The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

by Briarlight

1 - A Little Failure Now and Again is Expected

It's been three years. Three years since Nightmare Moon took over Equestria by force. Three years since Applejack had a normal life on her farm. She couldn't say being the leader of a rebellion was her preferred choice of path in life, but it was the role she needed to take.

Maybe she could have resided to continue her farm after that fateful day, be a servant of the moon and chug along through this new world order, but that just didn’t sit right with her. Applejack was going to do what was needed to keep her family safe, but fate had other plans. 

Applejack jolted up as she heard knocking on the house’s door. Since Nightmare Moon’s takeover about a month ago she’s been a bit jumpy, and the permanent night had wrecked her internal clock. She gave a yawn, hoping to go back to bed soon. Applejack approached the door as the knocking got more rapid.

“Ah’m coming, hold your hay bales.”

With a creak the door opened as she heard a terrified whisper.

“H-hey Applejack sorry to bother you but…”

“Fluttershy? What are ya doing out this late?”

“Uh, yeah! H-help?!”

“Be specific dear, I ain't quite understandin’ your panic”

“Y-yeah! Oh dear… C-can I stay with you tonight? Onlyifitsokayofcourse…

“Sure, come on in! What for though? I thought you needed to take extra care of all your critters since the whole ‘eternal night’ thing riled ‘em up.”

Fluttershy hurried in, looking around like a panicked cat. She closed the door and breathed fast as she gave a weary smile. Fluttershy looked at AJ with a tear in her eye.

“T-they-! N-Nightmare!” Fluttershy gasped for air as she started hyperventilating.

“Woah, woah! Fluttershy, calm on down and tell me what’s wrong with ya’.”

Applejack sat Fluttershy down and draped her hoof over her friend's shoulder, giving her a comforting hug.

“Now dear, tell me what’s wrong. Nice and slow.”

Fluttershy leaned close into Applejack, nuzzling her as she wept softly.

“Sh-she was there! Nightmare Moon!”

“Wait wait, at yer cottage?”

“N-no. In my dreams, she came to me. Told me she had a plan for me, she said she saw my skills with animals and… and my stare. She said that she needed me for the animals that will be spreading out from the Everfree forest and across Equestria!”

“What? Now hold on, she told us she wouldn’t bother us as long as we ‘submitted’ to her ‘highness’ back when we faced her. What a load of crabapples!” Applejack huffed as she hugged her friend tightly.

“I- I don’t want to leave! I want to stay here with my- my animals and you all.” Fluttershy cried, looking deep into Applejack’s eyes. “W-what can I do? I just can’t do it, but I don’t want Nightmare Moon to hurt my animals, or you guys!”

Applejack looked sadly at Fluttershy as the pegasus collapsed in her hooves, bawling her eyes out. ‘I can’t just give her up to Nightmare Moon, but she is right about her situation here, especially with her animals…’

“Ah, don’t you worry about us Flutters, we’ll be okay. Ah'll make sure of it.”

Applejack looked up at the moon, hoping for a miracle.

Then a few years passed.

Rainbow Dash grinned as she flexed her muscles. She posed in the mirror as she ruffled her mane mohawk. Dash didn’t want to look too neat. The past few weeks she had to get up extra early for a new protocol Nightmare Moon ordered for her personal guard. Dash loved to get her rest, but the early morning rise she had actually liked surprisingly! She chastised herself, considering ‘Morning’ was a stretch. She got up what was usually night for most ponies, despite it being eternal night. Ponies and their schedules after all.

“C’mon Dashie, this is your chance to truly prove yourself to her!” She slapped her face with her hooves, hyping herself up. “Get your special wings, those sick fangs, etcetera etcetera.”

Dash quickly got her Lunar armor on as she checked tonight’s schedule, with nothing being out of the ordinary. Her wings fit through a hole in the breastplate as the illusion enchantment takes hold, making her wings take on the leathery and dark purple appearance of a lunar bat pony guard. She flexed her wings to make sure it was all good before she checked that she left nothing behind.

