Alwas Appreciate What is Right in Front of You

by coolpony01

Ch 10 Big Changes

I’m eleven years old it has been a little over a year ago since we made peace with the changelings from the Republic of Congo. Their have been a lot of big changes. We began to trade with them we get fruits and medical herbs that they grow that we can’t grow ourselves. Also many pony and changeling Scientists have met up to discuss scientific achievements they have made.

I personally think that something like that is something Twilight would have fun taking part of because she does love science and is actually quite smart. She however, does not want to socialize with the changelings. She will have to won day she is a princess and that means that on very important meetings she will have to talk to the changelings from the Republic of Congo.

There are also several changeling children and pony children that are attending the other species schools. And that means there are some changeling children who are attending school in Equestria This way we develop good relationships with each other.

There is actually a changeling that lives right here in Ponyville her name is Bella. She has a light green curly mane and tail with holes in it, she has a curved horn and light green insector wings with holes in them and she wears a black bow on her head. I know this because sometimes when I’m cleaning the windows I see her playing with the cutie mark crusaders. Twilight will likely never let me talk with those three fillies again. Why is she like this? I mean before she became a princess she preached love and tolerance towards all creatures so why judge one in particular. I don’t know why but I do know that a lot of big changes are happening.