//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Sweet Tooth // by RaritySimper44 //------------------------------// Rarity and Chocolate Sun had been officially dating for six months now, and although their busy schedules kept them apart a lot, they still wrote to each other a lot too. They also would go out to places when they had time, dancing, art galleries and other stuff like that. She tried getting him to come to Ponyville but he wasn't wanting to, not yet at least. Chocolate Sun was in love, and really wanted to tie the knot but didn't have the money. When he told her a large chunk of his money was spent helping his father, he meant most of it, he was filing for bankruptcy soon. He might need to sell his family home to keep his business running. With this going on he had little funds to buy a ring worthy of Rarity. However, he knew someone that would help him with his financial problem, Prince Blue Blood. He had told Rarity they played sports in boarding school, but it went deeper, they were cousins. Chocolate Sun was going there now. He was right in front of the royal castle in which prince Blue Blood lived, he walked up to the guards, "I need to see prince Blue Blood." The guards nodded, one of them walked him inside and stopped a maid, "take Mister Sun to the prince's quarters immediately." "Of course sir!" She bowed and led him down the halls to the prince's room, knocking on the door, "prince Blue Blood, Chocolate Sun is here to see you." "Send him on his way, I'm busy!" Blue Blood called back. The maid turned to Chocolate Sun, "I'm sorry but the prince-" Chocolate Sun pushed by her and into the room, "Blue Blood, we need to talk!" He said loudly as he walked in, looking for him, he was being groomed by three mares. "Well hello Sun, it seems you forgot your manners." Blue Blood replied dryly. "Would you like me to get the guards, prince?" The maid from outside called in with concern. "No no, that's not necessary, everyone out so we can talk in private." None of the maids questioned him instead filing out of the room, one of them being a unicorn closed the doors behind them. "Well, Sun, now that we have the room to ourselves, why have you come barging into my room in such a disrespectful manner?" "Forgive me Blue Blood, but it's important, I need a few thousand bits. Please Blue Blood, it's for a mare." "What do I look like, a bank?" He stated coldly. "Well yes actually, you do", Chocolate Sun said sarcastically, Blue Blood stared at him unamused. "Blue Blood please, I've helped you out numerous times. Give me a few thousand bits, and I'll pay you back in full." Blue Blood laughed at him, "oh please Sun, we both know your filing for bankruptcy, how can you pay me back when you're lower than a commoner with your funds?" "Excuse me?" Chocolate Sun asked heavily insulted by these words. "I may be… dealing with financial problems at the moment, but I assure you I will get back onto my feet in no time. You know how tenacious I can be. " Blue Blood rolled his eyes, "yes I've experienced this first hand, what exactly do you need this money for anyway Sun, a mare you say?" He asked, admiring his reflection in his shiny hoof. Chocolate Sun nodded at this nervously, "it is, I love her very much Blue Blood, I want to get her a ring. "Plenty of low-budget rings, Sun." "A proper ring Blue Blood!" Blue Blood hummed a bit at this, "I see, I believe that's what you said about the last one as well, yes?" Chocolate Sun inwardly winced at this, his divorce was a sensitive topic for him, "I did, and because of that, I know the feeling quite well." "I bet you do." Chocolate Sun scraped his hoof on the ground angrily but kept himself in check. "I'll do anything." "Anything, you say?" Blue Blood said, now interested. "Yes, anything." Blue Blood looked right to his hooves, "give me your watch." Chocolate Sun grasped his hoof in surprise, "good heavens Blue Blood, this was my fathers!" "He's dead, he won't miss it." Chocolate Sun ground his teeth in anger at this, "I cannot- will not part with this, you ask too much!" "Then stop wasting my time!" Blue Blood said angrily and walked away from him. Chocolate Sun looked to the watch and back to him, "wait! I'll give you the watch…" he said sadly. Blue Blood turned to him with a smile, "good call, hand it over old boy", Chocolate Sun barely had enough time to take it off before Blue Blood snatched it away in his magic and turned from him. "My money Blue Blood", he said angrily, ears low to his head and a deep frown on his face. "Yes yes, calm down Sunny", he took out a small sack of bits and tossed it to him, Chocolate Sun caught it in his magic and opened it, quickly counting them all, he felt dread and anger when he found only a hundred coins. This isn't even a quarter of the bits we agreed upon Blue Blood." Blue Blood waved him off, "I never agreed upon two thousand bits. One hundred is what you're getting." He said as he put the watch on his wrist. Not even looking at him as he talked to him. "Then give back my watch!" Chocolate Sun shouted losing his cool. "Absolutely not, we had an agreement, no takebacks." Chocolate Sun took a step forward, feeling rage build up inside him, he wasn't about to be robbed like this. "Blue Blood either give me all the bits or give me my watch this instant." "You mean MY watch, guards! Get this common pony out of my sight!" Blue Blood yelled loudly, his shout echoing in the room. Chocolate Sun lost it as he rushed over grabbing him by the shoulders and pushed him back, Blue Blood tried to fight back but found he wasn't as strong. And was kind of a wuss. Chocolate Sun slammed him into the wall, "you filthy rat! Give me my watch before I knock your teeth down your throat!" He yelled, slamming his hoof into the wall next to his head, cracking the stone wall. Blue Blood stared at him in fear, "n- now Sunny, I'm a prince, you can't hit me, you'll be executed!" His voice quivering. "I don't care, give me my watch!" He yelled, red-faced with rage. "W-what about your family? They can be executed as well!" Chocolate Sun hesitated, a flicker of