“Armor shined and flexible? Check. Your tough and unflinching stare down? Check.”

Dash trotted to her door, spying a letter in her room's postbox slot.

“Please be from Shy, please be from Shy…” She grimaced, her morning confidence wavering.

Dash took the letter and flipped it over. It was from her parents. Oh Nightmare…

“I’ll deal with you later.”

She tossed the letter into her trash bin, trying to not let the sour thoughts ruin her mood. Dash put on her helmet as she headed out to Nightmare Moon’s bedroom to greet her as she woke. Rainbow Dash approached the large doors of Nightmare Moon’s bedroom. The guards at the door bowed as she approached.

“I’ll take the shift from here.” She gazed at them coldly.

“Understood, Captain Dash.” One of the guards stated, the pair trotting off.

Dash stood back to the door, waiting for when Nightmare Moon would be up. After about twenty minutes of guarding she felt the aura of the room behind her change. The queen was up. She turned and prepared her mental notes before opening the door.

“Greetings Captain.” The icy cool voice spoke.

“Hello my queen.” Dash greeted. “I hope your sleep has improved.”

Nightmare Moon gave a lax yawn as she sat up on her bed, her eyes lidded as she looked at Dash.

“Just a bit. Care to join me here?”

“Oh! Of course.” Dash nodded as she took off her helmet. She fluttered her wings as she hopped onto the bed next to the queen. Nightmare Moon of course towered over Dash in size.

“Now then.” She opened one of her large wings, casually draping it over Dash. “I trust everything is in order today?”

“Yes Ma’am! The cooks should be here with breakfast in a few minutes, pineapple pancakes, your favorite.” Nightmare Moon smiled slightly as she nodded. “Nothing new around Equestria to report, and your experts estimated that it will take about fourteen months to fully finish ‘Project Oleander’.”

“Oh, better than expected.” Nightmare Moon grinned as she looked at her ceiling, a fang casually showing.

“Indeed. Also you have a meeting at midnight with- uh with…” Dash tapped on her forehead, trying to remember the name. “Uh. Mr. Bezzle Bottoms?”

“Dazzle Shineheart.” Nightmare Moon stated without a hint of emotion.

“Y-yes of course my queen. Mr. Dazzle, recent mayor of Manehattan.”


“And?” Dash swallowed. She was never good at remembering stuff, why did Nightmare Moon always insist on her being the one to remember all her junk! “Uh… Oh! The list, yes of course.”

“The list indeed.”

“The rainbow is secure right by your side of course, the party balloon is traveling around Equestria as usual.” She nods, looking up at her queen. “The butterfly is currently in Southern Equestria dealing with a sea monster problem. The diamond is in the castle, and the apple. The apple is… complicated.”

“The apple is always complicated, Captain.”

“Yes, she is.” Dash sighed. If only the apple was easy like the rest of them were. “Essentially… The apple is causing another disturbance. In Ponyville again. She’s been really hard to track for our team.”

“Not unexpected of her though. Well you know what to do as usual. Keep your eyes out if she tries anything too bold. Some resistance of the public is to be expected, but they shan't be allowed to majorly sway public opinion, even in such a small town as that.”

“I’ll get right on that!”

Dash stood up before Nightmare’s large wing pushed her down.

“Stay with me until my food gets here.”

“Of course.” Dash nodded.

Unlike being cuddled up next to most ponies, being right up close to Nightmare puts a chill down your spine and a shiver in your hooves. Dash never could tell her emotions unless she made it obvious as her cold expression was a fortress to all ponies. Her Nightmare was truly a different pony then the one who took over Equestria years ago. She remembered the rage and vengeance that emanated from Nightmare Moon for the first few months of her takeover.

“Your wings are just as impressive as always my queen.” Dash nodded as she felt the feathers lay on her.

