldn't possibly let it be undone." Rarity explained to Sweetie Belle who just rolled her eyes. "Can we just hurry up? We still gotta pick up Applebloom and Scootaloo." "Yes yes, of course. Let me just get my winter outfit on." Rarity sat up from her chair and went to get her winter outfit, leaving Scamper alone in the room. Scamper looked around the room and sees Rarity's dress she was working on for the winter dance in two days. Scamper immediately got an evil grin on his face. Despite being pampered by Rarity, he still felt like causing trouble for her. He saw a pair of scissors on her desk and immediately crawled over to it. Soon the sounds of scissors snipping and Scamper's giggling echoed the room as Opal was casually walking by the door. Scamper looked at Opal and grinned. He crawled up to Rarity's bed and threw one of the pillows at Opal, scaring her and causing her to jump on the mannequin stand holding Rarity's dress. Scamper blew raspberries at Opal and laughed at her. Opal hissed at the Mogwai as the fur on her back sticks up. Once Scamper hears Rarity coming, he quickly acted scared and cowars in the corner. "What is all the noi-" Rarity walked in but froze as her eyes widen in shock before letting out a ear piercing scream. Sweetie Belle ran in quickly. "Rarity what's wrong?" Sweetie Belle quickly stopped and gasped when she saw what Rarity was screaming at. Rarity's winter dress was completely torn and shredded. Fabric pieces layed on the floor, scratches and tears all over what's left of the dress, and Opal was standing right on it. Once Opal realizes what situation she's in she let out a soft Meow... "Opal! How could you?! My dress! My hard work! Ruined! Oh Opal, whyyyyy?!" Rarity started bawling. Rarity walked over, grabbed Opal and puts her in a cage and locks it. "Opal, you've been acting very badly lately! First you were scaring poor scamper over there, and now you ruin my dress?! From now on you're staying in this cage until you learn to behave!" Opal let out a sad meow as she watched Rarity grab Scamper and carry him out of the room. Scamper was grinning and taunting at Opal as he waved goodbye at her and stuck his tongue out. Sweetie Belle frowned as she looked at Opal before following Rarity, wondering why Opal ruined Rarity's dress. But as the two sisters left the room, what they didn't notice was a pair of scissors tucked under one of Rarity's pillows on her bed. At the apple family farm, Applejack was in the kitchen helping Granny Smith make apple treats. While she can stand just fine now, her knee still feels sore so she still can't do much other than light chores. Applebloom came running down the stairs excited as she had on her Daring Do hat. "Looking forward to your movie, sugar cube?" Applejack asked her little sister. "You betcha!" Applebloom smiled. "This is gonna be so exciting!" As Applebloom waits for Rarity and Sweetie Belle to pick her up, she looks at Applejack with a bit of concern. "You sure you're okay staying home, Applejack?" "Now don't you worry about me, Applebloom. My knee might be abit sore still, but I'm feeling fine now." Applejack assured her sister. "Well, okay." Applebloom nods. "But what about Terrance? You, Granny Smith and Big Mac could be too busy to keep an eye on him." "I assure you Applebloom, I'll keep a good eye on Terrance." Granny Smith looked around curiously. "Say, where is the little critter anyho?" Suddenly they heard what sounds like a door shaking. They looked around to see it wasn't a door in the house, until Applebloom looked out the window. "Uh, Applejack?" Applebloom pointed out the window. Applejack and Granny Smith looked out the window to see Terrance outside the barn house and was pushing the gates of the barn repeatedly, shaking the big door. "How in tarnation did he get outside without us seeing him?!" Applejack said surprised. "That critter is quite strong for his size." Granny Smith rubbed her chin, almost sounding impressed. "I think he's trying to open the barn gate." Applebloom guessed, as Terrance continued to shake the gates. "Now why is he trying to open it for?" Applejack wondered. Big Mac walked towards the Mogwai and casually picks up Terrance with ease. With him having to lift heavy things everyday, picking up Terrance was nothing. Big Mac walked in side the house and held Terrance to Applejack, who took the Mogwai. "Applejack, mabye i should take Terrance with us?" Applebloom suggest. Applejack was immediately dismissive. "No way, Applebloom, that's not happening." "Come on Applejack! With the winter bake sale coming up, y'all would be too busy to watch over him!" Applebloom points out. "It's not a good idea taking Terrance to the movies with you, you'd be too focus on the movie to keep an eye on him." Applejack argued. "Besides, after leaving you with Gizmo the last time, im not sure i can trust you to leave you with Terrance." Applebloom thinks for a moment, until she had an idea. "Leo and the others are coming. They can watch over Terrance." Applebloom suggested. "Now that's not fair Applebloom. They're coming to spend time with the others, they shouldn't also keep their focus on Terrance." "But Rarity is going with her Mogwai, Sweetie Belle told me so. So for all we know, Twilight, Sunset, and Pinkie Pie could bring their Mogwais too. So it shouldn't be a problem." Applejack thinks about it. She doesn't want her friends to spend time watching over Terrance when he's her responsibility. But she also know it's important to make the snacks for the winter bake sale. And it was pretty clear Terrance can move around without anyone noticing, despite his size. Applejack sighs. "Alright, you can take him. But you gotta promise once your movie is over you gotta keep a good eye on him." "I promise!" Applebloom smiled. "Alright. Now, we just need something for you to carry Terrance. The mall is a pretty bright place to be in, so we gotta put him in something where we can shield him from the light." Applejack looked around the house. Soon a limo arrives. Sweetie Belle poked her head out along with Scootaloo, who was already picked up by Rarity and Sweetie Belle. "Applebloom, come on!" Sweetie Belle called out with excitement. "It's time to go see the most anticipated movie we've been waiting for!" Scootaloo adds with just as much excitement. They see the front door of the house open as Applebloom steps out. ..... with a travel bag? Applebloom grunts as she drags the travel bag, the wheels under it turning and slightly grinding. Once she gets to the limo her friends open the door for her with confused expressions. "Uh, Applebloom? You know we're just going to the movies at the mall, right?" Scootaloo asked. "Yeah, Ah know." Applebloom answered with a grunt as she starts to pick up the travel bag. "So why are you bringing a travel bag?" Sweetie Belle asked while looking at the bag. "You'll see, once I get it in here." Applebloom struggles to lift the bag, which results in her friends helping her. Once they finally managed to get the travel bag in the limo, the driver starts driving. The three girls wiped sweat off their foreheads as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looks at Applebloom. "So, you gonna tell us what's in the bag now?" Scootaloo asked. "I'll show ya." Applebloom said as she reached for the zipper. Once she unzips the bag, she pulls it open and Terrance pops his head out from the bag, making the two gasp with excitement. "You brought Terrance?" Sweetie Belle squealed. "Yup, sure did. Ah figured Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith would be too busy to watch over Terrance. So I offered to take him with me." "Awesome!" Scootaloo cheered. "He's gonna love the Daring Do movie!" "Sorry Scoots, but he's not gonna join us." Applebloom said with a frown. "Aww, why not?