Godzilla x My Little Pony: -0.1

by Horror Pro5555

Chapter Three: The Fight

The two monsters circled each other as they were waiting for one of them to make a move, Godzilla has been in a fight but it was a very very long time ago. But luckily with the ability that he has gotten this fight should be fairly easy as possible and was certain that he would be the last one standing after this. They continued to circle before the hydra was the first one to strike its three heads launched forward as it roared. Godzilla did the same as they collided, biting, clawing, and swinging their tails were all the attacks they used they stopped to take a breath.

Godzilla looked at the situation, he knew that at this point he wasn't done, and it seemed like the hydra wasn't either so he believed it was time to end this fight. The hydra launched once again but this time, Godzilla countered with a large and wide tail swing which flung the hydra onto its side as it struggled to get up Godzilla caused repeating injuries to the underside each time the hydra yelped in pain each time he was stroke down. It was time to end this creature's suffering once and for all.

Godzilla focused and his dorsal plates began to extend one by one, glowing purely with energy as his mouth opened with a blue glow coming through. The hydra looked up as he stared both in curiosity and fear as he looked to the glowing and watched as Godzilla's posture straightened and the glowing intensified. Before in an instant Godzilla reared forward and blasted blue energy at the hydra being engulfed in it as it screamed and flayed in pain before a huge explosion that caused a mushroom cloud to go high in the air and huge winds blew due to the shock wave of the mushroom cloud and blowing away the remains of the hydra and matter other creatures flying. The hydra's corpse landed in front of Godzilla as he looked up at the mushroom cloud before looking down in sadness and, in rage Godzilla let out a similar roar days ago,


Meanwhile in Ponyville, 5 minutes earlier...

It was peaceful in Ponyville and Discord soaring in determined to set things right landed in front of Twilight's old tree home and looked at it. It felt like yesterday that the tree was standing in all its beauty and standing strong in the air with birds chirping now, ash remnants and ruins of books and some of the favorites by the way left in the dust, and ponies passing by wondering why Discord was standing in front of it, some thought something stupid but, at that moment he began to conjure magic as he began to summon a pile of books and looked up as he saw the pile and snapped with him to the crystal castle and knocking on the door. "Um Twilight, Twilight there has been something that has been on my chest for awhile and I need to let it off". As he waited Twilight opened the door and questioned "what has"?

Discord began "Well it is with Tirek, look I know you already forgive me but it is my turn to say that I'm sorry, sorry for taking your lovey home, causing a crack in our trust and friendship, especially your friends I will apologize to the others but know that no matter what mistake I make, I will always be your friend, I'll be there to help you in any way you can, so I'm sorry".

Twilight took in everything Discord said and questioned "do you really mean it"? Which Discord quickly responded with "of course I do". Time stood still as they stood in silence before Twilight says "thanks for admitting your feelings although it does seem weird that you're this compassionate". "Y-y yes, I know it just I never felt this feeling before and a- all-" before being interrupted with a loud boom and suddenly Discord ushered Twilight in as a shock wave shot out and with a quick snap closing every window in an instant as wind blew so fast as they both brought each other together as the wave finished and a loud roar which could be heard in the distance could be heard as they looked in the area the roar came from as a mushroom cloud rose. They both looked in fear in the direction and slowly looked at each other.

"What-was-that" discord states slow and a little bit of nervousness in his voice. "I was going to ask the same thing, we need to inform the others about this surely they felt it too" Twilight stated. Discord still nervous says, "Yes I agree but one more thing before we go through a long process" Discord also states. Twilight replies "yes Discord"? "CAN YOU GET OFF OF ME!"
Twilight looked around and blushed saying "sorry".

To be continued........