Assassin's Tears II

by MisterGTFO

A Powerful Draconequus

Chapter Fourteen: A Powerful Draconequus

After several minutes of walking up the long steps, The trio finally got to the top. Which also had a long hallway, they all grunted and walked. Meanwhile, Shade was talking to Silent Wind inside is mind.

"Forgive me if the form you were in was not right." Shade apologized.

Surprisingly, Silent Wind could also speak inside his mind also so that the others did not hear him talk to himself and halt for hearing him talking to himself. He then spoke back to Shade by slightly closing his eyes while walking and thinking hard within his mind.

"It's okay, even powerful auras have flaws and drawbacks. Right?" Silent Wind said within his mind.

Shade laughed and Silent Wind giggled slightly but not loud enough for the others to hear. Silent Wind coughed a little and Shade sighed.

"That reminds me, do not use my power too much at the state we are in." Shade explained.

Silent Wind at that point, became confused. When he used the power in their last conflict with Shadow Moon, all he felt was a good rush but then Silent Wind looked down at his moving hooves and saw marks on them. Dirt marks but they were permanent. Silent Wind once again tapped into his thoughts again.

"Why? Is there something bad?" Silent Wind asked in his thoughts.

"Absolutely, I see how you looked at your hooves. My powers however you cannot control so well yet so there are side effects such as pain. The rush given blurs out the pain and worst, use it too much and the pain might kill you. Worst of all, using it constantly will change you personality permanently. Seeing that some of my aura leaks out and goes into your mind and believe me, Normal and monster pony aura don't go so well." Shade said to Silent Wind.

Silent Wind gulped at took a soft breath. He didn't like how it still had side effects even though he liked how the powers helped him. Even though he had gotten the cooperation of Shade, he still had to master the powers of Shade. And only doing that, he slightly deteriorated the bad side effects. He also didn't think of the idea of him having personality changes permanently. He took a deep breath and talked again.

"That's really bad.. but I know how I haven't mastered the power yet. So, all I have to do is master your power and the bad stuff will stop?" Silent Wind said.

"Yes, that's how it goes. Just make sure you can master my power before it's too late." Shade said.

And with that, Silent Wind stopped talking. Then he saw that they were already at the gate. Silent Wind smiled and thought that Twilight and the others must've handled Discord by now. But he decided that it would be best to see what they were doing.

"Okay guys, lets check on em! I bet they-" Silent Wind opened the gate and saw a horrifying scene. He saw that the Mane Six were all beaten up. Rainbow Dash was smashed to the ground, Fluttershy down on the ground. Pinkie Pie thrown against the wall, Applejack with her hat by her and she too was down. Rarity was down too but in a dramatic position. And most of all, he saw Twilight down in front of Discord and Discord was looking at her.

"Ah.. I see the party has come." Discord said.

Silent Wind could not contain the anger inside him when he had saw Twilight, he began to show his purple-black eyes that showed he was using Shade's power and flew at Discord with at a fast rate. He drew his hidden blades and thrusted at Discord. Discord chuckled and simply slapped Silent Wind's face and Silent Wind flew at the wall and fell on the ground. Silent Whisper looked around in the throne room and saw various thrones around the gigantic room and finally saw a large throne bigger than the rest of the rooted throne rooms. He then saw all of the chandeliers light up green flames and the room brightened. Lily Blade then turned her head at Silent Whisper.

"What do we do? Silent Wind is hurt." Lily said.

Silent Whisper knew what Draconequus were and they could make a pony form of themselves. He did not know how strong Discord was but when he saw Silent Wind pushed aside by Discord, he knew that Discord was certainly exceptionally strong. He putted his snout near Lily Blade's ear.

"We should think of how strong he is first.." Silent Whisper whispered.

Lily Blade nodded and began to run at Discord, Discord did nothing to stop her. He simply stood there bored out of his brains. Lily jumped and made a large fist on her left hoof with her magic and swunged it with all of her might. The force was strong enough to make a stallion fly but Discord simply stood with a small skitter across the floor and then he teleported behind Lily Blade. Lily Blade quickly turned behind her but was hit with a frozen blast and was pushed back. She fell on her hooves and saw that her arm was beginning to freeze and it was beginning to spread across her body, She quickly smashed her arm against the ground, causing the ice to break.

"So boooring!!" Discord mocked.

Lily Blade then smirked, Discord made raised an eyebrow and saw a large shadow behind him and turned around. He saw a large paw come smashing down on him. Discord tried to stand from the paw weighing down on him but eventually, He got crushed. Silent Whisper laughed.

"Nice job, Sheerclaw!" Silent Whisper said. Sheerclaw howled in reply. Silent Whisper saw a shake within the paw that Sheerclaw had smashed down. Discord was shaking and getting up, Discord then did a force push around him and propelling Sheerclaw at Silent Wind. Sheerclaw made a piercing yowl and Silent Whisper dodged. Silent Whisper's vision was blurry and could not know what had just happened. Discord then Flew up and began to cast multiple fireballs and energy rays at Sheerclaw. Making Sheerclaw yowl in pain as the magic struck him everywhere. Silent Whisper saw that it was about time that Sheerclaw went back inside. He said his name once again and Sheerclaw was sucked back into the large mark which looked like a tattoo on his chest. Discord then laughed and was in the air.

