//------------------------------// // 2. T-Rex Returns {Part 2} // Story: Equestria Girls: Prehistoric Park // by zooloverryan //------------------------------// Montana, 66 million years ago... It's not just the dinosaurs that will be wiped out by the meteorite strike. The two know that everything they see around them will be devastated. Nigel and Fluttershy stood at the base of a cascading waterfall while pterosaurs soared overhead. The English naturalist and his companion took in this beautiful sight of the prehistoric world, one they could only have dreamed of exploring before. And a world fated to disappear forever. "What a magnificent place! Pterosaurs swooping overhead. You can hear them calling all the time." The pink-haired girl stooped down to gather a handful of water gushing from the river before gulping it down. The purest water she had ever tasted. "Mmm! You'll never taste sweeter water! And it’s awful to think that this stream will be choked with ash and dust." said Fluttershy sadly. "The meteorite's gonna hit not too far away." "Time is running out. This is our second rescue mission. And we're determined to save some T-rex for Prehistoric Park." With that declaration, Nigel took the lead to begin the search for the ruler of this dying land. But Fluttershy has her eyes on something strange in the water. While Nigel headed off, the animal enthusiast walked back towards the edge of the river and apparently spotted something under the water’s surface. It was long before Nigel took notice. "Fluttershy? Fluttershy, what are you— Flippin’ heck!" Nigel had reason to be alarmed; for as Fluttershy jumped right into the water. For a few seconds, she didn't come up, and Nigel hurried towards the edge worried. He was shocked to see the girl, emerging from the depths, wrestling with what looked like a gar. Before the zoologist can exclaim his surprise, Fluttershy comes to the shore and hands the beast to him. “Here, can you keep this guy for me? I’ll be right back!” she said, as she handed the very angry gar to Nigel. “You’ll be right back? What do you mean? Fluttershy?!” A concerned Nigel asked, before Fluttershy jumped back into the water. Soon after, she emerged with another gar in her hands. “Sorry, I noticed these two while you were leaving.” She apologized. “But their descendants are still around in the present. They’re called Lepisosteus occidentalis, otherwise known as the Hell Creek gar.” Nigel heaved a sigh, shaking his head; he couldn't stay mad at his friend for very long.  “You know, you’re starting to act more like me! Reckless and daring.” He joked, getting a chuckle from Fluttershy. “Sure am.” She smiled, before turning her gaze back to the gars, who were now with two crew members who were wrapping them in wet towels to keep them hydrated. “And these gars, they’re no different than the ones someone would fish in the Mississippi.” She explained to the cameraman. “Most of the time, you hear people wanting to bring back dinosaurs, sabertooth cats, or mammoths, the ones Hollywood showed on the big screen. But these two are just as fascinating, and deserve as much of a second chance as any T-rexes out here.” “Speaking of which, we’ll continue to look for them and see if we can lure one through the time portal. Adam, you and the others bring these two to the park. Maybe we can put them in Triceratops Creek.” Nigel said, setting up the said portal. “That sounds like a good plan.” one of the crew members, Adam, said. In a hurry, the two crew members opened the portal knowing that they could not waste a moment with the gars. In the meantime, Nigel and Fluttershy pressed on. Back in the 21st century… Back in Prehistoric Park, the crew arrives in a hurry to place the Cretaceous gars in temporal pools. “Come on! Hurry! These two aren’t going to survive for long without water!” Adam yelled. Bob and Applejack were quickly attracted by the noise and noticed the new arrivals. “I see Nigel’s captured new guests for the park.” He commented to Applejack. Montana, 66 million years ago... There are lots of dinosaur tracks to follow, but Nigel and Fluttershy are interested in one set in particular.  "There's something strange with these tracks. Look," said Nigel, inspecting a particular trackway, which looked for all the world like three grooves made by the world's biggest rake. "The toes have been dragged along." There was something familiar about this set of footprints. "You think it's the female T-rex that was gored in the stampede?" asked Fluttershy. Nigel nodded. "Possibly. We're close to where the Triceratops stampede was. She's dragged her toes." "Poor old girl," said Fluttershy pitifully. "She's injured and she'll be moving pretty slowly." she determined as she analyzed the trackway. "If we head downstream and follow these tracks, we may catch up to her." The pair now had a lead. Traveling further into the valley, following the flow of the river. The trackway takes them downriver, where they're hoping to gain ground on the T-rex. With any luck, her injured leg will make her slower and a little easier to catch. After another mile or two of trekking, Nigel ordered the party to a standstill. Before long, they heard it. Steady muffled thuds pounding on the earth with each step, sending several loosened rocks to tumble and roll. "Listen. Her footfalls are reverberating around the valley. She's up there somewhere. And an animal that weighs six tons can't walk quietly." "Nigel, look." whispered the pink-haired girl, something catching the corner of her eye. "That's what she's after. There's a Triceratops corpse and she can smell that." The English naturalist pointed to the carcass of a juvenile trike that floated with the river's current. "It must've panicked and drowned during the stampede," noted Fluttershy. "That explains why she's been moving along the river. Why hunt when you could get a free lunch?" Nigel tensed upon hearing a disturbance not far away, the sound of pounding footfalls getting louder. "Come on! Get on the bank." he urged, pulling his comrades just under a ridge. "She's there. I don't want her to see us." None of them dared to make a sound or even move as a gigantic shadow loomed over them, jagged fangs glistening in the sunlight. Unaware of the humans' presence, the Tyrannosaurus rex surveyed the water from its vantage point until it spied what it was looking for. With a trumpeting roar, the huge theropod thundered downhill to intercept his prize. "She's moving away," Fluttershy whispered, once the coast was clear as she released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "I think you mean a “he”! It’s not the female we’re looking for, it’s a male and a pretty big one too." the English naturalist said. “And look at those scars. They’re everywhere! Probably from his prey and battling with rivals.” The male T-rex was able to track down this free meal despite being on his own because T-rexes have an incredible sense of smell. He’s lucky. The Triceratops carcass has become stuck.  