My little pony Adventures season 3

by Kayceejr91

The Dragon tournament part 1

Our Story begins with Master Shin's cave Temple in the Dragon Lands. The old Dragon in question was Meditating at the center of his cave, when a flash of light appeared behind him.

"Master Shin!" A voice cried out.

Shin turned to see none other then Spike the Dragon, and noticed that the little drake was glowing.

"Spike?" The old Dragon asked.

"Master Shin my scales are glowing like crazy!" Spike yelped as he scratch himself. "Not to mention this terrible itch what's happening to me!?"

Shin then got up and approached Spike and kneeled in front of him and said "I've seen this a million times."

The old dragon began stroking his goatee.

"This is the call of the Dragon Lord...Dragons are summoned to the Dragon Lord when he is in need of them...And if my hunch is correct then I know what's it about." Shin said grimacing.

"What's that?" Spike asked

"We'll have to find out," Master Shin said, "If you want to get rid of that glow, you must answer the call...Follow me."

The two Dragons were now among many other Dragons of every shape and size. Spike was amazed of the many the different Dragons he was seeing.

"Well well, if it isn't little Sparky." A familiar voice said.

He turn to see the red Dragon bully, he'd met before was walking in front of him.

"It's Spike." Spike said annoyed

"Are you sure your pony friends didn't give you a pony name?" Garble said making fun of him, "And now I'm seeing that you're hanging out with this crazy old Dragon."

"Hey don't talk about Master Shin about that!" Spike shouted defending him.

"Clam yourself Spike," Master Shin putting his claw on his shoulder and then got in front of him, "I'll deal with this."

He then step foward glaring down at Garble.

"You need to learn respect young one," Shin said

"Oh yeah?" Garble replied while bearing his claws, "Why don't you make me?"

Garble took a swipe at Master Shin, but the old dragon to dodged to the left and then to the right. He then swept Garble's legs with his tail and knocking him to the ground.

"Stay down." Shin command.

Garble then got up and growled at the old dragon, but he said nothing and just turned away.

"That was great master Shin." Spike said

"Hummm..." Shin said "A dragon must fight if need be, but only to defend oneself and others."

Soon after that, a giant shadow tower over them and all the other dragons there.

They all turn to see a giant dark blue male Dragon with a red ruby crown on his head. Elephant tusk like horn on each side on his head and he also have some armor on him.

"Dragon of the Land Hear me I Dragonlord Torch must speak!" He roared "Today is the day we have our Dragon tournament the Gauntlet of Fire! This comes but one a century. When the current the dragon lord reaches a certain age he must stand down. So now a younger dragon must take my place... But in order to determine who, we must have a Dragon Tournament! One that will determine who is the strongest, bravest, and smartest out of the lot of you!"

"Dragon tournament?" Spike whispered to master Shin. "Does that mean I'll have to fight one of them?"

"Yes," Master Shin replied.

"Also, all the other leaders from our Neighboring Kingdoms will be attending, as well the alicorns as well!" Torch continues, "So make good impressions and not make us Dragons look BAD!"

A moment of silence happened, as the teenage dragons rolled their eyes.

"ARGREE WITH ME!" Torch shouted.

The Dragons agreed with their soon to be retired lord and then they stopped glowing. Spike then turn to his Master

"I don't want to be Dragon Lord or dragon toast, and I stopped glowing, so let's sneak out of here!" Spike said

But Master Shin stopped him with his tail and said, "Wait young Spike, you cannot run from your responsibilities. As a dragon and a student of mine, you must face your challenges with courage and determination. The Dragon Tournament is not just about fighting, it's also about showcasing our skills, building alliances, and proving ourselves worthy to lead our kind. This is your chance to show everyone what you're capable of and make a name for yourself. Besides I sense ill intentions form the other Dragons. If one were to become Dragonlord, such as Garble, they might want to harm your friends."

Spike looked around hesitant, but he knew his master was right. He took a deep breath and straightened his posture.

"You're right, Master Shin. I cannot run away from my duties. I will face the tournament and do my best to make our kind proud and to protect my friends."

Master Shin smiled at him. "That's the spirit, my student. I have faith you."

"Thank you master, but wait. Let's say I did win the tournament...That means I'll have to stay here." Spike said "That mean I'll never see my friends again?"

