The Story To Dizzy Paws

by DizzyPaws356

Chapter9: Making it back to Ponyvil.

Made by: DizzyPaws356

Chapter9: Making it back to Ponyvil.

DizzyPaws is walking down a dirt path though the woods with the trees gently shaking their leafs to the flood the floor with many colors of orange and red. He walks along the path leading into Ponyvil. As he makes it between two houses that he wonder though when he was a little colt. He watches a few ponies that are walking down the road. He wonders around the town for a few hours. Coming across the hospitable that he was born in and wonder out of.

His mind flashes behinds his eyes to show him walking out the door. He watches himself walking and past him into the woods. When he made it a few feet in the woods he fades away. DizzyPaws shakes his head and looks back at the hospitable, 'I guess I found where I came from.' he tells himself in his mind shows him a moment in the past.

DizzyPaws turns around and walks though the town. Not knowing anypony nearby, he starts to walk through the town. After about an hour of looking around, he feels that his is where he truly came from. He looks around the town to find a home to settle down in. He finds a home that is for sale. DizzyPaws walks over the door. He sees a note hanging from the handle. He picks it up and starts to read it. 'If you would like to buy this house then go to the blue home that is next to SugerCubeCorner.'. DizzyPaws takes the paper and makes his way to the house that the note said.

He knocks on the door when he arives to the house. After a few minuets the door opens up, "Who is it?." the voice asked from inside the house, "Yes it's me Dizzy Paws and I wanted to know if I can buy the house on the edge of town? I don't have much right now, but I can pay it over time." he replied wondering what the reply would be. After a few moments the door opens, "Come in and we will talk about it." the stallion said walking to the kitcen. DizzyPaws follows right behind him. The stallion looking though his stuff, "Your the only one who wanted to buy it in a long time. It has been up for a while, but you know no pony wants to live so far out of town near the Everfree." he tells DizzyPaws as he sits at the kitcen.

When the stalion sits at the table where DizzyPaws is he places papers on the table, "How much do you think you can pay at a time?" he asked DizzyPaws pulling out the contract. Dizzy looks down alittle, "Well I just left my parents and they only gave me some to b good for a while, but i'll find a job to get more." he replies to the stallion that has a questionable face, "Well sence your the only pony who has been wanting to but the house I guess I can let you live in the house till you get a job. I'll be watching you so you don't just slack in the house." the stallion replies. DizzyPaws sits up, "I promise that i'll try to find it in at lease a week if i'm lucky." he tells the stallion.

The stallion and DizzyPaws makes an agreement to the house and he signs a paper saying how much he will pay in time and how much. The stallion gives Dizzy the keys to the house, "Thank you sir." he says to the stallion, "I'll be checking up on you in a week. Better have a job by then." the stallion tells Dizzy. He nods and walks off to the house. When DizzyPaws makes his way to the house he opens the door and looks inside. The rooms are a little dusty. It is easy to tell that no pony has bn in the house for a good year or two, "Welcome to your new hme Dizzy." he tells himself witha smile on his face when he places his bag on the floor.

DizzyPaws starts to Clean h house from the dust and dirt. When he finishes cleaning his new house he smiles more, but fels as if something was missing, "Hmmm..." he said looking though the house then outside, "I should plant a Maple tree..." he tells himself. He grabs his bag and walks outside. He makes his way into the woods. After about an hour of looking he finds a Maple sapling DizzyPaws gently digs it up and places it in his bag. When he finishes gently places his soon to be new maple tree at his house he flies of. Before getting to his house he gets blind sided by anyother pony sending both to the ground.

When DizzyPaws open his eyes he sees hsi muffins his mother made him scatterd around the ground, "My Muffins!" he yells out as another voice syas the same thing. He looks over seeing a gray mare with light blind mane and a tail to match. Her eyes looked like a golden sun rise. As Dizzy looks into this beauitful mares eyes, both if their eyes 'derp'. They gasp, "Your eyes derp to?!" they both say in sink, "My name is Dizzy, Dizzy Paws." he tells her, "My name is Derpy, Depry Hooves." she replies looking at DizzyPaws.