//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Sprocket. // Story: Nuts and Bolts // by TheLogaara //------------------------------// "H-hello." Sprocket replied, his voice was childlike in essence. He stood there, looking all around him, taking in the sights of the tiny room. It all had amazed him, which was no surprise seeing as he had just been 'born'. He then looked back to the duo that had just given him life, and spoke again. "Wh-who are you?" He inquired of the siblings. "Where am I? And why is it so filthy in here?" Rust bucket rolled his eyes. "Well, at least we know he understands speech just fine. T'would do him some good to learn manners though." He said in his lazy southern drawl. Gizmo shushed her brother and prepared an answer for Sprocket. "Well, my dear Sprocket, I am Gizmo Tinker," She said "and that's my brother, Rust Bucket, or as I call him, Pet monkey replacement." "Ah' heard that." Rusty frowned at his sister. "Anywho, This place we're in, is the Nuts and Bolts Workshop. This is where me an' Giz here created you." The robot looked around again, and stopped when he came back to Gizmo. "You called me 'sprocket', is that my name?" he asked the green mare. "Yes it is, I go you that name when you were just a blueprint. I thought it would suit a robot pony such as yourself." She smiled at the copper coated automaton. "Now, I think that's enough question for now. I want to see if your legs work, walk with me while i show you around the shop." Sprocket did as he was told and walked into the front room with gizmo. The room had shelves stacked with little doo-dads, gadgets, and other machinery. Each item on the shelves had labels in front of it, one labeled automatic bread butterer had caught Sprockets eye; probably because it had a tag hanging from it that said "currently out of stock". On top of the counter they were standing behind was a log book of Rusty's mechanic jobs and a small cash register. "This is where the magic happens, Sprocket. Here is where I sell my inventions to those willing to buy them, and where Rusty gets contracts to go play Mr. Fix-it around town." Gizmo explained. "The most popular invention is the bread butterer, I can't seem to make enough to keep up with demand. " She smiled at sprocket, while he looked in awe at his surroundings. "Okay, sprocket. Enough gawking time to show you the upstairs." Gizmo said as she trotted to the other side of the counter. He followed her to the staircase which was located to the right of the cash register. At the top of the stairs there were four doors, two on the right, one on the left and one at the end of the hall. Gizmo stopped at the first door on the right and turned to Sprocket. "This room right here belongs to Rusty. Go ahead and look inside if you wish." Sprocket did what she said and opened the door. The first thing he noticed was a pile of novels scattered acroos the floor, printed on each one were big red letters that read "Daring Do.", though they all had a different picture. Next thing he saw was the CD player sitting on the nightstand. The CD case in front of it Had a grey earth pony playing a Double bass on the front of it. Lastly, above the bed, were two pictures. The first one was a poster for the Carousel boutique, it featured a white mare with purple mane wearing a stunningly beautiful dress. The second pictures was an autographed pictured of the aforementioned gray mare, it read "To: Rust Bucket, Sincerely Octavia.". Gizmo laughed as she saw him looking at the signed photograph. "Rusty sure does love her music. He is a real big fan of anything classical actually, but Octavia is by far his favorite," She giggled. "And the poster there is just because he has a huge crush on the unicorn from ponyville." Sprocket looked towards her and smiled. "May I see your room next?" "Sure," She smiled back "But it's nothing special." She walked to the door at th end of the hall as Sprocket followed closely behind. The door creaked as Gizmo opened it. In the room there was the typical bedroom except for the desk, which was covered in blueprints. There were all sorts of them. Blueprints for juicers, squeezers, the bread butterer, muffin cannons, and all sorts of other things. But smack dab in the middle of all of them, was his blueprint, Labeled "Sprocket". Gizmo walked up to the desk and pointed the blueprint. "That's you." she said "Just last year, all you were was a drawing on a piece of paper. Now you're a fully functional robot earth pony." Sprocket trotted over to the desk and stared at the blueprint. He stood there for a good ten minutes until Gizmo spoke again. "You want to see the room we prepared for you?" She asked with a pleasant smile on her face, He answered her with another question. "I have a room?" A puzzled look showing across his metallic face. This bewildered the 'newborn' robot. "Of course, you didn't think we'd make you sleep on the floor, did you?" She chuckled walking past him and out into the hall. "It's right next to Rusty's room." Sprocket followed her out the door and into the hall. She opened the bedroom door and allowed him to look inside. It was just a plain bedroom, only consisting of a bed, a window, and a night stand. But sprocket loved it all the same. He turned a back around and smiled at the mare with the broken horn. He wrapped his front legs arund her and gave her big hug, whispering two words into her ear. "Thank you."