//------------------------------// // Chapter 22: An Irresistible Offer // Story: Glowing in Everglow // by Darkmoon9 //------------------------------// Diary of Princess Celestia Me and my sister’s retirement at Silver Stable retirement community in Silver Shoals had been calm and relaxing. Our status as the former rulers of Equestria had meant that we were treated a bit like celebrities by the other residents and the personnel alike. While we had moved to Silver Shoals to get away from it all, I guess it was inevitable that people would recognize us wherever we went. Being two of only 5 alicorns in Equestria and their former rulers on top of that. Our retirement had been a long time coming. I had grown tired of ruling Equestria ages ago to be honest. But it had taken a while to find a worthy heir. Sunset Shimmer had once shown promise, but her fall to the dark side had shattered that promise, and she had been only the latest of a long line of failures. It wasn't until Twilight Sparkle that this project had borne fruit. Or, this was at least how it had seemed at first. But only a couple of years after Twilight first assumed her role, she vanished, and returned a changed mare. Many didn't believe the fiend that came back was truly Twilight Sparkle, so they took to calling the imposter Midnight, some even whispered that the imposter was none other than Cozy Glow, whose statue vanished around the same time. I wouldn't put it past that devilspawn that took the form of a young filly. Me and Luna discussed for a while whether we should return to Canterlot to reclaim the throne. But there was a significant problem. Even if were to return, we had already transferred most of our alicorn powers to Twilight, so we wouldn't stand a chance against Midnight. Yet Luna insisted we could not just sit around and do nothing while the realm we helped build was destroyed by a tyrant. I agreed, but on the other hoof knew it was fruitless, we were not the bearers of the Elements of Harmony anymore, and the current elements were rumored to either be petrified or missing. The only hope was for a new generation of element bearers to arise to challenge Midnight. Without our alicorn magic, we would both die in a few decades, it was about time, when time came, I would welcome the sweet embrace of death. Or at least I would if I knew my kingdom was safe and secure. While me and Luna argued, the war between Equestria and the Crystal Empire both started and resolved, I heard word of Chrysalis and Tirek fighting on the side of the Crystal Empire, I wasn't sure what was going on anymore. But I hoped Cadence and her family were okay. While we were arguing, the problem would eventually come to us, as Midnight paid a visit to our retirement home. We were welcomed by a regal procession of otherworldly ponies fashioned from what appeared to be metal, radiating with orderly power. I knew them for what they were, Inevitables, servants of the Aeons, the true Arbiters of Order in the Universe. If Midnight commanded them, then she had the approval of at least a portion of the cosmic forces of law and order. The very same force from which the Elements of Harmony was derived. The Aeons were not a power we could ever hope to challenge. Midnight herself looked a lot like my faithful student Twilight Sparkle, only instead of the warm smile I often saw on Twilight's face, Midnight had a stern expression. She carries herself regally, like a monarch who had ruled for decades, if not centuries, and she was clad in a black cloak that covered her wings. When she saw me and Luna, her face seemed to light up for a moment, like she was reuniting with old friends she thought she had lost. She wasn't our Twilight, but she still considered us, or at least a version of us, friends. Yet there was something that needed to be addressed: "Who are you? What did you do with Twilight? Are the rumors true, are you Cozy Glow?" The hatred in Midnight's eyes was clearly visible by the mention of that name. "Cozy Glow? That detestable usurper? I am offended you would even compare me to her. No, I am Twilight Sparkle, yet not the one you knew. As for my counterpart, I haven't done anything to her, she left this realm of her own accord in pursuit of the Usurper. Some call me by the name Midnight, both in this realm and my original home. I like that name, has a nice ring to it. The other great ones took new names upon their ascension, Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker, surely these names are familiar to you. For their power also dwells within you two. I ask of you, embrace that power and we will being order to this realm together." She was right about one thing; it was true that Dayreaker dwelled within my soul. Her indignant rage always flared in me when my kingdom was at risk. For I greatly desired to protect the peace and harmony in my kingdom, and Daybreaker would go to any lengths to do so. I found the means she would sink to horrific, but over several instances when a villain threatened Equestria, I had felt it appealing to give in to my darker side. But I knew that if I listened, I would become a lot like the villains I despised, yet, the allure of Daybreaker had become more and more appealing with time. Another reason I had wanted to retire, some part of me had wanted to do something horrible to that child, what was happening to me? I knew that my actions were wrong yet I was unable to stop myself. I knew it was only a matter of time until Daybreaker would rise if I remained in charge. No, I couldn't give in now, I needed to resist the corruption, yet Midnight's words were like a siren song in my ears, perhaps enhanced by some magical power: "When the trio threatened your kingdom, I believe you said that there wasn't a punishment worthy of all they had done. I agree wholeheartedly. Petrification is too good for them. Listen to the fire in your soul Celestia, traitors deserve the worst of torments. There is no good in either of them, none. Those who cause suffering deserve suffering in return, such is the law of the universe. With that example none will ever dare to rise to threaten order and harmony ever again. Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow are still on the loose. With your help I can make sure they suffer the punishment they rightfully deserve. " Those words were all Daybreaker needed to burst to the surface. I tried to resist but I soon felt my darker side overtake me. Empowering me with strength I hadn't felt in a long time. I could see the truth, the light on the sun was not only the giver of life to the righteous, but a flaming scorch to the unworthy. The heretics who dared not to subjugate themselves before the holy sun as was due of all lesser beings were only fit to be burned by its flames. Midnight was right, only by embodying the sun completely and utterly could I have the strength necessary to protect my realm forevermore. I was wrong about Midnight, she was not a tyrant who needed to be stopped. She was an even more worthy successor than the Twilight I used to know. Luna appeared horrified by my sudden transformation, she charged her horn with what meager power still remained, which Midnight dispelled with ease. Then Midnight turned towards her and said. "I can read your thoughts you know. I know there was a part of you who wanted to submerge Cozy in an eternal nightmare that would drive her insane. Search your feelings, the bitterness and hatred will always be there, only now instead of your poor sister it will be directed towards a worthy target. Cozy Glow hurt you, therefore she doesn't deserve your protection, you can be my instrument during the night hours, your ability to see into ponies dreams means we can discover treason before it even takes root. Embrace the Nightmare, I know you want to." Midnight's words seemed to have an effect on Luna, some of the darkness within bubbling to the surface, but she was still restisting. With tears in her eyes, Luna took to the skies and fled. Midnight looking towards the skies as Luna took off and said: "Don't worry, you will be reunited with your sister soon, she cannot resist the seed I planted in her mind forever." I took comfort in these words, soon we would be reunited as we would rule Equestria as the Triumvirate of Order, I intended to go to any lengths to stop whatever evil Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis were planning, and next time we would make sure to break them completely.