A Bit of Honesty Goes a Long Way

by restless0

The Chapter Ever

knock knock knock

“Alright just one second”

knock knock knock

“Aaaaaand there!”

Tech Sparks had just finished putting the final touches on her latest device, a revolutionary device that would in fact, fry bread. Sure as a unicorn a carefully managed heating spell could achieve the same result, but who ever wanted things the easy way?

“…wait did I forget to put in the-“


The carefully constructed contraption burst into flames before Tech’s very eyes, ok maybe magic could be the solution sometimes. Her horn flared up with a gray energy as magic enveloped the newly aborted bread fryer (patent pending), putting out the fire. She had gotten quite used to this spell across her time inventing.

Smoke was still defiling the airways of her home however, so Tech rushed to open the front door and free herself from this prison of airborne failure.

kno- “Finally you answer the… did you blow up again?”

“Oh uhh, hi Ruby, when did you get here?”

The strawberry ice-cream color coated pegasus gave Tech a look she had become rather acquainted with. Ruby Swirl had been Tech’s second friend she had made upon moving to Ponyville, the first was Pinkie Pie which was sort of a given. It was impossible to escape that mare without her learning every detail about you, where you live, what time you go to the bathroom and plotting 200 parties in advance for the rest of your life span.

Ruby peaked around Tech to see the smoldered remains of her latest failure. Tech was by no means incompetent, but Ruby had come to learn a certain pattern with Tech which is that failed inventions often came as a result of neglecting her own health.

“I brought you some apples from Sweet Apple Acres” she motioned towards the paper bag in her right wing. “When's the last time you ate?

“Well I was going to have some fried bread for lunch, but uhhh-” Tech gestured towards, well, you know the answer.

Ruby stepped inside and dropped the paper bag containing the apples atop the counter in Tech’s kitchen. For all her time working on inventions Ruby always thought Tech could use a bigger house, there was a distinct lack of furniture to make room for her exploits.

“Let me just get that outta the way” Tech levitated the mini viking funeral on the floor of her house into the nearby trash bag in the corner of the living room. “You up to anything recently?” Tech thought it was fairly her turn to ask Ruby some questions about what she was up to, being on the receiving end of them was more common.

“Well I just finished the loveliest design for the Sweets and Lyres sign, trying to merge both was pretty challenging but I’d say I pulled it off” Tech enjoyed listening to Ruby talk, she radiated such a joyful energy when it came to talking about art, Tech thought she was just annoying when she talked about her own talent on the other hand.

“Wait, Sweets and Lyres?” Tech was only truly coming to terms with the idea of “Quills and Sofas” and now there was another like it?

“Well, yeah, Lyra and Bonbon got engaged recently, didn’t you know?”

“They did?”

“As well as Big Mac and Sugar Belle? I was just at Sweet Apple Acres to congratulate them”

“…Who’s Sugar Belle?” Tech was wearing her lack of community awareness on her knee socked hoof, that was the saying right? She didn’t even know that, just that it did in fact fit her attire.

“Honestly girl, you need to get out more, you don’t take care of yourself enough” Tech knew she was right deep down, it’s just that extended social stays made her more and more anxious she’d mess something up, usually she trusted being with Ruby as a way to ensure she wouldn’t.

“I go to the store every day, and I went to Vinyl’s to do some repairs on her speaker system yesterday” Making the DJ’s signature sound set was Tech’s crowning achievement.

“And when was the last time you went outside that wasn’t a point A to point B task?” Tech stared blankly at Ruby.

“...What was the question?” Ruby sighed in response

“Well, at least my birthday is tomorrow, I hear Pinkie Pie is going all out with the celebrations apparently, though I’m pretty sure that’s standard for her anyways. Honestly I don’t know how she does it every…” Ruby’s ramble fell flat on Tech’s ears the moment she said the word ‘birthday’.




Tech had forgotten her best friend’s birthday. Ruby wasn’t Tech’s first friend in Ponyville but she was certainly her best, she didn’t know if Ruby felt the same however. Every year she would continually brainstorm what to make people for their birthdays, people seemed to like her for unique talents and so made sure to make everyone something. Making a gift for Ruby was always the most difficult, what exactly do you make for an artist? Tech knew from experience that the process of creation was part of what made the final product feel so satisfying, so anything that automated the process would defeat the entire point.

