//------------------------------// // Conqueror (Monsters) // Story: Foreign Relationships // by smirker //------------------------------// Volvox was the very first being created on Earth by the Maker and the gods, he was ageless and already an adult when he was created, the Maker and gods were surprised by how he turned out, he was a three thousand feet tall, three hundred fifty feet wide, three hundred feet long creature with three heads with the back of his heads shaped like semicircles and the front shaped like two back-to-back right triangles, he did not have any ears or noses, his four eyes were slanted and monochromatic and did not have any pupils or irises and were on the sides of his head. The right half of his body and right head were gray and skeletal with black holes in place of his eyes and white teeth, the five claws on his right front foot and right hind foot were also made of gray bones. The left half of his body and his left head were pitch black like a shadow, the head's eyes and teeth and five claws on his left front foot and left hind foot were red. His center head, spine, and tail were pink and made out of a parasitic-like skin, his spine had yellow seven pointed star-like organic matters growing on him and each tip was sharp, the tip of his tail was yellow and shaped like a spear's tip with sharp tips on the back corners, and the center head's eyes and teeth, the seven-pointed organic stars, and his tail's tip were yellow. Volvox conversed with the Maker and gods and got to know the other gods, they were Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Amun, Ra, Odin, Vishnu, Bishamonten, and Huitzilopochtli, he watched them create more beings and dragons and dinosaurs were the next things created. Volvox taught them about their origins and creations and they bowed to him, he examined each species carefully and saw they were not equal, the gods decided they were too weak and changed Earth to a dangerous environment, everybody struggled to survive and the dead creatures' souls got taken by Hades, Osiris, and Anubis, Volvox followed them and watched the souls get judged, the Maker then granted Volvox various powers. He tried them and saw he now had control over hellfire and shot them out of his mouths, eyes, balls of his front feet, and tips of his front feet's claws, he can also shoot red electricity out of his tail's tip, he tried more things and discovered he also had telekinesis with each head, he grow and shrink in size at will, and he can stretch his neck out and burrow them underground. Volvox trained and honed his fighting skills and powers while also defending himself and watching the dragons and dinosaurs struggle to survive, the gods added more flora and fauna and it made Earth even more dangerous, they then began controlling the temperatures and weather to see which species will die and which will survive. Volvox survived on his own while also watching the other species' survive, each creature was divided and eventually, every creature was strong enough to survive the harsh environment, the creatures then began fighting and killing one another while Volvox killed all of his attackers easily. The gods were satisfied with their now powerful creatures and directed them telepathically while making Volvox the planet's ruler and gave him the ability to be sentient and speak, the gods and underworld's natives then sent angels and demons to Earth, "Come, my brethren, we got new enemies to fight, the gods have sent them to help us continue getting stronger, let us begin conquering them." Volvox said, and they charged forward. The angels and demons took down the dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals easily, "Withdraw!" Volvox ordered, and they did. Volvox watched the angels and demons conquer Earth while also slaughtering any flora and fauna they found, "Perhaps we can help." a deep male voice said in the sky, Volvox looked up and saw a black swirling mass in the sky and they formed into nine scary looking beings, "We can grant you a distraction to help you take out the angels and demons, but in exchange, the beings we create must roam and terrorize the Earth." the being in the center spoke, "Who are you guys?" Volvox asked, "We are the Outer Gods, I am Nyarlathotep, me and these eight here are the gods of the other planets." the being stated, "I am Shub-Niggurath, mother of a thousand young, it is I who will create the creatures that will roam the Earth." a female being stated, "I am Cxaxukluth, I will make the demons hungry and distracted." a male being spoke, "I am Daoloth, the all-seer, I have seen your future, Volvox, much later from now, you will be leading us and a group of various creatures against bipedal creatures called humans in a land full of colorful horses." another male being said, "Colorful horses, you say? I suppose it wouldn't be the strangest thing to witness." Volvox commented, "Still, do not underestimate them because they are cute looking and their world is all sunshine and rainbows." Daoloth reminded, "I am Yog-Sothoth, you cannot hide any secrets from me, I see all of existence, past, present, and future." a being made of glowing spheres stated with a deep male voice, "I am Tulzscha, I can induce madness upon your enemies with a certain ritual." the pillar of green fire said in an androgynous voice, "I am Yibb-Tstll, I shall cover your enemies' homes in black snowflakes." a grotesque being in a green cloak spoke with a deep female voice, "I am Ghroth, my presence shall destroy your enemies' planets." a being as big and shaped like a moon with an eyeball said in a deep voice, "I am Azathoth, I am the leader of the Outer Gods, I will help you at the time when you fight the humans." a big and blurry being with an abstract appearance in the sky said with a deep male voice, "Well, thanks, I'll take your offer, the dragons, dinosaurs, cats, dogs, bugs, and everything else are going to die at this rate." Volvox remarked, "Very well, we will distract the angels and demons, and our monsters will roam the Earth, you will have to defeat them in combat if you wish to command them." Azathoth responded, and they began moving around the sky and the angels and demons went insane while natural disasters occurred, "Everybody, now! Attack!" Volvox ordered, and they did and took down the angels and demons. Many monsters appeared all over the world on the land, in the sky, and in the sea, the gods and more angels and demons appeared, "What's going on?" Odin questioned, "I made a deal with nine gods called the Outer Gods, let them create creatures to roam the Earth in exchange for gaining an advantage over the angels and demons." Volvox explained, "What? Volvox, the Outer Gods are controlling what kinds of life gets controlled throughout the universe, we made a deal for them to leave this planet alone and let us make creatures as we see fit, you messed up this planet's progress." Vishnu explained, "Sorry, but they left that part out." Volvox responded, "It is alright." a male and female voice spoke together while the clouds spun and the Maker conversed, "The Earth can still develop, these monsters the Outer Gods have created will give us the chance to make our own creations grow stronger through battle and intelligence, let us take advantage of it." the Maker continued, the others agreed and the clouds stopped spinning. Volvox and the others began fighting the new creatures but arrived at a stalemate, so the angels and demons formed an alliance with the dragons, dinosaurs, and prehistoric animals, Volvox got know and befriend a demon named Dommiel, they fought and won against the new creatures and all of them joined with the opposing team with Volvox ruling over them with Dommiel as his second-in-command and a dragon named Tom as his third-in-command and frontline commander, Volvox barely restrained his laughter at how simple Tom's name was, he also befriended a muscular ghoul named Giovi who had his claws severed and replaced with knife blades. Centuries passed and the other creatures were all living peacefully until a new species appeared on Earth one day, "What are these?" Dommiel asked, everybody looked at the new bipedal male and female creatures of various skin, hair, and eye colors and noticed they looked similar to the vampires, various nymphs, swan maidens in their humanoid forms, and some of the ghosts and zombies, "Maker, did you make these?" Tom asked, the clouds spun and formed a circle in the sky, "No, they're most likely a byproduct of either our creations or those Outer Gods, I just spoke with them and they said they didn't create them, I'll keep them here for now, they seem to be another primitive group of animals." the Maker stated and the clouds stopped spinning. Centuries passed and the creatures began calling themselves humans, they began developing and began hunting and living off the land, they eventually developed various civilizations while remaining friendly and welcoming to Volvox and his subjects. The humans have tried to coexist peacefully with the other creatures but they considered them outsiders and began attacking and destroying their civilizations, the humans struggled to fight against Volvox and his many monsters alongside the prehistoric animals, angels, demons, and angry gods, some humans tried to offer peace offerings or make deals to live together but Volvox killed all of them. The human civilizations and settlements got destroyed quickly while Volvox led all of the non-human creatures while partaking in the battles himself, some of the creatures ended up opening rifts that sent parts of Earth to another dimension. The ponies of Equestria and the other creatures were having a peaceful day until they sensed a disturbance to the east of the Bone Dry Desert, a land appeared in the waters and they looked on with shock while some creatures gasped, "What the...?" Applejack asked, every house and building was destroyed and burnt black with pieces laying everywhere and with no signs of life, "Come on, girls, let's go see if anyone's there." Twilight Sparkle said, and the Mane Six and Spike went into her hot air balloon. They arrived at the land and looked on in shock at seeing the destruction, they landed and got out of the hot air balloon, "Hello? Is anybody here?" Twilight Sparkle called out, there was no response, she and Rarity picked up the debris with their telekinesis, "My, there's no one here." Rarity stated, "What could've happened?" Applejack questioned, "It looks like some creature or an army came through here and destroyed everything." Rainbow Dash deduced, "Rainbow might be right, I don't think some accident or disaster occurred here, someone or something probably destroyed this place and slaughtered everyone in the process." Twilight Sparkle stated, "You think this could be just like when the Storm King attacked us?" Pinkie Pie asked, "No, Pinkie Pie, this looks even worse, whoever did this likely isn't taking any prisoners." Twilight Sparkle replied, "I hope the animals and pets made it out okay." Fluttershy stated, "Hate to break it to ya, Fluttershy, but I'm not seeing any signs of pets being kept here." Spike replied, "So, what do we do with this place?" Rainbow Dash asked, "There's probably nothing we can do right now, let's wait and see if more lands appear." Twilight Sparkle stated, and they went back to the hot air balloon and went back to Equestria. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were on Canterlot's balcony and looking at the new land in disbelief, "I'm getting a bad feeling about this, sis." Princess Luna said, "So am I, I think something dangerous will be upon our world soon." Princess Celestia stated, "Well, I mean, it won't be the first time our world was in danger." Princess Luna reminded, "True, but this time, I'm sensing the threat is huge, who knows what we will encounter." Princess Celestia responded, and they went back into Canterlot's castle and Princess Luna tended to the dream realm, the foals had nightmares on what could have destroyed the new land and she zapped them away. The next day came and another land appeared between Equestria and Griffonstone, everybody stopped for a minute when they saw the entire land was frozen with lightning on the destroyed settlements, "That land's destroyed, too." Princess Cadance stated, "What could've done this?" Shining Armor asked, "I'm not seeing any clues." Sunburst remarked, "Still, everything's frozen and electrified, how strange, it's almost like they were destroyed by magic." Princess Cadance responded, "I'll go keep an eye on Flurry Heart, call me if you need anything." Shining Armor spoke, and he walked away while Equestria's royal guards searched the new land for any survivors but did not find any. Another piece of land appeared between Equestria and the Dragon Lands and everybody became shocked at seeing many arrows in the ground, the ponies and dragons moved the debris and the creatures gasped and looked away when they saw dead humans shot to trees with many arrows, the Mane Six, royal guards, and dragons went over and looked at them, they took the arrows out and the bodies fell over, "I'm guessing whoever did this didn't like them." Princess Ember spoke, "This doesn't look like it was done by one person, it looks like hundreds of them." Twilight Sparkle stated, "Hey! I found something strange here!" Starlight Glimmer hollered, and everybody went to her. Everybody saw to spears that were in two humans, Twilight Sparkle tried to grab them but exclaimed when yellow electricity appeared, "What the?" Princess Ember asked, "Come on, let's take this to Princess Celestia." Twilight Sparkle said, and the ponies left the land. The Mane Six, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer arrived in Canterlot and gave the spears to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the yellow electricity reappeared when they got near it, "This confirms their attackers are not primitive beings driven by instinct, this is a magic not from this world either." Princess Celestia stated, "Judging by its appearance and the sense I'm getting, it's light magic, a bit similar to sis' own." Princess Luna added, "Any idea on what could make magic like this?" Rainbow Dash asked, "Well, it is a bit similar to the angels in the old tales of my childhood that used to be read to foals when Luna and I were fillies." Princess Celestia answered, "You think they could be real?" Pinkie Pie squeed, "Maybe, anything's possible, how about you, Pinkie, you picking up anything strange?" Twilight Sparkle questioned, "Hmm, well, it's not of this world, and I'm getting a really strange feeling that these spears fell from the sky." Pinkie Pie responded, "Fell from the sky? The creatures who used these must have some form of flight then." Princess Luna deduced, "We'll lock these away for now, let us wait for the next lands to appear and hope there will be life on one of them." Princess Celestia stated, and they parted ways. A few hours passed while everybody wondered where the next land will appear and another appeared to the northeast of Equestria, everybody heard screaming and saw humans running, they looked and saw there were being hunted and attacked by big cats, big dogs, big frogs, and bugs, everybody heard moaning and their attentions got caught when they saw human-like creatures with decaying flesh tied to posts with ropes, "Okay, that's definitely not natural there." Twilight Sparkle commented, another land appeared to Equestria's southeast and they heard more humans screaming, they saw human looking creatures wrapped in bandages casting dark magic and necromancy to summon and control skeletons while some of the skeletons acted under their own will, "So their attackers do have magic." Princess Luna stated, "That's not all, look at the skeletons." Spike responded, and they did, everybody looked on in shock at seeing animated skeletons of various big creatures, dragons, winged humanoids, bipedal humanoids with pointed ears, bipedal humanoids with two big fangs on their lower set of teeth, humanoids short in height but had very wide body frames, humanoids with four fangs, bipedal wolves, tall bipedal creatures with rectangular shaped heads and three eyes, slouched bipedal creatures with sharp teeth, small bipedal creatures, twelve feet tall humanoids, very small humanoids, and tall humanoid figures with one eye, "What in tarnation?" Applejack exclaimed, "Oh, this isn't looking good." Twilight Sparkle quivered, another land appeared to the Bone Dry Desert's east and they saw the humans getting slaughtered by big red, muscular bipedal creatures with horns on their heads, fangs in their mouths, and were wielding black metallic clubs, everything suddenly caught on fire and the world's natives screamed when they saw a wheel with a man's face in its center with fire around it come into view, he rolled around and set everything on fire while also shooting fire out of his mouth, another land appeared very close to Equestria's east and the humans were getting slaughtered by giant pigs, the ground erupted and lava flew up very high, it went down and a huge creature emerged, the humans screamed and ran away while the world's natives looked in horror, the giant creature that blocked out the sun and had a hundred heads. It shot fire into the air out of its one hundred heads and then flapped its wings to create extremely strong gusts that spread the fire far, the ponies quickly put up magic shields around the countries and new lands and the flames still pushed them back. The creature held its hands high up in the sky and volcanic eruptions began on every land with humans on them, he then summoned typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, and shot fire and venom out of his hundred mouths and two hundred eyes. The world's natives watched in horror while the giant one hundred headed creature continued causing massive destruction to human settlements, "How are they supposed to fight something like that?!" Rainbow Dash inquired, "That is beyond me, Rainbow, those creatures fighting back don't seem very developed either." Twilight Sparkle responded, "Plus, we have to make new defenses as well, Equestria has never seen such a creature." Princess Celestia added, another land appeared in the waters between Equestra's and the Bone Dry Desert's east and the humans were running away and screaming while they got slaughtered, everybody saw four bipedal skeletal figures in black hooded robes riding horses killing the humans, one was on a white horse and holding a bow, he also had a crown on his head, one was on a red horse and holding a sword, one was on a black horse and holding a set of scales, and one was on a pale horse and holding a scythe, they were joined in by two more creatures on horseback, they were both headless while one was holding an axe while the other was holding a sword, they also heard roaring and snarling and saw a group of hundreds of bipedal creatures with gray skin, sagging flesh, leathery wings, sharp claws and talons, and bird-like facial features fly forward and destroy everything in their path and kill humans, "Oh, this is terrible." Fluttershy quivered, "Come on, let's help 'em." Applejack said, ships appeared in Seaquestria's sea and humans were on them. The humans looked on worriedly and they saw human women standing on the water, a man quickly ordered everybody to defend themselves and the human women on the waters floated in the air and changed to swans, they began pecking and kicking the humans in the ships struggled to throw them off, the waters then rose to very high levels and giant creatures black as shadows with bald heads emerged and groaned loudly. They began slamming their arms down on the ships and destroyed them and the humans drifted in the sea, the seaponies swam and carried them to Mount Aris. One more land appeared to in Equestria's eastern sea and they saw it was frozen over, humans screamed while transparent female humanoid creatures formed in the snow and blew snow everywhere that froze the land, humanoid creatures with white feathered wings flew down from the skies and threw spears with yellow electricity down and they impaled a few humans while electrifying the land. The world's natives quickly went over to rescue the humans, some flew and swam to get them while the unicorns used magic to teleport them and the kirins used telekinesis to grab them, they brought them to Equestria and Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, the Mane Six, and Spike went to them, "You guys okay?" Twilight Sparkle asked, the humans spoke in different languages and Twilight Sparkle cast a spell, "Thank you, you saved us, we are at war back at home, those monsters and creatures have all gathered together to wipe out us humans from existence, we are on the verge of extinction." one man said, the other humans looked at him with disbelief and he then looked at himself, "My, you are speaking a different language." a woman stated, the humans looked at her with surprise, "I have cast a magic spell to translate what you all say to stuff I can understand since you all are speaking various languages that I never heard before." Twilight Sparkle explained, "Oh, that explains a lot." a second man commented, "So, are you all like being driven out or something?" Rainbow Dash questioned, "No, we're being killed and all of our settlements destroyed, the other creatures of our world are conquering our lands, we tried to make peace and coexist with them but they refused, they said they were on the world first, and we were not created by the Maker like how they were, so they all decided to wipe us all out." a third man explained, "What? That ain't right, y'all don't seem to be troublemakers either." Applejack remarked, "But it's true, even the gods are trying to drive us to extinction." a second woman responded, "A full extinction of a species on a global scale, we have had threats and conquerors in our world before as well, but they never went that far." Princess Luna said, "Plus, several of those creatures seem like wild animals and have no sentience, somebody has to be leading them." Princess Celestia deduced, "Yes, the leader of all of the creatures hasn't been transferred here yet, he's the ruler of our home planet, all of the native animals and creatures bow to him." a fourth man answered, "Come with us, we'll provide you all food and medicine, we need to know what type of creatures you all are fighting and the names of the high ranking members in this commander's army if there is any." Princess Celestia explained, "Thank you, we'll tell you all everything you need to know." a third woman replied, and they went to Canterlot. The humans arrived in Canterlot Castle and sat in the throne room, they were served hay, vegetables, fruits, grains, and various drinks, "Our bodies cannot handle hay." a woman said, "Oh, sorry, I don't know what your kind can digest or not." Twilight Sparkle replied, "Do you have any paper and writing utensils so we can draw our enemies and write down their names and descriptions?" a man requested, "That won't be necessary, I have a spell that will show us all of your enemy types and you all can explain." Twilight Sparkle responded, "Well, that's convenient." a second man commented, and Twilight Sparkle cast a spell. A white screen came up and images of the humans' enemies came up, the ponies and Spike looked on in shock, "Whoa!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "Golly! That's a lot of different type of creatures!" Applejack exclaimed, "Well, let's get started, I'd like for you all to start with the ones already here." Princess Celestia said, "Very well, the big cats with two big teeth there are smilodons, those big dogs are amphicyons, those big frogs with horns are beelzebufos, those big millipedes are arthropoleuras, they are native fauna of our home planet that have existed centuries before us." the first man explained, "So, your own animals are trying to wipe you guys out, too?" Fluttershy asked, "Yes, while they are primitive and driven by instinct, they have swore allegiance to the one leading them." another woman replied, "Is that possible?" Pinkie Pie questioned, "Well, yes, animals like that usually follow the strongest of the group." Fluttershy answered, "What were those moaning creatures you had tied to posts with rope?" Rarity asked, "Zombies, they are reanimated corpses without their souls in them, whenever we fight back against our enemies, they are the first line of defense due to them being slow and mindless." a third woman explained, "So a bit like the prank you all pulled on me with the cookies." Rainbow Dash grumbled, "Next we saw were creatures who looked like you guys but were wrapped completely in bandages, what are those?" Princess Luna questioned, "Mummies, they have existed longer than us humans, they also among the front line of our enemies, they serve as spellcasters among our direct enemies." a fourth woman responded, "We all know what the next ones were, we have animated skeletons here in our world, too." Applejack stated, "So you all have to tend to them as well." a third man remarked, "One thing I noticed is the skeletons were all different shapes and sizes." Starlight Glimmer said, "Yes, the skeletons you all saw were of the other creatures that make up most of the different type of conquerors, as you all saw, we have a primitive species called dinosaurs, dragons of various shapes and sizes, the winged skeletons with feathery wings are angels, the ones with leathery wings and horns are demons, the winged humanoids with the upside-down feathery wings are fallen angels, the males winged humanoids with pointed ears are incubi, the female versions are succubi, the humanoids with pointed ears and no wings are elves, the creatures with bug-like wings are fairies, the creatures with two big fangs are orcs, the short skeletons are dwarfs, the skeletons with four fangs are vampires, those bipedal wolves are werewolves, we have several different types of were-beasts, the three-eyed monsters are trolls, the slouched creatures with sharp teeth are ghouls, the small monsters with oval shaped skulls are goblins, the very tall humanoid skeletons are giants, the small skeletons that only grow up to our shins are alps, and the one-eyed bipedal skeletons are cyclopes." the first man explained, the ponies and Spike became speechless, "Wow, so what do they do?" Starlight Glimmer asked, "The dinosaurs chase and eat us. The dragons fly, swim underwater, breathe fire, and summon lightning, they try to eat us, too. Angels throw spears at us, demons use magic and a variety of weapons, fallen angels use dark magic and spears, incubi and succubi trick us into falling in love with them and suck out our life force while we sleep. The elves and fairies use bows and arrows, swords, and magic, orcs use two-handed weapons and brute strength, dwarfs attack us with two-handed axes, vampires drink our blood, turn into rats, bats, and mist, and only come out at night, werewolves and other beasts hunt and eat us, trolls and ghouls use bones as weapons and try to eat us, goblins steal our stuff and attack us. The giants chase us and try to smash us with clubs, alps sit on our chests and suffocate us when we sleep, and cyclopes attack us with clubs made from bones and try to eat us." the second man explained, "Dang, talk about bad luck." Rainbow Dash remarked, "Excuse me, but what is a fallen angel?" Princess Cadance asked, "The angels reside in a place high in the skies called Heaven, when an angel breaks its rules, they are cast out and into a place under the ground called Hell, they change to fallen angels and their wings turn upside-down to let others know they have been cast out, which causes them to lose their powers over light magic and get replaced with dark magic." the first woman explained, "It is a bit like our world's dark ponies." Princess Luna said, "It is, indeed, please continue." Princess Celestia requested, "Those big red bipedal creatures with clubs are called oni, they chase and eat us as well." the third man answered, "And what are they supposed to be?" Spike questioned, "We don't know, they just live in caves, far away from others, and come out to hunt and eat while using their black metal clubs." the fourth woman answered, "Hmm, they seem more sentient and civilized than the other creatures." Rarity remarked, "Yeah, good point there, they don't seem like yer typical run-of-the-mill hungry wild animal, some of 'em seem to be wearin' armor, too." Applejack added, "We'll worry about that later. What was that wheel on fire with the face in its center?" Princess Celestia questioned, "Wanyūdō, unlike the other creatures, he is one of a kind, there are none like him, he is sentient and capable of speech, too. He is a creature of fire that burns anything wherever he goes." the first man explained, "A wheel that burns anything it touches, it sounds like he was created with magic." Star Swirl the Bearded theorized, "We'll wonder about that later, what were big pigs that came out afterwards?" Mistmane asked, "Entelodonts, they are native fauna from our planet and have existed centuries before us humans." the second woman responded, "Alright then, onto the next one, this is the one we're all the most curious about, that giant one hundred headed creature." Twilight Sparkle stated, "Yeah, who and what is that thing?" Rainbow Dash inquired, "Typhon, he is a god, he has existed before any life on the Earth formed." the first man answered, "What?! That guy's a god?