My Little Pony: The Flurry Heart’s Story

by Arkogon

Chapter 10: Reborn

Flurry Heart was at the courtyard picking flowers as she saw Spike, who was staring at the statue. She walks up to him and asks if he’s okay.

“Do you still miss her?”

He sighed, “I do really miss her. Every time I see a unicorn who looks like her, it reminds me how she was there at Celestia’s school. It kept her focused and concentrated to find a way for everypony and friends. I always remember how I was there for her. I was like a little brother to her since I was born from her magic. She was organized, smart, and loves books.” Flurry chuckled, as he continued. “Books were her favorite indoor and outdoor activity.”

“Guess that’s her favorite activity,” she added. “I remember when she was my babysitter, as my family went on a trip. I know she was all busy, busy, but she had a lot of time to understand me.” She looks in the sky. “I always wonder if she has many parts of her own to play.”

“A lot,” said Spike. “A lot to play her part. She has tons to play hers each time when Equestria is in danger. But she still got it, with the help of her friends.”

Flurry smiled, then she had a second thought. “Do you think I have more parts to play? I didn’t mean to mention it, but do I play my part as well?”

“If I knew, maybe someday, you may play your part,” said Spike.

He is right, she soon has her part to play. As everything went well, a burp of flame burst with a scroll, as he read about troubles at Everfree Forest.

“Looks like something is wrong,” he marked. “I have to go see.”

“Can I come?” She asked.

“No, you're staying here.” As he told her.

“Come on, please?” As she did puppy eyes.

Spike sighed heavily but smiled. When they arrived, Shining Armor was waiting for him with the rest of the guards. “Spike, glad you came.” He hugs him, but then notices his daughter is here. “Flurry?”

“Hi, dad,” Flurry said, smiling.

“Sweetie, why didn’t you stay at the castle with your mother?” He asked. “Or with Celestia, or Luna?”

“She wanted to come," he said. “I got your scroll. So, what’s going on here?”

“We got a disturbance from the Everfree Forest,” Shining Armor concluded. “Princess Cadance, believe something is weakening it. So we’re gonna investigate.” Then he looks at Flurry. “And you, stay here with them.”

“Dad,” she whined. “I’m this old now.” As she shows him how old she is with her hoof to length she is.

“Yeah, I don’t know what it means,” said Spike. “But please stay there.” He tells her.

Flurry hmph, as they enter the Everfree Forest. Then stayed with the guards but made a smirk looking back at the forest. Shining Armor and Spike wanders through the forest investigating the disturbance they do not know. They haven’t found anything, but notice something isn’t right around them.

“You know, something is not right.” He said, looking around their surroundings. “There's no howling around us. It’s like the enchanted forest just became quiet again.”

“You’re right,” he agreed. “Cadance may be onto something about the forest.” When looking around, they heard a rustle behind the bushes. “Okay, whoever you are, reveal yourself!” As he demanded, the figure came out of hiding and turned out to be Flurry Heart. And he was not happy. “Flurry! Didn’t you listen to us?”

“Dad! I’m not little anymore,” she added. “I’m old, so I do whatever I want now.”

“But this is a job for me and Spike, not you.” He told her. “Now please return with the guards or I’ll have to take you to…”

“Uh, Shining Armor?” He asked, trying to get his attention.

He got his attention, and Shining looked to see a pile of dry woods. Not just piles, a bunch of dry woods lying around. Known to them, they found the forest was completely almost drained like their lifeforce was taken.

“Who could have done this?” Spike asked, after seeing what had happened.

Before they knew, Flurry Heart heard spething and went to check. She found animals being scared. “It’s okay,” she said. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”

The animals were still frightened, as Spike and Shining Armor wondered why. “Something frightened them. Like they have seen something,” Spike concluded.

“Might be,” Shining Armor figured. “We must return to the Crystal Empire.”

Spike agreed, as they settled to leave. But Flurry started to sense a presence coming from the deep forest. Something was calling for her as she was in a trance to an anonymous magic. It was calling for her to come as she walked towards it, but was stopped by Spike’s words.

“Flurry!” He called. “Don’t go into deep forest. Stay close to your father.” Then he looks at Shining Armor. “We should call this in.”

Then Flurry looked back at the deep forest not sensing anything anymore. She felt like it was someone she knew before, but it wasn’t. She rejoins with her father, as they leave.

