Pathfinder's Adventure An apex legends story

by Flip_The_Table

Chapter 7 New Season (Edited)

Three months had elapsed since Pathfinder's discovery of the new world. Despite their best efforts, the group had yet to locate him. The trio had managed to keep Pathfinder's whereabouts a secret from the others, a task made easier by the distance between them and the rest of the group. However, Apple Bloom couldn't shake the nagging worry about how long they could maintain this facade.

With each passing day, the weight of their secret grew heavier on Apple Bloom's shoulders. She longed to confide in her sister and the others, but the fear of the unknown consequences held her back. How much longer could they keep Pathfinder's presence hidden? The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her torn between the desire for honesty and the necessity of secrecy to protect their friend.

"Three months now... and it's the 1st of September," Applebloom remarked, her gaze shifting towards Pathfinder and the group. Pathfinder glanced at his makeshift setup in the small area before returning his attention to his various layouts and tools.

"So, what should we do? We have Monday off," Scootaloo suggested.

"Maybe a trip to the park? Path loved the swings," Sweetie Belle suggested with a hopeful smile. Pathfinder, noticing the trio's gaze, displayed a nervous smile on his screen before pulling out rulers and tape measures, his expression a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"Oh, hey... um," Pathfinder halted abruptly, trying to conceal something behind him, hoping it hadn't caught their attention.

"What's that you're doing?" Sweetie Belle inquired curiously.

Pathfinder glanced down before revealing the blueprints of what appeared to be a treehouse. "Well, I thought... maybe it's time for me to have my own hideout," he admitted, his screen displaying a mix of nerves and excitement.

The trio exchanged surprised glances, intrigued by Pathfinder's sudden desire for independence.

"A hideout, huh? That sounds awesome!" Scootaloo exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Yeah, it'd be like your own little sanctuary," Apple Bloom added, a hint of pride in her voice at the thought of Pathfinder's autonomy.

Sweetie Belle smiled warmly. "We'd love to help you build it, Path. It'll be the coolest hideout ever!" she declared, the trio already brainstorming ideas for Pathfinder's new space, eager to support their friend's newfound independence.

As Pathfinder proudly displayed the layout of the planet on his screen, the trio listened intently, captivated by his discovery.

"I'm right here, and the perfect tree I can build is right there," Pathfinder pointed out, indicating a tree behind the barn.

Apple Bloom's expression shifted from excitement to concern. "No, no, we can't build there! My family would see you, and AJ would—" She paused, catching her breath before continuing with a sigh. "Look, the last time my sis saw ya, she wanted to hurt you," she confessed, her worry evident in her voice.

"But if I tell her about you... she would be mad... I can't let her hurt you," Apple Bloom explained, her concern for Pathfinder's safety evident as she hugged him, joined by the rest of the group. Pathfinder stood there, his screen displaying a happy face, but then shifted to a pensive expression as he contemplated their predicament.

"Then why don't I talk to her with you?" Pathfinder suggested calmly.

"What?" Apple Bloom's surprise was evident.

"Yeah! We can be there to help AJ understand that he's not bad!" Scootaloo added optimistically, but Apple Bloom's frown only deepened.

"That never works!" she retorted sharply, her concern mounting as Pathfinder walked away, back to his belongings.

"The last time I tried to do that, AJ nearly destroyed the front door! And she's been searching for Path for three months too. Now, we expect to have Path walk up to the door?" Apple Bloom's frustration poured out in a rush of words.

"Apple?" Sweetie Belle interjected, trying to calm her friend.

"I mean, what will he say? 'Hello, I'm the bot you've been trying to catch for the last month'? Who says that?" Apple Bloom continued, her anxiety building with each passing moment.

"Uh, Applebloom?" Scootaloo's voice took on a note of urgency.

"And and, what then? She'll fight and catch him and then call her friends and—"

"APPLEBLOOM!!!" Both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo interrupted, their voices raised in unison, finally getting her to pause and take a deep breath.

"What?" Apple Bloom asked, slightly flustered.

Meanwhile, undeterred by Apple Bloom's concerns, Pathfinder made his way to the door. The trio watched with a mixture of shock and apprehension as the bot ventured outside, prompting them to quickly scramble out of the treehouse to see what would unfold next.

"Path, wait!" Applebloom exclaimed, but her words were cut short as she tripped over Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, tumbling to the ground.

