//------------------------------// // Heart of Kindness // Story: A Comforting Gesture // by Burningbloom78 //------------------------------// Have Your Rest It can be scary being alone with nothing but the hollow sound of your fleeting breath to keep you company. However, sometimes in our final moments, we may find a friend or stranger to be there when we pass on. It was the end of the day, the red sky stretched overhead as the setting sun began to descend into a deep slumber to welcome the night. Fluttershy was happily trotting along a beaten path that led into the Everfree Forest, humming to herself and swaying her illustrious pink mane in the warm breeze. She had completed her chores taking care of the animals and spent a fun time with her friends earlier today. The mare was tired, but she wanted to take the occasional meander in the forest. The sections of the forest she headed into were more peaceful and serene, devoid of hardly any dangerous inhabitants and weird flowers, mushrooms or what have you. It was a place where Fluttershy could be alone with her thoughts. The way the sunlight filtered through the thick canopy of trees illuminating the mossy forest floor was strangely satisfying. Sounds of birds filled her ears, the scurrying of small animals rustling through bushes and thickets, the way the leaves from the trees fell onto the ground hardly crunched under the pegasus' gentle hoofsteps imbued Fluttershy with a certainly special relief that she could experience. The pegasus shifted her glistening blue gaze searching for a comfortable spot to sit and take in the redolent air. Fluttershy liked to sit in peaceful silence and let Mother Nature's environment lull her into a state of pure serenity. As she searched and searched for a good place to rest, Fluttershy suddenly noticed how quiet everything became: there weren't any chirping, scuttling or scurrying. The leaves that rustled on the trees were silenced, the breeze of the wind had stopped flowing, and the only sound was her faint breath filling the still air. What had happened to have ceased the sweet sounds? Where did the animals go and why wasn't the wind blowing anymore? Had Fluttershy entered a section in the Everfree that somehow caused this? It wasn't too far-fetched to assume something weird would be going on; the Everfree Forest was known to be bizarre and abnormal. Fluttershy looked around. The red sunlight was waning; it would be dark soon. Despite being in the safer parts of the forest, the everfree is never truly safe. It would be wise for Fluttershy to not linger too long, but her heart told her there was something going on and that she had to figure out what. Though meek and shy, which came with having a fear for most things, Fluttershy found herself not as fearful as she would've expected. When she began to search for the disturbance, her investigation led to a small clearing and that's when she saw it. An animal, a creature, was lying on its side in the middle of the clearing. It was a large animal, one reminiscent of an event that occurred when Spike was molting, as told by Rarity, who was there when it happened. This avian in particular to those documented in the book, which describes them as having multiple-colored feathers on their head, chest, neck, and wings, but this bird had only two colors: a dark brown body with jet-black wings. Fluttershy had read about this creature numerous times in an animal bestiary she kept in one of her bookshelves, and although she was impressed to see one in person, she couldn't help but feeling a tad disappointed. The size of this bird of prey was only half of its species' normal size. The Roc is supposed to be bigger than this. Fluttershy watched with rapt interest at the should-have-been immense bird of prey, but something was wrong when she stared at it. It wasn't moving, only lying motionless on the mossy forest floor. Was it sleeping? Or was it hurt? The thoughts began to swim in Fluttershy's mind until she made a decision her past self from a few years ago wouldn't have agreed with. She was going to get a closer look. Heart beating rapidly and body suddenly weightless, Fluttershy began to cautiously step forward, each shaking hoofstep gliding across the mossy earth but never seeming to make her slip. Her large, round, glistening blue eyes was fixed intently for any sign of sudden movement from the roc as the gap between them lessened. Before she knew it, Fluttershy was so close to the roc she could touch it. Fluttershy was appalled by its appearance now that she was up close: the roc's feathers were caked in mud and dried blood, its massive, hooked beak that was used to pierce its prey was smashed beyond repair, and its long, sharp black talons that were used to grab the prey or rend their flesh was broken. Many ugly scars ran down its face all the way to its mangled, hole-punctured belly where clumps of feathers were missing, exposing bloodied pink skin. As Fluttershy surveyed the roc's horrifying injuries, her troubled gaze traveled up to view its face again and saw the roc open its sunken yellow eye. It peered at Fluttershy, staring with an intensity she didn't know whether from fear or fury. Fluttershy couldn't move. This creature was extremely dangerous and deadly, and now it was awake. The leering yellow gaze of the mighty bird sent shivers as cold as ice down her trembling form, but Fluttershy did not back away. Somehow, someway, Fluttershy felt the bird would not attack her, and she was right. She watched the roc's eye scan her