Kristall Snö

by Kawat3ngusan



The next day Kristall Snö went to Städ's shop to bring him the sap of the Yggdrasill tree, she went there together with her brother Henrik.
The bison was amazed,
-"Only once had I seen these crystals, and that was in Nidavellir, the region of the dwarves in Svartalfheim, where I come from, the crystallized sap of the Yggdrasill tree is a rare thing to see, although I know how to use it"-
-“Can you upgrade my weapons and my brother's weapons?”-
-"Oh yes, I can do it, but you see there is a problem"-
-"And which?"-
-“Today I really can't, I have been called for an urgent matter, there is a problem in the village where I come from, I have to go to Nidavellir, it seems there has been an attack by evil creatures and I have to go there to help my people“ -
-“ I don't know much about the Nidavellir, I only know that it is in Svartalfheim and that's it“-
-“I don't think you'll like it, it's full of mountains and mines, and there are not only bisons, but also ponies and yaks, but they're all short like me, so it's the kingdom of dwarfs and not dwarf bisons“-
-“And why in some villages in Midgard I only saw dwarf bisons?”-
-“The fact is that we bisons are the best in our craft and we are perhaps the only ones who like to travel beyond our kingdom, however you will have to wait either tomorrow or the day after for your weapons“-
-“What if Henrik and I went with you instead? We could help you“-
-“Help me? To protect the village? Are you sure?” - Henrik was also hesitant,
-“Hey big sister, we certainly can't leave the village“-
-“Don't worry, we can take Rokk with us“-, however Städ had another idea,
-“If I were you I would let Hov accompany me, he has some friends in my village, and it was him who chose me for this village as a blacksmith, and then if you help me I could upgrade your weapons directly in my original village, let's go to talk to the boss“-.

The two ponies and the bison went to Hov's house, who was talking to Rokk, and when they saw the three of them enter they stopped, Städ told Hov about the situation.
Hov touched the hair on his muzzle to think,
-“I understand, you would like to go to Svartalfheim, it is a dangerous realm, but perhaps you will be safe, the dwarves are very good at building fences that are stronger than ours, and they are very strong in defense and attack“-,
Rokk objected,
-“But boss, don't you want to send my children there?“-
-“Don't worry, Rokk, I'll accompany them by myself, and then Kristall is strong enough as you told me“-, Kristall was surprised,
-“Rokk? Did you tell him what the Norns told me? Only my family members could know about it“-
-“But we can trust Hov, after all he is our boss“-, Hov agreed,
-“Don't worry Kristall, nobody in the village will know, even if now Städ will know too“-, the bison spoke,
-“I didn't hear anything, but maybe I understood, is it the fact that Kristall is part Valkyrie?”-, Kristall turned to him,
-“But where did you hear that?“-
-“When I first looked into your eyes, I felt the same magical energy when I met some Valkyries, I couldn't know if it was true, but now I am sure of it“-
-“Don't forget, no one in the village should know it apart from you“-
-“I know perfectly how to keep a secret, you are talking to a dwarf, we are not the most talkative race that exists, and then in the village there are already a lot of warriors who are envious of you“-
-"I've heard this already, but it doesn't matter to me, so, shall we leave?"-.
So Kristall, Henrik, Hov and Städ got ready, Rokk said goodbye to his children, he was a little worried, but he knew that he could trust his boss and the bison, and then Kristall could look after Henrik, so he let them go.

Once the four of them arrived at the stone arch, Städ used a powder to open the passage to the Bifrost, so Kristall didn't have to use the skull to summon it, only that powder led directly to the realm of Svartalfheim, so they crossed the arch, all four found themselves in the realm of the dwarves.
The pegasus saw an infinite expanse of mountains, there were villages with houses dug into the mountains, and you could also see the mines, and as Städ said, there were small ponies and yaks as well as bisons.
Hov and Städ waved to some of the dwarves as they strolled, while Kristall and Henrik kept quiet, then Städ started talking to a group of bisons about his village, after a while he returned to his friends.
-"So, my village isn't far away, it's just behind that hill, and it seems that there are monsters roaming around, usually they keep quiet to avoid the warriors, but it seems that someone or something there has instigated to attack the villages“-, Kristall answered him,
-“So it could be a very dangerous monster, did they tell you what kind of monsters there are?”-
-“Ja, Revenants, Valravns and a Tatzlwurm“-,
-“Perfect, I know all three of them, it will be enough to join forces, and I will be able to defeat them, you can do it too Henrik“-, the little pony did not agree,
-“ Vad? Hey, I don't know these monsters, I've never met one” -, her sister calmed him down,
-“I did instead, with dad, the first few times, but I faced the Tatzlwurm with more warriors, because they are very big, so it takes more than one warrior to knock down just one, as soon as we get to the village I'll explain everything to you“-.