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Well, remember what happened when Gizmo was left alone with us?" "That was an accident!" Scootaloo reminded. "Ah know, but it was pretty reckless of us to be honest..." Applebloom frowned, knowing very well they were reckless. "So I'm gonna leave Terrance with the others while we watch our movie." "Well that stinks." Scootaloo crossed her arms. Applebloom started hearing sniffling. She looked across from her seat to see Rarity with tears in her eyes, running makeup and Scamper in her stylish bag. "What's wrong with your sister?" Applebloom whispered to Sweetie Belle. "Opal scratched up her dress she was working on for the winter dance." Sweetie Belle whispered back, which took Applebloom by surprise. "What? Opal? That's crazy." Applebloom gasped, but still in a whisper tone. "I know, that's what I was thinking." Sweetie Belle nodded. Terrance, clearly hearing the conversation, quietly giggled after hearing all that. Scamper quietly giggled too, as he knows what truly happened to the dress. At the Canterlot mall, The CMC excitedly run in as Applebloom dragged the travel bag containing Terrance. Rarity was right behind them, but still looking sad as she carried Tuck in her strap bag. There, they met up with Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, along with the Turtles who are in their human disguises, April, Casey, Karai and Shinigami. They all greet each other. "Hey y'all!" Applebloom smiled along with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "Hi girls." Leo waved. "Yo, what up CMC!" Mikey high five the three girls. "You all ready for the new Daring Do movie?" "Yeah!" All three girls cheered in unison. "Me too!" Mikey cheered with them as he pulled out his own Daring Do hat and puts it on his head. "It's gonna be so awesome!" Rainbow Dash pumped her fist as she was too wearing a Daring Do hat. "Toats awesome~!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "Uh, Pinkie, you're not planning to take Wacko to the movie with you, are you?" Twilight asked. "I was planning that~! You really are smart~." Pinkie smiled innocently. "Pinkie, I don't think you should do that." April told her friend. Pinkie frowned. "Why not?" "Uh, for starters he's still technically an animal, and animals are strictly forbidden to enter the movies." Donnie points out. "And he also might cause a scene or misbehave while the movie plays." Leo adds. "Aww, but I already got a hat for him." Pinkie frowns as she held up a little Daring Do hat. "You better leave him with us anyway Pinkie. He might do something when you're not looking." April said holding out her hand. Pinkie sighed sadly as she hands April her bag that contained Wacko. "Okay..." April immediately noticed Rarity looked upset. "Rarity, is something the matter?" Rarity responded with sad, mopey gibberish, making it hard for everyone to understand. "Uh, she'll probably explain later." Sweetie Belle stepped in. Mikey noticed Applebloom with a travel bag and looked at it curiously. "Hey Applebloom, you got snacks in that travel bag?" "There are more discreet ways to sneak in snacks to a movie." Donnie said with a raised eyebrow. "Actually there's no snacks in here." Applebloom corrected. "Then what's in it?" Leo asked. Applebloom slightly unzips the bag just enough for them to see the big Mogwai inside. "Terrance. I offered to take him with me so Applejack and the rest of the family can focus on their work." Applebloom explained. "So you're gonna take a Mogwai with you to see the movie?" Casey asked. "Didn't that go wrong last time?" Raph added. "Okay, we get it! We screwed up when we had Gizmo! No need to keep reminding us!" Applebloom groaned before taking a deep breath. "I'm not taking him to see the movie. Was actually hoping you guys would keep an eye on him till the movie is over." The Turtles, their friends and the Rainbooms that were present thought about it before April spoke up. "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to watch him." "Yeah. I mean, looks like we all got our five mogwais with us already. So might aswell watch over Terrance." Twilight adds. Applebloom blinked when Twilight said All five mogwais. When all she sees is Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Rarity present. "Wait, but Sunset isn't here." Applebloom points out. "Yeah, Stripe kept her up all night again. So I offered to take him with me." Twilight explains. This made Applebloom feel uneasy after hearing that. "So... Stripe is with you..?" "Yeah, he's in the bag with Tuck." Twilight said as she moved her body to show her bag, which contained the two Mogwai. Stripe peeks out from the bag and looks at Applebloom. Applebloom looked at Stripe with a uneasy expression. Her face soured more when Stripe opens his mouth, and clamps it shut, making his teeth clack together. It's as if he was taunting Applebloom, making it more obvious as he was grinning the whole time. "C-Couldn't Fugitoid look after him?" Applebloom stammered abit. "He would, but he's over at the school making final preparations for the winter dance." Twilight explained. "Plus he still has his Mogwai at the school so there's that too." Applebloom frowned as she left the travel bag with Rarity. "We better get going, the movie will start soon." Applebloom said with a cold, and anger tone as she grabbed her two friends and started walking to the theater of the mall. Everyone had confused expressions on their faces. "What's up with her?" Donnie pondered. "She seriously still isn't hung up over Stripe nearly biting her, is she?" Raph crossed his arms. "She's still a kid, Raph. She doesn't know how to let things go so easily yet. Even if it's something minor." Leo told his brother. "Besides, wouldn't we all be abit distant if something nearly bit us?" Donnie asked. "I guess. But Chompy bit me when I first found him, and you didn't see me holding a grudge against him or being distant." Raph pointed out. "Well Chompy is a baby alien." April said. "And Stripe and the other four are.... well..." April stopped speaking, as she wasn't quite sure if the Mogwai were at all babies. "These five are hard to distinguish." Donnie began. "While they were born only two days ago, they seem to immediately understand the world around them. I mean, Stripe was playing a mini arcade machine ten minutes after he was born. So they seem more aware." "So why do they