feeble body before letting out a long sigh and resting its head on the forest floor. This was an unspoken invitation for Fluttershy to stay if she wanted, so she did. Now Fluttershy understood as an animal caretaker that she would be obliged to assist this pained creature, but she already decided that helping the roc was a pointless endeavor however much the realization stung. There was no use in going for other experienced help either. It wouldn't matter. The roc was on its deathbed. Fluttershy realized this when she saw from a distance, how hauntingly familiar the way the bird lay, especially out in the open; that was practically begging for some other fearsome creature to finish it off. Other than another monster the roc might have expected to meet, it instead got Fluttershy. The mare stepped close until she could touch it. The bird was trembling and cold despite the evening being quite warm. It didn't have a lot of time left. "You poor sweet boy," Fluttershy murmured sadly as she settled herself next to the roc's heavily scarred head. "So young... You've been through a lot, haven't you?" The roc did not answer Fluttershy's question. Instead, his yellow eye gazed down at her. Fluttershy knew how hard it was for the roc to force his eye to stay open; it was quivering, and it squinted as though irritated by something. Feeling brave, Fluttershy lifted a hoof to place it on the roc's smashed and disfigured beak. She watched the roc's eye widen as he followed her hoof with a sudden terror. "It's okay, I won't hurt you," Fluttershy soothed in a hushed whisper. It took a few more assurances before the roc calmed down. With the large beast settled, Fluttershy placed her hoof on his beak and stroked it gently as though petting a sleeping cat or dog. The gesture was blissful she thought as the roc's eye was only half-way open. "There, there," Fluttershy said, giving the roc a small smile, but then it vanished slowly. "What happened to you?" "Cast...out." The roc's deep and gruff voice was strained, each word exhaling from his mouth as if it would be his last. Fluttershy was amazed; she had thought the roc was a juvenile because of his size, but he sounded like a tired old stallion. He was probably the runt in a nest of eggs. "Cast out?" Fluttershy echoed. Her memory harkens back to the bestiary, and she was reminded that rocs were strongly territorial birds, going so far to not only injure another bird over nesting rights, but to kill. This roc in particular said he was cast out. Normally when some creature was cast out, they were forced away and typically barred from coming back. It seemed, sadly, that this roc had lost a fight judging by his deathly state. "I... was beaten by...another," the roc rasped, shuddering horribly after a bout of coughing. "She was bigger...bigger than I was; young and strong, and she had many...mouths to feed. I didn't stand...a chance." Fluttershy leaned against the old bird. "What she did was cruel!" she mewled quietly. The roc stared unblinking at Fluttershy, his sharp yellow eye dull and lusterless. "Such is the way of a roc. I was always...weak, yet tenacious and strong-willed." The roc took in a large, shuddering breath and Fluttershy felt his old, weak body trembling. "It seems that strength is fleeting every passing moment." Fluttershy felt sad for this roc. He had fought as long as he could despite having a rough beginning but only to be beaten by his old age. She began to stand up and stretch her wings until the roc's head shot up and his sunken yellow eye began to grow round. "Don't go," the roc pleaded, fear in his voice. "Don't leave me alone like this, please!" Fluttershy was taken aback by the roc's sudden desperate plea. "I'm staying right here," Fluttershy told him soothingly. She settled back down and edged as close to the roc's face as she could. "I needed to stretch my wings out a little." The fear in the roc's gaze lessened slightly as he settled his damaged head on the forest floor. "Thank you," he rasped, his eye darkening. "I have done a lot of things on my own, but...but I couldn't do this alone. I'm scared." Fluttershy gave the roc a sad smile. "I look after animals," she began, "and I love and cherish each and every single one as if they were my own children. Old, young, it doesn't matter. I've seen some breathe in life's sweet air, seen some grow up, live out their lives, and then I watch them die. "I watch them leave me for a journey I cannot be part of. A journey without me by their side. I can't feed them anymore, listen to their cries, or hear them scurrying or flying around my home. It pains me so much that I cry, but I know it's a part of life, of nature. And when that time comes, all I can say is that I love them and for them to have their rest." The roc stared at Fluttershy for a long while before shifting his tired gaze toward the sky. "You are a kind and caring little creature," the roc said, making Fluttershy blush in embarrassment. "I wish I... If I had you to look after me, maybe I wouldn't be so scared of dying. Maybe my life wouldn't have been so hard, but I lived it, and I don't want to take it back." "I wish I could know you better, but..." Fluttershy stopped and took in a deep breath; she was getting emotional. She could feel the roc's breathing grow lesser and lesser. "I wish you weren't dying." "No, don't wish for that. I've lived a life worth dying for," the roc said, gasping for air. "My only wish now is that I die in your company. I want you to comfort my final moments. Don't leave me