Vampire Love (OC)

by StoryWriter

Chapter One - A Sparkling Instinct Part One

Near Everfree Forest At Night Time

Daniel Dark In vampire form, "Hmm this blood.. It smells old.." as he is smelling the old blood scent in the air

He leap into the air flying toward Winter Steelbite home, keeping an adequate distance from the window. As he glances around the room he can see two ponies resting inside the house peacefully however he did managed to see that a mare are actually injured and bandaged confirming his suspicions of the old blood scent. He stared at them for a few moment seeing nothing of interest or goals he could accomplish here he decided to leave the two of the ponies alone

Daniel "Hmm... I must say that mare do seems familiar to the eye... Coincidence perhaps?" after he suddenly recollect his memory from glancing at the injured mare, he then let out a rather eerie grin

Daisy who is still awake saw the vampire, "Who could that be.. Only a vampire can smell a wound this old" She gets out of her bed deciding to investigate, "Whoever that was I have to make sure that vampire doesn't do much harm.." she trot out of the house, removing her old bandages she begin transforming into a vampire but her right bat wings whom the timberwolf slashed have left scars on it, she leap into the air following the vampire and keeping her distance quite far away since vampires have enhanced hearing

Daniel Dark "Hmm ah.." seeing a cottage in a distance which is Fluttershy home, he land in front of the house

Daisy who were a few distance away seeing him landing in front of a cottage, "Why did he landed near that cottage? Wait... He seems familiar.." she quickened her haste and lands near him a few feet away, "I never expected to see a vampire here in a village like this. What are you trying to do?"

Daniel "Well well looks who's here.." he turns around in a rather sarcastic manner with an evil smile

Daisy "Daniel.." with a hint of aggression in her voice

Daniel "Ohhh what now aren't you happy with the reunion? We can be lovers again!" he said sarcastically

Daisy "Whatever! But Daniel what are you doing here?" she asked sternly

Daniel Dark "What am I doing here?" He levitated a chicken out of the chicken coop. The chicken opens her eyes and look around the place seeing she is outside her coop and flying she clucked, confused about why she's flying, as soon as the chicken saw the menacing appearance of the vampire it clucked a lot trying to wiggle out of his magical grasp, "I would like to kill one of the elements of harmony, But let change that subject... " he calmed the chicken down using his magic "To something a bit more interesting..." he bites the chicken draining its blood

Daisy "What are you planning?" she asked in a slightly angry tone

When Daniel Dark finished drinking the blood, he wipes off the leftovers of the blood away from his mouth, "As a matter of fact, That Winter Steelbite of yours right.. is your brother.."

Daisy "What? That's impossible! Winter Steelbite is not his name!"

Daniel let out a rather menacing giggle, "His name is renamed to Winter Steelbite, oh how poor that fellow is, even his Step-parents cast a brainwashing spell on him.. You should have seen how he struggle back there! Trying to keep his poor memory intact"

Daisy taken aback and saddened hearing this, "Why would they-" her sentence is been cut off by Daniel

Daniel "Why the long face, hopefully your brother will scream happily if he acknowledge you're alive" in a mocking tone

Daisy wings spread out looking large and imposing "Look Daniel I don't care what you said! Leave my brother alone!"

Daniel chuckles, "First a famous magician, now nothing but forgotten from the whole world as well as a monster feared by everyone.."

Daisy charged up a spell and fired at him but Daniel disappeared in the blink of an eye

Daniel "Right behind you" Daisy turn around and tries to hit him but it is blocked by his hoof, "Do you really think you can defeat me?!"

