//------------------------------// // Spirits of Solitude // Story: Drinking Problem // by BadassWaffle //------------------------------// Alcohol.  It’s used in medical products, cleaning out bacteria, mouth wash, and more. But it’s known for its effects on the body; for drinking.  It can make your head spin, make your body feel good, whatever it may be, it does it.  But alcohol can cause bad habits, and turn even the best individuals into bad ones.  For Star Flight, it took away all the pain. It made her feel wonderful. It brought a warmth to her, giving a complete feeling, making her wings tingle, and her mind fog out.  Oh did it feel so good.  But as time went on, she became more and more attached to the idea that it could help her, not seeing the damage it was actually causing.  Being on Earth, where bars were more popular than in Equestria, meant that she had much easier access to it.  Star Flight was a junior student at Florida Atlantic University, majoring in general business. Her grades were near perfect, her scholarships were being used to their full potential, and she even had job offers from big companies for their marketing divisions.  She had it all, but she didn’t.   Star Flight had always been the type to bottle up her emotions. She had learned to put on a facade of strength, even though inside, she felt like a joke. She’d lost both her parents, had no siblings, and wasn’t close with any of her relatives. The only one she had was a coltfriend. More specifically, a boyfriend, a human.  His name was Jason. A senior at the school, in marketing. He was nearly like her in terms of grades and school performance, but had his family, who were very wealthy up in New York. While he had his own struggles, it wasn’t nearly as bad, but more of a first world type of problem. His family's wealth had often overshadowed his achievements, and he had a constant need to prove himself, especially to Star Flight. With that being said, his parents loved her, and his younger siblings admired her. She was perfect for his family, being seen as the one. She loved that they accepted her, even if she was a pony.  The Houston's Restaurant was bathed in a dim, amber glow, the soft hum of conversations and clinking glasses filling the air. The overhead speakers played calm music that lacked any lyrics, providing an upscale atmosphere. The mahogany bar stretched out like a runway, glistening under the warm light, while aged leather stools lined the counter, bearing the marks of countless patrons who had sat there before. As she sat at the bar, she looked around to see what was going on. She had spaced out for a while. It was currently about half past three, and the bar was nearly dead. No ponies were in sight, and a couple of humans were scattered about in their suits, probably on a lunch break.  “Ma’am?”  She jolted her head straight, eyes widening a little bit.  The bartender was standing in front of her, a concerned look on her face. She must’ve been standing there for quite a while? She was in full business attire, per to the restaurant’s clothing policy.  “Are you okay?” Star Flight tilted her head, her body leaning with it. “Huh?” Her response was weak, and almost inaudible. “C-… can I get another… please?”  The bartender winced a little, her facial features darkening for a moment. “Miss, I think you need a moment to get your bearings back.”  Star Flight shook her head, smiling for a moment. “I’m fineee, I swear. I have my whole life together! I’m just… celebrating.” Star Flight's hoof trembled as she reached for the glass, brushing against the cool surface before she finally wrapped her forehooves around it. The bartender shook her head, grabbing her car keys. Well, it was Jason’s car keys, but he let her drive his car every now and then after she got her license. She didn’t even notice.  The bartender then glanced to Star Flight’s right, to which she heard footsteps. A hand then clasped around her left shoulder.  “Hey Bella, thanks for holding onto her.”  It was Jason, and he didn’t sound happy. When turning to look up to him, she saw an emotionless face, as if this was the millionth time that this situation has occurred.  Star Flight cringed a little. She didn’t want Jason seeing her like this again.  The bartender gave him a sad smile, handing him the keys to his car as he gave her his credit card, paying Star Flight’s tab for her. Jason's gaze never left her, his brow furrowing as he watched her take the last sip of what little was left in her glass. He bit his lip, his concern unspoken but palpable in the room. Star Flight decided it was better to play it off, leaning up to his face and planting a soft kiss onto his cheek. He didn’t really give a reaction to it. “Hey Star, let’s go, c’mon.”  He didn’t give her time to answer as he lifted her off the chair, carrying her bridal style. “Can you walk?”  Star Flight swished her tail towards her stomach to conceal herself. “Uhh… n-…n-no?” All the human did was sigh.  Taking her outside nearly killed her. The flashbang of light was worse than lightmode on Discord, and even worse when approaching the bright red BMW M8 that was Jason’s. His parents got the car for him after he told them he wanted the color for its rarity, but everyone knew, including Star Flight, that it probably had to do with the near identical resemblance to her coat.  As he opened the passenger door, she slightly groaned. “Do you need to throw up?” Jason’s voice was emotionless, as if this was a regular thing he had to deal with.  It made Star Flight feel terrible.  “No, I’m fine babe…” He nodded, and set her down into the passenger seat gently. He then rubbed her side for a moment before closing her door. The BMW's leather seats felt cool and inviting against her fur as she settled into them. When he got to his side of the car, he looked over to her. His facial expression was… painful to look at. He gave her a look of pity, and it broke her heart. He should be mad, disappointed, something negative. But he wasn’t.  When he started up the BMW, the roar of the V8 came through, and the interior lit up. The ambient lighting in the car and inside the speakers lit up in the same color as the outside. The bright white interior boosted the glow, and the center screen welcomed the two with an animated M logo.  As Jason started to drive, the car connected to his phone, and automatically started playing music. The song that came on did not help the mood at all.  The very few instruments, and solo singer made Star Flight feel at rock bottom. Here she was, drunk out of her mind, with her boyfriend coming to save her once again.  Jason was focused on the road until he heard audible crying to his right. When he looked over, he saw Star Flight in tears, slightly slumped over.  Jason's chest tightened as he watched them  fall. His anger wrestled with his love for her, creating a tumultuous storm of emotions. He clenched his jaw, feeling every ounce of his heartache. “Hey BMW, turn on autopilot.” The BMW’s central screen brought up a Siri type look, processing the info given to it. “Okay, the autopilot is now on. You may take your hands off of the steering wheel.” Jason did as told, now giving his attention to Star Flight.  “Star? Hey, what’s wrong sweetheart?” “I… I can’t Jason. This is bad.”  “What’s bothering you?”  “You!” The sudden yell from her made him move back slightly. “Me?” “Yes you! You should be mad, or-or-or ashamed in me or something! I make the same mistake every time. But here you are worried for me!”  Jason knew what she meant. He was angry, but he knew that wouldn’t solve anything. “Star, it’s not that I’m not angry, I am, but I’m more worried about your wellbeing. Why should I be mad and make you feel worse when I can try to help you? What’s me yelling going to do?” She scrunched her hooves to her eyes, rubbing them. “I dunnoooooo…” another sob.  Jason put his hand on her shoulder, causing her to flinch. “Star Flight, listen to me. You aren’t in trouble. But you are being reckless. You have to stop this now. Please. I can’t imagine if one day you didn’t come home, if I wasn’t there to come get you before you got in the car, or if someone took advantage of you. You can’t keep doing this. I… I can’t lose you Flight, ever.”  Her quiet sobs continued, as Jason rubbed her back to try and soothe her.  There was only one other thing he could do to try and comfort her.  He glanced ahead to see the car was still happily driving down the highway.  Once seeing that, he leaned over to her, and took his left hand to her right cheek, turning her head to face him. When he did, her eyes were looking down, as she was too ashamed to look him in the eyes.  “Star Flight, look at me right now.”  His stern words woke her up, as her eyes darted up.  “I love you, okay? I need you in my life.” Her mouth slightly opened in shock, but then closed as he leaned towards her, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.  The contact was more than soft, and there was nearly no movement within the kiss. It was a kiss of security, of reassurance, and the mare melted into it, her wings expanding ever so slightly.  When he parted with her, he rested his forehead on hers, trying to comfort her the way another pony would. Their breaths mingling in a shared moment of solace. In the quiet embrace, their thoughts spoke louder than words. Jason's heart swelled with affection and concern, and he found solace in the rhythmic cadence of Star Flight's heartbeat, which had slowed from a frantic tempo to a steadier rhythm. “I love you, Star Flight, forever.” He whispered, his words a soothing balm to her troubled soul. Star Flight was still crying, but they weren’t sad and ashamed tears, no. They were tears of happiness, of weight being lifted from her.  Jason then moved away from Star Flight, letting her look at him, his right hand cupped under her chin. His eyes were pools of understanding and unwavering commitment.  “I can’t imagine you being gone. And I know your past is far from happy. But I am here for you at all times, and you know my family is too.” She nodded, acknowledging that fact. Her voice was too choked with emotion to speak. Her silent agreement conveyed the depth of her trust in Jason and his family. “You know we would do anything for you, right?” Another nod.  Jason smiled, and moved his hand from her chin to wipe away the tears on her cheeks.  “You need to stick around for a lot longer than you are writing your story for. And the first thing you need to do in order to change that is to stop drinking as much, or at all. You think we can try to change that?” She smiled, nodding her head in his hand. It was a commitment, a promise to change, and an affirmation of the love and support that had enveloped her in this transformative moment. This is what Star Flight needed, what she was looking for, and she didn’t even know it. She needed someone to save her, as she couldn’t save herself. She was out of control, and Jason got her back.  Within this moment, she realized, was what she had been seeking all along—a lifeline, a chance for redemption, and the love of someone who could help her find her way back to herself.  She knew what she wanted down the line. She wanted to take his name, be more than just his marefriend. She did want to stick around for a lot longer.