//------------------------------// // Agent Double "Ooh" Fun // Story: The Girl Who Cried Wolf // by J3sterking //------------------------------// "All I really need's a smile, smile smile, Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine." Pinkie Pie's "Smile Song" Rainbow was briefly alarmed to wake up in an unfamiliar bed, but quickly recalled what happened. She yawned, sitting upright, then slid out of bed. She had no idea what time Bon-Bon and Lyra were usually up at, but she knew what time she got up at. That said, Rainbow did try her best to be quiet as she crept through the house. She abandoned this as she neared the kitchen, hearing the sounds of something sizzling. She stepped into the kitchen, then let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God, it's bacon." "Lyra needs to eat more food, so I bought lots of meat," Bon-Bon said with a sigh. "She doesn't like meat." "Hmm. Does that manual say anything about diet?" "Uh, eat more?" Bon-Bon shrugged. "That's about all it says." "I'll talk to her about it when she comes down," Rainbow said. "So, is there anything that me and my superhero friends should be aware of when it comes to this agency?" "There's a lot I'm not at liberty--" "To hell with that, Bonnie. If they start coming to try and stick us in a government lab, I will remember it if you choose them over us." Rainbow took a deep breath. "What I'm asking right now, though, is there anything about all of this that they don't like?" Bon-Bon didn't answer immediately. "A lot of it, Rainbow, but if they haven't contacted you girls yet, then you don't need to worry," Bon-Bon said. "It's--it's not some evil organization or anything like that. There's bad apples here and there, I mean, but--for the most part, we follow the rules and save lives." "Yeah, otherwise I'd have mentioned something to you guys," Lyra said, stepping into the kitchen. "It's no more evil than any other branch of government, Rainbow." She opened the fridge door. "Gee, that's real comforting, Lyra," Rainbow said as she sat down. Rainbow looked at her, then reached out and snatched the muffin out of her hands. Lyra's eyes flashed gold, as she glared at Rainbow. "Dessert comes after you eat some meat," Rainbow said. "I don't need--" Rainbow locked eyes with her. Lyra fell silent first, then flicked her eyes to the side, then the other. "You have people who can help you, going through this," Rainbow said quietly. "Take advantage of it." She let the announcement hang in the air a moment, as the bacon grease in Bon-Bon's pan popped loudly. "I learned the hard way that diet is important, especially to werewolves. A hungry wolf has less control of herself. And if you eat only sugar for breakfast, you will be hungry again later. And you barely look in control of your wolf, you'll need all the advantage you can get." Lyra sighed. "Fine." Bon-Bon set down a big thing of bacon in front of her. "So, is that why you were so snappy and yelled at Trixie yesterday? Werewolf sugar crashing?" Rainbow grimaced. "Yes, a little," she admitted. "But there were other things on top of that. Stuff I don't really want to talk about right now." Bon-Bon returned to the stove, silent for a moment. "You and Lyra have some distressing similarities." Rainbow grimaced. "Hey, look. You and Lyra are better friends than you and me. Lyra should go talk to you if she needs help, and, so we're clear, I talked to Princess Twilight just yesterday, got some of it off my chest." She waved the muffin at Bon-Bon, then took a bite of it. "Second, if I don't get help with my troubles, all it leads to is me crying into a tub of ice cream, where Lyra would--" "Don't you dare say that again," Lyra snarled, eyes full of tears. "Don't--don't you fucking dare say that again." Rainbow nodded immediately. "Sorry, Lyra." "It's--it's fine." "No, it's not," Rainbow said firmly. "I'm sorry. I know better than others that...it's not pleasant to hear these things." Lyra stayed still, then stabbed her bacon and shoved some into her mouth. She wiped the tears out of her eyes as she chewed. "So, have how many times