Daisy "I.. will.. KILL YOU!" she said angrily

Daniel been careless is hit by a spell Daisy has charged up, it leaved a scorched mark on his cheek, he chuckles then it slowly turn into a fully maniacal laughter scaring the rest of the animals awake and running away from him, "I've defeated countless vampires like you and now is the time to finish you off!" in an angry tone, Before he can execute her in a brutal manner its already dawn which weaken both Daisy and him in vampire form, feeling disappointed, "Looks like I cannot get the pleasure of killing you but still I can let you rot in the sun.." he go into everfree forest believing Daisy will die of sunlight

Daisy "I thought you were a good stallion, But apparently you're not.." she leaps into the air flying toward Winter home

Fluttershy seeing the whole incident she open the door, "Wait!.." Daisy didn't seem to have heard her, she examine her surroundings only to see a chicken that is near death, "Ohhh my..." seeing her chicken gravely injured she quickly grasp her chicken and start flying toward the animal clinic, "Don't worry! you will be okay!" as she is panicking

At Winter Home

Daisy lands in front of Winter home, turning back into her ordinary form, she levitate her old bandages bringing it into the house. Seeing a dustbin in the kitchen she trots into the kitchen and let the bandage float over it and she let go, allowing it to fall freely

Daisy "My Brother..." she chuckles, "He's here living the life of Ponyville and yet we're romancing.." the thought of marrying her own brother made her go blushing, "No I can't marry him not like this.."

While Winter is upstairs she heard him saying "Daisy?"

Daisy "I'm in the kitchen!" she quickly dismiss her train of thought

Winter trots down the staircase still yawning, he then stands by the kitchen doorway, "What are you cooking?"

Daisy "Well I just came in here.."

Winter "Oh okay" he yawns again, "I will be with you when I'm done brushing my teeth then.." he trot toward the bathroom in the kitchen

Daisy thinking up of a recipe she used to make her little brother favourite food she quickly checks the kitchen cabinet but it doesn't have any required ingredient she needed that is flour,salt,baking powder,butter,sugar,eggs,milk,vanilla essence to make vanilla cupcakes

(Real food recipe, use it if you want to! Also make sure you had an adequate amount of sugar or they will taste bland)

Winter came out of the bathroom finished brushing his teeth "So uh.. The breakfast.."

Daisy "Well its empty"

Winter "Oh yeah, new home.."

Daisy "Well I have some errands to run today and maybe I will bring my carriage near to your house and buy some ingredient for your kitchen" as she remembered her clothes she ordered at Carousel Boutique

Winter "Well.. thank you for that.. but I also had one thing to do that is finding a job in this village" he put on his saddle and putting several bits into his saddle

Daisy "Guess we have to get going then" she said as both of them trotting out of the house

Both of them trot out of the house as the sun rays shines down on them, when Daisy feels the warmth the morning sun gave, she feels happy.. as she never have her coat been shined on for decades. As they go down the road to Ponyville they saw Applejack near the fence that covers up her entire apple orchard, as they trot more closer to her, Applejack seemed slightly troubled

Applejack "Howdy! How are you two doin'?" She said as they trot by

Winter "We're doing fine and good day to you"

Applejack "Thank ya kindly but uh.. Winter can ya go on ahead? We mares had uh.. something to discuss.."

Winter "Hm?" he gave them a bemused look as he trot on ahead toward Ponyville

Daisy "What are we trying to discuss here?" she said in a curious tone

Applejack "Pinkie Pie told us tha' the two of ya are in love"

Daisy blushed slightly, "Well you could say that.."

Applejack not noticing the blush, "And you do met the Cutie Mark Crusaders right?"

Daisy "Um.. Yes"

Applejack "We are a migh' sorry tha' they mess up your relationship"

Daisy "No it's fine I actually kinda like him.."

Applejack feeling shocked a little, "Beg ya pardon?"

Daisy "I uh.. I have to get going now!" she quickly trot away with a blush

Applejack "Was it somethin' ah said?" she then trot to her big apple orchards resuming her work while deep in thought and bemused at the same time

Winter seeing Daisy catching up with a blush on her face, "What did you two just discussed?"

Daisy "Well.. I don't want to talk about it" As they keep trotting toward Ponyville

meanwhile at an Animal Clinic

In the animal clinic Exam Room Mane Goodall finished examining the chicken

(Mane Goodall came from season 2 episode 10 where she examine spike but she only appear in one episode so I thought I explain it to you about it since she's not well known)

Fluttershy "Doctor is she going to be okay?" she asked with a nervous tone

Mane Goodall sighed, "Well... I'm afraid to say that she is.. Already dead.."

Fluttershy shocked to hear this, "Why?"