“Oh please Rainbow, you didn’t get this far through flattery.” Nightmare stated, tilting her head down at the pegasus.

“I’m being genuine. As a pegasi we really appreciate impressive wings!”

“I’m very aware, you mention it anytime there is a blank space in our conversations.” She raised a brow at Dash.

“Y-yeah, but I’m a guard though. I’m not really much of a conver-uh. Conversation… sial- Uh. Ponies who are good at talking all the time.”

“Leave talking to the politicians after all.” Nightmare Moon gave a small chuckle, but Dash wasn’t sure what avenue that chuckle came from.

“May I ask a question, my queen?” Nightmare looked down at her and nodded. “Why me?”

Nightmare’s eyelids opened with small surprise before she looked at Dash with one lid raised.

“I hope your self confidence isn’t wavering Captain, it’s always been one of your best traits.”

“Nothing like that my queen, it’s just been a question not wanting to leave my mind.” She tilted her head, trying to get the wording just right.

“Specify then. You know how I don’t like vague questions.”

Rainbow Dash gave a nervous gulp. It felt like she was in the maw of a manticore, yet it was the pony she was the most loyal to. This feeling always made her feel conflicted. Nightmare had an aura that both calmed your emotions but also made you feel as if you were a moment away from being snatched up.

“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful in the slightest, but essentially every other pegasi in the guard has become a Thestral. I know this is stupid to ask as your number two, but is there a specific reason I’m not one yet?”

Nightmare tilted her head to the side, pondering the question. Rainbow’s nerves were like steel, but Nightmare was lava to her foundation. She found herself sweating as the cold aura battered against it.

“Well I do have a reason, but not one I want to share with you now.” She looked down at Dash and grinned, flashing a fang.

“Yes Ma’am, I understand. Later.” Rainbow Dash sighed, glad it was over yet disappointed still. At least she had a reason.

Right on time there was a knock at the door. The three rapid taps meant food was here. Dash shimmied out of the queen's large wing and got her helmet on as she approached the door. Dash opened it and the waiter pony bowed to her.

“I have Queen Nightmare Moon’s breakfast, captain!” The timid server smiled sheepishly.

“Thank you Golden Rose, I’ll take it from here.” Rose turned away as Dash closed the door behind her.

“Here we are your majesty, breakfast.” Dash grinned as she wheeled over the cart to Nightmare’s bed.

“Here we are?” Nightmare Moon raised her brow.

“I mixed here we go and here you are.” Dash scruffed her mane as she turned away.

“If I didn’t know any better I would have assumed you were trying that again Captain~” Nightmare grinned slyly.

Dash winced as she froze. Not that embarrassing memory again. Not again.

“No, I’m not trying that again. Here. Your breakfast.”

“Of course, Captain Dash.”

Nightmare levitated the platter of food to herself, taking in the scent as she looked back at Dash.

“You may go now Captain.”

Dash was surprised, the captain tilting her head at Nightmare Moon. “I thought you wanted extra protection this week, what would sending me away do?”

“I do, but I have a mission for you”

“Yes Ma’am!” Dash saluted. “What is it?”

“It’s on your desk, I had Rarity deliver it to your room.” She took a bite of her pancakes, grinning.

“Wouldn’t it be more efficient to tell me n-”

“Out. Now.”

“Y-yes my queen.” Dash mumbled as she quickly headed out the double doors.

She hurried past the other servant ponies, clearly looking fearful. They gave each other a concerned look, it was rare to see the captain shaken like this.

Rainbow Dash went into her room, heading to her desk immediately and grabbing the letter. She opened it in one slice of her wing, taking the paper out.

My insider says the apple will be at the market today trying to make a move.
Try to quell it without raising alarm within any of the townsponies.
Lethal force is off limits, even if she has backup.
Imprison those you can but don’t make a fool of yourself.
She will be in a mahogany cloak near the east alleys of the market.