Städ led the way, and took all three of them to a village with thick palisades, with huts made of wood and rock, it seemed their village only full of bisons and dwarf yaks,
Städ pointed the way to his old house,
-“Välkommen till min gamla by (Welcome to my old village), this is where I lived before Hov chose me for his village“-, Kristall asked him,
-“Who knows how much you missed your family, and how much they missed you”-
-“Oh, oh, don't worry Kristall, actually I never told you but I don't have a family, I have a father and a mother, and then there's my sister, but she got married years ago and she already has a family, but I preferred to continue my father's work, even if he never stopped, come and let me meet my whole family“-.
And all three of them went into the house, and they found there two dwarf aged bisons and also some other bisons, some younger ones, they were the grandsons of Städ.
Städ introduced his family to his friends, and then introduced his friends to his family, told them what had happened to the village after so many years, and spoke in detail about Kristall Snö, who was now the strongest warrior in their village, the bisons were all amazed how even a well-grown filly could be strong enough to defeat the god of war, and Städ always said that Kristall was special, without saying that she was part Valkyrie.
The whole bison family prepared a good banquet for the guests, but when Kristall Snö and Henrik saw the whole table they were a bit amazed, many of the dishes were stones and pebbles, and they were coloured.
Hov consoled them, he had already dined with the dwarves many times years ago,
-“Don't worry, guys, these stones are not ordinary stones, they are edible stones“-, Kristall was amazed,
-“Edible stones“-, Städ answered her,
-“Those are roasted stones, it's kind of the flesh of stones, but herbivores can eat it too, those others are bread stones, the others are sweet stones, it's our dessert, and then there are other types, these stones they are found only in the realm of Nidavellir, only dwarves know how to recognize real stones from edible ones, so you can eat without problems, you certainly don't risk breaking a tooth“-.
Kristall Snö took a stone and bit into it, it was amazing the stone was soft it was warm and tasted good,

-“ Den är läcker, den här stenen är läcker (It's delicious, this stone is delicious), I've never eaten a stone“-, after her Henrik tasted one too, and he too found his stone delicious, after tasted them, they all ate, Kristall noticed that the dwarf bisons didn't have good manners, they were a little rough at the table, but it was not the case to be picky, because she had already seen several Vikings behave badly at tables , but their wives scolded them, then she saw Hov staring at her,

-"Don't feel embarrassed, Kristall, here among the dwarfs you can behave badly, you can also make noises while eating, eat with your mouth full, drink noisily and sometimes even burp, do as I do, without my wife between my hooves I can do as I want “-, and Hov stuffed his mouth full and made a noise, there was also some of the bisons belching, but she wasn't as rough as a viking, but she couldn't look bad, so she ate with her mouth full, and then he drank a big glass of beer, Henrik copied it, Hov spoke to both of them,

-"Don't worry, Rokk and your grandmother won't know anything"-, Kristall replied with her mouth full,
-"That's better"-.

After the good feast, Hov, Kristall Snö and Henrik thanked Städ's family, the bison family were happy that the two ponies had enjoyed their cooking, then Städ's father talked to his son and then went out for a few minutes, then Städ returned to ask the three Vikings to go out, so all four went out to go to a large square in the middle of the village, Kristall spoke to Städ,

-“What did your father tell you?”-
-"That usually around lunchtime there are monster attacks and they can enter from the various entrances of the village, so part of us will go to the north entrance and the other to the south entrance"-
-“And the other two entrances to the west and east?”-
-“Other dwarves have already taken care of those, you will come with me towards the southern entrance, usually more monsters enter there“-, then Städ spoke to a dwarf pony, and the bison turned to Kristall,
-“By the way Kristall, you should do us a favor“-
-“If you intend to fight, I'm ready“-
-“Nej, It's not just that, now I'll show you“-.