What kind of artist would have the entire process completed automatically for them?

She often needed more time for Ruby than other ponies she knew, being the most difficult to make a gift for and her closest friend after all. And now she only had a day to make her something, no big deal!

‘I can think of something, I'm a smart mare right? Can’t be that hard y’know just squeeze a 2 week process into a day easy peasy. Just gotta think on overdrive, use those years of hard work to make something you idiot, can’t have her thinking you’re-”



Tech snapped out of her trance, mind catching up with the world around her.

“Oh of course I agree”

“Tech are you alright? You’re all sweaty and doing that thing where you space out again”

“That’s a thing I do?”

“Tech I’ve known you for years, of course I know it’s a thing you do, what’s wrong?” This aspect of Ruby’s personality was something Tech struggled to deal with, she was quite assertive when she needed to be, and with Tech that was quite often with how she’d tend to clam up in situations like these.

“I just need a shower, yup, you’re right about needing to take care of myself and all that” Tech quickly blurted out the first excuse that came to her mind.

“...well good” She bought it, seemingly. “You know I always thought you could be a knockout if you put some effort towards it, have every mare and stallion turning their heads” Ruby moved a lock of Tech’s face out of the way of her face with her hoof. Ruby was moderately taller than Tech, partially due to Tech’s more hunched over stance, so most of the time she was left looking up to her

“Is that a recommendation or a personal request?” Ruby chuckled in response.

“Honestly could look like a miniature Princess Luna, wait no that’s a bad idea lets not do that again” Her dark blue coat and jet black hair bore some resemblance to the Princess of the Night, last Nightmare Night under Ruby’s suggestion she actually did take on a costume similar to that of Luna, when the same princess did in fact show up it made her feel like a cheap imposter. Luna had in fact taken notice of her and was seemingly flattered, all Tech could think was that she could never be as tall, attractive or powerful as her.

Mostly that second one.

She had noted that the princess kept her distance from Tech the following Nightmare Night, she assumed she had messed something up even though she couldn’t decipher exactly what.

“You should take a visit to Carousel Boutique sometime, I know for a fact Rarity would love to work with a look like yours” Fashion was never Tech’s thing, she was a “practicality first, style second” kind of mare. She kept her hair up in a ponytail (a term she had difficulty coming to terms with) to keep it out of her face as well as avoid it getting caught in any of her contraptions she worked on.

“Uh huh uh huh, sure, I’ll go get that shower now see you tomorrow for the thing”

“The party”

“Yeah that”

Ruby still eyed Tech, she presumed something was up but didn’t want to push any further, she was well enough aware of her limits when it came to discussions like these and didn’t want to hurt her best friend’s feelings. Ruby trotted towards the exit of the house “Well then, I’ll see you at Sugarcube Corner tomorrow?”

“Mmm hmm, mmm hmm, bye bye” Tech quickly closed the door behind Ruby as she left, once again Ruby let out a sigh. She knew something was wrong other than a simple fault in hygiene but couldn’t bring herself to ask further.

‘She’s a grown mare, she can take of herself…hopefully’

It was the day of the party and Ruby Swirl’s birthday. Currently she was at her appointment in Canterlot Boutique, seeing it right to dress up a bit of the occasion, be the art piece for once rather than creating one.

“Is something the matter darling?” Rarity questioned Ruby as she made adjustments to her dress and mane, taking measurements to ensure the dress was absolutely perfect. It was upon Rarity’s comment that Ruby noticed the sullen look that was upon her own face in a nearby mirror

“O-oh? It’s nothing to worry about”

“Nonsense, I couldn’t possibly let a customer leave my boutique with such an unfitting expression” Ruby barely considered herself a customer, Rarity had offered the dress for free as a birthday deal which was surely fitting for the Element of Generosity.

“Well…I’m just not sure what I should do, you do know Tech Sparks right?”

