//------------------------------// // Episode 10: Creature of the Night // Story: Jurassic Equestria: The Series | Season 1 // by MasterKen1803 //------------------------------// Female broadcaster: There's a creature or demon that lurks at night in the Everfree Forest. Camera image a picture of a black silhouette figure running in the woods. Witness: My friends & I were hiking in the woods at night & we heard a loud-ass shriek Video footage of the creature shrieking. Female witness: I've seen that thing. It was unbelievable! Another video footage from the same witness showed the creature standing behind a flickering lamppost, smiling devilishly at the witness. "Hello! Who are you? What do you want?" the witness called out. "Hello? Hey! Get outta here!" The creature slowly disappeared into the wood as the footage ended. Witness 2: The creature was...um...I don't know...black & have some sort of a lizard-like body. Witness 3: It's skin was slimy or wet with some kind of substance. Female witness 2: Its claws were long & jagged. Witness 4: Its body looked & smell like decaying body. Female witness 3: Its eyes were bright yellow kinda resembling highlights or something. Female broadcaster: Based on the descriptions, here is the artist rendering of what the beast might have looked like. What is this creature, where did it came from, is it one of the creatures from Jurassic Equestria? Only one thing is certain: wherever it is out there, it is completely isolated & alone & what will it do next? <> In the night, a small herd of Parasaurolophus graze outside of Ponyville . One of the Parasaurolophus wandered too close to the treeline of Everfree Forest. Then it saw two pairs of yellow eyes in the darkness. Before the Parasaurolophus could react, something grabbed the dinosaur in the face and yanked it into the forest, alarming the other Parasaurolophus. Some moments later, the same Parasaurolophus came out of the forest all covered in blood, making the herd nervous then it collapsed. Then the body was yanked back again and herd could hear the sounds of bone-crunching & flesh-ripping. Then the creature emerged. The herd froze in shock as the creature smiled at them with a blood stain teeth then launched at them. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 10: CREATURE OF THE NIGHT <> The next morning, the Ponyville police went to the site of the massacre. The Parasaurs were teared to pieces, their heads were decapitated, huge claw & bite marks are shown, and even their guts & intestines were spilled on the grounds. The police took photos, collecting samples, & finding any evidences of who or what could caused this much massacre. "I cannot believe this. And to think one creature could cause this much massacre", the police groaned, taking off his sunglasses. Nearby, the Mane-6 walked to the site. "Princess Twilight, we need you to step back", the pegasus police stopped the group. "Pardon me, officer but me & my friends might need to investigate so could you spare us some time, please?" Twilight asked. "And we'll be gone before you even know it", added Pinkie. The police scratched his head & sighed. "Alright, I'll give you all five minutes." "Thank you, officer. Thank you. Me & my friends will take it from here for now." The group passed the officer & went to the site. <> The group watched at the scene & were horrified. "Oh wow!" Rainbow gasped. "Aye-yi-yi!" Pinkie Pie yelped. "What could have done this much massacre?!" Fluttershy asked, horrified. "Think it's Viper & her unruly gang?" Rarity began with a handkerchief over her nose. "I don't think so", Twilight shook her head. "Fluttershy, what do you think happened?" Rainbow asked but Fluttershy was too horrified to answer. Applejack stood silently. "Applejack?" Rainbow called but she didn't respond. "Applejack?" Rainbow called a little louder. Applejack shot back to reality. "What?" "Are you okay there?" asked Rainbow. "Um...yah. Ah'm fine." Applejack looked away. "Are you sure? It seems you've awfully quiet today", Pinkie said, worriedly. "Care to explain?" Rarity raised her eyebrow. Applejack hesitated to answer but reassured them to calm the situation. "Y'all, don't worry. Ah'll be fine. Let's just focus on our investigation and get the hell outta here, alright?" The others felt uneasy about her response & became more worried. "Okay, you're right, Applejack. C'mon, girls", Twilight put it aside for now. The group went to the site. <> Rainbow & Applejack went in pair, looking for any evidences. Rainbow couldn't help but noticed Applejack was feeling uneasy. "AJ, there's something you're not telling us", Rainbow asked, suspiciously. "What? Why would you think that?" "Because