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, the humans nodded, "He is one of the many powerhouses in the enemy's army, but from what we've seen, it's possible he is the most powerful individual of our opponents, us humans don't have anything that works against him." a fourth man stated, "From what we've seen of him, we may need help from the other countries, sister." Princess Luna said, "I agree, this Typhon looks even stronger than Tirek at his full power." Princess Celestia stated, "We pray for your safeties and victories if you all fight Typhon, we saw you all have magic, us humans do not, so you all might be able to fight back." a fifth woman remarked, "Twilight, we might need help from every country against him." Applejack commented, "I agree, his powers seem to be off the charts, not even the Tree of Harmony and Rainbow Power is going to be enough to put him down." Twilight Sparkle replied, "Well, onto the next one, what were those skeletons on the horses in the last island?" Rockhoof questioned, "The four you saw are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the one on the white horse and carrying the bow is White Rider, he conquers land and rules over them, the one on the red horse and carrying the sword is Red Rider, he causes wars to break outs, the one on the black horse and carrying the weighted scales is Black Rider, he causes famine to occur wherever he goes, and the one on the pale horse and carrying the scythe is Death, but we call him Pale Rider, he kills any living being he passes while any plants around him wither and die." the first man explained, "We are a land of love and friendship, we may have spells that can counter their powers." Princess Celestia said, "Good, anything will do at this rate." the third man replied, "What about those two headless horse riders who joined them afterwards?" Somnambula asked, "The one holding the axe is the Headless Horseman, the one holding the sword is Dullahan, they ride around anywhere they please and kill any human they come across." the first woman responded, "I see, and those scary looking flying creatures with them?" Mage Meadowbrook questioned, "The Sluagh, they kill and eat everything in their path, they're a variation of the regular fairies we encounter." the third woman explained, "Facing them head on would be a bad idea, we might have to freeze them somehow." Flash Magnus suggested, "Next things we saw were creatures that looked like you guys but changed to swans." Sunburst stated, "Swan maidens, they are usually spies for our enemies." a fifth man responded, "And those black shadowy creatures that emerged out of the waters?" Twilight Sparkle questioned, "Umi-bōzus, they hide in the water and sink ships, they are black like shadows and as tall as mountains." a sixth man replied, the ponies and Spike had shocked expressions, "Let's continue, let's write down the last two, what were those creatures in the last land blowing snow and freezing everything?" Spike questioned, "Yuki-onnas, they are an all female type of creature just like the swan maidens, the yuki-onnas float around and freeze everything by blowing snow out of their mouths." the second man explained, "My, they sound almost like our world's Windigos." Princess Cadance remarked, "I see the resemblance, too." Shining Armor stated, "And the last flying creatures we saw?" Twilight Sparkle questioned, "Angels, they are from Heaven, from the info we have gathered, there are nine different types: Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim, only the Angels and Archangels have been sent to fight us." a sixth man explained, "And those spears with yellow lightning they use?" Starlight Glimmer asked, "That is the primary weapon of the angels since they usually attack from the sky, the magic on their spears counter the magic the demons use." the fifth man stated, "Wow. Alright then, now, the other creatures that are not here in this world yet, we need to know about them as well." Twilight Sparkle spoke, "Very well, we'll start with our native fauna first, those giant moose there are cervalces', they mostly ram into us. Those elephants with the big tusks are anancus', those giant snakes are titanoboas, they constrict their prey, those giant four-legged lizards there are megalanias, those giant sloths there are megatheriums, those big bears are arctodus', very dangerous. The big apes there are gigantopithecus', the big alligators there by the waters are deinosuchus', the crocodiles beside them are sarcosuchus', the big squids in the water under them are cameroceras', the big turtle on the water's surface are archelons, and the big sharks in the waters are megalodons, very dangerous, so be careful if you encounter them, and the last non-dinosaur animal here are those big birds there, they are called argentavis'. The rest of the antagonistic fauna are dinosaurs, they are divided into several types, these here are the pterosaurs with the arambourgianias commanding them, these here are the northosauruses, they command the northosaurs. These are the shonisauruses, they command the ichthyosaurs, these here beside them are the elasmosauruses, commanders of the plesiosaurs, the next closest ones are the kronosauruses, commanders of the pilosaurs, and the last water dinosaur types are the mosasaureses here, commanders of the mosasaurs. The land dinosaurs here are higher ranked than the flying and swimming dinosaurs, these here are the stegosauruses, commanders of the thyreophorans, the next ones here are the pachycephalosauruses, commanders of the pachycephalosaurians. These dinosaurs here with two horns on their heads and horn on their noses are eotriceratops', commanders of the ceratopsians, these giant long-necked dinosaurs are the argentinosauruses, commanders of the sauropods, these dinosaurs here are the shantungosauruses, commanders of the ornithopods, and these are the spinosauruses, commanders of all of the dinosaurs, we were surprised because we thought the tyrannosauruses or giganotosauruses were going to be the supreme dinosaur commanders, but they're not." the first man explained, "Wow, you guys sure have a lot of different types of dinosaurs." Spike remarked, "Those are only the commanding types, there are many more different types if we tell you all of the races." the third woman responded, "We don't have time for all of that, please tell us about the other type of creatures you all are fighting." Princess Celestia requested, "A common creature we fight not here yet are ghosts, they are the dead returning as spirits, they haunt us and can possess people and objects." the fourth man stated, "Ooh, that's scary." Fluttershy quivered, "I've noticed some creatures you guys didn't talk about yet resemble the dinosaurs, can you explain to us who they are?" Twilight Sparkle asked, "Very well, the plesiosaur one there is the Loch Ness Monster, the plesiosaur by it is Morgawr, the third plesiosaur by them is Issie, the big water serpent there is Ikuchi, the other water serpentine dragon by it there is Mizuchi, the shark hiding in the waters there is Isonade, that big eel-like creature in the water there is the Lambton Worm, and those three big, tall, bipedal ape-like creatures have different names, the brown one is Bigfoot, the white one is Yeti, and the black one is Hibagon." the fifth man explained, the ponies and Spike noticed their Yeti looked very different from the ones in Yakyakistan, "Wait, that giant many legged bug crawling on the mountain back there isn't a dinosaur?" Pinkie Pie asked, "No, that's the Ōmukade, one of a kind." the fourth woman answered, "What about the other bears, are they old and ancient animals, too?" Rarity asked, "No, they are types of demons, those one-eyed bears are nandi bears, and those bipedal bears are onikumas, and just like werewolves, we have were-bears to contend with as well." a sixth woman answered, "Um, I don't mean to be rude and interrupt, but is that colorful bird there a dinosaur, too?" Fluttershy asked, "Oh, that's the Kongamato, we don't know what that is, but we haven't ruled out the possibility of it being a dinosaur." the first woman answered, "What about that big snake there? Is that another titanoboa?" Twilight Sparkle asked, "No, that's the Basilisk, it's another one of a kind monster, anything that looks into its eyes dies and its breath makes creatures choke." the fourth man responded, "We'll see to dispose of it quickly." Princess Celestia stated, "Speaking of snakes, that really small one on the ground there to the left in the picture is the Tsuchinoko, it is much nimbler than it looks, it has venom in its fangs, too." the fourth woman stated, "Aw, it looks rather cute." Fluttershy remarked, "Are there anymore prehistoric looking animals you all would like to mention?" Princess Celestia questioned, "Sure, that creature with the spines coming out of its back is the Chupacabra, it is a very fast runner, those big apes with the fangs there are the yowies, those black apes with red eyes near the top in the background are the skunk apes, those cats there with dark gray fur and black stripes are mngwas, extremely dangerous. Those bipedal birds with human features and body shapes in the sky in the picture's upper-left corner are ekeks, and those humans with bat wings and talons beside them to their rights are the wakwaks." the first man answered, "So they don't have any special powers or magic?" Twilight Sparkle asked, "Well, the ekeks can transform into huge birds and bats, it and the wakwaks can also trick people into believing they're closer or farther away than they actually are, the closer they are, the fainter their sounds are, and the louder, the farther away they are, but the other creatures he just mentioned only have claws and teeth and no magic." the first woman replied, "I see, I've noticed a giant skeleton in the background of the picture as well." Princess Luna remarked, "That is the Gashadokuro, it was a skeleton even when first created, it's been hunting and eating us humans." the third man answered, "You all sure that's not a skeleton of one of the giants?" Sunburst questioned, "I doubt it, look at it and the giants, it's much bigger and taller than them." Shining Armor replied, "Hold on, Ah think Ah see another snake, is that... an elephant's head and tusk it has there?" Applejack questioned, "Grootslang, it is another one of the enemy army's powerhouses, it is also one of the first beings created on our planet." a sixth man explained, "I figured it was one of the heavy hitters, you can tell it's strong by just looking at it." Rainbow Dash remarked, "So, what's next to know?" Princess Cadance requested, "See those flying flames in the skies there, those are certain types of ghosts, there's two types: onibi and will-o'-the-wisp, we can't tell the difference between the two so we use them interchangeably, and that stream of light in front of them is a tenka, another form of a ghost, and those floating flames with faces are kechibis, another type of ghost, the next ghost is by them, it's those human females with children in their bodies, those are mu-onnas." the second man explained, "That reminds me, see those creatures down in the lower-left corner of the picture? Those are draugr, they're smarter than zombies and use weapons." a seventh woman stated, "Are they mindless?" Applejack questioned, "Not completely, they know how to use weapons, they don't eat us, either." the seventh woman answered, "Those creatures beside them are ogres, they usually reside in swamps, they and the orcs occasionally team up together." the fourth man stated, "Are there anymore big group creatures in your enemy's army?" Princess Celestia questioned, "Yes, those down near the center there are the Fomorians, that guy leading them is Balor. Those guys there with human upper-bodies and horse lower-bodies are centaurs, they are fast, strong, and skilled archers. The guys there with them with goat legs are satyrs, they also use use bow and arrows and play music to cast magic. Those giants in the water there are the Laestrygonians, they eat anything trying to sail past them. Those green creatures in the water there are kappas, they're soul snatchers. Those big female heads floating in the sky are ōkubis, they blow their breaths on us and cause inflammation." the first man explained, the ponies and Spike became scared by the ōkubis' appearance, "Those big spiders in the ground there are tsuchigumo, be careful since they can cast illusions. The big bipedal creatures of hardened clay, mud, rocks, or stone by them are golems. Those birds made of bronze and with blades of their beaks near the picture's top are Stymphalian birds. Those females in the sky on horseback and carrying spears are the Valkyries. The birds with female human heads around them are harpies. Those flying weasels carrying sickles are kamaitachis, be very careful against them, they move really fast and leave painless cuts on their targets. Those guys wearing straw and have red faces and horns on their heads are namahages. Those small humanoids with the bowl shaped hats are yadōkais. Those bipedal deer with bones exposed are wendigoes. Those bipedal crows holding swords are tengus. Those snakes with female human heads are nure-onnas. Those singing female human looking creatures with bird wings by the water are sirens." the first man continued, "Wow, your world's sirens look absolutely nothing like our world's sirens." Stygian said, "You guys have sirens, too?" the third man asked, "Yeah, I met three of them, they looked more like us ponies with dragon features on them." Twilight Sparkle answered, "Oh, wow." the second man commented, "Well, that covers the land and air enemies, our opponent has aquatic creatures in his army, too, the ones you will see the most often are the merfolk, they look us humans but with fish bodies for their lower-bodies, males are called mermen, females are called mermaids. Those similar looking creatures but with round heads and white skin by them are ningens, and those creatures there with fish bodies and human female heads are called ningyos." the first man stated, "Wow, that's a lot of creatures." Starlight Glimmer remarked, "We're not done yet, our next group are the shapeshifters who act as the army's spies." the fourth woman replied, "Shapeshifting, you mean like our world's changelings?" Spike questioned, "Yes, we have creatures in our world with those powers, too." the third man responded, "List them." Princess Celestia stated, "Very well, the most prominent ones are those nine-tailed foxes in the sky there, those are kitsunes. The next ones are the raccoons under them, they are called tanukis. The cats by them are shapeshifters, too, there are two types of shapeshifting cats, they are determined by their tails, cats with one tail are bakenekoes, cats with two tails are nekomatas. The last group are the badgers in the lower-right corner there are also shapeshifters, they're called mujinas." the first man said, "Alright, Ah think that covers all of the big group of creatures." Applejack stated while smiling, "No, there's one more: nymphs, there are many different types." the fourth man remarked, "Go ahead and start." Princess Luna said, "Nymphs that inhabit mountains are oreads, ones in rivers, springs, and waterfalls are naiads, nymphs from the sea are nereids, the ones from smaller oceans are oceanids, nymphs inhabiting glens and groves are alseids, nymphs found in mountain pastures and river valleys are auloniads, nymphs found in meadows are leimakids, ones in wooden valleys are napaeas, nymphs found near flowers are anthousais, nymphs living in and with oak trees are dryads, ones living in dead trees are hamadryads, nymphs found in the woods are hyleorois, and that unique one of a kind cloud nymph in the sky there is Nephele." the second man answered, "Wow, that's a lot of different types." Sunburst said, "So, do they all have like different powers or something?" Pinkie Pie asked, "We think they do." the first man stated, "How do you all know what they're called?" Shining Armor questioned, "Many creature types are capable of speech, that's what they called themselves and others in our native languages." the second woman explained, "Oh." Shining Armor said, "Okay, and with that, the big group of creatures are done, all that's left are the one of a kind creatures not here yet." Twilight Sparkle reported while smiling and taking notes with her magic, "Well, not exactly, see those three women with snakes on their heads, they are gorgons, their names are Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa, they're sisters and unique to others, anyone who gazes into their eyes are turned to stone." the fifth woman corrected, "Turn to stone by looking into their eyes, I might have a counter spell." Twilight Sparkle stated, "See that oni there in front of the others? That's Shuten-dōji, he's the oni leader and their commander." the fourth man stated, "Do the other creatures have a commander?" Rainbow Dash questioned, "Yes, see those seven angels bigger than the rest, those are archangels, they command the angels, the supreme commander of them is Michael, the other six are Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, and Barachiel. The fallen angels have two commanders, the first one is Azrael, he can remove souls from bodies, and the supreme commander of them is Abaddon, he's the strongest of the angels attacking us, we heard he used to be part of the Cherubim order, that's the second highest ranking order in Heaven right under the Seraphim." the second man explained, "We'll do the demons a bit later since they have a total of seventy nine commanders." the first woman stated, the ponies and Spike exclaimed with shock, "Seventy nine commanders?!" Rarity exclaimed, "Yes, each one has different powers, too." the fifth man responded, "Let's do them, our goal now is get info on all of them and prepare accordingly." Princess Celestia reminded, "Alright then, next ones are the one of a kind monsters. The two-headed dog is Orthrus, the three-headed dog is Cerberus, the creature with the lion head and body, goat head, and snake for a tail is Chimera, the golden lion is the Nemean Lion, it's immune to all of our weapons, the five headed serpent with them is Hydra, cut off one head, and two grow in its place, that lion with eagle wings is Sphinx, the serpent with three tongues beside it is the Colchian Dragon, the one hundred headed dragon wrapped around the tree is Ladon, and that eagle with a bronze body is the Caucasian Eagle, they are Typhon's children." the first man revealed, "WHAT?!" Rarity exclaimed, "That one hundred headed monster is a dad?!" Applejack inquired, "Yes, we don't know who the mother is." the second man responded, "We have a Cerberus, a Chimera, a Hydra, and a Sphinx in our world, too, but they look nothing like that, same with that Orthrus dog, ours is called Orthros, they're sold as pets in our world." Twilight Sparkle explained, the humans became uncomfortable, "Please continue." Princess Luna requested, "The big serpent with eight heads and eight tails there is Yamata-no-Orochi, each head has a different element, fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, wood, metal, and void, very dangerous. That small creature by it is the Dover Demon, that strange looking creature to its left is the Flatwoods Monster, the bipedal moth creature above Orochi is Mothman, the bipedal owl to its right is Owlman, the bipedal goat creature with the two-handed axe to the Dover Demon's right is Goatman, and that strange jumping bipedal creature there is Spring-heeled Jack." the third man said, "Go ahead and continue." Princess Cadance requested, "That bipedal fish-like monster in the water there is the Thetis Lake Monster, that strange looking creature by it is the Bunyip, that scary two-headed monster with a humanoid upper-body and a horse for its lower-body by the water is the Nuckelavee, that sickly blackish green horse beside it is the Kelpie, the giant octopus in the water by them is the Kraken, the skeleton whale in the water is the Bake-kujira, the creature with the oxen head and horns, spider body, and six spider legs is the Ushi-oni, the six headed headed monster on the cliff there is Scylla, the whirlpool to her left is Charybdis, the two are always together, and that giant human statue made of bronze standing above the water is Talos." the second woman stated, "We have a Bunyip in our world, but it looks nothin' like that." Applejack remarked, "Was it hostile?" the first man asked, "No, not at all, it was real nice and friendly." Applejack replied, "Okay, I think that's all of the sea creatures." Twilight Sparkle stated, "I hope the seaponies will be okay." Fluttershy quivered, "Well, there's one more, see that monster with the horns, skull for a face, and wielding the scythe, that's the Boogeyman, he takes any shape or form he wishes." the third woman responded, "I've noticed you all have griffons in this world, we have one in our world as well, it's that creature there beside the Sphinx with the lion-like body and the eagle head and feathers." the fifth man stated, "It's a bit similar to our world's griffons." Princess Luna commented, "The creature beside it to its left with the front half of a griffon and the hind half of a horse is the hippogriff." the first man said, "Dang, that looks nothin' like our world's hippogriffs." Applejack commented, "Well, let's finish the creatures on the land." Princess Celestia said, "That creature with the human body and bull for a head is the Minotaur, the creature with the rooster head, dragon body, and serpentine tail is the Cockatrice, the giant snail is Lou Carcolh, that giant boar beside it is the Erymanthian Boar, that creature with the human head, lion body, and scorpion-like tail with spikes in it is the Manticore, the small creature washing red beans in the river steam there is the Azukiarai, it mimics the noises of other creatures to trick us. The human looking female with the skull for her face is the Hone-onna, the female human looking creature there with spider web threads coming out of her body and being carried by spiders there is the Jorōgumo, they can transform into regular humans and regular spiders, they're both attackers and information gatherers. The hairy monster by it there is the Keukegen, they spread sicknesses and act as stealth fighters. The giant oni in the back there is the Onihitokuchi, that moving flame there with the form of an elderly human man is the Rōjinbi, that ragged looking ape there is the Satori, he is one of the army's strategists and planners. The creature with the big male human head and small limbs is the Tsurube-otoshi, it specializes in surprise and ambush attacks. The buffalo with the pig-like snout looking down there in the picture is the Catoblepas, it's one of the more dangerous creatures in our enemy's army, it exhales toxic fumes, turn people into stone with its eyes, and its body is as hard as iron. That dog black like a shadow with red eyes is the Hound of Baskervilles, it puts curses on its targets, the big red worm in the desert sand there is the Mongolian Death Worm, it shoots venom and high-voltage zaps out of its mouth, that turtle looking monster is Tarasque, sets everything it touches on fire, that big reddish-orange bull-like creature with the horns and can stand on its hind legs is the Behemoth, and the three headed monster there is the Azhi Dahaka, its body is full of venomous snakes, spiders, lizards, and scorpions." the sixth woman explained, "Wow, so you guys have cockatrices, too, they're wild animals in our world and turn people to stone if you look at them, but your world's looks scarier, we have minotaurs, too, but the one I met was a business person." Fluttershy commented, "Well, lucky you, our minotaur is a hunter." the first woman responded, Fluttershy quivered, "We got manticores, too, but ours are lions with scorpion tails, they have wings and can fly, too." Applejack stated, "Are they dangerous?" the second man questioned, "They can be, but if you're like Fluttershy here and know how to tame 'em, they can be quite friendly." Applejack responded, "Alright, got the notes, go ahead and mention the flying creatures." Twilight Sparkle stated, "That bat-like creature with one eye is the Popobawa, it's one of the enemy army's more versatile members, it can