//------------------------------// // Final World Stop: Russia // Story: Finishing The Story // by Big Imagination E //------------------------------// The next morning everyone was up and ready for the last world stop. Another month passed and now only 5 months remain to beat the deadline. Rick woke up Ethan and Sunset but this time not so loud. Cody got up and got ready in his wrestling attire. "Wake up sleepyheads. We got one last world stop to make." Rick said. "Alright man were getting up." Ethan said as he and Sunset rolled out of bed. The gang all got dressed and discussed where the last stop around the world is gonna be. Ethan was running out of ideas so he asked Sunset if she had ideas. "So Sunny. Where should our last stop be?" Ethan said. "Well I did some research and I decided that the last place to be is Russia." Sunset said. "But we don't know what Russian wrestlers can help Cody. Now don't get me wrong I think it's a great idea. But we don't know who can help us in Russia." Rick said. "I know an old friend of mine who is a Russian wrestler and can possibly help us." Rainbow said. "Who's that?" Cody said. "His name is Boris Zhukov. He's a good wrestler in Russia. He can help us." Rainbow said. "Well if you know him and you're sure he can help us then Russia is where we're going." Ethan said. "Ok gang. Let's go to Russia." Rick said as everyone got their bags and left. XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Back in WWE Roman is still pissed. Even more so when the Usos couldn't take his orders seriously anymore. He went to Solo and talked to him. "Solo. How's your leg doing?" Roman said. "It's doing better now. Doctors said I'll be fine to compete next week." Solo said. "Good. Cause I got a job for you. Ethan the guy who broke your leg? He and his partner are coming back for the Rumble. Challenge him to a Street Fight. Then you'll get revenge on him for injuring you. And make it the main event. I want to hear him scream." Roman said. "Sure Roman. I'll make sure he begs for mercy." Solo said as he walked out. "Im sure you will Solo. Make him pay for all of this." Roman said. XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Back with the gang we see them in Russia. It was very cold there so everyone wore jackets to stay warm. They all walked around to see where Boris Zhnkov is at. "So where is your old friend?" Sunset said. "Im guessing he's at that old training place he goes on his off days." Rainbow said. "Then that's where we are heading to." Ethan said as he led them to the training place. Everyone headed in the direction Rainbow showed them all the way to the place her old friend is. Inside they saw everything that Russian wrestlers need. Except the only difference is that the ring was a lot bigger and had more room. And right on cue they saw a man with a beard and wearing a red t-shirt. He was Boris Zhnkov. "Hey Boris!!" Rainbow said getting his attention. "Rainbow!! How's old friend doing after many of the years passed?" Boris said in a Russian accent. "Im doing ok man. I like you to meet my friends. Sunset, Ethan, Rick and the American Nightmare: Cody Rhodes." Rainbow said. "Nice to meet you. Im Boris Zhnkov. The famous wrestler in all of Russia." Boris said. "Yeah. We noticed. Anywho we need you to help Cody train hard for us to beat the deadline by Wrestlemania." Rick said. "Ah. Grand stage of all. Well worry not! I Boris will train Cody to be stronger than anyone else to be champion! Come Cody! We train!" Boris said. The two got in the ring and began training. We start off by having Cody trying to punch Boris but he countered that and punched him. "Cody! Use brain! It help you think before attack!" Boris said. He remembered what Boris said and got back on his feet. Cody tried to throw some punches and got a few lucky hits. Boris tried to come at him with a clothesline but dodged. Cody then kicked him and stunned him. He took the chance to climb up to the turn buckles and delivered a Cody Cutter on him! Boris got up and got ready in his position. He ran to him and was about to give Cody the big boot but he jumped out of the way. The battle lasted for about 50 minutes since Boris was pretty tough. But in the end it was Cody who won by delivering the Cross Rhodes on him and pinned him down for the count. They both got up and shook hands for good sportsmanship. "Well done Cody. Im surprised that Superstar like you can last battle for long time." Boris said. "You be surprised what I can do. You put up a good fight too." Cody said. "Thank you. By the way Ethan? There's something I have to warn you about." Boris said. "Well what is it?" Ethan said. "The Bloodline as you call them are not giving up. I saw a vision that you are gonna face The Enforcer: Solo Sikoa at Royal Rumble. If you lose that match then the journey will end for all of you. Make sure you have everything you need to face him when that time comes." Boris said. "Solo facing my boyfriend?! I won't let him hurt Ethan!!" Sunset said. "Then I advise you be at ringside with him. Solo is very powerful and very dangerous. Make sure he gets all the help he needs before he faces him." Boris said. "Thanks for reminding me. If I broke his leg once I can do it again." Ethan said. "Yeah man. You gotta win the day and stop Solo." Rick said. "Don't worry about me. I can stop that guy. Come along gang. We gotta head home." Ethan said. "Dude. Maybe we should rest for the night and then head home tomorrow morning." Rick said as he took them to one final hotel. XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX In the room everyone was already asleep even Ethan was sleeping. But Sunset couldn't rest. She couldn't stop worrying about her boyfriend getting killed by Solo. Rainbow saw Sunset all worried and went to her to talk. "Sunset. It will be okay. If he can break his leg once he'll do it again." Rainbow said. "I hope your right. Im just worried about Ethan. He could get hurt out there." Sunset said. "He's gonna be okay. He survived Solo once before. He'll do it again to protect you. Now let's get some sleep." Rainbow said. "Okay Rainbow." Sunset said as the girls went to the beds with the boys and went to sleep. Time's drawing near for our heroes. But only hope can be with them in this situation. And we hope that Ethan can stop Solo Sikoa.