act.... so differently from Gizmo?" Casey asked, not sure what word to use. "While it's no doubt they'd have their own personalities different from Gizmo's, yet at the same time they act.... the same in a way. I don't know, it's hard to describe." Donnie rubs his fingers on his chin. "I don't wanna say it's exactly how it is in my comic book, but it's definitely how it is in my comic book." Mikey said as he held his comic book. "While all the Sprites have a few different personalities, they all share the same goal, which is to cause as much trouble as they can." Mikey whispered that last part. Raph groaned and pinched his forehead. "Don't you have a movie to see?!" Mikey checked the time and gasped. "Oh snap! The trailers probably started already! Come on Pinks and RD!" Mikey motioned Rainbow Dash to follow him. "Right behind you!" Rainbow Dash and Mikey quickly ran off. "Wait for me!" Pinkie screamed as she ran behind them. So the three Turtles, their friends, Twilight and Rarity, are left alone with the five mischievous Mogwais in their care. "So what should we do while their movie plays?" Asked Donnie. They were all in a fabric shop, as Rarity finally explained clearly what happened at her house, as everyone was shocked to hear. "I can't believe Opal just tore up your dress!" April said in a shocking tone. "Why did she do that?" Leo asked. "I wish I knew!" Rarity said as she flipped through some fabric. "Ever since I brought Scamper home, she's been acting strange lately!" Hearing that Opal started acting strange when Scamper was brought home made April start thinking for abit. As she was thinking, Shinigami spoke up. "Such a pity, you worked hard on that dress too." Rarity sighed as she flipped through fabric. "It's okay... I might be able to fix it up just abit until Friday..." As Rarity flipped through fabric Twilight looked at Raph. "So Raph, Mona won't be joining us this time?" "Nah, the Mutanimals caught Baxter stealing some Christmas stuff for some reason, so she wanted to stay and help them." Raph explained. "Baxter?" Twilight repeated. "Shouldn't you guys be helping them then?" "It's just Stockboy, they can handle it." Raph shrugged. Twilight suddenly felt Tuck and Stripe fidgeting around in her bag as the two made loud babbles. Twilight gripped the strap of her bag tight. "Stripe, Tuck, calm down!" Twilight grunted. "Guess they don't like sharing a bag together." Raph said with a hint of smugness in his face. "Well they're gonna have to get use to it, because there's no way they're coming out in a brightly lit mall." Donnie stated. "I just hope they'll behave while we go around the mall." April said. "Oh please. Like Donnie said, they're trapped in bags, there's no way for them to run off." Raph shook it off. Stripe and the other Mogwai peeked through the bags they're in, glancing g around and examining the bright building they're in, trying to think of ways to explore it. Later, they were all in a clothing store as Twilight and April were helping Rarity pick out outfits to go with her dress. Raph and Casey sighed in boredom. "Yo, we've been in this isle for like twenty minutes already. Think we can, I don't know, go somewhere else?" Casey groaned. "Sorry Casey Jones, but I simply must find the right attire to go with my dress. With it being ruined I have to revision what would go with it." Rarity told the vigilante. "Well I don't wanna waste my day waiting for you to pick out whatever you need for your dress." Raph said as he puts his hand on his chin. "I would literally do anything else than stand here." Casey looked to Raph's right and let out a snort. "You mean like, picking out ugly sweaters for the winter dance?" "What? Jones, why would I-" Raph didn't finish as Casey pushed his head to face the right. Raph's eyes widen when he sees Leo going through ugly winter sweaters, and having Donnie stay still as Leo holds the sweater infront of him to see if it's his size, which Donnie is clearly embarrassed of doing. "Leo! You're seriously not considering us to wear ugly sweaters at the dance, are you?! I thought you and Karai were having your usual back and forth banter!" Raph panicked. Shinigami saw this and started laughing. "Look, Karai. Leonardo is actually looking through ugly sweaters. I honestly didn't think he would, but he's actually gonna go through with it! Isn't that hilarious?" Shinigami giggled as she looks at Karai. Though Shinigami's face immediately dropped when she saw her friend was also going through ugly sweaters, making Shinigami start to laugh nervously. "Uh, K-Karai? Why are you going through those sweaters? Karai..?" Shini gulps. Rarity's stylish strapped bag, Pinkie Pie's and Twilight's backpacks, and the travel bag, that was standing near Casey and Raph, started to shake violently as the mogwais inside the bags started fussing and shouting "Yum-yum!" They all took notice as April speaks. "Guess they're hungry now. Does anyone wanna go to the food stands and get them something to eat?" Without hesitation, Raph stood up. "I'll go." Casey looked surprised by Raph volunteering. "Yo, for real Raph?" "Yes. That's how bored I am." Raph stated. Casey stood up too. "In that case I'll go too." The vigilante said as he and Raph immediately started leaving the clothing store. "So, what should we get them?" "I don't know, I'm sure they'll eat just about anything." Raph shrugged as they walked. "I-I'll go with them. To uh, make sure they don't go wandering off." Donnie stammered as he tried to back away from Leo, but Leo quickly pulled him back. "Oh no you don't. We still got some Christmas sweaters to go through for you." Leo said as he grinned. The mogwais that were fussing and shaking the bags they were in started to calm down once they see Raph and Casey leave the clothing store. Stripe peeked through Twilight's bag to see if the others were watching them. He sees Twilight, April and Rarity were still picking out clothes, Karai was going through Christmas sweaters as Shinigami inconspicuously tried to hide from her, and Leo going through Christmas sweaters as he had Donnie stay, much to his dismay. Stripe grinned as he looks at Tuck next to him and both nod. Stripe ever so slightly sticks his mouth out of the bag and quietly calls out to Scamper. "Psst! Scamper!" Scamper's ear perks up and turns his attention towards Stripe. Stripe started whispering things to Scamper as the Mogwai nodded once Stripe finished. Scamper looked around and saw that Rarity left her cossack hat by the bag. Scamper carefully reached for it and quickly snatches it. Scamper puts the hat over himself and quietly leaves the bag, completely covered from the bright light. Now Scamper starts to run away to find cover for his Mogwai buddies. Only, Scamper can't see... he was moving around, hitting and bumping into objects randomly as Stripe quietly panicks. Scamper's little legs scurry over to where Karai and Shinigami are, which Stripe bites his fibgers once he sees. Scamper bumps into a coat stand, making him fall on his back. Stripe shook violently as he hoped the two kunoichis didn't notice. Luckily