Städ brought Kristall in front of two large stones with engraved runes, Kristall remembered the one that was in her old village, and that during these three years she had found others in other villages or around the mountains and realms.
She stared at them and asked,
-“Do you also have stones with written runes in this realm?”-
-“Ja, and until their power is absorbed we cannot destroy them, no one in this village has the power of runes, but you do“-
-“Why didn't you ask the yaks Johanna and Vilhelm?”-
-“You should know, they don't like traveling outside of Midgard so much, but you do, so you can absorb the power of the stones and only you have it, only when you have absorbed their powers we can destroy these stones, because in fact here we would like to place another shop“-
-"By the way, Städ, I wanted to ask you what was that powder you used to summon the Bifrost"-
-“Oh, it's travel stone dust, it's only found in this realm, and it transports you directly to the realm you think, just think of the realm you want to go to and it takes you directly there, I don't think you need it since you you can directly summon the Bifrost”-
-"It's actually true, and it's fine, now I'll try to absorb the power of the stones"-.

Kristall placed one hoof on one stone and the other hoof on the other, her eyes lit up and the runes lit up, only to be absorbed by her body. After a while Kristall pulled the hooves off, and the stones ceased to glow, and also began to crumble.
Städ was surprised,

-“By Odin, there is no need to destroy them, they destroyed themselves, we just have to move the debris“-, Hov saw that Kristall was reading the runes that appeared before the eyes of the pegasus, he approached,
-“What did you find out, Kristall?”-
-"It's incredible Hov, incredible, I don't know what they're doing here, but….there are three spells, but they're ice spells, I don't know why they're here instead to be in Niflheim"-
-“Well, these stones have always been a mystery, it is said that the gods had scattered them throughout the realms to prevent mortals from absorbing their power, but they didn't know that some mortal would be blessed by Freya's power or in your case from your mother's power, and what is it about? To know the details“-
-“They are three excellent ice spells, the first is Explosion av is (Ice explosion), the second is Barriär av is (Ice barrier), and the third is isstråle (ice ray), in short, from how they are described from runes, the first is a blast of ice that can freeze the enemy or push them away, the second is a powerful magical barrier made from ice, and the third….seems very strong, an ice beam launched from one's weapon“-
-“Wow, you will be even stronger with these spells, you could already use them against the monsters that will surround the village“-
-“It may be an idea, even if I don't know how strong they will be, I could do damage to the village if I use them immediately and don't practice“-, Städ interrupted them,
-“There is no time for practice, if there is any damage we will repair the village, now we have to go to the south entrance, there are already some monsters, and they have just told me that they also saw a big pony in one of the masses, it could be a Draugr, so let's go right away and get ready to fight“-.
So everyone made their way to the south entrance of the village and prepared to fight.

When they came out of the dwarf village everyone felt a strong quake, it seemed to come from various places, Städ then added,
-“This here must surely be a Tatzlwurm, if you feel quakes and you can't see anything then it's one of those monsters“-, Henrik was scared and asked his sister,

-“Kristall, what is a Tatzlwurm?“-
-"It's a kind of pink worm, with eyes, and a mouth that opens in various parts, I faced few of them in the last three years, and I had to get help from other Vikings, unfortunately it can perceive the vibrations of the ground, therefore the only thing to do is fly over him“-
-"But I don't have wings"-
-“But I do, and I could fly in circles to lure the Tatzlwurm out of the village“-, Hov spoke to her,
-“ Be careful, Kristall Snö“-
-“I'll be careful, boss“-.