shapeshift and do physical and mental attacks. That huge bird in the sky there is Ziz, it controls the atmosphere and can create huge winds. That floating female head with organs under her is the Penanggalan, she acts as a spy and makes us physically sick, her presence can be detected by a sudden smell of vinegar. That human female looking monster by her is the Aswang, she's also a shapeshifter but her powers are limited. That flying woman with no lower-body is the Manananggal, she's also a spy and stealth attacker for our enemy's army. That strange looking creature in the sky with black clouds around it is the Nue, the yellow creature beside it with lightning on it is the Raijū, those two guys there are almost always together, the green guy's Fujin and he controls wind, and the white guy is Raijin and he controls lightning, the monkey riding on the white cloud by them there and holding the staff is Sun Wukong, he's another one of the army's powerhouses. That small flying dragon-like creature there is the Pixiu, it controls the souls of the dead. That big serpentine dragon there is the Bakunawa, it causes eclipses, earthquakes, storms, and heavy winds, very dangerous. That hideous creature there is the Piasa, the creature there with the human head, lion body, bat wings, and scorpion tail is the Manticore, that giant eagle there is the Roc, that strange bipedal creature with wings, hoofs, and a goat's head is the Jersey Devil, that flying piece of cloth is the Ittan-momen, can wrap around and suffocate you, very dangerous. That flying smoke monster is the Enenra, he's also an info gatherer and can suffocate you if you're not careful. The last two are birds there, the bird made of red fire is Phoenix, and the bird made of blue lightning is Thunderbird, they serve as personal guards and pets our enemies' leader." the third woman stated, "It looks like your world's roc is no different from our world's, but your phoenix seems to be different, our world's has a physical body, not one made from fire." Spike stated, "Okay, I think that's all of them." Twilight Sparkle said, "We have two more, see that muscular guy with the light blue skin, shoulder-length black hair, and knife blades on his hands, that's Giovi, he serves as a personal bodyguard to the leader, he's a ghoul, but he managed to figure out how to stand up straight, and that big dragon by him is Tom, he's usually the field leader." the fourth man responded, "Well, it's a lot of information to process, and we still got the seventy nine demon leaders to go over." Princess Luna said, "We can stop here and resume later if you want." the first man requested, "No, let's finish this." Princess Celestia stated, "Alright." the first man said, and he got up and went to the picture to point out the commanders. "King Bael, granter of invisibility, maker of wise people, and commander of sixty six legions." the first man spoke, he had a cat head for his left head, a toad head for his right head, a human head for his center head, and bug-like legs, "Duke Agares, teacher of languages, stops and retrieves runaways, causer of earthquakes, granter of noble titles, and commander of thirty one legions." the first man stated, he looked like an old man riding on a crocodile and had a hawk on his right hand, "Prince Vassago, teller of past and future events, locator of lost objects, and commander of twenty six legions." the first man informed, he looked just like Agares, "Marquis Samigina, teacher of liberal arts, accountant for souls that have died of sin, and commander of thirty legions." the first man said, he was a small horse, "President Marbas, keeper of secrets, teacher of medical arts, causer and healer of diseases, molder of humans into other shapes, and commander of thirty six legions." the first man remarked, he looked like a lion, "Duke Valefor, tempter of those who steal, controller of relationships between thieves, and commander of ten legions." the first man said, he had a lion's body and a donkey's head, "Marquis Amon, reconciles love between friends and foes, procurer of those seeking love, and commander of forty legions." the first man informed, he had the head of an owl, a lion's body and forelegs for his upper-body, and a serpent's tail for his lower-body, "Duke Barbatos, communicator with animals, seer of the future, conciliator of friends and rulers, leader of those looking for hidden treasure through enchanted magicians, and commander of thirty legions." the first man remarked, he looked like a human hunter and carried a rifle, "King Paimon, teacher of science, answers all questions, and commander of two hundred legions." the first man said, he was a slender man with long hair and riding a camel, "President Buer, teacher of natural and moral philosophies, logic, and the virtues of all plants and herbs, healer of humans, and commander of fifty legions." the first man stated, he was a lion head with five goat legs growing out in a circle, "Duke Gusion, teller of past, present, and future, shower of the meanings of all questions, reconciles friends, giver of honor and dignity, and commander of forty legions." the first man remarked, he looked like a baboon, "Prince Sitri, causer of men and women to fall in love with one another, make people bare themselves naked, and commander of sixty legions." the first man spoke, he was a bipedal leopard with griffon wings, "King Beleth, player of music, giver of love to men and women, and commander of eighty five legions." the first man spoke, he had a bipedal body, the head of a cat, and was riding a pale horse, "Marquis Leraje, causer of war and disputes, maker of gangrene wounds through arrows, and commander of thirty five legions." the first man informed, he was covered head to toe in green clothes and holding a bow, "Duke Eligos, discoverer of hidden things, knower of the future of battles and how soldiers will meet, attracter of favors from lords, knights, and other important people, and commander of sixty legions." the first man remarked, he was wearing a suit of knight armor, holding a lance, and riding on a horse, "Duke Zepar, causes men and women to fall in love, prevents women from getting pregnant, and commander of twenty six legions." the first man informed, he was wearing red clothes and armor, "President Botis, teller of all things past and future, reconcile those who are friends and foes, and commander of sixty legions." the first man said, he looked like a big snake, "Duke Bathin, knower of all virtues of precious stones and herbs, can teleport people from one country to another, helps one attain astral projection and take them wherever they want to go, and commander of thirty legions." the first man informed, he was a muscular man with a serpent's tail for his lower-body and was riding a pale horse, "Duke Sallos, causer of men and women falling in love, and commander of thirty legions." the first man spoke, he looked like a muscular human with a crown on his head and was riding a crocodile, "King Purson, knower of hidden things, finder of hidden treasures, teller of past, present, and future, and commander of twenty two legions." the first man stated, he had a human body with a lion's head and was riding on a bear while blowing into a trumpet, "President Morax, teacher of astronomy and liberal sciences, and commander of thirty two legions." the first man said, he looked like a human with the head of a bull, "Prince Ipos, knower and revealer of all things, past, present, and future, can make people funny and courageous, and commander thirty six legions." the first man spoke, he had the body of an angel, the head of a lion, the tail of a hare, and the feet of a goose, "Duke Aim, arsonist of cities, castles, and great places, maker of all witty people, answerer of all private matters, and commander of twenty six legions." the first man informed, he looked like a human but with three heads with his left head being a serpent's head and his right head being a cat's head, he was holding a torch and riding on a big snake, "Marquis Naberius, maker of all people intelligent in all arts and sciences, especially rhetoric, and commander of nineteen legions." the first man said, he had the body of a raven and three dog heads, "President Glasya-Labolas, writer and commander of manslaughter and bloodshed, teller of all things past and future, knower of all sciences, gainer of minds and love of friends and foes that are causing love if he desires them, inciter of homicide, granter of invisibility, and commander of thirty six legions." the first man informed, he was a dog with griffon wings, "Duke Buné, changer of places that contain the dead, maker of demons from the dead, and commander of thirty legions." the first man remarked, he had the body of a dragon and three heads with one head being a dog's head, one head being a griffon's head, and one head being a human's head, "Marquis Ronove, teacher of art, rhetoric, and languages, giver of good fortune to loyal servants and the favors of friends and foe, and commander of twenty legions." the first man stated, he was a monstrous looking bipedal creature that was holding a staff, "Duke Berith, teller of all things, past, present, and future, with true answers, turner of metal into gold, giver of dignity, and commander of twenty six legions." the first said, he was wearing red clothes, a gold crown, and riding a red horse, "Duke Astaroth, seducer of others through laziness, vanity, and rational philosophy, and commander of forty legions." the first man informed, he looked like a human with feathered wings, riding a beast with dragon-like wings and a serpent-like tail, and holding a snake in his right hand, "Marquis Forneus, teacher of rhetoric and languages, giver of good names to people, makes friends and foes love one another, and commander of twenty nine legions." the first man spoke, he looked like a giant whale, "President Foras, teacher of logic, ethnics, and the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, maker of witty and eloquent people, granter of invisibility and invincibility, and commander of twenty nine legions." the first man said, he looked like a strong and muscular human, "King Asmoday, destroyer of marriages, waster of the beauties of single women, destroyer of their love, and commander of thirty two legions." the first man stated, he had the head of a human, the head of a bull, and the head of a ram, he also had webbed feet and a serpent's tail, he was sitting on a dragon and carrying a lance and flag, "Prince Gaap, teacher of philosophy and liberal arts, granter of invisibility, granter of stupidity to men, carrier of people between kingdoms, provider of medical care to women, change their appearance to make them get a lover more easily, but at the cost of being unable to reproduce, and commander of twenty five legions." the first man remarked, he was bipedal and had wings, claws, two horns, and big ears, "Count Furfur, causer of love between men and women, creator of storms, tempests, thunder, lightning, and blasts, teacher of secrets on divine things, and commander of twenty nine legions." the first man informed, he was a deer with angel wings, "Marquis Marchosias, giver of true answers to all questions, and commander of thirty legions." the first man said, he was a wolf with griffon wings and a serpent's tail, fire was coming out of his mouth, "Prince Stolas, teacher of astronomy, poisonous plants, herbs, and precious stones, and commander of twenty six legions." the first man stated, he was an owl with long legs and was wearing a crown, "Marquis Phenex, teacher of science, and commander of twenty legions." the first man said, he was an orange bird with fire on some parts of his body, "Count Halphas, supplier of weapons and ammunition, sender of people to war, and commander of twenty six legions." the first man informed, he was a jet-black dove with blood-red eyes, "President Malphas, builder of houses, towers, and strongholds, destroyer of enemy's buildings, destroyer of enemy's desires and thoughts, and all they have done, and commander of forty legions." the first man stated, he was a raven wearing pants, "Count Raum, stealer of treasures from kings, destroyer of cities and dignity, teller of things, past, present, and future, reconcile those who are friends and foes, invoker of love, and commander of thirty legions." the first man informed, he was a completely black crow, "Duke Focalor, killer of humans by drowning them, destroyer of warships, controller of wind and water, and commander of thirty three legions." the first man stated, he looked like a male human and had griffon wings, "Duke Vepar, governor of the sea, guider of ships carrying weapons and ammunition, bringer of death to humans by making their flesh rot, being infected with sores, and have worms breed inside them, and commander of twenty nine legions." the first man revealed, he was a merman, "Marquis Sabnock, builder of high towers, castles, and cities, and give them weapons and ammunition, he can afflict humans have gangrene and worms in their wounds and sores, and commander of fifty legions." the first man remarked, he looked like an armored human with the head of a lion and was riding on a pale horse, "Marquis Shax, depriver of sight, hearing, and understanding, stealer of money from kings, and return it to the people, also stealer of horses and anything else he wishes, and commander of thirty legions on horseback." the first man said, he was a stork, "King Vine, he takes souls as he wishes, teller of the past, present, and future, he can discover witches and hidden things, create storms and heavy waters, bring down walls and build towers, and commander of thirty six legions." the first man stated, he was lion and holding a snake in his right hand and riding on a black horse, "Count Bifrons, teacher of science, the arts, the virtues of gems, woods, herbs, and switch around dead bodies, and commander of sixty six legions." the first man said, he was a big floating human head, "Duke Vual, giver of love to women, forges friendship between friends and foe, teller of things of the past and the future, and commander of thirty seven legions." the first man stated, he was a bipedal camel, "President Haagenti, instructor of men, transmuter of all metals into gold, changer of water into wine and wine into water, and commander of thirty three legions." the first man stated, he was a bull with griffon wings, "Duke Crocell, teacher of geometry and liberal sciences, warmer of bodies of water, caster of the illusions that sound like rushing water, revealer of baths in nature, and commander of forty eight legions." the first man remarked, he looked like an angel, "Knight Furcas, teacher of philosophy, astronomy, astrology, rhetoric, logic, chiromancy, and pyromancy, and commander of twenty legions." the first man stated, he looked like a strong elderly male human with white hair and a white beard, he was holding a pitchfork in his right hand and riding on a horse, "King Balam, knower of all things past, present, and future, maker of witty and invisible men, and commander of forty legions." the first man informed, he had the head of a male human, the head of a bull, and the head of a ram, fire in his eyes, and serpent tail, he had a hawk on his right hand and was riding on a bear, "Duke Alloces, teacher of arts and all mysteries in the sky, granter of immortality to mortals, and commander of thirty six legions." the first man revealed, he had lion-like features, red skin, and fire in his eyes, he was riding on a horse with dragon legs, "President Caim, he can grant people the ability to understand animals and the noise of the water, he grants answers to everything that will happen in the future, and commander of thirty legions." the first man stated, he was a black thrush and held a sword, "Duke Murmur, teacher of philosophy, controller of the souls of the dead, and commander of thirty legions." the first man said, he was wearing armor, a crown on his head, and riding on a vulture, "Prince Orobas, granter of answers to questions about the past, present, future, divinity, and the creation of existence, granter of dignity and kindness between friends and foes, and commander of twenty legions." the first man said, he was a black bipedal horse, "Duke Gremory, teller of all things past, present, future, and hidden treasures, procurer of the love of women, and commander of twenty six legions." the first man stated, he looked like a human female and was wearing fancy clothes and a crown, and was riding on a camel, "President Ose, maker of men who are wise in all liberal sciences, giver of true answers to questions about divinity and secrets, bringer of insanity to those he wishes to have it, and commander of thirty three legions." the first remarked, he was a bipedal leopard, "President Amy, teacher of astronomy and liberal arts, giver of positive reactions to rulers, revealer of treasures, and commander of thirty six legions." the first man stated, he looked like a human on fire, "Marquis Orias, teacher of virtues of the stars, giver of dignity, prelacies, giver of approval of friends and foes, shapes people as he pleases, and commander of thirty legions." the first man revealed, he was a bipedal lion and was riding on a horse with a serpent's tail, and had two snakes in his right hand, "Duke Vapula, teacher of philosophy, mechanics, and sciences, and commander of thirty six legions." the first man said, he was a lion with griffon wings, "King Zagan, maker of witty men, creator of wine from water, water from wine, blood from wine, oil from blood, blood from oil, can make a fool into a wise person, creator of coins from specific metals, and commander of thirty three legions." the first man stated, he was a bull with griffon wings, "President Valac, leader, summoner, and controller of serpents, and commander of thirty eight legions." the first man informed, he was a small human boy with angel wings and was riding on a two-headed dragon, "Marquis Andras, sower of discord, and commander of thirty legions." the first man stated, he had a human body, the head of an owl, and was riding on a wolf, he was holding a sword in his right hand, "Duke Flauros, giver of true answers to questions of the past, present, and future, and commander of thirty six legions." the first man said, he was a bipedal leopard, "Marquis Andrealphus, raiser of great noises, teacher of cunning in astronomy and geometry, he can turn humans into birds, and commander of thirty legions." the first man remarked, he was a peacock, "Marquis Kimaris, locator of lost and hidden treasures, teacher of grammar, logic, and rhetoric, maker of warriors, and commander of twenty legions." the first man said, he was a tall and heavily built humanoid in white armor and riding on a black horse and was holding a bow, "Duke Amdusias, commander of thunder and storms, controller of trees, and commander of twenty nine legions." the first man stated, he had a human body, claws on his hands and feet, the head of a unicorn, and was holding a trumpet, "King Belial, granter of senatorship and commander of one hundred thirty legions." the first man stated, he had an angel-like appearance and was on top of a chariot with fire on it, "Marquis Decarabia, knower of the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, shapeshift into all birds if he wishes, and commander of thirty legions." the first man stated, he looked like a five-pointed star, "Prince Seere, he can appear anywhere, anytime, he also helps find treasures that are hidden and in robberies, and commander of twenty six legions." the first man said, he looked like a human male and was riding on a winged horse, "Duke Dantalion, teacher of all arts and sciences, knower and changer of all thoughts, causer of love, and commander of thirty six legions." the first man said, he looked like a human with many male and female faces on him and was holding a book in his right hand, "Count Andromalius, bringer of thieves and stolen goods, punisher of all thieves and the wicked, discoverer of hidden treasures, all evilness, and dishonest dealings, and commander of thirty six legions." the first man stated, he looked like a human male and was holding a big serpent, "Wow, that's a lot of information to memorize and process." Starlight Glimmer stated, "Please state the other seven commanders." Princess Celestia requested, "Alright, they are the Seven Princes of Hell, despite their titles being Prince, they are higher ranked than the other seventy two demons. The red demon on fire there is Satan, the Prince of Wrath, the big fly there is Beelzebub, the Prince of Gluttony, the tall bipedal demon there with the bull and the ram by his sides is Asmodeus, the Prince of Lust, the demon sitting on the chair and being pulled forward is Belphegor, the Prince of Sloth, that wolf demon there is Mammon, the Prince of Greed, that big serpent demon in the water there is Leviathan, the Prince of Envy, and that big black and red six-winged demon is Lucifer, the Prince of Pride and supreme ruler of all demons." the second man explained, "Anymore demons that are noticeable?" Twilight Sparkle asked, "One more, see that demon in dark blue armor with three horns on his helmet? That's Dommiel, he's the second-in-command of the entire enemy army and the leader's last line of defense." the first woman replied, "So he's the number two guy, I wonder if he desires to be the leader himself." Sunburst wondered out loud, "Anymore type of creatures?" Applejack questioned, "Well, we still haven't covered Typhon's, Fujin's, and Raijin's kind: the gods, they're the strongest individuals in the entire army." the third woman stated, "What?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "Even gods are in leagues in them?" Rainbow Dash questioned, "Yes, but unlike the others, they have no loyalty to the leader and do not follow his orders, they do as they please, they're only working together to achieve the common goal of making our kind extinct." the fourth man explained, "Who are they?" Princess Celestia questioned, "Fujin was a god of wind and Raijin was a god of lightning, the bearded guy there with the lightning bolts is Zeus, another god of lightning, the tall guy in the sea is his brother, Poseidon, god of the sea, that guy controlling the zombies and skeletons there is their other brother, Hades, god of the dead, that woman in the water is Amphitrite, goddess of the sea and Poseidon's wife, the woman coming out of the ground there is Persephone, the goddess of fertility and Hades' wife, the woman with the bow there is Artemis, goddess of hunting and the moon. That old bearded guy on the eight legged horse is Odin, a god of war and death, the Valkyries serve under him, and the horse is Sleipnir, and that guy with the hammer to their rights is Thor, another god of lightning. That green skinned guy is Osiris, god of the dead, the blue skinned guy is Amun, god of air, the guy with the falcon head is Ra, god of the sun, the other guy with the falcon head is Khonshu, god of the moon, the guy with the jackal head is Anubis, another god of the dead, the big serpent beside him is Apep, god of chaos and darkness, the guy with the donkey head is Set, another god of war. The four armed guy is Vishnu, god of preservation, the guy beside him with the spear is Bishamonten, yet another god of war. The woman with the black hair there and in the fancy white kimono is Amaterasu, another goddess of the sun, the guy to her right there in the blue robes is her brother, Tsukuyomi, another god of the moon. That short blue skinned guy is Huitzilopochtli, god of the sun and war, and that strange looking flying guy to his left is Pazuzu, god of plagues and the southwestern wind." the fifth man responded, "Is that everybody besides the leader?" Twilight Sparkle questioned, "From what we've heard from our enemies, there are also nine gods from outer space called the Outer Gods, we've never seen them, but we heard their names are Azathoth, Cxaxukluh, Daoloth, Ghroth, Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath, Tulzscha, Yibb-Tstll, and Yog-Sothoth, and they're ugly and scary looking." the first woman responded, "What is this outer space?" Applejack asked, "We don't know." the third man stated, "Hmm, I see, is that all?" Princess Celestia inquired, "Yes, only one left is the enemies' supreme commander, Volvox, he's that big three-headed quadrupedal creature in the very center of the picture." the fourth man replied, everybody looked at him with shock, "So that's who that is." Star Swirl the Bearded commented, "Still, wow, what a bunch of different type of creatures." Starlight Glimmer stated, "Thank you all for your time, you new people may go." Princess Celestia said, and the humans left, "We have to prepare quickly, this world has never gone up against an army of so many different creatures, we actually face the threat of extinction this time, we have to start preparing accordingly and immediately." Princess Celestia stated, and the ponies and Spike began preparing Equestria's, the Crystal Empire's, and Saddle Arabia's defenses. The next few days passed mostly peacefully while the mummies tried casting spell and the world's natives' shields repelled them, they also blocked the spears thrown by the angels, blocked out any snow the yuki-onnas breathed on them, blocked out the Sluagh and the skeleton angels, demons, fallen angels, incubi, succubi, fairies, vampires, flying were-beasts, and dragons, blocked the rocks and debris thrown by the oni, and skeleton giants, orcs, dwarfs, and cyclopes, blocked the arrows shot by White Rider and the skeleton elves and fairies, and just barely blocked the volcanic eruptions and hurricanes Typhon summoned, "The shields aren't going to hold against that Typhon guy." Twilight Sparkle stated, "Y'all come up with anythin' that'll work against him?" Applejack asked, "Not yet, I think we may have to call Discord to deal with him." Twilight Sparkle replied, "So... what do we do about them?" Sweetie Belle questioned, "Well, obviously, trying to offer them friendship is out of the question, they're likely going to attack us on sight." Twilight Sparkle responded, "We haven't been able to sleep cause of their racket." Apple Bloom remarked, "Yeah, some of the foals at school said they're having nightmares, too." Scootaloo added, "Y'all kids go into hidin', it's too dangerous to be out right now." Applejack stated, white electricity appeared in the sky and a black hole opened, draugr fell out and into the water, they began swimming to the nearest lands and the ones on Equestria began attacking with swords, shields, spears, axes, hammers, clubs, and maces while the ones on human lands fired arrows. Valkyries rode out on horses and they threw spears at the shields, Thor then came out and shot lightning strikes by swinging his hammer, Odin emerged next while riding on Sleipnir, he rammed into the shield and began stabbing it with his spear, the ponies exclaimed when they saw his spear pierce through the magic shield, "What?