Equestria Ninja Girls: Gremlins

by Sketch App

Chapter 7: Mogwai Rescue

Tuesday, Applejack's House 5:00am

In Applejack's room, Terrance was in a deep sleep in his bed Applejack made for him. He snored as he gripped his little blanket that almost covers his entire body, only his feet sticking out. It was a peaceful sleep. At least it was, until the sound of the rooster outside wakes him up abruptly.

Applejack sat up from her bed, yawns and stretches. "Aaaah, good mornin' Terrance." She said to the large mogwai.

Terrance rubs his eyes and looks at her clock. And it reads 5:00am?! Terrance looks at Applejack confusingly, wondering why they're up so early.

Applejack gets up from bed and stretches with a smile. "Nothing like getting up early to start the day. First gotta get some early chores done then gonna have a fun day with my friends and your other Mogwai buddies. So what do you say, Terrance? Ready to start the day?"

Terrance grumbles in response as he puts his blanket over his face, like a teenager not wanting to go to school.

"Ah come on, lazy bones. Don't wanna waist your morning sleeping in, do you?" She asked the Mogwai as she starts to gather her clothes.

The sound of paws running can be heard. Her dog Winona then enters the room barking happily. Winona runs around Terrance's bed excitedly.

Applejack smiles. "Look, Winona is excited to start her day with you." She said, finding it cute.

Terrance growls to himself, as he absolutely doesn't like the dog running around his bed. To further this dislike, Winona grabs his blanket with her mouth and yanks it off as she barks happily. Terrance stares at the ceiling with an angry expression. At first he thought staying at Applejack's farm wouldn't be so bad. But if this is how his mornings are gonna start, it's almost not worth it. Almost he thinks, cause he still can't help but think about how delicious those apples were. Just thinking about them puts a grin on his face. A grin that immediately goes away when Winona licks his face, making him growl in annoyance.

Rarity's House 7:20am

Rarity's alarm goes off. She turns it off before she sits up. She yawns and stretches as she removes her sleep mask from her eyes.

"Good morning, Scamper. Did you have a nice sleep?" She asked looking down at him.

Scamper was sleeping in Opal's bed, due to Opal sleeping in the living room as she 'misbehaved' yesterday when she hissed at Scamper. Scamper yawns and stretches as he removed his own sleep mask from his eyes, giving Rarity a smile.

"I'll take that as a yes~." Rarity cooed. "We're gonna have an exciting day. We're gonna be spending all day with our friends, meaning you'll be seeing your Mogwai friends. Or are they your brothers? Either way, you'll be seeing them today."

Upon hearing that Scamper had a grin on his face as he chuckled to himself mischievously.

"Yep, so that means we get to show off the cute sweater I made for you and you get to show them~." Rarity said clapping her hands.

Scamper's smile immediately dropped as his eyes widen and ears drooped down, groaning in dismay as his left eye twitches.

Twilight's House 7:38am

Twilight was still sleeping in bed, all snuggled up under her blanket. But that was interrupted when something fuzzy hits her in the face, causing her to jolt up.

"Wha- I didn't- it wasn't-!" Twilight said still in a bit of a daze.

She rubbed her eyes and puts on her glasses to see that Tuck was curled into a ball and was bouncing around her room, which means that fuzzy thing that hit her in the face was him.

"Oh Tuck be careful, you could accidentally break something." Twilight groaned, still not fully awake.

Even though she said accidentally, Tuck fully intends on breaking something on purpose if he does hit something.

Spike on the other hand, found him bouncing around fun as he jumped around, trying to catch Tuck with his paws.

"I don't know, Twilight, this is kinda fun." Spike said as he continued jumping.

"Fun for you mabye, cause you don't own anything expensive in here." Twilight deadpaned.

Pinkie Pie's House 8:00am

Pinkie Pie and Wacko were sleeping peacefully as both snored in unison. But as soon Pinkie Pie's clocked reach 8:00am and beeped, Pinkie's eyes immediately sprung open and smiled. She jumps up from her bed cheering.

"Morning~!" She said as she throws confetti.

Pinkie's sudden wake up call makes Wacko jolt from Pinkie's bed and fall off it.

"Good morning, Wacko~! Ready to start the day~?" She asked as she picks up the Mogwai. "Cause I know I am~!"

She sprints into her closet and sprints out a second later fully dressed.

"Today is gonna be super-duper exciting~! I can't wait, Aaaah~!" Pinkie squealed as she ran downstairs.

In the kitchen Maud was already up and made breakfast. Pinkie Pie ran and hugged her sister from behind.

"Good morning Maud~!" Pinkie said with a smile.

"Morning Pinkie." Maud said in monotone with a blank expression.

"Mmm, pancakes~! Looks yummy, sis~!"

Pinkie sets Wacko down on the table. He looks over at the pancakes and starts instantly drooling. He licked his lips as he can't wait to eat the breakfast. But he soon noticed Maud staring at him. Wacko raised an eyebrow, wondering why she's staring at him. It kinda made him feel... uneasy? Especially with her blank expression. It feels if as she was... glaring at him suspiciously?

But this moment broke when Pinkie Pie slammed a stack of pancakes on the table.

"Pancakes time~!" She cheered as she began decorating her pancakes.

She added a square cut butter, whipped cream, maple syrup and strawberries on her pancakes. Maud simply has maple syrup on her pancakes as she sat down with Pinkie.

Wacko was staring at Pinkie's pancakes with the most delight. His tongue was sticking out and began panting like a dog. He opened his mouth and was about to take a big bite out of the stacked pancakes. But as he shuts his mouth, he only heard the sound of his teeth clicking together, not feeling anything in his mouth. He looked and saw Pinkie Pie moved the pancakes away from him.

"You can't eat breakfast, silly~. The rules say you shouldn't eat after midnight, and its still technically after midnight. We don't want anything weird happening to you, do we~?" Pinkie explains as she starts eating her pancakes.

Pinkie was eating and enjoying her pancakes as she makes Mmm~! Sounds and licks her lips, eating more and more of her pancakes.

Wacko couldn't help but watch Pinkie Pie enjoy the pancakes he most desperately wanted to eat. But his attention immediately turned towards Maud when he found her staring at him again. She was staring at him while eating her pancakes. She hasn't taken her eyes off him for one second, making Wacko wonder what is up with her. The only times she would take her eyes off him is when Pinkie Pie talks to her.

Sunset's Apartment 8:30am

Sunset's TV was still on and the game was still on the screen but paused. Stripe was sleeping loudly on the couch as he was hugging the game controller in his arms. Sunset was laying on her back, staring at the ceiling as she had bags under her eyes and her eyes were bloodshot red. She just stared at the ceiling, no thoughts in her mind whatsoever. Her eye just twitches as if she's expecting the TV to make noise again. But soon she starts to relax her eyes, slowly closing. She blinked a few times before her eyes finally shut close. But this didn't last long when her alarm goes off and her eyes spring open again.

Outside the apartment Sunsets screams of both despair and anger can be heard, making a guy who was walking by quickly start speed walking when he heard her screams.

Fluttershy's House 8:45am

Fluttershy was putting on her winter outfit as she hummed to herself. Once she finishes she grabs Gizmo and puts him in her backpack.

"Ready Gizmo?" She smiled.

Gizmo nodded smiling. Fluttershy picks up her backpack and began to walk out of her room. Gizmo waves goodbye to Angel who waves goodbye back, the rabbit now liking Gizmo.

Once Fluttershy said goodbye to her parents and walks outside she gets in her car before driving off.

At the Canterlot park the Rainbooms and their New York friends were planning to gather there. The ones that showed up was Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The Turtles and their human friends were there aswell, along with Mona Lisa again. The Turtles and Mona were in their human disguises to avoid freaking out locals.

"So how are your Mogwais coming along, girls?" Asked Leo.

"Pretty good so far." Answered Twilight.

"It's been great!" Pinkie smiled. "I gave Wacko a tour of my house, introduced him to Maud and we baked gingerbread together~!"

"Wow, that sounds fun, Pinkie." April smiled at her friend.

"Yo, what up Wacko?" Mikey smiled as he leaned in.

Wacko, who suddenly, pulled out the mini guitar he had at Applejack's farm and whacks Mikey in the head with it.

"Ow!" Mikey flinched and rubbed his head.

Wacko smiles, that being the response he wants, but didn't get from Maud.

"Yo, why does Wacko like hitting people with things so much?" Casey scratched his head.

"Who knows. Could be a form of expression?" Donnie guess with a shrug.

"So what about you, AJ? How are things with Terrance?." Karai asked the cowgirl.

"Well, I'd say it's going pretty good." Applejack nods. "Terrance and Winona already became fast friends."

"Aww, that's adorable." April said holding her hand to her chest.

Terrance on the other hand just scoffs, not viewing Winona as a friend at all. More like a pest he wants to get rid of.

"Man, wish I had a Mogwai I could bring home." Rainbow Dash moped. She then thinks for a second. "Hey anyone got a bottle of water I can borrow?"

"Rainbow Dash!" Snapped Applejack.

"Im kidding, I'm kidding!" Rainbow Dash laughed.

"You better be. The last thing we need is more Mogwai to worry about." Leo said as he looks at the three Mogwai present.

