Alwas Appreciate What is Right in Front of You

by coolpony01

Ch 26 A Lovely Date

I am now 15 years old. I'm in high school which I enjoy for the most part plenty of time with my friends and my girlfriend. That’s right, for the past month I’ve been dating Sweetie Belle. She's the kindest and most outgoing filly I know and she thinks I’m the kindest boy she’s ever met. So we started dating.

Our parents are okay with it though Rarity is a bit of a gossip girl and always likes to check up on us.

I left home to go meet up with Sweetie Belle. I’m much taller now I’m about 7 foot two inches. Most ponies only get to three or four feet tall.

We met at Sugarcube Corner. I gave her a little peck on the lips.

“So how are you doing on this fine day Spike.” Sweetie Belle asked in the kindest of tones.

“This day is nice. I get to spend it with you after all.” I said with genuine apprecation. 

“Aww that’s so sweet.” Sweetie Belle said in the most refined of tones.

We then saw Rarity walk “Hello Pinkie Pie I would like one blueberry sundae please.” Rarity asked.

“Sure thing Rarity.” Pinkie Pie said in her usual cheerful self. She took five bits from Rarity.

We ducked under the table “What’s your sister doing here.” I asked, completely embarrassed.

“I forgot she was coming.” Sweetie Belle said as she put a hoof on her forehead.

“Great, now we have to hide until she leaves.” I grunted.

“I wish she would stop eavesdropping. This reminds me of that gabby gum incident.” Sweetie Belle said. 

“Didn’t she enjoy the gabby gum paper?” I asked.

“Yes until she was in it but she did apologize for that though.” Sweetie Belle said.

We then saw Rarity was eating her dessert she stayed there for a good ten minutes before she finished it off.

“You two can come out now.” Rarity said.

“You knew sis.” Sweetie Belle said embarrassed.

“Of course I knew it was obvious you two shouldn’t feel ashamed to be a couple love is a beautiful thing I have to go run the shop now I’ll see you when you get home.” Rarity said she then left.

“Well that was embarrassing.” Sweetie Belle said. 

“You said it well let’s now enjoy our date shall we.” I said with pleasantness.

“Oh but of course Spike.” Sweetie Belle said.

We then went up to Pinkie Pie “We’ll have our usual please.” I said for the both of us.

“Sure thing you love birds.” Pinkie Pie said as she handed us two cupcakes this would be a lovely date.