Mane Goodall "Her circulatory system is completely flooded with poisons and its already infected her entire systems, I'm sorry, she is beyond recovery"

Fluttershy "How can a poison like that spread so quick?"

Mane Goodall "I don't know.. But this poison is unlike anything I have seen before, its poison is even deadlier than the rattlesnake found in Appleloosa but the way it spreads is quite slow, making this poison unique, which is quite fascinating considering that most deadly poison supposed to spread quickly"

When Fluttershy heard how lethal the poison is she felt horrible,her chicken must have suffered a lot during her flight towards here and just thinking about it made Fluttershy really upset

Fluttershy "I.. will be leaving then.." her face is tearing up wanting to cry, as soon as she came out of the animal clinic she quickly fly back toward her cottage

At Twillight Sparkle Home

Twillight busily working on reshelving books meanwhile Owlowiscious looking a bit under the weather

Twlillight "Done!" she didn't inserted the last book fully that it falls toward the ground opening the book, "Oops" she chuckles, she looked at the page reading some lines

Vampires do not eat food they- she skipped a few lines
Although normal in appearance vampires can be extremely charming when they need to be to attract- she skipped a few lines again
They feed by draining the blood of their victims by biting their neck while also injecting poisonous venom that are extremely fatal to animals and- she closed the book

Twillight put the book back to the bookshelf, "Well then that was a very interesting- and weird book" taking in no interest of it she looked at Owlowiscious, "Owlowiscious!"

Owlowiscious "Hoo.." he hooted quietly, she made Twillight worried due to his expression. She trots toward him

Twillight "Owlowiscious you are not looking so well today what happened?" she put her hoof to his head, "Wow its hot up here and.." she checked his other body parts "Its cold on, the other places.. You're sick aren't you?"

Owlowiscious "Hoo.." he hooted again with a slight nod

Twillight turns around and shouted, "Spike!"

Spike "What is it Twillight!" as he walks down on the stairs

Twillight "I'm taking Owlowiscious to the animal clinic take care of the library while I'm gone okay?" as she put on the saddle with bits in it

Spike "You got it!" he saluted

Owlowiscious start following Twillight by flying but whenever he flapped his wings he felt his wing cramping up a little causing some discomfort and pain which upsets him

Twillight opened the door and trotted out of the house then Owlowiscious came out behind the door

Twillight glanced at Owlowiscious, seeing that he is having difficulty flying she suggested, "You can rest on my back if you want Owlowiscious"

Hearing her offer Owlowiscious gladly and gently lands on her back, Twillight smiled at him

Twillight "There! Feeling comfortable now Owlowiscious?" she said

Owlowiscious hooted back gladly in response

Arriving at the animal clinic

(I know I know I skipped! But it doesn't show me the location of where it is on ponyville so yeah I've been forced to do it this way!)

Twillight trotted in with Owlowiscious on her back, "Hello? Anypony here?"

Mane Goodall came out from the backdoor probably examining the poison, "Hello! Welcome to my clinic so how may I help you?"

Twllight "My pet Owlowiscious is sick"

Mane Goodall "Right please put him at my exam table, I will be there in a second" as she grab a stethoscope and a thermometer

Owlowiscious willingly fly and lands on the exam table

Mane Goodall use her stethoscope to hear his heartbeat, "hmm" she removes her stethoscope then she grasp the thermometer, she open his wing and put the thermometer between his wing and body she then close it, a couple of moments later she removed the thermometer and check the readings, it reached 42 celsius, she then put the thermometer down. Later Mane Goodall diagnosis her animal patient seeing signs of fatigue, after she completed diagnosing she removed her stethoscope and put it on her table, "Your pet have a disease called Psittacosis, But don't worry all he needs is to take an antidote two times a day" as she go and picking out the specific medicine to cure the Psittacosis

(Also I never saw an owl infected with psittacosis but it said it is a bacteria so an antidote sound like an appropriate medicine right? and I myself never saw a real owl in my whole life)

Twillight "I'm glad it's not anything too serious"

Mane Goodall "Six bits please" as she raises one of her hoof to neck level, waiting to receive her bits

Twillight levitate six bits out of her saddle handing it over to Mane Goodall held out hoof and putting the medicine into her saddle at the same time, "Thank you for your time, I will be leaving now"

Mane Goodall "Wait" she abruptly said

Twillight "What is something wrong?"