do you say 'fuck'? Like, give me an average." "Never!" Lyra cried out. She paused. "...Before," she added. "I mean, I-I..." She stammered, falling quiet. "I tend to swear a bit more if...the wolf is gaining control," Rainbow mentioned. "So, maybe--" "--Get help?" Lyra finished. Rainbow nodded. Lyra let out an overdramatic groan. "To hell with this," she said, letting her head fall onto the table. "I will not let you go to school hungry, Heartstrings, so unless you want to be late, you better start eating," Bon-Bon said firmly. Lyra winced, then began shoveling bacon into her mouth. "Crap, it's still a school day, isn't it?" Rainbow said. She began stuffing her face with bacon, chewing loudly. "Well, I mean, we still have plenty of time," Bon-Bon muttered, turning to her own breakfast. "Hey, uh, Dash?" "Yuh?" Rainbow swallowed. Bon-Bon gave her a disgusted look, but it didn't last, replaced by...trepidation? "Do you know...one 'Gilda Gruff'?" "Yeah. Old friend of mine. We...haven't talked in a while, though. Why?" Rainbow frowned. "Did something happen?" "No, no! Just...um..." "'G'? You said...'G' owes you ten bucks. Does Gilda--" "Technically, she's a senior to me," Bon-Bon said. "By a few months, mostly." "And...she bet against me having been the one to kill Soarin?" "You never came up in that bet," Bon-Bon said. "I said I'd bet money that Tanner wasn't the one to kill him, and Gilda took me up on it. In the end, she bet fifteen on it being Tanner, and I bet ten on it being someone else, but the whole fifteen if it was someone Soarin knew." "That means she owes you fifteen," Rainbow muttered. "W-well, yeah, but--sorry." "Don't be. It..." Rainbow grimaced. "Dammit, I still owe Trixie an apology over the same f'cking thing..." "Get help," Lyra chimed in. Rainbow popped a piece of bacon into her mouth. "I was a whole lot madder yesterday, but...part of it was sugar crashing, and the rest is that I know Gilda a bit more than I know Trixie. But also, I'm...a little more chill than I was yesterday." "Who's 'Tanner'?" Lyra asked. "Ask me after school," Bon-Bon said. "That's a bit of a lengthy question for someone who still has to get dressed." "I'm wearing pants, right?" Lyra looked down. "Do you plan on wearing PJs to school?" Bon-Bon asked. "No, but I was worried I forgot 'em again." Rainbow laughed. "It's always nice to check that before you leave, isn't it?" Lyra groaned. "You have no idea." Rainbow bid goodbye to them on the campus, then strode up the steps to the school. She was still getting weird looks from some of the students who'd heard about the commotion yesterday, but she ignored them. If Sunset Shimmer had still been a bully, she'd have been worried about that, but otherwise, she had an objective. "Hey, Trixie?" she called out. Trixie spun, paling slightly as she saw Rainbow Dash. Her face made Rainbow wince, filling her with even more regret. "Can we talk?" Rainbow asked. Trixie eyed her face, then her gaze softened, and she relaxed. "Sure," she said, some of her normal, carefree confidence returning. Rainbow lead them to the side, down the one hallway with the light that never worked properly. Students tended to avoid the creepy atmosphere, so it made for a great place to have quiet conversations. Rainbow leaned against one of the disused school lockers, arms folded across her chest. Trixie leaned against one across from her, saying nothing. Rainbow Dash sighed. "I've never been good at this part." "Neither...neither has Trixie," the magician replied. She gave a sad smile. "It seems the greater and powerfuler you are, the harder it is to admit fault." "I'm sorry. I shouldn't--shouldn't have lost my cool. I should have talked to you in private, like--" She gestured to the hallway. "--Like this." "Trixie--" She cut off, then continued. "I am sorry that I put up that stupid betting pool. The truth is, I--I was jealous. Even back then, you--you were everything I endeavored to be, but...well, out of the two of us, only you seemed invincible. You never seemed afraid. You never seemed bothered. You were one of the only people who seemed