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "How did he get through the shield?!" Rainbow Dash inquired, "Odin's spear is magical in nature, it also always hits his target no matter what." one man explained, "Well, judging by where he's stabbing, his target is... *gasp* his target is me!" Twilight Sparkle stated, "Some of our enemies can foresee the future, I'm guessing they see you as a big problem for them because of that." one woman deduced, "Well, anyway, we gotta do something, he's going to get through to us at anytime." Rainbow Dash remarked, the umi-bōzus emerged out of the waters and began slamming their arms down on the shield around Mount Aris while the Royal Hippogriff Navy quickly sailed away, portals opened inside the magic shields and zombies came out. They moaned and moved slowly while everybody just stood around and watched them, "No wonder why they're Volvox's first group of attackers." Spike snarked, the zombies stumbled around and tried to bite anyone nearby and they just moved around slowly, the unicorns shot zaps at them and made them disappear. More rifts opened and many more monsters came in and began attacking the world's natives, the shields eventually went down and Stymphalian birds flew around and began pecking the humans with their bladed beaks. The unicorns and alicorns shot zaps at them to make them disappear and fallen angels appeared in the sky next, "Is something on our end opening them?" Rainbow Dash inquired, "No, I sensed those holes with my magic, someone or more than one person are opening rifts between this world and the other world, something big is coming through to east of the Dragon Lands, too." Twilight Sparkle answered, everybody looked and saw a lot of electricity appearing in the sky and water, they disappeared and everybody's jaws dropped when they saw Volvox and his entire army. Volvox stood in the very center of his entire army and Tom flew forward, he led all of the orcs, dwarfs, elves, fairies, vampires, were-beasts, trolls, ghouls, goblins, alps, giants, cyclopes, incubi, succubi, and dragons, Poseidon commanded the oceanids, the seven archangels led the angels, Typhon commanded his world's Orthrus, his world's Cerberus, his world's Chimera, the Nemean Lion, his world's Hydra, his world's Sphinx, the Colchian Dragon, Ladon, and the Caucasian Eagle, Azrael and Abaddon led the fallen angels, the Seven Princes of Hell and the seventy two Solomon demons led the demons, the spinosauruses led the other prehistoric fauna, Shuten-dōji led the onis, Balor led the Formorians, and Volvox ordered the rest of the monsters around. Volvox and all of the creatures present used their various powers and abilities to lay waste to the countries while the humans and world's natives tried to fight back, fire, lightning, ice, water, wind, lava, light magic, and dark magic appeared everywhere while Volvox and his army worked together to create every kind of natural disaster. The unicorns and alicorns cast magic spells that had various levels of effect on them, the Pegasi flew around and tried bucking and kicking them, the earth ponies used catapults to launch various items at them, the dragons breathed fire at them and some creatures burned while others were immune, the griffons flew away while some tried biting and pecking the creatures, the zombies bit them and they got sick, the changelings changed to various fauna of the world and fought the invaders head-on, the yaks charged forward and rammed them, the seaponies and hippogriffs worked together to fight off the invaders while using their naval ships, and the kirins changed to niriks and tried to burn the invaders while also using telekinesis. Volvox swatted the Pegasi, dragons, griffons, changelings, and hippogriffs away while shooting six orange hellfire blasts out of his front left foot, one from each claw tip and one from the ball of his foot, "So their leader uses fire magic." Applejack remarked, "This isn't ordinary fire magic, I sense dark magic in it, he's using hellfire, it's much stronger than ordinary fire." Princess Celestia explained, she saw Dommiel create shadow duplicates of himself and they grew wings out of their backs and flew forward to attack the other countries, the angels threw spears enchanted with light magic while the fallen angels threw spears enchanted with dark magic, the regular demons cast fire and shadow spells, the vampires transformed into bipedal bats and flew around, and the human looking members of Volvox's army transformed into werewolves, were-bears, were-lions, were-tigers, were-owls, were-vultures, were-sharks, and were-honey badgers. Volvox reeled up on his hind legs and orange circles appeared on in his three mouths, on his four eyes and in the two eye holes of his skeletal head, on the tip of his front legs' claws, and the balls of his front feet, and red electricity appeared on his tail's tip, "Take cover!" a human male ordered, and all twenty one orange balls shot out up to fifty hellfire blasts while red lightning shot out of his tail in all directions, explosions covered the world and destroyed the countries' buildings while the world's natives watched in horror, the houses and architecture fell apart while Volvox stopped attacking and back on all fours. Volvox and his army continued moving forward and destroyed everything in their path, the humans and world's natives saw they were not doing well, Princess Celestia cast a spell to make the sun brighter, it shot a big beam out and burned everything it touched, some of the creatures in Volvox's army turned to ashes and Volvox quickly used his powers to open the ground and he and his entire army went underground. Everybody panted while they saw how much destruction the invaders caused, "Is everyone alright?" Applejack asked, the humans nodded, "What an enormous army." Princess Luna stated, "So, did they get scared and run away?" Rainbow Dash asked, "No, they've withdrawn for now and are recovering, Volvox is probably planning the next attack right now, too." one man explained, "Where exactly did they go?" Rarity questioned, "Very deep underground, we won't reach them no matter how far we dig." a woman responded, "Well, let's go ahead and rebuild and fortify for now, we usually don't use violence, but it seems we have no choice this time." Twilight Sparkle commented, "Do you guys have any way to view other worlds, realms, or dimensions?" a boy asked, "Well, we could try casting a spell and see if anything comes up." Starlight Glimmer answered, "Can you try to bring the rest of us here?" a girl requested, "Sure, come on, Starlight, let's try opening the rifts to their world together." Twilight Sparkle said, and she and Starlight Glimmer cast a spell. The rifts reopened and everybody saw the humans' world, the humans screamed and exclaimed with shock and horror and some cried when they saw all of their civilizations and settlements were destroyed and the humans who remained on Earth were dead, "So that's why Volvox and his monsters took a while to get here, they were busy slaughtering the ones who didn't come here before arriving themselves." one man said, "It looks like we're the only humans left." one woman added, "I got a mirror that leads to another world with creatures like you guys, a friend of mine named Sunset Shimmer lives there, I'll contact her after we finish rebuilding and fortifying." Twilight Sparkle replied, and the creatures worked together. Volvox and his army of creatures, prehistoric animals, angels, demons, fallen angels, and gods were in the world's core and watching carefully, "So those are our new enemies." Zeus commented, "And unlike the humans, they have magic and spells to use against us." Odin added, "Those humans are lucky to have such allies." Barbatos commented, "Indeed, if it were not for them appearing here, we would've wiped them out by now." Paimon replied, "I am ready to wipe out humanity, the Maker didn't make them." Typhon remarked, "Yeah, we were on Earth first, too." Thor added, "What are thinking of doing for our next attack, Volvox?" Lucifer asked, "I'm still arranging things in my heads right now, I'm hoping our next assault will wipe out our enemies." Volvox answered, "I think sending in our shapeshifters to spy on this world's creatures would be a good idea." Dommiel suggested, "I agree, we just arrived, so we don't know how powerful this world's natives are." Tom added, "That is why I am labeling them as extremely high level threats in my mind right now." Volvox responded, "So, should we send a message to this world's natives not to mess with us?" a Valkyrie suggested, "Yeah, that sounds good, let them know to leave us alone." another Valkyrie remarked, "We should also destroy their capitals as warnings." Pazuzu stated, many creatures agreed, "No." Volvox said, the others looked at him, "We treat them like how we treat our human enemies, no warnings, threats, or messages of any kind, and we take no prisoners, we attack them from their blind spots as well. When we attack, we destroy every piece of land and civilization, we do not rest until we kill every single human, native creature, flora, and fauna until there is not a square millimeter of life left in this world, and if they give up and surrender, we kill them. I, myself, will be partaking in the next assault, we attack the humans and this world's natives in their blind spots tonight while they are asleep, I will now assign you all which country to attack." Volvox explained, and he began. The world's natives rebuilt and fortified their countries and were tired at the end of the day, they slept peacefully at night while Princess Luna was in the dream realm, everybody was relaxed until they suddenly woke up screaming from getting attacked, Volvox shot hundreds of hellfire blasts into Equestria and the Crystal Empire from under the ground, Dommiel created shadow duplicates of himself and attacked every country, Tom and the dragons shot fire and lightning into every country, Giovi and the ghouls attacked and bit the humans, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael Uriel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel, and the angels shot yellow lightning and threw spears into every country, Azrael, Abaddon, and the fallen angels shot big black blasts of dark magic into Equestria, Lucifer smashed buildings with his fists while also shooting black blasts out of his eyes everywhere, Leviathan rammed Seaquestria's architecture and ate any seapony in his way, Mammon made coins fly around and cut people, Beelzebub summoned flies all over the world to eat the humans and world's natives, Belphegor made the world's gravity stronger to make the world's natives fall, Asmodeus' eyes glowed and it caused infighting among the humans, and Satan made fire appear in random places around the world. The world's natives struggled to fight the invaders and stopped for a second when the seventy two Solomon demons appeared. Bael, Foras, and Balam made Volvox and his army invisible while Foras also made them invincible. Agares caused earthquakes. Vassago, Barbatos, Paimon, Gusion, Eligos, Botis, Ipos, Purson, Berith, Marchosias, Vual, Balam, Caim, Orobas, Gremory, and Flauros gave out orders based on the future events they foresaw. Samigina, Vine, Murmur, and Bifrons summoned ghosts, kechibis, onibis, tenkas, and will-o'-the-wisps. Marbas and Orias shaped the humans to make them defenseless. Valefor, Amon, Sitri, Beleth, Zepar, Sallos, Glasya-Labolas, Forneus, Asmoday, Halphas, Raum, Vual, Andras, and Dantalion created chaos among the humans by making them steal stuff from one another and making the males and females fall in love with one another while Andromalius tortured the thieves. Buer floated around and bit his enemies. Leraje enchanted the archers in Volvox's army and anyone hit by their arrows got infected with gangrene while he also used his powers to make the humans fight one another. Bathin teleported the humans near the natural disasters. Morax charged and rammed the humans with his horns. Aim, Furcas, and Amy caused every civilization in the world to catch on fire. Naberius bit his enemies with his three dog heads. Buné summoned the souls of the dead demons. Ronove enchanted Volvox's army with various powers. Astaroth made the humans lazy. Gaap made the male humans stupid. Furfur summoned strong winds, thunder, lightning, and explosions everywhere. Stolas gave Volvox's armed creatures poison to put on their weapons. Phenex flew around and burned everything he touched. Malphas made forts appear around Volvox's army while erasing the humans' thoughts and desires. Raum made the world's natives' cities explode. Focalor teleported humans into the water while he destroyed the Royal Hippogriff Navy and controlled the wind and waters. Vepar made the humans rot with sores appearing on them and worms bred inside of them. Sabnock made forts appear and affected the humans with gangrene. Shax made the humans blind and deaf. Haagenti flew around and rammed his enemies. Crocell cast illusions that sounded like rushing water to distract the humans and world's natives. Alloces made the live members of Volvox's army immortal. Ose made the humans insane. Vapula flew and bit his enemies. Zagan shot metals everywhere. Valac summoned serpents to bite and constrict the humans. Andrealphus turned the humans into birds. Kimaris turned the human zombies and skeletons into various warriors. Amdusias made trees appear while also summoning a storm. Belial burned everything with his chariot. Decarabia changed into birds that kicked and pecked the humans and world's natives. Seere did hit-and-run attacks, and all seventy two of them commanded thousands of demons. Twilight Sparkle watched in horror at seeing the humans be incompetent while their invisible enemies attacked them from everywhere and nothing worked against them, the world got destroyed while the unicorns and kirins tried to look for the demon casting the invincibility spell. Zombies, skeletons, and mummies appeared everywhere while the humans and world's natives could not see them, the zombies bit the humans and turned them into zombies while the skeletons used melee weapons and the mummies cast black magic and necromancy. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appeared next and ran across the sky, White Rider shot his arrows everywhere, Red Rider slashed everybody with his sword, Black Rider made crops wither and die with his scales, and Pale Rider took souls with his scythe. Elves shot arrows at Cloudsdale, Fairies cast spells at Cloudsdale, vampires then appeared in every country and as regular bats and bit the humans and world's natives, werewolves, were-bears, were-lions, were-tigers, and were-honey badgers appeared on the land while were-owls and were-vultures attacked Cloudsdale and were-sharks attacked Seaquestria, trolls attacked Yakyakistan, ghouls attacked Kludgetown, goblins attacked anything they could find in the Bone Dry Desert, alps did sneak attacks in every country, and orcs, dwarfs, giants, cyclopes, onis, ogres, and Shuten-dōji attacked the Dragon Lands. Everybody continued fighting and loud screaming was heard in Griffonstone, everybody looked and saw the country was on fire, the invisible onibis, kechibis, tenkas and will-o'-the-wisps alongside the invisible Volvox, Satan, Aim, Phenex, Furcas, Amy, Phoenix, Typhon's Chimera, the Jorōgumo, the Rōjinbi, and Wanyūdō, the griffons tried to fly away but Belphegor made them fall with his gravity powers. Twilight Sparkle cast a spell on herself so she can see the invisible enemies and her jaw dropped, she saw all of the creatures alongside Typhon's Hydra, the Hone-onna, the Satori, alps, the Dover Demon, leimakids, and hyleorois invading Equestria. Harpies, Typhon's Sphinx, tengus, the Enenra, ōkubis, kamaitachis, the Nue, the Jersey Devil, the Stymphalian birds, Kongamato, Volvox's Roc, Piasa, the Aswang, Mothman, Owlman, the Pixiu, Ziz, Nephele, Sun Wukong, ekeks, wakwaks, Fujin, and the Caucasian Eagle invading Cloudsdale. The Keukegen, mu-onnas, yadōkais, the Basilisk, Volvox's Cockatrice, the Hound of Baskervilles, Catoblepas, the Lou Carcolh, the Flatwoods Monster, the Tsuchinoko, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa invading the Crystal Empire. Nandi bears, the Chupacabra, the Erymanthian Boar, satyrs, the Headless Horseman, Dullahan, and the Grootslang invaded Saddle Arabia. Typhon's Cerberus, Typhon's Orthrus, Volvox's Minotaur, the Gashadokuro, the Ōmukade, the Onihitokuchi, the Nemean Lion, Talos, golems, the Laestrygonians, Behemoth, the Bakunawa, the Colchian Dragon, and Yamata-no-Orochi invaded the Dragon Lands. Incubi, succubi, kitsunes, tanukis, bakenekoes, nekomatas, mujinas, Boogeyman, and the Popobawa invaded the Changeling Hive. The Valkyries, Hibagon, Bigfoot, Volvox's Yeti, the Ittan-momen, namahages, onikumas, wendigoes, mngwas, skunk apes, yowies, centaurs, and draugr invaded Yakyakistan. Umi-bōzus, the Azukiarai, kappas, the Ushi-oni, nure-onnas, the Tarasque, the Nuckelavee, the Kelpie, the Manananggal, Spring-heeled Jack, the Sluagh, Goatman, oreads, swan maidens, sirens, auloniads, dryads, Volvox's griffon, and Volvox's hippogriff invaded Mount Aris. Thunderbird, the Kraken, Scylla, Charybdis, the Bake-kujira, the Ikuchi, the Isonade, the Loch Ness Monster, Morgawr, Issie, Mizuchi, ningyos, Raijū, Volvox's Bunyip, mermen, mermaids, nereids, oceanids, ningens, and Raijin invaded Seaquestria. Yuki-onnas, tsuchigumos, the Lambton Worm, the Tsurube-otoshi, the Thetis Lake Monster, Balor and the Fomorians, naiads, alseids, napaeae, anthousais, hamadryads, and Ladon invaded Kirin Grove. The Mongolian Death Worm, the Azhi Dahaka, Volvox's Manticore, and the Penanggalan invaded Kludgetown. Twilight Sparkle struggled to process the amount of chaos and destruction happening in the world and hyperventilated, more creatures appeared and began attacking, spinosauruses, argentinosauruses, shantungosauruses, pachycephalosauruses, smilodons, amphicyons, elasmotheriums, anancuses, arctoduses, entelodonts, megalanias, megatheriums, beelzebufos, gigantopitheuses, arthropleurae, cervalceses, tyrannosauruses, giganotosauruses, American lions, mastodons, allosauruses, tiktaaliks, microraptors, chilesauruses, saber-toothed tigers, dinictises, dire wolves, borophaguses, and xenosmiluses invaded Equestria. Arambourgianias, argentavises, quetzalcoatluses, sordeses, and pterodactyls invaded Cloudsdale. Stegosauruses invaded the Dragon Lands. Woolly mammoths invaded Yakyakistan. Archelons, titanoboas, deinosuchuses, sarcosuchuses, velociraptors, and homotheriums invaded Mount Aris' shores. Mosasauruses, kronosauruses, elasmosauruses, shonisauruses, camerocerases, megalodons, liopleurodons, atopodentatuses, and eurypteruses invaded Seaquestria. Eotriceratopses, nothosauruses, triceratopses, and aelurdons invaded Kirin Grove. Everybody looked for Foras and tried to attack him to undo his invincibility spell, the unicorns found him and tried to cast spells on him and his demons gathered around him to protect him, the invincible demons kept him safe while everybody struggled to survive against their invaders, they suddenly stopped and disappeared and everybody murmured. The clouds in the skies disappeared and everybody saw the gods appearing, "Run!" Princess Celestia ordered, and everybody hid. Zeus and Thor electrified all of the world's water bodies and destroyed the buildings with lightning strikes, Poseidon and Amphitrite made tidal waves go in every direction, Hades, Osiris, and Anubis absorbed souls into themselves and then shot blasts of them everywhere, Persephone made crops all over the world witter and die, Typhon summoned volcanic eruptions, strong winds, and earthquakes everywhere while shooting fire and venom out of his one hundred mouths and two hundred eyes. Amun and Pazuzu summoned very strong winds with Pazuzu's wind blowing to the southwest. Ra, Amaterasu, and Huitzilopochtli strengthened the sun and it burned the world while also shooting fiery blasts out that burned the grounds. Apep created earthquakes and storms, Set caused strong winds and drought. Odin destroyed everything with his spear while Sleipnir trampled everything in his path, Vishnu reshaped the world and moved everything around, and Bishamonten made it rain coins that destroyed the buildings while destroying the world with his spear. Artemis, Khonshu, and Tsukuyomi controlled the moon and it made the vampires, were-animals, ghouls, ghosts, and zombies stronger while Artemis also shot at the world's natives with her bow. Sun Wukong reappeared and his staff grew much longer and he destroyed the mountains, Fujin and Raijin then reappeared and Fujin created powerful wind gusts while Raijin shot lightning blasts, they all finished and floated up into the sky and disappeared. The ponies came out of hiding and the unicorns and alicorns put the shields down, the other survivors emerged from underground and looked on in shock and horror at their destroyed world, "Our home..." King Thorax lamented, "It's too damaged to rebuild." Pharynx replied, "Wow, compared to the other countries, ours didn't get damaged very much." Princess Ember commented, "We got less casualties, too." Dragon Lord Torch added, "I guess us dragons being tough helped this time." Garble remarked, "Yeah, though we still have to be careful, our enemies can still got through our scales and armor." Smolder reminded, "Same can't be said about Griffonstone, place has been reduced to ashes." Gallus said, "It's a miracle we survived, all of that fire was scary." Gabby responded, "Yeah, I thought I was a goner." Gilda added, "There's only a few of us griffons left, we suffered heavy casualties." Grampa Gruff reminded, "How are the other countries?" Princess Celestia questioned, "Horrible, we got a lot of very sick citizens in ours, the invaders have turned the Crystal Empire into a disease ridden environment." Princess Cadance reported, "Cloudsdale's not any better, the weather factory has been destroyed and many Pegasi are too injured to move." Spitfire reported, "Yakyakistan destroyed, yaks have no home." Prince Rutherford reported, "Mount Aris got heavily damaged, we had many casualties, too." Sky Beak reported, "Seaquestria has taken massive damage as well, we also have heavy casualties and its waters have been electrified." General Seaspray reported, "Kirin Grove has been frozen over, we got frozen kirins and niriks as well." Rain Shine reported, "And from the looks of it, it seems the Bone Dry Desert didn't have much damage done to it and Kludgetown is completely destroyed, I don't see any survivors either." Twilight Sparkle stated as she flew up and observed, "Are there anymore survivors?" Princess Celestia questioned, they gathered up and she saw the survivors were herself, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, Dragon Lord Torch, Princess Ember, Grampa Gruff, King Thorax, Pharynx, Prince Rutherford, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, Sky Beak, Ocean Flow, Terramar, General Seaspray, Rain Shine, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, Yona, Smolder, Silverstream, Autumn Blaze, Doctor Whooves, Daisy, Lily Valley, Roseluck, Derpy, DJ Pon-3, Octavia, Daring Do, Photo Finish, Spitfire, and a few more citizens, "This is all that's left of this world?" Silverstream asked, "Trixie?" Starlight Glimmer called out, "Over here." Trixie hollered from debris being moved around with telekinesis, Starlight Glimmer moved the remaining debris and Trixie ran forward, she came out and ran to the others. Everybody looked for more survivors and they heard running to the northeast, they saw Tempest Shadow arrive with Grubber and several Storm Guards, "Oh, thank goodness, I was worried about you, Tempest Shadow." Twilight Sparkle said, "We tried to fight back, but nothing worked no matter what we tried." Tempest Shadow replied, "About that, we cast some counter spells to discover why they're like that, turns out one of the commanders is casting an invincibility spell on the entire army." Starlight Glimmer revealed, "Invincibility? Well, that explains a lot." Tempest Shadow remarked, "We pretty much wasted all of our resources." Grubber commented, "We can still fight." Tempest Shadow reminded, "I'll go ahead and write a letter to Sunset Shimmer saying we need her help." Twilight Sparkle stated, and she made a sheet of paper and a quill and began writing and soon finished, "Okay, so... um? Is this everybody?" Autumn Blaze asked, "I hope not, come on, let's keep looking." Sandbar remarked, and everybody searched the world for survivors. Volvox and his army were underground Volvox watched the world's natives group up, "I think it would be best if we kill them now, Volvox." Dommiel suggested, the others agreed, "Not yet." Volvox said, the others exclaimed with confusion, "The survivors are still scattered across the land, let them group up, we will launch our next attack when they are all in one place and try to wipe them all out in one swoop." Volvox explained, "I agree with Volvox, that sounds like a good idea." the Satori spoke, "Plus, my invincibility spell will make it impossible for them to fight back." Foras boasted, "Can you cast it on yourself, Foras?" Volvox questioned, "Nope, only works on others." Foras responded, "I see, those who can see into the future, are the natives making a counter spell to it?" Volvox inquired, "Yes, but we still win, we still got Alloces' immortality spell, too." Vassago responded, "And the Outer Gods? When will they come?" Volvox asked, "Near the end of the battle in this world." Barbatos answered, "Alright, go ahead and rest now, we launch another sneak attack when all of the survivors are gathered in one place." Volvox said, and they watched the world. The world's natives and humans gathered together and the unicorns tried to change them back to normal and undo Marbas', Orias', and Andrealphus' powers, "I'm having trouble changing them back." Starlight Glimmer remarked, "Me too, these spells of theirs are stronger than usual." Twilight Sparkle responded, "Do y'all know how to undo their spells?" Applejack asked, the male humans did not respond, "Are you all alright?" Princess Cadance asked worriedly, the female humans looked at them and checked them, "Oh, no, it's Gaap, he makes the male humans stupid with his powers, it's still in effect." a female human explained, "A brain altering spell, I might have something to help with that." Twilight Sparkle remarked, "Discord, where are you?" Fluttershy called out, he appeared in the air, "Here I am, I must say, that was quite the show." Discord said while eating popcorn, "Where were you when we needed your help?" Fluttershy inquired while raising her voice and Discord dropped his popcorn, "I was... uh... busy tending to problems in my realm." Discord replied while sweating, "What