Mane Goodall "Something is wrong alright, For you see.. One of your Friend Fluttershy-"

Twillight "What's wrong with her?" hearing her talking about Fluttershy roused some worries from her mind

Mane Goodall "She is having a hard time right now because I've been unable to save her chicken"

Twillight "Oh, That's quite sad to hear.. Why you can't save her chicken?" she asked

Mane Goodall "The chicken have been injected by some kind of a poison through a bite mark on its neck.. and the poison is very lethal it seemed to have decimated the chicken before it even arrived"

Twillight then having flashback of a book she just read "They feed by draining the blood of their victims by biting their neck while also injecting poisonous venom that are extremely fatal to animals." "You know what.." She chuckles nervously, "Maybe I will pay her a visit right now!" she then remembered Owlowiscious, "After I brought Owlowiscious back to my library.." as Owlowiscious fly and lands on her back

Mane Goodall "Good luck on cheering her up then" she said as Twillight leaved her clinic

She quickly trot back to her library "Ooooowh! I hope Fluttershy isn't traumatized!" she said in a hastened and nervous manner

Twillight barged into the library, forcing Owlowiscious to fly and land on a bird stand panting, it also alerted Spike who is wearing a bucket on his head and using a broom as a weapon. When he lifted his bucket to see who barged in and when he saw that it was Twillight he gives out a smile

Spike "Hey you're back! So how its going?"

Twillight "Spike here take these medicine and feed Owlowiscious with it, I'm going to Fluttershy house" she levitate the medicine out of her saddle and giving it to spike in a hurried manner as she put her saddle back to where it belongs, confusing spike in the process

Spike "Wait Twillight what just happen-" Twillight teleported, "...ned?"

Owlowiscious "Hoo who hoo" he hooted

Spike shake his confusion off, "Welp might as well do what Twillight told me to do, Maybe Fluttershy just needed her help badly with something"

Owlowiscious "Hoo Hoo"

Spike sighed, "Ugh seriously when you talk, it sounded like you are saying 'Who who' "

Outside Fluttershy Cottage

The air surrounding the road buzzes with magical energy then came out a flashing light blinding everything in the vicinity,when the light intensity returned to normal it revealed Twillight Sparkle who looks dizzy. Fluttershy heard the noise outside that she trot toward the door and open it, she stood there motionless

Twillight shake her dizziness away, soon she noticed Fluttershy staring right in front of her looking motionless, "Fluttershy you're okay?"

Fluttershy eyes slowly fill itself with tears, she jumped toward her and hugging her for comfort but doesn't have enough force to knock Twillight down "Oh Twillight, You don't know what happened last night.." she sobbed

Twillight "Last night?", "Fluttershy tell me, what happened?"

Fluttershy "Last night there was two mysterious pony landing in front of my house an-and they said they want to kill one of the elements of harmony.." she said while holding back her sobbing

Twillight "Why do they want to kill us? But.. that doesn't make any sense, ponies trying to kill the elements of harmony? What are they up to?" "..Wow sounds serious, tell me do you see them?"

Fluttershy "No e-except a mare that has a white coat,blue mane,red eyes an-and bat wings. She looked like- like some sort of a vampire.."

Twillight "Daisy? No way that is not scientifically possible, VAMPIRES are not scientifically possible!" she then have a flashback about the book, "Maybe on second thought I should carry out some field research on her.."

Fluttershy "And a-and"

Twillight "That's enough for now Fluttershy.."

Fluttershy "But.."

Twillight "Fluttershy, you're traumatized you have to relax"

Fluttershy "O.. Okay.."

Fast-Rewind to before Twillight take Owlowiscious to Mane Goodall Animal Clinic

As Winter and Daisy trotted near Ponyville, some ponies glanced at them from afar either from the windows or roadways, some giggled,some blushed, and some feel happy for them. It also made the couple a bit self-conscious about themselves, making them feeling like total strangers in Ponyville

Winter "Um.. Daisy?"

Daisy "What is it?"