for them, Karai was too occupied with looking at Christmas sweaters to notice, and Shinigami was still hiding from her. Stripe sighed in relief as Scamper picked himself up and starts to move again. After awhile Stripe noticed a dog cage shuffling towards the four of them. Scamper whispered his Mogwai buddies to come inside quickly. So Stripe, Wacko and Terrance very carefully unzipped the bags they were in as to not alert everyone. They then carefully lay the bags, minus the travel bag Terrance is in, flat on the ground and curled into balls, rolling into the dog cage with Scamper. Stripe whispered to his Mogwai companions and they all nodded. They shuffled the dog cage away from everyone until they were far away from them. Terrance then puts his hands on the ceiling inside the dog cage and started to push up. Terrance grunts as when he pushed the dog cage hard enough, the whole thing lifts up, having his legs break the floor of the dog cage. Now Terrance easily carries all of them around the dog cage for better travel. They carefully made their way towards the front of the store for a quick stop. They stopped by a shelf filled with bean filled elf dolls that almost match their ears. And since they're bean filled, they are able to weigh the same as them so they reached out from the cage and grabbed some dolls. Well, Terrance grabbed a bunch so the travel bag can weigh heavier. As Terrance walked them back to the bags, the four Mogwai ripped out the security tags on the elves before they could put them in the bags. Once Terrance was close enough, the Mogwai began shoving the toy elves in the bags they were in, and Terrance dumped the rest of the elves in the travel bag. Once they finished, Terrance tip toed the five of them away from the group before they noticed anything. Outside the store, Terrance walked them out of the front entrance of the clothing store and the Mogwais examined the mall around them. They were wowed at how big it was. But they all took notice of the sky lights above. They looked around and saw many stores they could explore. Pet stores, book stores, hardware stores, they didn't know which ones to go to first. They spotted the water fountain in the middle of the mall and they immediately took note of it to each other. "Glub glub." Stripe grinned as the other Mogwai let out little chuckles. As they looked around, Tuck immediately saw a toy store and wanted to go there, but Stripe smacked his hand into Tuck's face, a way to tell him to shut up. Stripe points at a direction, and they all saw a arcade place. It was big, had many games, and there were no lights on whatsoever. The only lights on were the ones of the games. Stripe ordered Terrance to take them there which he immediately does. They made sure to stay out of view from pedestrians. Terrance had to stop moving from time to time when there's someone near by. Terrance immediately stopped moving and set the dog cage down when a little girl approached them. "Aww a puppy~." The little girl smiled at the cage as she approached it. Stripe immediately started shaking the dog cage and making bark and snarling noises, scaring the girl, causing her to scream and run away. "Aaaaaah! Mommy, mommy!" The five Mogwai start laughing as they watch the girl run away before Terrance started moving them again. Once they're at the front entrance of the arcade, Terrance shuffles them against the wall before setting the cage down behind a arcade machine. They all exited the cage and looked around, ooh'd and awed at the arcade around them. They all spread out to do whatever it is they wanna do. Back at the clothing store, Twilight, April and Rarity finished picking out little clothing for Rarity's dress. "Okay, we're all set. Ready to go everyone?" April asked. "Yep, all set here." Leo said. "Same here." Karai nodded. Both noticed each other holding something behind their backs as they gave each other suspicious smirks. "Whacha got there, Leo?" Karai grinned. "Oh, nothing." Leo answered playfully. "What about you? Got something?" "Nah, nothing at all." Karai answered with the same playful tone. April noticed Casey and Raph aren't back. "Oh no, Casey and Raph aren't back yet. If they don't hurry, the mogwai are gonna get real fussy." Donnie looked at all the bags lying down and tilted his head with a raised eyebrow. "I don't know April. They've been awfully quiet for some time." They all noticed too, which they found odd. "Maybe they're asleep?" Leo guessed. "That's a possibility." Donnie shrugged. Twilight walked up to her bag to check. She slowly reached for the zipper and slowly starts to unzip it. Once she unzips it enough, she takes a peek in her bag, but immediately jumped when a pointed ear sticks out, causing her to quickly zip up her bag and whisper. "Yep, looks like they're asleep." Twilight nodded. "Wow, maybe we can continue our shopping without worry." Donnie smiled. Twilight grabbed her backpack, as Rarity grabbed her strap bag, but noticed her cossack laying on the floor as she picked it up. "Why on earth was my cossack on the floor?" She asked herself. April grabbed and strapped on Pinkie Pie's backpack. Though unknown to them, the Mogwai weren't in the bags, only the toy elves they stuffed in. And since they're bean filled dolls it added weight to the bags, giving the illusion they're inside. April grabbed and pulled up the handle of the travel bag, making her grunt as she pulled. "Man, Terrance really weighs a ton." April grunted as she was pulling the travel bag. "So what do you think is keeping Raph and Casey?" Twilight wondered. "Knowing those two, they probably got "accidentally" sidetracked." Donnie air quoted. Back in the arcade, the Mogwais were having the time of their lives. Stripe was at a virtual shooting game, as he held a plastic handgun and started rapidly firing at the zombies on screen, laughing joyfully as he kept repeating, "Bang-Bang! Bang bang bang!" Wacko was at a whack-a-mole game as he's frantically hitting the moles popping out, laughing joyfully as he kept hitting the popping moles. Terrance and Tuck were at a basketball shooting booth as Terrance was using Tuck as a ball. He threw Tuck into the hoop over eight times, getting high scores as Tuck would bounce himself back at Terrance. There was a boy was at a crane machine who just inserted his quarters. He moved the claw over to what looks like a brown and white stuffed animal. He pressed the button on the panel and the claw ascends down. The claw landed and gripped at the the stuffed animals top part, which the boy happily cheers. But once the claw starts to lift it up, Scamper jumped up from the pile of toys and snarled at the boy. "Aaaah! Furry monster!" The boy screamed as he ran away. Scamper laughs as he watches the boy run away. Terrance was still throwing Tuck into the basket ball hoop, but stopped and had an idea. Terrance grin and pulled his arm back with Tuck in hand. Then Terrance threw his arm forward, throwing Tuck with all his might, causing Tuck to hit the square part of the basketball hoop. Tuck bounces off the hoop, and started bouncing