So Kristall flew over the rocky ground and tried to figure out where the monster was coming from, but then the shaking stopped, so the only thing to do was get down to the ground and lure the monster out of the ground, so she landed and waited.
She didn't have to wait long because from behind her the big worm appeared from the ground, she turned around and saw that the Tatzlwurm caught her in its mouth, all the warriors were frightened, but Kristall held the monster's jaws still to prevent it from closing them, then using the wing as a hoof she took the ax with the wing and struck one of his jaws, the giant worm spat it out.
The worm descended underground, only to reappear near the warriors, Hov cried,

-“It came out again, let's take advantage of it, let's hit it“-, so Hov hit it with a big axe, Henrik hit it with arrows, and the dwarf bison hit the worm back.
To prevent the monster from escaping, Kristall used her air ax and threw it at the monster's mouth, then guided the ax with her powers and hit it again, then took the Ulfberht sword and flew towards the monster's throat, she held the sword with both hooves, and then arrived near the monster she screamed and created a magical slash,

-“ Starkt svärd (Strong sword) “-, Kristall made a clean cut and decapitated the worm, whose body fell to the ground.
The warriors cheered, and Kristall took back the ax that was still flying.
Städ was the first to compliment the pegasus,

-“Congratulations Kristall, we dwarves are unfortunately known more for our mastery with weapons than for our speed“-
-“But if it happens again, you should hit him with a strong blow all together, and if you succeed you should try to blind him, he is not a creature used to light“-, but they could not say anything else than two Revenants appeared out of nowhere, Kristall spoke to Henrik,
-"Little brother, did you want to know what the Revenants were? Well there they are”-, they looked like two unicorn skeletons, they had no eyes, they lacked their lower limbs and they floated, they wore only a torn cloak and had a wooden staff.
Hov and Städ ran to strike them, but the monsters were faster than the yak and the buffalo, Henrik asked his sister for advice,

-“You said you have already faced them, how do they defeat each other?”-
-“I remember it like it was yesterday, it was one of the first times I went around the forests of Midgard with Rokk, and he too had difficulty hitting just one, my advice is to let Hov and Städ distract them, while you and I will hit them with the bow“-
-"With the bow? Is this your idea?”
-“Listen little brother, they are fast, but not so fast to dodge the arrows and then now I know a lot more techniques, and I taught you some of them too, so help me“-
-“Okay, big sister“-.
So both Kristall and Henrik took their bows and aimed their arrows at the two Revenants,

-“Are you ready, Henrik?”-
-"I'm ready"-
-“So….pil av is (Ice arrow)“-, both of them used the ice arrow and hit the two Revenants who started to freeze, then Kristall wanted to try one of the new techniques that she had absorbed from the stones,

-“ Explosion av is (Ice explosion)“-, there was an ice explosion that hit the two monsters and froze them and pushed them back, but the shock wave also pushed the pegasus.
-"Wow, it's a strong spell, which also manages to repel the enemy and freeze it, in fact I really think it's an enhancement of my technique Yxa av is (Ice Axe) which freezes the enemies, however, only around me"-, but the two Revenants rose and thawed at once and used their staves to strike magic at Hov and Städ,

-“Oh no, Städ, Kristall, hold on tight, parry the magic“-, the Revenants launched a magic beam towards the three warriors, but Kristall took her magic staff and yelled,
-“ Barriär av is (Ice barrier)“-, the pegasus created a kind of wall made of transparent ice, the Revenant kept hitting it, but the wall didn't break, Hov complimented the pegasus,

-“Well done Kristall, just in time“-
-"But I don't know how long it will last, we need to hit the Revenants immediately"-, so the pegasus jumped into the air above the barrier, and with the ax aimed at one of the Revenants,

-“Borrning ax (piercing axe)“-, with that flying blow, Kristall hit the skull of the Revenant which broke and the monster exploded in a magical cloud,
-“It is done, one is defeated“-, but when she turned around she saw that the other Revenant wanted to hit her with his staff and she parried the blow with the axe, but Henrik hit the Revenant from behind with an arrow of light, in that moment Kristall had the idea to use the latest technique learned from the stones, so she aimed the point of the ax against the Revenant,
-“Isstråle (Beam of ice)”-, from the tip of her ax she shot a blue ray which hit the monster, the ray was very powerful and blew it away, but meanwhile the monster froze again, at that moment, Henrik used his sword and skewered the Revenant which exploded,

