The Pony's Journey To The North

by Omquest

Prologue: Once upon a time...

Once upon a time, in a world that was named Equestria,

In their time before our own;

A being of great power had sent forth his spell unto this dimension;
Thus giving birth to the Goddess of Sun and her sister, Goddess of Moon were brought to the desolate world.

Disgusted over the lack of life, they used their most powerful spell to bring us all to such a ruined plane yet it is our destiny to give our land a bring new life to the scorched lands,

First, Nature.
Nature brought forth trees, wildlife, and beauty across the land.

Second, Birth.
Birth sent onto waves of purity and growth to bring north races, including our own, out of the ocean's womb and allow unto us a breath of life.

Third, Knowledge.
Knowledge, providing the trees and ground editables for us to eat yet, a trickster it was, had also given us it's intelligence through these fruits.

Fourth, Harmony.
Harmony is responsible for overseeing the progress of the world, ensuring peace to us all everywhere in the cosmic dance of the universe.

Lastly, Grace.

Grace is what we all bow to when the weather sings to let us know that the season is going to change, to know that we will do the same as them four.

Grace, somewhat dissatisfied with his work, was left envious over the four siblings and the Goddesses being worshiped more than himself, the race of Joy seemed to favored them more than him. It was growing colder by the day.

Then, suddenly, came the day of such bitterness. Grace had sent forth the cold rain of ice and snow onto them all and refused to make way for spring; he intended on making all life fear him as the God of War, Sin and Death.

Goddesses of Sun and Moon took wind on what was happening across the world and it was a horrible realization that it is dying a slow, freezing death. They tried to reason Grace and make him open his eyes to what he was doing but he turned them away. Declaring himself as worthy of the North itself and became the devil in the flesh: Lucifer.

The Goddesses began to lose hope but then, four siblings step forward and with heavy weight of their Barden, decided to confront their brother themselves as they convinced their divine rulers to lent upon them a weapon that has saved us all on that day:

Spirits of Harmony

With them by their side, they used them to engage their corrupted sibling in battle.

Yet, it was a long and bloodied battle for freedom and warmth long forgotten after 120 days.

And during those 120 days, everyone had declared war on each other to fight for their resources and as a result, the once great kingdom had fallen.

Yet, despite all of this ruin; they did not lose hope on fighting for their lives.

The souls had crystallized and shaped into something stronger than they were once before as they kept fighting and fighting and fighting.

Until at last, after 120 days of discord, misery and war of the divine order;

Lucifer was finally beaten and was exiled permanently into the Nine Layers that is very well deeply buried in the earth's crust.

But, it did not come without the price in doing so.

In their last breath, the Goddesses blessed them, the sisters blessed them with all their might in gratitude of their bravery and sacrifice and sent north condolences of their beloved brother turned bad as they, one by one, were sent to a heavenly place.

After those dark times loomed us all, we were still fearful of the outside world, beasts still hated us over the winter era as we sealed ourselves inside the barrier that protects us still to this day.

The Goddesses had left for the Heavens to watch over us as they rose from the sun and moon.

We will smile and laugh as we shall remember our beautiful mothers as we will always find light

In the darkness that persists through time

"...Spirits of Harmony?" One unicorn had to raise her hoof up to interrupt a preacher's earth pony; the mango-colored stallion looked annoyed as he shot a dagger at her. "What is it, filly?" he asked impatiently. "This is the fifteenth time you interrupted our prayer!"

The purple unicorn, Twilight Sparkle, whose tail had a fine line of mane hair at the tip end of it, mane flowed down her head and curved horn as she looked at him with purple eyes as she lowered her hoof down, staring at him with questions of her own. "I am sorry but I recalled that spirits were nothing but make-believe. It was just an old pony tale from long ago!" she said as the crowd around her glared with ire. The preacher could only groan and pitched his nose despite the lack of fingers. "Always believe in science, don't we?" He groaned, "Are we?" He repeated himself as he turned his eyes to look at her again.
"It is an important lesson that our young must learn as they grow," the preacher explained himself to her, gesturing his hoof, "To not repeat the mistakes of the Devil himself and thrive in a better future of our Ponydom, our war against the enemies of our kind outside as we speak will soon be theirs to fight. My daughter, if you insist on interrupt our seance like this, I suggest a library since they can take on your consistent interfering." as he pointed the double door out of the holy place. "I am just saying that it's not scientifically true since I have-" she then was booed by the other ponies around. Her teacher-toned voice was lowered into silence as her ears folded down and brows pointed up in embarrassment.