Dash grinned widely. It had been about a month since she had gotten a mission so exciting! Dash opened her closet, rummaging through piles of clothes she never bothered to organize before coming upon a black leather chest.

“Aha, my sneaksuit! And still in perfect condition!” She boasted, slipping her heavy armor off and putting her sneaky outfit on.

Her sneaksuit had two forms, specially made by Rarity. Despite her job being to pretty up the castle, she was a surprisingly great seamstress! The first form was the typical tight fitting and black one every foal had made, while the second form could fold out into a new mane on top of her head. No doubt having a rainbow mane was very eye catching, so the outfit allowed her to look like a random average pony. Lime green coat with a frizzy peach colored mane.

Rainbow Dash packed some equipment in her saddle bag. “Seems all good to go, now to get out the front door. Great.”

Dash cringed as she hoof palmed. She had to remind herself to put on the outfit after she was clear of the castle. It was always a hassle to take off after all. Packing away her suit, she put back on her armor and headed out the door to the main gate. She stopped her canter as she heard some whispers up ahead. Dash peeked around the corner to see two of the guards gossiping while not paying attention to their post. She trotted slowly behind them before turning in front of them.

“Just what exactly are you two doing? This had better not be the third time I’ve seen you goof off this month Razzle!” Dash gave him an intense stare as Razzle backed up against the wall, a look of shock and fear on his face.

“No, no Captain! Of course not!” Dazzle grinned wide, his nervous look betrayed him even if his poor lying didn’t.

“Good, because if I recall we have extra special measures for those that don’t… get it. Especially ones that distract other, better guards! You got me, Dazzle?”

Dash spat those last few words with vitriol and a bit of spittle, her intense gaze making him avoid eye contact as he tried to back up into the ever unmoving wall behind him. She tilted her down head as she pushed his snout to hers.

“W-won’t happen again Ma’am! I promise!” Small tear drops were forming in his eyes as he collapsed to the floor, sweating buckets.

Dash backed off of him as she frowned. “It’s Captain.” She scoffed as she tilted her head at the other guard, a mare that was too scared to even speak. “Berry, this is your first strike, don’t get distracted by this bumblehead again. I expect him to slip into his own doom soon enough, don’t get dragged down with him.”

Berry nodded hard, smiling at her superior nervously. “Y-yes. Absolutely Captain!” She saluted.

Dash grinned with a nod as she trotted away and out the front gates of the castle. She loved her job. Those she passed bowed in respect to the Captain as she headed out to Ponyville. She crouched down, opened her wings, and took off towards the skies.

Ponyville wasn’t far. Just a minute flight away from Ponyville, but she took her time to enjoy the wind beneath her wings. Dash wondered how it would feel against leathery wings once she got them. The dry air ruffled her fur, the warm breeze carrying her for a few minutes before she descended down upon the small town.

Rainbow Dash dove between some bushes and into an alley, getting her sneaksuit on. She wiggled into it, the suit feeling snug on her as she stretched.

“Now to find the perfect apple for the queen~” 

Dash headed out of the alley and into the crowd of ponies walking past. It was a surprisingly dense day for a town such as Ponyville, maybe the market day had attracted visitors from other cities? Dash shook her head, she could theorize later. Right now she needed to locate the pony of interest.

Rainbow looked around the stalls, trying to remember where she was. She had lived in Ponyville for many years, but she had to admit she hadn't been back to the town very much since becoming Nightmare’s right hoof guard and it certainly had changed a lot. 

She pulled out a map of the town, trying to spot a landmark. Ah, the bakery! The bakery Pinkie used to work at. Dash sighed, letting the good memories fade as she headed towards the location of her target. She kept a low profile, but not so low that she seemed suspicious. Dash smiled sweetly to the foal that complimented her on her mane as she arrived at the east of the market.