“Tech Sparks? Ah yes! She made me a mobile fainting couch a while ago. It has been oh so helpful. It’s truly wondrous what some ponies come up with, I have thought that she and Twilight could do great things if they worked together” Fainting couch? Ruby wasn’t sure of the purpose of such a thing on the go, or the point of one designated for that specific purpose at all

“I would have thought to keep her away from royalty, I know Prince- I know Twilight Sparkle doesn’t like to be seen as one, but I worry after the, well-”

“The Luna Incident?”

“Yeah, the Luna Incident” Ruby remembers it well, after talking to Luna one Nightmare Night, Tech went into a comatose state for a full day. When she woke up she had no memory of what happened beyond talking to Luna, it was quite concerning and Ruby made a mental note to avoid such a scenario in the future.

“I do wish she’d touch herself up sometime, nerdy mares are soooo in style this season”

“I know right?” Ruby had always thought Tech was a pretty mare, a diamond in the rough of sorts, that was also covered in ash, smoke and other things that were synonymous with her self employed work.

“Personally, I think you should”

“Should what?”

“Ask her out sometime of course, she’s your best friend I hear I’m certain she would take it well”

“W-what?” Ruby stumbled back from Rarity, a blush making its way to her snout, dating her best friend? The thought had definitely never ever crossed her mind in any consistent capacity whatsoever no way. “N-no that’s not what I was gonna ask about”

“Was it not? My apologies darling, I misread your words, so what is the issue?”

Ruby sighed, making a mental note of how many times she’d done that over the past day cycle, and stepped back towards Rarity as she continued to work on her dress while they spoke.

“I’ve just been…concerned about her. I know she does great things with all the stuff she does, but she spends all day locked up inventing new things and only ever goes out when others need her or to purchase new materials, I think she’s a bit too dedicated.”

“Ahh, I know the feeling. Trying to balance work and everyday life can be quite challenging. I absolutely adore making dresses for others but a girl needs a spa day every once in a while”

Ruby agreed, the process of artistry was truly amazing and she wouldn’t trade doing it for anything in the world, but she knew how to take a break every once in a while.

“I just find it hard to bring up to her, is that being invasive? I mean she’s an adult I don’t think it’s my place t-” Ruby was cut off by a hoof being placed at her mouth.

“Now now, thinking like that just won’t do. Tell me Ruby Swirl, why do you feel like you need to tell her this?” Rarity took her hoof away and Ruby thought more about how to respond.

“I think she’s being unhealthy to herself, and I don’t want that”

“And why do you not want that?”

“Well…she’s my best friend and I care about her”

“Are you sure?”

“Well of course? She cares about others far more than herself, she makes me laugh, I love listening to her ramble about her inventions, she’s really cu-” Ruby suddenly realized she was rambling and stopped herself, feeling embarrassed.

Rarity smirked at her response “Well then there’s only one thing to do, tell her everything”


“No buts! Ruby darling, Tech is your friend, if she’d abandon you simply for criticizing her she wouldn’t be a true friend now would she?” Rarity was right in that, she simply couldn’t imagine Tech getting mad at her for any reason.

“I’m just worried it’ll hurt her feelings, self-esteem isn't exactly her strong suit”

“This is coming from her best friend, not some stuck up naysayer. As long as you’re not too harsh on her I’m certain that she will come around” Rarity’s words spoke nothing but truth to Ruby, all that time hanging out with Applejack would do that to a mare. A more confident smile made its way onto Ruby’s lips.

“You’re right, I’ll tell her everything after the party! …everything” Rarity had finished up the last of her checks on Ruby, both on the dress and mentally. Ruby thanked Rarity and went off to have her late night party.

“Do have fun!” Rarity called out to her as Ruby exited the boutique. “And knock em dead”



The party had gotten off to a great start, as was expected for a Pinkie Pie party, many ponies across Ponyville came, Lyra, Bonbon, Vinyl Scratch was there not DJing for once, even that one blue unicorn that hung out with Starlight Glimmer was here, though Ruby was pretty sure it was just for the free food. Most of them had given her all sorts of gifts which she appreciated, and the cake the, well, Cakes prepared was wonderful

Despite everything else going well, Ruby could only think about how something was missing. An hour or so had passed into the party and Tech Sparks was nowhere to be seen. Ruby’s constant thoughts of her had dampened her party mood, faking a smile to everyone that congratulated her. Tech being a few minutes late or so was nothing new, but an hour was beyond her usual limit.