-“Ja, I did it, die, you cursed monster“-, Kristall was happy with her brother's timing, and for the moment there were no monsters, however a dwarf bison yelled to all the warriors to go towards the entrance to north.
So all the warriors went there, and with their surprise, they found a guest they knew, it was Tyr, who was out of breath and covered in scratches.
Hov approached him,

-“Tyr? What are you doing here in this realm? Then you are the big pony that the other dwarves have seen“-
-“I was….I came here because a wild beast had escaped from Asgard, I tried to catch it, it speaks, but it's very strong, it's his fault if the surrounding beasts are angry, it's his magic's fault"-
-“You are injured, Kristall, can you come here to heal him?”-
-“I'll be right there“-, and so Kristall sang the Helande sång (Healing Song) to heal Tyr, but she was amazed at how Tyr was reduced,
-“But how is it possible that a single beast of Asgard has reduced you to this? It must be just awful"
-“You can't understand Kristall, it's the same beast that deprived me of a hoof, it's Fenrir, he got free and now wanders around the nine realms“-
-“Fenrir? The giant wolf son of Loki? In fact it is a magical beast“-, Hov was worried,
-“If that beast is on the loose, then we are lost, if even Tyr has lost against him, we can do nothing“-, but Städ had an idea,
-“I wouldn't say so, in many of our warehouses we have powerful magical chains“-, Kristall interrupted him,
-“I thought no one here used magic“-
-“It's so Kristall, but the little magic we use comes from the magic stones we find in the mines, and we also find runes to enhance our weapons, only women know how to read them, so we know immediately what rune stones are for, where do you think we would have learned to forge runes into weapons if not in this realm?”-
-“Okay, but now that I think about it if we were to capture Fenrir, at least as Tyr said, the other beasts will calm down and leave the village alone“-, Tyr spoke,
-"I'm afraid we'll have to put him down, there's no choice, after all he's a son of Loki, so nobody will miss him"-, but the pegasus didn't agree,
-“Nej, why should we kill him? Just because he is Loki's son"-
-“We have to do it Kristall, especially for you, he could tell his father that you are alive, so you and your village would be in danger, and then being the son of Loki he is necessarily evil“-
-"That's not true, Jormungandr turned out to be good, and he also gave me a rune of him, you told me that to no one he would give his summoning rune"-
-“Who tells you that it could happen that Fenrir is good? Not even we gods know what powers he has, and we have to stop him, so dear dwarves, take the chains we will try to stop Fenrir once and for all“-.

Everyone in the village went to get the chains for the giant wolf, but Kristall and Henrik remained seated on a bench.
-“Hey sister, how come you think you see the good in very dangerous creatures like Fenrir and not like the others we face?“-
-“I don't know Henrik, there's something that tells me, that tells me….I don't know, after talking with Jormungandr maybe not all Loki's sons are as bad as they are described by everyone, when I face a wild beast, I already know inside me that it's dangerous, and you can't reason with it, but maybe with Fenrir it's different, he's a divine beast“-
-“In some cases, dear sister, it is better to use the muscles“-, at that moment Kristall thought about what the seer Solar and the Norns told her, that is to use the heart as well as the brain and the muscles.
-"Maybe it's not like that, little brother, maybe in this case it's the reason, or rather the heart that should be used"-
-"What do you mean? Don't you have to look Fenrir in the eye like you did with the other gods?”
-“Right, I have to use my eyes too, and maybe I should wear the crystal skull to see if I can communicate with him“-.
Meanwhile, other beasts had entered the village, they were Valravn, strange creatures with the head and wings of a crow and the body of a wolf, Henrik was frightened, but Kristall prepared to attack,

-“And these, dear Henrik, are the Valravn, they are beasts half raven and half wolf, try to hit them with arrows while I hit them with axes“-
-"Why should you always be fearless while I always have to stand behind you?"-
-“Do you feel like facing these beasts with me?”-

So Kristall and Henrik faced the three Valravn both with swords and axes, Kristall occasionally used her techniques to hit the Valravn who were too close to Henrik, but one caught her and tried to bite her, but she stopped his jaw with the axe, Henrik then shot an arrow of ice at Valravn, and Kristall struck the beast with the Ulfberht sword and defeated it, now two remained, but the two ponies were helped by the various dwarves, but the final blow was taken care of by the two ponies, Kristall with axe, and Henrik with sword.
From the entrance of the village more Valravn entered, but Kristall struck them with the magic sword, and then took two axes and planted them in front of the Valravn,

