My Little Ball of Fire & Vengeance

by Scootaboom1

Ch 27

Amber Wood

Well it looks like Silver Spoon has finally gotten fed up with Diamond Tiaras' behavior and now I will be able to talk to her alone.

And now she was down in the dumps about pretty much everything.

But I still may not be able to approach her just yet as the Cutie Mark Crusaders appear to be tailing her for the moment.

Giving a solo in the park about her feeding the Crusaders decide to go make plans for tomorrow and I had my opportunity.

Walking up to her as she stared sorrowfully into the lake I called out, "Yo, DT you need some pony or rather some kirin to talk too."

Diamond Tiara gave me a confused look and asked aggressively, "What do you, want!?"

Sitting next to her I looked out over the lake and without looking at her gave my answer, "You know, before I actually came to Ponyville I met my nirik counter part out in the Everfree Forest.

She told me about the ponies she knew about here in Ponyville and I got to see her memories of them by looking in her eyes.

From my perspective it seemed like you had gotten replaced by a changeling or something and I was even planning to capture you for interrogation.

But I soon realized that the change that had occurred was from you getting your cutie mark.

So I'll ask again, wanna talk?"

I could see Diamond Tiaras' reflection in water out of the corner of my eye and saw that she had a showl on her face.

With an annoyed tone Diamond said, "We saw each other once! That nirik doesn't know a thing about me!"

After a few moments I responded in a neutral tone, "Your probably right...

No, you are right.

The only knew a little bit about you, but I have kept an eye on you myself.

After you got your cutie mark your mother took steps to make you act like her."

Diamond Tiaras' showl turned to anger and she snapped at me, "Don't act like you know me or my family!

I remember that conversation you had with the cutie mark crybabies during your welcome to Ponyville party!

You said that there was no such thing as some magical moment where some pony knows their destiny well guess what, I literally have that on my flank!

I don't need some creature who can't even get a cutie mark telling me about my destiny!"

Looks like it's about time for me to end this conversation.

I let out a sigh and spoke, "Is it truly your destiny or is it the destiny that some pony else picked for you?"

Without giving Diamond Tiara time to respond I began to walk away.

Since she didn't make any comments I hoped it was a good sign but after I was out of sight from Diamond Tiara Dinkys' voice called out to me, "You know that she will just disregard what you said, right?"

Shrugging I responded, "Probably...

But someone had to say it to her."

Dinky remained quiet as she walked beside me before speaking up, "You know, your right about her personality seemingly changing after she got her cutie mark. What was that actually all about?"

I sighed and hoped Dinky would not think that what I did was acceptable, "Well her mother decided that since Diamond Tiara had a socialite cutie mark that she should follow in her hoof steps.

Thing is that I don't think that Spoiled Rich is even good at being a socialite to begin with.

She essentially forced Diamond Tiara to be a complete jerk to every pony especially the Crusaders to the point that no pony even wants to be around her.

Socialites have no real power of their own. The only power they do have is the power given to them by those around them.

I mean seriously why did she convince Diamond Tiara to bully the Cutie Mark Crusaders of all ponies, their sisters are national heros for cry out loud!"

I quietly began grumbling to myself and after a moment passed Dinky asked, "So, what do you plan for use to do about it?"

I considered what little I knew about the show and made my decision, "You know what the Crusaders are already planning something on their own for tomorrow. Let's wait and see what happens first."

*The next day*

The day was over before I even knew it and on schedule the Cutie Mark Crusaders invited Diamond Tiara to their club house.

I knew that I could probably watch but decided that I would wait outside the front of the school with many other foals who were waiting for the news from Pip.

Even foals from other classes were present including Dinky who asked, "So did the Crusaders approach Diamond Tiara yet?"

"They invented her to their club house and for now I think we should wait. In the time let's wait to hear the news about the playground."

Soon Pip and a few different adults including Spoiled Rich all entered into the school house.

Sitting next to me Dinky asked, "What do you think will be the decision of the meeting?"

I quickly took a look around and noticed that no pony was paying attention before answering, "To be honest I don't think it will work out.

Diamond Tiaras' mother Spoiled Rich was upset with her over not getting elected and already used the school budget to pay for that statue of Diamond.

So the budget would likely be limited which she will likely use as an excuse to deny his proposal for new playground equipment."

Suddenly Pip ran out of the school house and looked around before coming up to me.

Before he could even ask I said, "If you are looking for the Cutie Mark Crusaders then you should head over to the club house they use."

Without saying a word he ran off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

Silver Spoon soon walked up to us and asked, "So, what do you think will happen?"

Seeing a certain group of fillies in the distance I smiled and said, "I think Diamond Tiara might just have the solution to our little problem."

Silver Spoon scoffed at my comment and looked away.

Though I could not see her face I could tell that she was still somewhat conflicted about her fight with Diamond Tiara.

So when Diamond Tiara stood up to her mother and solved the budget problem she had a releaved smile on her face.

Leaning in towards her I whispered, "Happy that your old friend is back to normal?"

Almost inaudibly Silver Spoon whispered, "Yes..."

As the new playground equipment was being installed Diamond Tiara walked up to us and apologized to both me and Silver Spoon when a bright light came from behind us.

Seeing the original of the light I couldn't help but smile with pride.