Twilight had a look of guilt on her face as she sheepishly looks to her side. "Weeeell... we kinda do..."

Everyone looks at Twilight.

"What're you talking about?" Raph asked.

"Well... when I brought Tuck over to the school to show Fugitoid, I mabye sort of... got him wet.... on purpose..." Twilight explained.

Everyone just looked at her shocked. "What?!" They all said in unison.

"It was just a small drop! And he spawned only one Mogwai!" Twilight tried to explain. "Fugitoid wanted to see what the process looked like, of course i didn't want to do it but Fugitoid did need to study the Mogwai so I thought mabye one drop of water wouldn't hurt."

"Wait, so that was the other Mogwai I saw?" Donnie asked, recalling from the video chat with Fugitoid. "I thought it was Stripe. Though that does explain why I didn't see a stripe on it's head..."

"Speaking of Stripe, where's Sunset, Rarity and Fluttershy?" Leo pondered as he looked around.

As if on que, Rarity made her entrance as she announced herself.

"I'm here~." She sang. "And little Scamper too~." She held Scamper up to show everyone.

They all see that Scamper is wearing the sweater Rarity made for him.

"Uh, Rarity? What's Scamper wearing?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Isnt it cute? I made this sweater just for him." Rarity smiles.

"Oh yeah, real cute..." Raph rolled his eyes.

"Yes it's quite... eye catching." Mona said, trying to sound polite.

Scamper groaned to himself, feeling super embarrassed. What made it worse is he sees the other three Mogwai trying desperately to hold in their laughter as they snort and cover their mouths.

"Hey everyone..."

They heard a familiar voice. They turned and saw Sunset with Stripe in her arms. Sunset has definitely seen better days. Her hair is still abit of a mess, she's got noticeable bags under her eyes and her eyes are bloodshot red.

"Whoa. Sunset, you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah, you look... how do I say it without sounding harsh?" Karai tried to think of a nice way to put it.

"Yuck with a hint of blegh..." Shinigami adds, pretty much not sugar coating it.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" April asked.

"None!" Sunset groaned. "Stripe has been up for hours playing video games! I couldn't sleep because how loud the game was!"

"Couldn't you have just lowered the volume on your TV?" Asked Casey.

"I tried! But when I did, Stripe started screeching like a banshee! He wouldn't stop until I turned the volume back on!"

Stripe giggled to himself, along with the other five mogwai who found the situation funny.

Soon enough Fluttershy arrives with Gizmo in her backpack. Everyone greeted her and Gizmo as they are all finally together.

"Yo, Giz, what's up?" Mikey greeted Gizmo as he held his hand up.

Gizmo happily gives Mikey a high three. Gizmo then held his hand up for everyone else to give a high three. Everyone can't help but smile as they all took turns giving Gizmo a high three.

"Hi Gizmo, great to see you!" Spike happily barks.

"Woof-Woof!" Gizmo cheered once he saw Spike.

"Still abit iffy on him calling me 'Woof-Woof'." Spike scratched his head.

While Gizmo was happy to see Spike, Terrance immediately had a sour look on his face, not happy to see another dog.

Fluttershy sees and smiles at the other Mogwai.

"Why hello little ones." Fluttershy greets the other five mogwai with a smile. "It's good to see you all again."

Fluttershy notices how tired Sunset looks and immediately got concerned.

"Sunset, are you okay? You look exhausted."

"That's one way to put it." Sunset said, rubbing one of her eyes. "I think I'm gonna cut back on the training and activities for today."

"Dont worry Sunset. We'll all help watch after Stripe." April said.

"We'll help with all the Mogwai." Leo added. "We still need to figure out what we're gonna do with them."

"Yeah, doubt Mr.Wing would let us keep them when he finds out." Donnie rubbed his neck.

"Well we have time before he recovers." Rainbow Dash brought up. "So let's just have as much fun with them like we've been having with Gizmo."

Everyone agreed with Rainbow Dash as they smiled.

"Oh we're gonna have so much fun together, I just know it." Fluttershy smiled at the five Mogwai.

The Mogwai smiled, but underneath those smiles were bad intentions as they glanced at each other.

Everyone aside from Sunset was training. Stripe was with Fluttershy and Gizmo as Sunset was sitting by a nearby bench, her chin resting on her hand, taking a little nap.

The Mogwai watched them train as they were immediately fascinated. Mostly on the weapons. They mimic their punches and kicks, as they desperately want to hit something now. Wacko looks at Terrance and grinned. He made a fist and punched at his fellow Mogwai. But Terrance didn't flinch an inch, due to his big size.

Wacko growls and punched him again, but Terrance still doesn't flinch. Getting angry, Wacko started throwing rapid punches at Terrance, who doesn't react to it whatsoever. Terrance puts his hand on Wacko's face and casually pushes him to the ground. Wacko got back up and started rapidly punching Terrance again, only for Terrance to casually push him down again.

As everyone was busy training, snow suddenly fell on Sunset's head, causing her to wake up abruptly.

"Ah! What the-?!" She pulled some snow off her head and looked furious. "Okay, which one of yous threw snow at me?!"

Everyone looked at her shocked.

"What?" Karai asked confused.

"None of us?" Raph said.

Sunset, looking furious, shouts more. "I know it was one of yous! So who did it?!"

"Sunset, calm down." Twilight tried reasoning with her tired/angered friend.

"Yeah, none of us would throw snow at you." Leo adds.

"Then how did snow end up on my head?!" Sunset asked, holding some snow out.

"Uh, mabye because the tree above you dropped some?" Donnie says as he points at the tree above Sunset.

She looked up and saw a tree indeed did had some snow dropped off a branch. Sunset sighs and sheepishly rubbed her neck.

"Im sorry guys. I'm just so exhausted I'm not thinking straight."

"No need to apologize Sunset." Applejack assured.

"Yeah I think we'd all be as cranky as you if we didn't get much sleep either." April empathized.

As everyone got back to training, it was shown that the Mogwai, Scamper, was actually hiding in the tree. In truth, he was the one who pushed the snow off the branch, causing it to fall on Sunset's head as he chuckled to himself.

He quickly climbs down the tree and scurries over to the other Mogwai as if he was never gone. All the Mogwai giggle quietly as they pretended they didn't know what actually happened.

In the far distance, Mrs.ColdHeart's car is parked by the area the group is at as she's spying on them with binoculars. She looks at the group before turning her direction towards the six Mogwai.

"Ah, there's the little fur balls. Ugh, and Miss Sparkle's vermin of a dog." She groaned to herself. "If I could, I would have that dog thrown out of town and into the forest for it to fend for itself. Wouldn't last thirty minutes I bet."

Mrs.ColdHeart's chauffeur was sitting in the driver's seat as she had her chin resting on her hand, rolling her eyes and sighing to herself.

"I need to find a way to separate those Mogwai away from those delinquent brats so I can have their fur. But how..?" She pondered to herself.

At the frozen lake, Casey was putting on his ice skates along with Raph, Leo, Karai, Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

"So it's settled then. Boys vs Girls." Casey said as he finished tying his skates.

"Oh you boys are so going down." Rainbow Dash says as she tightens her skates.

Casey looks over at Gizmo. Remembering he enjoyed watching them ay last time he wanted to see if he wanted to join in.

"Yo Flutters, is it alright if Gizmo joins in?" Casey asked.

"What?" Fluttershy tilts her head.

"Well he liked watching us play last time, I figured he would wanna join in on the fun this time." Casey explained.

"Oh, I don't know..." Fluttershy knew this game could be dangerous if not careful.

"Dont worry, Fluttershy, I'll be very careful and not play too rough." Casey assured.

"Well.... as long as you're being careful." Fluttershy nods.

"Sweet! How about it Giz? Wanna play with us?" Casey looks at the Mogwai.

Gizmo threw his arms up and cheers, easily taking that as a yes. Casey grabs his bag, straps it around his chest and gently puts Gizmo in it, who clearly looked excited.

"Hey, no fair! I want a Mogwai on my team!" Rainbow Dash mopes like a child.

"Rainbow Dash please..." Applejack rolled her eyes.

"Hey if Casey has a Mogwai on his team then we should too." Rainbow Dash said before she looks over at Sunset. "Hey Sunset, can we have Stripe play with us?"

Sunset, who was sleeping on the bleachers with the rest of the group who wasn't playing, lifts her head up as her eyes are slightly hung low.

"Huh..? Uh, yeah, sure, whatever... whatever you said..." Sunset plumps her head back down and fell asleep again.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash cheered as Applejack and Karai rolled their eyes shaking their heads.

"Oh, can I play too, Twilight?" Spike asked wagging his tail.

"Absolutely not." Twilight immediately answered.

"Oh man..." Spike moped.

Rainbow Dash strapped her bag around her chest, puts Stripe in it and the two teams skate over the frozen lake and faced each other. Pinkie Pie and Mikey being goalies on each sides.

"Ready to win this game, Gizmo?" Casey looked down at the Mogwai who cheered.

"Let's do this, Stripe!" Rainbow Dash confidently grinned as Stripe had a more devious grin on his face.

Twilight levitated the hockey puck between the teams. Once she drops it they immediately start going after the puck.

Casey was the first to get the hockey puck as he skates over to the goal, juggling the hockey puck left and right.

