Equestria's chain of conflicts

by Dranz_89

Treasured friendship

Years ago, the small town of Ponyville was home to all kinds of adventures and special events. And such events were always linked to six particular mares who were always there to solve the problem, even if in some cases, they were the ones who caused the problem in the first place. Nowadays, Ponyville is more peaceful than ever, ponies trotted free, minding their own business. There hasn't been a single trace of danger or weirdness in about thirty years.

In a small cafe, a light purple unicorn was seated in front of a table for two, with a cup of daisy tea, she was moving her head as if looking for somepony to show up. Suddenly, a hasty earth pony came trotting to where the unicorn was. Barely tired, the earth pony spoke as she took a seat "sorry to keep ya waitin', Twilight. There were more apples to pick than I expected!", she said.

After taking a sip from her tea cup, Twilight answered "It's ok, Applejack. But don't push yourself too hard, we don't want to happen the same as the last time you tried to pick all the apples by yourself, right?".

"May I take your order, please?" a waiter politely asked the mares.

"I'm fine, thanks. What about you Applejack?" Twilight answered as polite as the waiter

"I would like some orange juice, please" said Applejack, not so politely, while she took a seat in front of Twilight.

"Ummm, we also have some apple juice, and apple cider too" suggested the waiter with a calm expression on his face.

"I know that!" Applejack replied looking a little upset, "we sold those apples to you, remember?"

"Oh, yes, of course, miss. It's just that I thought you would prefer..." The waiter suddenly lost his cool and started sweating bullets.

"Look pal! Maybe you didn't know this, but I live and work in an apple farm. That means that each and every single day, I pick apples, eat apples, smell apples and everywhere I see, there are apples! I pick 'em up with my mouth!"

"E-Excuse me, I-I was j-just..."

"Don't you think I might be a little too tired of apples? And I don't know, maybe I want to drink anythin' besides apples?"

After gulping himself the waiter responded with a trembling voice, and fearing for his life, "ummm y-yes, miss..."

"Then bring me some orange juice before I lose mah patience, please and thank ya!"

Twilight awkwardly took another sip, and watched the poor waiter rushing to bring the so called orange juice. "You're a little grumpy today, Applejack" Twilight stated due to the rudeness of her friend.

Applejack nodded, while gazing at the peaceful streets, "eeyup, maybe because things have been too quiet around here lately. It's kind of boring without our friends."

"Yeah, since they all left, Ponyville isn't just the same. First, it was Fluttershy."

Applejack looked down and said "she left Ponyville to go on a journey to test herself or somethin'. It was about facing her fears and all that stuff. I sure hope she's fine."

"She doesn't want to be crybaby anymore" added Twilight as the waiter brought Applejack's drink. "I think that going on a journey might make her more confident, and I'm sure that she has learned lots of new stuff and her ability to tame creatures has increased even more. Who knows? Maybe we'll meet a brand new Fluttershy when she comes back."

"Y'know, I think you're right! Fluttershy is a brave pegasus in her own special way" Applejack nodded and turned her sight to Carousel Boutique in front of the cafe. "You know? I have always argued with Rarity. But I sure miss her now that she's gone."

Twilight frowned after seeing a couple of tears droping from Applejack's eyes. "She wasn't so happy to leave either."

"Rarity and I were born and raised in Ponyville, we were just neighbors, and her special talent was amazing. I knew Rarity would leave Ponyville someday, and I'm glad she is on her way to the top."

"I can't believe Photo Finish finally realised Rarity's talent and vision."

"Eeyup, and we got rid of that snooty drama queen for good."

"You're so mean" Twilight giggled, "she is now pretty famous, specially in Canterlot, but what did you mean by just neighbors, weren't you friends before?"

"Not that close. We only talked to each other once in a while during Pinkie's parties. We became closer friends when we met you and became the Elements of Harmony. I've never really considered Rarity as my friend until our lil' slumber party."

"You never told me that story before" Twilight seemed a bit surprised, "and wasn't Pinkie Pie born here in Ponyville too?

"No, she came from Hoofington. The strange, excesive friendly pony organized a welcome party for herself" Applejack recalled the funny fact, laughing out loud, "by the way, she's the one that surprised me the most when she became the official party planner for Princess Celestia, it must be heaven for that party monster."

"Her last wedding was a huge success, I was invited, and I didn't even knew who were getting married!"

"She invited you?" Applejack yelled surprised, "Why didn't I get an invitation? Are you still in contact with her?"