"Fear not Spike." Shin said "We'll find a way, for now remember allthe training I gave you?"

"About mastering my greed?" Spike asked "Yeah."

Spike sat down and meditated for a moment. Slowly but steadily, he was able to make himself taller, until he was about same size as Garble. Garble, who just happened to be watching this, could not believe his eyes.

"What the?!" Garble shouted "How did you do that!?"

"Master Shin taught me." Spike said.

"Yeah well what ever." Garble said while trying to hide his Jealousy. "You still can't win this tournament."

"Oh we'll see about that." Spike said.

Later Spike sent a letter to Twilight and the others back in Tambelon In the thorne room. When Twilight read it she took It as well as anyone could expect.

"WHAT!?" The Princess shouted. "Spike is entering the Gauntlet in order to stop the dragons from attacking Equestria!?"

"Yup, that's about the plot of this two parter." Pinkie Pie said.

"We can't let Spiky Wiley go though with this!" Rarity said almost fainting.

"Yeah." Trenderhoof agreed, "If this Spike were talking about he doesn't have a chance."

"Now wait a minute." Flash said "Spike was training with this Master Shin?"

"Yes." Twilight said "But will it be enough?"

"Well looks like we're going to find out because Alicorns and royal are to intend." King Nightlight said as he entered the room with Queen Twilight Velvet by his side.

"But why our little Spike?" Queen Velvet said with tears in her eyes. "He's just a boy!"

"Honey Calm down." King Nightlight said. "We have to trust Spike to do this. Spike has to win or some of the bad dragons might want to rage war on us."

"Ha!" Rainbow Dash "Like that'll be a problem we got the elements the Alicorns, and Discord on our side. No way those dragons could take us over."

"Yes, but we still would have to fight." Fluttershy said.

"Dad is right. We'll have to trust Spike and Master Shin." Twilight said "But a question mind...Ember is the dragon lord's daughter isn't she. Maybe we can trust her. She's Competing in the Gauntlet to right?"

"WRONG!" Torch shouted to his daughter. "You are not competing Ember!"

"Why not!" said Ember furious.

"Cause you're hardly bigger then the other Dragons yourself!" Shouted Torch.

"I smarter then any of those Dragons, and you combined! Shouted Ember.

"It takes more than smarts to run an Empire," said Troch, "It takes brawn! And you don't have any!"

"I am competing and there is nothing you can do to stop me!" shouted Ember flying up into her father's face.

"Over my dead body!" Shouted Torch.

"That guy can be arranged!" Shouted Ember furiously.

The small blue suddenly flew away from her father's mountain perch in a huff. Dragonlord Torch shook his head in frustration.

"As stubborn as ever I see, my old student," a voice spoke up.

Torch turned to see Master Shin appearing behind him.

"What do you want old drake?" said Torch rolling his eyes.

"For one thing," said Master Shin, "I would like to know my the current Dragon Lord is acting so foolishly."

"I have my reasons," said Torch crossing his arms.

"Ember would would make an excellent Dragonlord," said Shin banging his staff, "So have you forbidden her from participating in the Gauntlet?

Torch looked away from his old master, a dark look crossing his face.

"Trust me old drake, I have a feeling about the results of this Dragon Tournament."

Later on, all the Dragons in the land gathered in a large rocky terrain like stadium. The stands were filled with roaring adult dragons, and the skyboxes had royalty from all the neighboring kingdoms.

One by one the teenage dragons filed into the stadium. Spike looked around at all the tall and menacing dragons surrounding him. Even in his tall form, he felt intimating. He turned to looks at his master.

"Master Shin, do you have any advice for me?" Spike asked.

"Yes," said Shin, "Don't lose"

"What, that's it?" said Spike in disbelief.

"Yep, good luck," said Shin flying away.

All of a sudden, DragonLord Torch flew over the stadium. He landed in the skybox between the Griffons and the Deer, much to there terror.

"Let the Carnage Commence!" roared Torch.

Every dragon in the stands cheered.

"Well if I am gonna die," said Spike nervously, "At least nopony I know is here to see it.

"HI SPIKE!" The voice of a familiar pink pony shouted out to him.