Karai skates over to him to steal the puck, but Casey quickly maneuvers around her and continues skating. Once Rainbow Dash skates next to him and tried swiping the puck, Casey quickly passes it to Leo who quickly takes a swing, shooting the puck into the goal.

The guys cheered as Casey held his hand up to Gizmo. "Alright! Up top, Giz!"

Gizmo happily high five/three Casey as he cheered babbles.

"Lucky start!" Rainbow Dash called out as they continued playing.

Everyone on the bleachers were cheering for whichever team they were rooting for, while Fluttershy was watching Gizmo with much anxiety. Acting like a mother freaking out over their child at a petting zoo.

April puts her hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "It's okay Fluttershy. Casey's being careful." She tried assuring.

"I know... I still can't help but worry... not only is Gizmo out there, but so is Stripe." Fluttershy points out to the Mogwai in the bag Rainbow Dash has strapped on.

"I know, I'm worried to. But they seem to be doing okay. I mean, look how much fun Gizmo is having." April motions to Gizmo who has his arms raised and cheerfully giggling.

Fluttershy can't help but smile at the sight. "Yeah, I suppose you're right April."

Fluttershy takes out her phone and takes a picture of the two as Casey skates along and tries snatching the puck from Applejack.

The four Mogwai who were standing by the bleachers watched in anticipation of the game. But not in a way everyone else was watching, but they were hoping someone would fall and get hurt.

In the distance, Mrs.ColdHeart's car pulls up as Mrs.ColdHeart rolls down the window from the backseat and watches over with binoculars.

Seeing them play ice hockey she scoffs. "Such a ridiculous activity. Who finds entertainment watching people skate around, hitting a puck with sticks? I've seen better sports in my day."

Her chauffeur quietly let out a tch as she shook her head.

Once Mrs.ColdHeart sees Gizmo and Stripe tucked in Casey and Rainbow Dash's bags she immediately frowns.

"Why on earth do those dumb brats have those Mogwai strapped around them?! I can't take all of them if they're strapped around those delinquents!"

She looks over at the other four Mogwai by the group who aren't playing spots Terrance.

"Hmm, but that large one definitely wouldn't be easy to have you carry with the other five."

Her chauffeur blinked her eyes as she thinks to herself "Wait, have me carry?".

"I need a way to get those Mogwai somehow. Chauffeur, think of something!" Mrs.ColdHeart ordered her.

The chauffeur sighed and answers in a monotone voice. "Mabye you can buy those things off of them..?"

Immediately Mrs.ColdHeart hated that idea. "That's absurd! Why in the world would I give those brats my money?! No, terrible idea! You're no help!"

The chauffeur quietly mocks Mrs.ColdHeart by moving her mouth and rolling her eyes.

"Hmm... mabye instead of me going to them, I'll have the Mogwai come to me! But how? How can I make them come to me?" Mrs.ColdHeart continues spying through her binoculars.

After a half hour of playing both teams skate over to the bleachers to take a five minute break.

"Wow, a tie." April wowed.

"You're all playing really good out there." Twilight added.

"But there can only be one winner in the end." Rainbow Dash said, drinking a bottle of water.

"And it's gonna be us." Casey grinned confidently. "Right Giz?"

Gizmo smiled, letting out babbles.

"Not unless we score first, right Stripe?" Rainbow Dash looks down at Stripe.

Stripe just gives Gizmo a sly grin, making Gizmo's smile go away and gulped.

"Now take it easy you two." Applejack began. "Don't want y'all taking things too far. You might accidentally get more rough and injure one another.

As Applejack was explaining this, Tuck and Scamper were under the bleacher Applejack was sitting on. Both quietly chuckled as they slowly reach for the laces on Applejack's skates and slowly and carefully loosen them. Once they were loose enough to where they still look tied, they quickly scurry/roll back to Terrance and Wacko who were sitting next to Twilight and pretend to act like they never left.

Once there break was over the players stand back up.

"Alright, let's do this!" Raph hits his fist against his palm.

"You got this Raphael!" Mona cheered.

"Hey, don't cheer for the boy's side!" Rainbow Dash laughed.

The two teams skated towards the frozen lake. Once the puck was dropped they all started playing. Casey quickly taken hold of the puck as Rainbow Dash and Karai were right on his tail.

Karai skates to his right, using her hockey stick to try and snatch the puck. Casey keeps the puck away from her, but Rainbow Dash quickly snatches it and starts skating to the goal. Rainbow Dash maneuvers around Leo but her and Raph begin to fight over the puck.

Applejack was skating behind them. But every time she switches feet, the loose laces of her skates begin to loosen even more. She gets Rainbow Dash's attention.

"Rainbow Dash, I'm open!" She waved her right arm.

Rainbow Dash quickly passes the puck to Applejack who quickly catches the puck and skates to the goal, juggling it with her stick.

"Hope you're ready, Mikey! Cause I'm gonna give it my all!" Applejack grins.

"Bring it, AJ! I'm ready!" Mikey pats his hockey glove.

Applejack focused hard as she juggled the hockey puck, and Mikey kept his eyes on the puck. Applejack got ready to shoot, but once she switched legs her laces finally fall loose, causing her to step over a lace and completely stumble over.

Applejack wobbles trying to catch her balance, but she doesn't succeed and falls. Applejack's knee completely hits the icey ground and Applejack slides on the floor, holding her knee and grunting in pain.

"Applejack!" Rainbow Dash screamed.

Everyone immediately stopped playing and skate/run over to her. Rarity kneeled down and helped her friend sit up.

"Applejack, are you alright?" Rarity asked in concern.

Applejack tried to form a smile and gave a thumbs up. "I-Im fine. Just bumped my knee is all." She said clenching her teeth.

"What happened?" Donnie asked. Before he saw her skates' laces were loose. "Applejack, are you aware your skates aren't tied?

Applejack looked and saw they were indeed untied. "Huh? I could've sworn I tightened them before playing."

"Apparently not tight enough." Raph said before getting hit in the arm by Leo.

"Do you require medical attention?" Mona asked her injured friend.

"Nah nah, I'm alright, y'all." Applejack waved her hand assuringly. "Though it is on me for forgetting my protective gear..." she admits.

Applejack tried to stand up but immediately winced in pain and held her knee.

"We better take a look at it, make sure it isn't anything too bad." Leo said.

Once they rolled up the leg part of Applejack's pants, they saw her knee was completely swelled and bruised.

"Oooh, that's gotta hurt..." Mikey winced.

Gizmo frowned seeing Applejack hurt, but Stripe had a smirk on his face as he quietly giggled to himself, which Gizmo took notice of.

April looked at Applejack with empathy, but something immediately caught her attention. She looked over to where the four Mogwai are and saw they were laughing. April immediately started to wonder if the Mogwai had something to do with Applejack being hurt. But her thoughts were interrupted when Donnie spoke.

"Hold on, I got a med kit in the party wagon, hang tight." Donnie quickly rushed to the party wagon to get a med kit for Applejack's knee.

April looked back at the four Mogwai, still questioning if they had anything to do with Applejack being hurt, or if it's all just in her head. April then looks at Stripe, who turned out to be staring at her the whole time. His eyes were squinting, looking at her in a way that feels like he knows what she's thinking.

After Applejack had her knee cleaned up they were at the cafe Pinkie works at. Sunny Sugarsocks and Doo Wop have seated them and met the five Mogwai present with them. After they ordered everyone sat and waited for their food. Applejack had an ice pack rested on her knee as she sheepishly looked abit embarrassed.

"Ah geez, hope people don't ask how I hurt my knee... the last thing I wanna say is I tripped over my laces while playing ice hockey."

"Oh come on, there's more embarrassing injuries." Rainbow Dash assured.

"Yeah, remember when Bulk Biceps stepped on your foot and broke it while he was dancing~?" Pinkie Pie brought up with a innocent smile.

Applejack grunted of the memory. "Don't remind me."

"Um, Applejack?" Fluttershy got her attention. "I think someone wants to give you some comfort."

She looked down to see Gizmo reaching his little arms out for Applejack, sensing she needs some comfort.

Applejack couldn't help but smile. "Oh alright, come here sugar cube."

Fluttershy passes Gizmo to Applejack as the Mogwai nuzzles into her arms.

"Oh that is just adorable." Rarity cooed.

"Feel a little better, Applejack?" April asked.

"You know, I do feel a little better." Applejack admits. "He's like a comfort pillow that nuzzles you instead."

Fluttershy took a picture of the two, loving the moment between them.

While Gizmo has been sitting quietly in Applejack's arms, the other five mogwai on the other hand have been nothing but noisy. They are constantly throwing things from the table, jumping in their seat and are constantly shouting 'Yum-yum!'

"Man, these guys must really be hungry." Donnie said.

"Well it is 1:00 now, so once the food is ready they can eat." Leo added.

"Wow, they look like Mikey when he can't wait for the pizza any longer." April compared.

"Except I don't typically throw things around." Mikey points out before a small jar of salt hits his forehead. "Ow!"

Fluttershy tried to calm down the Mogwai. "Uh, now now sweeties, the food will be here soon."

But it doesn't stop them from begging, crying and throwing things. Terrance even began banging his hands on the table, shaking it entirely.