Ruby looked around and approached the first pony she thought would know something. “Excuse me, Vinyl?” Ruby had to go in front of her to get her attention as the contraption she wore on her head seemingly hampered her hearing which Ruby never understood.

Vinyl was the only other mare Ruby knew would visit Tech, often for some fine tuning of her equipment or some brand new idea to amplify her partying prowess.

“Do you know where Tech is? Tech Sparks?” Ruby started doing charades to further push what she was trying to tell Vinyl, using her wings to do the motion of pushing up glasses and then the motion of pulling up a knee sock on her right forehoove as Tech would wear.

The mute mare was seemingly processing what Ruby was suggesting before nodding and notioning her head for Ruby to follow her which she hastily did. Upon reaching the entrance of Sugarcube Corner, Vinyl lifted her hoof and pointed in the direction of Tech’s far off home near the houses on the edge of Ponyville.

“Her home? Oh no what’s she up to now” Ruby wasted no time and immediately got into position to lift off into the air, beating her wings as she rushed towards Tech’s home. It was probably rude to leave a party that was entirely dedicated to her but that was the least of her worries at the moment.

Ruby tried to figure out what was keeping Tech. Did she not want to come? Maybe, but Tech had never missed one before. Did she oversleep? It was dark outside, so unlikely. The idea that she was busy with sons commission was also off the table as she said herself she’d be at Sugarcube Corner today… was she hurt?

That last one was the idea that Ruby wanted to think about the least, but the thoughts rushed through her head quicker than her wings would carry her to her destination.

Landing in front of Tech’s house, Ruby quickly ran up to the front door and rattled away at it with her hoof, this time she wasn’t willing to stop until she got an answer. It took about 10 seconds, 10 agonizingly long seconds but the door eventually opened.

“Look, sorry but I’m really bu-”

“Tech! You’re al-“

“Oh no” The door was slammed shut by magic in an instant before Ruby could process her happiness at her friend’s seemingly uninjured state.


“P-please give me more time”

“More time?” Had Ruby pressured her into something? At most she recommended a touch up and a wash but that shouldn’t have taken the whole day.

Ruby could hear scrambling behind the door, whatever Tech was doing she was certainly frantic. After a few moments of continued panicking from behind the door Ruby had hit her limit. “Tech Sparks! Open the door!”

“N-no please”

“What’s wrong?”

“N-nothings wrong, e-everything’s fiiiiiiine!” It was at that Ruby heard the sound of something, likely Tech herself hit the ground.

Something was freaking her out and Ruby had to find out what, for Tech’s sake. “Tech I’m giving you five seconds before I buck this door down!” It was a rather forceful method, but it’s what Ruby thought was needed right now.

Ruby received no response, the hope the initial threat would work fell flat. “One…” she began her countdown

“Two…” No response

“Three…” No response

“Four…” Ruby got herself into position on her forelegs ready to buck the door down


“STOP!” Tech yelled desperately from inside and Ruby planted all her hooves on solid ground again. “I…I’ll open the door, just, just please don’t be mad”

“Mad? Why would I be mad?”

“Cause I couldn’t… I…”

The handle of the door slowly turned as the door creaked open to show a hunched over, defeated looking Tech. She was worse off than Ruby had thought from her brief glimmer of the mare moments ago.

She had seemingly taken that shower she said she would, but her hair was unkempt out of its usual ponytail, bags layered under her eyes, and she looked like she was barely standing.

Tech turned away from Ruby and led her into the house. Looking around the place it was a complete mess, papers strewn everywhere with random bits and pieces of seemingly unfinished creations. Tech walked into the middle of the room and sat down, clearly exhaustion had finally taken a hold of her.

“I…I couldn’t make you a gift”


“I-I forgot about your birthday and didn’t remember until you told me.” Tech hung her head defeated while she faced away from where Ruby was standing. Ruby was left confused from her initial statements, was forgetting a date enough to bring her down like this?