-“Explosion av is och eld (Explosion of ice and fire)“-, and with that explosion the Valravn were thrown out of the village, some frozen others burned, but it was time to worry, because he had entered the village, Fenrir.
Kristall Snö turned around and saw a huge gray wolf, erected on his paws bigger than a house, there were some dwarfs trying to hurt him but he with a paw sent them away, some shot arrows at him.
At that moment, from the roofs of the houses, various ponies and dwarf bisons launched their magical chains to tie them around Fenrir, thus being able to block him, Tyr also did his part, Kristall was certainly not happy with what they were doing, in fact she saw that Fenrir looked enraged, but to her eyes he looked more frightened than angry.
Henrik wanted to shoot an arrow into the wolf's eyes, but Kristall stopped him,

-“Nej, don't do anything Henrik“-
-“But we have to stop him, otherwise he will kill us all“-, she looked her brother in his eyes,
-"Look at me carefully, now don't do anything, unless I ask you to, understand?"-
-“Ah….okay, if you tell me like that, I won't do anything, but don't do anything crazy“-
-“I won't do crazy things, I will follow my heart“-.

Fenrir had been pinned with chains on his legs, and around the torso and all the dwarves, including Hov and Tyr holding him down, Tyr called out to Kristall,
-“Kristall, listen, I want you to hit him, then I'll take care of killing him, you just have to weaken him, I don't think you can kill him, even if you are strong“-
-“I won't need weapons for what I'm about to do“-
-“What do you mean?“-, Kristall was a bit scared, Fenrir was growling in front of her, but she tried to keep calm,
-“Fenrir? Can you hear me? Try to look me in the eye, look me in the eye, I know you're not mean ”-,
Tyr was surprised,

-“What are you doing Kristall? So he'll tear you into pieces” – even Hov warned her,
-“Stop Kristall, it's dangerous, don't be proud“-, Fenrir was getting closer and closer, and Kristall tried to talk to him, and as she got closer she stripped off her weapons,
-“Look at me Fenrir, I put away my weapons, axes, bow and sword, I don't want to hurt you, I'm your friend, I know that just because Loki is your father doesn't mean you have to act like him“- .

Kristall was now close to Fenrir and she offered him the hoof, Fenrir shook himself, and broke all the chains with the magic, all those who held him fell to the ground, Henrik was ready to hit him but he thought about his sister's words and put the bow.
Fenrir started barking loudly, but Kristall closed her eyes and then opened them again, Fenrir stopped barking, then started to smell the pegasus, she raised her hoof more, and everyone saw a strange sight, Fenrir let herself be caressed by her, or rather he sat up on all fours like a normal dog, and Kristall stroked him.
Tyr got up and walked over,