The entire cafe was staring at the groups table, some wondering what's going on, some getting annoyed with all the noise. The group can't help but apologize to everyone as the Mogwai continue to make a scene.

Outside the cafe is of course Mrs.ColdHeart's car parked across the street. She was looking at the group through the window. She spots the Mogwai making a scene and throwing things.

"Wild creatures they are. Almost wants me to keep one of them alive for display. But I only care for their fur so oh well." Mrs.ColdHeart chuckles at her own 'joke' but her chauffeur just shakes her head.

Back inside everyone's food finally arrived. The Mogwai immediately stopped making a fuss and got silent when they saw/smelled the food. While everyone got their own tray of food, the Mogwai got a tray of cookies. Sunny sets the tray down for them.

"There you go you little cuties~." She smiled.

The Mogwai immediately pounced on the tray of cookies and started chowing down without a second thought. While the group was surprised by this, Sunny Sugarsocks just laughed it off.

"Boy, they must be hungry. Enjoy everyone." She skated away.

As everyone was eating their food, the Mogwai were eating the cookies in a sloppy manner. They were biting and chewing the cookies loud as they chewed with their mouths open, and crumbs were flying everywhere.

"Uh, Gizmo never ate like this, did he Fluttershy?" Karai asked as a crumb flies into her face.

"Um, not to my knowledge no." Fluttershy shook her head as she looked at Gizmo who was calmly eating his grilled cheese.

"Geez, the way they're eating makes Mikey's way look normal." Raph said.

The Mogwai continued to gobble down the cookies, especially Scamper, who ate nothing but the disgusting food Rarity fed him, so he's eating the cookies like he's never gonna taste such sweets again.

Outside Mrs.ColdHeart was still spying in her car, looking through the cafe window with binoculars as she saw the Mogwai eating. She let out a disgusted scoff.

"Such animals, have no decency whatsoever. That's why I have them killed and made into clothing."

Mrs.ColdHeart continued to watch with disgust when she suddenly had an idea.

"Hold on.... that's it! I know just how to lure them to me! I'll use food to lure them! From the looks of it, they love food, and will follow it anywhere! I'm such a genius. "

Mrs.ColdHeart complimented herself before she thinks again.

"Now what should I lure them with? Should be small enough to carry, but also should have plenty of it to lure them with."

As she thinks, she snapped her fingers. "Of course! Chauffeur! Drive back to my house! We must retrieve the candy i have stored!"

"You mean the Halloween candy you told trick or treaters you didn't have before you threatened to call the police on them?" Her chauffeur asked rhetorically.

"Precisely, now drive!" She ordered.

The chauffeur sighed and started the car before driving to the house.

After everyone finished eating they shared the bill. Stripe and the other mogwai made a big mess when eating, as cookie crumbs and and other pieces of food were completely scattered everywhere. April gave Doo Wop a tip as she stared at the mess.

"Uh, sorry for the mess." April said sheepishly.

"Oh, it's fine. Kids tend to be the same." Doo Wop assured, sighing a little.

Everyone walked out of the cafe as Rarity was helping Applejack walk.

"Well that was... embarrassing." April sighed.

"Tell me about it. Bad enough Mikey eats like an animal, but we've got five actual animals who eat worse than him." Raph looked at the five Mogwai who were being carried by five of the Rainbooms.

"Now everyone, im sure they were just.... really hungry." Fluttershy tried to argue. "It has been long hours since they've eaten."

"Yeah but Gizmo hasn't acted the way they have when he got his food." Raph pointed out.

"Um... mabye it's because Gizmo has been around longer than they have." Fluttershy guessed. "Mabye Gizmo was the same, but his owner taught him manners and to behave. So mabye that's all we need to do for Stripe, Wacko, Tuck, Scamper and Terrance."

Everyone thought about what Fluttershy said. She wasn't wrong, Gizmo has definitely been around way longer than the other five Mogwai. Probably even longer. So they all eventually agreed that the Mogwai just need to be taught how to properly behave.

As they walked, they started to hear singing. They look and saw there were Christmas carolers singing by a stand at the park. Mona was confused at the sight, wondering why people were singing on a stand.

"Raphael, why are those people singing on that stand? Is there a ritual or initiation going on?"

"Oh, no Mona. Those are just Christmas carolers." Raph answered.

Mona looked even more confused. "Christmas carolers?"

"They're people who sing Christmas songs together infront of the public." Donnie adds.

"Why would they do that?" Mona tilts her head.

"Because.... they just want to." Raph shrugged.

"To make people feel happy inside. You know, lift up their spirits." April added.

"Doesn't hearing them sing make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?" Pinkie smiled.

Mona turned her attention back to the Christmas carolers who were singing 'O Christmas Tree'. Hearing their melody together and calming singing voices did indeed made Mona feel warm inside. She formed a smile as she held her hands together and listened to the carolers.

"It indeed makes me feel... 'warm and fuzzy' inside." Mona leaned herself against Raph who had a blush form on his cheeks but wrapped his arm around her.

Everyone gathered together and started listening to the carolers together. They all watched and listened happily as the carolers continued to sing the song. Gizmo happily listens to the carolers, humming along with them. Stripe and the other Mogwai on the other hand, look completely bored and uninterested listening to carolers.

The five Mogwai began squirming and fidgeting in the Rainbooms arms and started fussing.

"Oh dear, they're starting to get fussy." Fluttershy noticed.

"Guess listening to Christmas carols isn't their thing." Donnie said.

"You guys can keep listening. I'll take them over that area for them to play or something." Twilight offered.

"Wouldn't you want some help?" Asked Leo.

"Yeah those five can be a handful from the looks of it." Raph added.

"Dont worry, Spike will help me keep an eye on them." Twilight assured.

"That's right." Spike barked.

"Well just to be sure I'll help you two." April offered.

"I will too." Fluttershy stepped up. "Im sure Gizmo wants to spend some time with his little friends." Fluttershy smiled innocently.

Gizmo's ears droop down and gulps as he looks at the five Mogwai, who were giving him menacing looks.

April, Fluttershy and Twilight take the Mogwais to an area where they can play or just run around while everyone else stays to listen to the carolers. Mrs.ColdHeart's car pulls up and she rolls down her window to peek out with her binoculars. She spots the group listening to Christmas carolers and immediately scoffed.

"Ugh, I hate Christmas Carolers..." she said between her teeth.

She noticed that the Mogwai aren't anywhere to be seen by the group and started shifting her direction.

"Hey, where are those fur balls?!"

She kept looking everywhere through her binoculars until she spots the Mogwai playing in the snow. Well more like throwing snow at each other.

"Aha! There you are my walking fabric~." She grinned mischievously.

She then noticed that Spike, Twilight, Fluttershy and April were watching over the Mogwai, her grin immediately going away.

"Oh great! To think this would be easy! I gotta lure those brats and that vermin dog away from them! But how?"

Mrs.ColdHeart thinks before she gets an idea. She opens a capartment in the backseat and pulls up a wind-up squirrel toy.

"If dogs have one thing in common, it's that they're stupid, and easily distracted. And Miss Sparkle's mutt should be no different."

She starts winding up the toy chuckling to herself.

"Can you believe my father actually thought I would have kids one day and wanted me to give this old thing to them? How ridiculous is that?" She asked her chauffeur laughing.

"Very." Her chauffeur sighed, feeling bad for Mrs.ColdHeart's father.

Once Mrs.ColdHeart finishes winding up the toy squirrel she dropped it on the floor outside and immediately it takes off.

"Oh, I must give my father some credit. That toy can really move." Mrs.ColdHeart admits.

Fluttershy, Twilight, April and Spike were with the Mogwai as they continued to throw snow everywhere. Spike immediately started hearing wind-up sounds and quick scampering. He looked around until he saw the wind-up squirrel. Though he doesn't know it's actually a toy and growled.

"Squirrel!" Spike starts barking and started chasing after the wind-up toy.

"Spike!" Twilight called out before chasing her dog.

"Spike come back!" April followed Twilight.

"Oh dear! Um, hang on little ones, we'll be right back!" Fluttershy informed the Mogwai before running after Spike.

Once they left, the five Mogwai immediately turned their attention towards Gizmo and got evil grins on their faces. They all got up and started walking towards the scared Mogwai as he let's out a "Uh-oh..."

Mrs.ColdHeart, watching the three girls chase after Spike, let's out a laugh.

"How wonderful~! As soon as those girls are far enough away from the Mogwais, I can finally lure them to me!"

Once Spike and the girls are far enough from the Mogwai Mrs.ColdHeart immediately takes out the bag of candy she brought and opens it.

"Nows my chance." She grinned.

With the Mogwai, they patted a little snowman they just built. A snowman that looks like a Mogwai. A Mogwai shaped like Gizmo. They laughed as the snowman was actually Gizmo covered in snow as his muffles can be heard.

As they laughed a piece of candy hits Terrance behind his head, but doesn't seem to notice as he continued laughing. Another piece of candy hits him in the head but again he doesn't notice. And another hits him but still, doesn't notice. Soon a handful of candy hits Terrance in the head, which finally, he decided to turn around.

The Mogwai looked where he's looking and saw the candy on the floor. Stripe picked one up and sniffed it. He ripped off the wrapper and puts the chocolate in his mouth. As soon as he chewed, his eyes lit up from delight.