not to care in the least about Sunset Shimmer. So...I saw that you had...a chink in your armor, and...I wanted to exploit it." She wiped tears from her eyes. "I owe you and your friends my life, don't I? Twice over, and this...this is not how I'm going to repay you. Here." She began rifling through her backpack. "Trixie, you don't have to give me anything," Rainbow said. "I came her to apologize." "And saved me the trouble of searching you out later," Trixie replied. "It--it doesn't feel right for me to keep it, Rainbow." She handed a small bag to Rainbow. Rainbow took it, feeling the familiar weight and the light clinking sound. "This is--" "My share of the bet," Trixie said. "I wouldn't feel right keeping it, Rainbow. Please, take it." Rainbow sighed. "Alright, Trixie." She checked around, seeing if anybody was watching, then wrapped one arm around Trixie in a light hug. Trixie hugged her back. "Thank God Sunset won't use this for blackmail," she muttered. Rainbow grinned. "I know the feeling." She let go, stepping back and clearing her throat. "So, um, see you around." "Yes! Yes you shall! The Grrrreat--" Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "Ahem. Yes, and, uh, same to you." Rainbow laughed, then headed off to classes as a bell rang in the distance. She met up with Lyra again near lunch time. A fuming, golden-eyed Lyra, and a highly concerned Bon-Bon. Lyra did not look happy. "Don't tell me--school kicking your ass?" Lyra took a deep breath, then nodded. Rainbow winced. "Yeah, um, same." Lyra grinned. "Hey, don't worry, neither of you are doing that badly," Bon-Bon said. "In school, maybe," Lyra muttered, grin faltering. Bon-Bon didn't answer. "You owe someone an apology?" Rainbow asked. "A few of our friends have noticed that Lyra is upset still," Bon-Bon said. "And she said some unkind words to them." Rainbow put one hand on her shoulder. "A few grumpy words aren't that bad." "I yelled at Derpy," Lyra muttered. "Maybe...maybe I should call in sick tomorrow. Meditate. The books say meditating can help with...this." "But you still owe them an apology," Rainbow said. "They're just worried about you." "Yeah, I know. I'm just...getting tired of people asking that." Lyra squirmed uncomfortably. "I--had it easy on that front, I suppose," Rainbow muttered. "There's worse things than people caring about you." Lyra stopped in front of her locker. "Maybe, but it sometimes doesn't feel like--" She sniffed. "Did someone do something to my locker?" She glared at it, then opened the door. Still in her ninja costume, and smelling like she hadn't taken it off since she put it on, Pinkie jumped out of her locker, screaming, "SURPRI--" Lyra kicked her. A perfect roundhouse kick, sending Pinkie flying through the locker door. The door broke off, hitting the wall with Pinkie, sending a series of cracks along the wall. Pinkie fell off, the locker door falling on top of her with a loud clang. "PINKIE!" Rainbow screamed, rushing to her friend. She threw the dented up piece of metal aside, then hesitated. "Pinkie? Pinkie! Are you--" "Owwwww," Pinkie groaned, eyes fluttering. "That...wasn't as 'fun' as I thought it'd be." "You're--you're gonna be okay," Rainbow said, gulping. "Don't worry, I've--" She winced. "I've taken worse hits, believe it or not." She grinned. "Hey, Rainbow, quit frowning. I'm gonna be okay, just...as soon as I see a doctor about this. It's, uh, just a broken bone. Or two. Three?" "Yeah. Nothing--nothing too bad, right?" "I called an ambulance," Bon-Bon said, sitting besides Rainbow. "It'll be here soon, okay?" "What about Lyra?" Pinkie asked. Bon-Bon hesitated. "She--ran off. Pinkie, she--I'm sure--" "Dummies," Pinkie chuckled. "I'm fine, she needs help. Go get her." Bon-Bon hesitated. "Dash, I...I won't be able to find her. And...you went through some of the same things, so--" Rainbow stared at her for a second, then sighed. "I'll handle this," Rainbow said. "It...might be my fault anyway, why nothing I said... helped her any." She stood up, then paused. "Take care of Pinkie," she said firmly, then bolted for the school doors.