//------------------------------// // Battle of the Ages // Story: G5 Adventures in Chill Out, Scooby-Doo! // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// Opaline cackled like a mad woman as flames lit the torches in the monestary, and the servants she created tended to her every whim. Not unlike the pathetic filly she took in several moons ago or so. But enough about her… Opaline Arcana was so close to achieving her ultimate goal. “Finally… all of Equestria will be in the palm of my hoof!” she said. “Once Sunny Starscout and her friends are out of the way, nothing will get in the way of my ultimate salvation!” “Why not serenade us with your wishes, oh mighty queen?” Pemba asked in his brain-washed trance. “So we may praise your talents more than before.” “You know what…? I think I will,” Opaline stood up from her throne, flew over to the set of wardrobes Minga had brought for her, and chose one (a golden crown with a black cape) before beginning her song. You could call me evil, but I will go and take just what I need Don't need nopony with me Yes, it might be villainous But that’s what makes me the perfect queen You will bow to me… So hush, filly, just Get lost in the rush Hypnotized by the words I'm saying Feel the heat, then the beat Mesmerized, put to sleep Like a lullaby, I'll be singing I've got the power (Power) The fire that runs through my veins I've got the power (Power) And you're going to feel You're going to feel the fla-a-a-ames, fla-a-a-ames La-da-da-dee-da-da-da Oh, you'll feel the fla-a-a-ames, fla-a-a-ames La-da-da-dee-da-da-da (Oh, you'll feel) But what Opaline didn’t realize was that the gang and ponies were in hiding around the monestary, watching the entire thing in confusion. “Misty?” Daphne blinked. “Did you know she could…?” “Sing? No idea,” Misty shook her head. “But she is pretty good at it, though.” Opaline: You might think I'm wicked, but Don't be mad because I have a plan It spells out victory (So, so, so) So hush, filly, just Get lost in the rush Hypnotized by the words I'm saying Feel the heat, then the beat Mesmerized, put to sleep Like a lullaby, I'll be singing I've got the power (Do you hear me?) The fire that runs through my veins I've got the power (Power, power, power) And you're going to feel You're going to feel the fla-a-a-ames, fla-a-a-ames La-da-da-dee-da-da-da (Feel the fire!) Oh, you'll feel the fla-a-a-ames, fla-a-a-ames La-da-da-dee-da-da-da (Oh, you'll feel) [Evil laughter] “Whoa… just… whoa…” Velma said. “I don’t know whether to be horrified at her actions… or impressed by her singing.” “How about being disgusted by her actions?” Zipp said. “We have to stop her before its too late!” “You’re right,” Fred told her, “but we need to think this through. Misty, you know Opaline better than anyone else. What’s your first thought?” But when the group turned to the blue unicorn, they found that she was no longer with them. “Hey, Opaline!” Misty shouted, standing in the alicorn’s full view. “You wanted me, now here I am!” Zipp sighed and looked over at her friends. “So much for the element of surprise.” “Ah… Misty,” Opaline smirked, getting off her throne and trotting toward her former servant. “Finally come to your senses?” But her question was answered when she was struck in the face by another one of Misty’s magic blasts. “Ergh… I don’t understand!” Opaline groaned. “You shouldn’t be able to…” That’s when Opaline finally saw it-- a cutie mark of a purple, orange and pink butterfly, glowing on Misty’s flank. The dark purple alicorn’s blue eyes lit up in rage, and her wings and horn did the same. “You… you UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF WORK!!!” But as Opaline lunged at Misty, her horn merely lit up, and in a bright flash of blue and pink light, Misty and Opaline had disappeared! “Zoinks!!” Shaggy cried in panic. “Where did they go?!” “Misty must have cast a unicorn teleportation charm!” Snow Spell realized. “For a unicorn who hasn’t had magic long, that’s pretty impressive.” “Where do you think she teleported to?” Daphne wondered. “I think I have an idea,” Sunny said, flapping her ethereal wings. “But we have to hurry. Misty probably wanted