//------------------------------// // The Child // Story: Hybrid Lives // by Ignimbrite //------------------------------// "No, young lady, you are not going outside like that." "But mom..." "No buts. What will somepony say if they see you like that?" "I think they'll like it. Please? I really really want to be an alicorn today." "Alula Pluto Erroria, I said no." Her mother stooped down and looked into her eyes. "I know you have a gift, but other ponies might not understand it. I'm sure they'll come to understand in time, but until then they might hurt you. Could you please at least choose something a bit less conspicuous? At least for me?" "Fine." Alula closed her eyes. In a moment, her horn disappeared, leaving only the wings behind. "Is this better?" Her mother nuzzled her. "Much better, even though I do recall you being an earth pony for most of last week." "Awww... does that mean I have to lose the wings too?" Her mother smiled slightly. Sure, ponies are bound to notice at some point, but she couldn't resist the pleading eyes before her. "No, you can keep the wings. Go on. I think your friends are waiting." As Alula skipped out the door and headed off to play with her friends, her mother called to her. "I love you." "I love you too, Mom!" Her mother stepped back inside and shook her head, remembering the trouble she used to get into when she was that age. Granted, the trouble she got into generally didn't come with the risk of being called a monster, but fortunately, this town regularly had enough other odd goings-on that most of them didn't notice the slight oddity in her daughter. She sighed. Would they believe her? That her kid was just a sweet filly and nothing more? That Alula was just as much a victim as anypony else? For a moment, a flash of anger overtook her. It wasn't Alula's fault that she was different. It was that... thing. It was that thing from the Everfree that just had to imitate her husband of all ponies. She remembered the creature fleeing into the forest. She remembered organizing a search party to go in after it. She remembered finding her husband by himself, resting on a patch of packed earth with a matted mane and mud in his fur. As she was forcing herself to calm down, the door behind her opened. "Honey, I'm home." She turned around to see her husband standing behind her. They nuzzled each other. "Hi Sweetie. How was your day?" "It was busy, as usual. How was yours?" "About the same, although Alula wanted to be an alicorn today." He chuckled upon hearing that. "That's my little princess, all right. Where is she?" "Just out playing with some friends." He nodded. He then looked at her, as if trying to read her. "You're upset." She nodded. "I just worry about her sometimes. About the other ponies finding out. Do you think they'll understand?" He nodded. "They will. They will eventually, at least. I'm sure they'll understand." She smiled, a little less worried now. As his wife left the room, he frowned slightly. Would she understand? Would she understand that he had never left? Would she understand that he had never replaced her husband?