fear in his eyes, Blue Blood saw it and smiled, "get off me this instant if you value the life of your family, you ruffian." He snarled at him. Chocolate Sun let him go and looked away from him. Blue Blood dusted himself off, sneering at his cousin, "beg." "I beg your pardon?" "Beg, beg for the life of your family. Attacking me is punishable by death, for you AND your entire blood line, now beg!" He yelled at him. Chocolate Sun sighed and looked away, this was humiliating, he wasn't one to beg, he actually had a lot of pride, normally too much for his own good. However, this was serious, his entire family was in danger. "Please, Prince Blue Blood, spare me and my-" "You call that begging?! BEG!" "Please, your highness, I beg of you to-" "BEG SWINE!" Blue Blood roared in rage. "PLEASE!" Chocolate Sun begged, falling to the ground, tears starting to fall down his face. The humiliation now too much for him to bare. Blue Blood laughed at this, "you're pathetic you know that? Begging like a child for a toy, I'm ashamed to be related to you, I also feel sorry for that harlot you apparently love. Get out of my sight before I have your throat slit, swine." Chocolate Sun got up, as he did the guards barged into the room, "your highness you called?" "Took you long enough, worthless peasants, toss this garbage outside, his poor might infect me." He said in disgust, the guards roughly grabbed Chocolate Sun and dragged him out of the room down the hall to the entrance, and tossed him out, sending him flying through the air to the hard cobblestone ground outside the castle. He grunted and moaned as he forced himself to his feet. He looked to the ground as he quickly wiped the tears away, he needed to scrounge up some money somehow to pay for that ring, he had given too much to not go through with all this. Rarity had been writing to Chocolate Sun for three months now, however, there hadn't been a response. She getting worried, something was wrong she could feel it. Rarity was packing her things to go to Canterlot when Spike came running in frowning sadly, "Rarity I'm so sorry!" "What for darling?" He gave her a letter, it was opened, "did you open my mail?!" "Yes, but read!" She grumbled as she opened and began reading. Dear Rarity, It's been a long, time, I'm sorry for that, I just want you to know I'm alive, please do not come to see me. I'll come to you. Rarity read it over and over, sadly. "Well, he hasn't written in three months and now he doesn't want me visiting. He best have a good reason for this!" She said, ears flat against her head. "I think he's dumping you Rarity", Spike said. Rarity bit her lip trying to fight the tears, "this is horrible…." "I'll leave you alone", Spike said, skipping off happily, no doubt because Rarity was likely single again. Chocolate Sun had gotten a job in a warehouse unloading trucks, and he had gotten a job in a restaurant as a waiter. The warehouse job, everyone loved him, an all unicorn crew, and he was by far the physically strongest, everyone made him do all the work, pulling pallets of bricks onto trucks, it was a construction warehouse. He also had to pull them off, he literally did all the work, everyone else stood around watching, relaxing telling him to put his back into it as he struggled to get the pallets put on. It was minimum wage work, two bits an hour. The restaurant gig wasn't much better. He took orders from people all day, getting snapped at, cussed at, and more. His manager also harassed him, never appreciating what he did, only telling him to work harder, he knew he was desperate for work. He worked almost a hundred hours a week, he cut back on food to aave on money. The more he worked, the more tired he became, he was slowing and weakening. The other workers at the warehouse had to push the pallets so he could get them up the ramp, needless to say, they no longer liked him now that they had to work again. And his boss at the restaurant screamed in his face for working slower, Finally, after six months of this bone-breaking work, things caved in. Chocolate Sun was pulling a pallet up the ramp of the truck, it was pouring rain as he struggled to get the pallet up the ramp, grunting and groaning he struggled not to slip on the ramp, it was on a steep angle. "Come on boy, put your back into it!" One of the workers yelled as he struggled to get it up, two workers behind the pallet pushed and shoved to help out, and it did. However, the water on the ramp finally won out as his hoof slipped and the pallet rolled backward, the two stallions pushing behind Chocolate Sun screamed in surprise as they leaped out of the way. Chocolate Sun was strapped onto the pallet, unable to avoid the oncoming disaster, he was dragged down with the pallet as it crashed down to the ground falling apart, everywhere including onto Chocolate Sun. He groaned as he stood from the rubble, he yelped as he put pressure on one of his legs, it was sprained at best. The manager marched over red-faced. "Damn it Sun, look what you did, you could've hurt someone, you're fired!" He sighed as he limped out of the warehouse, he had to get to his next job. He struggled out of the uniform and into the waiter uniform and limped off to his second job as fast as he could. He limped inside the restaurant sopping wet and shivering. The manager was unsympathetic. "It's about time you got here, you're late!" He yelled in his face, he shoved a plate into his chest get to work!" He nodded as he limped off, he came to an old couple, "hello there how may I-" "Get us some tea." "Yes, sir", he said taking out his notepad with a sigh. "What's that sigh for?!" The old man snapped. "Nothing, I'm sorry I-" "I don't want your apology, I want our tea, and two salads, step on it." "Yes sir." He said walking to the kitchen, as he limped to the kitchen the manager walked over, "stop limping, you are making a scene!" "I can't I-" "Stop it!" "I-" "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!" Chocolate Sun decked his manager across his cheek knocking him out, he limped out of the restaurant, it was time to buy the ring.