Quickly recovering, the trio scrambled to their feet and raced after Pathfinder, shouting for him to stop. This time, Pathfinder glanced back at them before reaching for the door handle.

As they neared the door, their hearts pounded with trepidation. Suddenly, the door swung open, revealing Big Mac standing on the other side.

"Applebloom, what are ya shoutin' for?" Big Mac's deep voice resonated, causing the trio to break out in a cold sweat as they caught sight of Pathfinder hanging from the deck's roof.

"Oh, uh... nothing, just, uh, playing with my pals!" Apple Bloom stammered, her voice tinged with nervousness.

"Yeah, yeah, she's right!" Sweetie Belle chimed in hastily, trying to mask their panic.

"Wait, what?" Scootaloo interjected, confused, before receiving a swift punch in the arm from Apple Bloom, who shot her a warning look.

With forced smiles, the trio attempted to maintain their composure, hoping their impromptu explanation would suffice.

"Hmmm, yeah, not buying it. What's the problem?" Big Mac's voice was firm, his eyes narrowing slightly as he observed the trio.

Pathfinder's screen displayed a sweating face as he held on for dear life, his grip slipping slightly. Then, his expression shifted to one of shock as he noticed a dog looking up at him from a nearby window. The dog's barking and excitement added to the tension.

The trio's attempts at explanation faltered as they stumbled over their words. "I... uh... you see... it's just, uh..." Apple Bloom glanced at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, silently pleading for help, before taking a deep breath to gather her thoughts.

"Uh, you see, we were wondering if we could go to the movies and see—" Apple Bloom's feeble attempt at an excuse was interrupted by the sound of a bark.


Winona, the family's loyal dog, trotted past Big Mac and looked up at Pathfinder, her tail wagging excitedly. The bot's screen displayed a simple message: "THE JIG IS UP!"

Big Mac chuckled as he petted Winona's head before turning his gaze back to the trio. "Uh... hello!" Pathfinder greeted nervously, his screen displaying a sheepish expression.

The trio stood frozen, their faces drained of color as the realization sank in that they were face-to-face with one of the individuals who had been hunting Pathfinder for months. The encounter was surreal, and they were unsure of what would happen next.

"High five?" Pathfinder suggested, extending a hand toward Big Mac before abruptly losing his grip and flopping onto the deck, eliciting a louder bark from Winona. He quickly scrambled to his feet, backing away cautiously as Big Mac looked down at him with a smirk.

"Well, well, Mr. robot... we meet at last. You try to hurt my sister, you get to feel the power of my fist!" Big Mac's voice carried a hint of menace as he cracked his knuckles, advancing towards Pathfinder.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Pathfinder, and I'm your friend—" Pathfinder's introduction was cut short as he deftly dodged to the left, narrowly avoiding Big Mac's attempted punch. The tense standoff continued, with Pathfinder dancing out of harm's way as Big Mac pursued him, the encounter teetering on the edge of confrontation.

"Now stand still!" Big Mac commanded, his voice firm as he reached for Pathfinder's arm.

"Mac, wait! He's not going to hurt us!" Apple Bloom shouted, her voice tinged with desperation.

"No, now, Bloom! Get inside and call the police! I'll hold him off!" Big Mac's tone brooked no argument as he tightened his grip on Pathfinder's arm, determination etched on his face.

Feeling the tension escalate, Pathfinder glanced back at the trio with a mixture of concern and confusion, unsure of how to defuse the situation. As Big Mac's hand closed around Pathfinder's arm, the bot's screen displayed a mix of alarm and uncertainty. "Please, let me explain," Pathfinder pleaded, his voice tinged with urgency.

But Big Mac's resolve remained unyielding. "There's no time for explanations. You're a danger to my family, and I won't let you harm them," he stated firmly, his grip tightening. Apple Bloom's heart pounded with fear as she watched the tense exchange unfold. "Mac, please listen to me! Pathfinder isn't a threat. He's our friend," she implored, her voice shaking with emotion.

But Big Mac was resolute. "I can't take that risk. Now go inside and call for help," he ordered, his gaze unwavering as he prepared to hold Pathfinder off.

With a heavy heart, Apple Bloom reluctantly turned and hurried inside, her mind racing as she dialed the emergency services, hoping they would arrive in time to prevent any further escalation. Meanwhile, outside, the standoff between Big Mac and Pathfinder continued, with the outcome hanging in the balance.