you've silenced ever since we've paired up, are you okay?" "Ah told you before ah'm fine!" Applejack finally snapped. "Well I'm buying it! What's going on?!" Rainbow started shouting. "Ah don't know, okay?!" AJ shouted back. The duo stared at each other furiously. "Hey guys, come here, come here! Twilight's found something", Pinkie appeared & called them. Rainbow flew off. "We're coming back to this later." "Rainbow, ah..." Applejack couldn't finished because Rainbow flew off. Applejack grunted frustratedly. <> The group gathered around Twilight. They found a black liquid on the ground next to the Parasaur's carcass. The group covered their noses from the scent. Twilight examined it then putted her hoof into it. The group except Applejack exclaimed in disgust then backed away from the liquid. "Oh I'm gonna throw-up!" Rarity holded onto her stomach. "What is that?!" Spike asked. Twilight didn't answer but sniffed it then groaned, "Oh!" "Well what is it?" Pinkie asked. "I don't know but whatever this substance is, I'm gonna take this to my castle", Twilight pull out a vial from her bag & put the liquid in the vial. <> The following night, a small herd of Sinoceratops were walking through the Everfree. Little did they know that the creature was stalking them. One Sinoceratops was dragged by the tail, causing the other Sinoceratops to watch. They heard their friend roaring in pain as well as strange shrieking noises in the foliage. At last the creature emerged & revealed itself, causing the Sinoceratops to roar and flee in panic. The herd ran as fast as they can til they reached open clearing then formed a defensive ring. They roared & grunted to intimidate their attacker. The creature breaks the ring by literally shredding one of them. The natural defense is in ruins. The rest of the herd roared in terror & started to flee only to be pick off one by one. <> Twilight was in her library, examining the substance. Spike appeared with a cup of coffee. "Here's your coffee, Twi", Spike handed the cup. "Thank you Spike." Spike looked at the liquid in the vial. "Any luck?" "Non so far", Twilight shook her head. "Nothing about animals covered in black goop." "Could it be another dinosaur?" Spike asked. "I don't think it's a dinosaur too", Twilight answered. Then Pinkie bursted into the library, panting. "Pinkie, what happened? What's going on?" asked Twilight in alarm. Pinkie looked up. "We have a lead." <> A female Sinoceratops from the night before shuddered uncontrollably while Fluttershy tried calming her down. The ponies gathered around. "Okay okay, ma'am, deep breaths", Fluttershy instructed. Then Pinkie then showed the dinosaur a funny face which only scared her even more. "Pinkie stop that! Can't you see you're gonna give her a heart-attack?!" scolded Rarity. "Oops, my bad. Proceed." "Alright, ma'am, tell us what happened last night?" Fluttershy asked gently. "And also tell her to give us all the details & the exact description & leave none of the crap out!" Applejack added sternly. The ponies watched in confusion, never seeing this side of Applejack before. "What's your problem?" Rainbow asked. "Nothing", Applejack looked away. The Sinoceratops started snorting, grunting, puffing while the group paid closed attention. "What's she saying?" Spike asked. "She said something mutilated my friends & family mercilessly", Fluttershy translated. "What does it look like though?" Twilight asked. The Sinoceratops grunted in response. "She said she doesn't know & she never seen anything like it", Fluttershy translated. The Sinoceratops started grunting again. "She also said it was covered in black tar", translated Fluttershy. "Black tar? So it does belong to that creature", Twilight confirmed. "But what does it's face look like?" Rarity asked. The Sinoceratops shook her head & snorted darkly. "Something sadistic & outta this world", translated Fluttershy. This made the group's spine shiever. <> Back at the library, Twilight read over hundreds of books in her library but finds nothing. Afterwards, she gets frustrated for not finding it yet. "Where are you?!" she yelled as she threw a book which hits an another pile of book, causing them to collapse. One black book with a strange symbol landed in front of her "Huh?" she question as she picks up that and inspected it. The book had monster-like skull on its cover. "Dark Creatures? Of course!" Twilight said, starting to enlighten. "Why didn't I look at this before?" As she open the book & turned to the first page which is about dragons. Then she turned to the next page which talks about Hydras. She turned pages by pages, she sees Tatzlwurm, Changelings, Basilisks, zombies, wyverns, Manticore, trolls, Ursa