kind of problems?" Fluttershy asked while glaring and focusing on him, Um..." Discord said while sweating, "There was no problem, was there?" Fluttershy questioned, "Do you really think I would've stood a chance against that army of many creatures?" Discord asked, "We could've used your help, Discord, your powers could have prevented a lot of the damages around the world now." Fluttershy reprimanded, "Now, now, I may be almighty powerful and all, but that army is too much even for me." Discord remarked, "Couldn't you at least nullify their invincibility spell?" Princess Celestia inquired, "Considering how powerful the caster is, unlikely." Discord stated, "Well, can you at least try to undo the damage you see before you?" Princess Luna requested, "Sure, hope you all like sweets." Discord responded, and he changed the world to be full of desserts and confectioneries and the world rained chocolate, "What? What is this?!" Princess Ember fumed, "Is something the matter?" Discord asked, "Dragons don't eat sweets." Dragon Lord Torch answered, "What? You guys can't digest it or something?" Discord questioned, "Dragons are tough and just don't like sugar." Smolder replied, "Well, now's not the time to be picky, and Discord, if you would kindly, I would like the crops back so we can grow stuff to use for cooking and baking." Princess Celestia stated, and he did. Everybody continued searching for survivors and Star Swirl the Bearded, Flash Magnus, Somnambula, Mage Meadowbrook, Mistmane, Rockhoof, and Stygian regrouped with them, they began rebuilding while the unicorns tried to come up with a counter spell to Foras' invincibility spell and undo Gaap's spell on the male humans and make them regain their intelligence, "Any luck, y'all?" Applejack asked, "Nope, these spells are proving to be harder to undo than regular unicorn spells." Sweetie Belle responded, "Well, keep tryin', c'mon, Apple Bloom, we gotta work." Applejack said, and they did, Apple Bloom suddenly stopped after several minutes, "What's the matter, Apple Bloom?" Applejack questioned, "They got Big Mac and Granny." Apple Bloom lamented, Applejack looked at where Sweet Apple Acres used to be and saw black ashes everywhere, "Hey, now's not the time, you're not the only one who lost someone. I lost my fellow Wonderbolts, Twilight lost her friends in Canterlot and Ponyville, Pinkie lost Mr. and Mrs. Cake and Sugar Belle, Fluttershy lost all of her pets, Rarity lost all of her business partners, and Applejack lost her family, and all of our pets are gone." Rainbow Dash said, "It's not just them, we looked around, Rainbow, Cheerilee, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, their families, the other students in the class, and Zecora are all gone, too." Twilight Sparkle reported, "I've been looking at my machines and tampering with them, if I'm lucky, I can create a time machine to go back in time before the attack." Doctor Whooves said, "Need me to use my history altering spell with it?" Starlight Glimmer suggested, "I doubt that will help, these newcomers said a few of the invaders are actual gods, time travel and altering history likely has no effect on them." Doctor Whooves stated, "Me and Luna might have to deal with them, gods are usually immune to spells cast by regular ponies." Princess Celestia spoke, "I hate to suggest this, but I think we might have to free Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow to stand a chance against them." Twilight Sparkle remarked, "It's possible, but I have not seen their statues anywhere ever since last night's attack." Princess Celestia stated, "No worries, Twily, we'll take them down, though I am reluctant to destroy them instead of offering friendship." Shining Armor remarked, "We all are, I've never destroyed a person before." Twilight Sparkle responded, "You gotta be tough like a dragon in this case, maybe you should let me and my father lead us in this." Princess Ember suggested, "Before we do, I think us changelings should try to gather info on our enemies." King Thorax suggested, "I agree, we can change into anything, maybe we can see what they're planning next." Ocellus added, "Good idea, go ahead and try changing to their fauna, I think they'll be easier to repulicate, I'll teleport you all to under the ground." Twilight Sparkle stated, and the changelings changed to smilodons, amphicyons, arctoduses, beelzebufos, arthropleurae, velociraptors, microraptors, homotheriums, saber-toothed tigers, dinictises, dire wolfs, aelurodons, borophaguses, and xenosmiluses, "Okay, it looks like all of you are ready, we'll send you down now." Twilight Sparkle stated, and she alongside the other unicorns teleported them to under the ground. Volvox was sitting and listening to Vassago, Barbatos, Paimon, Gusion, Eligos, Botis, Ipos, Purson, Berith, Marchosias, Vual, Balam, Caim, Orobas, Gremory, and Flauros on what they foresaw of future events, "Those multi-colored creatures called changelings should be arriving here soon disguised as the smaller prehistoric animals to spy on us and gather info." Barbatos informed, "Alright, everyone, pretend to be exhausted and you don't know anything." Volvox ordered, and they did. King Thorax, Pharynx, Ocellus, and the other changelings appeared under the ground and are caught off guard by how hot it was, they endured it and saw Volvox and his army, they pretended to sleep while the changelings went over. They went over to the animals they posed as and tried to watch them, the animals pretended to sleep and kept their eyes' closed, King Thorax ordered the changelings around non-vocally and they began walking around. They tried to walk but saw it was crowded, so they changed to moths and flew around quietly, King Thorax could not find anything new about them and then looked at the other changelings, they shook their heads, they flew away and then changed to unicorns and teleported out. Volvox and the others opened their eyes' and got up, "Alright, they will be attacking us soon." Paimon commented, "Get ready, everyone." Volvox stated, and they did. The changelings returned to the surface and sweated and panted heavily, the unicorns cast spells to make ice appear to cool them, "How were they?" Tempest Shadow asked, "Asleep, it looks like they're exhausted from fighting us and are currently recovering." King Thorax reported, "Come on, now's our chance to strike." Princess Ember said, "Wait, how can you be sure it's not a trap?" Princess Luna questioned, "We didn't see anything that implies they're setting a trap." Pharynx replied, "See, that settles it, us dragons will go in first, everyone else, stay behind us." Princess Ember ordered, and they did and the unicorns opened the ground with their magic. They descended down and saw the invaders, Volvox shot big hellfire blasts out of his three mouths at them and the world's natives exclaimed loudly while Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart put up shields, Volvox stretched his necks out and went into the ground, his heads went under the shields and entered them, he shot his hellfire blasts into them and everybody screamed while Princess Celestia teleported everybody back onto the surface. The unicorns healed everybody while they hyperventilated, "I swore they were asleep." King Thorax remarked, "The ground opening probably woke them up." Twilight Sparkle deduced, "Unlikely, they were already alert instead of drowsy, they likely saw you guys coming." Tempest Shadow remarked, "But how?" Ocellus inquired, "Several high ranking members in Volvox's army can see into the future, remember?" a human female reminded, "We thought they were just seeing possible future outcomes." Sandbar stated, "No, they foresee the events that will happen, not events that might happen." a second human female explained, "What?!" Rarity exclaimed, "That's not fair! How are we supposed to win then?!" Rainbow Dash inquired, "What are we supposed to do then?!" Silverstream asked, "I'll come up with something, we need to nullify their future seeing powers and invincibility spell first and foremost." Princess Celestia replied, "Can't you do anything, Discord?" Terramar asked, "Well, I can try, but since they can see into the future, they will see me coming." Discord reminded, "We'll try to come up with something, you all continue trying to heal the male humans and undo the spell on them." Twilight Sparkle said, and they did. Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia went through their destroyed books in hopes of finding something, the mirror flashed and Sunset Shimmer arrived, "I'm here... whoa, what happened?" Sunset Shimmer asked, "You don't wanna know." Sweetie Belle replied, and she walked to help the others, "Have you been informed about our situation?" Tempest Shadow asked, "A bit, Twilight let me know the gist of it." Sunset Shimmer responded, the male humans groaned and looked around, "Where are we?" a male human asked, "It looks like the spell on them has been undone." Photo Finish commented while smiling, "Spell? Did Gaap make us stupid again?" a second male human asked, "Yes, the spell just got undone." a female human answered, "Must be convenient to have magic." a third male human remarked, "Yeah, all we got are knives, daggers, swords, shields, spears, javelins, axes, maces, clubs, hammers, sickles, halberds, pikes, staffs, bows, arrows, and crossbows, we don't have any of the powers our enemies have." a fourth man stated, "Wait a minute, y'all can't use magic?" Applejack asked, the humans shook their heads, "What about flying, can you guys do that?" Rainbow Dash asked, the humans shook their heads, "Are you guys as strong as the earth ponies here?" Sweetie Belle questioned, the humans shook their heads, "What about swimming?" Silverstream asked, "We can only swim at a certain depth, our bodies can't handle the water pressure if we go too deep." a second female human stated, "We can't swim against strong tides either." the first man added, "What can y'all do then?" Applejack asked, "We can walk, run, throw, punch, kick, make and use weapons, build, hunt, ride horses, fish, wrestle, and cook, our entertainment stuff haven't been helpful against our enemies, and they can do all of those too." the third man answered, "Well, I live in a world with your kind in it, too, so I know what you all are capable of." Sunset Shimmer stated, the humans' attentions got caught, "Are the humans in your world like us?" the second man asked, "Well, in the having no magic part, mostly yes, but as for the way you guys dress, no, your outfits are from a time in history called ancient times, I'm guessing your world is maybe at least two thousand years behind the world I'm in, minimum." Sunset Shimmer explained, "What is that human world like?" the first woman asked, "Fun, lots of entertainment and electronics." Sunset Shimmer responded, "Electronics?" the first man questioned, "Well, I'm not sure you all would understand it even if I did explain it." Sunset Shimmer replied, "Does it involve lightning?" the first man asked, "In a way, yes, but not like the lightning you guys are familiar with." Sunset Shimmer responded, "How is it different?" the second woman inquired, "Well, first of all, it's very small, you can't see it with your eyes." Sunset Shimmer answered, "What do you mean?" a third man asked, "Many centuries after your guys' time in my world, it was discovered that there are living beings and objects that are so small, you can't see them with your eyes, you need a device called a microscope to see them." Sunset Shimmer explained, "Small organisms that cannot be seen? We must see this." the second man said, "I can take you guys to my world if you wish." Sunset Shimmer suggested, "No, it will bring Volvox and his army to invade that world as well, we will remain here." the first man replied, "Alright then, I'll bring the stuff here then." Sunset Shimmer stated, and she ran back into the mirror. She came back with the microscopes and showed the humans, "Wow, who knew such things even existed." the third man said, "Well, you guys do live in a time where no one knew they were real, it's not surprising you all don't know about them." Sunset Shimmer replied, "Do you have views of gangrene?" the first woman requested, "Sorry, but no." Sunset Shimmer answered, and the humans continued examining the microscopic views of various things while the world's natives continued gathering together and rebuilding. Volvox was listening to his future seers and planning his next moves, "The last survivors will meet up soon, they are the parents and sisters of that pink horse, be wary, Volvox, they have powers that allow them to break the physics." Paimon warned, "When will those three in the statues be released?" Volvox asked, "Soon, after the next attack, they will be released, and an uneasy alliance will form between them." Ipos answered, "They will try to attack the one named Discord due to a past event but will be restrained, they will fail, but if they did succeed, they will try to obtain a bell that he hid to try to steal away our magic to empower themselves, they will target Foras first and try to take away his powers, mainly his invincibility spell, they will come after us future seers next so they can rob us of our ability to see future events." Flauros added, "We need to get that bell then, I'm also seeing signs those five winged unicorns will be our final opponents in this world to take out." Volvox commented, "No, but two of them are the fourth-to-last to fall, those six heroes will be after them, five will fall, then that pink horse and her family that will be standing at the end alongside Discord, he will be our final opponent, and he will empower himself greatly with that bell when he is the only being left on this world." Purson answered, "And the Outer Gods, when will they arrive to help?" Volvox questioned, "The attack after the next, they will greatly help us in wiping out this world." Barbatos replied, "Good, because after we make this world extinct, that world where Sunset Shimmer's residing is next, our goal is wipe out all humans from existence." Volvox stated, the others agreed, "Who do those humans think they were, they started making their own civilizations on our Earth like they owned it." Pixiu said, "Yeah, we were there first, the Maker didn't make them either." Sun Wukong added, "So, when do we attack next, we're getting tired of waiting." Yamata-no-Orochi stated, "Soon, we'll let them relax for now and do another attack when they're relaxed, hopefully, this one will wipe out the humans." Volvox answered, "I think my sisters and I should turn them to stone this time." Stheno suggested, "Indeed, that will make destroying them easier." Euryale added, "I agree, we and Catoblepas should turn them to stone next time." Medusa said, "If all of the survivors are gathered in one place, sure, but you lightning users electrify and paralyze them first if so." Volvox stated, "Perhaps we should have our shapeshifters watch them from afar." Pazuzu suggested, "Not a bad idea, go ahead and go." Volvox stated, and the kitsunes, tanukis, bakenekoes, nekomatas, mujinas, and the Popobawa transformed into various bugs and Volvox made a slight opening in the ground the shapeshifters flew up to the surface. Volvox's shapeshifters kept their distance while Bael cast an invisibility spell on them, they flew up high and far away so the natives do not hear them buzzing. They looked around and noticed Pinkie Pie and Discord seemed to notice their presence, they flew up into the sky and looked down at the world, they saw a stallion and five mares walking together and going to former Ponyville, they flew around the world and noticed they were the last survivors in the world. The Popobawa noticed the world's natives felt like they were being watched and looked around, he flew farther away from them while he noticed Twilight Sparkle was casting a spell, the shapeshifters began to become visible and they quickly hid, "Uh-huh! I knew we were being watched!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "Well, they're gone now." Twilight Sparkle remarked, "They're not going to find anything, there's really nothing here." Grubber commented, "Let's continue rebuilding, there's still a chance we can survive." Tempest Shadow remarked, and they did. The day passed and everybody heard walking to the west, "Pinkamena Diane Pie, thank goodness, we were worried thou hath perished." Igneous Rock Pie said, Pinkie Pie gasped when she saw him with Cloudy Quartz, Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, and Marble Pie, "*gasp* Mom! Dad! Lime! Maud! Marble!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, and she hugged all of them, "Get off of me!" Limestone Pie demanded, "I am glad you are okay, too, Pinkie, even though I am not enjoying this hugging." Maud Pie commented, and Pinkie Pie let go of them, "Hast thou been well, Pinkamena Diane Pie?" Cloudy Quartz asked, "Mmhm, we are rebuilding and everybody's helping." Pinkie Pie answered, "I must confess, exploring the new land was a bit difficult." Maud Pie commented, "Mmhm." Marble Pie said while nodding, "Well, come on, let's start working, world's not gonna rebuild itself." Limestone Pie remarked, and Pinkie Pie and her family began breaking the laws of physics to rebuild the world. Volvox and his army were watching the world's natives while he noticed all of the world's survivors were now in one place, "Get ready, we attack tonight while they're asleep, those who can paralyze others with lightning, turn others to stone, and kill others by looking at them will attack first, all of us attack together as a group if they fail." Volvox stated, and they did. The world's natives and humans worked all day and became tired and slept, the dragons patrolled the world and looked for any enemies while the other creatures slept peacefully, Volvox opened the ground quietly while Bael, Foras, and Balam cast their invisibility spells while Foras also cast his invincibility spell and Ronove enchanted them to enhance their physical and magical capabilities. Tom, Barachiel, Zeus, Thor, Furfur, Amdusias, Thunderbird, Nue, Raijū, the Basilisk, Volvox's Cockatrice, Catoblepas, Boogeyman, Stheno, Euryale, Medusa, Raijin, and the lightning dragons went forward. They went high into the sky while Volvox moved the Basilisk, his Cockatrice, Catoblepas, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa with his telekinesis, Dragon Lord Torch looked and noticed orange outlines around six invisible creatures in the air, "INTRUDERS!!" Dragon Lord Torch yelled, everybody woke up while Tom, Barachiel, Zeus, Thor, Furfur, Amdusias, Thunderbird, Nue, Raijū, Boogeyman, Raijin, and the lightning dragons shot lightning down at the humans and world's natives. The unicorns and alicorns quickly put up shields to block the lightning strikes, they exclaimed when the force knocked them down and hitting the magic shields produced shockwaves that destroyed the world and set it on fire, Igneous Rock Pie, Cloudy Quartz, Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, Pinkie Pie, and Marble Pie disappeared out of everybody's sights and appeared in the sky. They began doing hit-and-run attacks while they bypassed Foras' invincibility spell, everybody got attacked by them left, right, front, back, above, and below, Dommiel made shadow deplicates of himself appear and tried to restrain them while Giovi also appeared and tried to slash them with his blades and teleported around. The ground erupted and the rest of Volvox's army appeared, Volvox stretched his necks out and burrowed them into the ground, they appeared inside the shields and he shot hellfire blasts in them, everybody screamed and quickly put their shields down. The spinosauruses, argentinosauruses, shantungosauruses, eotriceratopses, pachycephalosauruses, stegosauruses, arambourgianias, smilodons, amphicyons, elasmotheriums, anancuses, arctoduses, entelodonts, titanoboas, deinosuchuses, sarcosuchuses, megalanias, megatheriums, argentavises, beelzebufos, gigantopithecuses, arthropleuras, cervalceses, velociraptors, tyrannosauruses, giganotosauruses, American lions, mastodons, quetzalcoatluses, allosaurus, woolly mammoths, tiktaaliks, sordeses, pterodactyls, microraptors, triceratopses, chilesauruses, homotheriums, saber-toothed tigers, dinictises, dire wolves, aelurodons, borophaguses, and xenosmiluses charged forward and began scratching, biting, stomping, tail whacking, pecking, punching, kicking, ramming, and contricting the world's natives and humans. Everybody screamed and some of the humans and hippogriffs tried hiding in the waters but Volvox made mosasauruses, kronosauruses, elasmosauruses, shonisauruses, nothosauruses, archelons, camerocerases, megalodons, liopleurodons, atopodentatuses, eurypteruseses appear and attack them. The changelings and crystal ponies tried to fight but the incubi and sucubi absorbed their loves into themselves and weakened them while the kitsunes, tanukis, bakenekoes, nekomatas, and mujinas shapeshifted into various monsters but Discord changed them around, the Popobawa tried transforming but Discord changed his form around as well. Tom and his dragons breathed fire, summoned lightning from the sky, created powerful gusts by flapping their wings, and rode on the water waves and attacked everybody, Dragon Lord Torch's dragons breathed fire at them and the orcs began attacking them with their war hammers, the giants, onis, Shuten-dōji, and ogres attacked them with their clubs, the Tsurube-otoshi was carried through the sky by Volvox's telekinesis and made fall on Dragon Lord Torch's dragons, Hibagon, Bigfoot, Volvox's Yeti, the skunk apes, and yowies attacked them by bashing and throwing rocks at them, and the giants, golems, and Laestrygonians attacked them by slamming their fists down and punching them. Princess Ember realized their attackers' blunt attacks were cracking and breaking their armors and scales, she looked at the crystal ponies and saw they were sick, the Keukegan induced sicknesses on them, the Hound of Baskervilles placed death curses on them, the Flatwoods Monster let out shrill hisses while everybody around it felt sick, and Leraje infected the wounded creatures with gangrene. The unicorns undid the spell on the humans and made get their intelligence and thought processes back, they tried to fight back but Volvox grabbed some of the humans with his telekinesis and took them to his bipedal creatures, they held the humans in front of themselves and used them as shields while the other humans found themselves unable to attack and kill their fellow humans while the unicorns gasped, the angels, fallen angels, and Valkyries threw their spears at the humans and killed them, Michael then took his sword out and began slashing the world's natives and set them on fire, Gabriel blew a trumpet to summon natural disasters, Raphael shot arrows while also summoning tsunamis, Uriel absorbed souls out of peoples' bodies, Selaphiel summoned smoke to hide others, Jegudiel attacked with his three thonged whip, and Barachiel shot lightning out of his hands while his rose petals cut whoever they touched. The fallen angels cast shadows all over the land and it became pitch black, they hid in Selaphiel's smoke and threw their spears at the humans while Azrael destroyed their souls and Abaddon summoned black flames enchanted with dark magic that destroyed everything alongside locusts that ate all of the crops. Volvox moved the humans around with his telekinesis and had them shield his army to prevent the humans from attacking and they attacked and killed them, the zombies bit and turned them, the skeletons slashed them with their swords, the mummies turned the humans into dust with their magic, the ghosts of other creatures absorbed and destroyed the human ghosts, the elves shot arrows into them, the fairies cast fire magic, the dwarfs attacked with their axes, the vampires sucked their bloods out, the werewolves, were-bears, were-lions, were-tigers, were-honey badgers, trolls, onikumas, mngwas, Nemean Lion, nandi bears, and Erymanthian Boar attacked with their claws, teeth, and tusks, the ghouls and wendigoes ripped the humans apart and ate them, the goblins, alps, and Dover Demon jumped on the humans and clawed them, and the cyclopes attacked them with wooden clubs. The humans tried to run away but Volvox used his telekinesis to move the Basilisk, his Cockatrice, Catoblepas, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa around, those who looked into Catoblepas', Stheno's, Euryale's, and Medusa's eyes' turned to stone while those who looked into the Basilisk's and his Cockatrice's eyes' dropped dead. The Mane Six got the Elements of Harmony while Star Swirl the Bearded, Flash Magnus, Mistmane, Mage Meadowbrook, Somnambula, and Rockhoof got their elements but Sun Wukong quickly swooped by and took them, they exclaimed and Rainbow Dash flew after him. She chased him through the sky and soon did a sonic rainboom, she flew after him but looked on in shock when she saw he was still faster than her, Sun Wukong's staff stretched out to massive lengths and he swung it around, Rainbow Dash dodged his attacks and the Sluagh swarmed her, "Get... off... of me!" Rainbow Dash fumed while she swatted them away, she continued chasing Sun Wukong and the ōkubis began blowing their breaths to knock her off course, she groaned while their breaths made her feel sick, she flew to them and punched them and then continued chasing Sun Wukong. She continued flying after him and harpies and Stymphalian birds arrived and began biting and pecking her, "Get off! Get off of me!" Rainbow Dash hollered as she punched them away, she continued going after Sun Wukong and Volvox's sirens flew to her and began singing, the male humans entered a trance while they tried to grab and restrain Rainbow Dash, she punched and kicked them away and kept flying. Swan maidens flew up next and they surrounded Rainbow Dash, they grabbed her and the changed to humans, they weighed her down and she threw them forward while Sun Wukong strafed and dodged them easily. Volvox's griffon, Volvox's hippogriff, and the Caucasian Eagle flew after her next and flew very fast, the hippogriff caught up to Rainbow Dash quickly and began pecking her with its beak and kicking her with its hind legs, the griffon caught up to her and grabbed her with its talons and began pecking her head with its beak, the Caucasian Eagle arrived and it began biting her, Rainbow Dash spun around and got them off of herself and continued pursuing Sun Wukong. She continued flying after him and she saw shadows engulf her, she looked up and back and saw the Kongamato, Volvox's Roc, and the Piasa flying to her, they flew to her and the Kongamato began trying to cut her with its talons and biting her while the Roc grabbed her with its talons and the Piasa held her with its talons and began biting her, Rainbow Dash screamed in pain and was