"Yum-yum!" He shouted as he started eating the rest of the candy on the floor.

The other four Mogwai immediately started gathering and eating the candy on the floor once they realized it was eatable. After eating the last piece they all let out satisfied sighs as Terrance let out a burp.

Suddenly a piece of candy was tossed infront of them. They immediately dog piled on it as they started fighting over the candy. Suddenly Stripe smack all of their heads to get their attention. He points out six different trails of candy on the ground.

"Yum-yum!" They all shouted as they followed and ate the candy trail.

Twilight, Fluttershy and April were still chasing Spike who was chasing the wind-up squirrel.

"Spike, stop chasing that squirrel already!" April shouts.

"I don't even know why there's a squirrel out in the winter. They're suppose to be hibernating." Twilight points out as she starts to pant.

Stripe, Terrance, Tuck, Scamper and Wacko kept following and eating the trail of candy. Soon they all each entered a dark area, but don't seem to realize as they ate the pile of candy in them. Suddenly a sound of a gate shutting is heard and blankets being pulled out on top of them. They then see they were all in their own cage as Mrs.ColdHeart laughs.

"Ha! You're all mine now! Mine!" She grinned.

Mrs.ColdHeart snaps her fingers and points at the Mogwai.

"Chauffeur! Put these creatures in the trunk now!" She ordered.

"Yes Mrs.ColdHeart..." she sighed and got out of the car to put the Mogwai in the trunk.

Mrs.ColdHeart chuckles as she watches the Mogwai being put away.

"Oh this is delightful. Some rare exotic creatures being used for my fashion wear~. Oh this will definitely be a treat."

The chauffeur let's out a big grunt once she gets to Terrance's cage, struggling to lift it up due to his size and weight. Once she picks it up she carries the cage to the trunk, letting out a huff once she does.

Mrs.ColdHeart stood over the trunk grinning at the Mogwai.

"Once you creatures come home with me, you'll be turned into beautiful-" she stopped when she realized something.

"Wait a minute..." she started counting the cages. "One.... two... three... four... five..."

She quickly noticed she had five Mogwai and knew one was missing.

"Where's the sixth one?! There was six!" She looked down at the cage on the floor that was empty.

She looked out to where the Mogwai were but only sees the snowman Mogwai. But she noticed it was moving. Soon Gizmo's head breaks free from the snow and shakes the snow off his head.

"Unbelievable! Animals, so stupid! This is why I have them taken out and made into fashion wear!" She shook her head.

She picked up the empty cage and looked at her chauffeur.

"Get the engine warmed up and get ready to drive us out of here!"

"Yes Mrs.ColdHeart..." she sighed as she got back in the driver's seat.

The wind-up squirrel finally stopped moving, being completely still now. Spike stopped running and stared at it. He tapped it with his paw and it instantly fell over.

"Hey, this isn't a real squirrel!" He realized.

Twilight, who finally caught up and ran out of breath with Fluttershy and April looked at the wind-up toy confused.

"Why would there be a wind-up toy just being let loose out of nowhere?"

"That's so weird." April panted.

As they catched their breath, they heard a familiar scared babble and cry as they turned around and saw Gizmo in a cage, being carried away by Mrs.ColdHeart.

"Gizmo!" Fluttershy screamed and started running after her.

"She's got the other Mogwai too!" April noticed as she ran with Fluttershy.

As they ran after her, Twilight called out to the others.

"Guys! Mrs.ColdHeart is kidnapping the Mogwai!"

Everyone immediately turned around.

"What?!" Leo said in shock.

They all see Mrs.ColdHeart running with Gizmo in a cage. They immediately started running after her to try to save Gizmo and the other Mogwai. Applejack was actually hopping on one leg due to her knee still being swollen. Mrs.ColdHeart tossed the caged Gizmo in the trunk, shuts it and jumps in the backseat.

"Drive drive!" She ordered her chauffeur who started to drive.

Mrs.ColdHeart looked out the window and laughs. "So long you annoying brats!" She tauntingly waves at the group chasing the car.

But she stopped laughing when she felt the car stop suddenly. She looks at her chauffeur with annoyance.

"Why did we stop?!"

"The light is red ma'am." She points to the traffic light that is red.

"Just run it! Drive now!" She ordered her chauffeur.

"Ma'am with all due respect im your chauffeur, not your getaway driver." She said in a calming manner.

Mrs.ColdHeart sees the group getting closer to the car. She immediately threw a stack of fifty dollar bills at her chauffeur.

"The money is immediately yours if you run that light now!"

The chauffeur looks at the stack of fifties and the red light. She looks at the road and shrugs.

"Better hope it's worth getting a ticket over."

The chauffeur immediately presses her foot down on the gas pedal, making the tires spin and burn rubber before it launches forward. She ran the red light, barely missing cars that stopped and honked at her.

The group stopped running and helplessly watch the car get away.

"Gizmo, no!" Fluttershy began to tear up.

"Whyyyyyy?!" Mikey cried dramatically. "Those poor Mogwai, gone forever! We'll never see them again!"

Mikey was then slapped in the head by Raph.

"Will you knock it off, they're not gone forever." Raph grunted.

"Yeah, we know exactly where they're being taken." Donnie adds.

Mikey and Pinkie both looked confused. "We do?" Pinkie tilts her head.

"Remember? Mrs.ColdHeart lives down the block from my place." Twilight reminded them.

"Oooooooh." Mikey and Pinkie nodded.

Fluttershy sighed in relief, but still can't help but feel bad. "It was my fault... I should've stayed and watched over them..."

"No, it's my fault..." Spike whimpers. "If I didn't chase that stupid fake squirrel you three wouldn't have to chase after me..."

"It's no one's fault." April assured.

"Yeah, Mrs.ColdHeart wanted us to separate from the Mogwai so she could snatch them." Twilight crossed her arms.

"And we're gonna get them back." Leo said. "Twilight, can you take us to where Mrs.ColdHeart lives?" He asked as she nods.

At Mrs.ColdHeart's big house, her car pulls up in the driveway before it parks. The chauffeur steps out and opens the door for Mrs.ColdHeart. The nasty woman steps out and waves her hand at the trunk's direction.

"Chauffeur, take the creatures out of the trunk and take them inside."

"Yes Mrs.ColdHeart..." she sighed and opened the trunk.

On the rooftop from across the street, the group was looking down and watches the chauffeur taking the Mogwai out of the trunk of the car.

"There they are." Leo whispered.

"I still can't believe Mrs.ColdHeart actually kidnapped the Mogwai." Donnie said baffled.

"I knew Mrs.ColdHeart was a nasty woman, but this is beyond what I thought she'd do." Twilight shook her head.

Mikey gasped as he stares at his comic. "Dudes! This is also what happens in my comic! Page 16! The greedy business man kidnaps a Sprite and takes it to his home to make a profit off of it."

Everyone shushed Mikey as Raph slaps the comic away. "Will you stop comparing things to your comics?!"

"Hmm, I seem to recall me comparing things to my comic is what saved us from the Squirrelanoids." Mikey reminded.

Raph couldn't argue with that, it did save them. But he still finds it annoying as he rolled his eyes.

"Will you guys keep it down?" Leo whispered. "We need a plan to rescue Gizmo and the other Mogwai."

They all watched the chauffeur struggling to hold all the cages in her arms as Mrs.ColdHeart impatiently waits by the door.

"Hurry up! I'm freezing out here!" She yelled at her chauffeur.

"You know, I feel pretty bad for her chauffeur." April admits.

"While we only had a few encounters with Mrs.ColdHeart, she has to deal with her 24/7." Donnie sighed.

Once the two enter the house, Applejack, who was down below due to her knee, quietly called out to everyone.

"Hey y'all, do we got a plan?"

"Working on it." Leo whispered.

"I got it." Mona spoke up. "I say we barge in, knock that Mrs.ColdHeart and her driver out with my stun gun, search her house until we find the Mogwai creatures and get them out of there."

Everyone stared at her, not sure how to respond to that. Twilight finally spoke up.

"Uh, I was hoping for a plan that doesn't possibly get us... arrested?"

Mikey then spoke up. "I got it!."

Everyone turned their attention towards Mikey.

"In my comic, the main characters rescue the Sprite by sneaking into the business man's house while a different group keeps him distracted. So all we gotta do is the same!"

Like Mona, everyone stares at him. Raph spoke up.

"You want us to break into a old woman's house, snoop around for the mogwai while most of us distract her? Not the craziest idea you had."

"And that's still breaking in and entering." Twilight points out. "Which will also get us arrested."

"If we get caught!" Mikey said. "Plus we can't rescue the Mogwai without sneaking into her house anyway!"

"I hate to say it, but Mikey has a point." Leo admits. "I doubt if we call police on her, she'd play dumb and deny everything."

"And she'd probably bribe the police if she did admit it." Rainbow Dash scoffed.

"So it's settled. One group sneaks in, and the other keeps her distracted." Leo nods.

"But how are we gonna distract her yo?" Casey asked.

"I got it!" Mikey spoke up. "We'll pretend to be Christmas carolers and keep her at her front door to sing songs to her."

"Uh, I don't think Mrs.ColdHeart will stick around for Christmas carolers, Mikey." Sunset said.

