//------------------------------// // Chapter 33 — The Concealed Creature // Story: Dictators Of Ponyville // by Dragon-In-Black //------------------------------// Scootaloo was sitting in the backseat of the car while her driver was taking her to the military base. It was roughly four P.M. in the afternoon and the students from the school were enjoying their day and the adults were working their flanks off to ensure that Scootaloo stays happy with them. The thought made the orange-coated pegasus smile. One problem that had been arising as of late was that many ponies didn’t know where to go because there weren’t any street signs as they had before. Because there weren’t any signs that showed what street they were on, many creatures were confused and made a request multiple times to the regime to have street signs. Out of annoyance, Scootaloo had created street signs, but with new names, all in the image of the regime. That wasn’t the only thing that the Crusaders’ Democratics Party were working on. Because Ponyville is becoming bigger, they were working on creating a train that could drive faster than the Friendship Express. At the moment, it wasn’t successful, but by the end of the year, Scootaloo hoped that it would have been completed or that they at least had papers to start building it. Another thing that was becoming a problem was the lack of signs for cars. Because they didn’t have the same technology that the Storm King had, Scootaloo had made jobs for ponies within a “police force” to act as stopping points. They were given the job to show when drivers are allowed to drive and when to stop and so far it was proving to be difficult but it was getting better. The orange-coated filly looked out the window and saw multiple ponies in their depressed state walking around. Some of them were trying to enjoy their afternoon with their children or partners but it was clear that no pony was happy and that made her relish. Now, they understood. They understood the pain that she and her friends went through. She looked over to her driver that had stopped. They were at a crosspoint where she saw a mint-coated unicorn giving them the stop sign and allowing other cars to pass. She frowned. Wasn’t that Lyra? Applebloom had said something about Bon-Bon having trouble due to not having access to the ingredients she bought in Equestria. But to her knowledge, there had been specific timing for trains to gain access to their country so they could drop off the products that the regime taxed and gave to the business owners. Because of the tax system, the regime earned a small fortune and the business owners continued to make money and stay afloat. So why was Lyra working as a stop-and-go mare? “Driver, that mare—Lyra Heartstrings—when did she start working?” Scootaloo asked with a cold tone. “The mare?” The driver asked and Scootaloo nodded. “I don’t know when exactly, but I heard that the musicians of the country we’re having trouble finding places to practice due to music and classical music not having places to earn money from. I heard from Lieutenant Spike that she came in and asked if there were any positions we needed. And it seems like there was if she’s standing there.” Scootaloo listened closely. “Interesting,” When Lyra gave them the green light, they were moving again. The military base was filled with soldiers training and marching, holding flags and weapons in place to show their undying loyalty to the Crusader regime. There were all kinds of creatures ranging from, dragons, yaks, ponies, changelings, cats similar to Capper, Griffins, and even a few creatures that Scootaloo had never seen or heard of before. The buildings had the same colour as the coats of Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. They had buildings for weapons, security, mess hall, studies and training. They had outdoor and indoor training. The military had different expectations than the royal guards in Canterlot and the Crystal Empire that Scootaloo believed were useless. ‘I can easily defeat them. There wouldn’t even be a battle,’ she arrogantly thought as the driver parked the car and walked around to open the door for her with a respectful bow. In the middle of the base was a large statue of the three Crusaders holding the hammer, sickle and sword. There was a small text underneath written in ponish that made her smile. It was the truth after all. Peace Through Tyranny! The soldiers that saw Scootaloo bowed and threw their hoofs, claw or paw in the air to show their support of the Supreme Leader. The building she was in front of was the security building. Today, she was making sure that no criminals were plotting against her. She was tired the other day and believed she had seen a cloaked pony walking around, but just to make sure, she was going to check through something called a camera. It worked like a camera, but it was moving pictures in real-time. Scootaloo didn’t understand it, but Capper had said it would be useful. Albeit, he had looked hesitant to tell the Crusaders this. The exterior of the walls was coloured yellow with red double doors with a knob for a handle and large double windows on either side with white curtains detailing flowers. Scootaloo opened the door and was fascinated with the interior. The interior walls were painted black with portraits of Scootaloo hanging in place, showing her giving salutes with soldiers underneath giving their salutes or holding their weapons up. The floors were black and white marbled that echoed when she trotted. There were chairs and sofas along with small desks with vases and flowers that decorated the hallways along with polished white doors that had carvings of the hammer and sickle. She knocked on the door with force. “I’m here to check on the live camera to look for any criminals,” she called out with boredom and authority. The door flung open, revealing the creature on the other side to be a yak that bowed deeply to Scootaloo. The yak was big and buffy while wearing a military uniform and hat with a sickle crested in the middle. “Supreme Leader