A series of large rocks wedged the body in place, preventing the current from dragging the body away. This is the pair’s chance to get really close to him. The tyrannosaur stood on the riverbank, gazing hungrily at the floating carrion just beyond his reach. A fast-flowing current and a series of unstable rocks and boulders were all that stood between him and an easy meal. Not far away, the duo stood at the bank, observing the T-rex from a safe distance. "He must be so hungry. He’s desperate for an easy meal," said Nigel. "Even though T-rex is everyone's ultimate monster, you can't help but feel sorry for him," added Fluttershy, her heart going out to the desperate animal. The Englishman noted the predator's growing sense of caution. "He’s a top predator. They're so top-heavy. If he went into this fast-flowing water, he’d be flipped over." "But he’s desperate for the meat," stated Fluttershy. Slowly, tentatively, the dinosaur inched his way closer to the water's edge, as if willing himself to take the plunge and claim his prize. The T-rex isn’t the only predator drawn by the temptation of a free meal. On the ridge over their heads, a series of squawking and chittering could be heard. "Nigel, look!" Nigel looked to where Fluttershy pointed, and there stood at least four or five smaller theropod dinosaurs overlooking the river from their vantage point. Compared to the gigantic T-rex, these minuscule predators were less than half the size and much more lightly built, with much smaller heads crowned with quills. Primitive feathers adorned their backs, giving them a more birdlike appearance. Each of the creatures' hands were tipped with three fingers ending with long claws. And on their long, powerful hind legs, the middle toes bristled with the trademark talons of their species. Fluttershy’s eyes widened in dread. "Dromaeosaurs! More commonly known as raptors." Luckily for them, the raptors took no notice of their presence, their eyes solely focused on the Triceratops carcass. Nigel took a closer look at their features. "These must be Dakotaraptors. Among the largest of all the raptor species at over twenty feet long." "They must've been attracted to the Triceratops carcass too," said Fluttershy as the pack rapidly closed the distance, darting past the T-rex who snapped his jaws at their approach, snarling his irritation. Unlike their tyrannosaur rival, the agile and nimble raptors had no problems in leaping over the river and navigating the rocks to reach the ceratopsian’s carcass. In almost no time at all, the entire band was perched on the corpse, gobbling down chunks of flesh with their serrated teeth and squabbling for the choicest cuts. The T-rex could only look on helplessly, his jaws salivating. Taking notice of the gigantic intruder in their midst, the Dakotaraptors hissed and shrieked their displeasure, feathers raised in aggression. "He’s backing down. It doesn't look like the raptors are in any mood to share," noted Fluttershy sadly. "You just feel so sorry for him." "He’s desperate to get out there, but he’s got no chance," added Nigel. In the end, caution won over the need to feed. Despite his gnawing hunger, the Tyrannosaurus at last conceded, his footfalls growing fainter as he moved further into the valley, leaving the raptors to feast at their leisure. "He’s given up." The T-rex stomps off, leaving Nigel and Fluttershy to figure out where the injured female is, and what to do next. Back in the Park... "Keep a camera on him." In the control room, dozens of cameras were up and running, monitoring various activities in the park from staff and creatures alike. Bob's attention, however, was solely focused on one screen in particular. Back at Prehistoric Park, Theo the Triceratops is displaying some unusual behavior. In Triceratops Creek, the young ceratopsian bellowed and groaned as he pushed and shoved a single tree in his enclosure, and he showed no signs of relenting. Alan, on the other hand, was peacefully browsing as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Bob has asked vet Suzanne to come and take a look. "What is he doing?" asked Suzanne, shocked by this sudden change of behavior; just the day before, the normally placid herbivore was peacefully grazing on low-line shrubs. Now it seemed he was taking his aggression out on the inoffensive tree, its branches swaying as the horned dinosaur repeatedly head-butted the trunk. "He's done it all morning," Bob answered. Both stood outside of the paddock as they observed the dinosaur's aggressive behavior. "What do you think it is?" "Haven't a clue. He just keeps charging at that tree." Inside the enclosure, Theo charged at the offensive tree with renewed vigor. Suzanne was taken aback by the display of ferocity. "Gosh! Oh, my goodness, look!" Suddenly their attention was diverted by the sound of screeching tires coming to a halt. The headkeeper and the vet were greeted by the rest of the Equestria Girls who were riding the newly repaired Land Rover. "We came as soon as Bob alerted us," said Twilight as she exited the vehicle. The next sound from her mouth came out as a frightened squeal when Theo rammed the tree head-on.  "What's going on?" inquired a bewildered Applejack. "Whoa! Talk about your anger management problems!" Rainbow remarked, inwardly glad to be on the opposite side of the enclosure. The veterinarian couldn't help but be worried. "The poor thing!" Turning to the new arrivals, she asked, "Any ideas?" As Theo turned his head, Rarity noticed something out of the blue. "Look at his frill! It's changed colour!" The others soon took notice. "It's red!" said Twilight. "It wasn't like that before," Rainbow remarked. "Maybe he's having a huge testosterone surge, and he thinks that's a mate, he's going into breeding season and he's charging him." the vet hypothesized. "You think he needs a playmate?" Bob asked. "I think he's beating up that tree because he thinks that's one of his friends!" Suzanne replied. "Puberty. It gets to us all." Pinkie commented. Suddenly the headkeeper chuckled, earning a puzzled look from Suzanne. "What?" "I've just had a very good idea," replied Bob, wearing a crafty smile. The other girls looked at Twilight who wore a pensive look on her face. "Umm... Twilight’s making that face again," said Pinkie nervously. "I know that look," said Sunset with a knowing smirk. "What are you planning on this time?" This instantly made the head vet curious. "Oh no, what? Tell me." "Wait and see." was all Bob answered as he walked away. He then whispered something to the bookworm’s ear who beamed and nodded in agreement as she followed him. Applejack and Sunset decided to tag along with them. "Oh. Okay." With that, Suzanne and the others left Bob and Twilight to their own devices while Theo continued with his assault on the tree. A few minutes later found Bob and Twilight in the headkeeper's personal workshop, the former seated at his desk while the latter was leaning against the concrete wall. "Thanks, fella," said Bob to a workman who came to drop off much-needed supplies. "Just round the side." He then promptly turned his focus back to his clipboard. Nearby Twilight was making her own calculations and blueprints, making adjustments here and there. Before long, Sunset and Applejack arrived with tools and supplies, the bacon-haired girl donned in gloves and a welding mask. Bob and Twilight have a plan. They're convinced they can tame even Theo's teenage tantrums. Montana, 66 million years ago… Meanwhile, back in prehistoric times, Nigel and Fluttershy have at last come up with a plan of their own.  