//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Showdown // Story: Showdown // by Slingshot619 //------------------------------// Alex had returned back to his home. He was certainly doing well, Cole was nowhere to be seen, he had found himself a marefriend to match. It looked like things were going his way, until one morning, Alex woke up and found it awfully quiet. "Seems kinda quiet, wonder what's going on." Alex gazed out onto the outside, he found a brown pony lying there, he had an hourglass as his Cutie Mark. It was Doctor Whoof. Alex dashed out and felt his pulse, it was fairly weak, barely noticeable, but definitely there. "Who did this?" Alex asked the Doctor. "Him." Doctor raised a hoof, pointing to a trail of destruction, ponies were everywhere, some were hiding, shaking in fear. Alex got up, he knew exactly who caused this. Cole, that slimy bastard. Alex mutated his arm into his signature blade and walked down the streets, ready to murder Cole. Altair's death was still fresh in his mind, Alex got mad remembering the death of his friend. Alex saw many ponies, some were cowering, some were crying, the rest were either dead or out cold. Alex saw Derpy Hooves stuck on a wall, her limbs held by restraints made of pure lightning. "Cole is gonna pay for all of this." Alex continued walking, the sight got even more gruesome the further he walked, he saw a pony who was sliced in half, blood poured out of his body. Another one was simply dead, he didn't have any bruises or scratches on him, he had no pulse either, Cole had simply drained his life force. Alex got angrier. Fueled by rage, Alex continued walking down the road of destruction. Alex finally saw Cole. Cole had somepony in his hooves, Cole tossed the pony aside. "Wait a minute, that pony looks familiar." Alex mused Alex approached the pony and found out that she had a cyan blue body and a rainbow mane. Alex stared at disbelief as he stared at the body of Rainbow Dash. Alex dropped down and felt her pulse, she was still breathing which meant that she was alive, but she was pretty banged up, she had a broken wing and a black eye among various other injuries. "Did'ya miss me?" Alex turned and saw Cole standing in the middle of the streets, a triumphant grin on his face. Alex stood up, his blade still beside him, as he stared daggers with Cole. Malicious thoughts ran in his head. "So, you decided to stop playing hide 'n' seek." Alex snarled Cole's smile faded, he wore a blank expression, Alex was mad, his facial expressions couldn't express the sheer amount of rage he felt. But as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Alex charged at Cole and attempted to cut Cole in half, Cole sidestepped easily, causing Alex to barrel right past him, smashing a cart to bits. "C'mon Alex! You can't possibly expect to kill me with that type of performance." Cole laughed. Alex growled, Cole was still laughing, he hadn't noticed that Alex's fists were mutating, shifting and forming fists the size of boulders. Cole stopped laughing and turned around. Alex had caught him with a punch right to the face. Cole flew quite some distance before crashing into a house, causing it's walls to crumble and fall apart. "You're head will look good above my fireplace." Cole snarled. Alex's hooves sprouted his famous claws, Cole summoned his Gigawatt Blades, they both ran and leaped, striking each other in mid air. Alex had a gash on his arm, he felt electricity flow through his body paralyzing him. But Alex wasn't the only one who got hurt, Cole had two large gashes on his torso that were bleeding profusely. Alex was tired, his body felt numb but he knew that he was the only one that could stop Cole, if he failed, Equestria would be in serious trouble. "You can give up anytime you want Alexander!" Cole yelled, he had blood pouring out the side of is mouth. Alex felt enraged at hearing Cole call him by his full name. The numbness in his body went away, the pain seemed to ease, Alex's breathing was heavy, Cole was no better, he too was panting heavily, he was using his left arm to cover the gash left in his torso. Suddenly, large charges of electricity were surging through Cole's arms, he was prepping for a Lightning Storm. Alex prepared to do his most powerful move, the CRITICAL PAIN DEVASTATOR, Alex fired a hard mass of tissue at Cole, but it was too late, the lightning strike was dialed in as both ponies felt pain shoot through their bodies. "Your time has come you sick bastard." Alex said while panting. "I don't think so." Alex stared at Cole, he was hungry, both of them were hungry, Cole could use his Bio Leech ability and drain Alex's bio electricity. Or Alex could Consume him, by absorbing the biomass and DNA of Cole. Both ponies charged and locked up in a grapple, Cole tried his Bio Leech while Alex Consumed. Alex could feel his life force draining, Cole was being consumed in the same time. They stood there for minutes before yelling in pain and finally collapsing. Most of the ponies came out of hiding and stared at the two ponies, they didn't move, everybody looked at them with concern. Rainbow Dash had tears streaming down her cheeks, even Pinkie Pie just stood there, looking on in concern. "Ar-Ar- Are they dead?" Pinkie manages to ask. All of a sudden, one of the ponies stood upright, everyone gasped, they stared at the pony that had just stood up. It wasn't possible, but it was happening. Electricity encased Cole's hooves as he stood there, grinning, he had won. Alex still didn't move, Cole took noticed of this and grabbed Alex's dead body by the neck. He held it there and gave a speech. "Citizens of Ponyville! Say hello to your new ruler!" Cole said before tossing Alex's body into the Everfree Forest. Rainbow Dash was sobbing uncontrollably, her friends were trying to comfort her, but it was no good. They knew that Dark Times were ahead of them. Meanwhile, somewhere in the Everfree Forest lied the body of Alex Mercer. Thunder struck as Alex's eyelids flew open.