“I need everyone to get a great gift or they’ll hate me”

“Hate you?”

“I’m…I’m not good for much, this talent of mine is the only thing that makes me worth anything, I’m weak, I’m ugly, I get awkward in groups, I can’t even take care of the most basic of things!” Ruby could hear the light sobs coming from Tech as she ranted.

“Tech that’s not-“

“And now here you are, it’s your big day and I’ve messed it up! You should be having fun with everyone, laughing and eating cake! But noooo, I just have to ruin it because I’m so useless I can’t even make my best friend a simple gift!” Ruby was taken aback by Tech’s outburst, it was at that moment she cursed herself.

Ruby was aware that Tech had some issues with her social anxiety, but she had never realized it had been this bad. She felt ashamed that as her friend that she failed to help her with it, not acting on her deeper worries sooner.

Ruby couldn’t show it, she knew that showing regret would only make Tech hate herself more even if she didn’t deserve it. After a few moments of pondering, she simply walked up to Tech, sat beside her and draped her wing over her back, Tech shifted her head away. “...You haven’t slept since yesterday have you?” Further inspection of the room made it more evident that Tech had been in an overworking frenzy, several pages of scrapped designs and ripped up remains of several more.

Tech didn’t have much left in her after her outburst, so she simply shook her head in response. Ruby was almost tearing up herself, everything about the situation broke her heart and she was still struggling to find the right words to say.

“...We’re friends right?” Ruby asked


“Tech I…I don’t care about you for anything practical, not for your talent or for a gift you can give me for my birthday, I care about you because we’re friends” Tech had looked at Ruby for a moment but averted her gaze, clearly having trouble taking her words to heart.

“You spent this whole time working yourself to exhaustion for me, not because I was some sort or high figure in society or for some sort of job, but just because I was your friend, not anything special. You’re such a good friend, it’s why I love you”

“...that’s wrong…”

“Huh?” The response felt unusually snappy for the condition Tech was in.

“You…you are special…to me. You always take care of me, you make all the most beautiful pieces of art, you put up with my rambles about my work”

“Tech, I love your rambles about your work” Tech only lightly smirked in response, it seemed her mood was improving but wasn’t quite back to her usual mood yet.

The pair sat in silence for a while huddled together, it wasn’t much, but it felt nice to just sit and relax. Finally stopping to calm down, Tech looked like she was ready to fall fast asleep, and Ruby was willing to let her. For a moment she had thought of the party she abandoned, but that was far less important right now.

“...what was that you said?”

“I didn’t say anything”

“Thought I did…a few minutes ago, said something weird”

Ruby was perplexed about what she meant, in her head she retraced her verbal steps. She asked if she and Tech were friends, she told her how she knew she was a good pony, she said she lo- oh…


Well, she did say that. Ruby didn’t really know what to say, it had sort of just slipped out by accident. Ruby had thought about it a lot, but simply dismissed it as an intrusive thought like ‘what if I kissed my best friend wouldn’t that be weird?’ A quite often repeating one but an intrusive one nonetheless right? It was almost impossible for Tech to hate her, not due to a sense of overconfidence, but that she knew Tech wasn’t that type of mare, but doing something like that would be overstepping her boundaries no doubt. No matter how good Tech looked with her hair down she absolutely shouldn’t do such a thing.

“...hey Ruby?”

“Y-yes Tech?” Ruby forced her head towards Tech, hoping the nighttime darkness hid her flustered face. Tech stared into her eyes for a moment before moving closer, was it to inspect Ruby’s face? Well…

It was one heck of an inspection.

It took a second before Ruby could process what was happening, or the fact that it really was happening. Tech was kissing her, not an intrusive thought but a forceful reality, one she was more than willing to partake in as she leaned into it. Ruby couldn’t decipher how long it had lingered for, it felt like a blissful eternity. She had heard varying stories about how the first kiss went, completely underwhelming, the greatest thing since cider, but right now all she cared about was how she felt. It was wonderful.

The two finally pulled away in need of air, Ruby’s brain was left fried trying to process it as she stared at the shorter mare who had a smile on their face.

“...really do taste like strawberry, huh?” Tech’s smile faded from her body, her eyes closed and her body swayed to the side before crashing into the ground.