Along one end of the riverbank, men were hard at work erecting a wall of large logs and pieces of wood to fill in the nooks and crannies. Overseeing the hustle and bustle were Nigel and Fluttershy. "We're trying a technique used by game capture teams for things like antelope," Nigel explained to the film crew. "The T-rex is working her way downriver." "We've got ahead of her. She won't go onto uneven ground, and we know that she won't go near the water. We've built this palisade of logs, and we'll funnel her towards the time portal and back to the safety of the 21st century." Fluttershy said before crossing her fingers. "We hope." Nigel turned to Adam nearby. "Hi, Adam. Give us a hand." After much hard work, the palisade was complete. Everyone was now in position, watching, waiting. The meteorite's getting closer. So is the T-rex. Before long, a loud trumpeting call was heard in the distance, soon followed by the cries and bellows of panicked dinosaurs that could be heard over the rim. And a herd of dinosaurs are running scared. Fluttershy instantly recognized the familiar ostrich dinosaurs in the lead as they poured into the palisade. "Struthiomimus!" And they weren't alone. Towering above the spindly ostrich dinosaurs were bulky duckbill plant eaters well over the length of a school bus. There were also three bipedal dinosaurs. Next to the gigantic beasts, they were rather small, about the size of a car, their most distinctive feature being their rounded domed skulls lined with rows of bony knobs and tiny spikes. And behind them were two enormous saurian tanks with large armor plates covering their bodies, except for the belly. Their heads were wide and heavily armored; even the eyelids were armored. Their armor was brown-orange, becoming darker on the flanks, legs, and head and lighter on the underbelly. The most recognizable feature was that the tails ended in large, rounded clubs. Nigel was quick to identify the new dinosaurs. "There's also four Edmontosaurus! A kind of duckbill dinosaur." One of the duckbills bellowed the trumpet call heard earlier, a call so loud it resounded across the valley. "And a trio of Pachycephalosaurus! Dome-headed plant eaters." “There’s even a pair of Ankylosaurus! The tanks of the Cretaceous!” Fluttershy added. Looming behind them was the apex predator in all her salivating, carnivorous glory. By the riverside, there was nowhere that the herd could run or hide. They were trapped. “And there she is: the main event herself! That’s why they’re panicking.” "If we're lucky, she'll chase them through the time portal, and we can have a breeding colony of Struthiomimus at Prehistoric Park," said Nigel cheerfully as he activated the time portal which came alive with its transparent wall of time and space. "As well as a herd of duckbills and domeheads, and even a pair of clubtails!" Fluttershy chimed in. They quickly got into position, hiding behind their wooded fortress. The injured Tyrannosaurus made her deadly advance; with her prey cornered, she could afford to take her time. Trapped between the T-rex and the 21st century, they opt for the portal. As mystified as the animals were of the strange wall, they were far more terrified of the oncoming T-rex lumbering their way. It didn't take long for the first participants to cross the boundaries of time. "Yeah, one, two– They are belting through!" Nigel exclaimed. "A whole phalanx of them!" Next to him, Fluttershy chuckled. "Bob is gonna get a real surprise." In their haste to escape the oncoming predator, dinosaurs large and small began pushing and shoving in their mad dash to safety. It was all that the smaller animals could do to scramble out of the way of the gigantic Edmontosaurs' stomping hooves. One Struthiomimus squawked in pain as the bony club of a frightened Ankylosaurus knocked him over on impact. Back in the Park... From his place on the elevated platform, Bob looked on incredulously as various dinosaur species that were not T-rexes ran rampant throughout the stockade. They were safe from the clutches of the T-rex, but now they were wild with fright as they found themselves in the wooded confines of this strange lair in the middle of a strange and foreign world. "Oh, my giddy aunt! Nigel, Nigel, what have you done?" he muttered half to himself. "Suzanne, we've got a bit of a si'uation here!" He called over his walkie-talkie as he and his crew got to work rounding up their unexpected guests to their holding pens until permanent living arrangements could be made. Late Cretaceous Montana... One Struthiomimus is slower than the rest. Frightened and injured, the Struthiomimus tried desperately to shake the Tyrannosaurus off of his tail, darting in zigzags. But in these narrow confines, there was nowhere to run. And the gigantic predator was now closing in with open jaws. It was out of sheer desperation that the running dinosaur attempted to breach the wooden palisade, narrowly missing the snapping jaws of the rex. But his luck was about to run out. "Get down!" CRASH! The ostrich dinosaur's struggles ended in a sickening CRUNCH! of the T-rex's mighty jaws. With her prey clenched in her maw, the mammoth predator retraced her steps back on the ashen wasteland, getting smaller and smaller in the distance. "That was close. She took the Struthiomimus right there," said Nigel as he and Fluttershy slowly came out of hiding. The pink-haired girl was puzzled. "It's just a light snack for her." The Englishman nodded. "A juvenile. Time's running out. We must follow her." If the T-rex was aware of the humans' presence, she did not acknowledge them as she continued limping away. With its catch still uneaten, the hungry T-rex limps off back the way she came. Nigel was puzzled by the turn of events. "I can't understand. Why doesn't she just devour the Struthiomimus?" "Strange. Usually, predators would eat where