After returning, Princess Cadance heard from them of what happened to the Everfree Forest. She has no idea who could have done to drain the life out of it.

“I do not understand,” She said. “No creatures will ever be able to drain lifeforce from the Everfree Forest. It’s a mysterious place and home for creatures and animals. Who could’ve done that?”

“We do not know,” Spike added. “But it's already happening. The animals are scared of something in the Everfree Forest. There’s no howling from the Timberwolves cause we found lying twigs all around drained.”

“Did these animals know who did it?” She asked.

He and Shining do not know who because they don’t understand what they said. She understands but needs to know what they’re facing. “Princess Cadance, should we report this?” Shining Armor asked.

“No,” she replied. “But we can’t let anypony know about this. We have to find out who's doing it if we attempt to stop it.”

“But our friends,” Spike added. “Should we tell them?”

“We cannot,” she announced. “If they knew, they'd be facing a new threat we do not know. This is between the kingdom and the threat. We already lost some from the past moons, our magic hasn't come back ever since the sun and moon were now in control again. If we have it back, we can stop it from coming.” But she thought of something. “But we have our other friends who can help us.” Then she looks at Spike. “Spike, come. We must send this message at once.”

“Wait,” Shining Armor stopped. “Other friends?”

“Don’t worry,” she speaks clearly. “I know which pony could help us.” As she said, she began to write on the scroll. And when she was done, she let Spike breathe his flame to send it to their friend. Now they waited. “Now, we wait. Let’s hope the message gets to him.” She begins to worry that something out there is hurting Equestria, and Spike worries too. But they knew if something out there is trying to bring evil they will stop it no matter what.

Meanwhile in Everfree Forest, every Timberwolves were running away as each one of them were attacked by a red magic draining their essence from their body. As every one of them were drained into a pile of leaves and twigs, the entity fled into shadow, leaving the scene as the whole forest begins to dry out with trees dying out with no life force to make it more magical. The animals and creatures that live there started to leave because it’s not safe anymore with an evil presence walking around.

Meanwhile, Flurry Heart was writing a letter to her dear friend Luster Dawn.

“Dear, Luster Dawn, I went with Uncle Spike and my dad to the Everfree Forest. And when we got there, animals and creatures who live there started to leave. I’m starting to get worried. My mom is trying her best to keep the Crystal Empire safe and Equestria calm, and my father is leading the guard to find out more about what's going on from there. I wish I could help but I have to remain in the castle until it’s safe to come out. And also, I had another nightmare again, but it was different. I dream of the same entity who fought different ponies while trying to open something it was doing. I don't know what it means but it might have something to do with Equestria. I hope you and Argyle are okay, I just worried if you two did find something that might help. Hope to see you again soon. From your best friend, Flurry Heart.” Then she was gonna take it to the post office as she bumped into Celestia. “Oh, I’m sorry, Auntie Celestia. I didn’t see you coming by.”

Celestia chuckled, “Don’t be sorry, little one.” She smiles, “You were really excited to send this letter to a friend, were you?”

“Mm-hm,” she nodded. “She lives with her husband, and I wanna make sure they're doing just fine.”

“Hmm, have you ever visited them?” Celestia asked.

She became silent and replied she had never visited them before. “Well, no. I have to remain in the castle for moons to learn more about friendship. They sometimes come to visit me here every time. But I always wanted to see them at their home if I ever wanted to go out into the world.”

“I see,” she understands. “You really miss them. It’s been moons since everything changed. I never knew all of this would happen so fast. Ponies I knew have already passed away. Everypony's I have missed.”

“Does everypony leave, ever since we’re immortal?” Flurry said, not wanting to ask that question but will.

“Many of them may be gone,” she added. “But they’re still around us. Not all gone from Equestria doesn’t mean we’re alone. They still surround us with magic that binds us together.” Then she hugs Flurry. “I know you will soon see your friends again, I promise that.”

“Thank you, Auntie Celestia.” Then she hurried and gave the letter to the delivery pony.

As everything is alright, she sees a unicorn who she recognizes. “Stygian?”

“Flurry Heart,” he greeted with Star Swirl’s hat. “It’s been so long since Equestria changed.”

She agreed, as her mother then appeared behind her. “Stygian, you finally came.” And Stygian was grateful to see her too. “Shall we talk alone for a while?”