unable to shake them off, Star Swirl the Bearded and Twilight Sparkle saw her slow down and shot beams at them to shoot them off, they then tried to get Sun Wukong but he was too fast. Rainbow Dash saw Sun Wukong turning and smiled at seeing a possible chance of catching him, she flew to him as fast as she could and saw he was close to her, she heard fire and electricity crackling from behind and a swirl of red fire and blue lightning surrounded her, she looked back and saw Phoenix and Thunderbird coming, she rolled around and continued chasing Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong noticed the unicorns and alicorns down below trying to cast spells on him but he moved too fast for them to focus on him, he extended his staff and tried to smack the people below him, they moved out of the way while he destroyed the ground, he looked back and saw Rainbow Dash was still chasing him with Phoenix and Thunderbird behind her, they shot fire and lightning at her and she continued rolling around and dodging them, the two birds stopped shooting from their mouths and began shooting fire and lightning from their wings, Rainbow Dash flew up higher and dodged them. Sun Wukong stretched his staff out and got ready to smack Rainbow Dash out of the air, she flew to the side and dodged it, he quickly rode on his nimbus cloud and continued trying to smack her away with his staff but she dodged each attack. She began to catching up to him and shrieked when cuts suddenly appeared on her, the tengus surrounded her and they began doing lightning fast slashes with their swords and cut her knees and wing joints, she screamed when she began to fall and Starlight Glimmer quickly cast a healing spell and she could fly again, she punched the tengus away but continued receiving painless cuts, Twilight Sparkle used his telekinesis and caught the kamaitachis that were riding on the winds and cutting Rainbow Dash with her sickles, she teleported them elsewhere. She continued pursuing Sun Wukong but exclaimed when the Gashadokuro suddenly emerged and roared, she covered her ears and it tried to swat her and bite her but she dodged it easily due to how slow it was, she went past it and Typhon emerged next. Rainbow Dash shrieked and Typhon quickly shot fire and venom out of his eyes' and mouths at her, she flew to her left and Ladon appeared, his hundred heads tried to eat her and she flew back, she saw Ziz up ahead, he flapped his wings and created very powerful gusts and Rainbow Dash quickly flew to her right and dodged them, she saw Sun Wukong up ahead and rammed him out of the sky. Rainbow Dash and Sun Wukong fell onto a mountain and Twilight Sparkle teleported herself, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack to their location, Sun Wukong swung and extended his staff and destroyed the world again, they dodged his attacks while Pinkie Pie tried to get the elements back and Sun Wukong rode away on his cloud, "Oh, no, ya don't." Applejack said while she spun her lasso and threw it around him, "Whoa!" Applejack exclaimed when she fell over and her lasso broke, Twilight Sparkle could not get a hold on Sun Wukong with her magic while Pinkie Pie tried to sneak and get the elements but could not, Sun Wukong laughed and stretched his staff out to attack the world's natives, Rainbow Dash flew while he was distracted and got the elements back, he looked on baffled while the ponies left. They arrived to the others and saw the humans trying to hide in the waters, they heard screaming and saw the humans in the waters get attacked, the kappas tore and ate them, the nure-onnas drained their blood with their tongues, the Ushi-oni breathed toxic breath and ate the humans, the ningyos ate any human they encountered in the water, Volvox's Bunyip ate any human near it, the Thetis Lake Monster slashed the humans with its claws and bit into them with its fangs, the Nuckelavee picked up and carried humans into the waters while its breath killed crops and made others sick, the Kelpie grabbed people with its mouth and put them on its back, they got stuck and it went into the water and drowned them, and Scylla grabbed the humans with her six mouths and ate them with three of her heads while the other three threw them into Charybdis and she sucked them in. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Star Swirl the Bearded, Flash Magnus, Mistmane, Mage Meadowbrook, Somnambula, and Rockhoof got ready to use their elements but they exclaimed when projectiles went past them, they looked at one of the water bodies and saw mermen, mermaids, and ningens throwing tridents at them, the unicorns held them with their telekinesis and shot the tridents back, Foras' invincibility spell protected them from harm. The Mane Six and Pillars floated up into the sky and shot a big rainbow blast throughout the world, the invisibility spells, Foras' invincibility spell, and Alloces' immortality spell became undone and the unicorns stopped casting spells to make the invaders visible. Volvox sent the Nemean Lion, Catoblepas and the Stymphalian birds to fight the humans and none of their weapons could damage their bodies, the unicorns and kirins cast magic on them and changed them to regular animals, Volvox quickly moved them away with his telekinesis. Boogeyman and the Popobawa changed into various monsters but the unicorns changed them around, they turned into ghosts and they realized their magic could no longer affect them, they began possessing the humans and made them attack the others while jumping from host to host, Volvox and his army saw the humans were close to extinction and one group sat on their knees' while a man waved a white flag, "Please, no more, we surrender." the man said while he waved the white flag, Volvox shot hellfire blasts out of his three mouths and obliterated the group, they screamed while the world's natives gasped in horror, "Withdraw for now." Volvox ordered, and all of them went under the ground. Twilight Sparkle looked and saw only a few humans remained, they grieved their loved ones while she and the world's natives looked for survivors, they heard a scream and looked, "No!" Ocellus exclaimed, they looked and saw the body of Pharynx alongside several changelings, they kept searching and also found the bodies of DJ Pon-3, Octavia, Photo Finish, Daisy, Lily Valley, Spitfire, Garble, Gilda, Gabby, Skybeak, Ocean Flow, Terramar, General Seaspray, Grampa Gruff, Prince Rutherford, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, and Rain Shine, "*scream* NO!! Mom! Dad! Little brother! Cousin! Auntie! General!" Silverstream hollered, and she held them and cried, the others went over and grieved while Discord and the dragons and Gallus just stood back and watched, "Wow, we don't cry over lost ones in Griffonstone." Gallus stated, "Neither do dragons, we considered grieving to be for the weak." Smolder replied, "You going to miss your brother?" Gallus asked, "Yeah, but I'm not crying because it is how us dragons are raised." Smolder explained, and they continued watching the others grieve while Princess Ember began to lose her patience on how long the ponies grieved, "Come on already! We have to fortify and get ready for the next attack!" Princess Ember vented, "We're not ready yet!" Pinkie Pie fumed, "It doesn't matter if you're ready or not! We got work to do whehter you like it or not!" Princess Ember countered, Pinkie Pie growled, "I'll go ahead and help." Rainbow Dash said, "No, I wanna do a group grieving event." Pinkie Pie stated, "Now ain't the time, Pinkie, we have to get ready." Applejack replied, Pinkie Pie looked down and everybody began working. Volvox and his army were underground and watching the world, "Why didn't you all mention those rainbow beams that disabled some of our spells?" Volvox inquired, "It didn't appear in our visions." Marchosias explained, "Yes, it looks like this world might have artifacts that are immune to being seen by our future visions." Vual added, "Do we continue as planned, Volvox?" an incubus asked, "There will be a slight change of plans, I will send those who have hides and bodies that are immune to the humans' weapons from now on, although it might be risky since the gods, angels, fallen angels, and demons do not obey me and Typhon's children only listen to Typhon." Volvox responded, "To be honest with you, Volvox, we follow your orders for now since your suggestions have actually been pretty effective, we would disobey completely if you proved to be a poor planner and unable to fight." Odin remarked, "What do we do after we conquer and destroy this land, master?" a Valkyrie asked, "Same as before, we train and try to get stronger." Odin replied, "Don't forget that orange horse with the red hair is from another world full of humans, we destroy that place after we're done with this world." Huitzilopochtli reminded, "I have looked into that world, there are almost no magic users in that world, it's much weaker and less prepared to deal with a threat like us, that world has human counterparts of this world's natives, destroying them will be easy compared to here." Paimon remarked, "How do we enter that world?" Dommiel asked, "The Outer Gods will be here soon, they will open portals to that world for us to enter." Barbatos answered, "Good, it looked like some kind of mirror was used to bring that oragne horse into this world, it's too small for almost all of us to fit through." Tom said, "We'll worry about it later, right now, we need to find a way to restore Foras' magic since those gems and the pink horse and her family managed to bypass it, let's rest for now as well." Volvox said, "What are the natives doing right now?" Beelzebub questioned, "Three enemies should be being freed from stone right now." Vual responded, and all of them rested. The world's natives and humans rebuilt and fortified the world while Doctor Whooves messed with his time machine, "What is it, Doctor?" Derpy asked, "I'm not sure if I should continue to build this time machine or not, considering our enemies have members who can see future events, they likely already know about it." Doctor Whooves answered, "I suggest you destroy it so they can't use it." Tempest Shadow stated, "Agreed, it risks bringing our enemies' creatures here, too." Grubber added, "Do you all have any spells that can hide the machine from future seers?" Doctor Whooves requested, "Well, we can try, but it's probably too late now." Princess Luna warned, "I think we should, I plan to hide it." Doctor Whooves said, "Good idea, we can use it as a last resort if things get worse." Princess Celestia replied, and the alicorns cast a spell on it, "Let's go ahead and put it in my realm." Discord remarked, "Hold on, how do we know you're not planning to keep it to yourself?" Starlight Glimmer questioned, "I have changed, I truly have, and I promise, if it's required, I'll transfer you all to my realm." Discord reassured, "Okay, but you better keep it." Doctor Whooves said, and his time machine was put into Discord's realm, "We're getting short on people who can fight, I hate to suggest this, but we might have to free Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow to help us." Shining Armor stated, the others looked at him with disbelief, "Darling, you can't be serious." Princess Cadance said, "I know it's something none of you want, but at this rate, we will lose, we can use any help we can get." Shining Armor remarked, "Things are getting desperate, maybe we can use some kind of restraining spell on them so they don't try anything." Sunburst suggested, "I agree, we should put power limiters on them, no doubt they will try to betray and destroy us." Star Swirl the Bearded added, "Well, it's a risky move, but I think they would rather have a land to conquer and rule than have it all destroyed and all of us extinct, I guess we can free them, but restrain them and keep an eye on them at all times." Princess Celestia ordered, the others agreed, "Well, let's go ahead and free them, though I bet they're going to attack us in a fit of rage when we free them for putting them in stone." Twilight Sparkle remarked, "No worries, Twilight, they are unconscious and unaware of their surroundings in the stone, they won't remember any of it when freed." Princess Luna responded, "Oh, I see, let's go ahead and free them." Twilight Sparkle said, and they went. The world's natives and humans arrived at the statues of Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow, "This is them?" a human woman asked, "That small horse with wings there looks harmless." a male human remarked, "That's Cozy Glow, don't be fooled by her looks and name, she's actually a very skilled manipulator." Twilight Sparkle warned, "It looks like that creature there who looks a bit like the kelpie is the strongest among them." a second male human stated, "That's Queen Chrysalis, she's the former ruler of the changelings, she's a shapeshifter, too, and that last guy is Tirek, he's depowered right now, he looks completely different when he absorbs magic, and when he does, he's easily the strongest of the three." Twilight Sparkle explained, "Does everyone have their spells ready?" Princess Celestia asked, the unicorns' horns had magic auras of various colors around them, she, Princess Luna, and Discord then shot beams out and freed them. Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow groaned, "What happened?" Cozy Glow asked, "Strange, all I remember if we were going to take over Equestria and the world with Discord's magic, but we lost and got depowered, I don't remember what happened after that." Queen Chrysalis stated, "Well, we're free now, I guess we should power up and try again." Tirek suggested, magic chains appeared around them and they exclaimed, "I am going to make myself very clear, you three were only released because our world is threatened by a huge army of invaders made up of many different creatures with many different powers, almost every native of this world has fallen and you three have been released in a desperate move to stop the invaders and save this world from destruction and extinction." Princess Celestia explained, "What? Why exactly would I team up with you and your subjects?" Queen Chrysalis inquired, "Because you'll have a better chance of surviving against the invaders than on your own." Princess Luna remarked, "What invaders? I do not see any." Tirek commented, "But the world sure is different from what I remember." Cozy Glow replied, Queen Chrysalis and Tirek looked around and saw the changed world, "I added some touches of my own to improve it after near total destruction." Discord explained, "You! You traitor!" Queen Chrysalis fumed as she tried to lunge and attack him but the chains restrained her, "You three will be restrained and watched at all times while you are out of stone, we didn't wish to do this, but this entire world risks total destruction and extinction at the moment." Princess Celestia explained, Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow growled, "We will empower you all when the next attack starts, but you three better not try anythng funny." Princess Luna warned, Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow grumbled, Igneous Rock Pie, Cloudy Quartz, Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, Pinkie Pie, and Marble Pie watched them while the others fortified the world. Volvox and his army were watching the world while recovering, "We should've destroyed the statues of those three earlier." Dommiel remarked, "No worries, they're still depowered, they won't stand a chance against us at this rate." Volvox stated, "We still must plan something with Discord, it seems our powers are immune on him." Paimon said, "Azathoth and his gods will be coming here during our next attack, hopefully, he will be strong enough to take him out." Barbatos replied, "That reminds me, if it's required, I would like all of the archangels, princes of Hell, and gods to work with me and fuse our attacks together into one attack if that is what is required to destroy him." Volvox said, "I think just me and Azathoth combining our powers will be enough." Typhon remarked, "I'd rather not take any chances." Volvox responded, "Neither will the Maker, should we fail one way or another, it will attack this world itself." Michael stated, "Let us get ready to attack tonight, let's hope our next attack will end this world." Volvox said, and everybody got ready to attack again. The Mane Six, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, and the Pillars went to go visit the Tree of Harmony, "You think the Elements of Harmony might work again?" Mistmane asked, "We haven't tried, but considering your and our elements shot out a rainbow blast on the last fight, and the tree is bigger than before, I think they will." Rainbow Dash stated, "But remember what the humans said, the Princes have seven elements: pride, envy, greed, gluttony, sloth, lust, and wrath, we're one short if we just use our group's Elements of Harmony, there's no tellin' how strong they are, either." Applejack reminded, "You all got me, I represent the element of empathy, the Pillars are here, too, so we have a total of thirteen elements." Sunset Shimmer replied, "Remember, that eight headed creature, Orochi, was said to be eight elements himself: fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, wood, metal, and void, whatever that is, they still have more than us combined." Flash Magnus said, "Can you humans come here for a minute?" Sunset Shimmer requested, and they did, "Are there anymore of these elements our enemies have?" Sunset Shimmer asked, "Well, only Orochi has weapons, we're not sure if the seven archangels represent anything or not." a male human answered, "This may be the first time ever in history where we have to combine the Elements of Harmony, Tree of Harmony, Rainbow Power, Pillar elements, alicorn magic, and Discord's magic together." Star Swirl the Bearded stated, "Anything to stop the invaders." Starlight Glimmer responded, "Alright, go ahead and take your element gems." Star Swirl the Bearded said, the Mane Six did and they left the place. Tirek tried absorbing magic from others far away while Queen Chrysalis tried absorbing love from the other countries around her, "Guys, those two are acting a bit funny." Autumn Blaze reported, everybody looked at them and saw what they were trying to do, "I'm not surprised, the Royal Sisters will likely empower them when our invaders attack us next time." King Thorax said, "Thorax, you traitor! I ought to have your head! You will be punished severely for betraying your queen!" Queen Chrysalis thundered, and she tried absorbing love from the people nearby, "What is she doing?" a male human asked, "She absorbs and takes love from others to empower herself." Ocellus explained, "So she's like a succubus." a second male human remarked, "A succubus?! How dare you refer to me as such! I am a changeling!" Queen Chrysalis fumed, "So this is your former ruler?" a female human asked, "Yes, we overthrew her after we discovered she was starving us on purpose." King Thorax explained, "What happened afterwards?" the woman questioned, "She ran away after the ponies here offered her friendship and she rejected it, and she was living in exile until she reemerged with those two one day." a male changeling answered, "Exiled? Lucky her, Volvox and his subjects would've killed her if they were the ones who overthrew her." a second female human commented, Queen Chrysalis reeled back in horror, "Volvox? Is that the invader's name?" Tirek asked, "There are many invaders, Volvox is the leader of them all." the first man replied, "Still, a bit strange, in my world, one of the microscopic organisms is called a volvox." Sunset Shimmer commented, "Could it be named after him?" the second man asked, "I doubt it, I never saw any creature like him in my world." Sunset Shimmer replied, "So, what am I supposed to do, I can't fight, I'm just a filly." Cozy Glow said, "Well, maybe you can try to convince and persuade Volvox to make a truce with us." Sweetie Belle suggested, "No, we already tried that before we came here, Volvox and his army killed the messengers." a third male human said, "Well, I'm not surprised, you all look weak when compared to us." Queen Chrysalis remarked, "Well, there's no point in sittin' here and just talkin', we gotta fortify so we can survive." Apple Bloom said, "Yeah, we got harvests and crops to tend to, too." Scootaloo added, and they got back to work. Twilight Sparkle and the others came back and everybody worked together to rebuild, grow and harvest food, and watched Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow. Volvox and his army were watching the world's natives and humans and saw them getting tired and they got ready to sleep, "Get ready, everyone, let's see if we can wipe them all out this time." Volvox said, and they got ready to attack. Everybody stayed awake and kept their guards up while sleeping lightly, Tempest Shadow stayed the most alert and patrolled everything, she noticed the nymphs coming, "Everybody, to arms, they're here!" Tempest Shadow announced, and everybody stood up. The nymphs began using powers to control the land, the oreads made mountains and grottoes appear, the naiads shot and controlled water from rivers, springs, and waterfalls, the nereids and oceanids controlled water from the sea, the alseids controlled the plants in glens and groves, the auloniads controlled the plants in mountain pastures and vales, the leimakids controlled the plants in meadows, the napaeas controlled everything in wooden valleys, the anthousais controlled all of the world's flowers and pollen, the dryads made trees appear and controlled them, the hamadryads made their specific trees appear in certain areas to block others and smash them, the hyleorois controlled all of the plants and trees in the world's various woods', and Nephele floated through the air and various clouds appeared and covered the world in storms and hail while she teleported around from cloud to cloud. The world's natives struggled against the nymphs' various powers being used at once and Discord used his powers to change the land around and cancel out their powers, strong winds blew Nephele's storms and hail everywhere while lightning appeared everywhere, everybody looked and saw Fujin and Raijin in the sky, they used their powers to create a storm around the world and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna used their magic to reduce it. Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and Flurry Heart put up shields while Tirek saw the various monsters appearing and depowered them by absorbing their magic into himself, he became full power and began fighting while Queen Chrysalis shot blasts out and Cozy Glow hid and cowered. The humans tried fighting the creatures and managed to take down several of the prehistoric fauna while the orcs, dwarfs, were-beasts, trolls, ogres, and onis overpowered them, the mu-onnas' bodies opened down the center and they smashed humans between their two halves while fusing back together, the Hone-onna grabbed men forcefully and kissed them to suck their life forces out, Volvox's Manticore stayed a safe distance away from everyone and shot poisonous darts out of its tail in all directions, the Jersey Devil flew around and slashed and bit any human it came across, the Chupacabra ran at blinding speeds and bit the humans and drank their blood, the namahages slashed people apart with their giant cleavers, the Tsuchinoko jumped and rolled around and bit its venomous fangs into any humans it passed by, and Onihitokuchi picked up and ate people. The centuars tried to fight Tirek but he overpowered them with his strength easily, they began shooting arrows at him but he shot blasts from his hands and between his horns and obliterated them, the satyrs played reed flutes and controlled nature with them magically, they tried to restrain him and Queen Chrysalis but they broke out easily and Queen Chrysalis absorbed love out of them and shot zaps at them, she then absorbed love out of the incubi and succubi and weakened them. The draugr tried attacking everybody but Tirek absorbed their magic and depowered them, he then absorbed magic out of the zombies, mummies, skeletons, angels, fallen angels, demons, kitsunes, tanukis, bakenekoes, nekomatas, and mujinas, he then shot more fire out and destroyed them except for the angels, fallen angels, and demons. Tirek and Queen Chrysalis heard very quiet rustling and listened, the sounds got softer while they thought the creatures were farther away, they then got bitten by wakwaks alongside Cozy Glow, Cozy Glow screamed while Tirek swatted them away and Queen Chrysalis shot zaps at them, "You dare use such dirty tricks on me?! I will not be taken down by cheap shots!" Queen Chrysalis hollered, the ekeks then ganged up on her and tried to drink her blood, she transformed into a big dragon and smashed them, she then reverted back. The humans heard a peaceful river stream nearby and saw it, it looked peaceful and okay to hide for a short time, some of them ran into it and nothing happened, they heard the Azukiarai laugh and the waters got violent, Scylla grabbed the remaining humans and threw them into the water, they tried to get out but the Mongolian Death Worm slithered on the ground and shot an electrical shock into the water, it electrified the water and paralyzed the humans. Volvox moved the Bake-kujira, Isonade, and Morgawr into the waters and they began eating the humans. The hippogriffs flew to get the humans and Volvox used his telekinesis to put more of his creatures in the nearby waters, the Loch Ness Monster, Issie, and Mizuchi tried to eat them while the umi-bōzus tried to either grab the hippogriffs or slam them into the ground, some hippogriffs got hit while others flew past them, Ikuchi rose out of one water body and used its very long body to entangle the humans and hippogriffs. Daring Do ran to go help them and got attacked by the yadōkais, they said incantations that caused fire to float around them and they homed on Daring Do, "What the? Are they... monks?" Daring Do asked, the flames homed on her and the yadōkais floated to her while also appearing and disappearing at random, she jumped around and dodged the fire while an illusion was cast and she was stuck in the middle of a forest. The yadōkais began attacking her with their staffs and she blocked, parried, dodged, and redirected each attack, the floating flames touched and burned her and Daring Do screamed, she heard voices in the flames and realized they were spirits, she saw the yadōkais were about to attack her again and she quickly punched and kicked them away. The illusion did not go down and she realized there were more monsters waiting for her, "Come out! I know you're there!" Daring Do ordered, a tsuchigumo's legs burst out of the ground and grabbed her, she grunted loudly