around everywhere uncontrollably. Both Terrance and Tuck himself was laughing as Tuck hits the many arcade machines in the area. He bounced off a kid's head when he was about to beat a boss in a fighting game, causing him to lose his focus and get his character killed. Tuck bounced off on a steering wheel a girl was using in a arcade racing game, causing her car to crash and when a boy was about to put a coin in a coin pusher, Tuck bounces off it, causing all the coins to fall, making the boy cheer. Wacko was still by the whack-a-mole game, hitting the moles frantically. But he started getting more aggressive with his swings, hitting the moles harder and harder, making the Mogwai laugh as he hits the popping moles. He suddenly climbed on top of the game, and started hitting the machine itself with the mallet, making the numbers on the screen glitch before the game starts sparking. The game then shuts off, breaking completely. Stripe kept shooting zombies none stop, until he ran out of ammo and the zombie killed him, getting a game over. Stripe vented angry babbles as he ripped the plastic gun out of the console and threw it at the screen, shattering it as he screamed, "Game Caca!" Terrance was at a skee ball and inserted coins he took from a child and the balls rolled towards him. He grabbed a ball, but instead of rolling it into one of the holes, he threw it at a arcade machine, shaking it as the screen flickered. Terrance laughed as he grabbed another ball and threw it at another arcade machine, only this time a young teen was playing on it. The ball broke through the screen, scaring the teen as he ran away once sparks start flying out. Terrance continued throwing the skee balls at random directions, causing a panic in the arcade. As a ball hits a outlet that had a plug on it, it started to spark and slowly start a fire. The five Mogwai laugh at the outcome, but noticed once the fire started to slowly spread, security ran in with fire extinguishers, making them all go "Uh oh." And scurry back to the hidden dog cage. Terrance carries all of them out of the arcade as security quickly put out the fires before it could spread. Once the mogwai were far enough, they started laughing, loving how they started a fire inside the arcade. They looked out the cage, and saw the many other places in the mall they can cause trouble in, so they started getting busy. At a pet store, kids and their parents were looking at all the pets they could see. Dogs, cats, birds, and even lizards. Unknown to the customers and employees, the mogwai were secretly opening as many cages as they can and scare the animals out of them. Once the animals were free, the customers begin to panic as loose animals run around the pet shop before spreading over the mall. The mogwai were now at a DVD store, and were opening up DVD cases and either started scratching on the discs, breaking them in half or switching the discs to different DVD cases. At a food court, a man sat down at a table and sets down his tray of food, which was a cheese burger, french fries and a drink. He was about to grab his cheeseburger when something hits him on the head, getting his attention. He looked around till he saw it was a quarter that hit him on the head. "Oh sweet, a quarter." The man said before bending down to pick it up, not questioning it. As the man was bent down to pick up the quarter, Terrance's arms were seen reaching for the burger. He grabbed the top part of the bun, lifted it off the burger and...... set down two sliced pickles on the burger before setting the bun back on top of the burger. After the man picked up the quarter, he grabbed his cheese burger and took a big bite out of it. His face immediately soured and spat out the burger on his tray. "Ugh! I said I I didn't want pickles on my burger!" He griped. The Mogwai were watching from the distance in the dog cage and started laughing. Terrance lifted up the dog cage and carried them away. With the group, they were walking through the mall, still unaware the mogwais aren't in the bags. That's when they noticed people gathering outside the arcade as security was telling everyone to get back. Wanting to see what the commotion was about, they walked towards the crowd of people. They were shocked to see smoke coming out of the arcade as the entrance was blocked by security tape. "What happened here?" Leo asked a random person. "The arcade suddenly caught on fire. No one knows how it started, but it happened pretty fast. Luckily no one was hurt." The person replied. While they were glad no one was hurt, but they were still curious on how the arcade caught fire in the first place. They walked away as they couldn't really do much. "My, how dreadful." Rarity frowned. "I know, a fire starting in the arcade? And no one knows how it started." Donnie scratched his head. "As long as the kids inside weren't hurt, it's okay." Leo added, which everyone nodded. Soon they spotted Casey and Raph walking towards them with trays of burritos. "Sup guys." Casey greeted. "Sorry we took awhile. The lines are longer than the ones in the stores. We miss anything?" "The arcade caught fire." Karai answered. "Wait, what?!" Raph yelled, almost dropping the tray of burritos. "Somehow a fire started in the arcade. No one knows how it started, but yeah." Donnie explained. "Man, a fire?" Raph still couldn't believe. "That's insane, yo." Casey adds. "Well luckily everyone made it out and security got it under control before it could get worse." April assured. Everyone nodded in agreement before Raph held up a burrito. "Well, we got the little loud mouths some burritos. So let's feed them before they become more annoying." Before anyone can reach for the bags, they heard screaming. And what sounds like.... birds chirping? And dogs barking? And squeaking? They followed the noise and their jaws dropped when they saw the pet store animals all over the mall. Hamsters scurrying around people's feet, dogs eating off of tables, and birds flying around the ceiling and landing on people's heads. "Okay, what the heck is going on?!" April shouts dumbfounded. "First the arcade caught fire, now pet store animals loose in the mall?" Donnie slaps his hand on his head. Suddenly birds landed on the trays Raph and Casey were holding and started pecking at the burritos. "Aaah! Hey, get away you dumb birds!" Raph tried shooing the birds away. "Yo, get your own burritos!" Casey tried holding the tray away from the birds. The birds finally flew away, but at the cost at some of the burritos being torn apart. "Oh man, they got to the one I was gonna eat!" Casey griped. "Looks like we need to get these animals back to the pet store. Somehow." Leo puts his hands on his hips. "Of all days when Fluttershy isn't here..." Raph sighed. "We should put the Mogwai somewhere safe." Donnie suggested. "Good idea." Leo nodded as he looked around. Soon they all put the bags, aside from the travel bag, under some resting areas. "They should be safe here while we gather the animals." Leo said before turning to the animals. "Good luck everyone." On the other side of the