Trotting along casually while keeping a watchful eye for suspicious ponies, Dash tried to catch up with what had changed in the last years in Ponyville. She had been back here sure, but she never got a good look. Crudely shaped lanterns were constructed on every street corner with fireflies in them giving a soft glow. She passed by an especially rickety one before dipping into an alleyway. She lept up with a boost from her wings onto the roof, her landing with a muted thump.

“Should be around here somewhere.” She swiftly lept from roof to roof out of view, peeking into each crevice to check for her target.

Mahogany colored robe right? Rainbow wasn’t an expert on colors in any sense but she swore she heard of that one before. Oh wait, it was a type of wood! Applejack ordered some to use to make a present for Apple Bloom a few years back. Her sudden grin just as quickly faded as it was replaced with a scowl. Stupid wood and a stupid pony.

Her internal hatred was interrupted when she heard a small commotion just a house down from her. She perked her ears up and quietly flapped to the house across from her, trying to eavesdrop. Dash peeked her head over the top of the hay roof, peering down below. Four ponies in different robes were gathered around a box, chattering indistinctly. Rainbow nudged closer to the edge of the roof, peering down directly above them. She listened in as she stared at one of the robes, wondering if the color was mahogany or if it was just dimly lit.

“Are you sure this is gonna work? Our surprises haven’t been the most successful before.” Asked the unicorn with the mint colored horn with the kinda squeaky voice.

“Don’t worry hun, we’ve all got this. A little failure now and again is expected!” Said the pony in the blue cloak with a soft and assured voice.

Dash grinned wide. A real plan just being laid out in front of her! She crouched, the captain getting ready to pounce on her prize before the ponies opened the box. It was… party supplies. They were planning a surprise party. Dash groaned as she rolled her eyes at her quick judgment.

“Somepony’s here!”

Dash clenched her teeth, realizing she just groaned out loud. Well it’s no use to be sneaky now. She leapt up as the ponies stared up at her, might as well give these town ponies something to remember her by. But then, she saw her. One of the ponies that glared up at her- she may not know mahogany, but she could recognize that orange coat anywhere.

“YOU!” Dash yelled. Her brows furrowed as she plummeted down onto the present.

Applejack scowled as she jumped back. “SCATTER!”

The three other ponies leapt back as they tried to run off. Dash leaped forward, striking the unicorn in the barrel with her hind leg before ramming into the pegasi trying to take off. Dash tried to pin the pegasus to the ground before a strong hoof into her jaw sent her flying off and into the wall behind her. She let out a pained groan as she got back up on her hooves and stared at her attacker. 


Rainbow Dash grinned as she took a step forward. “What happened to scatter, AJ?”

Applejack’s determined expression wavered as her eyes opened in realization. “So Nightmare finally got her prized guard dog to attack lil’ ol me?”

She and the other earth pony spread out in defensive positions, trying to nudge the downed ponies back to their hooves. Dash grabbed a rope out of her bag as she crouched down, ready to strike.

“Better a pet than a neck ready for the gallows.”

“Better to die than live on your knees.” Applejack spat back.

Rainbow groaned at her self righteous bullcrap. She stepped forward closer to her, Applejack still being on the defensive behind a seemingly abandoned cart just over a pony lengths away. All the rebel ponies were on edge, paying close attention to every movement she made.

“All you’re doing is delaying the inevitable, Nightmare will see you bow. Do you seriously think you’ll get anywhere with this?”

“Yes ah do indeed! It helps my pals get away.” Applejack grinned before shoving the cart into the captain.

Dash flipped her head back to the others, yet the earth pony and unicorn were gone! She grimaces as she bucks the cart with all her might, shattering it into many pieces. Dash shielded herself from the wood splinters before leaping upwards and crashing down onto Applejack.

The pony only had a few moments of realization before the wood dust settled and Rainbow Dash crashed into her, knocking the wind out of her. She got up with a stifled groan as she tried to catch her breath. She looked up, Rainbow had tied up the unconscious pegasus with her rope. Dash grins as she flies over to Applejack, hovering above her.