Major, Rocs, & even Umbrums while reading throughout the book. Then finally in the last page, her eye widens as she sees a black lizard-like creature with bipedal legs & long sharp claws on each hand, which matched the exact description the Sinoceratops described. She grabbed the book & ran out. <> The Mane-6 & Spike were in Sugarcube Corner as Twilight explained what she's discovered. "Alright, girls, the situation is worse than we thought", Twilight slammed the book on the table, showing them the creature. The girls were repulsed or scared by its appearance. "Creepy", Rainbow gasped. "Looks disgusting", Rarity commented. Twilight started reading. With the many fearsome beasts that roamed Equestria but none's more feared & deadly than the Nightfeeder. Unfortunately very little was known about this creature but it is said that it was created by Grogar & it's capable of living over hundreds of years. Instant death awaits any who meet this creature in the night. All ponies & creatures flee before it. "Girls, this is it. The monster that attack the dinosaurs is the Nightfeeder", Twilight explained. "It's demonic entity created by Grogar." "So the Parasaurs & the Sinos that were slaughtered during the night, that was this creature", asked Fluttershy, uneasily. Twilight nodded. Applejack grabbed the book from Twilight. "You've gotta be kidding me. You really think this creature existed?" Applejack asked. Twilight nodded. Then Applejack bursted into laughter, confusing the group. "Good one, Twilight! This creature existed? Gimme a break!" "Applejack, are you okay?" Spike asked, concerned. "Me? Of course, ah'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" "Darling, because you're starting worry us slightly a bit", Rarity answered. "More like lot", Rainbow crossed her hooves. "Is there something you're not telling us?" "No, of course not. Honest." The group doesn't seen convinced. "Well if that's outta the way, ah'll be heading back to the farm. Got a lotta chores to do. Good luck with your monster-hunting!" Applejack excused herself. The others stared silently. "Hey is it just me or was Applejack acting super sus for days?" Pinkie started. "Mmhm", Fluttershy nodded "I couldn't agree more", Spike answered. "Indubitably", Rarity agreed. "Ha! For sure. But I'm on to her", Rainbow said. Then she turned to Twilight. "So any more intel about this creature, Twi?" "Uh, yes, there is", Twilight opened the book. "It says here that the Nightfeeder is most seen in the darkest areas of the Everfree Forest. Even beyond it." "Great. That means we know where to start", said Spike. "But how would we know it's safe there?'' asked Fluttershy. "The book said all creatures flee from it, meaning all creatures might not go there", answered Twilight. "So I think tonight we all should go there & find out what this thing is up too." "Why does it have to be in the night?" Fluttershy groaned. <> After a long hike from Ponyville to the dark areas of the Everfree, the ponies felt the uneasiness of fear on their way. "Guys, I don't wanna brag or anything but I feel like something's following us right now", Pinkie shuddered. "I thought I was the only one..." agreed Fluttershy. "C'mon you guys, it's probably just some animal or some dino walking by", Rainbow reassured them. "I don't know, Rainbow. I mean the sun is going down fast so anytime might happen", said Twilight. Then nearby, a Carnotaurus with a burnt right-sided face & broken horn watched them. <> They walked as the Carnotaurus bursted outta nowhere & almost bite Twilight but luckily she dodged. The Carnotaurus roared at them. The group gasped. "Ugh, him again!" groaned Rainbow. "Ahhh, Zircon!" Pinkie screamed outta her lungs, pointing at him. Zircon charged at the group but they all divided. "Don't remember what happened last time?!" mocked Rainbow from a tree. "Twilight is gonna go all sonic on you again, right, Twi?" "I don't know how to control it, remember?" Twilight reminded her. "Oh right…crap…" "What do we do with him now?" Fluttershy asked. "ATTACK!" yelled Twilight. Zircon roared as he tried chomping Rainbow. She flew around him, throwing hard punches on his face. Twilight & Rarity blasted him with laser beams. Spike, Pinkie, & Fluttershy clutched onto his legs, making sure he doesn't move. Then Rainbow jumped onto Zircon's neck & pulled one of his horn. "Had enough, burnt-face?" mocked Rainbow, yanking his horn. Then Zircon bunked Rainbow in the face with the back of his head. He then chomped her on the leg & hurled her to Twilight & Rarity. He threw off Spike & Pinkie off his left leg. He grabbed Fluttershy by the tail & threw her off as well. Zircon pinned