-“How did you do it Kristall?”-
-"I don't know, I just followed my heart more than my brain, sometimes with certain animals you just need to use a little sweetness, that's all"-
-“And I who sacrificed my hoof to block it some time ago?”-
-“I told you, just because he's Loki's son doesn't mean he's like him“-, and then Kristall hugged Fenrir, and the wolf started whimpering, and licked her,
-“I know you're not bad Fenrir, but can you explain to me why you did all this? Why did you stir up those creatures here?” – and the wolf began to bark,
-“He… he said that Odin threw a poisoned spear on his back, only because he put his paw in one of his halls“-, Kristall flew, and saw the spear that was black on Fenrir's back,
-“Don't worry Fenrir, I'll take it off now, you'll feel some pain“-, and Kristall used her strength to pull the poisoned spear, Fenrir howled in pain but it didn't last long, then she sang the Helande sång and healed the wolf's wound, then she gave the spear to Tyr and settled on the ground.
-"It's not fair that Odin just because he's the king of the gods behaves like this, Fenrir will also be a son of Loki, but it's not fair that Odin treats him badly"-, Tyr was amazed,
-“You have done a feat that not even Thor would have dared to do, dear Kristall“-
-“I told you, I just followed my heart“-, then she turned to Fenrir,
-“Dear Fenrir, what is it you want? Perhaps Asgard is not the place for you“-, and Fenrir replied,
-“He Says that he would like to roam free in the woods, and hunt only for hunger and not be hit just because he is huge“-, Henrik turned to his sister,
-“Kristall, do you realize what you did?”-
-“Ja, I followed my heart, but you didn't believe in me either“-
-“It's not just that, you managed to talk to Fenrir without the crystal skull“-, Kristall touched her head, and in fact she wasn't wearing the dragon skull,
-“Hey, it's true, I'm not wearing it, yet….and yet I managed to understand what he said“-,
Tyr answered her,
-“I think it depends on the fact that you are now aware that you are half Valkyrie“-
-"Or maybe it's because I used the skull several times, and therefore maybe I can even do without it, maybe I can even summon the Bifrost by myself, with the Lich's staff"-
-"Maybe it's because of the last hypothesis you just said"-
-“I should try, however I have to ask Fenrir something, something that only he could tell me“-
-“To be honest it is also thanks to your Valkyrie eyes that he listened to you“-
-“In fact I have made him look me in the eye.”
Fenrir saw that Kristall was looking at her,
-“Listen! Fenrir, your father Loki, do you know where he is?”-, Fenrir replied barking again,
-“He says he doesn't know, he could be in any of the realms, but he doesn't know which one, because his father told him not to look for him because he doesn't want to be found by the gods“-, Tyr understood well,
-"I believe it well, he must have ordered him not to tell anyone, or Loki didn't even tell his children where he is hiding"-
-“ Then perhaps you can answer this question, dear Fenrir, do you know why years ago Loki had fillies and dragons killed in some Midgard villages?“-, Fenrir answered, but this time the answer was longer, Henrik was curious,
-“What did he say, big sister?“-
-"He…he said that by chance one day Loki heard from a seer that in those lands there would be a warrior filly who would become a friend of the gods, and that she was a friend of dragons and therefore had all the fillies killed in the villages where there were dragons, and that Loki killed a pegasus called Kristall Snö three years ago, and that he took her form in a village to make the inhabitants think she was a thief, and so he made her chased by Wargs to kill her, he also said that that filly was an obstacle to the plan Loki was planning, and that for some years Loki has had an ally in Midgard“-, Hov spoke to her,
-“This is a problem, because now that Fenrir has met you, he could tell his father“-
-"But this confirms my theory, it's really me that Loki was looking for, and he believes that I'm dead, but there's one thing I have to fix"-.
Kristall turned back to Fenrir,

-“Fenrir? I'm the warrior who your father was looking for, I'm Kristall Snö, but you don't have to tell your father, because I know you're not as bad as him, and you won't be a spy, Loki believes me dead and it's right that he believes it, please, don't tell anyone,” Fenrir replied again,
-“He said he won't tell, just because he's his father's son, it doesn't mean he looks like his father, he'll keep the secret, but….Fenrir, do you know who your father's ally is?”-, Fenrir replied , but with a sorry tone,
“He said he doesn't know, but he's not from Midgard and he's not a god.”
Hov asked her,
-“Do you have any suspicions, Kristall?”-
-“Now I can't think of anyone, who could possibly want me dead? Could…, the ice dragons drove me out, but I don't think they really wanted me dead“-
-"Well, I think it's over here, the village is safe, so our mission is over"-, Tyr however said something else,
-“And now what do I do with Fenrir?”-, Kristall replied,
-“Don't worry, Fenrir? Don't make trouble, unfortunately Odin doesn't understand you, he hurts you only because you're Loki's son, but you mustn't be angry with the gods, be good" -, at that moment Fenrir began to howl at the sky and near his paws materialized a rune, with the symbol of a wolf's head, then the wolf began to speak and Kristall was incredulous.
Hov asked,
-“What is it?“-
-“He said….he said that this rune is a gift only for me, it is used to summon him, he says that I can summon him in any realm if by chance I need help or a simple passage, and that it has infinite uses compared to his brother Jormungandr, and says that if I ever meet his sister Hel, I should look into her eyes, because she is not as bad as they say, just like it happened with him“-, Kristall took the rune, and thanked Fenrir, who stood up and he went away, and going away he chased away all the creatures he had brought with him.
Tyr approached the pegasus,

