//------------------------------// // go east young pony // Story: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Equestria // by Mario-and-sonic-pals //------------------------------// Chapter 3 So things weren’t looking so good. We did manage to find the parts we needed to fix the van, but we didn’t expect to find Cyrille Le Paradox controlling an army of ponies. It turns out, he managed to escape prison and used some of the Equestria artifacts from our latest heist to travel to Equestria. Since Le Paradox lost his army after being captured, he decided to control innocent ponies here in order to make his revenge plan a reality. Talk about overkill. We managed to explain to our new pony friends who Le Paradox was, and they immediately knew that he was bad news. First he tries to erase my family history, now he’s taking over a pony world, this time Le Paradox has gone too far. It’s time to bring that filthy skunk to justice. But first things first, we’re going to need some intel. “So let me get this straight, this Le Paradox guy tried to erase your family name from history, and now he’s going to extract his revenge because you were the reason why he was in jail,” said Twilight, who was now back in the castle with everyone else. “That’s pretty much the entirety of our last adventure,” said Sly. “If we’re going to figure out what he’s up to, we’re going to need some intel.” “And how exactly do we do that?” said Rarity. “We’ll have to find a way to get the info we need from Le Paradox by sneaking into his secret headquarters,” said Bentley. “But the only way to do that is to do some reconnaissance missions. Lucky for us, we have six new friends that can help us get to Le Paradox.” “So you want us to help you get to this power hungry skunk while possibly getting killed in the process?!” asked Rainbow Dash. “We’re in. But only because you’re not a common criminal.” “You do realize that he is a thief, right?” said Carmelita. “There’s no need to be rude. Besides, Sly has shown that he can be trusted,” said Fluttershy. “We’ll help anyway we can.” “Just tell us what you need,” said Pinkie Pie. “Okay, here’s the plan…” began Bentley as he began to explain the plan to everyone.                       Back at Le Paradox’s secret hideout… Once the gang was at the secret hideout, they all snuck onto the rooftop. “Okay, does everyone remember the plan?” asked Sly. “Yes. Fluttershy will distract the guards with the gypsy outfit that Rarity made for her,” began Twilight, as she motioned to Fluttershy who was dressed in a gypsy outfit. “Once they're out of the way, Murray will use his strength to open the door. Then, Bentley will use his spy, remote control toy car to infiltrate the room Le Paradox is in and use it to figure out what his plan is. Once that’s done, we make our daring escape.” “Any questions?” asked Sly. “Yes, why do I have to be a distraction? Rarity’s beauty is better than mine,” said Fluttershy, who was having second thoughts about the mission. “While that is true, you look much better in green than I do, darling,” said Rarity. “Besides, the guards look like they prefer cuteness over beauty.” “Well… okay, I’ll do it, but you all owe me big time for this,” said Fluttershy, as she got into position. “Yoo-hoo, are you handsome gentlecolts ready for a show?” She then started to dance seductively (or at least what was considered seductive by pony standards), which seemed to get the attention of the two guards in front of the building. “Okay Murray, you’re up,” said Bentley. Murray tiptoed to the door, and used his might to open the door, followed by Bentley activating his remote control car. “Okay, time to get that info.” The car raced past the other guards, but it managed to reach the room Cyrille Le Paradox was in. “So, Le Paradox, what exactly is your plan for taking over equestria?” said a familiar female voice (which was at least familiar to the ponies). “Nothing severe, but it will involve those guardians of friendship you mentioned. Once those ponies are out of the way, I will finally get my revenge on Sly Cooper,” said Le Paradox. “Did I ever tell you why I hate this Sly Cooper?” “No, you have not,” said the female voice. On the roof of the building, the mane six and the Cooper gang were trying to figure out who the female was. “Well, Sly was not the only one who comes from a long line of master thieves, I too have thieving ancestry. One day, my father was going to frame Sly’s father for stealing the world’s biggest diamond, but he was too late and he was arrested instead,” said Le Paradox. “With nobody to teach me anything, I became a terrible criminal. Ever since then, I have sworn that I would get rid of the Cooper family once and for all.” “Very interesting, definitely more interesting than me losing my hive to Starlight Glimmer,” said the voice, which made the ponies realize who she was… Queen Chrysalis. “But anyways, thanks for freeing me from that statue prison.” “My pleasure, your highness,” said Le Paradox. “Now, let us discuss the rest of the plan somewhere else.” Once they left the room, the remote control car left the building. “Holy shamoly, Queen Chrysalis is alive,” said Pinkie Pie. “Let me guess, she’s an evil queen and she hates anything that’s good,” said Sly. “Pretty much,” said Twilight. “Whatever Le Paradox wants, it can’t be good if it involves Queen Chrysalis.” I had to agree with Twilight, and after she explained what Queen Chrysalis has done before I knew we were in for the fight of our lives. It turns out, she once tried to trick Twilight’s brother into marrying her. Talk about marriage fraud. Eventually, Twilight’s pupil, Starlight Glimmer, managed to turn the changelings against their former leader and Chrysalis ran into hiding. More recently, Twilight had trapped Queen Chrysalis in stone along with Tirek and a filly named Cozy Glow. I assume the former is this world’s version of the man below. We may not know much about this world, but I know two things. One, this isn’t Carmelita’s jurisdiction, and two, we are going to stop Le Paradox and Queen Chrysalis from destroying this world or any other world for that matter. Now that we have the intel we need, we can start the next phase of our plan to save Equestria.