Winter "Since we are still new to the town maybe we should stick together?"

Daisy glances around her seeing almost all the ponies staring at them, it made her blushed, "I am not quite sure if it is.. a good idea.."

Winter "But we could still get lost"

Daisy thought about accepting for a moment, but decided to decline, "I really don't want to, I don't want everyone to stare at us.." "I..."

"No! You couldn't abandon him like that, he is your brother! The only family you have!" said her inner voice

Winter "Hm?"

Daisy slightly shocked by the sudden voice in her head, she felt guilty for a moment after hearing those words, "You know, I think you're right"

Winter "So we are travelling together?"

Daisy "Yes let's travel together" she said in a cheerful tone

Winter "That's great!" he nearly shouted, making more ponies staring at them, making him feeling more uncomfortable but for Daisy she feels happy just been able to stay near him despite being stared at by the ponies around them. She wants them to be acknowledged, known that they had spend their time together

Daisy remembering that he hadn't ate anything last night, "Let's go get some food for your stomach first since you didn't actually ate anything last night.."

Winter stomach growled quietly at the suggestion she made but not quite heard by the ponies surrounding them, he ignore the embarrassment, "What about you? I didn't even seen you ate anything, aren't you hungry as well?"

Daisy "Well I.." she's half panicking, "At my carriage I ate something special that can keep me from eating anything for a week?"

Hearing an answer like that perked Winter curiosity, "What kind of a food is that?"

Daisy "I will tell you later.." as she trot toward Sugarcube Corner

Winter followed her, "Is she hiding something?"

As the couple enters Sugarcube Corner they have been reminded of the party they had yesterday except that it is much emptier than before. Winter and Daisy glanced at the place where both of them had conversation with.. and been interrupted by the three fillies plans, Winter felt embarrassed as he recalls those memories while Daisy felt happy and blushing slightly, in fact she felt glad that the three fillies interfered their life, if not then both of them would already be asleep without discovering that Winter is her little brother

Pinkie Pie behind the counter who seemed to be bored out of her mind since there are no customer coming in till now, and as soon as she sees them her face immediately lit up, "Hi Daisy, Hi Winter!"

Daisy seeing that pink pony puffy manes and tail including the cyan eyes immediately reminds her of Pinkie Pie, "Hi Pinkie Pie, Thanks for throwing us a welcome party last night"

Pinkie Pie stretches her body out slightly behind the counter with starry eyes staring at them, "Do you like it?"

Hearing a question like this startled the couple slightly

Daisy "Well.. We do like it but we.." she nudged Winter shoulder slightly

Winter "Oh! Um, Yes we do like it but we just left your welcoming party because.." Pinkie Pie cut in

Pinkie Pie "Because both of you are on a honeymoon right?"

Winter and Daisy blushed bright red when hearing the word honeymoon. They yell in unison, "NO!"

Pinkie Pie "No? but you two look like you're already married.. since you two were actually together ever since you arrived into Ponyville.."

Daisy "Yes that is true.. but it doesn't mean that we were actually married if you see a mare and a stallion coming out of a house, or carriage in this case" "Although I wished it were true.."

Pinkie Pie feeling embarrassed on what she just said, "Oh.. Sorry" she squeed, "So you come by to have breakfast?" she shook off the embarrassment by replying with a completely different topic

Winter who is starving stared at the cupcakes below the counter, "Yes"

Daisy thinking about the food her little brother loved once, "Winter how about you go sit by that table while I buy our breakfast?"

Winter "Huh? I wonder why she said that..", "Well.. sure" he said willingly, "and here are some bits" he levitate ten bits from his saddle bag and put it on the counter, he then trot toward a table and sit on a chair

Pinkie Pie "Oooooo.. Is this a surprise?" she whispered

Daisy "Well not exactly" as she having nostalgic memories, "I would like to have.. three vanilla cupcakes"

Pinkie Pie opened the counter below her and quickly grabbed the vanilla cupcakes she ordered after that she magically pulled out a tray somewhere and put the three of the cupcakes on top then she held it near Daisy to be levitated, "Here you go!"

Daisy levitate the tray "Thank you how much is it?"