Scootaloo,” he spoke in perfect Equestrian. “It’s an honour to meet you, come in, come in,” He ushered her inside and Scootaloo was met by a large fluff of clouds that showed the country she had built from scratch. She could see the ponies and other creatures go about their day in their depressed state. The room had three lockers and three chairs with wheels. Scootaloo assumed the other two either had a day off or were finished for the day. The floor was as hard as stone and had a few small cracks and the walls were beige-coloured with one portrait of Scootaloo that had large wings and a horn. In the portrait, she was flying, her eyes closed while she cast a spell in what looked to be the “creation” of Equus. “Have there been any suspicious activities?” Scootaloo asked while observing the clouds, watching Ponyville go about their day unaware that the most powerful filly in Ponyville was looking for a potential criminal. “No, but I have noticed the civilians fall into depression,” the soldier answered while he took a sip of coffee from a coffee table nearby. “Coffee?” he asked and Scootaloo gratefully took it. “That is to be expected,” Scootaloo replied nonchalantly. “They hurt my friends and I. More than they’ll ever know,” The yak nodded in understanding. He had heard the story multiple times from the media already and judging by how the civilians reacted, it probably was the truth because they didn’t speak against it. But he was worried for Supreme Leader Scootaloo. Before he met her in Badlands, he had been studying to become a psychiatrist but because of the invasion, he had unknowingly picked Supreme Leader Scootaloo’s side in the conflict. Because of this, he could never get his degree but he hoped that when he retired, he could fulfil his dream. Or maybe retire early and start school again for the degree. However, he did react strongly when the orange-coated leader started talking to the journalists. She had contradicted herself once by saying she had never gone to school in Ponyville and was secretly an alicorn. But then, a few paragraphs down, she said she only went to school so no pony would suspect her angelic powers. The contradiction isn’t what surprised him, but he started to observe her over the last few months and noticed that she had a lot of similar tendencies that creatures with bipolar disorder have. One day, she was very happy and overjoyed beyond words and was full of energy similar to a pink-coated pony he had met in the city. But the deciding factor was the mood swings. One second she was happy and the next she was crying, saying that no pony loved her and that every creature was conspiring against her. She’s also expressed being self-important considering that she depicted herself as a “secret” alicorn of Equestria. This all led him to believe that she was bipolar or at least had a form of it, but because he wasn’t a licensed psychiatrist, he couldn’t give the proper diagnosis. “Where are the other two?” Scootaloo asked, curiosity getting the better of her. The yak took a sip of his coffee. “Their shift ended thirty minutes ago, I’m the only one that remains for at least another three hours before the ones with the night shift show up.” Scootaloo nodded and observed the yak with caution. He kept looking at her in a way like he was trying to figure something out. Taking her eyes off him, she sat on an empty chair and observed the live footage and noticed something peculiar. There was a pony—or a creature wearing a cloak—leaving a store. The creature wore the cloak from head to hoof, meaning that the creature didn’t want to be known. The cloak was brown and did well to conceal its identity. The Supreme Leader of Equus and every galaxy known to Ponykind narrowed her eyes at the concealed creature. So it believed that It could get away from the regime? Ha! Scootaloo was too powerful for a stunt like that. “Soldier, you see that concealed creature?” Scootaloo asked and pointed towards the creature walking on the sidewalk like any normal civilian. “Yes?” The yak asked with confusion. “I want the creature arrested, no questions asked,” Scootaloo answered and downed her coffee and placed it on the table near the yak who sat a few feet away from her. The yak started sweating bullets. “Right away, Supreme Leader!” He grabbed a tool the military used to communicate with each other and the police force. Scootaloo left the room and made her way outside where the sun was starting to set. She had a smirk on her lips. ‘So the concealed creature think they can just conceal themselves and get away with it? Ha! I will show who they are to Ponyville and then lock them up without a trial,’ she thought while grinning from ear to ear at her plan. The driver was leaning against the wall smoking a pipe in his hand with chocolate bubbles coming out of it. When he saw her approach, he drained the contents and cleaned it before opening the door for Scootaloo and seating himself in the driver's seat and starting the engine. “Was the meeting productive, Supreme Leader?” The driver asked while looking at the roads while driving towards the border between military and civilian areas. “Yes, I found a concealed creature trying to be sneaky,” Scootaloo revealed with some mirth. The driver nodded in understanding. “I suppose it is a criminal,” the driver muttered mostly to himself but his leader heard. “Yes, I believe so too,” Scootaloo replied with a grin that stretched from ear to ear again but it didn’t look cheeky or kind. It looked… sinister. “What will you do with the criminal, Supreme Leader? Arresting them is the obvious course of action, but is there a consequence for their criminal activity?” The driver inquired while driving towards the highway to get to the capital building quicker. Scootaloo eyed him suspiciously. “You’re asking an awful lot of questions… oh well, I plan on tapping them. Specifically, tapping them on a rocket,” The orange-coated filly started laughing hysterically. She didn’t notice the red pupils and yellow sclera eyes looking at the filly with a disturbed look.