they make a kill," stated Fluttershy. "Unless–" she immediately gasped in sudden realization as a small smile appeared on her face. "We cannot afford to lose her," said Nigel, rather left in the dark. "I do not want to go back to Prehistoric Park empty-handed." The two followed the injured T-rex, making sure to stay downwind and to keep a safe distance away. Back in the Park... After much arduous work, the keepers at Prehistoric Park were able to wrangle the frightened animals and get them accommodated to their new home. Back at Prehistoric Park, Bob is trying to ease some highly-strung Struthiomimus into life in the 21st century. Once every last Struthiomimus was accounted for and led into the enclosure, a sizable paddock surrounded by shade-giving trees and carpeted by green grass, the headkeeper was quick to latch the gate shut. "They're still a bit stressed out from the capture," said Bob addressing the cameraman. "They're just walking round and round the perimeter fence. They're checking out their new home, but they'll be all right. I'm not gonna feed them till tomorrow though, just let them settle in a bit." As the ostrich dinosaurs began to settle, Bob reached for his walkie-talkie. "Girls, how are things going with the duckbills, the clubtails, and the boneheads?" "They're just dandy, Bob." came the staticky reply from the cowgirl. "They seem to be settling into their new home." "I'm on my way back to the workshop!" Twilight announced. "We'll catch up once things are one hundred percent shipshape over here." came Pinkie’s voice, every now and again broken up by the static crunching of potato chips on the other end. With that job done, Bob's back to his workshop where his plan for the bad-tempered Triceratops is now in full swing. The workshop was bustling with activity as workers scrambled to assemble the parts and pieces needed for their project. Bob oversaw progress while Twilight and Sunset lent their technical expertise to help in the construction and design efforts. Needless to say, with all hands on deck, it wasn't long before the plan began to take shape. "Tie her up. We want that one up there," instructed Bob as some crewmen strained under the weight of some heavy-duty tires. "Up you go. You're doing a grand job, lads, but I need this finished this afternoon." "We'll take things from here, Bob," said Twilight with a wink, power wrench in her hand. "You go take care of things around the park." The headkeeper smiled his gratitude as he went on to do just that. Back in the Cretaceous... The trek had led Nigel and Fluttershy to the foothills of the high mountains. No trees grew on the dry ground, and the terrain was littered with rocks and boulders with which they were able to hide and duck for cover to stay out of sight. Ahead of them, the female Tyrannosaurus continued to lumber on, looking neither back nor to the sides. The duo is still tracking the T-rex. She's almost on her last legs. Moving so slowly now, the pair have had a chance to catch up. But where she's going remains a mystery. Fluttershy has her suspicions. And Nigel is about to find out. After what seemed like an eternity, the T-rex finally came to a stop in a wide space surrounded by small caverns and boulders. It was out of one of these caverns that the fearsome predator was greeted by two tiny scaly faces; two baby tyrannosaurs as big as a grown man. Upon the sight of their gargantuan mother with dinner, the pair came out of hiding to greet her. Not far behind, the zoologist and animal enthusiast smiled at the tender sight. "I knew it!" Fluttershy beamed in triumph. "It's been a long climb, but worth it," said Nigel, addressing the film crew. "There’s babies there. They almost look like they’re nearly old enough to look after themselves." "She's badly injured, but they need food, so she's brought the Struthiomimus all the way up here," added Fluttershy. "This is a major find! Paleontologists long suspected that dinosaurs showed parental care."  "This is fantastic! We can get a whole family of T-rex back to Prehistoric Park," said Nigel, already envisioning this happy family before them in the peaceful setting of the park. Suddenly the peaceful scene was shattered by a thundering roar. But Nigel's optimism is short-lived. The mother T-rex dropped the kill to confront the intruder, the only other creature in this world she truly feared. "Another Rex. And this one's a huge male," said Fluttershy, growing more worried by the second. "He must've been attracted by the smell of the kill and followed us all the way up here." It’s a fight to the death and all Nigel and Fluttershy can do is try to stay out of the way. The two giant theropods sized each other up, filling the mountainside with their roars and bellows. The male attempted to snatch the Struthiomimus from under the female's nose, but the infuriated mother pushed his jaws away with a sideways swipe of her head. "He really wants that carcass," Nigel observed as neither side seemed to be backing down. The two younglings wisely scattered into the shadows, away from the male's line of sight. "The youngsters are hiding." whispered the pink-haired girl. "This is bad. If he sees them, they could be in serious trouble." The Englishman nodded. "I'm sure like all reptiles, T-rex can be cannibalistic." A clash was now inevitable as the male approached the injured mother, making a lightning lunge for her. The mother rex skillfully dodged his strike before finding an opening to grab his exposed neck. The male tyrannosaur struggled wildly to break free from the female's grip. Hindered by the pain of her injury, she loosened her hold which allowed the male to escape, only to be quickly seized by his neck once again. It wasn't long before he broke free from that hold as well, turning to face his adversary. The babies cowered in the shadows as the two giants clashed, roaring their challenge at one another before doing battle once more, shaking the earth with their titanic footfalls. The male Tyrannosaurus was able to avoid a jaw snap from the enraged mother who roared furiously. He returned the bellow before striking her unguarded flank. But this left him open for a full-frontal attack from the female who grabbed his neck once again. And this time, she had no intention of letting go. In a desperate struggle to break free from the female's crushing death grip, the invading male slammed his full weight against his foe, smashing her body against the surrounding rocks. The mother T-rex slumped to the ground, barely moving. The male rex then placed his foot on his fallen opponent, roaring in victory, and was about to deliver the killing blow… that is until it was interrupted when the ground began to vibrate. The rival male steps back as another thud was heard as it almost had a look of complete regret on its face. For the vibrations sounded just like… footsteps. "What on Earth?" Nigel said to himself. The footsteps grew louder and sounded closer. If there’s one thing a T-rex is afraid of, it's another bigger T-rex. Another male rex has arrived. And this one can see the babies. However, this rex looked very familiar to the hiding explorers. “I don’t believe it! It’s the same male we saw from the river!” Fluttershy said to Nigel in utter shock. "That male, he must be her mate, which means he must be the father of the babies.” Nigel deduced. When Dad sees what has happened, the message is clear… 'Mess with my family, you mess with Hell!' ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR! With one infuriated roar of rage, the adult male immediately shoved the male rex against a rock wall pinning his rival down. But what he did next would show absolutely no mercy for the rival: he grabbed his opponent by the lower jaw and, much to the shock and horror of the two humans, ripped it clean off. Wounded and permanently deformed, the rival male gets up and runs off as the father roars at him, sending him packing, its life ruined {if not ended}. The adult male soon turned to the female as he nuzzled her snout and tried to help her stand up using his bulky body, the female using what little strength slowly got back up on her two feet, although the male was large, the female was taller than him in height. The two juveniles came out of hiding and warbled to greet them. Nigel’s assumption was correct, what he and Fluttershy saw was not just the ultimate monster, but also a caring father. “I can’t believe it Nigel; we had an encounter with the dad!” Fluttershy excitedly exclaimed. “Never would've expected it, but let's let them finish eating. Once they're finished, we should be trying to get them through the portal," said Nigel, who was now in awe of this prehistoric family reunion. Fluttershy nodded in agreement, they both couldn't but smile at the surprising domesticity of this scene. Wiping away a stray tear from this happy moment, Fluttershy squinted as a blinding light flashed from the corner of her eye. She looked up, then wished she hadn't. "Uh Nigel, we have a problem…" Hundreds of miles away, the meteorite has finally entered the Earth's atmosphere at 45,000 miles an hour. A distant rumbling was heard and the two looked up to the sky in awe and horror as the meteorite flashed brighter than the sun. The Mesozoic’s Judgement Day had arrived. The sonic boom it creates is one of the loudest noises the world has ever known. The duo had to cover their ears to block out the devastating crashing sound as the Mount Everest-sized space rock collided with the earth, followed by a flash of blinding light. As it strikes the Gulf of Mexico, it causes an explosion seven billion times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. It releases a blast front moving at a hundred times the speed of sound. This devastation is just the start. The cloud of ash will soar into the sky and molten rock will start raining down, igniting worldwide wildfires. And as it mushrooms out, it will engulf the entire world in a blanket of darkness. Earthquakes and megatsunamis will devastate the world, killing billions of lives. Any of the lucky few that survive will face complete darkness, minimal food, poisoned water, and freezing temperatures for the next two to three years. All this is just minutes away. Nigel and Fluttershy will have to think fast. "Has anyone got any food, anything that smells?" Nigel quickly inquired. Time was now of the essence. "We need the odour to entice the T-rex babies through the time portal." Fluttershy frantically dug through her backpack for something, anything that could remotely be of help. "I don't have anything!" cried Fluttershy. "Maybe we can use the Struthiomimus carcass to lure them through the portal!" "That's perfect! I just hope we can make it." "This has to work. We've only got a few seconds left," said Fluttershy desperately, hands practically on her scalp as the pressure was setting in. With the dead ornithomimid’s corpse in his hands, Nigel began to approach the tyrannosaurs who hissed, shrieked, and growled in alarm at the apocalypse going on around them. "The babies should be really interested about the dead Struthiomimus." "Although they're more likely to see us as potential snacks and attack us." mumbled the animal lover less optimistically. "Come on." urged Nigel, waving the carcass before the curious rexlings, having never seen these foreign creatures before.  "You've got to come! We've got to get you back!" Enticed by the smell of potential food, hunger won over caution as the T-rex babies hungrily snapped their teeth before following the strange two-legged creatures; their parents soon followed after them. "Yes!" exclaimed Nigel in triumph, still holding the carcass. "It's working!" said Fluttershy cheerfully. Now they began to run, the end of the world literally at their heels. The tyrannosaurs followed not too far behind. "21st century, here we come!" yelled Fluttershy as they all ran through the transparent wall of time. BOOM! A moment of silence... before four figures emerged from the time portal. The two Tyrannosaurus youngsters and their parents had made it to the safety of the present. From outside the stockade, the entire Prehistoric Park crew was eagerly awaiting their arrival, cheering and hollering as they all celebrated the mission's success. "Yeah! Whoo-hoo!" "Alright!" "Tyrannosaurus rex is back!" "Our first T-rex!" Nigel and Fluttershy have finally managed to rescue the T-rex family from extinction. The reptilian quartet was then herded into the confines of the holding pen where much-needed food and nourishment was awaiting them. The T-rex juveniles and their parents are now safely in the observation pen. Suzanne is making sure they're in good health before they're taken to their permanent enclosure. The moment a large slab of beef was dropped into the observation pen, the two famished T-rexes flung themselves upon the meat almost instantly as their parents looked on. "They look undernourished, but I'm pretty sure that Bob will be able to sort that out. And I’m hoping once we separate the parents, I can treat the mother with her wounds." Suzanne told the film crew. "But the juveniles are eating really well." The larger of the two, the female, was quick to assert her dominance and stood over the meat. She would get the first bite. The vet marveled at the two rexlings; to think that one day, these tiny creatures would become the greatest land predators the world had ever known, just like their mother and father. Even lions and tigers would pale in comparison. "They're not even halfway grown, but they're still so powerful, aren't they?" Inside the enclosure, the female youngster snarled a warning