"Settle down."
They all kept shunning her as she feels more shamed as the Preacher finally broke through the booing.
"Settle down, everyone, please settle down."

They all finally quieted down as they all turned to face him as he got out from behind the lectern and goes towards Twilight with a book in his hoof as he sat down in front of her and had his free one to place under her chin and lifted her face up to see him. Eyes filled with solace as he smiled. "Twilight," He said as he got up first, she soon followed suit and then was given a book that does not given to by Father Holy Word before as she was led out of the chapel with eyes following them both. "You have to know that history of us were made by choices left behind by out ancestors of the time long forgotten." he said as he was walking beside her towards the door.
"And your consistent facts-and-non-fiction is one of those that you are making right now, it is driving away every opportunity to making a connection of anypony away." Holy Word spoke further as he pushed the door open to let her go outside and he was half-way through the door when Twilight spoke again. "I wasn't doing that." in vain to defend her actions but received a bored look from Father Holy Word, making her realize again in flushed awkwardness as she softly lets out "Oh..."
"Do you see what I mean by that?"
"Y-Yeah, yeah I do." she had used magic of her horn to hold the book to rub her leg with her hoof, looking at the ground instead but was brought back by Holy Word's voice of reassurance.
"It would be better if you got your nose of them books and pay attention to the Scroll of Ancient Beginning for once in your life, Mrs. Sparkle." Holy Word suggested as he pointed a book she was holding, somewhat has a crescent moon in front of the sun symbol on the cover and despite it being a book, it was called a scroll. There could be called a bible instead but Twilight didn't spoke up. "We just don't want you going down a wrong path as Lucifer did a long time ago, and please be mindful of other ponies please?" he said as he stuck his head back inside and before closing the door in front of her as she watched had then said "You are still welcomed in the Church of the Goddesses no matter what, Twilight, may the Sisters bless your magic always."
Blinking slightly at this. she shook her head at this as she turned to her satchel as she opened it up with her magic and then soon placed the bible inside before turning and walking away.

Known it all.
Seen it all.
Heard it all.
Spoke it all.

She softly sang to herself as she walked across the city called Olympus, looking around the sights of many ponies of three different types; Unicorns like herself, Pegasus, and Earth. They are all going about their business as usual while little fillies and colts run across the streets without a care in the world as she stopped and allowing them to run past. She then continued on her way.

Done it all.

Path of such knowledge is done with many of my good graces,
Had gotten a good ace with all of my tests,
A good score to being bright but still, nothing can't compare to it being a ruse.

She turned to see a café of unicorns talking amongst themselves as they were laughing and joking with the other pegasi and earth ponies running the business before one, seeing Twilight outside of the restaurant and does seemed to know her as she gave her an unpleased look of annoyance mixed with spite used her magic to grab a hand and pulled the blinds down, shutting her out as she leaned her head back with folded ears with much disappointment.

I called it a curse when it comes to such isolation.
A price you will paid and be all by your own.
Maybe they just don't like me being shown way.

Twilight continued to walk down the path as other ponies are looking at her, judgement and annoyance of her presence, her reputation was diving her nose in books and would correct people on something that she knows well too aware of when she was at school for gifted ponies. Ultimately leading to her being completely alone and a social outcast by all when she was trying to be friends with others yet her knowledge and being better is what cost it to happened.

I need to find another way around,
To be able to be free at last,
To know more than the rest of them,
So many doors that I had yet to open up.

A world that I have yet to learn .

She continued walking down the road as she exits the district and onto a quieter street that she knows all too well, leading her back home as she looked at the flowers with a hint of sympathy of them greeting her journey home. Using her magic to snag one off of its stem and placing it on her head. A flower that she choose is somewhat related to her woes; A lovely purple hyacinth that was among its fellows as she placed it on her dark blue with light yellow, purple and magenta streak with her tail to match as she continued on walking back to her tower that overlooks the land she lives in.

I need a compass to guide me,
An arrow that will show me a new path,
Path mine to choose.

And I know that its close...

She walks down another block after 15 minutes of her walk home as she reached the steps of her house, looking up at it with a smile as she sings the last note of her song.

And I know that it will be right there,
Done by Deus for all to see...!~

And I know that I will find it soon.

With no further hesitation and regret, her horn's magic encased the handle of the door and then pulled it open, she then walked inside with no problems, the door slowly and gently closed behind her.