//------------------------------// // Chaos: Tell her to merge the worlds // Story: The First of Us - a Ciderfest App Story // by Snowday_Pegasus //------------------------------// “What if you could have both worlds?” “What?” Mr. Moochick asks. “What?” Megan asks. You motion to Megan’s book. “Can I see that?” Megan hesitantly offers it over. You flip through the pages and show her the magical one.  “See this?” “Yeah? Page 28.” You quickly figure out that all magic is currently invisible to her. You hold out the book and ask her to place her hand on it. “My turn to tell you something that is going to sound weird.” She looks at the book and then at you, showing the first hint of a smile that you’ve seen so far. “Try me.” “If you place your hand on this, and wish for it, you can blend this world with your dream world. You don’t have to leave either one.” Mr. Moochick seems worried. “Ohhh, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. That could make quite a mess. I might need more than one broom to clean it up! An entire army of brooms! I hope I remember where my other hat is.” Megan says, “Well, alright, I’ll try it. What the heck, right?” She places her hand on the book. “I wish for this world and my magical world to be one and the same.” Mr. Moochick grabs hold of your leg, not sure of what to expect. Winds pick up, thunder shakes the stable, and pieces of the roof break off. The horse, T.J., whinnies in a panic and runs outside. You and Megan follow and a kind of mayhem the likes of which you have never imagined begins to surround you. Parts of the sky are dark, others light, others some color you’ve never seen it before. Trees are changing. Creatures that don’t belong are running around in terror.  “Oh, no, what have we done?” Megan asks.