to her smaller brother, dragging the food a distance away to eat in peace. "They're cool, aren't they?" Prehistoric Park is now home to its first-ever prehistoric guests. From river-dwelling mammals to massive duck-billed dinosaurs. But vet Suzanne is concerned that one of them doesn't seem all that happy about being here. Sometime later, Suzanne took Nigel and Fluttershy to Triceratops Creek to see one of the resident ceratopsians, Theo. Sunset and Applejack were also in attendance. As the humans stood safely outside of his enclosure, Theo glowered at them, snorting and pawing the ground in aggression. "He really doesn't look very happy," said a concerned Suzanne. "Not when he stares like that. He doesn't like us." Nigel replied. Fluttershy’s eyes then widened. "Everyone get back, he's charging!" With a challenging roar, the adolescent Triceratops charged headlong against the wooden/metal fence. CRASH! Fortunately for the shaken-up humans, the wooden stakes were carefully chosen to withstand even the force of the herbivore's unbridled rage. But even so, one of the stakes was nearly split in two. The English naturalist chuckled. "You are trying to shake us up." "Theo's got such an attitude now!" Fluttershy remarked. "He's taken such a dislike to you guys." said Suzanne, and the proof was in the splintered fence. "I don't think he likes you at all." Applejack remarked as the Triceratops stared at them menacingly, frill blazing red, horns held in readiness. "I've seen this before." said the English naturalist. "I hand-reared a fox before and when it got mature— it was a male as well— it started biting and attacking me. He's mature and his hormones are buzzing through his body." The vet rolled her eyes playfully. "Too much testosterone. Males are endlessly competitive. They always have to win, don't they?" "You know it." said Sunset. At this, Nigel casts the pair with an incredulous stare. Suddenly there was a mechanical purring hum coming from over the hill, gradually getting louder, until a tractor pulled up around the bend. But this was no ordinary tractor; the vehicle was heavily padded with truck tires on the front and sides, along with decorative horns to resemble a Triceratops. Riding behind the wheel of this roaring behemoth was none other than Bob and Twilight. Fluttershy beamed a wide grin like a girl on Christmas Day. Sunset and Applejack shared knowing glances, having been involved in the project. "Right on time." Sunset murmured half to herself. Nigel chuckled. "Bob, what have you done now?" At last, Bob and Twilight’s plan is unveiled. The tractor came to a stop, allowing Twilight to disembark the vehicle. Nigel took a moment to admire the duo's handiwork. "Look at this contraption! Wa-hey, stop!" "It looks like a mechanical bull," Applejack remarked. "Say hello to the Tricera-tractor!" the inventor announced proudly while Nigel and Fluttershy were overcome with the temptation of going along for the ride. Bob revved the engines. "Ladies, get the gates! This is man's work!" Sunset, Applejack, and Suzanne obliged, and once they were certain that the irate Triceratops was out of the immediate vicinity, they opened the gate wide enough for the tractor to pass. Bob drove the war machine forward. "On we go!" "Watch out, Theo, we're coming!" Nigel shouted in excitement. "Good luck, boys," Suzanne called out. Under her breath, she added, "You'll need it." The gates were shut. The Tricera-tractor drove further and further along the dirt path, now in the center of Theo's turf.  "Come on, Theo! Come on!" Nigel called out. But the Triceratops was nowhere to be spotted. "Where are you?" They were answered by a bellowing roar as the young Triceratops charged full force, striking them from the left flank! "Oh! He charged from over there. He charged from the bamboo!" shouted Nigel over Theo's incensed bellow. Fluttershy laughed and let out a shout of one thing, “This means war, Theo!" Engines revving, Bob directed the Tricera-tractor's wrath towards Theo's three-horned fury, incensed about a competitor in his territory. The dinosaur did not hold back and forcefully charged the Tricera-tractor as the Cretaceous powerhouse met the technological marvel in a head-on collision! The ongoing jousting tournament was being watched from a safe vantage point by the rest of the team. "It turned into a Mexican standoff there!" Applejack exclaimed. "This is absolute madness." scoffed Suzanne with a chuckle. Bob and Twilight’s contraption isn’t as crazy as it seems. The tire-padded tractor is a worthy opponent for Theo, giving him something to take his aggression out on. It’s a tactic gamekeepers use on rhinos. And it looks like it’s working, giving the boys and Fluttershy a chance to let off steam. The vet playfully scoffed. "Men." Beyond the safety of the fence, the battles raged on. The Tricera-tractor moved in reverse after sustaining yet another head-on collision with Theo. "Look at him staring us out! We're getting at him! That's why he's got breeding colours. It's his first breeding season." Nigel informed Bob as he manned the tractor. "He'd take on anything!" Fluttershy remarked as the young Triceratops shook his frill from side to side as if daring them to retaliate. "He's taking on us!" "Yee-haw! Charge!" On the last charge. Bob shifted into maximum overdrive, careening towards the inevitable collision as Theo stood in readiness. CRASH! The force of the impact caused Bob to lurch forward on the steering wheel. Try as they might, the vehicle gave way to the herbivore's brute strength as he pushed them back a couple of feet. It was at that moment that Fluttershy, Nigel, and Bob decided to cut their losses and reverse out of the enclosure. "Congratulations, Theo!" Fluttershy shouted. Theo bellowed his victory as his worthy adversary left the battleground. He was the dominant male of this creek, and they would do well to remember that. *Three Hours Later...