Fluttershy down & lowered his head for a bite. Fluttershy covered her face then a familiar voice was heard. "YEEEE-HAWWW! Suddenly Applejack appeared outta nowhere & grabbed Fluttershy off Zircon's foot just on time. Zircon growled at them. "Go Fluttershy", she ordered as Fluttershy flee. "Twilight, Rainbow! Catch!" Applejack tossed a lasso to them. Twilight begun tying one of Zircon's legs while Rainbow flew & tied his snout closed. Rarity & Fluttershy tied his other leg while almost getting stomped. Applejack tied his arms to his legs. "Through the hole, over Ponyville, & one more loop", Pinkie was cheerfully tying the lasso into a knot against a tree. Rainbow flew around Zircon & yelled "C' mon, girl! Heave...!" "Ho!" Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike, Rarity, & Applejack pulled the rope, strapped to a tree altogether. This made Zircon lost his footing & fell in front of Rainbow. The Carnotaurus groaned from the impact. Rainbow calmly approached. "Better luck next time, burnt-face", Rainbow patted his snout. "This isn't gonna hold him long. Let's go!" called Applejack. The ponies rushed off as Zircon struggled to break lose. <> The group ran deeper to the forest. They panted for a moment. "Applejack, what are you going here?" Twilight panted. "Well followed y'all, of course!" answered Applejack. "I couldn't help but eavesdropped your plan back in Sugarcube Corner earlier." "Well you could have told us you were coming with us", reminded Rainbow, brushing herself. Then Applejack breathed deeply. "Y'all, ah need to tell you something: the truth." This made the group stared in confusion & suspicious. "Ya see…" Then a loud screech interrupted Applejack. The group jumped from the sound & looked around. "What…was…that?" Fluttershy whimpered. "It's here", Applejack whispered intensely. "Huh?" the group were confused. "What-what's here?" stammered Spike, nervously. Then a figure ran at them at incredible speed. "INCOMING!" called Rainbow. The group barely escaped the attack. But creature sliced off a tree. "TIMBER!" screamed Pinkie as the falling tree divided the group. Twilight was with Applejack, Rainbow on the other side of the tree while Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, & Spike were on the opposite. "It split us apart! What do we do?" asked AJ. Twilight thought then had a idea. "Hey!" The group from the opposite side heard Twilight. "You guys go! We'll tried to distract it!" Twilight instructed the other. "Be careful, Twilight!" Spike called out. Him & his group flee. Meanwhile Rainbow & AJ were unsure of the plan. "Are ya sure about this, Twi?" asked Applejack. "I don't know. But it's the best I've got…", answered Twilight. Then she started yelling. "Hey! Over here! Come & get us!" The creature was on one of the trees & turned to Twilight's group. It jumped on one tree to another. The group ran as the creature pursued them. <> Meanwhile Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, & Pinkie ran as fast as their legs could carried them. Rarity stop as she had stumbled upon a hill. "Girls, I think we should…" Before Rarity could say anything, the others bunked into her & they all fell down the hill. To make matters worse, they even got separated during the fall. <> Meanwhile, Twilight, Rainbow, & Applejack ran as the creature screeched & slashing off obstacles like trees & rocks like its just nothing while chasing after the ponies. Twilight fired a laser beam at it but the creature handled it like it was nothing. "Ah, screw this!" Rainbow decided to face it head on. "Rainbow, what are you doing?!" yelled Applejack. "I'll hold it off, go!" Rainbow flied to it & then slamming her entire body to it, knocking it off its legs. Unfortunately Rainbow got spattered by the tar-like substance from it. The creature got up & ran the other way. "Ah! Ugh! It's in my mouth! What is this?!" she exclaimed in disgust, trying to remove it. She ran around & accidentally got leaves & spider webs all over her. Then she ran to a tree, making it fall on her. "OH NO! NO!" (CRASHED) <> Rarity was wandering around, fearfully. "Fluttershy? Spike? Pinkie?" she whimpered. Then a muddy figure emerged right behind her. "Don't worry, Rarity. I got you", reassured the muddy figure, touching her shoulders. Rarity screamed & karate-kicked the figure multiple time then she ran off. The muddy figure was revealed to be Pinkie Pie. "I think she knocked out my favorite teeth…" Pinkie groaned dizzily before fainting. <> Fluttershy stopped & panted for air. Something peered from the bush. Fluttershy saw it. She quietly picked up a log & smashed it. (BONK!) "Oh!" "I got it", Fluttershy went to the bush to check it out but to realize…she just hit Spike! "Spike? Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I thought you were the creature." Fluttershy helped him up. "I'm okay…" Spike answered, dizzily. A terrifying screech scared both of them. Fluttershy grabbed Spike's arm & they both ran. <> Twilight & Applejack stood together defensively. The creak on the left made them jump. Then a loud hurl on the right too. "C'mon, c'mon. Show yourself, son of a b*tch", challenged Applejack. Then a leafy & webby figure emerged. Without reaction, Applejack grabbed it by the arm & slammed it left to right repeatedly. Twilight saw who it was! "Stop Applejack stop!" "Huh?" Applejack gasped. It was Rainbow Dash! "Mah gosh, Dash! Ah'm sorry, ah didn't mean to. Say something, anything!" Applejack helped. Rainbow shook head. "Numbskull!" Rainbow bonked Applejack on the head. "Oh!" groaned Applejack. Then Spike & Fluttershy appeared. "Ah!" shrieked Fluttershy before punching the air. "Chill out, Fluttershy", reassured Spike. "It's just the others." "Oh", Fluttershy sighed in relief. Then something tabbed her shoulder. Fluttershy yelped & slapped it on the face. But it was just Pinkie. "Oh! I'm sorry!" "It's okay, Shy", Pinkie rubbed her cheek. "Wait! Where's Rarity?" asked Spike. This alerted everyone. "Rarity!" Twilight called. "Where are you?!" Pinkie shouted. Then Rarity came out from the darkness with tears in her eyes. She tackled Spike & hugged him tightly. She whimpered uncontrollably. "Rarity, what happened?" Rainbow asked. "It's there...", Rarity pointed to the darkness. "What?" Spike didn't understood. "What's there?" asked Twilight. Then an eerie chitter was heard. The ponies looked at saw the creature standing at the trees. It was approximately 10 feet tall with a slimy body, armed with jagged teeth and long blade-like claws, and a tail with small sharp barbs all around. "The Nightfeeder..." Twilight said softly. The group froze in shock & fear. Applejack however charged towards it alone. "APPLEJACK NO!" the ponies screamed. Applejack & the Nightfeeder charged at each other but the Nightfeeder pinned her down and strangled her. "APPLEJACK!" the group screamed. Applejack started to choke as the Nightfeeder slowly squeezed her neck tighter. Then Rarity holded the Nightfeeder's arm but it grabbed her then hurled her off. "Rarity!" Spike hollered as he ran to her. Rainbow Dash kicked the Nightfeeder off Applejack. The Nightfeeder tried to slash Rainbow Dash but she dodged and grabbed onto its waist, trying to push it down the hill. While the group helped Applejack up, the Nightfeeder hit Rainbow in the back with both of its hand then kicked her away. "Dashie!" Pinkie yelled as she ran to help Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, are ya okay?" In respond, Rainbow only coughed out blood at her face. The Nightfeeder & the group ended up in standoff but the Nightfeeder only focused on Applejack. It grinned evilly before ran over to Applejack, grabbing her by the shoulders while the others tried to retain it. "Move!" called Pinkie then hit the Nightfeeder with a branch. But the creature kicked Pinkie Pie & she hit her back with a tree, making her groan in pain. Then it bit Fluttershy's wing & threw her to Twilight, slapped Spike in the face, scratched Rarity in her back even making her scream, & punched Rainbow Dash in the stomach. Applejack threw a hard punch on the Nightfeeder's face & the Nightfeeder punched her back and kicked her away. Then Rainbow tried to hit the Nightfeeder with the branch but the Nightfeeder caught it & threw it away. Then it grabbed Rainbow by the throat. Rainbow bucked the creature's face, making the black blood finally bleed from its mouth. Rainbow punched it & tried kicking but the beast grabbed her leg & proceed to choke her. Twilight grabbed the branch & hit it on the back. The Nightfeeder threw Rainbow & slapped Twilight. Twilight crawled & stabbed the branch through its leg. The Nightfeeder screeched in pain & pulled a piece of the branch. It tried to stab Twilight but Twilight holded its hand. Then it kicked her in the hind leg and swung her around. Then the beast stepped on her hoof, making her lose grip from the wood. It pulled Twilight's mane, making her look at it. It licked her in the face, much to Twilight's disgust. ''Hey!'' yelled Spike, holding a rock. ''Leave Twilight alone, you....!'' The Nightfeeder hit him. Then it turns to Twilight & opens its mouth, revealing it secondary row of teeth. Then Rainbow & Applejack both bucked the Nightfeeder off her. Applejack ran in full speed & pushed it off, sending it rolling down the hill. Applejack looks down from the top of the hill to see what