//------------------------------// // Ch 5 Time Around Ponyville // Story: Alwas Appreciate What is Right in Front of You // by coolpony01 //------------------------------// All my chores are done, this means that I can take a walk around Ponyville. I don’t get this opportunity very often and I won’t let it go to waste. I saw Pinkie Pie bouncing up and down as usual. Her fun personality brought up the good in my day. When she saw me she got a huge smile on her face as she jumped over. “Oh Spike I’ve missed you sooo much.” Pinkie Pie spoke. I chuckled at that “I’ve missed you two Pinkie Pie.” I said. “So how are you and Twilight doing?” Pinkie Pie asked. I let out a sigh. “It’s just Twilight is so busy all the time she never spends any time with me other than her giving me assignments.”I spoke. Pinkie Pie let out a gasp “She’s treating you like that.” She said concerned. I let out a sigh “Yes she’s just so busy all the time.” I said. “Well if things ever get too difficult to handle come to me I can throw you a party.” She said with care. I chuckled at that “I’m up for that.” I said “Okay I have to get going now in the meantime here’s a cupcake.” She said as she handed me a cupcake.  I then began to eat the cupcake. The sugary taste hit my tongue. It was the sweetest thing I’ve eaten in a while. I then went to the park where I saw Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s little sister. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her. It's a good thing that she finally earned her cutie mark. I saw Sweetie Belle walk over to me  “Oh hi Sweetie Belle.” I said. “It’s been a while since I last saw you.” Sweetie Belle spoke. “I know it’s just now that Twilight’s a princess I have a lot more assignments.” I said. “I know Twilight’s a princess now but that doesn't mean she should treat you like a servant.” Sweetie Belle spoke. “I’m not a servant, Twilight just needs a little more help now that she’s a princess.” I defended. “Spike you and I both know that she gives you more than a little work. You hardly travel around Ponyville. She should not put that kind of work on you.” Sweetie Belle spoke. “If I work harder I’ll have more time off.” I said. “Okay Spike just don’t forget that you are your own person and that no one should treat you poorly.” Sweetie Belle said. “Alright Sweetie Belle.” I said in agreement with what she just said. I then went back home but when I got home I could see that Twilight was less than pleased. “Spike, where were you?” She demanded. “I got done with work early. You said that I could go to Ponyville any time I got my work done.” I protested. “While you were gone I received several messages from the nobles about the meeting I had with the Chancellor of the EEA. They wanted to know how the meeting went. I had to write thirty formal letters and use my magic to send them. I almost didn’t get done with my royal duties because you decided to go out and have fun rather than stay here in case something were to happen!” Twilight yelled. I began to cry “I’m sorry Twilight I had no way of knowing that this would happen.” I said. “Don’t you dare try to make excuses from now on if you get your work done early you will stay here incase something happens.” Twilight said. I then went to my room. I can't believe I just lost my right to visit Ponyville. What is happening with Twilight.