Spike to see his Mom, Dad, and Twilight up in the Equeatria Sky box. They were accompanied by Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Flutteyshy, Flash, Soarin, Thunderlane, Trenderhoof, and Troubleshoes. Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich we're holding up "GO SPIKE!" signs.

"Hey, it's everypony I know," said Spike slumping forward.

"Aww look at that," said Garble pointing upwards, "Spike's puny pony friends have come to cheer him on."

All the teenage dragons around Spike snicked, except for a small orange one. Spike's cheeks turn red with embarrassment.

"What are you laughing about Garble?" said the small orange dragon, "You write mom poetry on her birthday."

All the dragon around Garble suddenly laughed, and started pointing at him.

"Sis, no in front of the guys..." said Garble, slinking downward, desperately trying to turn invisible.

"Thanks," said Spike extending a claw to the orange dragon beside him.

The Orange Dragon quickly slapped the claw away.

"I just don't like bullies..." she said.

Spike looked at the orange dragon, nervously tapping his index claws together.

"I'm Spike by the way," he said quickly.

"Smolder," said the small orange dragon not making eye contact.

From up in the stands two Dragons spoke into microphones. One was a male with yellow scales, Black horns, and spikes on his back. The other was female with ruby scales and Scarlet Spins.

"Welcome Dragons to the Gauntlet of Fire the Dragon tournament!" Said the male Dragon who voice is almost as loud as Torch, but can still be heard as well. "This tournament has over 106 young Dragons competing in this Prestigious event, however only 8 will make it to the finals!"

All the young dragon roared on exclaimed (Except for Spike who was still nervous).

"Looks like we've got a full house huh Ruby?" Asked the male Dragon.

"Looks like it Dractle," Said the female Dragon, "However let's go over the rules shell we? There will be no killing and no weapons in any of the matches. Likewise their is no cheating involved, and any drake, doing so shall be Immediately disqualified. Also the only weapons you can use are your Claws, Sharped Teeth, Tails, and Fire Breath. The only way for Competitors to advance to the next round is to defeat their opponents. And they can only beat their opponents in three ways: If the opponent is knocked out, Ringed out, or Forfeits."

"I hear ya, but first the Competitors must get a number note from this box!" Dractle pointed out a box in the middle of the arena with a hole on top of it. "This will determine who will face who in the Elimination Round!

"Elimination Round?!" Exclaimed Twilight in a panicked voice.

"Yup, he's dead," said TrenderHoof

"Oh on guys," Flash said hoping to rise the others hopes, "Maybe Spike can pull it off. He does have Master Shin's training right?"

"Yeeeagh! Shouted out Spike as he tried to avoid blasts of fire.

All around him, teenage Dragons were trying to take each other out. Some were throwing each other out of the ring, while others simply trying to punch each other unconscious. Spike was trying to survive.

"It's pandemonium out their Ruby" announced Dractl.

"That's right Dractl!" commented Ruby.

Up in the stands the ponies were watching Spike in a panic.

"Go to your left Spike!" Shouted out Twilight.

"No to your right!" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

"No your other right!" Shouted Soarin.

"Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness!" said Fluttery hugging Queen Velvet tightly.

Spike couldn't hear any of this, as he was to busy dodging fireballs.

"Well look at what we have here!" A familiar voice said

Spike turned to see Garble along with his friends Fume and Clump surrounding him.

"Well boys," said Garble punching his fists together, "Looks like we have little puny baby Spike all to ourselves."

"Um, Garble," said Clump, "that's not Spike!"

Both Spike and Garble were dumbfounded by what the chubby dragon had just said.

"Yes it is!" said Garble.

"Yes I am! said Spike.

"No," said Fume, "You see Spike was this really tiny puny path dragon, that Garble was always jealous of because he had friends and..."

"Shut up!" said both Spike and Garble at the same time.

"Just pound him," said Garble.

All three dragons flew toward Spike at the same. However right when they were about to make contact, spike ducked. The three teenage dragons bonked heads with each other, and fell to the ground unconscious with stars dancing around their heads.

"Ooh, an excellent dodge from our new young competitor from Equestria," announced Ruby?

"But, what an embarrassment for those three dunderheads," jabbed Dractl.

"WooHooo! Way to go Spike!" said Pinkie Pie, waving her "Go Spike" sign.

But Spike wasn't paying attention, he was still on the ground scratching himself.