alone..." "I won't leave you scared and alone," Fluttershy assured the roc with a promise. "Thank you," the roc wheezed. He was finding it hard to breathe. "I'm dying. My...my sight is darkening. I can't move my wings or legs anymore. My breath...shallow, small. What's... Tell me your name. I want to know who you are before I go." "Fluttershy," she said, heart thumping madly in her chest. She nuzzled the roc's chest. "A... beautiful name," the roc said. "And that gesture. It feels good, comforting even. When death takes me, and it will very soon, bury me. Let the earth have me." "I will bury you," Fluttershy promised, choking back a sob, "near my home. I will get you there when you've passed." "It's strange," the roc mumbled as if he was drifting off to a long sleep. "I hardly know you; we're strangers, but...but I think right now I feel as if I have known you my whole life. It feels I had a long-time friend." "I am your friend," Fluttershy said, pressing her muzzle deep into the roc's chest. "That's good, that's good..." Fluttershy didn't know how long she was sitting there with the roc by her side. When she tore herself away from the roc's chest to look toward the sky, night had fallen. It appeared that she had fell asleep at one point. Fluttershy gazed at roc's body and the ache of losing a friend was fresh in her heart. He was still and lifeless, the faint rise and fall of his body had ceased for good. When she placed a hoof on his face, the roc was cold and felt stiff. Fluttershy sighed deeply and rose stiffly to her hooves. She wondered how she was going to move the roc's body and bury him near her cottage, as was his final wish. He was too big despite being a runt and Fluttershy wasn't strong enough to do it on her own, but even so, she was driven to complete this painful mission. "I'll come back for you, I promise," Fluttershy swore to the roc before fluttering away towards Ponyville, her tired eyes burning with determination. First, Fluttershy went to see Twilight Sparkle at her crystal castle. She was confident Twilight was still awake, either from reading a book or working on an experiment. After a minute of waiting, Fluttershy was greeted by Twilight adorned in a purple nightgown and reading glasses hovering a book close to the left side of her face with the eraser's end of a pencil clasped lazily in her mouth. It looked that the mare was taking notes. "Fluttershy?" Twilight mumbled with the pencil in her mouth, lowering her glasses in slight confusion. "Everything okay?" "Yes," Fluttershy answered tersely. "Twilight, I need a favor to ask you. It's important. I can't do it without you. And... Are those glasses?" Twilight blushed slightly, taking the pencil out of her mouth and inside the book, and then putting them to the side along with her reading glasses. "Strained eyes; glasses needed for reading. Are you sure everything is fine?" the purple alicorn asked again. "I mean, whatever it is, I'll try my best to help you." Fluttershy knew her appearance was a bit messy. Her mane was frazzled, her coat had tufts of fur sticking out, and her eyes were a little red. "Trust me, I'm fine," she said. "I need you to go to my cottage and wait for me there. I have to get Applejack." Twilight nodded faintly. "Okay, I'll be there. Can't you tell me what's up?" "I need your help moving something," Fluttershy said obliquely. "I can't move it on my own, it's too heavy." "Okay, I understand," Twilight said with a yawn. "I'll head there now." Fluttershy smiled. "Thank you." With a brisk nod, Twilight teleported to Fluttershy's cottage as the pegasus flew toward Sweet Apple Acres. As she thought, Applejack was harvesting apples, participating in some late-night applebucking. Fluttershy announced her arrival and flew down next to Applejack who greeted her back. "Y'all look like a strong breeze whipped right through ya, Fluttershy," Applejack commented in her southern drawl. "Them critters actin' a bit rowdy under Luna's moon?" Fluttershy's cheeks went rosey. "No, no, every creature's fine. I came to ask a favor." "Well, go on and shoot," Applejack said swiftly. "I got some time." "I need you to bring a shovel to my cottage. Twilight's already there." Applejack raised a brow and took off her hat. "Ya need my buryin' shovel?" Fluttershy nodded. "I need you to dig a large hole at the back of my cottage. There's something I can't do on my own." "Well shucks, I'll be there in a jiffy," Applejack promised. "Y'all go on ahead, I'll catch up." "Thanks," Fluttershy said before flying back to her homely cottage. When Applejack had arrived, Fluttershy was sitting in silence with Twilight Sparkle beside her. The purple alicorn greeted the farm mare first while Fluttershy trotted slowly behind. "Alright, so what's going on?" Applejack asked. "Fluttershy just finished telling me," Twilight said. "You know those large birds called rocs?" Applejack huffed. "'Course I do, Rarity wouldn't stop talkin' about 'em. She kept on sayin' how a humongous roc tried to eat Spike durin' his molt. Is that what this is about? A roc?" Twilight placed a comforting foreleg over Fluttershy's withers. "Yep. Fluttershy met one earlier today, when he was dying. You know how she is with animals, big or small, safe or dangerous. She stayed with him until his death. She made a promise, too. She would bury him close to her cottage." Applejack nodded solemnly. "That's why our favorite shy gal was actin' like this. It was odd being hollered at by her so late at night. Well, at least I know why and I'm glad you