"But it's worth a shot." Leo stood up. "Me, Donnie, Mikey, April, Karai, Shini, Twilight and Fluttershy will sneak in the house. The rest of you keep Mrs.ColdHeart distracted."

"You guys better wear disguises though. Mrs.ColdHeart can recognize yous." April suggested.

"No need to worry, I brought extra winter outfits just in case." Rarity happily announces.

"Do you seriously carry clothes everywhere you go?" Raph raised his eyebrow.

Inside the house, Mrs.ColdHeart and her chauffeur were in a room as her chauffeur sets down the last cage that was carrying Gizmo, as she let's out an exhausted sigh and held her back. Mrs.ColdHeart chuckles as she looks at all the Mogwai.

"Such exotic creatures, with exotic fur~. Oh the million things i can do with them."

She looked at Tuck. "Mabye I should use your colored fur separately? One pile brown and one pile white?"

She then looks at Terrance. "Mabye I could use all your fur at once to make a new coat?"

Then looks at gizmo. "Or mabye use you each for something different? Mabye a floor carpet? Or a sleep mask?"

Gizmo's teeth chatter as he cowars in the corner of his cage. Mrs.ColdHeart then walks towards Stripe's cage and leans down, taking a closer look at him.

"You are an interesting one. I could make something special out of you. Something special indeed." She grinned as she grabs a strain of hair from Stripe's stripe and plucks it off his head, making him flinch and hold his head.

Mrs.ColdHeart chuckles until she hears something from the window. It sounds like singing. A familiar kind of singing. It was caroling. Her face immediately turns sour as she grips her fists.

"Carolers... I hate Christmas Carolers."

Mrs.ColdHeart started walking out of the room, shutting the door. Through it all, Stripe was glaring at her, growling as he grits his teeth.

Mrs.ColdHeart makes it to the front door of her house and swings it open. There was Sunset, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Raph, Mona and Casey in completely different outfits to avoid detection from Mrs.ColdHeart.

"Beat it you brats!" Mrs.ColdHeart shouts. "I don't wanna listen to your dreadful Christmas carols!"

As she was about to shut the door, Sunset, trying to put on a different voice, speaks up.

"W-Wait ma'am! We uh, thought you could use some good Christmas spirit!" She panicked.

"Uh, yeah!" Casey, who was also putting on a different voice, adds. "Im sure a sweet lady like yourself would wanna hear some good Christmas caroling!"

"I do not, now beat it!" She shouts again, trying to shut the door.

"W-Wait!" Sunset stops her again. "A-At least hear one song, then we'll leave you alone!"

Mrs.ColdHeart scoffs and crosses her arms. "Fine, but make it snappy! I hate the cold!"

Everyone fidgeted, trying to think of a long song to sing. Sunset then thought of one and began singing.

"On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me."

Everyone immediately caught on and started singing the song with her. Well everyone but Mona, who vaguely remembers the lyrics and just tried guessing the lyrics along the way.

"A partridge in a pear tree."

Mrs.ColdHeart scowls, as this was a song she absolutely hated the most. As they sing, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, April, Karai, Shini, Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy snuck around back.

"Okay, this is our chance, let's move." Leo orders.

Twilight uses her powers to unlock a window and opens it. Everyone quietly climbed inside, making sure not to make any noise for Mrs.ColdHeart to hear.

"Okay, let's look for the Mogwais and-" Leo stopped mid-sentence, as his, and everyone else's eyes go wide. Inside Mrs.ColdHeart's house was ginormous, almost like a mansion.

"Okay, I knew her house was big, but I didn't think the inside would be bigger." Twilight said wide eyed.

"How are we suppose to find Gizmo and the other Mogwai in this place?" Karai asked, still baffled.

"Lets split up into groups." Leo quickly suggested. "This place is huge, so we should be able to cover more ground. Twilight, You, me and Spike will take the upstairs. Karai and Shinigami, you two take the floor above us. Fluttershy and April, search the other end of the floor with them. Donnie and Mikey, stay down here and search. Now let's hurry."

Everyone quickly moved. As they got to the stairs, they immediately saw a chair by the rail.

"Whoa, check it out. Mrs.ColdHeart has a chair elevator." Mikey said wowed.

"It's a chair lift, Mikey." Donnie corrected. "Guess she has trouble getting up the stairs on her own."

With that, everyone but Donnie and Mikey, began going up the stairs to search the floors of the house.

As Leo, Twilight and Spike got to their floor, they began searching the doors for the Mogwai.

"Spike, think you can get Gizmo or the other Mogwais' scent?" Twilight asked her dog.

Spike sniffed the air but immediately stopped with a disgusted look.

"Ack! No good, the air is completely covered by that old lady perfume she wears."

"Then guess it's searching the old fashioned way." Leo said as they began opening and looking through doors.

Leo opened a door and saw it was a bathroom. "Whoa. For someone her age, she's got a fancy looking bathroom."

Twilight opens a door and peaks inside. Twilight and Spike's eyes go wide when they see what room it is. They saw it was an yoga room as there were yoga mats, yoga balls and exercise balls inside.

"Mrs.ColdHeart.... does yoga..?" Spike said baffled.

"I guess so..." Twilight kept staring at the room.

Both Twilight and Spike shutter at the idea of Mrs.ColdHeart doing yoga as they quickly shut the door.

Mikey and Donnie were searching downstairs, ending up in the kitchen. Mikey opens a cabinet under the sink and spots something.

"Yo Donnie, check this out." Mikey pulls out a bag of cat food. "Mrs.ColdHeart has a cat."

Donnie inspects the bag of cat food. "Hmm, that's strange. It's still full. If Mrs.ColdHeart has a cat, where is it?"

Donnie looked around to see if there as sign of any cat toys, beds, or a scratch post, but doesn't see anything.

"Yo Donnie, check out this hat." Mikey holds out a fur hat with a orange color pallet. "It's even got a tail on it." He played with the tail. "So, any idea where the cat is?"

Donnie stared at the hat, slowly lifting his finger, pointing at it. "Uuuuh..."

Mikey looked confused. He stared at the hat for a moment but then immediately catches on as he gasped horrifically.

"You poor soul!" He gently brushed the hat. "You didn't deserve this fate..."

Donnie was looking through letters and one caught his eye. "Hey look, it's a letter from someone Mrs.ColdHeart knows, thanking her for giving her the cat. I guess she realized she didn't like pets in general."

Mikey sighed in relief. "Phew, good to know this is fake cat fur then." Mikey puts on the hat.

Donnie feels the texture of the fur. "No that's real cat fur."

Mikey immediately screamed, making Donnie quickly putting his hand over his mouth to muffle the scream.

At the front door they were still singing. Mrs.ColdHeart thought she heard screaming in her house and immediately turned around. This causes everyone to sing louder.

"On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me! Fiiiiiiive golden riiiiiings!"

This causes Mrs.ColdHeart to turn her direction back at them, growling in annoyance.

Donnie sighed in relief, removing his hand from his brother's mouth.

"Keep it down, shell for brains!" Donnie whispered.

Mikey quickly took off the hat and threw it on the ground. "That woman is pure evil!"

"Look, let's just focus on finding the Mogwai so they don't share the same fate."

Mikey nods and they continue the search.

Karai and Shinigami enter a room. They immediately noticed mannequins, clothing and fabrics everywhere as they looked around.

"Huh, so I guess this lady makes clothes for a living. Guess that explains her obsession with making animal fur into clothing." Karai feels a coat on a mannequin.

"Eh, they're not nearly as nice as Rarity's." Shinigami brushes a fabric away.

Karai looks around and snorts. She holds out a bonnet from what looks like 1987.

"Look at this hat. What century does this lady thinks she's in?" Karai and Shinigami laugh as they stare at the hat before Karai tosses it away to continue searching.

April and Fluttershy were searching every door they can find. April opens a door, but shuts it as she sighs in frustration.

"How many closets does this lady need?" She said as she opens another door, only to see it was another closet.

Fluttershy was frantically searching through doors, getting more worried by the second.

"Oh Gizmo, I shouldn't have turned my back on you and your little friends..."

April quickly puts her hand on her friend's shoulder. "Fluttershy, it'll be okay. We'll get them back." She assured.

Fluttershy sighed to herself but nods. They continue to search. As they search, Fluttershy hears muffling.

"Huh? April, do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" She asked.

"Listen." Fluttershy puts her hand to her ear.

They both listen closely as April starts hearing the muffle.

"I hear it. Where's it coming from?" The kunoichi wondered.

They begin following the muffles. They carefully walk around until they find the source. They find themselves staring at a wall.

"It's coming through that wall." April puts her ear through the wall. "It's Gizmo!"

Fluttershy gasped. She puts her ear through the wall and hears Gizmo's babbles. "I hear him too!"

"We found them, but how do we get to them?" April stares at the wall. "I don't see a door that could lead anywhere. Just this towel rack that's placed here. Wait a minute..."

April looks at the 'towel rack' for a moment before reaching for it. She grabbed the ring part of it and pulls down. It clicks and april pulls, revealing it to be a secret door. They looked and saw all six Mogwai in a room, inside cages. Fluttershy quickly runs in.