"Amazing work! Just Amazing! You're much more fun than the Elements of Harmony!" Discord laughed more.

Lily was getting very irritated by the Draconequus and in her rage, shot a lightning bolt at Discord. Discord simply deflected it with his hoof that had his aura formed into a gauntlet. Lily cursed herself and saw Silent Wind behind Discord, holding a gigantic wind drill in one of his hoofs that was made by him with his natural wind ability. She also looked at him, seeing that he was in the form that he was in last time with Crimson-black Silentblade eyes, white hair, dark-purple coat and long and sharp teeth but what was more different were the marks around his arms and his chest. The chest had a swirl mark while the arms and swirling lines also wrapped around his arms.

Discord noticed Silent Wind behind him. Discord quickly made a dense shield, seeing that drill was big and destructive enough to kill him. Silent Wind then dived the drill at Discord the moment that Discord made his shield around him.

"Shut the buck up!!" Silent Wind roared.

"Such language, you must be punished!" Discord yelled.

Discord then touched his shield and began to radiate electricity. Since Silent Wind's wind drill was touching the shield, it too hit Silent Wind. Silent Wind broke his drill and Discord found it as the opportunity to attack Silent Wind. Discord deactivated his shield and hitted Silent Wind's head downward which propelled Silent Wind down to the ground and smashed him to the ground and flew down where Silent Wind was. Silent Whisper and Lily Blade ran to Silent Wind but Discord was too fast for them, He landed right by Silent Wind and conjured an energy blade and dived it into Silent Wind's stomach. Silent Wind opened his eyes in shock and his body was still. Silent Whisper and Lily Blade attempted to attack Discord but Discord pushed Silent Whisper back with a force push and Silent Whisper was pushed back into the walls which made Silent Whisper grunt in pain. Lily had Discord's hoof in her face and Discord radiated a lightning shock and the shock made his skid across the floor. Silent Wind who are mortally injured, opened his eyes slightly with blood coming out of his mouth. Twilight opened her eyes in shock as she and her friends were still on the ground, all of her friends were knocked out.

"S-Silent Wind...!" Twilight growled.

"Silent Wind!! Get up, he's gonna kill you!" Shade's voice echoed within his mind.

Discord looked at the downed Stallion for a moment and remembered what Void had said to him. He smirked and chuckled for moment and then gave Silent Wind a sigh.

"Oh.. you must be Silent Wind. Oh your father has told me so much about you. He's giving everypony a thrashing for you!" Discord said.

Silent Wind was not surprised. He knew that his father was throwing everything at everypony for him seeing how badly his Father wanted Shade. He saw that he was bleeding profusely.

"Too bad I don't cooperate.. I really have been using the Silentblades for my domination. Funny isn't it?" Discord then levitated the downed Silent Wind to him and Discord then raised one of his hooves and conjured a large blade on his hoof and pulled it all the way back behind his head.

Twilight did not want Silent Wind to die. Twilight began to shed tears and putted her hooves together and said words in her mind for the last glimpse of hope she had left. Silent Whisper was down and Lily was hurt and could no longer move. And with her begging, she begged one thing in her mind.

"Please... somepony.. anypony help him.." Twilight began to see tears go down her cheeks quickly.

"Silent Wind! Come on! You have to get him, I can't heal you because I've used up most of my willpower!" Shade yelled out in his mind.

Silent Wind tried to get away from Discord's magical grip on him but it was no use, Silent Wind had no more energy to move anymore and gave up, he thought that it was end of him. He then thought of Twilight and looked at her and saw that she was still down and was shedding tears. Silent Wind smiled at her, remembering the memories with her. He wished that he could stay with her longer. And Silent Wind moved his lips and Twilight knew what he said.

"I'm so sorry, Twilight. Forgive me." Silent Wind said.

Silent Wind then looked at Discord who was still holding him with his telekinesis and Discord said his last words to him.

"Prepare to go to your mother and friends, and tell them to forgive you for being so pathetically weak!" Discord was about to dive the energy blade into Silent Wind but all the sudden, He saw a bright light emitting from all of the scattered Elements of Harmony. He dropped Silent Wind and dashed away from the light.

"What is this?!!" Discord yelled.

Twilight saw the light too with her heavy eyes and saw the elements levitated on top on Silent Wind. Silent Wind looked up at the Elements of Harmony and looked at them with complete confusion and then the whole room turned white, blinding all that was still conscious.

The room then stopped glowing a bright Light and Twilight and Discord both saw Silent Wind. And saw him in a way that they could never imagine seeing him in. Silent Wind was on the ground but felt very calm and happy. He saw that he was different. Very different.

"Th-That's Impossible! How!!" Discord growled.

Twilight could not believe what she was seeing. She could not describe it, seeing how amazing and astonishing Silent Wind was looking like in front of her own eyes.