Pinkie Pie take five bits from the counter whom Winter left on "Its five bits annndd I hope you and Winter will have a great day!"

Daisy smiled a little at the compliment, "Why thank you Pinkie" She levitate the five unused bits and trot toward the table where Winter is sitting

Winter "So what did you ordered Daisy?" as Daisy sits down on a chair

Daisy "I ordered three vanilla cupcakes" as she put the tray on the table

Winter surprised by what she just ordered, "How do you know these cupcakes are my favourites?"

Daisy chuckles, "Well let just say I somehow know you more.."

Winter levitate the vanilla cupcake then he take a bite. As he feel the mellow taste melts on his tongue, he slowly begin to feel nostalgic, reminding him of his big sister, "You know Daisy.. my big sister she always look out for me when I was a little kid"

Daisy looked surprised for a moment, "Wait.. he remembers me? How..? Daniel said his memories have been brainwashed, how, is this possible?"

Winter "When I was a little kid, I was naive I never thought that falling down from a tree would hurt that much"

Daisy "... Can you tell me more? It sounds interesting.." she said in a rather nostalgic tone

Winter "Oh, well alright.. But I doubt I could remember much. When my sister and I went out of fillydelphia to the outskirts of the city for a picnic near a forest. I felt adventurous, as I stare at the trees in the forest, I looked at a big tree and.. well I decided to climb it and.." he blushed slightly, "Try to impress her at how brave I am.." he said in embarrassment, it made Daisy giggled

Daisy "He remember me.." she begin to have flashback of the scenery as she hear every word Winter is saying

Near the outskirts of fillydelphia, everything looks dreamy. There is a small colt wandering around the place, while the mare busily setting up their picnic spot. By the time she is done, the colt galloped near to a tree and started climbing it

Daisy "Sweetie I'm done setting up our picnic!" she glances around her looking for her little brother

Winter as a little colt trying to climb a tree by jumping from branch to branch "Hey big sis look at me! I'm climbing a tree!"

Daisy glanced to where the voice is coming from and as soon as she saw Winter on a tree she felt shocked, "Sweetie its dangerous to go up there, please get down before you hurt yourself!" she said with worry in her voice

Winter "Don't worry big sis! I will be fine!" he then slipped off the branch "Whoa!" he landed on the ground with a small thud

Daisy gasped as Winter falls towards the ground, she galloped toward him, as she is near him she slowly comes to a stop, "Are you okay?" as she stopped near Winter, she could hear him sobbing

Winter received some bruises from the landing, "It hurts.."

Daisy feeling relieved to see that the injuries is not too serious, "Wait right here" She trot toward the picnic basket, she looked inside the basket, seeing an arnica ointment, she happily levitate it out and trot back to Winter

Winter tried to stand up but failed to do so

As Daisy arrived near Winter, "Hold still" as she open the ointment and dipping her hoof into it, she then rub her hoof at the bruises softly

As Daisy rub his bruises with the ointment Winter silently said, "Sorry for ruining your picnic big sis.."

Daisy chuckles, "That picnic meant nothing to me the only thing that matter to me the most is you"

Winter feeling relieved that he didn't ruined anything, "You really mean it?"

Daisy "Of course I do why wouldn't a big sister like me don't like her cute little adventurous brother like you.." she nuzzles his cheek

Winter blushed a little at that compliment

Winter halfway through his breakfast, "After that we just enjoyed the picnic.." He blushed while thinking about it "Well.. except the time that she feed me like a foal.."

Meanwhile Pinkie Pie disguised as a Haystack near the table overhearing their conversations

Daisy "Tell me more about her.." she asked still feeling nostalgic and hoping the brainwashing spell didn't actually washed all of his memories about her away

Winter deep in thought, "Well... there is a time that my sister performed her magic show only for me in my bedroom when I'm sick..."

In Daisy home, upstairs in her little brother bedroom, in the bed Winter is having a flu but doesn't seem to be affected by it thanks to the endorphin and in front of his bed is Daisy wearing her Magician costume while performing magic tricks and beside Daisy is a small box of magic trick equipments

Daisy performing her magic trick with a hanky in her hoof and a stool in front of her "Now I will make a fishbowl out of this hanky without using any magics!"