"Stop!" Apple Bloom's voice rang out, her tone firm as she stepped in front of Big Mac, causing him to release his grip on Pathfinder, his expression filled with shock.

"Applebloom? What are ya doing?" Big Mac's voice held a note of confusion as he looked at his sister.

"Pathfinder is not a threat! He's friendly," Apple Bloom insisted, standing resolutely next to Pathfinder, whose screen displayed a scared expression.

Big Mac's gaze shifted between his sister and Pathfinder, uncertainty clouding his features. "What is going on?" he asked, his brow furrowing in concern as he observed the trio's tense demeanor.

As the silence stretched between them, Pathfinder cautiously approached. "Is this where we're supposed to talk?" he ventured, his voice soft and uncertain, hoping to diffuse the tension and find common ground.

A moment of explanation later, Apple Bloom took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before she began to speak. "Mac, I know this seems strange, but Pathfinder isn't what you think. He's not here to harm anyone," she started, her voice steady.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement, adding their own assurances to Apple Bloom's words.

Pathfinder's screen displayed a message of gratitude as he listened to his friends defend him.

Big Mac listened attentively, his initial skepticism giving way to a sense of curiosity. As he absorbed their words, his expression softened, and he began to see Pathfinder in a different light.

Big Mac nodded slowly. "Alright, I'll trust you all on this. But Applejack must know," he said firmly, his protective instincts still at the forefront.

Apple Bloom's eyes widened in alarm, and she shook her head vigorously. "No, Mac, we can't! She's after him, trying to destroy him!" she protested, her voice tinged with worry.

Big Mac's brow furrowed in concern as he absorbed his sister's words. He glanced between Apple Bloom and Pathfinder, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive.

Pathfinder's screen displayed a mix of fear and uncertainty as he realized the gravity of the situation. He had hoped to avoid confrontation with Applejack, knowing the danger it posed to both himself and his friends.

Big Mac's expression hardened as he made a decision. "Alright, we won't tell Applejack. But he can't stay in the house," he declared firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument.

The trio exchanged uneasy glances, understanding the implications of Big Mac's decision. They knew they had to find a way to keep Pathfinder safe while navigating the complexities of their family dynamics. It wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to protect their friend at all costs.

With a heavy sigh, Apple Bloom nodded in agreement, reluctantly accepting her brother's decision. "Okay, Mac. We understand," she conceded, her voice tinged with resignation.

As the tension eased, the group made their way back inside the house, their minds racing with thoughts of how to navigate the delicate situation they found themselves in.

Once inside, they gathered in the living room, Pathfinder standing silently among them. Big Mac's gaze lingered on the bot, a mix of concern and determination evident in his eyes.

"We need to explain everything to Applejack," Sweetie Belle suggested, breaking the uneasy silence that had settled over the room.

"How?, did you forget that she and her friends are after him?," Scootaloo added, her voice firm.

Apple Bloom sighed, feeling the weight of their predicament settling heavily upon her shoulders. "I know it won't be easy, but we have to try," she said, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement. "We need to show them that Pathfinder isn't a threat. Maybe if we explain everything, they'll understand," she suggested optimistically.

Scootaloo's expression remained skeptical. "But what if they don't listen? What if they try to capture him?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. “But how did he get here?”

Big Mac's question hung in the air, breaking the tense silence that enveloped the room. His gaze shifted between Apple Bloom and Pathfinder, curiosity and concern etched on his face.

Pathfinder took a moment to process Big Mac's inquiry before speaking up. "I crashed," he admitted, his voice carrying a hint of embarrassment. "First, I crashed into the classroom, and then I stumbled into a bush in the forest nearby."

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement, filling in the details. "Yeah, we found him there, shaken but not damaged," she explained, her voice steady despite the unease that lingered in the room. "So, we brought him back here and took care of him."

Pathfinder's screen displayed a message of gratitude as he listened to Apple Bloom's explanation, his eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and gratitude. Big Mac nodded slowly, absorbing the information. "And he's been staying in the treehouse ever since?" he asked, seeking clarification.

Apple Bloom nodded in confirmation. "Yes, we've been looking after him and making sure he stays safe," she affirmed, her voice tinged with determination. Big Mac's expression softened as he regarded his sister and her friends. "Alright, we'll figure this out together," he said, his voice filled with reassurance.