* "That was great fun, exhausting work," said Nigel, addressing the cameraman. Sometime later found the zoologist sitting behind his desk in his bungalow. "Never thought I'd joust with a Triceratops! But that's what they did in the wild. Fossils, look at this," he presented some documents and papers depicting two trikes locked in combat. "You can see they've got injuries on the frill and on the neck. They obviously had jousting tournaments in nature. Certainly keeping our boy occupied. "But what I've got to be careful about is he's got to win every time. We can't get too excited with him. I don't want him to injure himself 'cause he's such a magnificent specimen." That being said, he took a sip from his glass of water and looked out the window which overlooked the entire park. "Oh, Nigel!" The zoologist jumped at the sudden intrusion, dropping his drink out the window. He turned around to see none other than Fluttershy at the door. "You scared me out of my skin!" he said, clutching his chest rather dramatically. "Oops. Sorry." Fluttershy replied sheepishly. "Guess I should’ve knocked?" Nigel raised an eyebrow. "You think?" he retorted. "Come with me! There's something you've gotta see!" said the animal enthusiast. This was enough to peak up the naturalist's curiosity and he eagerly tagged along with her. Sometime Later... Eaten up with uncontainable excitement, Futtershy practically dragged Nigel back to Triceratops Creek where the naturalist was in for a surprise. Awaiting their arrival was the rest of the team consisting of her friends, Bob and Suzanne, plus several park staff. "What on earth have you done now?" Nigel wondered. It was a feeling of deja vu to the arrival of Prehistoric Park's very first dinosaur. "Alright guys, I got Nigel," Fluttershy announced, earning a puzzled look from the Englishman. "You can unveil the surprise now!" "Now Bob!" shouted Applejack. "Alright! Let her out!" The headkeeper ordered those manning the loading truck once the ramp was in place. A familiar bellow was heard. No sooner had the doors been open when a burly figure stampeded out of the truck, eager for the taste of freedom in this strange but welcoming enclave. Nigel's wide eyes did not deceive him; standing in the light of the sun was a young female Triceratops. "Wow! I just can't believe it! Where did you– when did you have time?" "Well, I decided to take a short hike back to the Cretaceous, and along the way, I thought that Theo could use some extra company. So, I brought back a special guest." Fluttershy explained. The English naturalist turned to head vet Suzanne. "Don't worry; we've already done some tests. Everything looks good. She's healthy." she assured him. Health checks were ever essential before introducing a new creature into the park. Attracted by the smell and noise of the new arrival, Theo arrived on the scene to investigate. Compared to the resident male, the newcomer was slightly smaller, and her frill was not so vibrantly colored. "Theo," Pinkie called out from behind the bars. "Meet Frillina!" "Frillina?" wondered Nigel incredulously, raising an eyebrow. "Don't ask," replied Fluttershy with a chuckle. Remarkably, despite his tantrums and fits of bestial rage earlier in the day, Theo showed no signs of aggression towards the female. On the contrary, the 3-ton Triceratops was gentle in his approach, taking great care not to startle her. Frillina was equally intrigued by the young male who seemed to rule this domain. The two herbivores began to sniff each other delicately. Nigel shook his head in disbelief. "You have got to be kidding me!" he chuckled. "Well, boys will be boys," said Bob. "Quite the gentleman, isn't he?" Suzanne remarked. "Hey, what's he doing?" All eyes looked to where Rainbow Dash was pointing. Inside the paddock, Theo paced before Frillina and once he had her undivided attention, the male bellowed a low, baritone roar before he lowered his horns, swinging his massive head from side to side, clockwise and counterclockwise. On the opposite side of the enclosure, the team watched these new activities unfold with deep interest and fascination; they were witnessing something that no human eyes had ever seen before. "Would you look at that," said Bob. "He's showing off his colorful frill!" said an elated Fluttershy.  "It's been theorized with horned dinosaurs that horns and frills evolved to scare away predators and discourage rivals." the English naturalist explained, remembering how the horned dinosaurs back in the prehistoric past used their vibrant frills in fighting off tyrannosaurs. "Makes them look bigger than they are." Rarity was puzzled. "Doesn't seem to be showing any aggression at all." While Theo continued to strut his stuff, groaning and snorting billows of steam from his nostrils, Frillina watched with rapt attention. Sunset studied the activities of the pair more carefully. "Guys, I think we figured out what else the frill is for," she said after a while. "We have?" asked Twilight, briefly looking away from the dinosaurs. "The red coloring of the frill? The girl Triceratops like them." "You're right!" Twilight exclaimed in excitement, doing a double take. "In nature, lots of animals have certain features that show off they're healthy and strong." "Like male moose and deer. They have big antlers to show females that they're survivors," added Fluttershy. "So for ceratopsians, horned dinosaurs like Triceratops," Nigel deduced, "the bigger and more brightly colored the frill, the more likely they will attract mates." Suzanne playfully rolled her eyes. "They've got a flair for showing off it seems." "And it looks like she's buying it," said Spike. "So far so good." Rarity remarked. With one final roar, Theo ceased his displays and waited for the female's final verdict. With bated breath, everyone waited for the answer, fingers crossed. Won over by the strong and handsome young male, Frillina accepted her new overlord. She sealed the deal by nuzzling his snout with hers, rumbling her affection. Needless to say, these tender actions incited cheers and rounds of applause from their modern audience. Theo nuzzled back, before shepherding his new mate to a more private area of their domain, away from the eyes of the cheering, spectating humans. "You go, Theo!" Rainbow cheered, pumping a fist. "Awww love is in the air!" said Pinkke. "Oh ho, this is great!" added Twilight with a beaming smile. Nigel shared the bookworm's sense of optimism. "This could be our first-ever breeding pair in Prehistoric Park!" Their work done, head-keeper Bob then decided that it was time to go, and he began to usher everyone from the paddock. "Come on you lot, let's give the lovebirds their space." He then turned to the camera crew. "That goes for you as well." Time to give this Cretaceous Romeo some well-needed privacy with his Juliet. The Next Day... The new power couple will also have new neighbors as some of the park's latest arrivals have been moved to an area just across the river. Divided by the river that flowed through the exhibit, the area opposite the Triceratops enclosure was now home to the four Edmontosaurus as well as the trio of dome-headed Pachycephalosaurus and the pair of armored Ankylosaurus. "You sure moving these guys into the same habitat was a good idea?" asked Spike, as he, Pinkie; Nigel, and Fluttershy observed the three radically different species coexisting in the same environment just as they would in the wild. The group stood on a wooden pier that overlooked the exhibit. "Considering that these two species lived in the same time and place as the Triceratops and vagrant Alamosaurs, and the fact they're herbivores, I don't see why not," Fluttershy replied. "And they're