//------------------------------// // Faithful Servant // Story: Fractured Steel // by Serina //------------------------------// Dear Brother, I hope this letter finds you and the family in good health. Your words of concern and observation are always welcome, and I am grateful for the connection your letters provide, bridging the gap that distance has placed between us. It's indeed intriguing to hear about the unusual increase in patrols by both the day and night guards within Canterlot. While I share your curiosity about the reasons behind this change, my current role within the Royal Guard has not yet afforded me insight into the matter. However, I will keep a watchful eye on any further developments that may shed light on this situation. In the realm of my duties, I've been entrusted with an important task. My commander has requested additional weapons and armor for the day guard due to a shortage. It appears that the need for these resources has arisen unexpectedly, possibly related to the increased patrols you mentioned. As such, I am including the supply request in this letter. I know you will be working diligently to fulfill this order, ensuring that our fellow guards have the necessary equipment to perform their duties effectively. I apologize for the short notice, but the commander was rather insistent, and we are at the mercy of being a main supplier of militant steel. I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. While my time and attention will be devoted to my everyday duties, please know that your letters remain a cherished source of strength and connection for me. Your observations and insights continue to provide valuable perspectives on the world beyond the castle walls as I ponder their meaning. I also wanted to express my gratitude for your dedication to our family during Dad's bout with hay fever. You and Mother's decision to prioritize his well-being showcases the loving and responsible nature that defines you. Please convey my warm regards to him, and I hope he's recovering steadily. I shall visit as soon as I am able and finished with my training. As always, I eagerly anticipate the day when I can return home and reunite with our family. Until then, please stay safe and rest easy that your brother is keeping Canterlot Castle safe, even if he is simply a guard. Your Brother, Bronze Armor