"Whoa, that one's pretty impressive," said Flash.

The stallion was pointing his hood toward another ring adjacent to Spike's. In it another battle royal was going on, where a single dragon wearing Golden armor was taking her opponents one by one.

"Now that Dragon is impressive," said ThunderLane.

"You think that's impressive, check out that one," said Rainbow Dash.

In another ring, Smolder was sitting in the middle of the Chaos just chomping on a gemstone.

"She's not even doing anything!" said Soarin in disbelief.

"Yeah, but she's not doing anything in style," said Rainbow Dash.

"More importantly, she's letting her opponents take out each other for her," said Thunderlane.

From off to the sidelines, Master Shin watched the elimination rounds continue. He stoked his goatee with a smile as he watched the young dragons compete.

"It's been a heck of a tournament," Dractl announced hours later, "But we're finally down to our eighth finalists!"

A light shine down and made it's way eight dragons lined up at the center of the arena.

"Wukong the Champion Dragon," Dractl announced as the light shone on a muscular orange dragon with pointed black spines. He sported white gi with a black belt.

"Wukong is a masted of the martial arts who's been training for the gauntlet of fire since the day he was hatched!" Dractl continued.

"That's right Dractl," said Ruby chiming in, " Not only can Wukong blast beams of fire out his mouth, but his fists and claws as well."

The whole arena cheered as the muscular dragon flexed.

"Noodles the Ninja Dragon," the light shone on a scrawny orange dragon with slurping down a bowl of ramen. He sported blue headband which held up his yellow spines.

"Not only Noodles a master of the ancient art of ninjitsu, but a fine connoisseur with a taste for ramen to boot," announced Dractl

"Using his ancient dragon techniques, Noodles can literally make duplicates of himself, which he can use to take down his opponents," commented Ruby.

Noodles gave a victory crowd cheered for him.

"Competitor X mysterious Dragon Warrior," the light shined on the dragon in golden armor posing proudly.

"No ones know who this mysterious competitor is behind the mask, only that he's single handed my been tearing up the completion," announced Dractl.

"Indeed, this mysterious competitor taken the entire competition by storm," commented Ruby.

DragonLord Torch raises an eyebrow at the mysterious competitor as the whole crowd cheered.

"Yo-yo the Dragon Punk," the light shined on a oh no green dragon with slicked back black spike. He sported a blue school jacket and chewed on a toothpick.

"This street wise young dragon isn't afraid to let his fists do the talking," announced Dractl.

"And his fists and isn't afraid to play dirty, as he's made plenty of enemies in this arena alone," commented Ruby.

The entire arena started booing and hissing at Yo-yo, throwing tomatoes and rocks down at him.

"Aw, buzz off!" said the teenage dragon tossing away his toothpick.

"Lucky the Pirate Dragon," the light shined down on a lanky red dragon in a straw hat. He bounced about with a smile on his face completely carefree.

"This happy go lucky dragon who sails the skies looking for adventure, with a jolly crew by his side," announced Dractl.

"Uses his dragons powers to stretch and bounce like rubber, this captain taken many an opponent, including the infamous Don Grif'aun!" comment Ruby.

The entire crowd cheered for the smiling Dragon, all except for one creature night up in the stands.

"Boo! Hiss!" Shouted down a familiar Griffon with a cast on his arm, "Disqualify him! Disqualify him!"

"Smolder the Dragon Girl," the light shined on the small orange frame of Smolder.

"This tomboyish young lady has made quite a name for herself over the years," announced Dractl.

"That's right Dractl," commented Ruby, "She determined to prove that anything a boy dragon can do, a girl dragon can do better!"

Smolder rolled her eyes as the crowd cheered for her.

"Fangs the Dragon Dog," the light shined on a red dragon sporting a flowing white mane of hair and a snaggle tooth. He sported necklace made of fangs and carried a large oversized bone on his shoulder like a club.

"This feral young crossbreed spent his childhood raised amongst the Diamond Dogs, and shares in their viscous nature," announced Dractl.

"With with his super-dragon strength and canine like instincts, he's determined to win this tournament for the Kingdom Diamondia," commented Ruby

The Diamodia skybox roared is applause, as the Diamond Dogs howled and barked for their champion.

