Alwas Appreciate What is Right in Front of You

by coolpony01

Ch 27 Rude Grandparents

I am here picking up Sweetie Belle. We are going on a lunch date. I saw a unicorn mare with a white coat, a gray mane and tail blue eyes and a golden sun for a cutie mark. Next to her was an older stallion unicorn mare with a gray coat, a gray mane and tail green eyes and a book with the celestial sun symbol for a cutie mark. For  “Grandpa Grandma what brings you by.” Sweetie Belle asked seemingly hoping for a different answer.

“We are here to ask you to end your unholy relationship Celestia never intended for two different species to be together.” Sweetie Belle’s grandmother spoke.

Sweetie Belle let out a sigh “Grandma Grandpa there is nothing wrong with our relationship and everyone news that Celestia was the one who legalized inter species relationships.” Sweetie Belle spoke.

“Do not give us that young mare, it is tradition for a pony to be with a pony. What you’re doing is sickening.” Sweetie Belle’s grandmother spoke.

“Actually that tradition ended 40 years ago.” I stated.

“And it should not have been the way Equestria has been for centuries and it is also tradition that a dragon should not be allowed to become a citizen of Equestria due to the actions that your kind have committed.” Sweetie Belle’s grandmother spoke.

“Hey you do not get to talk that way about my boyfriend.” Sweetie Belle said in rage.

“Well you shouldn’t be dating that beast.” the grandfather yelled.

“I’ve been called a beast before. Do you really think this is gonna to change anything? Nothing's gonna stop me from dating your granddaughter.” I spoke.

“You will stay in line, you overgrown lizard.” The grandfather spoke.

“No, I will not stay in line. I love your granddaughter with all my heart and that means I’m not leaving here no matter what.” I spoke.

“Grandma Grandpa, you don’t get to come here and try to make me break up with the most wonderful boy I’ve ever met just because you want to hold onto Equestrian’s traditions. Times are changing and new ideas are forming and you’re just gonna have to accept that.” Sweetie Belle spoke.

Rarity then walked in “Grandmother Grandfather what are you doing here this is a surprise.” Rarity spoke with confused elegance.

“Rarity your sister is dating this beast surely with your refinement you can see the morality of this.” The grandfather spoke.

“First of all I find inter species relationships to be completely understanding so long as they love each other and second of all I’ve known Spike for years now and he’s been nothing but a gentle man to me and my friends and I couldn’t be happier that he’s fallen in love with Sweetie Belle he did use to love me it was adorable but we wouldn’t of worked out so I’m glad he’s chosen Sweetie Belle instead.” Rarity stated.

“Why are all my grandchildren like this? Clearly your mother has let all morals out the window.” The grandfather spoke.

“Morals" is a funny word. I for one find it immoral to try and force someone to break up when their relationship is something that should be celebrated not condemned.” Rarity spoke.

“But it is condemnable that ponies are meant to live with their own kind, not some beast.” The grandfather spoke.

“Their own kind now you’re just being rude ponies aren’t more important than other creatures to think not is laughable now if you’ll be so kind as to leave if you’re gonna treat Spike like this.” Rarity asked.

The grandparents then left. “ I can’t believe you stood up to my grandparents like no one’s ever done that before.” She spoke proudly.

“Well Twilight’s noble guests were rude to me so I’ve learned to stick up for myself.” I said.

“And that’s a good thing everyone needs a backbone.” Rarity spoke.

“Yeah no one’s ever gonna ruin our relationship we’re meant for each other.” Sweetie Belle spoke with a smile and I smiled back.