came to me, Fluttershy. I'll get that hole dug out back in no time at all." Fluttershy looked weary and tired, yet she was filled with the ardor to fulfill her promise. Twilight turned to Fluttershy. "I'll use my magic to carry the roc as gently as I can," she assured her. "Do you have energy to show me where he is?" Fluttershy bobbed her head slowly, the trenches of sleep etching deep within her mind but she did not relent. "Plenty," she replied, staggering slightly on her hooves and guiding Twilight to the clearing where the roc rested. When Fluttershy and her purple friend reached the clearing, they saw the roc's motionless body, nothing but a massive blob of darkness over the moonlit grass. He looked so peaceful when they trotted up to him. "He's smaller than a roc should be, but if he survived into old age, he must've been quite the fighter," Twilight commented quietly. She was apprehensive and awestruck to be near such a strong, predatory bird. Fluttershy dipped her head in agreement. "He was very old, and he had fought long and hard. More than I could ever know. Thanks for doing this with me. I... know it's weird, but I made a promise." Twilight hugged Fluttershy tightly before pulling away. "I'm happy to help, Fluttershy. This is important to you, so who am I to refuse? It just reinforces to me your love for all animals and I'm happy to be included in your passion." "Thanks again," Fluttershy murmured with a bashful smile. "Are you ready to move him?" Twilight nodded firmly, her horn glowing. "I'll be careful." Twilight Sparkle coated the roc's body in her magic and levitates the lifeless creature a couple of feet off the mossy earth. "Escort me back, if you would be so kind," Twilight said with a cheeky grin. Fluttershy giggled and led the way back to her cottage. When they got back and went behind her house, Applejack was there looking smug, rubbing a hoof against her chest in self-satisfaction. It was warranted too, as the hole Fluttershy wanted dug was finished. "Great time!" Twilight called out to the farm mare as she and Fluttershy trotted up to her. "'Twas nothin'," Applejack replied with a smile. She looked at the roc and gave a short whistle. "Now that's a big bird, though, I remember Rarity telling me that rocs were a bit larger. Well, the runts are always the best fighters. Y'all ready to lay 'em down or what?" Twilight looked to Fluttershy for the signal to lay the roc's body in the grave. When Fluttershy gave the alicorn a brisk nod, she started. The roc was hovered tenderly over the hole and Twilight slowly lowered his body inside. When Twilight's horn stopped glowing, Fluttershy knew that task was done. All that's left is to refill the hole, and Applejack, with Twilight's aid since Fluttershy was too tired to help, filled the hole. "Anything else?" Applejack asked as she and Twilight looked at Fluttershy. Fluttershy nodded silently and entered her cottage and went down to the basement. There she opened a large chest with differently sized headstones. They were for when her animals had passed away. Sadly, there wasn't a large enough headstone for the roc, but Fluttershy got the largest she could carry which was reserved for animals such as bears, moose, and any other large animals. It would have to do. The headstone was heavy and Fluttershy should have enlisted Applejack or Twilight's aid, especially since she was exhausted, but she wanted to do this part on her own. She summoned every ounce of fleeting strength that coursed through her veins and carried the headstone on her back. When Fluttershy returned to the back of her cottage, she was panting. When Twilight saw how she struggled to carry the headstone towards them, her horn glowed to help but Applejack stopped her. "If the gal wanted help carrying that thing, she would've said," the farm mare said as Twilight opened her mouth to protest. "She's got it, sugarcube." When Fluttershy finally manages to haul the headstone to the grave, she was sweating and could barely stand. "This will mark the grave," she panted, taking a moment to catch her breath. She placed the headstone atop the grave and attempted to push it down for it to stay in place, but she struggled feebly. She was too tired to muster up the strength. Then Fluttershy suddenly saw the hooves of Applejack and Twilight Sparkle on the headstone with her own. She looked and each of them. "We'll help you with this part," Twilight said. Applejack agreed with a swift bob of her head. "We started this together and we'll finish it together, sugarcube." Touched by their words, Fluttershy, with the aid of her good friends, was able to push the headstone down in place. When the task was done, Fluttershy took a step back to examine the site before giving a weak smile. Her promise had been fulfilled. "Thank you both for your help," Fluttershy rasped quietly. "It means a lot to me." "What are friends for?" Twilight said happily. Then her gaze softened. "This was a good thing." Applejack agreed. "It's high time for us to hit the hay. I gotta rise up early tomorrow, so I better get to skedaddlin'." She bumped Fluttershy's flank with her own as she turned to leave with her shovel. "I need to go and finish taking notes in my book," Twilight added. She embraced Fluttershy in a warm hug before leaving as well. Fluttershy had said her goodbyes, watching her friends leave her sight. She yawned and took a minute to gaze at the grave. "Have your rest," she murmured before turning away and heading into her cottage for a long-deserved night's rest.