mall, Stripe and his group were still moving around in the dog cage looking for their next potential destination. But that's when Stripe started sniffing the air. "Smell, smell!" He told the other four Mogwai as they started sniffing the air. They sniffed the air, realizing the scent they're smelling was popcorn. The scent of popcorn causes their stomachs to growl loudly as they looked around to see where the smell was coming from. That's when they spot the mall's theater up ahead. "Yum-yum!" Stripe called out as Terrance walked them towards the theater. As they entered, they made sure to hide the dog cage somewhere secluded as they peeked out the cage. Stripe slowly exited the cage, realizing inside wasn't so brightly lit, so they all exited the cage. They peeked over a claw machine and saw the snack bar. Behind the snack bar was Juniper Montage, who just served a customer a tray of popcorn, large soda, and some candy bars. She thanked the customer as he started walking away with the tray. The Mogwais stared at the tray with awe, mouths drooling at the site of the tray, Terrance licking his lips as Tuck rubs his belly. They then turned their attention towards the snack bar and saw all the different snacks on stand. Nachos, candy and of course, popcorn. The group were spread around the mall, trying to catch the loose animals. Karai and Shinigami were trying to catch the birds sitting above the mall. Raph, Donnie and Casey were chasing around hamsters, with a few in boxes already. "Come back you little fuzz balls!" Raph called out. Rarity and April were trying to get two cats down from a hanging TV. "Come on kitties, time to come down." April tried reaching for one of the cats. The cat looked at her and her hands. It then turned its head away from her, licking it's paw. "You're seriously gonna give me that kind of attitude?!" April shouted at the cat. Leo had some dogs on leashes and was pulling them towards the pet store, but they were pulling back, not wanting to go back in. "Come on, good doggies! Time to go back to the pet store!" Leo grunted as he was tugging all the dogs. Then he heard Twilight screaming. He looked and saw a group of dogs running, having leashes on them as on the other end was Twilight, being dragged on the floor. "Leoooooo! Heeeeeelp!" She cried out. That's when the dogs Leo had quickly started running too, pulling Leo with them as he gripped their leashes, now being dragged on the floor like Twilight. "Whoooooaaa!!! Stop! Sit! Heel! Something!!!" Leo screamed as he's being dragged around on the floor. A customer walked towards the snack bar as she began to order. "I'd like one medium sized popcorn please." She asked. "Sure thing." Juniper nodded as she walked towards the popcorn maker. She grabbed a medium size bucket and scooped some popcorn as she dumped them in the bucket. Juniper hands the customer her popcorn as the customer payed and walked towards one of the screen rooms. Juniper looked over to one of the entrances and saw spilled popcorn and soda cups on the floor. "Uuugh, don't people see the garbage bin by the doors?" Juniper groaned before grabbing a broom and shovel and walked towards the mess. Once Juniper was gone, the Mogwais Stripe and Tuck pop up from inside the popcorn machine, as they were hiding in the pile of popcorn. Stripe had a mouthful of popcorn and looked at Tuck, who started to scrunch his nose before sneezing on the popcorn. Stripe and Tuck laughed before climbing out of the popcorn maker. Scamper was ripping a candy wrapper and took one bite of the candy before tossing it aside and grabbing another piece of candy. Wacko and Terrance were by the soda machine. Terrance's head was under one of the soda flavors as Wacko hovered his finger over the activation button. Wacko presses the button and soda pours out, falling into Terrance's mouth as the big Mogwai starts gulping it down. Tuck ripped one end of a straw open, put his mouth in it and blew the rest of the wrapper out of the straw. He kept doing it to the rest of the straws on the counter. Stripe opened a box of chocolate balls and dumps them into his mouth. As he chewed the candy, Stripe began to look around, spotting a door that reads Employees Only. Catching his interest, Stripe called out his fellow Mogwai's attention. They all stopped what they were doing, as Terrance gulped the remaining soda in his mouth and let out the biggest belch. Stripe motioned them to follow him as they scurry over to the door. They all stared at it and wondered what's in it. "Terrance, up!" Stripe told the big Mogwai. Terrance grabbed Stripe and tossed him to the door handle. Once Stripe got hold of the door handle, he pulls his weight down and the door opens. It's revealed to be a set of stairs, which Tuck and Scamper find disappointing. Still curious to where it leads, Stripe orders Terrance and Wacko to follow him up the stairs while Tuck and Scamper explore the rest of the theater. With that, the Mogwais went their separate ways. Once Juniper came back she sighed. "I don't know why it's so hard for people to put their garbage in the garbage bins." Once Juniper went behind the snack bar, she stopped and her eyes widen to see the mess behind it. Candy wrappers and boxes scattered on the floor, straw wrappers scattered on the counters, and popcorn all over the floor. "What the-! But i-! How'd this-?!" Juniper stammered her words, unable to figure out how this happened. Tuck and Scamper scurried/rolled into a screen room as a movie was playing. They saw it was dark in the room, the only light was the movie playing. They saw it was a slice of life movie, which they immediately found boring. They rolled/crawled around the rows in the room, finding lots of popcorn on the floor as they ate. One of the seats had a man and woman sitting on it. The man pretended to yawn as he stretched his arm and slowly started to move it towards the woman. As that was happening, Scamper was crawling under the seats. Once he passed the woman, his ear brushed against the woman's leg, making her flinch and gasp. Thinking it was the man who brushed her leg, she slapped him across the face, stood up and walked away, confusing the man. Stripe, Terrance and Wacko were climbing up the stairs till they reached the top. There they saw it was a projector room. They saw projectors rolling and playing movies in different rooms of the theater. The three Mogwai were awed by the sight, and had mischievous grins on their faces. That's when they noticed some employees by the projectors. They couldn't have their fun when people are around, so Stripe whispers something to the two. They chuckled mischievously and scurry over to the employees. One was reading a magazine as the projector next to him was rolling. Wacko quietly grabs a projector wheel and quietly climbed on the table. As the employee was flipping through the magazine, he felt there was a presence next to him. When he turned his head, he saw Wacko standing over him with the projector wheel. Before the employee could do anything- Wham! Wacko slammed the projection wheel on to the employees