//------------------------------// // Ch 10 // Story: A Change of Political Decisions For the Better // by coolpony01 //------------------------------// Princess Luna woke up with a groan darkness surrounded her, but it was too dark to be her bed chambers. She felt a hard rock cement floor ad moved only to hear the sound of chains rattling. She then felt a chain on her neck and realized she was in the Canterlot Castle dungeons. She then remembered her conversation with her older sister. Luna’s eyes narrowed; she felt a sense of rage as she then realized what happened. Her sister has been acting like such a selfish brat when Luna stopped the oppression and abuse of power that has been occurring in Ponyville her sister chooses to imprison her because she doesn’t choose to not put her beliefs over what is best for their citizens.  Princess Luna tried to use her magic but only a light flickering ora formed and then it stopped. Her sister put a powerful spell to suppress her magic. Princess Luna then tried to pull on the chain. She is an alicorn after all and is very strong. She managed to get the chain off and got out of the cell. It was very dark down there. Luna then felt around the walls and realized she was at the very bottom of the dungeon. It would take a while to get back. It is very dark and easy to get lost. She began to trot to her luck there weren’t many guards this far down in the dungeons most of the criminals are locked up high in the dungeons. Princess Luna then trotted down the dark dungeons, her hoof steps echoing along the walls. It is very dark down here, but Luna is the princess of the night. Luna trotted down twists and turns until she found a staircase. Luna could feel her surroundings from the feeling of the wall. It was about 1,000 years old she could tell she was still in the lower section of the dungeon.  “I will not be confined again.” Luna thought as she moved forward. As Princess Luna moved forward, she felt a surge of energy run through her horn. She then tested a theory that there was a rock on the ground a blue ora covered her horn as she managed to alleviate the rock in the air confirming her suspicion. She then set the rock down.  “This is good my magic is returning but will it be enough?” Luna thought. Princess Luna then saw another set of stairs she walked over to them and began to trot up them until she reached the  top. Princess Luna then trotted on for many hours through various twists and turns, she could handle anything the dungeons threw at her. Princess Luna then noticed the dungeon walls appeared to be less old, about 900 years old. “Good this means I’m getting close.” Luna thought. As Luna walked, she could start to hear people talking in the distance, but she was too far away to understand what they were saying. “We need to keep the lunar princess locked away. She's going to put our ponies in danger.” a female voice said. Princess Luna then narrowed her eyes. These ponies can’t just treat citizens as second class for not being ponies.  “The ponies come first. What she was going to do would put ponies in danger that could not have been allowed.” a male voice said. “Now we have to keep her locked up. If the public found out what Princess Celestia did all of us would surely be punished.” the female guard spoke. Luna does not wish to get caught. She then felt a strong energy around her horn she would need the magic boost for when the guards spot her. Princess Luna walked slowly and quietly as she walked, she could see a light in the distance and saw two members of the solar guard commencing among each other. As Luna got closer the solar guards became alert.  “Who's there?” the female asked. They then got a lantern out and their eyes went wide as they recognized the lunar princess. Princess Luna then began to prepare a teleportation spell. The soldiers tried to shoot at her but she was too fast for them with a poof she was gone. Luna felt pain all over her body she screamed there was blood and bruises all over her body she looked at saw she was in the castle outside of the dungeon she had escaped. Ponies rushed over “We must heal the princess,” a male voice said. Princess Luna then smiled. She escaped and justice could be done.