"Gizmo!" Fluttershy runs to Gizmo's cage and starts to open the gate. Once she does, Gizmo reaches out for her as Fluttershy picks him up and holds him close to her chest, tearing up with joy.

"Oh Gizmo! I'm so sorry! I promise I'll never let you out of my sight ever again!"

Gizmo nuzzles into Fluttershy, happy to be back safely in her arms. The other Mogwai just gag at how mushy they're being.

"I better text Leo, let him know we found them." April says, pulling out her T-Phone.

As she said, April texts Leo, which he immediately gets notified. He reads it and looks at Twilight.

"April and Fluttershy found them! Lets move, I'll let the others know! We'll grab the Mogwai, sneak out, and we're home free."

They quickly head to the location April told them to go. Back at the front door they just finished the song, as Mrs.ColdHeart had a much bigger sour face than she originally had.

"Great, now go away!" She was about to shut the door.

"Wait!" Sunset stops her. "Uh! Y-You didn't hear our... 20 days of Christmas version of the song!"

"Oh yeah!" Applejack nods.

"You really wouldn't wanna miss this!" Raph stammered.

They all began singing again.

"On the thirteenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me!"

They all tried thinking of what to add to the thirteenth day.


"Uh thirteen..."

"Th-Thirteen... rental movies..?" Casey sheepishly smiled.

"..... Thirteen rental movies." Everyone sang. "Twelve drummers drumming-"

"Oh that's it!" Mrs.ColdHeart marches inside the house, heading towards the kitchen.

She grabbed a bucket and started filling it with water.

"Those brats want it the hard way? I'll give it to them!"

As she fills the bucket, she notices something. Her cat fur hat was laying flat on the floor.

"Huh? Didn't I have that on the hanger?" She thought to herself.

Leo and the others freed the Mogwai as April, Donnie, Mikey, Leo and Karai carried the other five mogwai and exited the room before shutting the door.

"Okay, let's head back to where we came." Leo whispered as they followed him.

Once the bucket was full, Mrs.ColdHeart turned the faucet off and carries the bucket back outside. They were still singing the song as she made it back to the front door.

"And a Patridge in a pear-" before they could finish the last word, Mrs.ColdHeart tosses the bucket up, throwing the water and it completely splashes all over the group, completely drenching them in water!

"Dont ever come back here, do you understand?!" She screamed before shutting the door.

Everyone was in complete shock at to what just happened. Due to the cold temperatures the water starts to freeze up on them as they chatter their teeth.

"D-Did she j-just?!" Rainbow Dash shivered.

"Sh-She did!" Casey confirmed.

"Th-That woman is b-beyond cruel!" Raph said between his teeth.

Mrs.ColdHeart slams the bucket on the counter as she vents to herself.

"Stupid Christmas carolers! Wasting my time with their stupid songs! Don't they know I have better things to do?!"

As Mrs.ColdHeart vents to herself, she notices the cat food Mikey brought out was on the floor. Mrs.ColdHeart walked towards it confused.

"Why on earth is this cat food out?" She asked herself.

As Leo and the others were about to head back downstairs, they heard noise going on down there and immediately stopped. Leo frantically motions everyone to go back as they quickly but quietly went back upstairs.

"What do we do?" Fluttershy whispered in a panic.

"The window we came in is near the kitchen." April added.

"It'll be fine. We just need to climb down a window in this floor." Leo suggests.

"Leo, incase you haven't noticed, the floor we're in is like 30ft from the ground." Donnie points out.

"Yeah and I don't think Terrance here will help make my landing more soft." Karai grunts as she struggled to hold the big Mogwai in her arms.

"We don't have any other options do we?" Leo whispered. "Look, I'll climb down the window. And once I do, you guys toss the Mogwais to me and the others outside, alright?"

Knowing he's right they nod. They quietly follow him as he carefully opens a door to a room. Once they step inside they immediately freeze and gasp when they see Mrs.ColdHeart's chauffeur inside. It was her room as she was laying on her bed, getting ready to nap. She stared at the group with the Mogwais in their arms as they stared back at her. Without saying anything, she puts on her face mask and lays her head on her pillow.

They all look at each other before slowly stepping out of her room and quietly shuts the door. They all take a moment before entering a different room. Leo goes to a window, handing Stripe to Twilight as he tries to unlock the window. But due to it being old and rusty, it's hard for him to make it budge.

"Leo, hurry!" Donnie whispered.

"Im trying, the lock won't budge!" Leo grunts as he keeps trying to unlock the window.

Tuck, being bored, tries to jump off Mikey's arm. Mikey struggles to keep him in his arms as Tuck jumps off, tucks into a ball and begins bouncing all over the room.

"Tuck no!" Mikey whisper screamed.

Mrs.ColdHeart, who just put the cat food away, immediately hears the noise coming from upstairs. She sat up and marches to her chair lift. She saw the opened window, which she knows she didn't open. She shuts and locks the window before she sits in her chair lift and it begins carrying her upstairs.

Mikey tried grabbing Tuck, but he kept bouncing everywhere like a rubber bounce ball.

"Mikey, grab him!" Donnie panicks.

"Im trying, he won't stop bouncing!" Mikey tried grabbing Tuck who won't stop bouncing.

With quick thinking, Shinigami takes off her hat, waits for the perfect moment and tosses it in the air. Tuck instantly lands into Shinigami's hat as it falls back in her arm before she pulls out the Mogwai.

"Nice work, Shinigami." Karai complimented as Shinigami smiles.

"Do you think she heard?" April asked worried.

Mikey tip toes to the door to check. When he carefully opens the door, he sees a shadow rising up from the stairs as he quickly shuts the door.

"Dudes, she's coming!"

Everyone gasps.

"What do we do?" Asked a panicked April.

Leo thinks before he thinks of a solution.

"Our only option is the front door. All we gotta do is sneak past her and walk out the front door."

"Wouldnt be a problem, if we didn't have Mogwai who seem to like causing trouble!" Donnie points out as the five Mogwai chuckle.

"We don't have any other choice, do we..?!" Leo whispered. "Just keep them as quiet as you can."

They heard footsteps approaching. They all quickly search for a hiding spot. Mrs.ColdHeart bursts through the door. She stares at the seemingly empty room. She kept a suspicious look as her eyes darts around. She slowly steps out of the room before shutting the door. Everyone quietly got out of their hiding spots and slowly approached the door. Leo slowly reaches his over the doorknob and twists it. He slowly opens the door and peaks through as he saw Mrs.ColdHeart entering another room, shutting the door.

"Okay, she's in another room. Let's quickly and quietly head to the front door." Leo whispers.

Everyone quietly exits the room and slowly makes their way to the stairs. As Leo, Mikey, Donnie, April, Karai, Shinigami and Fluttershy quietly walked down the stairs, Twilight was about to head downstairs. But suddenly Mrs.ColdHeart grabbed hold of her arm, causing her to scream.

"Twilight!" Leo calls out.

"Miss Sparkle! I should've known it would be you and your juvenile friends!" Mrs.ColdHeart gripped Twilight's arm harder. "Just wait till the authorities hear about all of you breaking into my house!"

"Lady, you stole our Mogwai!" Karai points out.

"Shut your mouth you punk looking thug!" Mrs.ColdHeart snaps. "Your butts will be locked up for life!"

Spike started barking at Mrs.ColdHeart. Mrs.ColdHeart looks at him and scowls. But her scowl turns into a grin.

"You brought your dog? Well, not only will I lock up you kids, but I also get to throw that mutt into the pound where he belongs." She threatened.

Mikey ran downstairs.

"Mikey, where are you going?!" Donnie called out, but Mikey doesn't answer as he's gone now.

"Mrs.ColdHeart, please, don't do this! Look, we'll do anything, just don't have us arrested!" Twilight pleads.

Mrs.ColdHeart looks at Twilight. Her face seems to soften.

"Hmm... you know miss Sparkle, perhaps I could let this slide. I'll let all of you go, but on one condition."

Twilight, still feeling angsty, looks at Mrs.ColdHeart. "W-What..?"

Mrs.ColdHeart's frown comes back. "Give me that creature." She motions to Stripe. "Just that creature alone, and you're all free to go."

Twilight and Fluttershy gasp as Twilight holds Stripe close to her.

"I-I can't do that." Twilight protest.

"Give it to me!" Mrs.ColdHeart forcefully tried to snatch Stripe off her hands.


"Give it to me now!"

As they were fighting over Stripe, Stripe was snarling at Mrs.ColdHeart, growling and swinging his hand at her. But they were interrupted when a cloud of smoke appears behind them. They turned their attention towards it and saw Mikey, who took off his camouflage bracelet and was his mutant turtle self. But he was completely covered in flour, making him look like a white monster to Mrs.ColdHeart.

Mikey looks at Mrs.ColdHeart and threw his hands up, letting out a scream.


Mrs.ColdHeart screams in terror. She was so scared in fact, she began hyperventilating, holding her chest tight. She continued to hyperventilate until she slowly got on her knees and slowly fall backwards, laying on her back.

Everyone stared in shock, completely stunned at what they just witnessed. The silence was broken when Mikey screamed in terror.

"Aaaaah!!! What have I done?! I killed her! I'm a murderer!!!!"

"Oh no, oh no! We're definitely in trouble now!" Twilight panicked.