head, knocking him out cold on the floor. The other two employees heard him fall and quickly look over to see their coworker on the floor. That's when they heard laughter. They turned their heads towards the laughter and their eyes widen when they spot Stripe and Terrance standing over them in a pile of projector wheels. The two Mogwais pounced themselves towards the employees as they let out screams. Their screams and loud bangings echo in the projector room, but due to how loud the movies were playing, no one is able to hear their screams. Tuck and Scamper were in a different screen room. This time a romance movie was playing. They poked their heads up and saw a scene playing. It was a man and a woman standing on top of a rock as in the background was the ocean. "My darling, I cannot stand the idea of you being far away from me!" The woman cried. "I must, my sick mother needs me, and I must be there for her!" The man replied. "Promise me you'll return!" The woman pleaded. "I will, and when I do, I will never let go!" The man answered. "Oh my darling!" The woman said. "My love!" The man held her. The two lovers then shared a kiss as the waves behind them splash. Most of the audience, mainly the girls, started crying in their partners arms. Tuck and Scamper on the other hand, found the cheesy scene to be lame and gross. "Movie caca!" Tuck shouted as Scamper blew raspberries at the scene. As the audience turned their heads towards to whoever said that, Tuck and Scamper quickly duck down, as the audience stare at the person who was conveniently sitting infront of the Mogwai. "Hey buddy, you don't have to ruin this movie for the rest of us!" One woman shouts. "W-Wait, that wasn't me!" The man panicked. "No one else is in that row, pal!" One other man points out. As they shouted at the person, the two Mogwai made their exit out of the room chuckling. Stripe, Terrance and Wacko were having a blast in the projector room. As they were playing with movie footage, projector wheels or just throwing things around. The employees that were there were now tucked in a corner, wrapped in projector film and had pieces of the magazine shoved in their mouths as they were knocked out. Wacko and Stripe rolled two projector wheels down the room as the film contained rolled out, leaving a trail behind. Terrance was by one of the projectors that's playing a movie. This movie happens to be the new Daring Do movie. And in the screen room playing the movie, had the CMC, Mikey, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie in the audience. In the movie, Daring Do was in a cave and was slowly walking towards a chest in the empty area. "This must be where the lion's amulet is in..." Daring Do told herself. As she slowly opens the chest, she finds that it is empty, catching her by surprise. "What, empty?!" "Looking for something?" A mysterious voice called out. She turned around, and in the shadows, revealed to be Daring Do's arch enemy, Dr. Caballeron, making Daring Do gasp. "Dr. Caballeron?" "Yes, Daring Do, it is I. And I have what you seek." The Dr. Grinned, as he holds up an amulet with the shape of a lion's head, and a gem in the mouth. "Oh no!" Sweetie Belle gasped. "Dr. Caballeron, what do you think you're planning to do with that?" Daring Do asked her enemy. "Haven't you heard the legends?" Dr Caballeron grinned smugly at her. "If one wears the Lion's Amulet, they are granted the strengths of ten lions." "Yes, but also be gifted a curse to go with it!" Daring Do reminded. "So that is why we must return it to the lions temple where it'll be safely kept!" "That's definitely one option. But if having the strengths of ten lions means having the chance to be rid of you once and for all, I'm taking that risk!" Dr. Caballeron grinned. The Dr then puts the amulet over his head. The gem on the amulet shines, and a powerful aura surrounds his body. "Yes, yes! I can feel it! The power is coursing through me! I can finally- Aaaagh!" Suddenly Dr Caballeron held his head. He grunts in pain as he got to his knees. As the aura glew brighter, the more pain he is in. Suddenly he started to grow in size. So big he almost covered the entire cave. Not only that, but his appearance started to change. He started getting larger muscles, started growing fur into his body, his clothes ripping from his body, grew claws and had canine teeth. Once the transformation was finished, he was now a big, anthropomorphic lion monster, as Daring Do and the audience gasped in shock. "Oh man, that's sick!" Mikey gasped as he anxiously ate his popcorn. The now monsterized Dr. Caballeron roared at Daring Do and pounced himself at her. Daring Do quickly rolls out of the way as the beast hits a wall, crumbling some rocks. Daring Do looked and saw the amulet on the floor. She picked it up and started to run out the cave. "As much as I don't like you, Caballeron, I can't leave you like this." She told herself. As she was running, she looked through her journal. "Let's see... the only way to break the curse is to return the amulet to the lion statue at the temple, and the amulet will absorb the power out of the cursed person." Once she exits the cave, she spots a jeep parked outside. "Hmm, hope you don't mind if I borrow your ride, Caballeron." The treasure hunter grinned as she hopped in the driver's seat. She turned the ignition and the jeep sputters to life. Suddenly she heard a roar from inside the cave. That's where the lion monster jumps out of the cave and roars at Daring Do. Daring Do quickly shifts the jeep to reverse and slammed on the gas, backing up into the woods. She quickly did a 180 turn and the jeep was now driving forward. But now the monsterized Dr. Caballeron was chasing Daring Do on all fours, effortlessly gaining on Daring Do. The CMC, Mikey, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie watch in anticipation as they watch the epic chase. Though Terrance, who was by the projector, started messing with it, while Stripe and Wacko were still messing around. Tuck and Scamper were in another screen room, only this time they were sitting down watching the movie. The movie they were watching was a horror movie. A girl was running in a house with her clothes being battered and messy. She was panting frantically as she heard a sound of a chainsaw not too far behind her. She looked around and saw a pantry closet. With no choice she hides inside the closet. She held her hand over her mouth to quiet her breathing as loud footsteps thump outside. The girl teared up as she did her best to control her breathing. Soon the footsteps walked away, now being quiet. The girl sighed quietly in relief. But that's when the door bursts open as the killer revved his chainsaw and the girl screamed in horror. The audience watched in horror as the girl screams and the chainsaw revves before hearing splattering sounds, making the audience scream. Tuck and Scamper on the other hand, started laughing at the girl's misfortune as they pointed at the screen and held their bellys. Stripe and Wacko were now with Terrance by the projector as they started messing with it with