"Well, yes..." replied Twilight, "I send a letter to her once in a while with Spike's help."

"Oh, yeah, that. Spike can send letters" Applejack remembered, she took her hat to scracth her head, "It's been a while since I see you send a letter that I totally forgot 'bout that, maybe I'll send her a letter to give her a piece of my mind."

After a few laughs Twilight kept the conversation going, "Pinkie said that Rainbow Dash left the Wonderbolts in one of her letters."

"What?! But it was her life's dream!" Applejack gasped and spitted some of the orange juice she was about to drink. "Do you know what she's doing right now?"

Twilight answered while using her magic to clean her face with a napkin. "Actually no. Looks like the pegasi are the less communicative ponies around. Ironic, considering that they are the responsible for delivering mail" Twilight began to laugh.

"Well, Rainbow's always been' like that. I remember as if it was yesterday. It was thanks to Fluttershy that Rainbow and I first met" Applejack smiled nostalgic, "Rainbow seemed a little bored of bein' in Ponyville until we first met, she and I started arguing inmediatly who was the strongest pony around, and it's been like that since always."

"I really hope we could meet again soon" Twilight said with a sad tone, "our friendship was something so beautiful, but deep inside, I knew we would have to walk separate ways someday. But when that happened, I was both happy and sad. It was the same feeling I felt when I had to leave..." Twilight interrupted herself.

"Your brother?" Applejack guessed, "It's been like ten years now, ya can't be angry at each other forever, right? Are you still studying friendship? Maybe you should leave too, it's not like you can study friendship with no friends around."

"Not you too, Applejack..." Twilight frowned as she avoided the gaze of her friend, "there is something I'm missing here. I don't know what it is, but I'm sure there is something else I have yet to learn, and I have to wait here for it to happen. I don't know it for sure, but maybe our friends leaving Ponyville it's something I have to experience. I feel that I'm where I'm meant to be."

As Applejack finished drinking her orange juice, she stood up and leaving a few bits on the table, she said "A'ight, time to go back to work, since Applebloom works for herself it's been more work for me and Big Mac. See ya!"

"Ok, I also have to return to my studies" Twilight stood up too, "I hope Sweetie Belle and Spike have cleaned the mess in the library, see you later!" both ponies left smiling back at each other. They didn't know the dangerous adventure that was waiting for them around the corner would change everything in Equestria.

Applejack began to walk toward Sweet Apple Acres while Twilight walked toward the library. When the unicorn finally arrived her home, upon entering the library, a male and female voice exclaimed at the same time "It wasn't my fault!". A young white unicorn with a pink and purple colored mane was buried in the middle of a pile of books, and laying on top of it, a young purple and green dragon. "All you had to do was to organize a couple of books! What happened?" questioned Twilight with an hysterical face.

"Ummm, it's a funny story hehe" the dragon tried to explain, "Sweetie and I were about to put the books in their places when suddenly..." he gave a weak elbow hit to the unicorn, "We-we... Owliscious!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed with a nervous smile.

"It's midday. He is asleep" Twilight keep interrogating with her suspicious stare.

"Haha yes, of course, what Sweet here tried to say was..." Spike keep trying to explain when he was interrupted by a loud Sweetie Belle again "Pee Wee!"

"What? No way Pee Wee would make a mess like this!" Spike jumped to defend his pet, "he is the best educated phoenix I know!"

"Raised by you? I highly doubt it" Sweetie Belle replied giving place to a discussion.

Watching how her two assistants exchanged words, blaming each other, and some irrelevant arguments to the actual conversation, Twilight finally lost patience and raised her voice, "enough!" And after sighing and calming herself, she continued, "It doesn't matter whose blame it is, but that you didn't the small, simple task you had to do. And who the hay is Peanut Butter, and what was he doing all over the kitchen?" And after a silent second and with a scared look she ran to the kitchen, only to find the kitchen, literally, all covered in peanut butter.

"I'm going to study all day long in my room" Twilight picked some books from the pile and stepped up the stairs to her room, "when I come back, I want to find everything clean and shiny!" Twilight yelled from her room, "and don't bother to come back tomorrow, Sweetie Belle!", and she slammed the door, causing to drop some more books from the shelves in front of her assistants.

"Awww, she fired me again..." Sweetie Belle said looking down.

"That's like the fourth time this week" Spike said picking a few books, "and today is wednessday! It's a personal record."