He agreed, and both walked alone to the castle, leaving Flurry alone. But her mind starts to see him resemble her dream. Meanwhile with Stygian and Cadance, they were at the courtyard talking about the trouble at the Everfree Forest.

“So, the trouble at the Everfree Forest?” He recalled. “What caused it?”

“I do not know,” she said. “But something in the enchanted forest is causing havoc. I need you and your friends to check and see what is causing the trouble.”

“Do not worry,” he added. “I've been trained by Star Swirl for a very long time. I was his apprentice for a while.”

“He taught you well,” Cadance said. “I’m sure he’ll be so proud of you.”

When walking, they met Luna who was alone in the garden. And she was surprised to see him again. “Ah, Stygian. Welcome back. It’s been so long since my sister and I have retired.” Then sees he wearing Star Swirl’s hat. “I see you're wearing it, it looks good on you.”

“Thanks,” he tipped his hat. “And pretty soon, I might grow a beard as well.”

She chuckled, as Cadance informed him it was getting late. He must go to the enchanted forest along with Shining Armor and Spike to find what is causing the Timberwolves to be scared. He agreed and headed to the Everfree Forest. Then Flurry Heart decided to follow him to help. After a walk to the Everfree Forest, he found Spike and Shining Armor waiting for him as they saw him arriving.

“Stygian,” Spike greeted. “Great to see you again.”

“And great to see you again, too.” He said, happy to see him. “Now, shall we?”

The three of them enter the enchanted forest but not noticing Flurry was behind, as she pursues. They arrive at the scene where a pile of twigs and leaves, as Stygian investigates and believe its lifeforce were drained out from it.

“These logs were drained out when they were formed together,” he concluded. “Their essence from this forest created these Timberwolves with spirit, but now drain from their twigs. Like Tirek’s Spell.”

“But nopony couldn’t achieve that,” Shining Armor commented. “It has never been used ever since.”

“Might be,” he agreed. “But who would use a spell to do this?”

As they thought, they heard a snap as they turned to see the bushes moving. And Spike then suspects who would hide there. “Flurry Heart?” He guessed.

And she came out of her hiding, as Shining was very disappointed. “Flurry! Did you follow him here?” He yelled.


And he sighed, “Sweetheart, you can’t go out and follow into our investigation. You know it’s dangerous.”

“I just wanna help,” said Flurry Heart.

Before he could say anything, Stygian agreed to let her join their group. “I think she can help. Even though I do need extra hooves to collect these sticks to do research.”

With that, Shining has to agree since she’s now involved. They have been collecting sticks through the night, as he needs more research to understand the cause. As they were collecting some, Flurry stops and drops some sticks on the ground.

“Flurry?” Spike exclaimed. “He said collect them, not drop them.”

But she was too distracted and headed to the deep forest, as Shining tried to stop her from going in there. “Sweetheart, stop! Do not go in there.”

“I… I sense something.” She responded. “It’s the same magic I felt before.” As she continues on towards it.

They do not know what’s happening but Stygian believes something is bringing her. So he follows her, then Spike joins to follow and so does Shining Armor. After a while, they stumble upon more sticks lying around. Flurry looks around until she sees something behind the forest as the figure leaves quickly.

“Wait!” She shouted and chased after it.

“Hold on! Flurry!” Stygian shouted, but she was too far.

She was chasing the figure and arrived at the cave, then entered to see the alicorn had been here for so long. That’s when she finally realized who she was.


The purple alicorn did not respond but only repeated telling herself. “It’s not her. It’s not her. It’s not her. It’s not her.”

“Auntie,” she cried. “It’s me, Flurry Heart.” As she comes closer. “Don’t you remember?”

She does not listen and continues with the sticks she gathers. She was making stick ponies that resemble her friends, as Flurry understands she’s doing.

“You’re friends,” she recalled. “Do you remember them?”

Twilight looked at her and nodded, meaning she remembered them. “Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. My friends…”

“Yes, your friends.” she smiled. “Your friends from Ponyville. And Celestia, you remember her too.”

“Yes,” Twilight responded. “I was her mentor.”

“And my mother, and father? You remember?”

“Cadance,” she remembering. “And Shining Armor, my brother. I remember.” Then she looks at her. “Flurry, is that you?”