-“Congratulations Kristall, now you also have Fenrir on your side, he has become your ally, and you can call him whenever you want, wait for Odin to know about this story, who knows what face he will make“-
-“Tack Tyr, I'll keep this one too, only that I can use it better since I can call Fenrir whenever I want, it's convenient for me to have him as an ally, as for Jormungandr, I don't know when to call him, I'd rather not do it at all, but if I had to need Fenrir, I would call him immediately“-, Henrik approached her,

-“Hey big sis? Just wait until dad knows about what you did“-
-“You also gave me a hoof, hey Städ? I would say we ended up here in the realm of Svartalfheim“-, Städ nodded, and then replied,
-"I would say that we can have a nice party to celebrate my friends, and since what you have done is a heroic feat I will upgrade your weapons for free"-
-“Tack, Städ, that's a nice gesture from you“-
-“And I won't be the only one to upgrade your weapons and those of your brother, my father will help me, so they'll be perfect, and I'll also add some magic runes, indeed why don't you stay for the night? We'll leave tomorrow"-
-“It's fine for me, and you Henrik?”-
-"It's fine for me too, I would like to taste some of those strange stones"-, so for that evening and that night, Kristall and Henrik stayed at Städ's house for dinner and sleep, while Hov was hosted at the house of the village chief bison.
When morning arrived, the whole family immediately served a nice breakfast, with sweet bread, obtained from sugar stones typical of that kingdom, and good fresh milk, which however came from cows and not from rocks.
Städ also came in to breakfast, and sat down next to Kristall and Henrik and spoke to both,

-“Dear Kristall and dear Henrik, your weapons have been upgraded“-, Kristall asked him,
-“Does that mean that you and your father spent the night upgrading my and Henrik's weapons?“-
-“Not all night, and then for me and my father it is so rare to be able to touch the crystallized sap of the Yggdrasill tree, so we wanted to finish as soon as possible, the result? Your weapons are now indestructible, both the blade and the handle, as for your Ulfberht sword there was no need to upgrade it more, it is already perfect as it is“-
-“You also said you wanted to add some runes“-
-"I did it, both for you and for your brother, I'll explain how they work when we get back to Midgard, because I've implanted different runes, but now hurry up and have breakfast, we have to leave right away"-
-“Don't you want to stay here a little longer with your family?”-
-“I can come and see you at other times, and then it's time for you to go back to work in our village, I'll say goodbye while you're out calling Hov“-.

After drinking some more milk, Kristall and Henrik went out and it was Städ's father who handed over their power weapons, Henrik felt no difference, while Kristall felt that there was something new, but thought it was better go back to Midgard to try out the upgrades.
They found Hov giving a thank you speech for all the dwarves in the village, and then he saw the two ponies who called him, it was time to go, Städ said goodbye to his family and all four of them left the village, as had happened at the arrival, Städ used the special powder to get back to Midgard and so they only had to make their way back to get to the village.
Kristall was happy to go back to the Viking village and couldn't wait to tell Rokk everything, of course in her bag she kept the runes of Jormungandr and Fenrir with care, thinking as always to use them wisely.
Arriving at their house, it was Hov who told their father and grandmother everything, and the two minotaurs were incredulous, Rokk exclaimed

-"I really can't believe it, my daughter managed to tame Fenrir, the biggest and most ferocious beast of all the nine realms?"-, Hov was happy,
-“Now there is no doubt about Kristall Snö's special qualities, she is truly a choice of the gods, and we are lucky to have her among us“-.
Städ was back at his shop, and Kristall couldn't wait for him to tell him about the upgrades to her weapons, but what was on her mind was if she really was as special as everyone thought she was, even if now she had confirmation too by Fenrir, but if Loki happened to know that she was still alive how could she fight against a god of chaos? What if she killed him? She could have unleashed the wrath of the gods of Asgard, so she had to prepare for a possible encounter against the evil god, but for now she could get some rest.

To be continued….

My little pony by Hasbro & Lauren Faust