to buy us some time to prepare our attack, but I don’t know how long Misty can buy for us!” XXXXXXXXX Misty and Opaline groaned as they impacted into some snow, far away from Misty’s friends, and Opaline quickly looked around at their surroundings. “What is this place?!” “Someplace you can’t hurt anypony else!” Misty said, firing her horn for a few moments before stopping. “Hoping… maybe I could try and get through to you.” “Get through to me? HA!! That’s a real joke,” Opaline scoffed. “What makes YOU think you could get through to ME? I am a QUEEN!! And you’re nothing.” “Using force and fire isn't a way to get what you want out of life,” Misty shook her head softly. “Magic is something to be shared with everypony… no matter if you're an alicorn or not. Sunny is an alicorn because she helps ponies in need… you don't. But that's something you can change. And soon… your cutie mark could sparkle too.” Opaline’s malicious sneer turned into one of thoughtful confusion. “Why are you speaking to me in this tone? I thought you were one to hate me.” Sunny and the others came over as Opaline asked this, hiding in the snowbanks to avoid detection. “Because… I don’t hate you, Opaline. I hate the things you did and the things you believe, but… hating ponies is wrong.” The gang looked at one another in surprise to hear Misty say such a thing, but then again… she had a point. “Opaline… there’s still a bright future for you… just like there was for me,” Misty said. “Can you trust me enough to see that I may be right?” The unicorn slowly raised her hoof for Opaline to take, and the others watched in anxiousness to see what she would do. Opaline stared down at it for a moment before reaching out little… by little… by little, until… …she slapped Misty into the ground, causing her to scream. “You pathetic weakling! Just like your mother that abandoned you!” “PONIES AND MYSTERY INC, GO GO GO!!!” Whipping her head around, Opaline saw that Sunny was leading the charge in her alicorn form, and the ponies were using all their magic types to try and strike Opaline down, the same way she struck Misty down. Opaline was good at dodging most of Izzy and Aurora’s snowball attacks, and the plants that Hitch grew, but Sunny’s alicorn magic blasts were able to get her every time. But what she didn’t expect was the gang’s powers as well. Apparently, the unity magic was strong within the gang as well. And this was the perfect chance for all of them to go down. Sunny saw what Opaline was planning in her head, and knew that if this was the right time, it had to happen now. “Gang! Ponies! Get in position behind me! Snow Spell, you get in front! Misty, duck for cover!” Though she was weak, Misty nodded and did as she was told. The rest of the gang and ponies held hooves and hands as the cutie marks began to shine, sending magic to Sunny’s cutie mark, which she transferred half of that magic to Snow Spell. But seeing as they weren’t attacking Opaline yet made her question what was happening. “If this is some sort of practical joke, Starscout,” she sneered, “it’s not very funny!” “Oh, it’s no joke, Opaline,” Sunny smirked. “The only funny thing around here… is watching you finally be defeated.” Snow Spell finally had enough energy, and delivered a big blast to Opaline’s chest, striking her down. After a moment, Opaline managed to get back up again, looking livid. “Ruh roh…” Scooby gulped. “It didn’t work!” “Wait,” Snow Spell said. “It will. Trust me.” Opaline merely chuckled and spread her wings. “A little snow? You think snow can get the better of me? The great and powerful Opaline? Watch!” She ignited her dragon fire magic onto her horn and wings, but then, something strange began to happen. The more magic she seemed to use, the more cracks seemed to appear on Opaline’s body… like the fire and ice weren’t mixing well and were filling up inside Opaline. When she finally noticed it, her body was covered in cracks. “No… NOOOO!!!” she screamed. “You pathetic fools! YOU WILL NEVER DISPOSE OF ME FOR LONG!! OPALINE ARCANA WILL FINALLY RETURN!!!!” And just like that… Opaline was finally destroyed, shattering into pieces far and wide... never to be seen again.