Just as the group settled into a sense of cautious calm, the sound of a truck pulling up outside shattered the tranquility. Apple Bloom's heart sank as she recognized the familiar rumble of Applejack's vehicle.

Big Mac's expression shifted, his protective instincts kicking into high gear. "They're here," he stated, his voice tense with anticipation.

With a sense of urgency, the group braced themselves for the difficult conversation that lay ahead, knowing that their careful plans might be put to the test sooner than they had anticipated. As the sound of Applejack's truck grew louder outside, Big Mac's expression hardened with resolve. "Pathfinder, you need to hide," he said firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Pathfinder's screen flickered with uncertainty, but he nodded in understanding. Without hesitation, he made his way towards the nearest hiding spot, his movements quick and silent.

Apple Bloom and her friends exchanged worried glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. They knew that if Applejack and her friends discovered Pathfinder, it could lead to conflict and put their friend in danger.

With a sense of urgency, they sprang into action, helping Pathfinder find a secure hiding spot where he would be safe from prying eyes. As they finished securing Pathfinder's hiding place, the sound of footsteps approached the front door, sending a shiver of apprehension down Apple Bloom's spine.

With bated breath, they waited, steeling themselves for the inevitable confrontation that awaited them. They knew that their friendship would be put to the test, and they were determined to stand united in the face of adversity.

As Pathfinder remained hidden, he strained to listen to the conversation unfolding between Applejack and her friends. Despite his efforts to remain undetected, his audio sensors picked up on their voices as they discussed their plans.

Applejack's voice carried a note of concern as she spoke. "We need to figure out what's going on. I don't like the idea of something hiding in our barn." Her friends murmured in agreement, their voices blending together in a mixture of worry and determination.

"We should search the area," Sunset said. "Whatever it is, we need to make sure it's not a threat."

Pathfinder's processors whirred as he processed their words. He knew he had to remain hidden, but the urge to intervene tugged at him. Still, he resisted the impulse, knowing that revealing himself could only complicate matters further.

As he listened to their conversation, Pathfinder pondered his next move, weighing the risks and considering the best course of action. For now, he remained hidden, biding his time and waiting for the opportune moment to reveal himself.

Big Mac, sensing the tension in the air, stepped forward with a furrowed brow. "What's happening here?" he asked, his voice deep and authoritative, cutting through the murmurs of the group. Applejack glanced at her brother, a flicker of concern crossing her features. "We're just trying to figure things out," she replied, her tone cautious.
Her friends exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how much to reveal in front of Big Mac.

"We think there might be something hiding in the barn," Rarity offered, her voice tinged with apprehension. Big Mac's expression hardened as he processed this information. "We need to investigate," he stated firmly, his voice brooking no argument.

As the group prepared to search the area, Pathfinder remained hidden, his circuits buzzing with tension. He knew he couldn't risk revealing himself now, not with so much at stake. Instead, he focused on gathering information, listening intently to the conversation unfolding around him as he waited for the right moment to make his move.

As Applejack and her friends prepared to investigate the barn, Apple Bloom and Big Mac exchanged a knowing glance. They fell into step behind the group, their expressions carefully neutral as they listened to the discussion.

"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Big Mac asked, his tone casual, as if he were simply curious about the situation.

Applejack shot him a sideways glance, her brow furrowing slightly. "We're not sure," she admitted, her voice tinged with concern. "But we think there might be something hiding in the barn."

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement, her heart pounding with nerves as she feigned ignorance. "Yeah, it's been kinda spooky around here lately," she chimed in, doing her best to sound convincing.

As they approached the barn, Applejack's friends exchanged uneasy glances, their apprehension palpable. They hesitated at the entrance, unsure of what they might find inside.

Big Mac and Apple Bloom followed suit, their eyes scanning the area for any sign of movement. Pathfinder remained hidden, his circuits buzzing with anticipation as he listened to their conversation.

"We need to be careful," one of Applejack's friends cautioned, her voice barely above a whisper. "If there's something in there, we don't know what it's capable of."

Apple Bloom and Big Mac nodded in agreement, their hearts racing with nerves as they prepared to follow the group inside. They knew they had to play it cool, to pretend they hadn't seen anything, even as they struggled to contain their apprehension.

As the group stepped into the barn, Pathfinder remained hidden elsewhere, his sensors on high alert as he listened intently to their conversation. He knew that his friends were counting on him to stay out of sight, to keep them safe until the time was right.