happen but instead she don't see it anymore, thinking it might have retreated. ''Where it go?'' asked Rainbow Dash, also looking down. ''Ah don't know'', replied Applejack. ''Maybe it got away.'' ''Let's get outta here, y'all'', declared Applejack & everybody agreed as they & Applejack headed straight to Twilight's castle. Little did they that the Nightfeeder was watching them in the darkness. It snorted in anger as it disappeared into the foliage. <> Back in Twilight's castle, the group cleaning or applying their wounds. Twilight's got a bruise on her face & hoof, Rarity's got a huge scratch on her back, Fluttershy's wing was bitten, Pinkie Pie's got a huge bruise on her back, Rainbow Dash got a bruise in the eye and stomach, Spike's eye been bruise too, & Applejack got bump on her cheek. "Twilight, what was that thing?" Pinkie started. "Nightfeeder", answered Twilight. "Is it responsible for all those massacre?" asked Rarity. "I think so. Looks like we're dealing with something totally different." ''Guys, I don't think it can die'', added Spike while cleaning Rarity's wound. "What if it comes back for us again?" Fluttershy asked in fear after bandaging her wing. "If it does comes back, it'll only go after her," said Rainbow Dash as she wiping blood from her mouth and points at Applejack. "What are ya talking about?" Spike asked in concern. Rainbow didn't answer but approached Applejack. "You knew that thing, don't you?" Applejack sighed & nodded slowly. "I knew it all along..." "Rainbow, leave her alone", ordered Rarity. "No, she lied to us. All of us!" Rainbow shouted. "Rainbow, ah didn't…" "No! All you have to do was tell us the truth but instead you made ran around like headless chickens!" "Rainbow…" Applejack tried to explain. "Why did you lied to us, AJ?! Why why why?!" "BECAUSE THAT THING KILLED MAH PARENTS!" Applejack finally snapped. This made everyone gasped. "Now leave me alone", Applejack looked away. Rainbow suddenly felt bad for yelling. "Applejack, I..I'm...sorry. I had no idea", apologized Rainbow. Applejack breathed deeply. "It all started many years ago..." <> (FLASHBACK) The scene showed Bright Mac holding an ax, looking around while the family were hiding in the cellar. The Nightfeeder appeared on the roof of a shed. Thinking fast, Bright Mac was about swung the axe but the creature whipped him with its barbed tail. "PA!" Applejack & Big Mac screamed. The Nightfeeder heard them. It charged to the cellar but Bright Mac grabbed it by the tail, preventing from reaching the cellar. The Nightfeeder launched onto him & began mauling him. Pear Butter gasped. "Granny, hold Apple Bloom!" Pear Butter gave Granny the baby. ''Ma, please. Don't go! Not you too!'' Applejack begged, holding her hoof as Big Mac & Granny Smith pull her inside while baby Apple Bloom cried. ''I'll be right back. Just stay here'', Pear Butter said before shutting the door locked & faced the monster herself. The monster leaped into the air. Then Applejack opened the cellar door a little bit & watch. Watched as the monster slaughtered her mother too. <> (FLASHBACK ENDED) "Oh my", Fluttershy gasped as she covers her mouth in horror while Spike was comforting teary Rarity even with his eyes filled with tears, Pinkie sobbed uncontrollably, while Twilight & Rainbow Dash remains silent. "So after that mah family & I made a pact of never speaking about that creature or what happened that night", concluded Applejack. "Applejack, I'm sorry. We didn't have any idea", apologized Twilight. "Sorry for being pushy or suspicious at you", added Rainbow with guilt & regret. "But one thing's certain", Applejack stood up. "Ah vowed to avenge mah parents! Even die trying!" The group looked at each at other then nodded. "I'll help", Rainbow stood up. "You are not alone, Applejack", Twilight added. "Count me in", Spike stood up. "I don't my friends to die so I'm helping,", Fluttershy added. "It may be a cake-walk but I know we'll pull through", said Pinkie, confidently. But Rarity was the last. "C'mon Rarity." "We are all gonna die...", sighed Rarity but also stood up. "No matter what happens, we'll be here & we'll help you anyway I can", said Twilight. Applejack smiled in approval their decision then she and the group stared out the window & into the night. <> At the creepy old mansion in the Forest, the Nightfeeder cut out its own black blood & began to draw on the wall. First it drew Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy's picture. After that it also drew Rarity, Spike, Pinkie Pie. And finally it drew a picture of Applejack. It takes a moment to look the painting and then it howled thunderously in anger and scratched at the picture. <> OURTRO