on their side of the river, away from the Triceratops and Alamosaurus," added Nigel. The dinosaurs, for their part, were content to graze and browse the abundance of vegetation that grew in their new haven, preferring frolicking over fighting. Pinkie watched them. "I called the pachys Friar Tuck, Bonehead, and Crash," she said, addressing the trio of Pachycephalosaurus, one male and two females respectively. "The Ankylosaurus are called Andy and Bumpy. And two of the female Edmontosaurus are Emilia and Foghorn. Ooh! And the big male's Duckzilla." Fluttershy chuckled. "Duckzilla?" Pinkie shrugged. "Yeah. He's a duckbill, remember?" "He does have the face of a really big duck," Spike commented. The newly named Duckzilla reared up on his hind legs before raising his head to the sky and filled the park with a resounding bellow that had never been heard in over 66 million years. The other three hadrosaurs and even the ankylosaurs took up the call while the pachycephalosaurs squawked their protest at their gigantic neighbors. "I think they're happy here." Nigel's dream of having a park full of prehistoric creatures he's saved from extinction is beginning to take shape; the Struthiomimus are getting used to their new home. The Didelphodons are enjoying their brand-new pond. The Triceratops has calmed down and has a new fiancé. And the T-rex family has been put into their new enclosure. A green park jeep drove across the wooden bridge that led to the newly dubbed 'T-rex Hill'. Once the vehicle came to a complete stop, the passengers, made up of Nigel, Bob, Suzanne, Fluttershy, and her friends, disembarked to take a look at the park's latest habitat. "Fantastic. Well done, Bob." complimented Nigel. "It wasn't just me; it was the lads." the headkeeper replied, giving credit where credit was due. "Now that's what I call prime real estate." Rainbow Dash commented. The Englishman chuckled. "It's overkill now when they're tiny, but when they're big, it's a perfect enclosure." Rarity peered into the exhibit, squinting her eyes. "Um, darlings... I don't see the juveniles." The others did likewise. Nigel turned to Bob. "Have you seen them at all?" The headkeeper shook his head. "Not since I put them in there. The parents, they’re resting out there, but the little ones; they've disappeared off the face of the earth." "There's plenty of places for them to hide," said Fluttershy. "That way, they're not gonna be too crowded or stressed."  Just then, Nigel's eyes caught movement in the thick foliage. "Look, over there!" All eyes looked to where the naturalist pointed. Two lithe figures erupted out of the undergrowth, running up to the clearing in full view of the spectating humans while their parents slept. As the two tyrannosaurs engaged in play, the team could immediately spot differences in personality as well as the youngsters' overall appearances. "Give them some names to identify them." the vet suggested. "I've done that," Nigel replied. "Okay, what?" Suzanne inquired. "Matilda for the big female," he replied, pointing to the female T-rex. "She's much bigger and stockier. Then, Terence, he's a bit puny, for the younger male. What do you guys think?" Bob nodded his agreement. "Terence and Matilda. Very nice, Nigel." Rarity shrugged. "Not so bad." “And for the parents, the female will be called Sue, the male will be Stan.” Fluttershy chimed in. “You mean you named the parents after two of the most famous T-rex fossils ever discovered…? That makes sense to me.” Twilight said. "It's kinda cute really, I guess," said Suzanne. The English naturalist chuckled. "Tell you what, for the babies, they're not going to stay cute for long." Nigel’s right. The two T-rex babies will double their body weight every year until they reach full size. Turning Terence and Matilda into the most ferocious killing machines for 66 million years, just like their parents. Let's hope Prehistoric Park knows what it's getting itself into. Sunset over Prehistoric Park. Nigel sat at the edge of a cliffside overlooking the valley where the park sat in the very center. He breathed the fresh evening air, savoring the peace and tranquility, watching the South African sunset, perhaps some of the most beautiful in the world, and listening to the calls of various birds chirping and warbling their final songs of the day. "Hey, Nigel!" The naturalist turned to look over his shoulder and smiled as none other than Fluttershy came to join him, the teenager seating herself at Nigel's right side. A moment of tranquil silence. Fluttershy was the first to break the silent spell. "A penny for your thoughts?" Nigel didn't answer immediately, but looked to the sunset, content to be in the company of some of the most remarkable people he had ever met. Luckily the pink-haired girl didn't press the matter. "It never gets old, huh?" said Fluttershy, heaving a blissful sigh. "Lovely sight." Nigel agreed. Looking back over the valley, his face took on a faraway expression. "Before all of this, Prehistoric Park was only possible in the realm of fantasy. To create the ultimate wildlife sanctuary filled to the brim with creatures from another time. There are just so many amazing animals time has left behind." Fluttershy nodded in understanding. "Over 99.9% of all creatures that have ever lived on this planet are now extinct." She heaved a heavy sigh, sadly looking off to the horizon. "And most of the time, we're left to wonder what it would've been like to see them in real life." The passionate zoologist went on, "To bring them back, to defy extinction. That, I believe, is every zoologist's dream. And now here we are, doing the impossible!" Just then, a distant trumpeting call resounded from the valley below. On the golden grasslands, a small herd of elephants was being led by their keepers to their nightly enclosure to retire as the day drew to a close. The duo exchanged knowing glances, the same thing on both of their minds. “So... when do we leave?" Next time, Nigel and Fluttershy set their sights on a mammoth from the lce Age. But they're going to have to overcome the cold climate and a hostile reception. Managing the prehistoric creatures the duo bring back will definitely not be as easy as they first thought. Creatures rescued: Alamosaurus sanjuanensis (1; 1 adult male) Ankylosaurus magniventris (2; both adults; 1 male, 1 female) Didelphodon vorax (2; both adults; 1 male, 1 female) Hell Creek gar (Lepisosteus occidentalis) (2; both adults; 1 male, 1 female) Edmontosaurus annectens (4; all adults, 2 males, 2 females) Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis (3; all adults; 1 male, 2 females) Struthiomimus sedens (13; all adults; 6 males, 7 females) Triceratops prorsus (2; both subadults; 1 young male, 1 young female) Tyrannosaurus rex (4; 2 adults, 2 youngsters; 2 males, 2 females)