while it emerged from the ground and she looked on in shock at its size, twenty nine more tsuchigumos came out of the ground and crawled to her. Daring Do looked at them carefully and deduced they behave like regular spiders, the nearest tsuchogumo tried to bite her with its fangs and she ran under it, four nearby tsuchigumos began shooting web at her and she jumped around and made them shoot webs at one another, they got tangled by they stretched their legs out and broke out of them. Daring Do wondered about something while the tsuchigumos ran after her, she waited for one to lower its head and she jumped on it hard, it got stunned but it did not undo the illusion, she jumped around and slammed her hoofs on the other twenty nine tsuchigumos and the illusion disappeared after she hit the last one, Daring Do smiled and ran forward. She ran to where the hippogriffs and humans were and saw the Pegasi have arrived to help and they had trouble, she ran but stopped when the Jorōgumo and her spiders crawled to her, "Ugh, more spiders?" Daring Do exclaimed, the Jorōgumo's spiders began breathing fire and she jumped back, she looked at the water bodies past her and ran to one. The Jorōgumo shot webs out of her wrists and Daring Do jumped forward while the webs entangled four tsuchigumos and they could not break out of it, Daring Do picked up a rock and threw it at the Jorōgumo, she ducked and dodged it while Daring Do threw more rocks at her and hid in the woods. The Jorōgumo's spiders breathed fire and began burning them down, they could not find Daring Do, she jumped from a tree and landed on one spider and squashed it, she then jumped and squashed the other five spiders. The Jorōgumo threw her dead spiders away and she got on all fours, her lower-body transformed into a spider's body while Daring Do looked on in shock, the Jorōgumo crawled to her while her legs slashed the trees open and she shot webs out of her mouth and abdomen. Daring Do ran and jumped and laid on her abdomen to dodge the webs and the Jorōgumo proceeded to crawl forward and tried to trample her, she quickly got up and ran, she jumped onto a tree branch and the Jorōgumo cut it down with her leg, Daring Do jumped to another tree and the Jorōgumo cut it down, she quickly jumped down and pushed it in a different direction and made it fall on the Jorōgumo, she got squashed and Daring Do ran forward. Daring Do arrived at where the humans, Pegasi, and hippogriffs were and saw the Lambton Worm coming to her, it turned around and swung a tree with its tail like a club, Daring Do ran away and the Lambton Worm chased her, she ran but shrieked and stepped back when electrical zaps came out of the ground and the Mongolian Death Worm came out. Daring Do looked back and forth fearfully while the two worms closed in on her, the Mongolian Death Worm shot venom out of its mouth and she quickly ran to the side and the Lambton Worm slid to in front of her to block her path, she jumped on its body and went past it, the Lambton Worm tried to smash her with the tree held by its tail and she exclaimed while jumping forward to dodge the attacks. She heard the Mongolian Death Worm coming and saw every grass, flower, and plant that touched it wither and die, "its body must be poisonous to touch." Daring Do deduced, the Mongolian Death Worm then shot more lightning zaps and venom out of its mouth, she got an idea and ran to the Lambton Worm, she jumped over it and the Mongolian Death Worm's venom and zaps hit it, it got paralyzed for a second and continued moving again, "What?" Daring Do asked, the Pegasi and hippogriffs picked up and threw rocks at it and cut the Lambton Worm but its wounds healed immediately, "Regeneration?" Daring Do commented while the Pegasi and hippogriffs had shocked expressions. Daring Do ran and looked for something she could use to help, the Laestrygonians emerged from the big water bodies and tried to grab and eat her, "Wait, that gives me an idea." Daring Do said, and she waited for the two worms to come while avoiding the Laestrygonians, the two worms arrived and the Laestrygonians grabbed and held them while Daring Do jumped around and dodged them, she ran past them and to the humans. She carried some of the humans and helped the Pegasi and hippogriffs carry them, they worked together and carried them back to the others. The world's natives struggled to fight off their attackers while they destroyed everything, the Penanggalan, Aswang, Manananggal, Mothman, and Owlman flew around and attacked everybody, Nue summoned lightning and a storm, Spring-heeled Jack jumped around and slashed people with his claws, Balor and the Formorians attacked everyone with various weapons, the Satori read minds to predict the next attacks while overpowering his attackers with his raw strength, Goatman slashed everyone with his axe, and Lou Carcolh grabbed the world's natives and humans with its tentacles and ate them. Aim, Furcas, and Amy made the world's natives' forts and buildings catch on fire while Tarasque set anything its feet touched on fire, the onibis, tenkas, and will-o'-the-wisps floated around and anything they touched caught on fire, the kechibis floated everywhere and shot fireballs out of their mouths, Rōjinbi ran around and set everything in his path on fire, Typhon's Chimera, the Colchian Dragon, and Wanyūdō breathed fire everywhere, and Enenra floated around and suffocated the humans with its smoke. Autumn Blaze changed to her nirik form and became immune to the enemies' fires, she threw the invaders' around with her telekinesis and kicked the smaller ones away, Volvox shot his hellfire blasts at her from under the ground and it had very little effect on her, the yuki-onnas floated to her and breathed their ice breaths on her, Autumn Blaze screamed while her flames got extinguished and began to freeze her. The Ōmukade and Grootslang constricted around the dragons and tried to entangle them, Dragon Lord Torch grunted loudly while he picked them up and threw them away, they stood back up and began coming back, Tirek absorbed the Grootslang's magic while Queen Chrysalis shot blasts at the Ōmukade and made it fall over. Volvox's Minotaur wrestled with Princess Ember and she struggled to break free from its enourmous strength while her armor and scales protected her from his claws, she grunted while she tried to throw it off but could not, Dragon Lord Torch grabbed Volvox's Minotaur's head and threw him far away, Princess Ember panted heavily and brushed herself off and continued fighting. Everybody continued struggling and big explosions suddenly appeared, everybody looked and saw Tirek fighting Yamata-no-Orochi, its eight heads shot out a different element, one head shot out fire, one shot water, one shot rocks, one shot wind gusts, one shot lightning bolts, one shot wooden shards, one shot metal shards, and one shot a light blue stream with screaming souls in it, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna flew over to go fight it while Tirek held his own against it. They cast the same elements as Orochi to counter and cancel its attacks, Princess Celestia canceled Orochi's fire with water, water with fire, earth with wind, and wind with earth, Princess Luna canceled Orochi's lightning by putting up a rubber shield, wood with fire, and metal with stronger fire, they realized they did not have an element to counter and cancel void, Orochi's last head shot spiritual blasts everywhere and it destroyed the land, those who got killed were absorbed into it while the Pixiu either controlled or destroyed some of the dead souls and shot gold, silver, and jewels that cut and pelted the humans and world's natives. Tirek tried absorbing Orochi's magic and realized it had too much for him to handle, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna shot non-elemental blasts at Orochi and they got into a deadlock with his eight elemental breaths, Tirek shot a blast from between his horns and another from his hands and Orochi screeched while it fell over. Tirek laughed and a hundred fire and venom blasts were shot at him, he screamed and then felt very powerful wind gusts and earthquakes happening, he growled and looked forward but looked in horror and froze in fear when he saw Typhon in front of him, "Wow, even Tirek is scared of Typhon." Spike remarked, everybody saw Queen Chrysalis looking at Typhon with fear and horror as well and her legs were shaking, Typhon caused volcanic eruptions, wind gusts, and earthquakes to appear everywhere while also shooting fire and venom out of his mouths and smashing anyone nearby with his hands and feet. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had big auras on their horns appear and the sun and moon glowed brightly, they then transformed into Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker, Daybreaker shot orange fire out of her horn while also shooting orange fire blasts out of the sun and Nightmare Moon shot a light blue blast out of her horn alongside yellow fire from the moon while also summoning lightning, all of them hit Typhon but went up in smoke while he did not react, "What?! Tis impossible!" Nightmare Moon hollered, he punched Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker and they screamed while they fell onto the ground. They got back up and shot blasts at him alongside Tirek, he gathered them into a ball between his hands and threw it back, everybody moved away and the ball of magic destroyed much of the land. Discord and Queen Chrysalis went over to help and Discord tried using his chaos magic to fool Typhon while Queen Chrysalis transformed into a bugbear, Typhon snickered and smashed Queen Chrysalis with his hand, he heard her transforming and quickly moved his hand away, Tirek shot two blasts at him and they went up in smoke when they touched his body. The Pillars went over to help and Star Swirl the Bearded tried casting magic shields on him while Stygian transformed into the Pony of Shadows, he shot black blasts out of his horn at him and Typhon caused earthquakes that made the land creatures fall while the flying creatures flew, the dragons breathed fire at Typhon while Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadance, and Flurry Heart shot big blasts at him, Shining Armor, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunset Shimmer stood up and shot blasts out of their horns while Sunset Shimmer shot fire. Typhon summoned wind gusts to blow the fire back and everybody screamed while running away, Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, Princess Cadance, Twilight Sparkle, Flurry Heart, Shining Armor, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, Star Swirl the Bearded, Mistmane, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and the Pony of Shadows shot blasts at Typhon together and it still had no effect on him, Dragon Lord Torch, Princess Ember, Spike, Smolder, and the other dragons then shot fire breaths at him and he was still unharmed, Typhon snickered until Igneous Rock Pie, Cloudy Quartz, Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, Pinkie Pie, Marble Pie, and Rockhoof combined their strengths together and threw a mountain on him. Everybody smiled until Typhon stood up and threw the mountain into the sky, everybody looked on in disbelief while others screamed while the mountain fell, Tempest Shadow jumped forward and barely dodged it while Grubber and the Storm Guards got squashed by it, "GRUBBER!!" Tempest Shadow yelled, there was no response, she looked down while everybody else continued fighting Typhon. Flash Magnus, Rainbow Dash, and the Wonderbolts led the Pegasi in an attack formation against Typhon but the Ittan-momen flew forward and wrapped the Pegasi in its cloth body, they let out muffled grunts and struggled to break free, Princess Ember and the smaller dragons breathed fire on it, the Ittan-momen quickly flew away and burned to ashes. Typhon's Sphinx flew forward next and she began biting and clawing the Pegasi, dragons, changelings, and hippogriffs while also biting with her serpent tail and injecting them with paralyzing venom, the humans shot fire arrows at her and Typhon's Sphinx quickly flew away while the dragons breathed fire at her. The Raijū summoned lightning and shot it at the others, the Pegasi flew with clouds and absorbed it, Tirek absorbed its magic and depowered it. Everybody arrived at Typhon and he shot them away with powerful wind gusts and everybody exclaimed, the Kraken emerged from the waters and tried to attack the flying creatures with its tentacles, they flew around it and went to Typhon, the Pegasi pressed on clouds to shoot lightning zaps at him but it did no harm. The Bakunawa flew through the sky and blocked the sun while causing a downpour, earthquakes, and tornadoes, everybody screamed while Daybreaker laughed and used her magic to heat up the sun, she shot a blast out of it and set the Bakunawa on fire, it panicked and slithered away. Talos and Behemoth emerged out of the ground and attacked the flying creatures, Behemoth swatted them out of the sky while Talos grabbed and held them in one hand and swung a sword in his other hand at the other creatures and they flew back while shrieking, "Hey! A little help here?!" Twilight Sparkle requested, her jaw dropped when she saw the others on the land fighting their own enemies, White Rider shot arrows everywhere at a rapid rate, Red Rider slashed people with his sword, Black Rider made crops wither and die with his scales while trampling people with his horse, Pale Rider slashed people with his scythe and stole their souls, the Headless Horseman attacked people with his axe and trampled them with his horse, and Dullahan destroyed everything and attacked people with his sword and ran over others with his horse. The humans tried to fight off Typhon's Hydra but it grew two new heads every time one head was cut off, its center head breathed fire while its other eight heads breathed toxic gas, Typhon's Orthrus bit down on the humans' weapons and broke them while breathing fire out of its two mouths and its serpent tail bit people and injected them with venom, Typhon's Cerberus bit down on the humans while also breathing fire out of its three mouths, melted stuff with its acidic saliva, and the serpents on its necks and the serpent for its tail bit people and injected venom into them, and the Azhi Dahaka ate its enemies while those who managed to cut it made venomous snakes, spiders, scorpions and lizards fall out of its body and attacked everybody. Everybody struggled and the ground burst open and the rest of the invaders appeared, Queen Chrysalis looked on in horror at Volvox's appearance while the creatures began attacking immediately. The humans and world's natives on land got attacked by many more creatures, Agares', Vassago's, and Sallos' crocodiles ate people while Agares' and Vassago's hawks kicked them. Samigina trampled people, Marbas and Valefor hunted, slashed, and bit the humans, Barbatos shot people with his rifle, Sitri flew around and slashed people with his claws. Beleth, Eligos, Bathin, Berith, Sabnock, Vine, Furcas, Alloces, Orias, and Kimaris trampled the humans with their horses. Leraje and Kimaris shot arrows with their bows and Leraje infected the humans with gangrene. Eligos attacked with his lance, Botis constricted the world's natives with his body, Bathin punched the humans and hit them with his tail. Purson's and Balam's bears mauled the world's natives. Morax rammed people with his horns, Aim's snake swallowed people whole, Glasya-Labolas flew around and bit the flying creatures, Astaroth's mount ate people while his snake bit people, Forneus ate the humans, Foras punched and kicked people. Asmoday's and Valac's dragons ate people. Furfur flew around and rammed the Pegasi with his antlers, Marchosias flew around and breathed fire while the serpent for his tail bit people. Phenex, Halphas, Malphas, and Raum kicked and pecked people while Phenex also set things on fire, Sabnock bit any nearby human nearby. Vine and his snake bit the humans, Haagenti flew around and rammed the hippogriffs with his horns, Furcas stabbed the humans with his pitchfork, Balam's hawk pecked the humans, Caim flew to the Pegasi, dragons, griffons, changelings, and hippogriffs and cut their wings with his sword, Murmur's vulture bit and pecked the griffons, Orobas punched and kicked people, Gremory trampled people with his camel, Ose slashed and bit the humans, Amy set everything on fire, Orias slashed people while his two snakes and horse's serpent tail bit them, Vapula flew around and ate the humans, Zagan flew and rammed people, Andras' wolf charged and slashed and bit the humans while he slashed them with his sword, Flauros ran and jumped around while slashing and biting the unicorns, Amdusias slashed the humans with his claws and rammed them with his horn, Belial ran people over with his chariot and set things on fire, and Seere's horse flew around and landed on the humans to smash them. Volvox and his army began attacking the entire world and the Pie family used their powers to take down the creatures while Tirek absorbed magic out of them and depowered some of Volvox's creatures, but he was unable to drain magic out of the angels, fallen angels, demons, and gods. Giovi teleported around while using his shadow magic to make the shadows of the world's natives and humans attack them, he also swung the blades on his hands around and sent out light red magic lines that cut anything they touched. Tom flew forward and led the creatures while he shot fire and lightning out of his mouth while flapping his wings to create powerful wind gusts that destroyed property, Volvox and Dommiel provided cover fire from behind him with Dommiel shooting shadow blasts and Volvox shooting hellfire blasts. Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker combined their magic together and destroyed much of the world while Sunset Shimmer watched in shock, "Princess Celestia is capable of this much destruction?" Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, Daybreaker laughed very loudly, "Bow before me! I am the most powerful being in the universe! Those who do not will fall!" Daybreaker declared, Sunset Shimmer watched with discomfort while she set the world on fire. The humans screamed as they got destroyed and some of the Pixiu absorbed and destroyed their souls, the ponies watched in shock and Volvox shot hellfire blasts at them while they were distracted, they quickly regained their senses and the unicorns put up shields to block it. Tirek continued depowering Volvox's magical creatures and shot big blasts that destroyed some of them and Queen Chrysalis shot big blasts at the prehistoric fauna and reduced them to ashes, white lightning appeared in the sky and the sky distorted, "What's goin' on?" Applejack asked, "Something's coming into our world." Doctor Whooves replied, a white flash appeared and Azathoth, Cxaxukluth, Daoloth, Ghroth, Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath, Tulzscha, Yibb-Tstll, and Yog-Sothoth appeared. The humans and world's natives screamed in horror at their appearances, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. It's the Outer Gods!" a man exclaimed, "What do we do?! We never fought them before! We don't know what they're capable of!" a woman hollered, "About time you nine got here." Volvox remarked, "Sorry for the wait, let's wipe out these humans." Azathoth replied, and they attacked. Azathoth began moving around and his appearance was always changing and blurry, the world suddenly began disappearing alongside some of the natives and humans while he also erased their souls from existence, everybody looked on in horror, "What power!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed, "Oh, I don't think I can stand up to that." Discord commented, Azathoth tried to erase Discord from existence but he used his own magic to counter and avoid him. Cxaxukluth divided into a male half and a female half and they began eating the humans and world's natives, Daoloth grew bigger and shot psychic circles out of his brain, the humans became insane and began destroying themselves, "No! Stop!" Twilight Sparkle ordred as she tried to undo his powers, Ghroth opened its eye and volcanoes erupted, tidal waves, earthquakes, changing tides, and storms began as well, Nyarlathotep contacted the humans telepathically and drove them insane while making avatars of various appearances and powers of himself appear to attack the world, Shub-Niggurath laughed while she made monsters appear to attack, "Foolish mortals, you are powerless against us Outer Gods." Shub-Niggurath said while she made more monsters appear, Tulzscha burrowed itself into the world and then erupted out of the ground and its green fire spewed everywhere that began to make the world colder and the humans got sick, Yibb-Tstll had bat-like monsters fly off of her body and attack the humans and world's natives while black snowflakes came off of her and that stuck to the humans and world's natives and suffocated them, and Yog-Sothoth made avatars of himself that had various appearances and powers attack the humans and world's natives while he looked into the past, present, and future of all of existence. The humans and world's natives looked on in disbelief at how powerful the Outer Gods were while Azathoth continued erasing them from existence, Volvox shot red lightning out of his tail's tip to paralyze the humans and Azathoth erased them, everybody screamed and ran and flew away and Volvox threw the yellow seven-pointed organic stars on his spine around, they bounced off of surfaces and cut whatever they touched, the humans fell one by one and Hades, Osiris, Anubis, and the Pixiu destroyed their souls, "The humans, they're all gone." Tempest Shadow said, "No." Rainbow Dash stated, "We failed." Fluttershy lamented, "No, we still have to stop them, if we don't, the humans in my world are next." Sunset Shimmer stated, "Come on, everybody, we have no choice, we have to combine all of our defenses together." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they got ready to attack together. Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, Princess Cadance, Flurry Heart, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, Yona, Smolder, Silverstream, Star Swirl the Bearded, Flash Magnus, Mage Meadowbrook, Mistmane, Somnambula, and Rockhoof all floated up into the air and combined their elements and alicorn powers together and shot a big blast out while Shining Armor, Starlight Glimmer, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and the Pony of Shadows shot their own blasts out from the ground and combined it with theirs. Their blast flew to their enemies but they exclaimed and almost got pushed back when a big blast hit theirs and almost shot them back, they looked and saw Volvox, Dommiel, Tom, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel, Azrael, Abaddon, Lucifer, Leviathan, Mammon, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Asmodeus, Satan, Zeus, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Hades, Persephone, Artemis, Typhon, Osiris, Amun, Ra, Khonshu, Anubis, Apep, Set, Odin, Thor, Vishnu, Bishamonten, Huitzilopochtli, Pazuzu, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Fujin, Raijin, Sun Wukong, Azathoth, Cxaxukluth, Daoloth, Ghroth, Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath, Tulzscha, Yibb-Tstll, and Yog-Sothoth have combined their powers together to make a big blast of their own. The deadlock between the two blasts created a shockwave that hit the entire world and a huge earthquake that shook the entire world began. The world's natives struggled to repel the invaders' blast and the other unicorns joined in while the other invaders attacked those not shooting the blast. Volvox and the others began to push the world's natives' blasts back and Tempest Shadow tried kicking obsidian orbs to them, Volvox's other creatures stood in front of them to block it and they turned to stone, the earthquake began splitting the world into pieces and the dragons began breathing fire into the world's natives' blast in hopes of strengthening it, the Tree of Harmony sparkled and shot a blast out and it joined with the others. They struggled to repel the invaders' blast and they began to get tired, the invaders' blast went to them and they screamed when they got hit. The impact of the blast obliterated the world while the unicorns and alicorns quickly put up shields while the invaders went underground, the blast created a huge explosion alongside a mushroom cloud and put a crater in the ground that went down to the world's core while all of the land got obliterated by a giant shockwave, everything was barren while the world's natives looked around. Volvox and his invaders came back out and resumed attacking, "Now, let us obliterate them." Volvox ordered, and all of them attacked together. Volvox and his army attacked together and used their various powers to destroy the world, Doctor Whooves sprinted away while the others noticed him, "Satori, read his mind." Tom stated, and it did, "He has a time machine that has been enchanted with a spell to nullify our future seeing powers hidden in another realm, only that creature named Discord can open the portal." Satori explained, the portal opened and he went in while Sunset Shimmer flung Starlight Glimmer into it with her telekinesis, "I'll deal with them." Yog-Sothoth stated, and part of him disappeared. Doctor Whooves and Starlight Glimmer were in Discord's realm and got ready to activate the time machine, "Come on, Starlight Glimmer, we have to hurry, if possible, let's go back to before they arrived so we can warn the others and prepare accordingly." Doctor Whooves said, "I'm ready, I'll go ahead and start setting the coordinates for what time we go to." Starlight Glimmer replied, and she rested. Doctor Whooves got ready to turn it on but stopped when he saw Yog-Sothoth appear in the place as a bunch of glowing sphere of various sizes that were growing and shrinking randomly, "Great wickering stallions!" Doctor Whooves exclaimed, "You foolish mortal, I am anywhere and everywhere at the same time in all of existence, I can also see the past, present, and future of all of existence, you cannot hide anything from me, since you have aided the humans, you, too, will suffer their fate." Yog-Sothoth said, Doctor Whooves screamed while he felt his body fading and it disappeared completely Yog-Sothoth then destroyed his soul. Starlight Glimmer watched with horror and tried to teleport out but Yog-Sothoth got her with his powers and she screamed while her body and soul got destroyed, he then destroyed the time machine and Discord's realm and disappeared. Everybody looked back at where they heard Doctor Whooves and Starlight Glimmer screaming, Discord opened a portal to his realm and saw the destroyed machine, "No, they must've got them." Discord said, "Starlight?!