//------------------------------// // Change of Guard // Story: Fractured Steel // by Serina //------------------------------// Dear Bronze Armor, Your words always bring comfort and guidance, and I am truly grateful for your thoughtful response. Your insights shed light on the complexities that govern our world, reminding me of the multifaceted nature of every situation. While it's disheartening to hear of the tensions among the Princesses, your perspective reassures me that challenges are a natural part of leadership. As you wisely pointed out, their shared commitment to our realm will hopefully guide them toward resolution. I must admit that the situation with the nights and the stars continues to perplex me. Your acknowledgment of these changes adds weight to my observations, and I can't help but feel that there is more to this puzzle than meets the eye. The world around us is in a state of flux, and while I can't offer solutions, I am determined to keep my senses attuned to any further shifts. On another note, there's an unusual development within Canterlot that I thought you should be aware of. I observed during my time there to sell wares that the day guards are increasing their patrols, even during the night in the market area. This seems to be in conjunction with the regular night guards, which is a departure from the norm. It's a perplexing situation that has sparked curiosity among the townsfolk. I wonder if this could be a response to the rumors of disputes among the Princesses or if there's a more elusive threat that has yet to reveal itself. In our own household, life has taken a somewhat unexpected turn. After I returned from the market, I found that Dad had been plagued by hay fever, a condition that he rarely succumbs to. To date, it's left him quite under the weather, and I've taken a step back from my smithing work to assist Mom in tending to him. While my anvil might miss the rhythmic sound of hammer meeting metal, family takes precedence, and I believe we're helping him recover more swiftly. Mom sends her warmest regards and a heartfelt wish for your swift return. She's taken on the role of caretaker with her usual dedication, but she longs for your presence and the comfort it brings. I share in her sentiment, eagerly anticipating the day you return to visit. Your strength and guidance are sorely missed, and I believe that your presence will bring a sense of reassurance to us all. As always, I look forward to the continuation of our correspondence. Your perspective is invaluable, and your words provide a beacon of understanding amidst the mysteries that surround us. With gratitude and affection, Your Caretaker Brother, Onyx Haze