“I’d be willing to let her go free if you give yourself up, AJ. Capturing any rebel is just a bonus, but capturing you would be the best.” Dash grins leaning over the out of breath rebel.

“Yur not very convincing here, Cap.” She grins, pushing her forehead to Dash’s.

“I don’t need to be convincing, you lost!”

“And yet I’m still standin’ here ain’t I?”

“You, argh!” She groans, slamming her back into the alley wall with a thump.

Applejack shoves Dash back before she bounds off the wall, galloping away. Dash huffs, crouching down with her wings spread before rocketing forward after her. Applejack wasn’t nearly as fast but she kept just out of reach by constantly changing directions and throwing stuff in Dash’s way. Each object Dash hastily struck, trying to get AJ as fast as possible. Dash, crush, dodge, dash, crash, dodge. A loop Rainbow was determined to beat as she got closer and closer, and before she realized it they were on the edge of ponyville.

“Nothing to throw at me now, huh?” Dash boasted, flashing her wings outward.

She looked down at Applejack, realizing she didn’t even bother to look at her and was still running away unimpeded. Dash slammed her hooves against her head with a hate-filled groan.

“Applejack!” Rainbow dashed after her, quickly gaining on her. “You’re going to the deepest pits of tartarus when I tell Nightmare about this!”

Applejack huffed as she was clearly out of breath, but was still pushing herself to her limits, trying to get away from Rainbow Dash somehow. She was only inches from AJ before she ‘SNAP’, bit down on Applejack’s tail, causing them both to crash into the ground. The dry mud ground crackled under them as they tumbled. Dash pinned AJ under her, resisting her movements as she looked around them. It was a dry muddy area with a bunch of big rocks stacked around them, not anywhere Dash had been before.

“So ya varmin, what’s yur plan now? Tyin’ me with yur wings and walkin’ back?” Applejack jests, seemingly determined to get on every last one of Dash’s nerves.

“Oh shut up! You and your little group are nothing but fruit to be squashed.” Dash yelled as she pushed harder down on her back.

“The term is ‘bug’. If yur gonna insult me, do it right doggie~”

“SHUT UP, SHUT UP!” She shakes AJ violently, the earth pony having the smuggest smarmy grin possible on a pony.

The mud beneath them crackled more as Applejack took advantage of Rainbow no longer pinning her down to kick her off. Rainbow flipped back and landed onto the dusty ground skidding, her brows deeply furrowed and her teeth bared. Applejack smacked the ground with her hooves, sending a tennis ball sized rock up before she bucked it with her hind legs and sent it in Dash’s direction.

Dash dodge straight to her left, avoiding the rock completely before ramming straight into Applejack. Yet again she got the wind knocked out of her as she groaned with pain, struggling to get up. Dash stood triumphantly in front of her with a wide open grin.

“Not so tough and mighty are we now? I might have the-” A large rumbling started behind her. “Huh?”

Dash turned her head around, her victorious grin turned into panic as she saw the massive stacked boulders starting to destabilize.

“Oh Nagging Nightmares.” She rolls her eyes at the annoyance, spreading her wings out.

Dash takes off, only to be halted and slam back into the ground. Applejack had grabbed tightly onto her hind leg.

“Leaving so soon Dashie?” Applejack was out of breath but that didn’t stop her holding tightly onto Dash’s leg before grabbing one of her wings.

“Seriously, are you trying to kill us both?” Dash exasperatedly yelled at her as she tried to kick her off.

The grumbling stopped as Rainbow whipped her head around to see the large boulder crash into the ground right next to her before falling through. The large hole in front of her quickly cracked the ground around, spreading to right under her and AJ.

“No, no!”

Dash tried one last attempt to fly away, but she was still pinned down by Applejack. She closes her eyes as the ground falls away under her and her target, Rainbow and AJ descending down into the pit as they hold tightly onto each other as they plummet below.