“...Tech? TECH?”

“W-where am I?” Tech groaned as she opened her eyes, and the world slowly formed around her. It was a slow process, a combination of tiredness, waking grogginess and a lack of glasses on her head made it a challenge. She slowly stretched her legs, surprised by the weight pushing down on one of them.
“Oh, you’re finally awake” The voice yawned as they had seemingly just woken up too, though seemingly in a far better state upon doing so as they pulled closer to Tech’s face so she could process who it was.

“...morning Ruby”

“Morning Tech, how are you feeling?”

Ruby…Ruby…Why was Ruby here? Tech didn’t have a flawless memory but she was fairly confident she and Ruby didn’t share a home, unless this wasn’t her home? Actually it wasn’t a type of home at all.

Tech’s retinas and mind finally synced up as she realized where she was, she was in the Ponyville Hospital. She had been here twice before, one time when an experiment involving a wind turbine and a seesaw had gone awfully wrong, and another which Ruby refused to tell her the origin of, but she trusted her it was for good reason and didn’t bother worrying about it.

Tech took a second to remember the question and thought of the most appropriate answer “Death”

“Well, you’re not dead. The doctor said you collapsed due to exhaustion and hunger, you really did a number on yourself” Ruby looked worried, oh no, Tech was bothering her.

“Ruby I’m really so-”

“No, I’m sorry” Tech got swiftly cut off before she could go into a full on apology spree. “I just…wish I saw it sooner. I’ve been thinking about it while you’ve been sleeping and, I think either of us blaming ourselves isn’t good. I learned that we should just be honest with each other about how we feel, it’s the best way to get things done right?”

Tech averted her gaze “It’s..it’s not that easy…” She was eternally weighed down by her fear of disappointing others, the idea they’d up and leave her for showing the slightest bit of criticism or spite…but yet here was Ruby. The memories of the night before were slowly coming back to her, how absolutely worthless Tech felt then was overwhelming. There was no one who’s opinion of her she valued more than Ruby’s and she completely failed her and ruined what was supposed to be a joyful day, and yet she stayed. Ruby had stayed by her side and cared for even though she wasn’t worth it. That’s what friends should do right? Stick by each other through their worst moments and help them get through it, let them hear what needs to be heard from a friendly face. Tech found herself finally able to turn to said friendly face yet again.

“...but I can try” Tech was tired of running from her problems, she’d face them head on with her friend, her best friend…

Her best friend that she had…huh.

“Umm, about last night, what I did, I uhh…didn’t mean to do that” Tech had no idea what had come over her in that moment, looking at Ruby looking down on her like that it’s like every atom of common sense in her brain had shut down and caused her body to do what it did.

“...you didn’t?” To Tech’s surprise Ruby looked a bit dejected, which suddenly launched her back into damage control mode.

“I don’t mean it like that! I mean you’re great and cool and…and…”

‘I learned that we should just be honest with each other about how we feel, it’s the best way to get things done right?’

…No, she was right. Tech couldn’t run from it any longer, if she was really going to change as a pony she would have to come clean. No more redirections, no more cover ups. She would have to face her fear and deal with the consequences as they happened. ‘Oh Celestia give me strength’

“Ruby I’m…I’m in love with you. I have been for a while.You’re kind, you’re really attractive, you’re wonderfully talented at anything you do, you always look after me, you laugh at my bad jokes. I know you don’t feel the same way but… I just hope I can always be with you” Tech felt a weight lifted off her shoulders, she knew Ruby well enough that something like this wouldn’t cause her to hate her, the idea of that happening was there deep down but she pushed past it as she had to try be strong.

“...you’re wrong” Or not, Tech felt all that strength crumble away in a moment, she was wrong? What did she say wrong? Did she ruin everything again? Was Ruby going to hate her? Was Ruby going to- oh wait no she was just kissing her. False alarm

Tech closed her eyes as it happened, she didn’t want to think she could wake up if it was some sort of dream, it didn’t last very long but she tried to savor that mere moment the best she could until Ruby pulled away.

“...I do love you back”



“...wow, you really do taste like strawberry”