Everyone gathered around Mrs.ColdHeart's motionless body.

"What do we do?" Karai asked in a panick.

"I don't know, but we can't just leave her like this." Leo tried thinking.

"What were you thinking, Mikey?!" Donnie shouts.

"I was just trying to help!" Mikey argued.

"Scaring an old woman should be the last thing to resort to!" Donnie shot back.

Donnie looks down at Mrs.ColdHeart and immediately noticed something.

"Wait, hold on."

Donnie bends down, puts his hand over her mouth and felt warm air coming out. He sighed in relief.

"Oh, it's okay! She's not dead! She just fainted."

Everyone sighed in relief. They stared at her body, still laying on the floor.

"Sooo what should we do with her?" April asked.

Moments later everyone was in what they assumed was Mrs.ColdHeart's room and have her laying on her bed.

"Are you sure this will work, Leo?" Donnie asked skeptically.

"Sure. She wakes up in her bed, realizing everything was a dream. So like nothing happened." Leo smiled assuringly.

"I mean sure, but-"

Before Donnie could finish, Mrs.ColdHeart suddenly shot up from the bed gasping, making everyone scream. She looked around, processing where she is before turning to the teens.

"Yous! Trying to make me think I was dreaming are ya?! Well it's not gonna work! I'm gonna have yous lock away for so long that-!"

Before she could finish, Shinigami suddenly puts her hypno ball infront of Mrs.ColdHeart. She swings it left and right as Mrs.ColdHeart stares at it. Her screams started to slow down as she started to become completely hypnotized by Shinigami's hypno ball.

"You are getting sleepy. Sleepy." Shinigami whispered to the hypnotized woman.

"Sleepy..." Mrs.ColdHeart repeats.

"You will forget everything that has happened today." She whispered, still swinging the hypno ball left and right.

"Forget everything that has happened today..." Mrs.ColdHeart repeats.

"You will forget everything that has happened the past week as a matter of fact." Shinigami continues to whisper.

"Forget everything that has happened the past week..."

"Which means you never saw a single Mogwai."

"Not a single Mogwai..."

"Now, sleep." Shinigami snapped her fingers, Mrs.ColdHeart instantly falling back on her bed sleeping.

Everyone stared all baffled as Donnie face palmed.

"Why didn't we try that in the first place?" He groaned.

They all started walking back to the front door to finally leave the house with the Mogwais.

"Man, glad that's over." Leo sighed.

"I'll say. I never wanna encounter Mrs.ColdHeart ever again." Twilight adjust her glasses.

They opened the front door to greet everyone.

"Hey guys, sorry it took so-"

Leo and the others eyes go wide when they saw everyone shivering and their skins turned completely blue.

"Whoa, what happened to you guys?!" Twilight asked shocked.

"M-M-Mrs.Coldheart..!" Sunset shivered.

"Let's get these guys somewhere warm fast!" Leo urged.

"Good thing we took the party wagon." Donnie said as he pulled out the keys.

As everyone was heading towards the party wagon while carrying the Mogwai, Stripe was staring and glaring at the house which had Mrs.ColdHeart inside. He silently growled as he quietly says one thing.

"Mrs.ColdHeart..." he growled between his teeth.

Everyone was in Applejack's home, warming up by the fireplace as Sunset, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Casey, Raph and Mona were covered in blankets with hot chocolate.

"That lady splashed water on you guys?!" Karai said in disbelief.

"That... that witch!" April said angry. "No offense, Shinigami."

"None taken." Shinigami crossed her arms. "That was truly despicable of her!"

Rarity was sniffling and bawling. "That woman ruined my outfit! She's so cruel! I wished I went inside instead."

"Trust me Rarity, it's good you didn't. Otherwise you would've saw the very tacky outfits this woman had." Karai told her bawling friend, remembering the outfits, especially the hat she and Shinigami saw.

"Sorry this happened to you guys." Leo frowned.

"No worries, Leo." Sunset assured. "It was worth it since we got these little guys back."

Sunset motions to the Mogwai, who were eating some snacks and chuckling. Everyone nodded and agreed with Sunset's statement.

"Though I'm not sure I'm willing to get drenched in water in cold weather again." Raph made clear as he sipped his hot chocolate.

"But what about Mrs.ColdHeart?" Casey brought up. "Wouldn't she like, want revenge or something? What if she tries to steal the Mogwai again?"

"Oh, we don't have to worry about that anymore." April announced proudly.

"Shinigami hypnotized her and had her forget she ever saw Gizmo in the first place." Leo finished.

"So safe assured, Gizmo and the Mogwai are safe." Donnie added.

Everyone just were dumbfounded by the news. Raph breaking the silence.

"Why didn't we do that in the beginning?!" He face palmed.

"Trust me, I asked the same thing." Donnie nods.

"Sounds too convenient to me." Pinkie Pie scratched her head.

"I'll take it, if it means she doesn't bother Gizmo and the other Mogwai again." April scratched Gizmo's head, causing him to pur.

Everyone agreed as they all let out a sigh.

"So, how did you manage to hypnotize Mrs.ColdHeart?" Casey asked.

"Funny thing. Get this, Michelangelo covered himself in flour, jumped out at her and scared her, causing her to faint!" Shinigami laughs, as everyone else did.

"Yo, seriously?" Casey laughed.

"No joke!" April wheezed.

"We thought Mikey killed her for a moment!" Donnie held his gut from laughing.

"I wish I could've seen that!" Raph catched his breath.

"Me too." Rainbow Dash grinned.

Donnie continued the story as everyone laughed together.

Night came and the Turtles and their human friends started saying goodbye to the Rainbooms.

"Goodnight, girls." Leo waved.

"Hopefully our next visit is Mrs.ColdHeart free." April chuckled.

"We hope so too." Twilight nods as she carries Tuck in her arms.

"Goodnight, y'all." Applejack waved her friends goodbye as they all head home.

Applejack carried Terrance inside. But do to her still sore knee she limped. Granny Smith, seeing her state, calls out to Applejack.

"Applejack, why not have one of your siblings help carry that critter to your room?"

"Nah nah, it's alright, Granny Smith. I got-" Applejack flinched as she held her knee. "Ow!"

"Big Mac, help your sister." Granny Smith looked at her grandson.

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded and took Terrance from Applejack's arms.

"Im sorry Granny Smith. Just didn't wanna burden anyone is all." Applejack tilts her head down.

"Now don't fret. We're your family Applejack, it's never a burden. Now go get some rest so your knee can get better.

Applejack smiled and nods before getting up the stairs. Once she gets upstairs she sees Terrance on his bed. And Winona is with him, licking his face much to his annoyance. Applejack on the other hand was smiling.

"Well looks like someone missed you, huh Terrance?" She smiled as she limps over to her dresser to get her pajamas.

Terrance just growls as Winona finally stops licking his face and running downstairs. Terrance wiped his face, glaring at the doorway Winona ran through.

After some time getting ready, Applejack lays on her bed and shuts her lamp off.

"Goodnight Terrance, see you in the morning." Applejack snuggles in her bed before falling asleep.

Terrance stared at the ceiling, still bothered by Winona constantly licking his face. He's had enough of it.


Outside was snowing hard, really coming down tonight. Applejack was sleeping peacefully in her bed, as was Terrance. Suddenly a sound of a cry was heard. Applejack blinks and rubs her eyes, trying to wake herself up. She listened for the sound again to find out what it was. Soon enough she heard it again. It was Winona. She was crying and whimpering.

"Winona?" Applejack called out. She gets up and limps out of bed.

Applejack limps outside the halls to see that the rest of her family was up too, as they've also been hearing Winona.

"Y'all hear Winona?" Applejack asked her family.

"Eeyup." Big Mac nods.

"But where is she? I couldn't find her anywhere." Applebloom said in worry.

"Im sure that little dog is around here somewhere." Granny Smith assured.

Everyone kept searching the house. Applebloom looked under the tables and desks. She heard Winona's cries again. But she noticed it wasn't from inside the house. It was coming from outside. She looked out the window and her eyes widen in horror.

"Granny Smith, Big Mac, Applejack!!!!" Applebloom cried out to her family.

They all quickly rushed over to her and sees what Applebloom sees, and they all gasp in horror.

"Oh my word! Big Mac, go get that dog!" Granny Smith panicked.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac quickly puts on his boots and runs outside.

It was revealed that Winona was dangling from an apple tree, tangled in Christmas lights as she shivers from being out in the blizzard. Big Mac quickly gets to her and gets her untangled. He wraps her in a blanket and carries her inside.

Once the family dog was inside they all cater to the dog and dried off the snow off her.

"Poor girl, how in tarnation did she get on that tree?" Applejack asked in shock.

"She could've froze out there! Poor Winona..." Applebloom frowned as she pet and kissed Winona.

"How she got up there is sure a mystery." Granny Smith scratched the shivering Winona's head.

"Eeyup." Big Mac nods.

Winona was shivering and whimpering after being hung and tangled in the tree. She looked by the staircase and saw Terrence looking through the bars. But instead of looking happy, Winona whimpers and shakes more as she sees the Mogwai, being afraid of him now.

Terrence just watches Winona be scared of him, as a grin slowly forms on his face, quietly giggling at her.