Flurry begins to shed tears and hugs her happily, as she returns the hug. The others have arrived and couldn’t believe their eyes, she’s alive.

“Twilight Sparkle…?” Spike startled.

“Sister?” Shining stunned.

“I don’t believe it.” Stygian surprised.

After returning to Crystal Empire, everypony was surprised she was alive. Celestia couldn’t believe she was alive all this time from the moons.

“I never thought I would see you again,” said Celestia.

“We all miss you,” Luna reminded. “All of us have missed you so much.”

“It’s okay,” said Twilight. “It's been long since I remember anything.”

“But there’s one question,” Stygian asked. “How did you survive? Cadance and the others saw you blew up with him?”

“That's what you saw,” she answered. “But the magic of friendship has other ways.” She tells them everything about how it happened. “When I absorbed Equestria magic and used it on him, it saved me and brought me to the Everfree forest. That’s when I lost my memory. I haven’t been able to regain my memories until I remember your Flurry Heart. I remember everything.”

Flurry smiled, as Shining hugged his sister. “Well, never again leave us. Cause you've been gone for moons.”

“Okay, Shining Armor.” She slipped from his grip. “I know you all miss me. But perhaps I should rest for now. Need to have my strength back when returning to be a ruler again. Can someone show the way?”

“Sure,” Spike replied. “As your assistant, I will escort you to the room.”

She smiled, happy to see his smile again. As he led her, Celestia was grateful for her returning home. But not Stygian, he witnessed something wasn't right and told Cadance.

“Something isn’t right,” he whispered.

“What do you mean?”

“Twilight just said someone, not somepony.” He added. “I don’t think she is not feeling well.”

“It's probably because of memory loss,” said Cadance. “I’m sure she feels just fine.”

He wasn’t sure but had a feeling something didn't feel right. It was night now, and Spike was helping her to feel comfortable in the room where she can rest to restore her strength and be ready to announce her return.

“So, how do you feel?” He asked.

“Feeling great,” she responded. “I never knew everything had changed since I was gone.”

“Actually, I meant your friends.” He added. “Do you miss them after you were gone?”

“Oh, that,” said Twilight. “Yeah, I miss them too. I never knew how long I was lost. I didn’t remember much about them, or anything of it. It’s still fuzzy with memories coming back. Perhaps you can let me rest for a bit?”

“Sure,” he nodded. “Anything from my sister.”

As he is about to leave, she asks one thing. “Spike, do you know where the library is? I want to check and see if anything I can remember.”

“Sure,” he smiled, knowing she still likes books.

Back with Flurry, she was so excited as she wrote a message to her friend.

“Dear, Luster Dawn, You don’t believe who has returned. Twilight Sparkle is alive! She has been alive all these long. We might see each other once she regains her strength. And when she does, she can bring back magic for each pony kind and we can finally see each other again. I will be happy to see you and Argyle soon. Love, Flurry Heart.”

When she is done, she hurries to find Spike so he can send it so early. But to her thought, maybe Twilight will like to send it on. Although she would like to know her mentor is alive. She went to Twilight’s room but found it empty. She searched around for her until she heard whispers coming from the library as she went there and saw Twilight Sparkle using magic gathering books all around her.

“Auntie Twilight?” As she came close, and saw her magic have returned so quickly. “What are you doing here? And how is your magic returning so quickly?”

Twilight chuckled, “Foolish, alicorn. Have you ever learned magic can never be gone so easily if you would’ve known much? How much time you lose it, and win it, no matter the cost.”

“You're probably not feeling well,” she worried. “Your memories might be returning.”

“They are returned,” she responded with a sinister voice. “I just wanted them to bring me here. Not to care about seeing you again, Flurry Heart.”

Flurry back away, scared of what was happening to her. “Auntie, you're scaring me. What do you mean?”

Then she stops, dropping books to the ground, as she looks back. “I have no love.”

Just then, she hesitated to hear that before. “I…I heard that before,” she recalled.

“Of course,” she turns around with a sinister smile. “You heard it before…. From me.”

That’s when Flurry realizes she is not Twilight Sparkle, until Twilight reveals herself in red magic transforming into an evil armored alicorn with dragons wings and a dark cloak. And red eyes glow wide as it opens them.

“I am Clipso…. I am reborn.”