Winter watched at his sister in awe as she swung the hanky over the stool and revealing a fishbowl. As the hanky pass over it, Winter laughed a little in excitement, "What next what next!?" he said excitingly

Daisy levitate the dry hanky over the fishbowl then she twist it, waters flowed out of the dry hanky filling the fishbowl with water

Winter "Wow.." his voice is slightly interrupted by the phlegm that he coughed it out

When the fishbowl is filled up she wrap the air with the hanky, "Now for the final part.." she fling the hanky into the air and it unwrapped itself, it revealed a goldfish and the hanky became a parachute, the goldfish lands into the fishbowl perfectly without any big splashes and the hanky landed onto her hoof she held out

Winter "Awesome"

Daisy "Well how was it?"

Winter "Amazing! I bet you could earn alot of bits if you perform a stage performance around the town!"

Daisy "Oh really? How can you be so sure of that?" as she put back all the magic trick tools she used back into the small box

Winter "Well uh.. because you are a great magician?"

Daisy chuckles, "You look cute when you tried to flatter me.." as she looked at Winter

Winter blushed a shade of red, "Uh.. I think I want to um.. sleep right now.." he said shyly

Daisy "Without naming the goldfish?" as she levitate the fishbowl, putting it on the nightstand beside the bed

Winter looked at the fishbowl. Seeing the goldfish he took in the pleasure of seeing the goldfish swimming around happily and cheerfully, "I think I will name him.. Sunny.." he said tiredly, wanting to sleep

Daisy realizing why he named the goldfish Sunny, "Nice name it also fits the goldfish traits it displaying is it not?" she magically levitate the stool and the small box, levitating them out of the room

Winter "Yeah.." he said plainly as he looked at his sister

Daisy "Well I will be leaving now" She chuckles as she walk and stand by the doorway, "It would be crazy for me to do this but still.." she kissed one of her hoof and blowed a kiss toward Winter. She closes the door, a slightly red cheek can be seen before she closed the door

Winter look at the door motionlessly

Daisy blushed as she recalled her memories about the flying kiss

(flying kiss and blow a kiss they had the same meaning)

Winter "Daisy, You are blushing?"

Daisy quickly snap back into reality realizing she is blushing, "OH really I don't know why I blushed!" She laugh nervously

Winter "Well uh.. I think that's enough for now.."

Daisy made a small fake cough, "Well then.. I have to go to Carousel Boutique to collect my costume now.."

Winter "Then I will be looking for a job around Ponyville then.." as both of them tries to flee from this awkward situation

Then Twillight Sparkle trotted in seeing Daisy and Winter she cleared her throat, "Sorry for interrupting you two but can I talk to Winter"

Winter "Ah.. What for?"

Twillight "It just a couple of simple question nothing unusual"

Daisy "I will be leaving now, See you later Winter" as she leaves Sugarcube Corner

Winter "See you later Daisy!"

Twillight "Sit down please" as she sits down on a chair

Winter "So is this just an IQ test?" as he sits down on a chair of the opposite direction of where Twillight is sitting

Twillight "Well no, First question do you notice anything strange about Daisy"

Winter confused but he decide to answer and question later, "Well.. no?"

Twillight "Second question, does she seem to be hiding anything from you?"

Winter "ah.. Yes"

Twillight "And what is she hiding from you?"

Winter "Well a special kind of food she just mentioned to me that able to keep her from feeling hungry for a week, whatever that is"

Twillight "Did you seen her eating anything?"

Winter "Nope"

Twillight "Ever since you met her?"

Winter "Yes"

Twillight "Right third question, Does she seems to.. you know like tried to bite you or anything when you are in her carriage?"

Winter "Is this mare a little crazy?" "This question is weird.."

Twillight "Well.. Yes, Yes it is but it just for the safety of Ponyville"

Winter "Can you get to the point of why you are asking such question?" he said, sounding slightly annoyed

Twillight "I don't think you're gonna believe me, But I think Daisy is a vampire"

Hearing something like that is enough to make Winter mad, "What kind of a silly nonsense is this anyway?" he stand up deciding to leave

Twillight "You had to believe me I'm not crazy!"

