//------------------------------// // Whispers of Shadows // Story: Fractured Steel // by Serina //------------------------------// Dear Brother, I trust this letter finds you in good health and spirits. It's been a while since we last corresponded, and I've been eager to share some thoughts that have been occupying my mind. I hope that amidst your duties as a member of Celestia's Royal Guard, you're finding moments of fulfillment and growth. Lately, the town has been awash with rumors of grumbling disputes among the Princesses. Whispers of tension have been circulating, hinting at disagreements that might be lurking beneath the surface. It's a curious development, one that seems to defy the unity and harmony that have long been associated with the Princesses' rule. I can't help but wonder what might be causing such unrest, and how it might affect the stability of our realm. On another note, I've noticed a peculiar shift in the nights. It's as if they've grown a tad longer, if only by a few minutes. I'm not sure if it's a mere trick of perception, but I find myself spending more time under the stars, observing their subtle dance across the velvet expanse of the sky. However, there's something disconcerting about their dimming glow, a change that prompts me to contemplate the state of our world. In particular, I've found myself wondering about Princess Luna. It's well known that she governs the night, steering the celestial bodies through their graceful journey. But with the stars appearing somewhat subdued, questions arise about her well-being. Is she facing a challenge that's impacting her ability to fulfill her role? Or could these changes be symptomatic of a deeper and more intricate shift within Equestria itself? I write to you not seeking answers, for I know that your role is primarily focused on the safety of the realm and its inhabitants. Still, as you navigate the duties of the Royal Guard, I thought it prudent to share these observations with you. Knowledge is a precious resource, and the insights you gain from your vantage point might offer a perspective that can help shed light on these enigmatic changes. Please take care of yourself amidst the uncertainties that surround us. While my musings might seem rooted in the mysterious, I am certain of the strength and resilience that runs through our lineage. I hope to hear from you soon, to learn of your experiences and perhaps to glean a fragment of understanding from your unique position. With the utmost respect and warmest regards, Your Pondering Brother, Onyx Haze