"And Finally, a new competitor, Spike the Dragon"

The entire arena went silent as a light shined on Spike. Only a single pair of hooves was applauding for the purple dragon.

"Yay, Spike WooHoo!" Cried out Pinkie.

"Ooh, a rough welcome for our newest competitor, en Ruby," commented Dractl.

"Well I can hardly blame them, Dractl," continued Ruby, "This young Dragon hails from the land of Equestria, home of the ponies...And as every dragon knows, ponies think that their better than every creature else!"

"Hey!" shouted Rainbow Dash leaping up from her seat, "We do not think that!"

"Yes you do!" shouted out a dragon from the stands.

All of a sudden, all of the dragons in the arena started booing and hissing, throwing rocks and tomatoes up at the pony box. The unicorn guards watching over the box cast a magic force field protecting the ponies. Twilight Sparkle looked up at her parents and then at the angry crowd of dragons nervously.

"The dragons don't really think that about us, do they?" asked Twilight whispering to her father.

"Just smile and wave sweetheart," said King Nightlight doing that himself, " Smile and wave."

DragonLord Torch frowned at the scene below him.

"Well so much for not us Dragons look bad," mumbled Torch.

"ENOUGH!" Torch shouted, his voice filling the entire arena.

All of the dragons in the stands suddenly fell silent as they looked up nervously at their leader.

"Now that all Finalists have been chosen," announced Torch, "Let the final round of the Gauntlet of Fire!"

All of a sudden a loud crash of thunder and lightning filled the air. Dark clouds began to form over the arena, creating a funnel of darkness which slowly made it's way down two the arena. Pony's and dragons held on tightly to their seats as the twister sent violent winds throughout the stands, making it's way to the ground below. The funnel touched down right in front of the eight competitors with a violent crash of lightning.

Spike opened his eyes and to his horror saw King Sombra with Catrina right behind him.

Several large dragons quickly swooped down from the stands and surrounded the two fiends. DragonLord Torch leapt down from the stands and crashed down right down in front of Sombra.

"How dare you enter the DragonLands uninvited! You despicable Curr!" Torch growled leaning down to look at the stallion directly.

"Uninvited?" Said Sombra with an innocent smile, "Now really Torch, that hurts. I've come to take part in the Gauntlet of Fire of corse.

Torch raises an eyebrow, "You're bluffing.."

"Not at all," said Sombra, "This is the famous Gauntlet of Fire after all, where the ruler of the DragonLand's is chosen...Shouldn't be allowed a chance to take that title.

Torch looked out Sombra in disbelief for a moment. Suddenly he raised his head high in the sky and laughed out loud.

"BWAHAAHAAHAAAAAAAA!" The DragonLord boomed.

All the dragons in the stands quickly joined in, laughing at King Sombra's expense.

"You idiot!" Said torch wiping away a tear, "Only dragons can compete in the Gauntlet of Fire, and you ain't no Dragon!"

"Really," said King Sombra in disbelief, "Well this certainly is embarrassing. I guess I'd better just head home and...Wait a minute! I do have a dragon!"

From behind him, Catrina raised her staff, and then banged it down on the ground. From up in the clouds, a large shadowy figure began lowering itself. As the shape made it's way down to the arena, every creature in the stands had a terrified look upon their face. Even the dragons were petrified with fear. Torch looked up in disbelief. Landing directly behind Sombra was a green dragon even larger than him.

"Meet Smog," said Sombra.

The large green Dragon roared, shaking the entire arena. Many dragons in the stands screamed and panicked, flying away.

"B-but, we already have all the competitors picked out!" said Torch gesturing towards the eight competitors.

The great green Dragon raised his tail and swiped it at Smolder, causing her to crash into a wall.

"Smolder!" cried out Spike going the orange dragons aide.

"Seem's to me you just had an opening," said Sombra with a wicked smile.

From up in the stands Twilight and her friends looked down on the scene below in horror. DragonLord Torch growled at Sombra and the giant green a dragon behind him. Master Shen raised a disapproving eyebrow. Spike was just concerned about Smolder, who looked badly hurt.

"So what happen's now Dractl?" announced Ruby in a panic.

"One thing's for certain Ruby," commented Dractl with a serious look on his face.

"This Gauntlet of Fire just got Real!"

TO Be Continued