Winter "Don't worry I will believe it when I see it!" he lied as he leaves Sugarcube Corner

Pinkie Pie hop out of the haystack, "Twillight what's going on?"

Twillight "We have a vampire in Ponyville"

Pinkie Pie giggled loudly, "VAMPIRES?" She giggled loudly again

Twillight "Pinkie Pie I'm not joking!"

Pinkie Pie "But Twillight, Vampires doesn't exist at all!"

Twillight "Pinkie Pie what if she is a real vampire? It could be a real trouble and Winter could be in a very serious situation right now!"

Pinkie Pie "But my Pinkie sense isn't feeling anything doozy at all! I think you overreacted Twillight"

Twillight "I'm not overreacting!"

Pinkie Pie "But they are sooo in love with each other!"

Twillight started to believe that vampire doesn't exist but her instinct insisted that it exist, "You know what perhaps I did overreacted but I'm not stopping the field research till I think she is not a vampire!" as she trot out of Sugarcube Corner leaving Pinkie Pie in a state of distress and confusion

Pinkie Pie "I hope everything will be okay.. Maybe I should tell my friends about this problem Twillight are having?"

Near the town hall

As Daisy kept on trotting toward her carriage, she noticed a Yellow Pony with pink hair looking at her who is in front of her carriage. On closer inspection she noticed that the Yellow Pony seem to be paralysed by something

Fluttershy seeing her kind of reminded her of the mysterious pony she saw last night, giving her a feeling of deja vu. She was very shocked at how matching her figure was with the other pony last night that she didn't even dared to make a single movement until Daisy came in closer to her, "Ah!" she quickly trots backward then bumped into her Carriage, "Oof"

Daisy confused of why she's so scared of her, "Um are you okay?"

Fluttershy "Um.. Yes I am okay.." feeling a little relieved to find out she is nice

Daisy "Why you are so scared of me?"

Fluttershy "Well I.. saw what you did last night?.."

Daisy "Last night? Wait you can't be serious right?" "What was that?" deciding to pretend

Fluttershy don't have the courage to say it in fact she felt like she could be accusing the wrong pony, "Um.. nothing I was scared because you just trotting straight toward me.."

Daisy "Don't be silly I was trotting toward my carriage that is behind you"

Fluttershy "Oh" she looked behind her than back to Daisy, "I didn't realize that.."

Daisy "We haven't met each other before, Let me introduce myself. My name is Daisy, What's yours?"

Fluttershy "My name is Fluttershy.."

Daisy "Nice to meet you, Mind if I ask what are you doing out here?"

Fluttershy "Well.. I'm just.. taking a stroll.. and I had to go.. now" She lift off into the air and started flying somewhere else

Daisy "At least she didn't really discovered that you are a vampire right?" she reminded herself

Daisy trots into her Carriage she put on her own saddle bag, she fill it in with bits and magic trick equipments in case if she had to bring her own, she checked the saddle "Guess that's about everything" When she turned around her hoof accidentally kicked a wooden chest, due to her strength she also cracked the chest, "Oh dear.. I hope everything inside it is not damaged.." she open the chest, seeing everything inside is okay, her eye caught a book that seemed out of place of all the other objects, she levitate it out

(Window - The Album Leaf)

When she raised the book to her eye level she is surprised to see an album with a title saying Family Albums and there a writing on it saying Together Forever with mixed hoofwriting, she take a look inside seeing pictures of her and Winter in it, some pictures also had hoofwriting on them written by Winter in Italic like Happy Holidays,Happy Hearts and Hooves Day Big Sis!,Me and Big Sis having a great Nightmare Night!,Pillow Fight! and more

(Let your imagination flow freely with the music If you are listening to it that is)

Daisy having flashback with every pictures her eye sees, her eyes beginning to shed tears as she tries to reminisce all the time they had together, "I never thought you would meant alot to me.." When she at the last page she sees a single large picture of her birthday party Happy Birthday! I hope you liked the cake I brought for you. From your little adventurous brother "And yet you work so hard on your saving just to buy me a cake for my birthday.." she wipe off her tears, "Maybe I should make my little brother life a better place to live in.."

To be Continued on part two