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed and her jaw dropped, they heard another scream and saw Cozy Glow in the air, "Starlight Glimmer?!" Sunburst called out while looking on in horror while Trixie was speechless, Vishnu destroyed Cozy Glow's body with his powers and the Pixiu then destroyed her soul, Discord looked on in shock and slithered away, "Wait, Discord!" Twilight Sparkle called out, all of the world's natives began to have their bodies and souls destroyed and everybody saw King Thorax and Trixie were in the next group. Sunset Shimmer quickly ran to the mirror and destroyed it with a blast from her magic, she heard more screaming and saw the next group of creatures get their bodies and souls destroyed, she saw Princess Ember and Ocellus were in the group, "OCELLUS!!" Silverstream called out, "DAUGHTER!!" Dragon Lord Torch hollered, the next group got their bodies and souls destroyed that had Roseluck and Autumn Blaze in it. Sun Wukong began stretching his staff out and hitting the world's natives on their heads while Catoblepas, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa turned others to stone with their gaze and the Basilisk and Volvox's Cockatrice killed the world's natives with their gazes, Osiris and Anubis then destroyed their souls that had Sandbar and Silverstream in it, "SANDBAR!! SILVERSTREAM!! THAT DOES IT!! YONA MAD!!" Yona yelled and she charged forward while screaming, "Yona! No!" Smolder hollered, Yona screamed and Raijin electrocuted her body to ashes, Anubis took her soul and destroyed it. Azathoth continued erasing the world's natives from existence and the Storm Guards were gone, everybody heard Queen Chrysalis screaming while she was held up in the air by Volvox's telekinesis and he shot hellfire beams out of his eyes', Discord came back with the Bewitching Bell and absorbed Queen Chrysalis' magic into it, "NOOOOOOOOO!!" Queen Chrysalis hollered as her body turned into ashes and the Pixiu destroyed her soul. Discord then used the Bewitching Bell on Tirek and depowered him, "What are you doing?!" Nightmare Moon inquired, Zeus and Thor electrocuted Tirek and reduced his body to ashes and Osiris destroyed his soul, Azathoth saw Tempest Shadow kicking obsidian orbs everywhere and he erased her from existence. Gallus and Smolder tried to fight back but they got overwhelmed by the many creatures and slaughtered, Anubis took and destroyed their souls, "NO!!" Twilight Sparkle yelled, "Ah can't believe it, they got all six of 'em." Applejack remarked, Twilight Sparkle growled and shot huge blasts out of her horn that obliterated most of the mortal monsters on the land, Volvox's Roc picked up Spike and carried him away, "SPIKE!!" Rainbow Dash yelled, and she flew after him while Twilight Sparkle stopped and looked. She shot huge blasts out while growling and Fujin blew wind at her to knock her down, she yelped while Sun Wukong took Spike and he tried to break free, the Sluagh then surrounded and cut him apart, the Pixiu then took and destroyed Spike's soul, "SPIKE!!" Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor exclaimed while tears fell down Twilight Sparkle's cheeks, she and Shining Armor growled and shot big blasts together. Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle shot a big blast together and combined them into a big swirling blast of two colors, Volvox and the others swayed to the sides and dodged it, a big explosion appeared behind them and the shockwave knocked the smaller creatures down while the bigger ones were unfazed, they shot more destructive blasts together while Volvox burrowed his three heads into the ground, he appeared under them and shot hellfire blasts at them, Twilight Sparkle exclaimed and quickly teleported while Shining Armor tried to put up a shield but got caught in the blast and got reduced to ashes, "DARLING!!" Princess Cadance yelled while Flurry Heart exclaimed with horror, Anubis then destroyed Shining Armor's soul. Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadance fell to their knees' and cried with Flurry Heart, Typhon shot fire from his hundred heads at them and Sunset Shimmer quickly teleported them away, Princess Cadance and Flurry Heart looked at Volvox and his invaders with rage and shot powerful blasts at them, Sunburst undid Flurry Heart's seal and she used her magic to its full power, Azathoth then erased Sunburst out of existence. Flurry Heart shot one big blast after another that destroyed a lot of Volvox's army while the angels, fallen angels, demons, and gods were unaffected, she held up the alps and goblins with her telekinesis and shot big blasts at them and destroyed them, the centaurs and satyrs shot arrows at her and she put up a shield to block them, it also blocked out magic. Princess Cadance flew around and shot blasts at the invaders ragefully, she put up a shield every time something tried to attack her but Zeus' lightning bolts knocked her back, she kept flying and shooting blasts, Volvox ducked under one and shot hellfire blasts from his three mouths at her, she teleported higher into the air and was above the others, Daoloth shot psychic blasts into Princess Cadance's brain and she went insane, she screamed at the visions in her mind, "Mama!" Flurry Heart hollered, the incubi and succubi absorbed love out of Princess Cadance to empower themselves, Discord quickly used the Bewitching Bell to absorb Princess Cadance's magic and Volvox shot hellfire blasts to burn her to ashes and Anubis destroyed her soul. Twilight Sparkle looked on with shock and was speechless while Flurry Heart had tears fall out of her eyes, she growled and shot bigger blasts out of her horn while screaming. Volvox and his army swayed around to dodge her blasts and she growled, Flurry Heart shot blasts into the ground and activated volcanic eruptions, she shot more and teleported around until Vishnu got a hold of her with his powers, Flurry Heart panicked and let out baby noises while she felt herself disappearing, "FLURRY HEART!! NO!!" Twilight Sparkle yelled as she tried to save her with her magic, Discord absorbed Flurry Heart's magic with the Bewitching Bell and she faded from existence. Twilight Sparkle looked on tearfully while Star Swirl the Bearded, Flash Magnus, Mistmane, Mage Meadowbrook, Somnambula, Rockhoof, and the Pony of Shadows worked together to try to take down the invaders but Azrael and Abaddon were proving to be too powerful for them, Abaddon absorbed the Pony of Shadow's dark magic and turned him back into Stygian, Azrael's eyes glowed and Star Swirl the Bearded put up a shield to repel his power. Azrael stopped and Star Swirl the Bearded cast a spell that summoned white light around them and the fallen angels became depowered while Azrael and Abaddon continued fighting. Azrael controlled the souls he took and shot blasts at them while Abaddon turned into a black blob of dark magic and flew around, the Pillars came together and shot a big blast at Abaddon and he reverted back to normal, he attacked relentlessly and the Pillars blocked his attacks, Azrael used his powers on them while they were distracted and not in their views, Abaddon flew to behind him and the Pillars and Stygian looked at Azrael, his gaze killed them and Osiris destroyed their souls while Discord absorbed the Pillars' elements and the Pony of Shadow's dark magic out of Abaddon and into the Bewitching Bell. The Mane Six looked on in disbelief at seeing everybody fall and they heard familiar screaming, they looked and saw Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle held up in the air with Volvox's telekinesis, "NO!!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she flew to them, Thor shocked and paralyzed her, Rarity tried to teleport the Cutie Mark Crusaders out of Volvox's grip but Phoenix and Thunderbird flew to her and shot fire and lightning at her. She exclaimed while Applejack ran and jumped while throwing her lasso forward to try to grab the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the angels carried Tsurube-otoshi and dropped him on Applejack, she grunted when she got pinned to the ground, Azathoth then erased the Cutie Mark Crusaders from existence, Rainbow Dash and Applejack screamed in horror and Rarity sobbed hysterically. Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon destroyed much of Volvox's army and all of the prehistoric fauna were destroyed, Bishamonten summoned rain and put out Daybreaker's fire and Nightmare Moon created illusions to hide and shot zaps at Shub-Niggurath's creations, the abstract looking creatures swarmed them and Nightmare Moon flew up to take avoid them, Nyarlathotep began changing reality around and Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon became confused, Bishamonten attacked them with his spear and they saw it coming and teleported, Pazuzu blew the southwestern wind and knocked them out of the sky, Volvox shot hellfire blasts and Nightmare Moon screamed while Daybreaker withstood it and laughed, she screamed when the yuki-onnas froze her, Discord absorbed their magic into the Bewitching Bell while Daybreaker melted into a puddle of water and Nightmare Moon became ash, Osiris then destroyed Princess Celestia's and Princess Luna's souls. The Mane Six looked on in disbelief at seeing almost everybody was gone, they saw Dragon Lord Torch, Sunset Shimmer, and the Pie family were still trying to fight back, Azathoth erased Dragon Lord Torch out of existence while Sunset Shimmer's fire magic did not do well, Typhon shot fire at her and Sunset Shimmer screamed, "Stop... them! Can't... have them... in... vade... my world." Sunset Shimmer said, Discord absorbed her element into the Bewitching Bell and she got reduced to ashes, the Pixiu then destroyed her soul. The Mane Six looked around and nodded, they ran to the Tree of Harmony and went to a chest. They put six keys in it and a rainbow came out, they transformed and floated, they shot a rainbow light at the invaders but Zeus, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Hades, Persephone, Typhon, Osiris, Amun, Ra, Anubis, Apep, Set, Odin, Thor, Vishnu, Bishamonten, Huitzilopochtli, Pazuzu, Fujin, and Raijin combined their powers together to unleash one blast and entered a deadlock, the seven archangels flew to behind the Mane Six and shot light magic into their backs, their shield deflected it while they tried to overpower their attackers. Seere appeared inside the shield and began running and trampling the Mane Six with his horse, they exclaimed while they fell over and the shield went down, Seere disappeared and the gods' blast hit them and they screamed, a shockwave damaged the world while Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack groaned and laid on the ground, Volvox shot hellfire blasts at them and screamed while getting reduced to ashes, Discord absorbed their elements and powers into the Bewitching Bell while holding his tears back, the five mares got reduced to ashes and Osiris and Anubis destroyed their souls. Volvox and his army looked around and saw no one, "There should be at least seven people in this world left around now." Barbatos said, everybody suddenly got punched and they saw Igneous Rock Pie, Cloudy Quartz, Limestone Pie, Maud Pie, Pinkie Pie, and Marble Pie break the laws of physics and attacked them, "YOU HURT AND DESTROYED MY FRIENDS!! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE ANY OF YOU!!" Pinkie Pie yelled, and she and her family began multiplying and moving at blinding speeds. Vishnu and Azathoth began erasing the clones from existence but more clones of the Pie family came out from under the ground, they began throwing rocks with their manes and tails while Dommiel made their shadows attack them, Ra and Huitzilopochtli controlled the world's sun and tried to burn the Pie family but they absorbed the sun's fire and began throwing it out of their hoofs, manes, and tails, and shooting it out of their mouths and eyes'. The Pie family and their clones floated around and punched and kicked the others, the gods and giant creatures were unfazed while the small, medium sized, and slightly large creatures fell over, they then burrowed into the ground and began throwing boulders at them. Azathoth began trying to erase the Pie family from existence but they multiplied and more of them appeared out of nowhere, Dommiel tried to make their shadows attack them but the Pie family's shadows helped them instead. All of them began controlling various elements and Volvox's army began to fall back, Thunderbird shot lightning at them and Igneous Rock Pie caught it in one front hoof, directed it through it his body, and shot it back with his other front hoof, the invaders swayed to their sides to dodge it while the lightning went into the clouds and lightning struck the entire world. Pinkie Pie and her shadows and clones began playing various instruments and shot fireballs out of her woodwind and brass instruments while her string elements summoned tornadoes and percussion instruments triggered earthquakes, Odin struck the Pie family with his spear but more of them appeared while his Valkyries began to fall, Typhon's children got overwhelmed and Typhon shot fire and venom everywhere and burned and poisoned the entire Pie family and their clones. The invaders kept their guards up and the Pie family reappeared, they began shooting rocks at them and used their powers to break the golems apart, they shot their body parts at them and the orcs and draugr smashed their pieces with their war hammers, the Sluagh tried to eat the Pie family but they disappeared and reappeared in the sky. They threw rocks into the sky and it rained boulders and confectioneries, Volvox shot his hellfire blasts at them and they were gone, they reappeared in front of them and stomped their hoofs on the ground to create landslides and made rocks shaped like spikes grow out. Tulzscha went into the ground and erupted, the Pie family coughed and felt sick and Yibb-Tstll put black snowflakes on them, they wheezed and struggled to breathe and Shub-Niggurath's monsters swarmed them, they got destroyed and Hades, Osiris, Anubis, the Pixiu destroyed their souls. The invaders kept their guards up and more boulders came down from the sky, they saw the Pie family in the air and Pinkie Pie pelted them with frozen desserts, Volvox shot red lightning out of his tail's tip to paralyze them and then shot hellfire beams out of his eyes', Discord absorbed their powers into the Bewitching Bell and they soon got reduced to ashes and Hades destroyed their souls. Volvox and his army looked at the destroyed world and saw no one, "Is that everyone?" Cxaxukluth asked, "There's one more." Paimon answered, everyone saw magic get drained out of the Tree of Harmony and into the Bewitching Bell, Discord then used the Bewitching Bell to put the elements of magic, sorcery, loyalty, bravery, kindness, healing, laughter, hope, generosity, beauty, honesty, strength, and empathy, Rainbow Power, the alicorn magic of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Twilight Sparkle, and Flurry Heart, Queen Chrysalis' and Tirek's magic, the Pony of Shadow's dark magic, and the Pie family's powers to break the laws of physics into himself and combined it with his chaos magic, he glared at the invaders while holding his arms out to the sides with his palms facing the sky and lava erupted out of the ground around him while lightning bolts appeared behind him. Discord flexed his body outwards and a rainbow colored shockwave appeared that destroyed the world and caused natural disasters to happen, Volvox shot hellfire blasts out of his front feet while Dommiel shot shadow blasts out of his hands and Discord caught them and shot them back, he began changing the world to what he visualized and all of the inanimate objects began attacking the invaders. Discord made clones of the Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, Star Swirl the Bearded, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Flurry Heart, Queen Chrysalis, and Tirek appear and they shot their magic blasts at them while Discord shot a huge blast consisting of the elements, Rainbow Power, alicorn magic, and his own magic together, the invaders moved away to dodge it and the blast split into smaller beams that homed on the invaders. Foras tried to cast his invincibility spell but it was still nullified, the blasts hit them and caused big explosions, many of Volvox's mortal creatures got wiped out, Discord shot another blast and one from his mouth and two more from his eyes, he aimed for Volvox and he shot hellfire blasts out of his mouths, eyes', two eye holes in his skeleton head, balls of his front feet, and tips of his front feet's toes. They entered a deadlock but Discord overpowered him easily and Volvox groaned while wincing back, Tom and his dragons breathed fire and lightning at him but Discord absorbed them into his body and shot them back, Tom and his dragons fell out of the sky. Zeus and Odin attacked him together and Discord got pushed back by Zeus' lightning bolts and Odin's runes shooting non-elemental blasts at him, he created clones of himself and he changed the landscape to a maze, Satan burned it down with his fire magic while Belphegor tried to make Discord stuck in one place with his gravity magic but it had no effect on him. Discord laughed with his voice echoing and summoned meteors from the sky, they devastated the land while Discord punched his fists together to create another Rainbow Power shockwave that destroyed the world, the invaders got pushed back while the smaller creatures got shot away. Catoblepas, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa looked at him and turned him to stone, Discord appeared behind it and his stone clone began moving on its own, Beelzebub sent flies to eat Discord but he used the Pie family's powers to create duplicates of himself and he began appearing in random places and attacking the invaders, blue and green flames appeared and took his form and they grew extra limbs and shot more powerful blasts at the invaders. Discord and his clones began growing extra limbs and shot big beams into the sky, it rained down and destroyed the land while rainbow shockwaves appeared and Volvox quickly moved himself and his army into the world's core, Discord appeared down there and made the core bigger and burned the mortal creatures of Volvox's army, they got out and onto the surface where rainbow shockwaves shook the world. Discord continued creating clones of the world's dead natives and they shot their magic beams at them, Azathoth erased them from existence while Vishnu and Bishamonten tried to get the Bewitching Bell, Discord used it to depower the many creatures in Volvox's army and put their magic into himself, he got more powerful and his magic auras got bigger. Phoenix and Thunderbird combined their fire and lightning attacks together and Discord flew and slithered around with his clones, he tried to use the Bewitching Bell on Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth but their powers were too much for the Bewitching Bell to handle and shot them out, Typhon made volcanoes erupt and summoned powerful earthquakes and wind gusts that had no effect on Discord, he shot fire and venom out of his hundred mouths and two hundred eyes' but they had no effect on Discord. Discord held the Bewitching Bell and drained magic out of the fallen angels except for Azrael and Abaddon since their powers were too much for the bell to handle, Volvox shot a big hellfire blast out of his front right foot at the bell and a white flash appeared, Discord grunted while the bell cracked and white light appeared out of it. Michael saw the bell cracking and Discord still used it to depower the invaders, he alongside the other archangels, Seven Princes of Hell, seventy two Solomon demons could not get depowered, Michael flew to Discord and he teleported with the bell, Volvox tried to hold him in place with his telekinesis but Discord teleported out of it, he held the bell out to drain his army's magic while teleporting around, Michael did many swings that sent fire everywhere and a few hit the bell, it cracked more and exploded and shot Discord back. Discord stood up and Volvox and his magic users cast their spells on him, he began using the Pony of Shadow's dark magic and his eyes turned green with a purple haze coming out of them, he shot dark crystals everywhere while more grew out of the ground, the angels got heavily affected while the fallen angels and demons did not. They realized it was dark magic and Lucifer and Abaddon absorbed it into themselves, they shot black blasts at Discord and he made his own shadow and skeleton come out of his body and they began using his chaos magic while transforming their body parts into different parts. Discord saw the dark magic was not working well and fallen angels and demons absorbed it to heal and empower themselves, he held his arms out and shot Rainbow Power out of his fingers and claws in the form of lightning strikes, the rainbow lightning strikes turned the mortal invaders into ash while the immortal members withstood it, the lightning strikes that hit the world destroyed it while causing more rainbow colored shockwaves to appear. Volvox burrowed his three heads into the ground and appeared under Discord and shot hellfire blasts out of his mouths and at him, Discord withstood it and shot the Rainbow Power lightning at him, Volvox's heads returned to his body and he winced back while groaning loudly, Discord realized Volvox's heads were his weak points and aimed for them, Volvox covered his own heads with his front legs and then jumped into the air, everybody watched him and he body slammed Discord while breaking the ground. Discord reappeared in the sky and he made the sun and moon appear, he made them glow and the sun shot orange blasts out while the moon shot out yellow blasts, they burned the world and he made light blue, yellow, and dark pink shields appear around himself, the world burned while he also used his magic to make more meteors fall and the stars began flying down to the world and burned it. The Outer Gods tried using their powers on Discord but he resisted them a little, the Satori tried to read his mind but discovered it could not, Discord laughed while his voice echoed and he warped time and space while creating natural disasters, Hades, Osiris, Anubis, and the Pixiu tried destroying his soul but Discord kept reappearing elsewhere and more clones of himself appeared, they also shot powerful magic blasts and controlled the sun and moon. The invaders began falling one by one while Discord's powers continued destroying the world, he started making live inanimate objects appear that attacked the invaders while adding more limbs and weapons onto them, he created an army of his own creatures and they attacked the invaders and overpowered them by numbers. The gods looked at the sun and moon and nodded, Azathoth erased them and the stars from existence but Discord made more appear and continued using their powers to destroy the invaders, his army continued overpowering the invaders and Volvox and his army pretended to play dead, Discord stopped using his powers and floated to them while keeping his shields up, he began reshaping them but discovered he cannot reshape Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth, he sighed with relief and put his shields down, Volvox, Dommiel, Tom, Giovi, Phoenix, Thunderbird, Zeus, Odin, Thor, and Typhon shot their various blasts at him and destroyed his body. Discord's soul floated around and the Pixiu tried to catch him, Discord realized he was at risk at being destroyed and he absorbed all of the magic into himself while also creating a new sun, moon, and stars, the sun and moon fused together and went into his body. Discord screamed while holding his body out and a huge wall of sun and moon fire, stars, meteors, all elements in Equestria, non-elemental alicorn magic, dark magic, and Rainbow Power appeared around him, the Rainbow Power shockwave went out slowly and destroyed everything in its path while the spinning wall of fire sent meteors flying in all directions. Volvox flung the meteors back with his telekinesis and Discord starting shooting Rainbow Power lightning out everywhere and craters appeared all over the world while he desperately tried to destroy the invaders. Everybody backed away while Discord floated to the center of the world and screamed in rage and the wall of magic got bigger and spread out faster, the invaders went under the ground and the surface got destroyed, Discord quickly went into the world's core and fused with it, the solar and lunar flames erupted out of the ground everywhere alongside rainbow colored lava, pictures of the cutie marks of the Mane Six, Pillars, and Sunset Shimmer appeared in the sky. Volvox and his army began to fall and Discord floated in the sky and shot big blasts in all directions, Apep got stronger by the chaos and summoned a black mass that darkened the world, he began absorbing Discord's chaos magic while Vishnu reshaped the world, the sun, moon, and stars disappeared and Discord stopped using his powers for a second in disbelief, Hades, Osiris, Anubis, and the Pixiu quickly got a hold of his soul while he desperately tried to escape but they destroyed his soul and erased him from existence. Volvox and the other survivors of his army panted heavily while they saw every single human and native of the world and its flora and fauna have been destroyed, "We finally did it." Dommiel said, "But at a high price." Tom replied, everybody saw only a quarter of the army was left and some species' have become extinct, "Let us rest for now." Volvox stated, and they did, "Is everybody ready?" Volvox asked three hours later, the survivors nodded, "Let us go to that orange horse's world next and wipe out that world's humans." Volvox commanded, "Considering there's much less magic there, this should be much easier." Sun Wukong commented, "Wait, Foras, can you cast your invincibility spell again?" Typhon asked, Foras tried and it worked, "Yes! It works again!" Foras boasted, the invaders snickered while Bael, Foras, and Balem made them invisible, Ronove enchanted the creatures to be more powerful than they already are, and Alloces made the invaders immortal, "Let's go." Volvox stated, and the Outer Gods opened portals to Sunset Shimmer's world. The invaders arrived and Malphas made the humans forget their thoughts while Shax made them blind and deaf. Azathoth and Vishnu then erased that world's Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Spike from existence alongside all of its magical artifacts and they invaders quickly destroyed the world and drove every person, flora, and fauna to extinction. The Maker then merged Volvox's Earth with Sunset Shimmer's Earth and Equestria and the creatures ruled the new world and shaped it as they saw fit.