him. The chase was still going on as Daring Do was swerving the jeep away from trees and going down hills as the lion monster continued to chase her. The group watched in anticipation as Applebloom was practically leaning forward in her seat. Daring Do spots the temple up ahead, and smiles in relief. But her smile fades away when she sees there's a gap between the temple. Daring Do had to think fast, that's when she spots a hill in a shape of a ramp up ahead. With no other choice, she decides to try and jump it. "Here goes nothing!" She exclaimed, as she shifted gears and slammed her foot hard on the gas. The jeep picks up speed as the speedometer starts to rise up. The audience anxiously watch as they see Daring Do driving towards the ramp. Stripe, Terrance and Wacko kept messing with the projector. Stripe was hitting his hand on it, Terrance was messing with the controls and Wacko was.... well, whacking it. That's when they see the film rolling on the projector, which immediately made them grin. Daring Do got closer to the ramp, gripping the steering wheel hard as Dr. Caballeron was hot on her tail. Soon, the jeep jumps the ramp and Daring Do was soaring through the air, but Dr Caballeron also leaped off the ramp and reached his monstrous arm towards the jeep. The scene was in slow motion as everyone kept their eyes glued on the screen, waiting to see if Daring Do will be able to make the jump. But as they watch the scene play, suddenly the screen started getting fuzzy. Fuzzy, and laggy. And suddenly, the screen went white. Everyone, including Mikey, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and the CMC groaned in frustration and disappointment. "What?!" One audience member screamed. "You gotta be kidding me!" Another one screamed. In the projection room, Stripe, Wacko and Terrance had ripped out the film from the projector that was playing the movie, ending it abruptly. That's when they see the audience members started to get up and start to leave. "Uh oh." Stripe said before he motioned the two Mogwai to quickly leave with him. The three Mogwai quickly roll into balls and started rolling down the stairs. Once they get to the bottom, they see Scamper and Tuck about to enter another screen room. Stripe quickly calls out to them and tells them it's time to go. The two Mogwai follow him and they all make their way towards the dog cage. They quickly stop when they spot Juniper with security, and got hold of the dog cage. "No, I have no idea why it's here." Juniper explained. "But I guess it explains why the snack bar was a mess." The security thanked Juniper and walked out with the dog cage. "Why is there a big hole on the bottom?" One security asked his coworker. "Not sure, but it's probably how the animal escaped." The other security guard shrugged. The mogwais panicked as they try to figure out how they're gonna get out without being exposed to the mall's bright lights. That's when Stripe had an idea. Customers started to exit the theater as they griped of their experience. Along the crowd was Mikey, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and the CMC. "Oh man, that stinks!" Mikey huffed. "Just when things started to get intense, the movie stops!" Scootaloo griped. "Now we gotta save up on our allowance again just to see what happens!" Sweetie Belle crossed her arms. "That also means we gotta stay off social media to avoid spoilers!" Applebloom groaned. "Oh man, that's the worse part!" Rainbow Dash face palmed. As they walked, Stripe, Terrance, Tuck, Scamper and Wacko were exiting the theater. They had popcorn buckets over their bodies to shield themselves from the bright lights. They cut little holes to they could see where they're going. After some time, the five mogwais finally found the group. They just caught the last animal and were taking it to the pet store. They spotted the bags under the resting areas and quickly made their way towards the bags. Once they got to the bags, they opened them up, tossed the toy elves out of the bags, hopped inside and threw the popcorn buckets away from them to avoid suspicion. Soon the group exited the pet store, groaning in exhaustion. "I never wanna enter another pet store ever again..." April groaned. "Double for me..." Karai wiped her forehead. "Ditto..." Shinigami patted her hat, getting bird feathers out of it. "I still can't figure out how all those animals escaped." Raph dusted his shoulders. Soon they met up with Mikey, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and the CMC. "Whoa, what happened here, dudes?" Mikey looked around the messy mall. "Animals escaped the pet store." Donnie answered. "Whoa, seriously?" Mikey's eyes widened. "How'd that happen?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We wish we knew." Leo sighed. "Someone probably forgot to lock the cages in... all of them..?" Twilight tried to guess but didn't had a straight answer. "Well, aside from that, how was your movie guys?" April asked curiously. "Well, it was going great." Sweetie Belle sighed. "What happened?" Karai asked. "The screen went white!" Applebloom griped. "There was an epic chase going on when suddenly the whole thing stopped!" Scootaloo added. "The stupid projector must've malfunctioned or something." Rainbow Dash guessed, still ticked. "It was a toats bummer!" Pinkie Pie adds. "Oh man, that blows!" Casey empathized. "Man, this trip to the mall has definitely not been going well." Leo crossed his arms. Applebloom looked around realizing something. "Hey, where are the Mogwais?" "Oh. Well, while we had to gather the animals back in the pet store, we set them down in a resting area for saftey." April explained. They walked towards the resting area and pulled out the bags, aside from the travel bags. They slightly unzip the bags and peak inside. They see the big ears inside, only this time the mogwais look back. "Wow, they've been quiet all day." Donnie said surprised. "It's honestly pretty weird." Raph added. Casey looked around and saw the tray of burritos they set down, only the burritos weren't there anymore, but the wrappers that contained them. "Oh man, those dogs got to the burritos!" Casey groaned. "The poor darlings must be starving after being cooped up in these bags." Rarity frowned. "Guys, I know just what they, and the rest of us need. Some hot, steaming pizza!" Mikey exclaimed. "After the day we all had, I could definitely go for some pizza." Donnie rubbed his neck. "Yeah, pizza sounds good honestly." April nodded. "Then it's settled. How about we go to Applejack's farm and have it there?" Leo suggested. "I'll give her a call and ask." Rarity offered. "And I'll call Sunset and Fluttershy to see if they wanna join us." Twilight pulled out her phone. "Alright, pizza time!" Mikey cheered. As everyone started to walk out of the mall while carrying the Mogwais in the bags, the Mogwais chuckled to themselves. Not only did they cause lots of mischief in the mall, they were gonna be treated to food afterward. As far as the mogwais knew, this was the best day of their lives so far. But to them, it was just getting started.